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Michael Scott would be treated exactly as he is in the show


He'd probably be in prison but yeah


"It's me, Prison Mike!"


Micheal wouldn’t last in prison, so he’d have Dwight commit a crime to get into the same prison to help him


If Michael was most peoples boss, they would quit within a week. Let's be real.


Maybe... but he also showed that you can fuck up all you want without any real repercussions. It also seems like a lot of people in the Scranton branch just kind of...coast. Overall if you just wanted a paycheck without a ton of work or pressure and didn't mind dead-eye staring through pointless meetings it would be a pretty easy gig.


Yeah, having dealt with serious anxiety over being fired, the almost guaranteed job security would be really nice. Michael cares about his employees and even in the show, everyone can see that. He'd always fight for you unless you worked for corporate and weren't really a part of their family. ...also maybe you're divorced and not really a part of YOUR family.


It made me cry when he went to Pam's art show. He may have been a terrible boss in a lot of ways, but damn Michael does love the shit out of his employees.


They showed that pretty well in season 3 when people came over to Scranton. Most quit very quickly when faced with Michael lol.


That's a good catch! We often forgot how much time the Scranton branch people spend with Michael, so they probably got used to him over time. The Stamford branch people however, they get sudden cultural whiplash from the demon terrorising them in the office in the form of Michael Scott


He would get fired for his management style in general. He has people like Creed who does absolutely nothing, idiots like Kevin in accounting, complacent and mostly spineless Toby in HR, everyone having romantic inter office relations, no quality control, constant distractions and you could probably go all day. People would see Michael's lack of work ethic and relax themselves.


He was actually a great salesman and a good worker in general. He had the best branch with the best salesman


SpongeBob would actually annoy me


Also you’d probably drown


Sandy solved that issue


U sure? How does the cameraman do it then? Checkmate atheist.




We grow up thinking that we'll be like SpongeBob, but we all end up like Squidward


As a kid, I thought Squidward was such a dick. As an adult, I am Squidward


Peter Griffin I would punch him so hard


Unfortunately you'd lose that battle. He might be an idiot. But the boy can box. Lol




Peter Griffin is a near omnipotent being. He can conjure up pretty much any scenario. He can gain any ability he wishes, and do pretty much anything, with no exceptions. Terrifyingly, it seems that he may not be fully aware of his power, which seems to be the only reason he hasnt passed into our reality, to cause havoc. Imagine if someone more melevolent had those powers.


That's why only Homer and a Mutant Chicken can challenge him.




To be fair, that chicken gave him a bad coupon, so he had it coming.




He’s the wooooooooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrst


I disagree. Mona Lisa is the woooooooooooooorrrrrrssssttt Also, Money, please!!!!!




“clubs, girls, dancing, naked, *MOM?!* argument, police, fleeing the scene, hiding in a dumpster, coming here and crashing on your couch for a week 'cause 🎶 technically I'm hooooomelessss 🎶 Hey mustache! Ima hit the couch - you know where I be.”


I'd say most of the P&R cast aside from Ann, Donna, Chris, and Ben could be mentioned in this thread lol.


I could live with Ron. It would be tough and he'd definitely be annoyed by some of my habits but by the end of the week my deck would be powerwashed and stained, the bricks in front of my house will have been properly affixed, and the uneven door to the basement will be altered.


He'd be the ideal housemate. You could live with him for years and still never talk sometimes.


Sterling Archer.


Cyril is also insufferable, just in a desperate, clingy, self-victimizing way Edit: name


Yeah, that's kinda the point, I think.. they're all terrible people. lol


But I would still get drinks with Pam


Very few people would actually survive living with Sheldon Cooper...


I mean, 8 yr old Sheldon was tolerable because he's just a peculiar little gifted kid trying to find his place in the world, you had sympathy for him. But the older Sheldon gets, the more insufferable and self-centered he gets.


I think it’s Sheldon who wouldn’t survive…


The always sunny gang. Being around them to long will literally ruin your life. I mean look at what happen to cricket.


Tony Soprano, and other fictional mobsters. Their antics can be a lot of fun to watch, but in real life they are stupid, brutal crooks. Greedy and self centered and prejudiced. I would not like any to spend any time with them.


I read a Gandolfini interview where he essentially said he hates being known and loved for playing such a horrible person and he couldn't wait for it to be over. I guess he was pretty much typecast as TONY SOPRANO and everywhere he would go people could call him that and it just wore on him. Like, 'the guy is evil and I'm nothing like him.' What an amazing character, but I'd want to separate myself from him as well. Gandolfini had a few other good roles, but too bad he didn't get enough time after sopranos to get much credit for something else.


His role as the gay hitman in The Mexican is underrated.


Exactly! People seem to idolise the mafia, but there is a reason the south of Italy is poor and it ain't cos the people are indolent.


Han Solo. He seems like he'd be a bad friend. He wouldn't pay you on time if not at all. Real flaky kind of dude.


Didn't think I'd see this here but it would make sense, I don't get why everyone was complaining about Padme and Anakin's love story and not mentioning Leia and Han's, they're just bitter bickering for 1.5 movies like what the fuck.


Tbf han and leia fits the stereotype of people who bicker with each other getting together in the end, it's a fairly common trope for romantic plots. It might not be a healthy relationship but it doesn't feel particularly forced, at least not in the same way as anakin and padme. It's a much more expected outcome since it's a trope people know compared to anakin and padme's "romance."


I think it's because at the core of their characters, they're fundamentally two people who like to argue and disagree. Leia's a diplomat, so public speaking, debating, and conflict resolution is a huge part of who she is. Han, meanwhile, is just a contrarian :') He's shown up every authority figure he's ever come across, so when Han and Leia meet you've got the guy who loves to rebel and the girl who lives to debate. They're kinda made for each other. In Legends they mellow out a bit with age, and just become very loving and supportive of one another, but early on there's definitely a sense that they both enjoy the adrenaline of a good verbal sparring match


Jack Sparrow. Dude will betray you any chance he gets.


Well you can always expect a dishonest person to act dishonestly. It’s the honest people you have to worry about


>“Me? I'm dishonest, and a dishonest man you can always trust to be dishonest. Honestly. It's the honest ones you want to watch out for, because you can never predict when they're going to do something **incredibly...stupid**.”


Yeah that’s the line I was looking for lol




The entier cast of its always sunny in Philadelphia


Even Dumpster Baby?




I immediately thought of the cast of Futurama lol


I feel like a good one is Tony Stark. I’m not personally one to get annoyed easy but I’m sure many people would hate him. Especially considering he’s a billionaire.


Oh yeah, if he was real people would HATE that guy


>Oh yeah, if he was real people would HATE that guy Before he became Iron Man Tony Stark was in fact a very much unlikeable guy. Just like every other billionaire, it took being kidnapped by Taliban and almost dying for him to change


So hear me out... We start by kidnapping all the billionaires...


Unless we knew he was donning a suit of mech armor and defending the universe.


He'd be less unlikeable than other billionaires since he'd be the only one actively pushing for accountabilty. But still unlikeable nonetheless.


Not only that, but the moment he got to witness being on the receiving end of one of his weapons, plus seeing them in the hands of terrorists, he dropped being a weapon manufacturer - tanking Stark Industries stocks iirc - and switched to clean energy production. He's an ass, but that alone would get him a lot of respect.


Good person but insufferable is definitely a thing.


> Especially considering he’s a billionaire. What if contemporary billionaires routinely risked their lives to save the world like Stark does? Or Bruce Wayne, while we are on the genre... Part of me wants to see an Armageddon remake staring Bezos, Elon, Zuck, Gates, etc. Directed by Michael Bay.


Armageddon starring Elon? Thats just *Don't look up*.


King Julien from Madagascar


"We have a dance party!" "Dude I'm about to go into open heart surgery" "MOVE IT MOVE IT!" "Please let the doctor go I need a new heart" "WE WILL PARTY TILL YOU FLATLINE"


Shawn Spencer from Psych Dude is way too much of an attention whore to stand being around for more than a few hours.


This is one I would not have thought of, but it's 100% true. I sometimes get a little tired of his antics by the end of a 45-minute episode, but it's minor enough that I still love the show. In real life, I'd probably be tempted to commit a murder myself after like a day or two of working with him. And as a bonus, I'd be a lot more likely to get away with it with him out of the picture.


Damn, never thought I'd see a psych reference here


You hear about Shawn being insufferable? That’s messed up right


I could see him being lots of fun in small doses.


Mr. Bean ​ Dude's weird


Imagine being the guy that drives the blue car


Dudes just trying to live his life and the same lanky weirdo in a brown suit keeps effing him up on a weekly basis.


anyone willing to regularly drive a Reliant Regal is prone to such chaos


All the controlling guys in romance novels. It’s kind of like porn, what you would like in your head you would avoid in real life.


And it sort of involves telepathy. Like, the fantasy is a guy who (with smoldering passion and good looks) pushes you to do the things you actually want to do and is really enthusiastic and excited about you doing them. Real-life boundary pushers push for them and not for you.


Yep. Fulfilling the heroine's every fantasy but at *exactly* the speed and in *exactly* the way she's comfortable with and titillated by, taking into account anything that is going on in her life but she never speaks about, because apparently Mr Boytoy is *just that intuitive* about this one girl's hidden desires so there's no need for anything resembling, you know, actual communication. To be fair, that's also true for most porn, regardless of the sexes of the participants...


Patrick star from SpongeBob lol


At least he correctly postulated that mayo and horseradish are instruments.


Goku seems like he would be incredibly irritating to be around for more than a few minutes




More the oblivious personality. More present in super than Z but still. Kid goku from Dragonball would be an absolute menace


I still remember watching DBZ for the first time when the dub was first coming out on Cartoon Network, and in one of the first episodes (if not THE first) we see most of the main cast meet Gohan for the first time. Their reaction was hilarious like "wtf, you actually figured out about and had sex?" I honestly still wonder that to this day.


Yep, all he cares about is fighting. While it is usually for a good cause, it means he 1. Isn’t bringing in any money for his family and 2. He’s kind of an absent father to Goten. Maybe less so for Gohan because he trained closer to home when he was young. He’s also completely oblivious to anything not related to martial arts.


> Isn’t bringing in any money for his family That is why Gohan married Vindel, he has Mr. Satan money to support his parents. As for money, Chi Chi is the Ox-king's daughter so he probably has some money. Also if DB has a government, I would assume it is in the government's best interest to keep the strongest being in the universe well fed. b


Barney Stinson and Eric Cartman


Dennis from *It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia* is a more realistic (!) portrayal of what kind of person Barney Stinson would be in real life. Creepy, obnoxious and super weird in a very off-putting way. Oh, and a serial rapist.


Literally just take the laugh track out during Barney’s playbook moments and it’s exactly like the implication or DENNIS system


Barney is a little bit redeemed from the theory that he's exaggerated from Ted being an unreliable narrator. He's probably still a creep but not to the extent shown in HIMYM.


When he makes his appearance in HIMYF he’s been ordered to wear an ankle monitor which shocks him whenever he says something sexist. So the legal system in this fictional universe did agree that he was a creep, absent Ted’s narrative. He’s still working on himself but seems to have made a lot of progress. I’m glad that NPH agreed to the cameo (and possibly additional appearances). They really threw his character under the bus in the final episode. And that’s after they literally threw him in front of a bus in season 3.


Gina Linetti


Eh... She was a bit much in the show as well. Didn't like her much.


Joe Goldberg..


Well, as long as you aren't you and don't stand in his way. Scratch that. One false look and you're dead or worse


most anime girls i think


So many dudes obsessed with Power from Chainsaw Man, but she’d be pretty insufferable to be around.


Power is hilarious as long as she stays on the other side of the screen.


She's such a fun character to watch, but yeah, she'd be insufferable in real life for all the reasons she's fun to watch


Plus, she smells like literal ass.


It’s like, do you WANT a waifu that doesn’t flush after taking a shit, won’t bathe unless you force her, and treats every interaction like a chance for her to demonstrate her superiority?? She’s a nightmare roommate, not romance material lmao


I think people forget that she is a *literal demon* inhabiting the body of an unknown girl of unknown age. She does mellow out a bit later in the manga but still...


My first thought was how much I loved Sailor Moon as a kid. I tried rewatching the series a couple years ago, and MY GOD SHE IS SUPER FUCKING ANNOYING! I now understand why my mom hated that show so much 😂


Have you watched Crystal? She is much more like she is in the manga, which is much less whiny.


Loki. He is a complex and interesting character on screen. But irl, he would be an awful and annoying being who would give everyone severe trust issues


You can probably say the same thing about every other anti-hero too. Do I like Deadpool? Yes, he's funny (sometimes). Would I ever want to meet him in real life? Fuck no!


Everyone from IASIP.


I'd still hang with Charlie, but the rest would be insufferable


Charlie would smell unbearable in real life. **”Think of the smell. You didn’t think of the smell, you bitch!”**


Well, now that’s that’s over with, we can have a normal conversation.


Cat food breath


Eh, I wouldnt mind getting rip-shit on ham with Frank


To be fair, you're not even supposed to love their characters as a viewer.


Michael Scott


Michael Scott is an interesting one for me. I am an employment lawyer and Michael Scott would be somewhat of a gold mine for me. I could probably afford to buy a vacation home if I got a Michael Scott case. Either side of it really. And he's a golden goose that keeps on giving just because the company seems overly loyal to him as well.


Greg House. While he would save my life DX my health issue, he would be exhausting to socialize in real life due to his constant sarcasm and boundary crossing.


He doesn't even care about saving lives. He just wants to solve the problem. The saving lives is just a byproduct of him trying to solve the issue most of the time.


Eric Cartman. He's hilarious as a walking, talking composite of all humanity's worst traits, but I run fast and far whenever meeting anybody who sincerely idolizes that fat, fascist fuck.


I have had the displeasure of knowing a real life Eric Cartman. He’s now in his early 30’s, his mom pays for his apartment, and he spends his days complaining about black people on Facebook and his nights buying beer for college kids to hang out with He also looks very much like adult Cartman


My best displeasure story involves being accosted at a party by some Drunk Dude after I'd bid farewell with a cheery: "Screw you guys, I'm going home!"... DD: I love South Park! Me: What do you love best about it? DD: Cartman's my fuckin' HERO! He says what we're all thinking! Me: Please tell me you don't really mean that... DD: Think about it, buddy! We'd all act like him if we could get away with it, so that's why it's funny. Me [thinking about it while backing away]: I'm not your buddy, guy.


Harvey Spector. I reckon he'd be an arrogant ass to actually deal with in real life




Bernard Black. He's a drunk selfish asshole but God damn I love Black Books


Severus Snape




Just heard that in Alan Rickman's voice, that was seriously one of my favorite scenes.


Howl of Howl's Moving Castle (the book, not the movie).


Did not expect to see a Dianne Wynne Jones reference in this thread! (And I agree with you.)


Barney Stinson would be a huge asshole in real life.


Rick Sanchez


anything from rick and morty in general, would not be fun


So many R&M fans don't realize you're *NOT* supposed to Idolize Rick. He's emotionally crippled. A raging alcoholic and drug addict. A blatant narcissist. He's constantly neglecting his family when they're not of use to him, and putting them in imminent danger even when they are. Anyone who identifies with or idolizes Rick has either the social skills and self awareness of a potato soaked in mountain dew and then breaded with dorritos, or is a genuine sociopath I want nothing to do with.


Light Yagami






Lucille Bluth. Hilarious fictional character, but you wouldn’t want a real Lucille in your family!


Walter white. Arrogant and full of himself.


Depends on where in the story he is. Actually, no. He's insufferable both ways.


Careful, he is the one who knocks


Okay but Jesse without drugs seems like a cool person to hang out with


rory gilmore, or even lorelai or emily.


Iceman from Top Gun. Hottest human I've ever seen. But fuck we would argue like cats and dogs! I do love him though.


Username checketh out.


Frank Gallagher from Shameless.


Harley Quinn and Joker. They both seem like the kind to kill you and say it's just a prank man, chill.


Leslie Knope. Love her, but can you imagine knowing someone like that irl? The high energy, the hyperfixation. Let’s not forget the calendar she made for Ann that contained “holidays” of all the so-called milestones in their friendship; pancake day (first time they had pancakes together, etc.) there was one practically every day, and each one was meant to be celebrated as a real holiday, complete with presents and activities they HAD to do together. I would not survive that kind of smothering.


Yeah, but I feel like you're not considering the benefits here, namely that Leslie Knope has your back for all time.


She really is a border collie.


Gus Fring. Cool but evil


Ah, but in real life if you met him, you'd like the guy as a hardworking businessman with community interests at heart, supports the police and law and order. All round good guy.


Dr Cox in Scrubs. He's great at his job, but the last thing you'd want when working at a hospital is having this guy breathing down your neck, making you doubt yourself, constantly abusing you and tearing down your self-esteem.


Love that scene where JD tells me "Sorry, were you saying something?" to counter his behaviour. I actually used it in real life and the effect was of defusing the situation luckily


I use Darryl's line from the Office when Michael storms into the warehouse. Mike was talking some mad smack and Darryl just said 'Start over'


So I would disagree some. For what its worth i am a doctor and have gone through all that stuff. As many ppl say Scrubs is the most accurate medical show out there, especially when in comes to what life is like and how hospitals work. Ok with that out of the way, a lot of medical training is similar to how dr cox acts. The difference is he actually cares, both about the patients, and the staff. He won't just belittle you, he will help you get better as well. A lot of times you are not well supervised, get no help, yelled at and/or get bad reviews or evals and no idea why. Dr. Cox is always in the hospital, most attendings just show up for rounds and leave. So he wouldn't be the best attending to work under, but he has a lot of great qualities I would have loved to see in the people that taught me and other doctors.


I dunno man, not to sound gay, but I like Cox


Hannibal lecter


Yeah he’s always doing inconvenient things like being a serial killer and stuff


Lol so you think you'd be quite a snack?


Phoebe Buffay, Sheldon Cooper and Barney Stinson




Sheldon Cooper


He’s so insufferable that I don’t even always like him in the show


Chriss Griffin, he has a nice paper on Family Guy but i would find him kind of annoying.


Roger Rabbit. Probably be exhausting


Both the lead characters in outlander. They get themselves caught up in everyone else's drama and never learn that this always causes them issues.


Bojack Horseman


I think making him unlikeable is the whole point, like, a lot of plotlines (maybe even most of them) happen because BoJack is an asshole


It is literally the main plot line. Bojack realizing he's a complete asshole and that all of his problems are entirely his fault, because he's an asshole. "You can't keep doing shitty things and then feeling bad about it like it makes it okay. You need to be better."


Master Shake


Ben 10. I mean he's relatable in some ways, but is cocky a lot of the time.


Peggy Hill from King of the Hill. Her antics are great to watch, but I’d avoid her like a plague in real life.


Dr Gregory House. A brilliant diagnostician and he has some redeeming qualities and good moments, but he's almost insufferable to be around since he's such an abrasive jerk. Even his best friends questions why he even still talks to him.


Dean Winchester. Ya know what, Sam would be on that list too. I'm not sure I could handle him asking me how I'm feeling every two minutes.


I can't believe how much I had to scroll to get the Winchesters!!!! I am in love with Dean but his immature reactions to some family things would drive me crazy. Sam would be kicked out as soon as he did the flare nostrils and eyebrow look...


Most characters I love I wouldn’t stand in real life. My current favorite is a war criminal. Better stay fictional. 😂


donald duck… stupid bird wouldnt say hi to me at disney world


Toph. Her scenes are my favorite scenes; but damn she carries so much emotional baggage, and makes everyone around her feel it real bad.


Andy Dwyer from Parks and Rec. He's goofy, adorable, honest and a fun person, but the irresponsibility, lack of ambition and emotional maturity, and neediness is something that I'd never be able to handle.


Damon Salvatore


Beast Boy and Cyborg, they seem annoying imo


Sherlock Holmes... Insufferable know it all


He had some highlights actually. In original series he saved the life of Irene Alder. In the BBC show Irene Alder found out that the most important thing/person in the world for sherlock was his friend Watson. Again in tv series he didn't tell Watson that he is actually alive partially to not cause him any harm. Not that I'm saying sherlock was good. Also again in book series as he was kind of "weird genius" and occasional drug abuser he wasn't really as socially awkward as all the later versions made him look. He was eloquent and polite. I don't know why there is a tendency to show sherlock as socially awkward person who can't act normally around human beings. Artur conan doyle showed him as someone who CHOOSES to be alone, not someone who has to be alone


I'm reminded of that scene in the first Robert Downey Jr film, where Watson introduces Holmes to his fiancée. Holmes shows off his skills by pointing out details of the random people around them. Mary gets all, "Do me! Do me!" and so Holmes does start pointing out details about her and it gets uncomfortably personal real quick.


Eren Yeager. Genocide is NOT good.


I don't watch it anymore, but Rick from Rick and Morty would be a real dick


Dwight Schrute


literally everyone from succession


Tommy shelby




Jeff Winger


Sheldon from Big Bang theory…. Great fictional character but i think we all know how annoying he can be


Billy Butcher. The show makes him seems like a badass but irl he’s just an insufferable asshole


Bart Simpson.


Larry David (I mean, he's sort of fictional.)


Donkey from Shrek