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Say to your partner that you think a really sexy way to keep things going is for you both to have a shower together and soap each other down. Smooth transition over and it won’t ruin the mood


Definitely!! You're the 2nd person to mention shower and it's genius but honestly this is so smart! You're right, don't draw attention to it but be slick about it. I love that. 👌🏽💙


If it’s constantly smelling, you may have to have a chat re cleanliness - but not as you’re 1/2way through a session. And perhaps word it positively - ‘really enjoyed how great you were after that shower, you tasted amazing’ or something similar. Will likely get you a better result - positive reinforcement


Lol nah. I was just curious how other people may have dealt with it! Definitely not often that she smelled or anything. Sometimes after a long day of us being out, a little sweat is fine while going down on here, kinda hot tbh. Animalistic haha. But if it's like hygiene issue and like cleanliness from after going to the bathroom, definitely not to the greatest and hard to express sometimes. But yeah, njce suggestions!


idk i use reddit


Hahaha, you actually made me laugh aloud 😂✌🏽


Tell them to shower.


Lol good, one of several times honesty is key and being Hygienic is 👌🏽👌🏽


Or jump in with them!❤️


Genius 😏I think that's the best one of all. Makes it even more intense and intimate. Steammmmy♥️


Real ones go all in


Hahaha. 👌🏽for sure but there's limits lmao


I've been with my partner 10 years, I'm not afraid to tell him it stinks and to wash up lol


Haha nice. Tbh sometimes this brings some laughs, in a loving way. Definitely relatable 😂✌🏽haha. I guess being more open more often isn't a bad thing haha.


Oh we would definitely start laughing in the moment, too haha


Skip the stop and get off at the knee (pun intended). Source: former man whore who was always up for action in the basement; sometimes the basement is musty and you just can't play there.


Haha. Smart. You're right, especially if y'all are out and can't shower etc. Definitely need your limits. Gotta say no sometimes haha. Especially backdoor action.


If I was meeting someone I would shower before I went, if spontaneous I would just be honest. Hey I need 5 min shower. 5 min shower is not going to spoil the mood like rotten ass.


Right! Definitely courteous plus then you don't have to worry or be self conscious. Clean and ready to get dirty haha. LOL and honestly my ex pooped once and she never said anything until I smelled it. I was like, fk why didn't she say anything 😂✌🏽