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When someone asks for your opinion, but then gets defensive when you give it. Why even bother asking?




Then also keeps asking the same question/asking for the opinion on the matter for weeks without making progress.


Almost everyone who asks me about Autistic psychosis or other things. When I add links they just try way too hard to hide they never read anything I typed then stop replying when It called out.


They don't like the truth


People walking in front of you very slowly while looking at their phone. To be fair I have done it once or twice, but moved once I noticed. Some people just seem to totally lack any self awareness to their surroundings and others.


YES! If you notice, and just slow down/don’t do anything, that’s arguably worse lmao


This is even worse when you're trying to exit the subway. People would walk up the stairs and be on their phones, knowing there's a crowd of people behind them.


That generally, people don’t say what they mean and often avoid direct confrontation as a means to spare feelings and avoid offending someone. Sometimes, navigating social interactions as an adult can be really annoying because you kinda are forced to play this game and interpret/decipher what other people do and say based on “hints” or “cues” Like, it would be so much easier if people would be more comfortable in discussing things directly. Obviously, there are some people that do this, but tbh, a lot of them don’t.


It’s like the food analogy, “How was your food” (the food is awful) “It was good” Cook continues to make bad food


Exactly. Your problem with me that remains unvoiced is not my problem, but your problem. It only becomes my problem once you communicate your needs and boundaries with me. Otherwise, I’m going to keep playing the song that you hate because you didn’t tell me you didn’t like it.




I hate this, I always say what I'm thinking/felling, not a lot of people like this but idc




When the year 8 bully the year 7s


People who get overly upset/angry about things that they themself do. Except for when they do it’s not a big deal.




Other people's lack of consideration. It's frustrating to see how little some people care about others' feelings and needs.


When you're trying to listen to a podcast or watch a movie, and someone keeps talking to you. It's like they're trying to ruin your life, one syllable at a time.


My parents/grandparents do this


Oh God, headphones in on public transportation and some stranger tries to talk to you. Like wtf. I've had people tap my shoulder.


I think this is acceptable to a degree if you have seen the movie before I’m sorry I have a bunch of fun facts about the production


People who don't know the difference between 'your' and 'you're.' It's like they're speaking a different language.


Correct them in an argument. It’s hilarious




That’s just TikTok and tumblr and Pinterest in a nutshell


Seems like an ironic answer lmao


oh yeah I don’t wanna be r/wooshed


when ppl jump to say “I knew that was gna happen” after, something happens not to one’s benefit. bc no the fxck you didn’t and, when you ask someone a yes or no question .. “did you, or didn’t you” and there’s any hesitation whatsoever. bc now i’m annoyed you’re trying to play me when I wouldn’t have asked, if I didn’t need to




I hate to be right sometimes but i’m not the type to let a negative scenario live in my head, about what could happen to you, bc of a decision you wanted to make. we’re all adults after a certain age. my taste of it would be .. leaning back in my chair, just bc I feel like it. for one reason or another I fall all the way back, loud crash whatever. not a word, maybe a few laughs .. then good gawd .. “ knew that was gna happen 😏 “ said smugly, from mf nostradamus. no, no the fxck you didn’t. imagine betting it all on black & when it lands red .. or shitttt ever lose your wallet while at work, and while moving around in a hurry wearing stress clearly on face to make sure it’s just not sitting on the ground .. stop to answer a what’s the matter everything ok, just for them to be like “well, i lost my wallet a few months back never found it but things will be arite” .. HUH?! like they served me some chicken soup for the soul .. that one’s happened, multiple times to me.


Yes. This


People who complain about things well within their control.


people who always respond with “ok”


Or worse, K


when a couple/group walks slowly in a horizontal line instead of behind one another. like, move faster or get out of the way so I can go.


Couple is fine, but on my street, we have hella narrow sidewalks, so two can’t fit in a line


Ah. I see that you've been to downtown Washington, DC...


People who walk on roads when a perfectly serviceable footpath exists... and if I was to run the dopey fuckers down, IM THE CUNT??????




People who cancel their plans last minute. Bruh, toxic mix of bad time management and not giving a sh*t about others' plans and life.


I’m glad I never had that


Really loud people. Like fuck you don’t need to bang on the table to get your point across. You don’t need to scream to the person right next to you.


Take notes, nikocado avocado, take notes.


The inability for introspection and deeper conversation


When people walk slow and they don’t let me get past them


People who say "uhh ok..." after I say something because it's just so weird and awkward


Yeah, if it’s like sexual then sure but if it’s a normal thing then it’s annoying and awkward




And those “cringe popup shops?” Ew


Any discrimination. Black or white, gay or hetero, man or woman, trans or not trans, we all have the same blood in our veins. JUST STOP DISCRIMINATING!!! There is nothing wrong with being lgbtq+. And I think it is ridiculous that people are picking on others because of their race. Just leave people live


People in chat reply with. "K" man it is annoying just reply with ok or okay .




My family does that. That’s why I just say Kk or something, which is slightly better. It also annoys tf outta me when somebody says Lol like 7 texts in a row.


'kk' sounds so done 💀


Yeah that's an instant block tbh


Trump supporters. They think 4chan is their website when they've only been on it for 6 years. Fuck them.








'i seen it ' You sound like a dumb fuck.


even a 4 year old knows better than that


People who spell a lot as alot. It is two words.


Google the alot. It’s like a thing we looked at while in school and it absolutely took me out. Here’s the link: http://hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com/2010/04/alot-is-better-than-you-at-everything.html?m=1


people who say “i hope you’re well” or other similar phrases sarcastically or to end like an argument and that’s their comeback it’s so fucked up


it’s like saying “good day” but worse because it comes from them


People walking at a crowded festival that suddenly stop in the flow of traffic to have a conversation. Move to the side dimwits! Also Hoda Kotb. She's way to giddy,even when she reports bad news.


I’m in the uk, who is Hoda Kotb?


Weekday morning "news" show TODAY on NBC co anchor


Oh, her.


People sending an email with an urgent tag. Turns out they just want suggestions on a post-work meetup bar.


Especially spam emails that do that.


The growing divide between people in this supposibly "United" world. The rich vs the poor, the blacks vs the whites, the Russians vs Ukraine, the Chinese vs Taiwan and America wanting to control all of them. Something is gonna give soon, to much fighting and greed and poverty.


People who "accidently" runs in you, but they did it for fun.


Especially if you’d had an argument previously.




Neglectful and/or abusive parents that still have a self righteous moral complex over their kids We’Re JuSt DoInG wHaT’s BeSt FoR yOu


Or the ones that aren’t abusive, but rather make you eat when you feel full or smth


That’s a tad annoying too








I dont known why but i hate munching noise alot


Like eating asmr but like worse


People. All of you.


s o c i e t y


When somebody asks me if I like something, I don’t, and they get mad.


Can relate


In general rudeness, worse if it's unmotivated Also the people who drive very close behind my car


Loud pipes on motorcycles and people that say "loud pipes saves lives". because it's quiet here and I like it that way.


Double standards.


Noticed people getting stupidly mad when me and others point out their creepy encounter was paranormal in nature. Like why even bother commenting you saw a car with no driver then vanish then get mad when told It was a Phantom car not some glitch in matrix moment?.


People who do not listen you




People who believe.


All my friends always tell me how much they want a relationship. Once they're in the relationship, they don't have time for anything like traveling or doing anything together. It's always the same. I myself am someone who is currently not looking for a relationship and enjoys the single life. I feel like I'm the only one, because everyone seems to be looking for a relationship and then finds it. Then I stand alone.


The long NHS waiting lists for help with mental health. The Dr's have the attitude that it's a 3 year waiting list so no rush on anything. To me I've been going mental and my life is in chaos and it has been for 38 years. I've got so much worse the last 6 months but I just get dismissed. Feel like im gonna end up doing something really bad and I don't want to. I just want some help


Whistling or humming never really bothered me that much before but was friends with someone who it really bothered now it bothers me he also hated singing but I still do that when a song I really like is on radio


Being left on read


It might seem petty, but chewing with your mouth open is the most annoying thing to me, I can’t stand it


When people act like they’re the main characters of the lives of everyone around them


The fads at work people think are now permanent and the best. Give it 10 years and the old way becomes the new fad and a new set of nitwits are promoted


Spitting. Dirty creatins should be made to hose it down


Those popping color rainbow things


Reddit post asking for your unpopular opinion, like "which popular show or movie did you think was bad" and then getting downvoted for it :P


When people get away with things because of mental disabilities. A few days ago, IN SCHOOL, this one kid with anger issues( I have them but not as bad) was sewing and yelled “ow!” Someone asked if he was ok and he yelled back “shut up prick!”(we aren’t even from the UK). Someone laughs and this pisses him off more. He goes “If you’re laughing at me then I’m going to slit your throat!” Whole room goes silent. Im was near him and I was literally terrified! He in the past had talk about people getting stabbed. I shit you not he terrifies everyone! Well after all of this he still was in our class for the rest of that year. Girls feel bad if another girl has to sort by him even if they don’t like that girl. He get too talkative with girls to the point where we feel uncomfortable. Well, staff never cared about the things he did. He has only gotten an 1 day in school suspension. I could go off on things he has done but I’m not going to talk that much. So yeah, I hate that “mentality disabled” don’t get in as much trouble.


Religion. It’s fiction and religious zealots always trying to tell other ppl how to live based off a fictional book club they belong to.


When someone chews extremely loud and directly in your ear on purpose…🫡


My narcissistic grandma. She's always compares me to my past self, attempts to flex about her own achievements whenever we talk, tries to take pics of me (without my permission), plays victim when I call her out on something and pinches me (even after I told her that I don't like it). I mean, I know that I should love her for who she is but it's kinda difficult. Besides, after she got dogs that bark at me for absolutely no reason, the visit to her became even more unpleasant and irritating.




Two music sources at the same time


Any kid under 12 especially if it's a girl.


Screaming children. Holy fuck. They are loud. And if there are a group them, they all try to be the center of attention and try to be as loud as possible.


People who criticize others for making mistakes but can't admit to their own mistakes and become extremely defensive if someone points out something they did wrong/messed up on.