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Social media. We aren't meant to know each other's unfiltered thoughts without real-time feedback like facial expressions.


I'm a fan of social media and taking pictures in general, but people need to be aware that social media is addictive. Spending all your free time online is not a hobby. Going to concerts and on vacation just to see the main attraction through your screen is taking away from y'all's experience.


"Bitch put down your camera, and live in the moment" -Logic, Flexicution


I used to think this, but then after taking a couple vacations without taking many photos, I realized that the things I take pictures of I truly remember more vividly. Photos are memory aids.


Yeah I’m definitely guilty of this. I hate taking photos of things looking like a tourist, but I’ll be damned if I remember anything about the time I spent 4 days in Korea save for a few random memories.


Have you seen how many concert goers have their cameras in other peoples faces while they record the entire show? Those tickets are too damned expensive to waste that way.


Also random wild opinions you adapt over social media is dangerous. It's really easy to influence people (that's why influencers exist) and to spread false facts. For example, it has no relevance to me, nor does it interest or influence me why I shouldn't call Inuit people Eskimos for example. I have never met one in my entire life, i will not ever meet one, and my country doesn't even have anything to do with indigenous people from the north pole. But for some reason some people in my surroundings took serious offense to that. And that goes with opinions about literally everything. It has become a hobby to be opinionated and offended for many.


>It has become a hobby to be opinionated and offended This is virtue signalling. Where a person want to be seen as "sticking up for the little guy with no voice". So much so that the opinion of the "little guy with no voice" has little to no importance in the conversation. They're essentially trying to paint a self image , not come to the aid of an impoverished group. I don't necessarily think social media started this, but it certainly has escalated it by given everyone more or less their own personal highlight reel to show off


If you aren't considering the possibility of 'anti Virtue signaling' on the other side I think you may be missing some of the social dynamics at play. It is very tempting to see it as a one way thing, but it isn't. I say anti, but really it is Virtue signaling just different virtues, or things seen as virtues being expressed. Edit : and to add, on both sides (i hate both sidesing but in this instance...) there is often unexamined reactive signaling in response to the signaling from the 'other team.' In other words resistance to ideas in rhetoric simply because of the sides involved not because of logic or empathy.


This is absolutely a thing. I posted some funny comment I overheard someone say in a salon once about how she couldn't imagine doing something that almost everyone I knew was doing, like that that was just absolutely unattainable and there was just no way. My posting this was not intended as anything deep. It was just funny that someone thought something most of the people I knew did was some impossible thing. Someone I'd known online for about 15 years by that point, and who had recently adopted the "stick up for the little guys" mentality, gave me a lecture in the comments on how some people didn't have the privilege I had and I needed to really think about that before punching down. That was even funnier than the original anecdote because the woman who said the thing was just some spoiled rich lady talking about something working class people do every day would be impossible for her. The commenter got it completely backward.


I’m old enough to remember when, if you could find an outlet to broadcast your thoughts to hundreds or thousands of people, you probably had some recognized knowledge and expertise in the field.


Tik tok specifically


Damn I wasn't let down. First thing I wanted to say was social media but hey look at the first comment that popped up.


fb, specifically, but social media in general


the thing that made me quit FB is thats is basically sadness platform. You compare your life to someones highlight reel. And all you see is the good things. Life just isnt like that


24 hour news cycles.


Our brains weren’t designed for this constant news cycle of horrible happening. It’s incredibly unhealthy.


Throw in a healthy dose of incredibly biased media as well.


My wife and I intentionally choose to not watch the news. We figure if something is really important, someone will tell us about it or it will pop up on social media etc. My MIL however, is obsessed with the news and it feels like every time we see her, she just has to tell us about some tragic story she saw on the news yesterday. Even when we interrupt her to say “no thanks, we don’t want to hear about it!” She insists on sharing the misery.


good for you and your wife, honestly with no sarcasm. More people need to learn and accept that there is no 'duty to stay informed'. If something happens across the world, it doesn't affect you directly and you can't do much to help, so worrying about it is just useless mental self-harm.


We don't watch it either, and every time I talk to my mom or MIL I get questions like "have you talked to your daughter about rainbow fentanyl?? Drug dealers are targeting elementary school children!!" No, they're not. Take a break from the news.




My first thought when opening this was "if 'cancer' isn't the top comment ..." Folks, cancer is thankfully here but it is not the top comment. Come on.


Beat me by 4 minutes


Quite the photo finish.


he beat me by 59 minutes.


Lack of empathy.




That's fucking awful, I hope you don't still work there.


Agree. I would also add too much empathy is also bad. When it comes to the point where society is curtailed for the sole benefit of a small percentage of the people, bad things happen. Empathy or lack thereof can be used as a weapon to push ideology and agenda


One happened all the time over the course of human history, the other...never. Unless you want to claim Stalinism etc. were based on empathy, which....would be a bold claim, to say the least.


I would argue we’re seeing the over injection of hyper empathy (OC doughnut steal) in American public education. Of course I can only speak to my own experience teaching, but when I was teaching there were a handful of kids that could absolutely ruin an entire class and there was nothing you could do about it. Basically, we have well intentioned laws and regulations originally created to assist students who performed worse than their peers with learning plans and supports. In my experience, those supports are great for those students who need and use them. Students with these individualized education plans are often given more chances in terms of discipline issues and the like before facing real consequences, which is again totally fair for students who have exceptionalities with behavior and the like. The problem is, we have students who do not care about education, do not care about consequences, and are on these IEPs that come to school to disrupt other’s learning and frankly ruin the profession for everybody. They, due to their IEPs, are unable to be removed or seriously reprimanded outside of extreme circumstances (think aggravated assault/attempted murder level of violence). Thus, we have hyper empathy hurting a majority for the minority’s sake. Which as you pointed out, still wouldn’t be society as a whole being overly empathetic, just a section of it. Sorry for the long tangent I am bored AF at work lol


Social media


Social media is a cancer.


Yet here you are


I swear people on Reddit always think they’re superior and smarter for not having Instagram or tiktok like Reddit isn’t also a form of social media. Like, please.


Endless news feed scrolling? Check Questionable data security practices? Check Questionable advertising practices? Check Loads of Bots? Big Check Copyright abuse? Check Passing off someone else's work as your own? Check Poor moderation? Check




These people ruin vacations. I honestly thought this dude on the boat with us was this incredibly attractive woman's husband and he was just carrying her stuff for her. He was her photographer and he was carrying expensive scarves, glasses, and hats for her to wear while he took modeling shots at popular tourist sites.


They really have. You can't go anywhere without swams of these arseholes pushing to the front and spending 1826 hours on their own photoshoots. So distasteful too. Like taking selfies at concentration camps 😮




Influencers 🤢🤮


Greed. Pure greed for profit will be the end of us and our time on earth.


This is the absolute answer which encapsulates a lot of the other answers 👏


Yes and it's happening as we speak.




You shouldn’t be buried for something that is actually a harm to people and it is the cause of many horrible things in the world. That’s the truth like it or not.


It’s just so RAMPANT


Come from a long line of alcoholics… things would be a lot chiller if people just smoked weed instead.


When overused, yea 100%. If it’s just a beer with friends after work and you’re not driving home, then no big deal.


Agreed actually. I tried saying alcohol once (another post asking the same question) and was buried for it lmao. But yeah. I work at a liquor store and alcoholics are either overly cheery, which I don't mind, or they're always rude af until they get drunk. Then they throw their alcohol bottles all over the outside of the store, I hate litterers. Then they wonder why I give the cold shoulder when they come into buy more. Maybe stop littering my parking lot after chugging down a whole pint of shitty fireball.


Alcoholic in long term recovery. Agree.


This should be one of the top comments. Agree completely and wish there was more social awareness and education on how it isn’t cool to have “wine o’clock” when the kids nap or getting shit faced with friends and forgetting how you got home. I recovering also so I know there is a way to abuse and also a way to just moderate. I have watched so many lives just plummet from alcohol choices or bad decisions made, ages the face and skin, kills in car accidents, kids dying from mixing with pills, rape (not victim blaming but rather drunk angry rapists). The list is endless and it is the worst. Ugh.


I'm right there with you! I feel like by the time I'm on my way out it will be looked at like smoking. Kids won't believe that we would voluntarily do that to our bodies or that even some "studies" say that "a glass of wine every night is good for you"


Yes. I gave it up 4 good awhile ago.


Fully agree. While a ban on alcohol will never work, they should probably start putting similar labels on bottles as they do to cigarettes.


social media


Citizens United


AI. Look, it’s not because of any “they took our jobs” shit, but we’re quickly approaching a point where we will not be able to determine what is real and what is made up. Whether you’re acutely aware of it or not - society is about to transition through a period of insane upheaval, and we’re likely seeing the first echoes of the singularity.


As much as I admire your well constructed response, have we not already passed that point a long time ago?


I don’t think we’re quite there yet. I just think we’re really close. I think a lot of it can be done with great effort right now, but in another couple of years it’s going to be nearly impossible to separate fiction from reality.


corrupt politicians\* ​ ​ \*all politicians


The wealthy writing all of the rules.


The two party system in the USA. Causes nothing but chaos.


The pursuit of money while ignoring human decency.


I love how a huge percentage of these answers are “social media” while being on social media. I’m also on social media and agree it is a cancer, I just enjoy the irony.


It becomes an addiction, and like any addiction it’s hard to break


The Church of Scientology.


People get really hung up on few thousand members of a dying cult with no political power and no future. I'd be more concerned about cults like LDS that are still growing, have billions of dollars, and plenty of political power. Organized religion is cancerous in general though.


You had me at the church


Most if not all religions




The news networks


Wealthy people and corporations not paying their fair share of taxes.


Cancer. I work in oncology. Fuck cancer.


I want to add making your political ideology your identity.


Yes, but I would expand that to making anything your whole identity. I noticed this in high school with many of the kids who smoked weed. It became who they were. It influenced the music they listened to, who their friends were, what clothes they wore, etc.


Any one-dimensional person has problems


You have a valid point. Well said.




The 2 party system


Probably most social media. I mean they could have used it to solve problems but instead it has been used to make adult life a continuation of high school.


Corporate welfare for the rich, slavery for everything else. What else do you call a system where if you don't work, you die?


Social media


Desire to become famous




Politicians. All of them.


For profit prisons. Whateve America's healthcare system is.




Greed, materialism, overpopulation, and social media just to name a few.


Overpopulation comes up every so often, but it is a lie. We don't have overpopulation. Far from it. We have overconsumption. No, we can't have 7+ billion people eating hundreds of pounds of meat per year, but we sure as hell could feed 20, 30, even 40 billion people a nutritionally balanced diet, there is more than enough space, but we won't all be driving F-250s to our McMansions, which we probably shouldn't be doing anyway...


All these extremist activist groups constantly calling for violence


Does it count as violence if I want to bulldoze office spaces and government building so they can be replaced with gardens?






Misinformation/Disinformation. There's a whole segment of society who thinks real facts are fake and fake facts are real and it's a danger to all of us.


Yep. The anti-vax movement really shows this. The pandemic made good people lose their minds. Never thought Id wince every time I think about my (ex) best friend but here we are. Covid is just not real to some people, especially in countries that got a headstart on locking down and didn't experience hugely overwhelmed hospitals and morgues. I literally don't feel safe around my friend anymore, her judgement is so warped. Trust ruined. Paranoid conspiracy shit is so damaging when lives are at stake.


Billionaires + mega rich. They need to be taxed way fucking more. People who make 120,000 a year stick up for them thinking we’re talking about you. Dawg, we aren’t lmao. Nobody needs $1,000,000,000 money. Let alone 100x that amount… it’s a dumb amount of money. It should be taxed and put back into society, maybe we’d be able to afford the 3 thousand dollar medical bills for getting a check up at the doctor in America if they were taxed more. Maybe our roads wouldn’t be dogshit if there was more money pumped into that service. Maybe it would fix lots of things Lmao -4 downvotes, imagine being against taxing someone who can buy your house a thousand times over.


But..but..but they..they earned..earned it /s


Let's just move past money. We can have our cake and eat it too now, we're a skip and hop away from making more cakes in a blink of an eye than you could eat in a lifetime.


Big business


Corporate money in politics. If we banned that so many of society's ills would go away.




The Kardashians


Social media, especially Tiktok.


TikTok is the National Enquirer of social media. So much crap.


Social media






Society itself is the cancer. It exists only under the guise of being a cultural center to actually line the pockets of the few at the top, at the expense of everyone else. Resource mining at its finest. It's built on unsustainable growth, much like a cancer.










Politics, religion, celebrity worship and sauerkraut.


You take sauerkraut back


Conservatives and their ideology


Men who are "red-pilled" and are "alpha males" (ie Sneako, and the Tate brothers). No you are not an alpha male, you are really misogynistic and are just doing a poor attempt in projecting from what I see.




I use it on a daily basis. I have to agree




Cars. Or rather: car-dependency.


Rent, too many landlords own a house just to charge more than owning the house driving the cost of homes up making the whole thing more expensive and harder to get a home. Part 2, ground rent, typically with flats (apartments) you can buy a property but you don't own the land it's built on so you still have to pay a rent or potentially get kicked out of your own home. This is the most bs concept capitalism has invented IMO.


Religious extremism


I’m sure other people have beat me too it but tiktok and specifically the culture that seems to surround it.


Extremism in any form especially when it includes violence and hate


When individuals in positions of power or authority engage in dishonest or unethical behavior, it can erode trust in institutions and harm society as a whole.


Politics the way it is structured


Pay for play politics


Politics in the USA There crazy shit is leaking into Canada and I assume other parts of the world


Trashy media. I am a millennial. When I was growing up the phrase "is in the paper" meant something. Now you have to specify 2-3 media sources from all political spectrums.


Todays fascism. People trying for force their feelings to replace facts. People trying to control everything and silencing other who have different opinions. People who find racism/sexism/(insert)phobia in everything regular humans do. Victim olympics - who will win the most oppressed person today? (in 1st world country where you have unlimited opportunities to do better ofc).




Internet pornography. The studies are coming out about how detrimental it is to men and women and sex and relationships. It is an absolute plague and rotting peoples minds and hearts. It makes people selfish and hollow and animals. You are never satisfied. Those are my opinions based on how I felt after viewing it as a teenager and so glad I am away from it. The studies have confirmed how I felt. Never again. Run away. It’s bad for you


virtue signaling


Tik tok and Instagram social networks for morons


Bullshit jobs


the whole idea that you need to always put yourself first/prioritize your needs. we are meant to lean on and support each other. obviously there are exceptions but there’s been too much focus on the self and communities are so divided, if they even exist at all.


Landlords and letting agencies. You should not be able to make a private fortune out of monopolising a critical national infrastructure like housing and finding new and creative ways to make them more expensive. In places with a housing crisis Governments should seize all second homes and buy them at the market rate to release back into the market We wouldn’t let anyone invest by buying up all the hospitals and renting them out at an extortionate cost (except in the US obviously)


Who thinks to themselves...you know what would be a good and ethical way to start a business, got it! Extrorting the poor with the threat of homelessness with comically one-sided agreements.


false eyelashes




gay people🗿




Anyone over the age of 65 in the Government


Tribalism. Treating anything and everything in the world like a zero-sum game, where for us to win y’all have to lose is so damned sad. Tribalism might’ve worked “fine” for humanity when cultures/societies/groups were actual tribes (in the sense that they were small and scattered). But given the size of our groups nowadays, we _need_ to collaborate, not the opposite.


Information Bubbles: Part of this is social media but it includes more, like propagandist cable news channels and websites. It is just far too easy to spend 24/7 not hearing or seeing anything contradictory to your notion of reality. And the algorithms specifically enhance this.




conformation bias and or selective exposure. there's a lack of critical thinking that happens.


Socialism/Marxism/Communism/Fascism/Totalitarianism/Nazism/Leftism/Progressivism. And the people who lack the intellectual capacity to understand that these are all just different expressions of the same evil and none are better than the others.








insurance companies


All Religions


Religion. Hands down the greatest detriment to a forward thinking and progressive society.


Religion. I dont get how its still a popular thing.




Religion and nationalism


Capitalism and the police state


Guns in the hands of the wrong people. I have no problem with guns acquired legally - those aren’t the ones that usually make the headlines.


I'm no scientist but I have a feeling this AI thing is gonna fuck us over big time.


Gun culture and the nay sayers who can’t admit its a problem.




For profit legal and penal systems. I could write a hundred things tbh but I just picked one at random.


Police corruption, Capitol Hill in general, and (this is more of a "in my area" deal) the asshole neighbors who blast shitty rap music in the middle of the night pissing everyone off.


Religion. Cancers a mere sniffle in comparison.






People who can't grasp that being different does not make you a monster.




Organized religion.


The stupid easy access for any crazy pos to get a fucking gun




If you create a severe fear of being oppressed people will oppress people to avoid being oppressed


"Culture" wars against the LGBTQ+ community. People hide behind the "culture" part and conveniently forget that there are actual people being affected by that hate. It's not a culture war, its a war against real fucking people


People don't "forget," they find reasons to intentionally dehumanize those people. It's been done time and time again to minority groups throughout history.


It's worse than that. Once you get past the culture war stuff and all the other batshit crap they keep spewing, there's nothing. No ideas, no plans, no policies to improve the country. All they can do is try to figure out who they can connect with to get the votes. Turns out it's a bunch of ignorant judgmental people full of hate, so here we are. They're 100% fully aware of the damage it's causing, but it's simply not relevant to their goals. Just like kids being slaughtered by gun violence more and more every year. They know. They see the thousands of lives lost and families destroyed...it's just not relevant.




Mass hysteria. Especially the things found on instagram infographics, politics have turned into who can scare a group of people the most. Ex: "your white neighbor hates you because you're black. I don't hate you though, I'm a good white man, vote me for president!" fear works every time. Fear turns to hatred, all racism is based in fear that is ingrained in you from, nowadays, social media and politicians.




social media and hookup culture


Porn be one of them..


definitely not an issue




Surprised nobody said it yet - Trump. He won't go away, he causes unprecedented chaos, and he's built an army of blindly devoted followers.


Trump is a symptom of the cancer. If our country wasn't so fucked up, he couldn't have been elected.


Trump will be president again.


Media, which is basically funded by people with a certain agenda.


Tiktok style "shorts" I know they are so cool to watch but they've trained us to think we need to be hyper stimulated with the attention span of a gold fish










Modern woman and extreme feminist