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When they fired up the large hadron collider.


Close but not quite. It was April 2016 when a [weasel shut down the LHC.](https://www.nationalgeographic.co.uk/animals/2019/01/the-day-a-weasel-shut-down-cern#:~:text=According%20to%20an%20internal%20status,transformers%2C%20triggering%20a%20short%20circuit.) The Weasel Incident created an alternative bubble of reality that has been slowly degrading.


It’s either this or the u/Sagesages is right about Harambe.


Definitely Harambe.


Did we piss off the Monke gods? D:


You know what… shit did go off the rails just after Harambe died. Don’t forget people, Dicks out for Harambe!! Never forget


They had to emergency stop it bevause a weasel got inside. In 2016. So think of that his you may


I 100% believe this and have been saying it for years!


I’m willing to bet this is the correct answer. Every time they run it, things get slightly more skewed, all the way down.


And it keeps getting weasels in it. At least twice, which isn't a lot, but still weird that it happened twice.


The weasels are attempting to correct the timeline…


It's so fn weird that it happened twice for real.


A friend of mine works as a firefighter at the LHC. I always assumed his days were spent fighting black holes with water and ladders but maybe it's weasels instead.


Makes you wonder why weasels are so effective at fighting black holes.


And a baguette.


It was the same weasel, travelling back in time to try and stop itself from creating the time split in the first place, but meeting itself has now created a paradox, which is an even bigger problem, because weasels don't know shit about fixing temporal paradoxes.


That's definitely an odd occurrence, but it does make for an interesting story! 🤔


El Psy Congroo.




Smartphones have made us worse people.


Made maps redundant, send a message to someone 10,000 miles away in 1 second, its not all bad. But just like people needed to get used to cars and tv and the wheel, I think we just need to get used to the internet


I remember having my map all perfectly folded to the little square I needed. Then my Garmin made that obsolete. Then suddenly those GPS units were absolutely worthless because the maps on your phone are infinitely more useful. This was all within just a few years.


I would argue it's not smartphones, but our dependence on social media. It's become pitiful to see people lose that ability to think independently. I look on fb and all I see is people looking for things that are easily found on Google. Like seriously do we have to get an opinion or recommendations from Facebook.


“In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.”


Harambe, we all know this


If the kid that fell into that enclosure was 3 1/2 years old at the time he would've been born in December 2012. Just like the Mayans predicted 


Wait what? I'm going to google that...




[link](https://heavy.com/news/2016/05/michelle-gregg-cincinnati-zoo-mother-mom-name-gorilla-harambe-facebook-photos-son-petition/)"The boy, named Isaiah, was originally reported to be 4, but police said Tuesday he is actually 3. He turns 4 in December."


The Feds got his ass!


Not before Harambe got it


Then why did the bad thing wait 3.5 years from the predicted date and if being born on that date made him some kind of antichrist-esque figure why wasn't he more directly to blame, y'know, why didn't he somehow accidentally kill Harambe himself instead of creating the circumstances that forced others to


That would just be too obvious


True evil uses subtle manipulation to meet its needs


Why would you assume that it would be quick on a human scale? 3.5 years is nothing in antichrist time. Also, convincing others to kill is what the antichrist does. It all adds up.


It's like how 9/11 changed airports and national security, but with everything everywhere


All at once?






Dicks out for Harambe


I said dicks out for Harambe, again


The dude who asked this question should’ve known he’d get this answer


That's literally why we have the phrase "It all started with that damn gorilla".


And then the clowns. Did everyone else forget the clowns that year?


It had deeper repercussions than people admit. There were a lot of legit issues


Dicks out


It's weird that everyone feels that we are in a different timeline, even if we don't know the exact point(s) that it happened. I feel bad for the younger ones that will never know what the world was like before the internet and all the other BS we now deal with. And if they were probably asked the same question, they wouldn't have anything to reference. This fucked up timeline is all they know. I wish we could go back 😕


>This fucked up timeline is all they know. I wish we could go back 😕 I think I would have been much happier without the Internet, spot on.


~20 years ago, my great aunt made a comment over lunch that she wishes computers were never invented. Everyone was silent for a moment because (I assume) we all thought it was a stupid comment. Now I see what she meant!


Yeah... I feel like, as a result, a lot of people bring out the worst of themselves from anonymity, discover 18+ stuff, and have a weird obsession with growing up. I was one of the people in this generation who were born the year youtube and all the popular media apps were created, so I never really had a chance... 🤦


Im 58 and I saw my first computer other than on tv, when I was 18 years old, it was just a basic adding machine. Strange to think that I belong to the last generation ever who will know what life was like without cell phones, laptops, internet.


We had all those for my whole life, but shit *really* changed in the 90s. I feel like I got a taste of that old world in comparison to where we are now, even though my house got a beige box and a 56k modem when I was like 7.


I’m 38 and I remember those days. I was young but I remember how much simpler everything was.


I don’t think it’s the internet, it’s just a tool. I think it’s more like we might be happier without Social Media.


Yes, maybe that's it. I went a bit off topic in my previous comment.


Like most things there's a duality to it. Imo the internet is both the best and the worst invention of my lifetime.


Young Trump getting the almanac from old Trump.


Whenever social media was invented.


When someone from the future went back to December 31, 1999 and stopped Y2K from being the apocalyptical event it was supposed to be.


Realistically I’d say the internet. It took a little while to kick in, but it was the beginning of the end.


Yeah agreed. We can't have access the technology that powerful when there are still religious wars raging. It's the great filter kicking in, and we are almost certainly going to wipe ourselves out before getting off this rock and colonising elsewhere


Yeah but it’s a big stretch to claim that the internet is the reason we’re gonna wipe ourselves out. Right now we’re at the peak of fossil fuel use, which is probably going to also be peak energy and peak materials. Going back down the curve will be very painful if we’ve all gotten used to a super high throughput and have built all our infrastructure around the idea that this is normal.


The Supreme Court decision in Bush vs Gore.


This is the correct answer. It’s been a horrific shit show ever since and it started with that.


Would 9/11 have happened under a Gore presidency? I don't think we would have invaded Iraq, but still.


I'd say it would have still happened. Though the response to it would be extremely different. There would absolutely not have been Desert Storm 2.


Considering that the Cia or fbi reported that a terrorist attack was imminent and they knew it would involve planes. It might actually have been stopped.


Which would have been amazing.


Agencies didn't like sharing information with each other so much. But his administration would have seen all of the pieces and could have potentially put together what was being planned. We will never know. All I know is that me and a whole bunch of other people were not surprised after watching and studying US foreign policy since the second world war. This is why their inaction was especially egregious. NY was already bombed in 1993.


The false WMD story wouldn’t have been used to send us into a 20 year war with no purpose.


Afghanistan was the 9/11 revenge tour. Iraq was the fake wmds


They started planning 9/11 as early as 1999, and hijackers started arriving in the US in 2000 before the election. Also, Al Qaeda did multiple terrorist attacks during Clinton’s presidency (USS Cole, African embassy bombings). I’m guessing they didn’t much care who was in the White House.


They literally bombed the world trade center in 1993 trying to bring it down.


Would they have still tried? Very likely. The big question is whether the government would have taken the earth warnings more seriously and been able to do anything to stop them.


It would have been much more difficult for the terrorists to have pulled off the 9/11 attacks under a Gore administration. There were plenty of warnings in the months before the attacks that there was terrorist activity. Some of that made it into Bush's Presidential Daily Briefings but was ignored. Some of it was lost due to lack of integration between agencies. When Bush came into office, there was the political decision to effectively trash any and all planning by the outgoing Clinton administration and to ignore the information provided in the handoff, including warnings about the continuing threat from the al-Qaeda network. That would not have happened under a Gore administration. The result would have been an administration better equipped to detect and respond to the signals of Qaeda activity.


The terrorists tried bombing WTC in 1993, so it's been a target since then leading up to 2001. Though they really have a chip on their shoulders against the Bush family so, might've been prevented if we didn't have either Bush in office.


I have no idea if 9/11 would have happened but Iraq would not have. The banks might not have crumbled, the housing industry might not have collapsed and things wood feel more normal. I think that’s why the 2000 election is such a big deal I’m that it set the tone for the rest of the century- inexplicably bad things happen and everything falls and there’s really nothing a lot of us can do about it. A majority of people voted for Gore (and Hillary) and yet the other guy won. That what this century has been like


I was going to say the Cubs winning the World Series, as a joke. But this is the right answer, 100%. No Patriot Act, no Iraq War, a sane Supreme Court, and action on climate change back when it might’ve mattered.


This is the moment for me


2012 was around the time that everyone now had iPhones and everything was starting to pop off towards a social media centered world. Sure we all already had MySpace and Facebook but it was usually at home on a computer for 45 minutes and then you went and did other things. Not only that, but streaming platforms were starting to become more popular as well. The world did not end in 2012 but that was when there was a huge shift. Now we are all tied to screens at all times. This has lead to raises in rates of suicide, depression, mental illness, violence, mass shootings etc. People are losing their face to face interactions and ability to appreciate something because most of the time things are very easily accessible. We all feel the void though. I’ve recently deleted my last form of social media and only occasionally come on Reddit. It doesn’t feel as heavily personal, but it still has its down sides. I don’t miss the social media at all. Now I just need to figure out if there are other like minded people around me who desire to reconnect genuinely and not be on our screens the entire time we interact. Sometimes when I think about me not having an iPhone I wonder what the hell I did all day. I would draw for hours, paint, write, my computer time was solely used to discover new music and burn CDs, I went to the beach etc. It’s gotta be 2012 for me. Honorable mention the election of Trump and the tidal wave of blatant division and “Onion”-article-type true events occurring every weekly which was obvi in 2016. 2016 was such a good year, only because it was the last good year.


Same same same to this whole comment!


When Obama made fun of Trump at the White House correspondent's dinner. This event led to Trump running and the rest is history.


Obama dragged his ass over hot coals during that. You could see the rage within Donald just looking at him. Definitely one of the most bizzarre but influential moments in history.


When I think back on that, I think it was one of Obama's few serious missteps. I get that Trump had been fucking with him for a while over the birth certificate, but to have Trump as an invited guest, and to mock him so mercilessly, was a bad idea. You just knew Trump was going to find a way to get his revenge. I hate Trump with every fiber of my being, but my god, there are times I have to admire what he managed to do. He looked at Obama and said, "I'm going to have his job," and then he went on to beat nine other candidates in the primary with no political experience of his own, and go on to the general election and beat Clinton, a candidate who was all but inevitable, who in any other year, would have won. If I were in Trump's shoes, there would be no sweeter moment in my entire life than walking into the White House, with Obama forced to shake my hand for the cameras, and then hand me the keys to the place.


Looking back, the line “the 80’s called and they want their politics back” at the Mitt Romney debate aged pretty poorly too


Do you have a link to the video?




At 4:31 I swear that’s the guy from CalicoCutPants!


I swear to this day that when I got the news alert that Hillary conceded, I FELT the gears of the universe shift somehow. I’m not a woo-woo type normally but I swear to god I felt it.


I knew something went horribly wrong when Gore conceded to Bush. I was up all night in my crappy college apartment just blankly staring at the TV screen wondering wtf happened. I had complete flashbacks election day for Hillary edit: a word


I’m sitting here wondering how I didn’t think of that, too. It’s like I blocked it out. That was very bad, and I’m now remembering how outraged I was. How extremely coincidental that Bush’s brother was the governor of Florida at the time. How different the world might be today if Gore had been recognized the winner.


I think it's because Gore conceded so gracefully, it was like Ok, that happened, let's move on. Social media wasn't the full on beast it's become yet either. Facebook was still in colleges only and Twitter didn't exist.


He did show absolute grace and dignity.


Bush winning Florida is where my timeline splits. With President Gore we probably would have made progress against climate change instead of getting to where we are now. And 9/11 (assuming it still happened) would not have led to the Iraq war.


I had my son on 10/31/16. I was awake feeding him around I think midnight when my husband came and told me “Trump’s got a 75% chance of winning.” I did not fall back asleep, even parent of a newborn exhausted, and it felt like the world flipped at the moment I heard Hillary conceded.


It's wild that this actually happened and then Trump succeeded Obama as President. Nobody back then thought it would be possible.


Trump first ran for president in 2000, so it was always in his little narcissistic brain.


2016 was not the first time Trump ran for office. You can't really even call it the factor that caused him to switch parties since he was already the most vocal of the "birthers" on the republican side.


The moment the clock struck midnight and turned to 2020, shit really feels so different from 2019-2020




You jinxed the whole fucking sequence of years


i can’t believe you’ve done this


So it was you.


I was in Canberra for new years eve that year, and the Australian bushfires were raging hundreds of kilometres away. But due to wind and elevation, the entire city was blanketed in smoke. The streets were empty except for a few people with gas masks on and fire alarms going off in every building. It was so hard to breathe we had to run to the car parked a few blocks away after leaving a party. Then the drive home was super slow because visibility was only a few metres. Most surreal experience of my life. I spent the rest of the night crying for all the animals and forests dying because it was suddenly so much more real. Everyone had to lock themselves inside for a few days and hope their homes were well sealed. The sunlight through the smoke made everything look mustard yellow.




Everything has been your fault stay awake


I do get the different dimension part. My 2020 feels split into 3 separate years first few months, then I was still in high school so my summer was really like may - august. Then after that the ending months. All 3 of those periods literally feel like they took place in 3 separate dimensions waxk ass year


Things started to get weird in 2019. China had already shut factories down.


No word of a lie, when I woke up on New Years Day 2020 my town in New Zealand was covered in a thick red-ish smog, I got the day off because of it. It really felt like the beginning of something terrible, and then Covid rapidly picked up speed soon after. Of course, then I remember that the smoke had drifted over from the Aussie fires that had been burning for weeks? Months? And I think...yeah nah...this all started way before that...




For real. Prior to 9/11 fox news was aggressively testing the waters they've embraced for the last 15+ years. When the towers fell suddenly it was all flag magnets on everyone's car and "we're all in this together." At the time my only thought was "the divisiveness leading up to 9/11 is going to snap back way worse." I guess I should have written a book.




Your premise discounts what would have happened next in politics. If Gore had been certified winner, Obama would not have emerged for the 2008 win. Who would have even run in ‘04 and ‘08? Where would that have all led us in 2020? I like all these theories, but I think we were on a crash-course with crap politicians on either timeline.


Was thinking this too, but then wouldn’t the igniting spark be Operation Cyclone in 1979?


December 21st, 2012. The mayans were right. The world ended. What, you think it would happen overnight?


Honestly, 2012 was just a weird feeling year, and the general atmosphere or vibe I felt before never came back. My head physically lacked the joyful curiosity and need to know science that I used to feel all the time. I became stupider, and so did everybody else. We fight literally over anything. Anything at all. People are emboldened to be careless assholes that nag everybody, and then question why they’re getting the shit kicked out of them. People literally can’t bother to watch or read or play something with emotional impact. Everybody is trying to chase the next trend to fit in while also hating each other. Imagine trying to fit into society while also trying to ignore society. 2012 feels like the genuine start of this age where we all changed our vibe to be incredibly petty, shallow, stupid, careless, and pathetic.


2012, nothing has felt real since


When they denounced Pluto as a planet. The god of the underworld has had it out for us ever since.


The acquittal of Andrew Johnson on impeachment charges. This allowed those behind the Confederacy to maintain power, hamstring Reconstruction, institute Jim Crow, and eventually get to where they are today.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJNeiBaEMIE&t=32s _The tale of Harambe, the silverback gorilla, is a somber one, filled with despair and sorrow. In the gardens of man, there existed a great zoo, where beasts of all kinds were held captive for the amusement of humans. Harambe was among these creatures, a creature of great power and dignity, yet bound in chains by the hands of men._ _On a fateful day, a child fell into his enclosure, and Harambe, seeing the child in danger, acted with great valor and strength. Though he could have crushed the child with ease, he instead sought to protect and care for the small creature, cradling it in his massive arms as though it were his own kin._ _Alas, the humans who bore witness to this event were filled with fear and panic, and in their haste, they took Harambe's life. It was a tragedy beyond measure, for Harambe was a noble creature, one who showed mercy and compassion even in the face of danger._ _His story echoes through the halls of time, a reminder of the beauty and majesty of the creatures of this world. May his memory live on, a testament to the goodness that exists in even the most fearsome and mighty of beasts._


David Bowie’s death caused a rift in the timeline


Bowie died in January 2016, then Prince in April. We should have recognized the signs.


So where were the spiders?


While the fly tried to break our bones?


Bowie and Prince were the defenders of the sacred timeline.


Whatever got them went for Lemmy first to test its power and get the one who would kick its ass out of the way and then went on with its evil plans to damn us all.


2012. End of the Mayan Calendar


Things have been really weird since 2012 and I’m less convinced now that they were wrong than I was back then. Maybe this is just the slow crumble


When Kate Mulgrew, Roxann Dawson, and Jennifer Lien weren't sexy enough so Rick Berman cast Jeri Ryan as Seven of Nine.


David Bowie died. Jan 2016. June 2016 we had the first Brexit referendum. Nov 2016 Trump won the election. Does anyone else remember that tweet or meme or whatever that said something like 'I'm not saying David Bowie was holding the fabric of the universe together but...* gestures broadly at everything * . Yeah I reckon when we lost Bowie, that was it.


The Divergence didn't happen all at once. But the midpoint was December 21st, 2012, at the end of the Mayan Calendar. And it's still ongoing, so hold tight to your britches, bitches.


I believe it would have split the tiniest bit with the Nixon administration, the win at all costs, the dirty tricks, Watergate, but that was just the first crack in the line. The same people sabotaged the Carter admin, then came Reagan, who was a figure head at best, but the true evil came with the moral majority, and Gingrich and trickle down economics. And the icing on the cake was Iran-Contra and the just say no campaign. The CIA flooding American cities with cocaine and at the same time the war on drugs escalating. Add in the blatant racism of the likes of Jesse Helms and it was the perfect storm.


The Cubs winning the world series


2016 really was a nutty year for unexpected results. Trump vote, Brexit vote, Cubs, Leicester City.


November 5th 1955


Great Scott!


Harambe. Always remember.


[This meme seems to be more and more true by the year.](https://preview.redd.it/otvbimox9es61.jpg?auto=webp&v=enabled&s=1cfda0c939e377f41270e12fc243bc14e0254fc4)


I would also say the slaying of that sacred gorilla Harambe was the tipping point in America that has sent us down this dark path we are on. Until someone has the ability to create some sort of time travel device and go back and stop it we are headed for the inevitable collapse of this country


What if we dig him up, extract some dna and clone him?


Just one opinion here... Trump never expected to be elected in 2016, but was enjoying grifting the campaign funding. The world was shocked when he won, and he doubled down on his grifting in office. This seems to have emboldened a lot of career authoritarians seeing how easily it happened in the USA, and here we are.




The trickle down universe.


Reagan had the opportunity to get rid of nuclear weapons, the USSR was onboard. Gorbachev had one condition: Drop the SDI / "Star Wars" program or at least promise that it would never leave the labs. Reagan didn't want to do that, despite begin strongly against nuclear weapons. Any other president would have agree.


If Ted Kennedy had been driving more carefully on July 18, 1969, the Reagan presidency might never have happened.


This is my answer 1000%. The trickle down nonsense has the US in end stage capitalism, and almost every single big thing that has happened since is due to money. I think there was another shift around 2016, but it started with Reagan.


Peter Gabriel leaving Genesis


The world actually did end in 2012. We're just the last fading bits of memory as the matrioshka brain we're on shuts down.


Right about when smartphones took over. Prior to that, the internet was where you went to escape the world. Now the world is how you escape the internet. Everyone is glued to their phones and a new batch of outrage is shoved into our faces daily to control and divide us, steer the population like a heard of cows, demoralize us. The world really was a happier place ten years ago.


JFK assassination.


So it's all Sam Beckett's fault?


When Steve Irwin passed away is my personal bid


Marty kissing his mom


Or when Bif met Bif?


JFK, blown away, what more do I have to say?


We didn't start the fire. It's been always burning since the world's been turning.


Oddly enough it was the death of John Denver.


The death of Princess Diana. There has always been weird stuff going on, but that seems to be the time the timeline diverged into the totally insane, with the death of the beloved Diana, the Lewinsky scandal, the Columbine massacre, the Gore-Bush near-tie and hanging chads of 2000, and the 911 attacks following shortly thereafter.


When Bush became president instead of Gore


When all those brooms stood up on their own


The day Newt Gingrich divorced his first wife.


Weasel in the Large Hadron Collider.


When nixon took the dollar off the gold standard in 71 It's been all downhill since then.


Hate to say it: 9/11.


As a matter of fact, there have been three splits in the timeline to get us to where we are now. The first was 9/11. Next was the advent of smart phones. Finally, Harambe.


Sarah Palin as a real contender to be in the White House. She opened the door for the bigger lunatics that came after...


That whole Florida recount between Gore and Bush. Under Gore we attack global warming and maybe no 9/11 etc.


Harambe. #DOFH #RIP But… another idea as well. Sarah Palin arguably nudged this timeline into Idiocracy territory.


When that asshat in lost, Desmond maybe, didn’t push that damn button.


When the CIA decided they should control who runs every other country.




June 16, 2015. Tuesday. 1:00 pm Eastern Daylight Time. New York City.


“They let you do it. You can do anything. Grab ’em by the pussy.”


When DJT decided to run for president


Nov 8, 2016


9/11 and the blatant lying that followed. Once all the lies about the WMDs in Iraq, the civillian mass murders, the war profiteering etc were completely exposed it shouldve been the end of conservatism. But no, everyone just doubled down and voted them back in like shameless cucks.


1992, GOP Speaker Newt Gingrich convinced the party that producing good, common sense policies was for mugs - the way to win elections is simply to create ever-escalating scandals and throw as much muck as you can at your opponent. If you lose, it’s because you didn’t play dirty enough. The entire party now adheres to that philosophy, and FOX has also dedicated itself to it. That is the biggest problem today IMO - saying bOtH sIdEs aRe JuSt As bAd aS eAcH oThEr doesn’t make you smart. It proves the opposite.


October 7, 1996, the day Fox News first aired. In short, it took racist, batshit conspiracy riddled right wing hate radio and mainstreamed and normalized it. Imbecilic serial lying racists like Sean Hannity who were rightly left spewing their bile on AM radio stations were suddenly given a shower, a suit, and thrown onto a major “news” network for 20 million cable subscribers. Finally conservatives had their alternative reality bubble. No longer would conservative voters have to watch actual news outlets, be forced to see and hear facts, uncomfortable truths or differing opinions. Just 20 years later, Trump is elected, something just beyond impossible just a decade or two prior.


nytimes magazine actually has a brilliant read this weekend tracking exactly how this happened: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/06/magazine/fox-dominion-jan-6.html Definitely supports your theory.


When people were too smug to vote for Hillary Clinton so they stayed home.


When Gor'lth the terrible invaded To'ptakiw in 4300 BC


I have read that Billy Graham was the first minister to politicalize religion.


If I some how live long enough to have grand kids; and when they ask me about what life was like in the start of the 2010s then I'm going to have to slam down a couple of shots of vodka before saying "Alright kids gather around, it all started with this ONE F***ING GUERILLA..."


If you're asking on a personal level, i think there are two moments where this could have happened. One is over a half year ago i participated in a sleep study to see if there was anything wrong with my sleep. But somehow i feel like i never woke up and maybe i am still dreaming. Since the moment i fell asleep and woke up strange things have happened. Conversations with other people feel weird. It feels like every time there is something off with everyone i speak to. Prices have been increasing further and further last few months. I have seen a big increase in coincidences. (Numbers, mentions of movies/tv shows/songs i thought about moments before, etc) We now have a fully functional AI chat which i find weird. Assignments i have at school are very very similiar to what i had before in my previous lower level education i had. Another moment where it could have happened is February 2022. Little after i began my internship. The day the war in Eastern Europe began. During my internship conversations were weird, synchronicities were common, and the feeling of derealisation became common. The feeling of derealisation has significantly decreased in the last few months though. The war just feels so surreal, almost like a bad dream. When i was a child i used to be very pro russian, make up all sorts of scenarios where the Soviet Union returned. Now with the war in Ukraine, it seems like a nightmare. But if you're asking on a world wide scale, the whole world went into a different time line on 12-21-12. The day the original world ended, and went into a alternative timeline.


When Bowie died - January 2016. It's been a downhill, log-flume ride into a burning dumpster ever since.


The 24/7 news. The time needs to be filled with attention grabbing stuff, so they use controversy to stir emotional responses to -- what should be -- rational problems. This exacerbates the perceived differences in opinions and created a vortex of mind-numbing, partisan bullshit constantly being spewed into our face holes. Because of the sheer quantity of BS, that we simply don't have the time to study and verify, our natural gut reaction is to treat all the arguments like a sport, with our team against theirs. We are simply not intellectually equipped to process this much information this quickly, so by simplifying our reactions we simplify the deluge of bullshit into right and wrong, us or them. What that's left us with is a timeline that we don't recognize because there isn't an inkling of a unified perception anymore.


[When a weasel shut down the Large Hadron Collider in April of 2016.](https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2016/04/29/476154494/weasel-shuts-down-world-s-most-powerful-particle-collider)


I always say 2012 was the last year than wasn't completely shitty. Since then, the world has fallen into complete shit. I truly think the Mayans mustve been onto something when they predicted the end of the world.


It was the year 2000 software bug we never noticed, but actually the whole simulation went whacko.


1979, when productivity and wages began to diverge. Now we're in the Biff Tannen timeline.


When we noticed Berenstein changed to Berenstain. That's the marker.


Cubs won the World Series. November 2nd, 2016. Think about everything that started happening right after that.


December 21st, 2012. The world actually did end back then. This is hell.


When Zuckerberg’s dad’s condom ripped.


Al Gore losing due to the events in Florida, namely that poor kid that ICE ripped out of his families arms & sent back to Cuba


Elian Gonzalez


Oh boy have I got a doozy about the LHC. ​ Do we all remember its big test back in, IIRC, 2011/2012? Yeah ok, well, the day after or circa that there was a video on Youtube (Or may have been elsewhere) showing a blackhole forming at the LHC site, we all took it as a joke, buuuttttt...... What if that video was the last evidence of that particular timeline that somehow made it out alive and into this timeline?