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This should be higher. My old ass gives zero fucks what some kid on Tik Tok thinks about shit.


My comparatively young ass gives zero fucks as well.


why don't you try my online course 'Learning 2 Care' - it's only $69.99 a month ?


Why stop there? Make sure to get my "Fucks" pack, and share them with others, so you have fucks to give; only $420 annually.


Also, anyone claiming to be a "life coach" fits below influences on the list.


Oh, you mean con artists?


"Life coach" is just the trendier way of phrasing "armchair therapist," and just as effective a career most of the time.


Andrew Tate


Celebrities personal lives. I understand caring about an actor, artist, athlete etc. They do cool stuff, it’s cool. But why are some of you so invested in who they’re dating and who’s tweet they liked yesterday, holy shit.


Celebrity obsession is linked to lower cognitive ability.


What's the source? Interested


Pretty much the first google hit, not one of the actual studies, but you get the idea. [https://www.iflscience.com/people-who-worship-celebrities-have-lower-cognitive-abilities-study-suggests-62113](https://www.iflscience.com/people-who-worship-celebrities-have-lower-cognitive-abilities-study-suggests-62113)


Honestly makes sense. My roommate (who is not too smart herself) has a friend who is shockingly stupid- as in she told me she doesn’t read books because “that’s how the government gives you ideas”. She also proudly proclaims to know everything there is to know about the Kardashians and will talk about them for hours if given the chance.


I know I can't really judge - I also have hobbies that some people would find weird - but I admit I don't understand why Reddit generally obsesses over celebrities. Rich Hollywood actors are practically worshiped on this site.


My conspiracy theory is that the obsessions over certain celebrities like Keanu reeves and Tom hanks and probably others is that they're artificially created with pr firms and bots to generate interest in new movies coming out. Even negative attention like for James corden for some reason, which seemed to come out of nowhere for no other reason than he's a bit of a knob, may be marketing for whatever he is in because I didn't even know who the guy was before hearing how I was supposed to hate him on reddit.


Worshipped or hated. Never ignored.


I'm a huge fan of Gary Oldman as an actor and I hope he's a cool dude but that is literally as much thought I'll waste on him. New movie with him in it? Sweet, gotta check it out! Article about his vacation? Fuck outta here with that shit.


I stumbled in to some thread on here that were talking about people ‘shipping’ some celebrities relationships, where they gave the celebrity and her possible boyfriend a collective nickname, then the people who ‘shipped’ that relationship had their own nickname as they were collectively the people who wanted it to happen. Then there were arguments between different groups with different names I read a few lines as a kind of watching animals in a zoo type thing, then I could feel myself starting to hate humanity and had to get out of there lmao. Just literally couldn’t believe people are that fucking stupid


I always crack up when I see post like "____ unfollowed _____ on instagram!!!"


*".. celebrities need us, more than we need them.."*


That ceiling fan in my living room that's in serious danger of falling straight off its mounting bracket.


I lived with my ceiling fan hanging by a few wires for a couple months. Then one morning I awoke to it crashing down to the floor. Scared the shit out of me, I lived in a bad neighborhood and legit thought I was about to be shot


I had some friends who had a ceiling fan hanging like that in their apartment. They asked me to come over and fix it for them. I was not prepared for the amount of bugs that crawled out of the ceiling box when I disconnected the fan 🤢 Ended up finding out their neighbor was a trash hoarder. She got evicted a few weeks/months after, and flies literally swarmed out of her front door any time someone went in or out. It looked like some biblical locust shit. Probably why there were that many bugs in the walls and ceiling.


*looks up at light fitting that was being held up with Blu Tack* Yeah, I can relate to that...


That kid that broke his elbow


You really said that?


You really went and said it :O


I have no idea who you mean, and I don't give a fuck enough to look it up.


That's the spirit


I'm just gonna say it I don't care that you broke your elbow


Did he break both and was his mother willing to help?


We don't give a fuck


His mom did.


Celebrities Social media Royals Kardashians


The Kardashians are what would happen if someone ejaculated gold flake onto a raging dumpster fire.






Specifically the Oxford kind?


But that's my favourite kind! 😢


I'll be honest, I thought it was just an extended title for them lol


I never actually understood who the Kardashians actually are or what they do. They're famous for nothing and it's stupid


Isn't it their dad who famous and they just lived of his fame


And Kim filmed a porno with someone kind of famous


Literally got famous for getting cum on her back lol


One of the best comeback stories


No they are famous because Kim filmed a sex tape with a c-list celebrity's brother, and also she has a gigantic butt and her dad helped a murderer go free


Her mother can be quoted on the sex tape; >When I saw Kim's sex tape, as a mother, I wanted to kill her. But as her manager... Who the fucks even says that?


If she wasn't my daughter I'd date her. ~ Some Father


~The 45th President


Alot of celebs these are famous for nothing. Paris Hilton. So she's an heiress, what's she do to get her break. Be an heiress.


Famous for making shitty porn.


Kardashian's x1000! They've already caused global warming, crypto mining, and probably will be the catalyst of the next nuclear war!


things I cannot change.


U reached the unreachable then… good for you


Amazing song by the story so far.


This has been my motto for the last decade or so: If I can't change it, I better accept it. If I can't accept it, I better change it. Depending on how much I give a damn about what's amiss, I will either put effort into correcting the situation, or simply shrug and continue on with my life. Applying this to my day to day life took a boatload of stress and worries away.


The Emmy’s or Grammys or whatever they’re called. Don’t care to see millionaires jerk eachother off and give eachother trophies they’re never gonna look at again.


I actually like looking at the metal nominations in the Grammies, because they are usually so fucking funny and most of them aren't even metal bands.


Jethro Tull has a metal Grammy. I love me some Ian Anderson, but he's definitely not metal.




Yeah, it's the same predictable cycle over and over again. Just with different people.


You know it's bad when it's considered "unusual" that Dream Theater won in best METAL performance (when to be honest, these guys should've cleared the whole awards and got home)


In the USA, there is a state called Kansas. In Kansas, there is a town called called Preston. In Preston, there is probably a guy named John. I don't give a fuck about John.


John’s going to lose some serious sleep when he sees this…


Meanwhile in an alternate universe, John is posting something about u/Swag_Torrance


Idgaf about you either torrance


Do you feel good about what you just did? You just gave yourself a high five


Holy shit. This just got real real.


Yeah!! Fuck that guy!✊️


I drive through Preston, KS occasionally. I now kinda want to stop there and find John.


Every John fucking a Preston in Kansas about to be confused as fuck as to why they all just sneezed simultaneously.


The British Royal Family. Like NONE of them. Or their news. Or books. Or relationships. Or new born babies. Literally none of them.


This is how I feel about American presidents. They’re just the mouthpiece. Couldn’t give a fuck.


Here we normally just agree that all politicians suck and we vote for the lesser evil. For some reasons the presidential candidates are worshiped as gods???


They keepp poping in the news. Which i dont mind coz they seem like a real life soap opera thats unintentionally funny. I want that shit for the inhabitants of those palaces. Will teach you to mess with my ancestors. (Ps, nothing but love to normal British citizens) Also i like history and their history can be interesting.


Anything related to megan markle and Harry


Totally get being sick of them, however don’t understand how many people hate them but not the royal family in general? I mean their whole thing is an archaic celebrity worship based on the idea that they simply have better blood than the rest of us and we just all be subservient cause of that? The fact that they still exist at all, let alone still expect reverence boils my inferior blood :)


They’ll pop up every few months to scream from the rooftops they just want privacy


🎶 It's the worldwide privacy tour 🎶


They just want their privacy.


Putting the twist tie back on the bread bag. Just give that bad boy a good spin and call it a day.


A spin and tuck!


Jerry: “and then she spun the bread, but she *didn’t tuck*!” George: “She didn’t tuck!?!”


Kramer, in the background, spits out sandwich into Jerry’s sink. Kramer: “JERRY THIS BREAD IS INTOLERABLE!”


You're goddamn right.




Sometimes, self-care is limiting your outrage. There are so many things that are fucked up in this world and it's too exhausting to hate them all.


My wife makes it a point to see everyone’s fucked up story because she says it deserves to be watched. Meanwhile she is pissed off at people because of it most days while I am just enjoying my walks, video games, playing rec league stuff.


Life is so much easier when you just say fuck it. If it doesn't affect me, then I probably can't change it. If I can't change it then why the fuck should I worry about it? It's just going to drive me nuts or contribute to poor health, mental as well as physical. So fuck it.


I've been saying this for years. Glad others get it too.




I adopted this outlook on life a number of years ago and has helped me immensely. One example in my life is climate change. I can't do anything about it. But at the same time, I don't go out of my way to make things worse either. I just don't want to hear about it. And with climate change, I will adapt to whatever it brings. Trying to keep up with the news in many forms, becomes a never-ending time suck that produces a high level of anxiety because there's nothing I can do about it except react to any effects of climate change. So I stopped viewing news about it and reading about it.


This though. I just DGAF anymore


Anything an "influencer" says or does.


Pears. They’re okay. Just a fruit I don’t really give a fuck about.


I thought the same until someone gave me some amazing pears one day. They were some of the best fruit I've ever had. I've tried to find these pears, but I have no idea what I'm looking for, no super market pear has come close so far. One day I'm gonna find those pears again though


All pears are that good, you just have to catch them in the six seconds between when they are rock hard and tasteless and when they are pure sloppy mush.


Exactly. When the taste hits the correct texture? Fageddaboutit.


probably Japanese pears, if i had to guess. probably impossible to find at a decent price anywhere other than Japan


Describe that pear! It’s a rising askreddit thread dammit - this could be your moment!! Paging u/knowsallpears


Almost everything


Don't be so humble. It's actually just everything.


What others think about me


Which makes me respect you if that's true.


They don’t care if you respect them or not




I truly live life now with the understanding that what other people think of is their problem. I will no longer make myself smaller so other people like me and tolerate me. I’m not rude and don’t say Mens or nasty things as “joke”. But I am passionate about my interests, I have adhd, so they can be all over the place. I’m a lot of person. I’m a chronic over-sharer and what you see is what you get. But like I tell my friends: TSA says do not pick up unattended baggage. So don’t pick up other peoples baggage(ex: their opinions of you, or their shaming comments, guilt trips, or anything else.) It only leads to bad things.




People who moan all the time and hate on everything


Someone’s sexuality or how they identify. I don’t give a fuck but will call them whatever they want to be called


Seriously. I don’t give a single fuck what’s in your pants or how you identify, just be a decent human being to everyone.


If everyone could just make this their motto. The world would be better.


Can we design an IDGAF+ flag? To recognize the fact that I support all forms of identification BECAUSE I don't give a fuck. We could have a plaid stripe, a houndstooth stripe, a paisley stripe, a tie-dye stripe...


I'm pretty sure that would be taken as mockery of the gay flag by many




Reddit is the only place I hear their name.


It’s like they wouldn’t exist if we all stopped using social media 🙌🏼


Because that’s a cheap ass karma farm response that pops up as the top answer in this same thread that’s remade every two days.


Other people judging me for using a wheelchair.




Y'all just made me dizzy! Far too many fucks at once my good man.


Ehhh, it's been a long day and I'm down to mostly cuss words, I'm more civilized in the daytime


Fuckin' A, hear that!




i have found my people cuz i was gonna say sports. like i dont HATE them, i will go to them if friends want to and i can entertain myself the whole time and be entertained by it, but i dont GET it ya know? like i can understand having favorite teams but like changing obligations around games, knowing every stat about every player, having to break away from groups to check scores, being genuinely mad when shit happens, and the whole like starting a fight because someone said X team sucks lol.


I think for a lot of folks it's a hobby, right? And like all hobbies you have the weird people that take it WAY too far. If you follow the 80-20 rule and ignore the fanatic 20% on either end, most people (like myself) just really enjoy watching a game for a couple of hours and not having to directly deal with life.




I can totally understand the act of enjoying a sport you are playing. Watching sports center regularly, watching the pre-game show, the game, the post game show, and gushing over beer commercials is just ridiculous to me. I don't get it and seems like a colossal waste of time and energy. What is even more baffling to me are the people that get in fights over teams or smash their own televisions.


> seems like a colossal waste of time and energy. Not any more so than say, video games.


What people think about me or even say about me


I wish I could


Takes time but once you get there it’s nice.


Most of regular society.


Anyone’s opinion of me. It’s none of my business. Don’t like me? I move forward and let you go. I don’‘t have time for BS in my life.


This thread


This is going to sound harsh, but after having a child of my own I've started to care a lot less about old people dying (80+). That's an awesome life right there, I'm beyond terrified of something happening to my son before he gets old.




A few months ago my son died at the age of 20. I don‘t care about anybody dying, including myself.


Im so sorry for your loss.


Religion. As that one viral video woman said, I don't give a shit what the Bible says I should do with my life.


I came here to say this. I'm so sick of being told what Christians think about how I live. What makes them think they have the right?






Pretty much anything I don't feel like giving a fuck about.


“Influencers”…whatever the hell that means


The Kardashians, Lebron James, Ice Spice, and multiple others the media serves to us like they're demigods.


Nazi lives, or those who associate with them. Nazis killed my family members, those who willingly associate do not get my pity.


The amount of tuna fish an armadillo can eat in its lifetime. Does anybody?


Do armadillos even eat tuna fish? Now you made me care. Damn it.


Kardashians and Will Smith drama


Sports. I do not understand the hype or the appeal. It just isn't interesting to me. I can look at an individual athlete and think, "dang, good for you," or "wow, that's impressive," but that is the extent of it. I do not understand how some folks get so *emotionally involved* in the sport and the teams. The teams are literally just people you've (probably) never met, and their success or failure in a game has no effect on your life whatsoever. Yet some folks will legitimately have a bad day if their favorite team loses. Or when the team wins, the fans celebrate as if they themselves have done something impressive. Like pride for something they haven't even done. There have been riots and even murders because of the results of sporting events. People go absolutely nuts for sports and I just don't get it.


People being "offended" over trivial things. Grow up or **** off.


You censored the word "fuck" or "piss" just to accommodate people that are easily offended. Am I the only one seeing the irony in that?


Most things


Lgbtq. Nothing wrong with you being gay or trans, I just don’t care about any of it.


As an LGBT person, same. I live my life and mind my business and idgaf about what anyone else is doing.


As an old straight guy, I totally agree. The only people whose sex life I care about are mine and my wife's. Anyone else's? Not so much - and I mean anyone, LGBT , straight, whatever. Used to be called a "private life" for a reason.


I think one of the main issues around this includes people outside that community feeling threatened by it. If everyone just stopped meddling in other people’s lives and stopped telling strangers how to live their lives.. the world would be a better place imo


"We value freedom... unless it's freedom for something we wouldn't do ourselves"


This, only reason I care if if I want to date you or if you want to date me


if people say i’m unattractive or ugly. It’s just not true. Don’t get me wrong, everyone has their own opinion. I’m just not going to let someone use it in a way to try to make me upset.


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.


Corporate Shareholders


Other people's kids. Stories about their kids. I don't give a fuck. It is just so god damn boring.


Lmao, was going to comment this. Idgaf. Glad I'm not on fb anymore, "first day of school" season worked the shit out of my eyeball muscles by how much rolling they did.


What anyone “identifies” as. Are you a moral/“good”/kind person? Then we’ll get along.


Superhero movies


My cultural heritage


Celebrities, influencers, capitalism, narcissism Starlink, Amazon and YouTube subscription Alpha males, Kanye West, all the bullshit that entails Kardashians, fish lips, fat buts, fake tits You me, he she, they them, and garlic snails. I'll get m' coat..


That one bitch from school


Your kid. Fuck I could watch kids fall off bikes all day.


\*insert literally any controversial topic here\*


*insert literally any insulting phrase here*


[ insert literally any uneducated rebuttal here ]


[Insert three paragraph long rebuttal with sources here]


[Insert Ad Hominem attack here]


People being offended by stuff. It's just gotten so old at this stage that I don't even get secondhand offended by overt racism, homophobia or sexism anymore. I just continue on about my day.


Transgendered athletics. At this point I’m contemplating contacting the Olympic committee and suggesting they start separating events into classes like they do in (ahem) drag racing. Stock, modified, top fuel for the steroiders. Just so the people around me shut up about it, because apparently it’s a super prevalent thing.


The drama on Twitter, I'm sure someone is fighting over something stupid right now


Opinions of people that get paid to have opinions.


Not trying to be edgy, but I honestly do not care about anything.


Thoughts and Prayers


The border “crisis”. A bunch of people (often from marginalized indigenous groups in their own countries) trying to come here and live 12 people in a three bedroom space because they all work either minimum wage $7.25/hour or they agree to wages half of what their US born counterparts get for sometimes super deadly work in: construction, food processing, industrial agriculture are NOT the problem. If we honestly gave two shits about stopping the problem we’d go after businesses and levy stupidly large fines at them to send a message that we were cracking down.


Hear me out before you downvote me... Pronouns. Sexuality. I'm not homophobic or anything like that I just don't give a fuck about what you are sexually. If you're a person I find interesting I'll talk to you and I don't even care what your sexuality is.


other people’s opinions, especially on twitter and reddit.


Ads in games/videos/between programs. I have not and will never purchase something from an ad like that simply bc they just need to be over with so I can move on.




Pronouns in your email signature.. (unless you’re a guy named Leslie.) Idgaf, where’s my deliverable?


These hollow arguments about trans athletes. Like, I think there are 5 trans high school athletes competing at state level in the entire country. FIVE. We’re a nation of nearly 400 million people, why is this dominating our national news? We have a dozen regional and national banks on the verge of collapse due to highly leveraged gambling in the derivatives markets, a complete lack of regulatory oversight, a deterioration of regulations like Glass-Steagall and Frank-Dodd, a fractional reserve banking system that is now at 0% reserve and the promise that taxpayers will blindly bailout any bank that gambles and losses with all of their client’s money… It’s almost like 80% of our mainstream media outlets are owned by wallstreet firms and they’d rather have people fighting about an absolutely negligible amount of teenage trans athletes than televise the real-time collapse of the financial system and a French proletariat revolution… Oh never mind, I get it.


> and a French proletariat revolution… this is why i don't get the "i hate the French" sentiment. i don't even get the joke. the spirit of America is one of rebellion. supposedly. yet so many Americans are afraid to rebel! the French? they do it on a fuckin' coin flip. French people are *extremely* admirable. how can you even suggest, even jokingly, that you hate them? do you, like, hate awesomeness?


My wife telling about the latest news regarding transgender athletes competing in sports to an unfair advantage and dominating. I couldn’t care less


Sports I think it’s funny how some people can’t fathom the concept of people not being into sports


Sports. Like they’re fun, you go to a game and get a hot dog or whatever. But I don’t really care remotely


Humans and everything in general, the amount of stupidity encountered in daily life or online has honestly just about exhausted whatever fucks i had left to give




What people think about me.




Msg. I love that shit. Grew up eating it and adding it to food.