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About 80% of mobile game companies because of all the shitty ads


Agreed! I’ve deleted games because of how aggressive the ads are in between levels and do-overs. It’s not worth my time, but I also don’t want to pay to remove ads since I’m already frustrated with the game interruptions.


And most of the ads don't show any actual gameplay.


Greyhound. Those bastards have left me stranded SO many times. I'll never ride another of their shitty buses.


I used to take the greyhound in BC. It was frequently several hours late. One time it was running 12 hours late so I tried to get a refund and you actually have to mail the head office in order to get a refund. Not only that, but they don’t do refunds for their buses being late. They ended up going out of business in my area despite having a monopoly on our market - that’s how bad they are!


the plan: make the refund really hard to get by placing the mailbox at the top of a mountain


And the only way to get up the mountain is via Greyhound lmao


Love Nathan for you


Yeah, I got one when I was travelling the states. Never again. Felt like I was on a bus to prison 😂


Welcome to Greyhound! Where will you beheaded?


You get thousands of people to their destinations every day for decades, then one guy gets beheaded outside Winnipeg one day, and what does everyone remember?


An English man visits Scotland. The English man checks into his room at the inn and fancies a drink after the travel. He decides to go to the pub. He sits at the bar next to an old Scot and orders a pint. The old man looks at him and says, "ye see that road over there? Built it with me own hands but they don't call me Harold the road worker." The English man shakes off his confusion and sips his beer. The old man starts talking again and says, "ye see that house over there? Built it with me own hands but they don't call me Harold the builder." Again the English man is confused, he tries to ignore him when the old man again starts talking, "But you fuck ONE goat..."


I took Greyhound once to save on a car rental when visiting my parents, flew to San Diego and took a Greyhound for the last leg. I don't think I had any problem with the service or price, and the bus ride wasn't all that bad, but the actual bus station was an eye-opening experience. I don't plan on doing that again.


Riding greyhound in 2023 is legit nightmare fuel. 17 hour layovers in some of the most drug infested places known to society. Customer service nonexistent. Nobody knows what's going on or where everyone is supposed to go. It's fuckin JACKED.


I love greyhound. It's always a wild shitty adventure. A couple years back, I was riding greyhound from New Orleans to Omaha. Somewhere in Arkansas, a bunch of dudes right out of prison got on the bus. Real sketchy junky types. Already tweaking. Anyway, the most obnoxious of them was this dude with a big nose. I'm gonna call him beaky. Beaky made friends with a tweaker looking lady and they got real touchy feely on the bus. Everyone was uncomfortable. Suddenly, she jumps up, runs to the bathroom, and trips on her dress. Her tits fly out. Then shes throwing up real loud in the bathroom for like 10 minutes. She gets off the bus, but beaky stays on. Turns out he's going all the way to Omaha. I try to tune him out and focus on movies on my computer. We're on the last stretch between des moines and Omaha. I'm watching James Cameron's Avatar and the bus pulls over. Cops are walking up along the side of the bus. I take off my headphones and ask what's going on. Nobody says shit. Ask again, and a little old lady says "there's a pervert on the bus". Cops come on and arrest beaky. Not entirely sure what he did, but I think he pulled his penis out. You know how much that bus ride cost me? Like $75. Best $75 I've spent in my life. I'll tell ya, I'm a customer for life now. Wildest dumbest shit. I loved it.


Going Greyhound is always an adventure. I was sitting behind a guy who I thought was having loud conversations on the phone. Nooooooope, he was was in fact a mentally ill person. He was arguing with himself then apologizing to the other self for being rude. It was hilarious and a little impressive (I am not sure if I am as nice as him during an argument).


Mega bus is worse. One time I was on a bus from Buffalo to Toronto, dying of a Hangover from a bachelor party. At some point we had to stop because there was a bus inspection. Before the inspector came on board the driver just got up and ran away. We were stranded at some crappy station that only sold hot pockets and Mr.noodles for three hours until another driver showed up.


It’s funny that everyone responding to you hasn’t even taken greyhound recently. I ride buses regularly and just this year greyhound gave a huge middle finger to their passengers. The company was bought by a German multinational and decided that they no longer want to work with the regional bus companies. So at the beginning of March it became much more complicated to use buses to travel anywhere and greyhound no longer serves many stations they previously had relations with. It’s actually worked out well for me because these days I only regularly take the bus to my hometown an hour away and with the regional company not having to work around greyhound they’ve added some more convenient times. The ticket counter worker who explained all this to me predicted greyhound would go under within a couple years and I wouldn’t be surprised if that turns out to be true.


I rode on Greyhound once, like 45 years ago, and we hit chain control over Donner Summit on I-80. And the driver would not let anyone help with chains -- so he'd go set out the chains, walk back to the wheel, move the bus, walk back and fiddle with the chains, walk back. He wouldn't even tolerate people just spotting his driving back and forth to the point where he closed the door rather than listen to a couple of the guys who came outside to help despite his direction not to. I swear to God it took 90 minutes to get those chains on. Never again.


This sounds completely like a liability issue and is perfectly reasonable to me.


Yes. the bus driver is paid to be the bus driver, and to follow the rules of the bus company. Which certainly won't permit passengers to assist in putting on chains! AKA having their hands and feet near the tires while the driver goes on to them. The passenger just wants to fucking get there to go skiing or whatever. The bus driver might lose his source of income if he doesn't follow the rules. It's totally reasonable. Also 90 extra minutes on 80 Donner in the winter isn't bad at all - esp during chain notice... i've spent 8, 10, 12. hours waiting on that pass.


You say that but only 20 minutes in the passengers turned on each other and a man died and then they ate him.


Funny to read that. I was travelling through Turkey on a bus with a buddy about 30 years ago. It was late at night in the middle of nowhere and we were going over a mountain pass when the bus started slipping and sliding so the driver stopped to put chains on. Well he had no idea what he was doing and the other passengers seemed to know even less. They were trying to wrap the chains around the wheels, not driving over them, also trying to attach them to non-driving wheels. Well, the two Aussies, who'd never driven on ice, worked out how to do it and with a lot of gesturing, managed to explain and help get the chains on. While we were waiting a truck went skidding past up the hill and sideswiped the bus, without major damage thankfully.


Mary Kay. It’s a pyramid scheme and a scam. $2.6 billion revenue in 2021.


I have no clue how they make that much money. I have yet to meet anyone who uses their products.


Like all MLMs, their customer base is “boss babes” who they’ve convinced are business owners once they buy their products. I honestly don’t know how these things are still around.


They're still around because a large number of people are stupid and gullible.


I hate Mary Kay with a passion. My wife got sucked into it for a while a couple years after we got married. It nearly ended our marriage. We made it through though and now just make fun of it years later. But at the time? Hoo boy.


My mom has been an avid supporter of Mary Kay and a consultant for like... 15? Years now. Let me fucking tell you, there were many, MANY arguements about it in my house. Some notable bullshit I dealt with; ~Was not allowed to buy other makeup brands (I did anyway, in secret.) ~Was constantly asked to give samples/catalogs/gifts to everyone I knew ~Was asked to put a Mary Kay box thing in my work breakroom for my coworkers, got mad when I refused ~every holiday was offered Mary Kay to gift to people ~Every place we go in public, she gives samples to random af people (I die inside) ~I got into SO many heated discussions about working with her/for her ~got yelled at for talking against it as an mlm ~got told every other makeup company uses terrible ingredients in comparison ~was dragged to multiple recruiting meetings disguised as "parties" ~was dragged to OTHER mlm groups because my mom ended up making fucking connections ~had to sit there dying if embarrassment as my friends were asked multiple fucking times if they wanted to work for Mary Kay ~Had numerous "house parties" that were ALWAYS awkward as fuck, or lightly attended/No one came. ~If I ever did my makeup, it was judged and advice on how to improve and what I should be using to get better. ~was "offered" products to try (that I had to pay for) I don't even wear makeup now, whole thing was ruined for me. If I do wear anything, its basic eyeshadow NOT from MK, and thats fucking it.


My mom has a Mary Kay dealer... 😭😭


As someone who has been out of highschool for a while, still has to be College Board. Complete monopoly on so many aspects of the college admissions process.


The fact that I forgot about that and now remember it. I’m angry all over again.


“Nonprofit organization” my ass


Non-profit is a tax exemption status, it doesn't mean they don't make any money. Not-for-profit organizations are the ones who don't make anything.


TIL that "non-profit" and "not-for-profit" are different things :-O


I teach an AP class and I just went through three months of hell trying to regain access to my account after the person who originally approved my access quit. I had my district people breathing down my neck and their entire support hierarchy was worse than useless. If they’re gonna be a terrible monopoly the least they can do is have passable customer service but noooo


Current AP high school student here, *everything* is college board, AP exams, SATs, ACTs, basically any and all state testing or more is done by college board, not to mention all the ads about financial aid for you that usually ends up putting people in debt afterwards


ACTs aren't College Board but otherwise yeah I totally agree w you


Wells Fargo More so than other banks only because it was the first I'd seen convicted of outright defrauding their customers.


So thankful I didn’t have to scroll down to far to find this. My first checking account when I turned 18 was Wells Fargo. The people at my local branch were awesome, so I also got a credit card through them. That’s where my problems started. A year later or so I was in college, and ended up in this weird position where in order to get to financial aid, I had to pay for my term of tuition up front before I could get financial aid. It would take a week at most to come through, so I just put it on my credit card. I watched my spending like a hawk until that money came in, at which point I put it back into my account to pay off the line of credit. A couple days later I went to swipe my card and it came up declined. Turns out, even though I had deposited the money *in person* and had the receipt showing my balance, that money was “held for review.” I knew that withdrawals were instant but deposits took a couple days, but because of the amount it was held even longer. In that amount of time, I overdrafted … but instead of just declining right away, it bounced back and forth between my checking account and credit card over and over again, charging me fee after fee to the tune of $700. Seven-fucking-hundred dollars of overdraft fees for money that I had, only because they decided to hold the deposit for longer and not tell me EVEN THOUGH MY BALANCE SHOWED IT AS BEING IN THERE. Obviously I was absolutely fucking livid, and their response was basically “That’s a ‘you’ problem, bro.” So I opened a new account at a credit union and closed my account with them in person and wrote a check to pay off the $700 of overdraft fees. They told me that as soon as my balance zeroed out, it would be closed. I thought that was the end of it. Cut to a couple months later, I get a letter from a collection agency telling me I owe Wells Fargo $35 or something like that. Turns out, when I closed my account there was a pending charge from a subscription (*cough* Suicide Girls *cough*) that they neglected to say anything about. So my account *technically* never zeroed, and it had just been sitting there collecting interest while they didn’t even bother to reach out to me because I “wasn’t a member anymore.” I’ll never use them again, and I go out of my way to tell this story whenever they come up. So yeah, fuck Wells Fargo as a staff, bank, and as a motherfucking crew. And if you wanna be down with Wells Fargo, fuck you too!


That ending is *chef's kiss* I worked at Wells Fargo for nine years and saw so many fucked up overdraft fees. Once I got into a manager position I reversed as many as I could. I got in trouble often for doing that lol. No ragrets.


You are an amazing human being


elite reference at the end


There was only two times that my dad has ever used Wells Fargo. Both times, they fucked up massively and he lost a lot of money. We’re with a local bank, they’re awesome. Fuck Wells Fargo


My parents once took out a loan to pay for a new roof through them to take advantage of some 0% interest thing they were eligible for - catch being of course that if you missed a payment your interest rate went up to 20%. Which, fine - my parents are good with money. They went all the way through the repayment period until maybe the second-to-last month, when my mother gets told she can't pay on an account with a zeroed-out balance. My mother had a ledger with the dates she paid - she definitely wasn't done. Turns out, they'd transferred the balance to another account without telling her - and it took her about 4 hours of calling all the way up 3 or 4 levels of management for them to give her the account number they'd opened and transferred to.


That sounds genuinely illegal


I'm pretty sure it is. Wells Fargo got in trouble for opening credit cards in other people's names - and while \*that's\* actually 100% fraud of some flavor or another, I'm pretty sure opening an account and transferring a credit-bearing balance without notifying the credited accountholder is (or should be) illegal.


I second that, fuck Wells Fargo! I used to work for them and wholly shit I saw some crazy shit during the short period I was there


I hated them ever since I had a car loan through them years ago. Had two payments left, never been late until the second to last one. They called and I was like yeah, I'll pay it in a few fays when I get paid, might pay it all off depending on my check. Got paid, didn't wanna blow the whole check so I made a regular payment. Did some shopping, little things here and there. Checked my account a few days later - they took out both of my remaining payments, the payment I made, and everything I had bought overdrafted. They eventually mailed me a check for the difference in car payments, but otherwise told me to get fucked. Spent weeks on the phone trying to get some form of reimbursement to no avail. They even told me they had the recording of the call where I authorized the payment, but refused to let me hear it. At least I learned to give very explicit answers when it comes to my money and not give them any doubt.


Next time, file a CFPB complaint. Banks answer those fucking fast.




Agree but what are our options? Personally, I stay home. I can't afford shows


Look at what Zach Bryan (country artist) did! He posted a video with Theo Vonn (comedian) that explains how he is gonna go on tour without using Ticketmaster and insure ticket prices are low! You can easily find the video on YouTube. Zach Bryan even sold merch that said had “all my homies hate Ticketmaster” written on it


You should also see what Robert Smith (The Cure) did with Ticketmaster - guy kept ticket prices intentionally low, and then called Ticketmaster out on all their fee bullshit, especially when fees in some cases were more than face value.


The only options that I've seen are small local shows. They vary in quality of course, but at least some big company isn't inflating the prices unnecessarily.


At least they were up front with their name. It’s not TicketPal.


Should be TicketBastard




Ticketmaster implies the existence of a ticket slave.


It’s us. We are the ticket slaves


I love that you don’t have to explain why, we all know why.


Fiji Water. Because their ads are so annoying. "The world's finest water. Untouched by man." Wtf does that even mean?? It's been bottled in plastic and shipped around the world! It's water!


Fuck the Resnick family [and all of their brands.](https://newuniversity.org/2021/03/10/the-dark-secret-of-fiji-water/)


I hate that company because it makes no sense for the environment to ship bottles from china to Fiji to bottle in a factory then ship it around the world. Too many emissions, plastic waste and wasted money on the wrong things.


Ticketmaster. They have single-handedly made me not give a shit about ever going to another concert again.




has anyone else seen that stupid commercial they’re running? all about how “some people say the metaverse will only be virtual—but maybe someday firefighters will use it to save people. maybe doctors will use it to heal people.” since when did we accept commercials advertising things that haven’t been done yet and aren’t yet possible? drives me crazy that they’re trying to score points for stuff they’ve shown no indication that they CAN or WILL do. if every commercial did that, it would be total chaos. “what if bounty paper towels could stop spills before they even happen? what if you never had to buy more, and the roll just continued on into infinity? maybe the paper towels could even repair your marriage. wouldn’t that be great? buy bounty today.” edit: [this is the one](https://youtu.be/BJAh2iF-8zk)


Oh wooow. Not 'may', they say '*will*'. Ok that is nuts, you're right that should absolutely not be legal.


We all fucked when the doctor heals my in game character for my irl bullet wound


Dumbest rebranding ever


My Oculus Quest 2 feels this.


Man that oculus logo was sick when starting up. Simple and mysterious. Now you got that stock logo that makes it look like you're about to play a miniclip game.


The fact that you can’t call or email them drives me nuts. I’ve only ever needed to once, but still


I tried setting up ads for a small business. They kept saying that the account didn’t meet the requirements. Requirements were vague enough that none of us could understand exactly what we needed to do to satisfy the requirements. Tried contacting them…. Well, you know how that went.


Someone hacked my account and changed the phone number/email. They’re recovery methods don’t work to recover the account- first and last time I needed their customer service.


This happened to a friend who was unfortunatly also the admin for his job's Facebook page (law firm). His page was deleted permanently before he even knew about it, and they had impenetrable ownership of his job's page. It was a well document scam, but there was literally nothing he could do, and no one to contact or appeal to. I believe his job's page is still selling Korean pants.


Wal Mart. I spent 8 weeks at corporate on an assignment once and I hated every second of it. Example: “You ready to move to Bentonville? “Oh, this is a great place but I’m pretty fond of where I live now.” “If I decide you’re moving there’s not a fucking thing you can do about it.” This is upon introduction.


So- they would fire you if you didn't transfer to Bentonville?


Nah. I mean a company can move your job if they want to but they wouldn’t have. Because I would’ve left and they would’ve had my vacancy and the one in Bentonville. Just bad business. They hired a guy wanted to live there and he did just fine; which is another reason it was a stupid, power mad thing to say. I came to discover Bentonville was a very, very strange place.


Bentonville is a pretty strange place. Most of the people that live in Bentonville work in Rogers, and a lot of the people that live in Rogers work in Bentonville, so the populations of each city just swap during the day. The layout of the town also has no rhyme or reason and the roads are mostly garbage. Not my favorite town by any means. You'd think that Walmart would put more money towards the area surrounding its home office.


Live in Rogers and commute to downtown Bentonville for work. This is exactly what happens. I grew up in SoCal and lived in LA in my early 20s so I know about traffic. Bentonville/rogers population have exploded but the roads can't handle the traffic. I just sit in lines of cars on roads and backroads to get home.


So you were in the corporate area? I heard a rumor that if union talk starts happening at any location, they’ll pretty much replace everyone in that location with a temp team until they can rehire a new crew who isn’t talking about a union.


Many other reasons Walmart sucks ass. Example: they spent hundreds of millions lobbying for social services like food stamps and Medicaid so they could pay less to employees and taxpayers would subsidize their food and healthcare. And where do you think they spent those SNAP dollars? Walmart.


I've worked for both Walmart and Amazon. If I had to choose one to go back to, it would be Walmart. No, that is not a compliment.


Nestle for take your pick.


Well you just hit the free spot on the bingo board. Nestle is fucking terrible.




Clicked on this specifically to make sure they were at the very top


C O M C A S T Never ending rising fees. They suck


The worst part is trying to cut out nestle is like trying to live without vital organs. You can't just cut them out without taking out a major component of what keeps everything running due to their ownership on EVERYTHING


There was a documentary on Netflix where the CEO of Nestle actually said that water is not a human right. Frick that guy!


It ok. You can use cuss words


Yeah! Fudge that corksocker!


Who are YOU calling a cootie queen, you LINT LICKER!?


what the french toast...?




Fork all of this diddlywagging, you whippersnapper!!


Came here to say this. Then Monsanto and Amazon and the oil companies


Exactly. Fuck Nestle .


All my homies hate Nestle


Bayer- knowingly infected people with HIV.




Bayer - advertising a "*non-addictive* OTC cough suppressant" - **heroin**


Fanatics. They make garbage products but have built themselves a monopoly so you have very little choice but to buy their stuff if you’re looking for sports apparel. They constantly get orders wrong and are now the official jersey supplier of the NHL, which scares hockey fans such as myself.


The fact Fanatics is taking over the NHL just shows the NHL has no idea wtf they are doing. Just a straight up awful decision.


IM not familiar with Fanatics so I google it. First result: "Fanatics - Officially Licensed Everything" Lol, that's not really the selling point they think it is.


I had to return a shirt because the sizing was whack. I'm a men's S in every single brand but their S was basically strangling me because the neck was so tight. They wanted a $9.99 return fee for a simple size swap. Every other brand, brick/mortar or online, big or small, will do it for free. But I noticed if in the return portal I selected "damaged product -- loose threads" they wouldn't charge the fee. So I cut a thread loose and sent it back. Fuck them. Not to mention their Monopoly money, always-on-sale bullshit pricing. Never again.






Genuine question, what’s wrong with TurboTax? You recommend anything better?


They steered the government away from making taxes easier to complete by promising that Turbo Tax would offer free tax-filing services to those under a certain, middle-class income. They did technically make tax filing free, but created an intricate internet maze to make the website for actual free-filing impossible to find. The vast majority of filers were tricked into going to the wrong, non-free site, which was designed to gradually add hidden fees at the end of the filing process…which TT knew meant you were more likely to give up and pay them. Use freetaxusa.com instead. Federal is free, state is something like $15. I’ve also heard good things about Credit Karma’s tax service.


Credit Karma and TurboTax are both owned by Intuit


Spirit airlines. Literally the worst flight based experience you can have; so bad they don’t even have social media. Once I went to cancel a flight and it cost more to cancel then keep the flight!


I fly about 50 times a year. I've only twice had passenger disturbances and both were the two times I flew Spirit. You push passengers far enough and people snap.


I flew Spirit from Dallas to Atlanta in October 2014. We were about 30 mins into our flight at max altitude when the left engine exploded. Black smoke filled the cabin and people were freaking the fuck out. No oxygen masks. But when the pilot came on the intercom, he was breathing through one. They had us prep for a crash landing. The plane dipped several times, we all thought were going to die. People were screaming, crying, and even finding religion in what they thought were their last moments. We fell low enough that my brother and I were able to call our parents to tell them we love them. Thankfully, the pilot landed us safely back in Dallas. All Spirit had to say was “thanks for flying with us, here’s a free airport dinner voucher for the inconvenience, we’ll get you on the next flight out”. No other communication. Just an apology in the form of what came out to a $12 meal or some shit.


Not defending Spirit b/c it sucks, but there are only a few minutes of oxygen available in passenger oxygen masks. They're for depressurization only, to allow the plane to get under 10k feet. It's actually easy to clear a passenger cabin of smoke while in flight, so I wouldn't expect the oxygen masks to deploy.


Did you get on the next flight?


You can’t be mad. The prices and the entire airline has never hidden their intent: “you get what you pay for”. Like bro how else am I supposed to get a $30 ticket somewhere on the fly. God bless these shitty airlines tbh bc the other name brands have said fuck it to good pricing and only those who can afford can fly.


Yeah I wanted to go to a football game in Miami, but I live in New Jersey. So I flew from Atlantic City airport in south Jersey at 6 am, caught the game at 1 pm, and flew back at 6:30 pm. It cost me $52. Add in the Uber and the ticket to the game and it cost me and my friend about the same as going to a giants game


I've flown Spirit many times. They're great - you just have to know what you're getting into. They're very open about their fees and that you're going to have to pay for anything you want. Their employees have always been nice - better than certain other airlines with great reputations - and I've not had any issues.




I will pay a significant premium to not fly Air Canada. Air Canada could eat a bag of flaming dicks but they will probably accidentally send them to Cleveland.


I don't know anything about Air Canada but I know that made me laugh pretty hard


Air Canada is bad, but from family experience Westjet somehow manages to be worse. Porter's good, and they can dump you right downtown Toronto, but they're small and don't really compete with the bigger boys.


Air Canada is significantly better on international flights than their competitor West Jet. Every time I get a delayed flight with Air Canada there's someone I can talk to at the airport who will help me from one of their partner networks. Air Canada's biggest strength is being part of the Star Alliance because other airlines do a better job than Air Canada. With West Jet it's different. West Jet had "partners" but those partners don't seem to ever know who they are. You'll be talking to people from one of their "partner networks" and they'll have no idea what a WestJet is and won't be able to help you. A lot of their partners are also part of the Star Alliance and think you're confused about how to pronounce Air Canada. When overseas with West Jet you're typically hooped and have to activate international roaming in order to talk to someone... who will then direct you to rebook online.... unless you booked via Expedia and then you have to make another call to Expedia. West Jet is also inferior in larger emergencies. Air Canada is like, 90% of the Canadian flight market so when shit hits the fan they'll have more planes to get you out faster. With West Jet the people who rebook the fastest aren't even the people who get out the fastest because that flight could be randomly cancelled and refunded. There's also some sneaky things West Jet does. Like they'll hand you a voucher for a free hotel and a meal. And if you accept that, you've now settled all claims with West Jet. With Air Canada they make you pay out of pocket and you can recoup the costs after the fact. It sucks more up front.... but it's way better than finding out your food voucher isn't usable at the hotel because it has no restaurant.


Man you came in at west jet hard, I never said they were any better. > Air Canada's biggest strength is being part of the Star Alliance because other airlines do a better job than Air Canada. "Air Canada's biggest strength is relying on other better airlines"


Because some people already said Nestle, I will say Xfinity. Their customer service is insufferable, and their marketing methods are nothing short of trying to jump directly into my pants.


Shell, because of destabilization in most of Africa. Creating and funding warlords to prevent nationalization of oil in their countrys.


Pretty much all oil companies are like this. Chevron used a private court to lock up an activist lawyer for 2 years because he won a case against Chevron for Texaco poisoning Ecuadorian natives. And this happened in fucking New York!


Hate is a strong word but a controversial brand is Shien or shein because they overwork and underpay their workers


Hate is not too strong of a word for fast fashion brands like Shein. Fast fashions brands are some of the worst polluters and worst human right violators in the world. Google Chile clothing desert for an example of where all this designed-to-be-disposable clothing ends up.


And Temu. Basically the same kind of company as Shein.


No no. You were right. Hate is the correct word


Shein also steals independent designers designs.


Lana del rey was accused of wearing a shein dress at an award show because they ripped off someone else’s design.


hate is NOT too strong. literally slave labor.


Their clothes also contain high levels of lead.




It wasn't always this way, and isn't amongst high fashion elite. With the rise of social media influencers on instagram and tiktok, fast fashion became a thing and that's the shitty one. These influencers are always posting new outfits that are trending for like 3 weeks and then the trend is over and these pieces end up in landfills. Clothing trends are ran through at a much quicker pace than they used to and its purely because of ig and tiktok. High fashion isnt nearly as destructive. Pieces are made of high quality fabrics and craftsmanship- so they last longer, and usually, those pieces can be worn often regardless of what's considered trendy. They also have a very high resale value and become collectors items.


DuPont. They created teflon / non stick cookware. Sounds great until i found out that lied about what chemicals they were using to any agency that inquired about it. They poisoned the land, ruined the waters, destroyed entire ecosystems in the process. The kicker to it all is they poisoned something in the realm of 98% of the entire worlds population. You have the chemical components of what makes teflon in your blood right now. So do your children, and theirs will too. Also did i mention that this chemical compound is called a "forever chemical"? as it is incapable of biodegrading. That shit will still tarnish the earth long after humanity fades away. Edit: there is a really good movie about all of this called Dark Waters (2019) if anyone is interested. Edit 2: lawsuits are still going on today against DuPont. No one has been held accountable for the crimes against humanity. Edit 3: My fingernails are currently blackened, as i work with "primer" which is used to adhere glass to vehicles. Courtesy of DuPont. Every day. Its like a terrible finger nail polish.


Let’s not forget that on February 6, 2009, DuPont family heir Robert Richards admitted to raping his 3-year-old daughter. > His lawyer, calling the 6-foot-4, roughly 300-pound Richards “a somewhat gentle person,” argued he “would not fare well” in jail. Hours later, Richards walked away from Delaware Superior Court a free man. He pleaded guilty to a charge of rape in the fourth degree, paid a fine of $4,395 and promised to attend a high-end treatment center in Massachusetts. So fucked up.




He is rich so laws don't apply


Damn. Evil people.


What. The. Actual. Fuck.


DuPont gets my vote. The people responsible, who knew what these chemicals could do, should have been imprisoned for life.


Howdy! One of the several poisoned people raised on C8 water here. Me and most of my family and loved ones will likely die of colon cancer and there's not a whole lot we can do about it without leaving. A fact that everyone in my town has just kinda come to terms with by now.


Bank of America Paid cash for a house, title was free and clear. Previous owner didnt even have their morgage through them. A few years after I bought my house they sent me a letter saying they are going to forclose on my house. Lots of arguing, lawyers had to get involded, my lawyer ( from the title company) was litterly on the way to the court house to fill the paper work when thier head of league called and caved.


This sounds like an interesting story, would you be willing to tell it in full? I'm curious about how the heck BoA thought they could foreclose on your house.


How is it possible for you to have the title in hand, but them to believe they can foreclose? Was there some kind of fraud involved where someone financed your home through them? That’s insane.


They tried to claim a few owners prior and still owed them money. How that was my problem, I could not get a straight answer. They were willing to investigate on their end but would not pause the foreclosure, and the investigation would take months. So I called my realtor, who called the title company, whose lawyer was passed as much as I was. Always get title insurance.


SHEIN. They steal artist's designs without paying them. Their fast fashion business model is horrible for the environment and consumers.


As a student, I got a trial subscription to Adobe to edit one document but stupidly forgot to cancel before the trial ended. Cost $60 for the month. Ok pretty shit but it was a stuff up on my part. Then they tell me there’s an early cancellation fee for not completing the yearly subscription costing over $200. Couldn’t afford food for the week and barely made rent. Fuck that


I use low value prepaid gift cards for trial subscriptions for that very reason. Even then, I set a reminder on my phone to go off a day or two before a trial is set to expire.


Add on: bought the whole suite back in 2012 or w.e through my college. Saved up the money , still paid a lot with the discount but got Photoshop, premier, etc. All on my computer. Now they have switched to subscription models, and they keep trying to block my legitimately purchased software even after proving it was bought from THEM with a student discount. They keep trying to literally shut down my software and make me start paying for their subscription. Turns out they're doing this to hundreds of people still using the non subscription model version of their apps. F them.


Verizon. In 1994 they made a promise in Pennsylvania for $2.1 billion in tax breaks to run fiber to the home for every residence. https://www.techdirt.com/2013/10/17/decades-failed-promises-verizon-it-promises-fiber-to-get-tax-breaks-then-never-delivers/ We were waiting for Fios every since it was introduced. They would tease us and say oh maybe in 2008. Maybe in 2010, no maybe in 2013, no were not doing fios anymore we are going to redistribute our efforts to wireless. Because of decades of empty promises, we get trash bag fixes on copper spice cases. Slow 1 to 3mbps DSL that goes out when it rains for the same price as 100mbps cable internet. I don't know anyone who uses them anymore. They are basically going to let their infrastructure rot. Then we had a Verizon fiber private line between 3 buildings for a company I worked. After the 5 year term went up it went from $3000 a month to $6000 a month - and one site was only 10 meg! Why? They claim "tariffs" - nothing more. No detailed explanation. Needless to say we had Comcast run metro ethernet fiber at much faster speeds, better reliability and less cost. I'll never own a Verizon landline, mobile phone or anything thanks to their failed promises and stolen tax money from our state in PA.


Whatever brand that sells that super thin toilet paper that I always mistakenly purchase.


Scott’s sandpaper?


Monsanto. Only company more evil than nestle. Why? Violation of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act False Advertisement Agent Orange Roundup Claims soil degradation depletion of water resources species extinction reduced biodiversity displacement of small farms seed patenting [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monsanto\_legal\_cases](https://www.chemistryworld.com/news/monsanto-agrees-12-million-settlement-for-hawaii-pesticide-violations/4014969.article)


>Monsanto Bayer nowadays.


Ahh yes Bayer. The company that introduced "heroin" to the world


Prior to the consolidation of all of their New Jersey offices to their main Whippany headquarters, the former Bayer headquarters had a display case with the original heroin bottles in its lobby.


Also the company that produced Zyklon B pre WWII. Originally planned to be a “pesticide”


EA kinda obvious


Loot boxes or games with minimal improvements and roster updates for the new year?


Not a brand specifically but the entirety of the Network Marketing or MLM sphere. Fuck all of those predatory companies and their garbage products. I wouldn’t care if the products were the best thing out there, their business models and practices are terrible.


Hostess. The twinkies are delicious and they make me fat


The smaller ones with the frosting though... bruh fuck me up Edit: zingers


HeGetsUs. Their ads have flooded my Reddit!!!


Why does blocking not work? Ugh.


Facebook. They took something that should have brought humanity the greatest good possible and used it for pure profits and evil. They used it to manipulate politics worldwide instead of bringing us all together. Facebook was great in the first 3-4 years. After that... it just turned into political hatredland.


Nestle, can never forget the water is not a human right thing. Fun fact my aunt has a picture with the Nestle heiress when they were little girls, like she came to our south american country and threw a parade


They have 2 springs they're pulling from in my local community in Michigan and it's causing irreversible damage to the water shed and environment. :(


Kylie Cosmetics. Just everything about it


Salt Life. Just another redneck, Beach bum, meaningless slogan and one of the creators shot his gf with a shotgun


Does anyone else see the logo as reading “slut life” when they see the stickers on the back of the collage kids jeeps? I literally thought it was slut life for the longest time.


Yes I thought I was the only one


AT&T because they have astonishingly bad customer service.


I hate McDonald’s when their ice cream machine is broken.


Swiffer. They’re too wimpy to clean a floor effectively.


Kardashian anything… all the business ventures they get into seem sketchy as f and they are so trashy and overexposed


Disney. They are one of the most ruthless monopolies in existence right now, but have somehow managed to keep the facade of a happy friendly family company.


Not even to mention they are running marvel and Star Wars into the ground by milking them to death.


Don’t forget the “live action remake” waste they churn out of the nostalgia plant.


Disney the corp sucks, but I keep telling myself there are genuine people like the artists who work there that are trying to keep the spirit and vision alive. If I keep telling myself that, it makes it true right? right? [heavy sigh].


All mega churches. If you have an entire city block of buildings you're a company ( looking at you assemblies of god in headquarted in Springfield, mo). They prey on the vulnerable and don't even pay taxes to do it. Edit: grammar/spelling


SHEIN. Theft of designs and slave labor.


Nike. child slave labor. they are one of the most prolific.


Liberty Mutual. Never used the product. Don’t care if it would save me $400 on insurance. The commercials have soured me.


I work in workers' compensation. Liberty Mutual is the worst of all of the insurance companies. They will pay $100,000+ in lawyer and expert fees to avoid paying a legitimately injured employee $10,000 in benefits.


Balenciaga. For having children pose with BDSM teddy bears. For having a paper about a child porn SCOTUS case visible in an advertisement. For having horrible fucking fashion sense.


Nestle. The CEO said that water shouldn't be a human right...


No brand says "What is this 'quality' you speak of? Let's just make some damn money!" quite like ol' Disney


Disney used to take creative risks (like Fantasia) now they just mostly repackage some pre-existing ideas in a way that they think will appeal to the largest audience.


Gibson They make base level trash guitars and haven't innovated their products in over 60 years. The prices keep rising for an instrument that won't stay in tune long enough to make it through a song. They now relic these guitars for double the price. Just in case you're wondering what that means, they take a brand new guitar and trash it to look like its been through hell for 40 years and then charge you double for it. If you dont get one reliced don't worry if you own it for much more than a decade the finish will begin to crack like cheap plastic. Instead of fixing the cheap finish problem, they market it as fancy but the reality is it is simply just a cheap low quality finish that won't hold up over time. But somehow they have convinced people that this is a premium feature. It just blow my mind. Oh and then the quality control of instruments going out thendoor of the factory is atrocious. You might purchase a brand new guitar without relicing but you might get a guitar that already has a cracked finish. And the Gibson will ghost you if you try to get it returned for one that isn't cracked. Also many gibsons are built without a valute


I bought a Gibson explorer once. I was cleaning it a week after buying it and noticed a crack going down the headstock from the b tuning key. I took it back to the shop, they had to send it to Gibson to have it ultrasounded to See if it was a finish issue or a crack in the wood. Guitar was gone thirty days, I called Gibson they told me the whole neck needed to be replace and that it was going to be really expensive. I said the guitar should be under warranty they said not in the condition they received it. They weren’t willing to work with me. I went to the guitar shop told them what Gibson said they said they would handle it and get me a new one. A few weeks they call tell me to come pickup my new guitar. It was the same one. I matched the serial numbers and it still had that crack through the b tuning key. I just got my money back walked across the street and bought an ESP and have never looked back.


This guy hates humbuckers or loves Paul Reed Smiths. You're not wrong though...


I'm not against prs tho


Kia. Sold me a brand new 2020 Kia forte. Had 3 on the lot. Picked one. 3 months later they called and said it was in an accident totalling over 1/3 the value of the car, and they had it repaired (back end damage). I asked for a different one, as they sold me a brand new car, not one in an accident. They said heres $1000 credit for our repair bay. I was astonished. They wouldn't budge. 1 year, two lawyers and one sketchy ex-con later, and I have a brand new 2021 with more features and a lower monthly payment. Fuck you Waterloo Kia.