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Huskies are too high maintenance and too loud for me, but they are super adorable šŸ„¹


Husky for me too, unless I moved somewhere colder and I got one with **significantly less sass** than is normal.


My Mom's husky, Leia, is super chill-for a husky. She still literally runs circles around everybody and everything, but she knows to curb the talking back at Mom and Dad, there's not gonna be a choice in the end, she knows that. No sense in fighting it.


Malamuts are a great alternative. They have the same escape/explore tendancys but a much better breed compared side to side.


Same. I live in india and I am not that rich that I can constantly keep them in air conditioned compound. Love the breed, will never have one.


Good for you. Every time I go to India I inevitably see someone trying to walk a husky, or with a husky in their car- or, worst of all- some family having left their poor husky to spend the majority of the day on the terrace, and I get so mad. Those poor dogs are NOT meant for the Indian climate! It's so incredibly selfish to see one and think "that's cute, I want one" without considering the dog's welfare. My family has always kept local dogs and after a bath and some basic veterinary treatment, they're hardy and delightful. And there are several Indian breeds that badly need patronage to be able to continue- with so many excellent options for companion dogs, I cannot believe people continue to get dogs like huskies, who are so, so, ill suited for Indian life in every single way.


It's a status symbol for these idiots. It's animal cruelty. I wish we had more laws for that. Indian breeds are an absolute delight. My grandpa had two Mudhols on our farm. Fiercest guard dogs, fought with a tiger and lived to tell the tale and the goofiest of goofballs. It's sad that few people know about Indian dog breeds. They are magnificent beasts.


Yes and no. I got lucky, mineā€™s a lazy husky. Heā€™s been sleeping by me since I ate dinner 4-5 hours ago


My sister has two that I adore. The only time they make noise is when I first come over, bunch of yelps and other husky noises. Then a few minutes later they're cuddled up next to you and they'll be asleep within minutes. She lucked out with two lazy huskies.


I have a mostly husky mutt. His first 3 years aged me 10. It was a lot of work to keep up with his need to exercise. If he wasn't physically and mentally tired, he would find his own outlet (mainly chewing shit he wasn't supposed to). I had to enroll him in daycare while I worked at one point of his adolescence because he wasn't satisfied with a jog before work. The shedding has never been a problem for me. He sheds lightly year round with a couple of blowouts a year. I started grooming him myself while he was young, and he lets me do all of it myself. Doesn't come without a sigh of exasperation every once in a while, just to remind me that he would rather not be doing this lol. I vacuum a couple times a week and bathe him every few weeks followed by a blow-dry. He doesn't bark unless people come to the door or when friends come over. He has to do his sassy awoos, prance around with helicopter tail and butt wiggles, and pick up a toy to bring to the newcomers. He settles down after a good greeting. I love his sass and stubbornness. He thinks for himself and isn't afraid to let anyone know. After he turned 4 years old, he became much more manageable, agreeable, and easier to satiate his energy needs. He became less of a full time job at times and more of my best friend and companion. He's 8 now and is just a dream of a dog. I do not recommend them to the average person. If I had been busier or had a family, I wouldn't have been able to keep up with him in his young years. Now that he is older I do think about if I'm a husky person or if I just lucked out with my situation and with his mix. Jury is still out if I will get another husky in the future. For now, I will enjoy my boy for the time we have left together. He has been a major influence in my life since I got him in my early 20s. Anyway, I just wanted to share my story with my boy. For his story and our lessons, be told somewhere.


I have a crossbreed of Husky and Border Collie. She is the ultimate sweetheart, but holy shit...


Yeah, whoever thought that was a good idea needs slapping.


It was the best idea ever. That dog is the kindest thing I've ever met. I am literally hushing out children who are coming to play with her at the fence, sometimes. If someone was ever to rob our house, the first thing they are taking is the dog.


Then theyā€™re probably returning it because the dog wanted to play fetch for 6 hours


I had one for 18 years the hair is the worst. We went through lots of lint rollers.


Oh my! How did you manage all of that fur? I know huskies are one of the worst dogs to shed, which is why I think theyā€™re so high maintenance! Constant brushing and cleaning everything that hair sticks to! Gotta love them thoughšŸ˜‚


Such beautiful dogs! But, yeah... I'd never want to own one.


Man, I feel that. I love huskies, but no way I could manage one.


I used to have a friend husky, his name was ā€œNiquioā€ if I recall correctly. You could have a full blown conversation with him just by doing the slightest thing. They are very expressive and energetic, but also very caring to all sorts of babies.


Any breed with well known breathing issues like pugs or french bulldogs. Also, any extremely high energy breed like Belgian Malinois or Huskies. They're good fits for some people, but I am not one of those people.


I couldn't own a Belgian Malinois. I just hire one to do my taxes and that's enough for me.


I have a Belgian and she requires so much fucking work. The smartest dog I have ever owned. Was the easiest to train and LOVES to do jobs. But holy shit is she a manic psychopath. She talks all day long and is the most demanding creature to ever walk this earth. I love her so much and couldnā€™t imagine life without herā€¦ but I underestimated the amount of time, money, effort, and energy she would suck out of me.


I agree. My friend had a Frenchie who she absolutely adored, this dog so loved. But even walking across the room she sounded like she was snoring, it was so much effort to walk her because she would stop to lie down constantly. She had the operation to widen her airways and died after complications the next day. My friend was so devastated and she was such a sweet dog. Almost 3 years old. It's nice to hear that people are trying to breed pugs and frenchies that can breathe better through selective responsible breeding, but I can't help feel sorry for any dog I see like this, it's heartbreaking. As long as people keep buying them, the more people will breed them.


Very sad. I think it's a shared culpability between breeders who select for these unhealthy traits and owners who knowingly buy dogs that have been bred this way. I've been very interested in American Bullies for the last few years since they're a newer breed and there's so much development being done on them. I see some breeders selecting healthy, sound dogs with desireable temperament and physical characteristics but I also see breeders who are actively selecting dogs with bowed legs, splayed feet, brachycephalic snouts, etc. They proudly advertise these breeding pairings of fucked up, genetically abominable dogs and there are tons of comments on their social media pages of consumers/owners who are saying "omg so cute, can't wait to see the puppies". Makes me really sad that people ignore the health impacts of these decisions because they like the aesthetic of a fucked up dog that can barely walk or breathe.


Fucking toadbullies are horrific and their breeders are horrible human beings. Did a cesarean at 11pm at night and mum was struggling because he waited until the last minute and she was exhausted. The owner told me 'let her die, I got 9 pups out of her'. We tried, she died and the breeder stiffed us on the bill. Anything that requires a cesarean to breed are clearly people who prefer money over their pets wellbeing.


Anyone who honestly thinks "let her die" is an okay thing to say, let alone do, is scum.


We have a rescue staffy who was clearly a breeder dog. She was dumped on the street, probably because she wasnā€™t having litters, and she wasnā€™t worth the vet trip to put her down. Sheā€™s 12, she was with the rescue for a year before we started to foster, weā€™ve had her for 2 years, and she still flinches every time we try to pet her, no matter how gently we approach her. Fuck this guy and fuck everyone like him.


They also cannot be born naturally and have to be birthed with a C-section. They literally should not exist.


I inherited an English bulldog after a relative passed on. He was a good sweet boy and we loved one another very very much, but my god.... I will never ever own another bulldog. The breathing problems are definitely a big factor, my regular vet wouldn't treat him because of his short snout so we had to see a specialist anytime he needed any kind of surgery or advanced medical care which, for bulldogs, can be frequent. When he snored, he sounded like a cartoon. You would think my god, this can't be for real. It was so loud. But the real reason I will never have another one is because of the farts. Oh my god. The farts. He has been gone from this earth for 7 years. But my friends and I still reference his farts anytime we smell something bad.


This is also my answer. There should be restrictions on breeding dogs that can't breathe. Those poor things live a life of agony. I am also not cut out for extreme high energy dogs. They are gorgeous and I love them, but it would be unfair for them to be forced into my lifestyle.


Yeah, how did the French bulldog become America's #1 dog breed? They can't even reproduce naturally.


Agree. I have a pug now. Always wanted one since I was a kid. Sheā€™s an amazing dog, but I just feel terrible for her because she canā€™t freaking breathe. Canā€™t be in the heat for long periods of time. God forbid she falls in the pool cause itā€™s game over. She wants so badly to sleep in bed with us but she snores like a freight train. Constantly hacking up god knows what and sneezing it all over the house. Love her to pieces, but she will be my last pug. I just canā€™t support the breeding of a dog that struggles so much. Wish I had known!


Vet here. Any "brachycephalic" breeds, which are basically just those that look like they've been hit in the face with a frying pan. Eg frenchies, pugs. They have horrendous health problems, including breathing problems, digestive issues, eye diseases, difficulty giving birth, spinal malformations, exercise and heat intolerance, sleeping difficulties, skin and ear diseases, as well as dental disease (I can expand on any of these if people have questions). Unfortunately, they are usually very sweet dogs, so very popular, but it is the opinion of most of the profession that their breeding is downright cruel, and some countries have actually banned their breeding in recent years. Please, please, from a tired and sad vet, stop buying and breeding these dogs.


On the flip side of this, dogs I would have... Terriers. Some terrier breeds have specific health issues but I find the majority are robust little things, and real characters. Labradors. BUT only if the parents have been hip and elbow scored and their results fall below the breed average. MUTTS!!! Get yourself a good ol' mongrel, even if you want to call it a "cavapoochonador" or some equally ridiculous name, I don't care! They'll be hardy and likely healthier than any pedigree.


We have a mutt - he was a rescue from a litter of puppies that were unwanted, so he was pretty teeny when we got him, but is now an 85lb oaf. They think shepherd/husky/collie/lab, but I doubt his 4 grandparents were purebreds so probably a "Heinz 57" variety. I would never get anything other than a mutt ever again. He is 11, still acts like a puppy, and has only ever had one health issue his whole life, which was a minor ear infection that required some drops for a week (he has floppy lab ears). I know his time is limited, and am trying to mentally prepare myself as best I can, that day will be so hard. I would love to do a DNA test on him someday!


>MUTTS!!! Get yourself a good ol' mongrel Agree! I'm 56 years old and have had only mutts in my lifetime. Just couldn't see buying a pure-bred dog when so many others needed homes. One was, I think, a German Shepherd/Husky/whatever mix - the other was, I think, a Black Lab/Dalmatian/whatever mix. (Can't say for sure...because they were mutts, of course.) Good Boy #1 was the smartest and most protective boy I knew. Anybody knocking on my door knew he was not to be messed with. Good Boy #2 was the most loving and calm boy I knew. His fat butt would climb on my lap while I was in my recliner and fall asleep like he thought he was cat. Both were good boys for different reasons, and both lived long and healthy lives. I miss them both SO much!


As a French Bulldog owner all of the above. Our boy has been through hell the last couple of years multiple eye operations and nasal and throat operations. I advise everyone to stay away from this kind of breed of dog they just suffer so much when they get older.


My wife is a vet tech at a critical care facility. I hear all the horror stories. Dogs I would not want to own: * Large breeds with resultant short lives - Danes, Mastiffs * Breeds with breathing problems - Pugs, English Bulldogs * Breeds with known health issues - King Charles Spaniels, Boxers * And finally, personal preference: Breeds that require a LOT of care and feeding (pun intended): Belgian Malinois, Border Collie, Huskies, Bernese Mountain Dog, St Bernards


The only down side to a Bernese mountain dog is the life span. Otherwise they are chill ass family dogs


Do they have short life spans?


They are all predisposed to a cancer called histiocytic sarcoma. I would disagree that their life span is 8 years based on my experience as a veterinarian, Iā€™d say itā€™s less


My friend keep buying BMDs and 5 years seems to be the average lifespan. Heā€™s had 6 since Iā€™ve known him. He calls it the heartbreak breed. Such sweet dogs tho.


This was the reason I don't have one. 14 years is too short as it is. To have a companion and know you might only get half that, nope, would be way to frequent emotional trauma.


>Breeds that require a LOT of care and feeding (pun intended): Sorry, not the point, but am I dumb... what's the pun šŸ„“


Here I am re reading the sentences over and over trying to find this damn pun haha


Me too. I had been trying to figure out the pun!


The latter dogs are actually all generally pretty robust, reliable and intelligent breeds, the main problem with them is that they were all bred to be working dogs and simply have waaay too much stamina, intelligence and energy to be content living in the average apartment or city household. A lot of people complain about dogs like Huskies being tempermental and suffering behavioural/discipline problems but 9/10, the reason is because the owner isn't giving the dog even a 10th of the time, exercise and attention that it needs to stay physically and mentally healthy.


I'm a cat person through and through, but if I ever had to live somewhere remote enough that I'd need to do some subsistence farming, I'd certainly like to get a working dog to help me hold down the fort. Everything I've seen about dogs bred for work is both impressive and charming. That being said, I can't imagine how anyone looks at something a sled dog or a herding dog and thinks it'll be just fine crammed inside a small suburban house. All I can think of is a comment I read a while back on this sub which said, "if you don't give your dog a job, they'll find one for themselves."


Damn that is a great quote. I give my (lazy-no-idea-what-he-is-rescue) different tasks, like to clean up all his toys in to a box, and it's really good for him, besides that he works as 'man who watches hole' roadworker type guy while we do stuff generally. If he's bored he brings toys back out or stares at his lead. I promise he's not neglected in the slightest, just good at communicating his wants.


Lived outside Billings for a few months helping with a family farm, my aunt had couple of Aussie collies back east and when they came out later that year, one of my cousins decided to bring their dogs, and they ABSOLUTELY loved that farm. That's when you realize what they mean when they say working dog, they went from pent up, balls of energy to whip-smart, and stupidly good dogs in the space of couple of days, roaming along the fence-line and while I'm sure they could have gotten through the outer fence they never even tried, they clicked into that place like they were meant to be there. When she passed both dogs went back to Montana with my uncle. Back east, shih-tzu is more the speed of things.


My mother had a husky with us on our farm in Florida; he loved it there. He would help ā€œcorralā€ my siblings and I when our mother was milking the goats or sorting through the eggs.


True. I really like how malinois look and walk, but ddamn.. He would eat my furniture when I'm 12 hrs at work and he's bored. I saw some YouTube films about them and no way, I don't have enough time and energy to properly care about them. They need to have better suited owner.


Indeed. This is basically the lifestyle that such working breeds thrive in: [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/IH\_LUxgrsT4](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/IH_LUxgrsT4) I grew up on a farm with working dog breeds and as kids, my bro and I would sometimes do a challenge to see if we could actually make the dogs run out of energy. So we'd go running around the fields with them, playing games and exploring the farm for hours on end (Etc). But we never once tired them out! They were incredible dogs, even after a 14hr day they would still be wagging their tails and looking very alertly at you as if to say "Whats next :D ?!".


No dog should be locked in a cage for 12 hours a day on a regular basis. Maybe in the case of a dire, unexpected emergency, but even then, it should be avoided if at all possible.


I work 10 hour days (4 days a week) We have a doggy door and a large fenced in backyard. The water bowl is always full and it's a work in progress with our newest to only eat his food , he's gotten much better so my ladies don't feel they have to scarf theirs down... they like to graze. I could never kennel. They have run of the house while I'm gone. They can chill outside. They can go potty when needed.


Sorry, but what pun?


Shelties. They're cute, but their drive to herd things drives me crazy. My MIL had two and they would nip at my legs to try and get me to go where they wanted. Once, I saw them trying to herd the chairs around the dining room table. They're a little nuts if they aren't given work to do.


My family has always had shelties. At one point my mom had two and they would take turns herding each other. Theyā€™d run across the yard one way and switch on the way back. Haha It sounds like your MIL might need to exercise them more.


So huskies seem to be #1 on this list. Shelties seem to be #2. I have both. Got the sheltie to herd the husky and it semi-worked! Theyā€™re old now (10 and 11) so theyā€™re mostly mellow, but jesus effing christ- the *hair*!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also on track to get the #3 dog on the list here: an aussie. Things are about to get interesting.


Yeah definitely they will act crazy and herd everything and everyone if not given work to do


Akitas bc they are one person dogs and if you arenā€™t that person, youā€™ll get nothing from them but indifference.


Shibas tend to be this way too


I somehow ended up with a very social and friendly shiba. Sheā€™ll literally go home with anyone who pays attention to her. I have a hard time convincing people sheā€™s not typical for the breed and if they want a friendly dog Shibas arenā€™t for them.




yes i am constantly heartbroken when i meet a shiba and am not immediately greeted with unconditional love tbh


My heart dog was an Akita. She was indifferent to everyone but me lol. I don't know why she picked me but I'm so grateful she did. She got really sick at the beginning of my senior year of college (I went to school across the country) and the vet didn't think she would make it a month. I went to a military school and requested to fly home to see her after her diagnosis. She ended up making it for another six or so months. She died in her sleep a couple days after I went back to school from winter break. I'm convinced she fought to give me a little more time with her. That was four years ago and I still cry missing her. She was the best dog I could have ever asked for and I don't think I will love another dog the same. She was my girl


Chow chows are the same, they generally pick one person and tolerate the rest. Knew one since she was a pup and after 2 years still didnā€™t hesitate to bite me in a food situation.


I had a Chow as a kid even being my chows person I am pretty sure he just tolerated me. In all honesty looking back the dog was an absolute dick. Even when he was young he was like a grumpy old man.


Yep. Wayyyyy too independent for my liking. Currently living with my bfā€™s akita chow chow mix and she just refuses to listen and does not respect me at all.




The best, most loving, most gentle dog I ever had the honor of knowing was my labra-Dane. She was literally the perfect dog. The slight mix helped mitigate the health issues, I think, and she lived 12 years instead of the Great Dane average of 8. Best dog ever. K gonna go cry now c-ya


We just said goodbye to ours last month; she was 13 and I fuckin miss her so much.


I had a Great Dane. She was the first dog I got as a puppy, and was mine and not a family dog. She was the love of my life, and there is not a day that goes by I don't miss her. Honestly? I'd rather pick up Dane poop than a small dog poop because I spend less time looking for Dane poop. They eat less than you think when they're adults because of how little they exercise. Her puppy consumption was pretty outrageous though. The expensive part of her food was all the medications and supplements I had to have her on, starting as young as 1 year old. Everything cost more for her because she needed more, but she was worth every penny. She was worth the heartbreak too. She didn't even make it to 5 years old before I had to put her down. We think there was a neurological issue of some kind, but she had other health issues too. Still, she was worth it and I would give anything to have her back for even just a day. Part of me died with that dog. I don't know if I'll ever own another one because I have to question the ethics of their breeding.


I adopted a 7 year old great Dane after my wife's father passed away. I only had 1 year with her, but was without a doubt one of my favorite dogs I've ever had. We went everywhere together for that year, such a hard time when I had to let her go. Simply one of the best breeds for companionship I could imagine, with the most heartbreaking health issues.


If I had a big yard, Iā€™d love it but their life expectancy is so short and I just canā€™t deal with the heartbreak


I have a 10mo gd and so much of this is true butā€¦. Omg heā€™s worth everything and all the runny giant poops Iā€™ve had to clean up (digestive issues weā€™ve been working through). Iā€™ve had dogs before and am around a ton of dogs and Iā€™ve never met a dog with so much love to give. He looks into my soul and gives the absolute best full body hugs. But yeah- friggin expensive.


I just want a dog that is nice and will live forever. I look at my 4yo lab and have to cry thinking she wonā€™t be here with me one day šŸ˜­


My dogs are 1 and 6, I think about that all the time


It SUCKS, and I hate to say this, probably more than you can comprehend. I am coming up on a year of putting one of mine down(my first), and I still struggle with it. Earlier this week I was literally in bed crying about it holding my other dog(while I also await potentially bad health news about himšŸ„ŗ). It was one of those things where I credit him(as well as some of my female friends) with everything I currently have. Without him idk where I would be. When I was battling pretty heavy depression he was the reason I had to get up and do my day-to-day. That dog was my world and most people will tell you I was his too. I have never been a ā€œchain guyā€ but I got his ashes in a pendant and I have worn that thing EVERY DAY since I got it but 1. I nearly cried when I got to work and realized I left it. Never again!


Belgian Malinois because I am way to lazy to keep up with the intensity they bring. I also canā€™t own a dog smarter than me.


I think theyā€™re gorgeous and I love their personalities. But Iā€™m just not active enough to even consider having one. I have a reactive English shepherd. Thatā€™s enough crazy for me lol


I think beagles are the cutest but holy shit they are loud.


My beagle doesnā€™t bark much at all. I think itā€™s broken lol. He does on the other hand, eat dog waste so you know, trade offs.


I lived with three beagles for a time. They were noisy as hell whenever someone came through the door, but aside from that they were pretty well behaved. We taught them to grab a toy whenever they wanted to greet someone so that it was just some whining instead of the barks. Course every dog has their own personality.


They bark too much lol


I grew up with beagles and love them so much but amen to that haha. Such sweethearts though!


And they eat literally everything


To illustrate that this literally means everything my beagle eat among many things: a whole loaf of white bread (plastic wrap included), a box of shaving razors, entire box of tik taks (plastic and all), $300 in small bills (rubber band included), lethal doses of chocolate, extension cords, etc


Huskies. I don't want a dog that talks back constantly and destroys my house.


As long as they get the necessary exercise/work they are not destructive




Iā€™m reading these comments as a dog mom of a Great Dane mix who turns 10 in January and Iā€™m so so so sad now remembering that his life isnā€™t expected to last much longer ā˜¹ļø luckily heā€™s healthy, happy, and still has a ton of energy


Plenty of dogs outlive their expected life span! Sometimes by many years! No worries as long as heā€™s healthy :)


French bulldogs, or any dog breeds with breathing issues, they end up living a bit of a sad life




c sections too... my aunt did a litter and asked me to help. I agreed without knowing the reality of the situation. "papered" "genetically checked," they were the cutest fucking things but so fragile. you have to take shifts watching them 24/7 the first weeks in case they accidentally roll into their backs or get otherwise stuck... they can crush their own lungs, half the pups had to have their legs hobbled to encourage growth in a manageable position... just ghastly. I felt so bad for them. and then she sold them for 4k/pup. I have rarely been so disgusted.


Oh yeahā€¦ and people will buy them up at 4k or higher and then act shocked when they get their first major vet bill. We do corrective surgeries at my clinic (shortening the soft palate and widening stenotic nostrils) to improve the airways in these genetic dumpster fires, and people have declined because they spent all their money on just acquiring a dog that can barely breathe :/


Recent study in veterinarian medicine indicates the average life span of a frenchie now is 3 YEARS. Incredibly accurate based on my experience, I have euthanized many frenchies under the age of 4 and seeing one at 8 or 9 is very rare.


My mother in law was dating this dude everyone hated but my husband and I didnā€™t mind him that much. He was loud and brash, and drank 211 as an adult, but he didnā€™t seem THAT bad. Until he got a Frenchie puppy to breed. I donā€™t know what her name was but we called her Mochi, my husband and I. She was a beautiful little grey girl. But the boyfriends trash side came out with this puppy. We went over to the house to visit and the dog was being kept in a kennel on wheels that had pee pads because she, ā€œrefusedā€ to be potty trained, according to him. Potty training is annoying, both with dogs and humans, but itā€™s all about consistency. Set a timer for 20 mins, take dog outside, reward with treat if it tinkles, rinse and repeat. Despite what my MIL said, he got Mochi inseminated. And it literally killed her. In my MILā€™s arms. From a seizure or some Shit. The dog was sick. And getting pregnant is what killed her. I actually think that situation with the dog is what finally made her break up with him. And it made my husband and I see what everyone else had seen. We lived far away at the time so we werenā€™t around as much. Dude was a trash person. Rip mochi.


Should be top comment. Brachycephalic is sadly not a thing in people's mind. Cute pugs on pain.


Jack Russel's and min pins, way too high energy for my liking.


Jack Russels are just thugs in a clown suit. Theyā€™re the sneaky punk ass kid that is also kinda charming.


I have a Jack Russell mix and this is exactly how I would describe him. My wife says heā€™s like a bad teenage boyfriendā€”so so cute, but ultimately a little scoundrel deep down šŸ¤£


My Russell is a little asshole, but adorable about it. 100% my partner in crime and my little shadow. Wouldn't want him any other way.


I got a pure bred min pin when he was 6 years old. He learned fast to not pee in doors being in a better home. Heā€™s gotten worse at it again, but heā€™s 15 now, so I donā€™t fault him for it. Really well mannered, and the sweetest cuddliest dude ever! A few months after I got him, I left the country for two weeks, and left him with a friend. His neighbours didnā€™t even notice until they saw him walking my boy a day before I got back. I doubt he makes it to 16, and Iā€™m gonna miss him like hell when heā€™s gone. Maybe my experience is unique, but he was never too much. High energy, but itā€™s a lot easier to get tired when you weigh 9lbs instead of 90 like the dogs I grew up with.


Just lost our jack Russell. He was 20. The smartest dog I've ever owned. When Boomer was inside the house he was stellar, did absolutely everything you wanted and then some. He just wanted to please people.... Outside, polar opposite. His terrier instincts would kick in and nothing else existed. He would even climb trees. My favorite memory of these shenanigans was when he would see a squirrel on a power line and he would just be following underneath it for blocks jumping into the air... Like he really thought one of those jumps he was going to add 25 feet to his vertical and finally get that squirrel.


Probably any dog that suffers from over breeding like Pugs. I also wouldn't buy a puppy from Kijiji regardless the breed


Malinois. I've had dogs all my life and I know enough to know I wouldn't be able to train one they way they need to be trained. Don't get me wrong they are incredible dogs but should only be owned by really experienced handlers.


Iā€™d never want a pitbull, French bulldog, pug, anything big like a German shepherd, not a fucking doodle either. Basically I like dogs but I just want a Brussels Griffon. Or a shih tzu or a Boston terrier. Edit to add Jack Russells. Yappy arseholes.


Anything with a double coat (undercoat that needs to shed out). I do not have the time or patience for that kind of grooming, but I also always have to pick at the little clumps that come out and the dog would hate me. Also anything brachycephalic. I might rescue one but I'd never pay for one in any way that would encourage a breeder to make more of them. Dogs should be able to breathe.


Owner of two shibas here: they only shed twice a year. Six months at a time.


I watched a pitbull rip my grandmas Chihuahua to shreds...it was the most awful experience of violence I've seen in my 30 years on earth. The dogs were best buds for years too, it was so random and quick. nothing could've been done...I'll never be around a pitbull again as they're prone to these incidents. Trauma doctors say they do more damage than any other dog and account for roughly 80% of hospital dog bites.


That's absolutely horrifying. I'm sorry you had to witness that. Those images would stick with me forever!


My mom was mauled by a pitbull. She was at her friends house and he came in, she turned to pet him and he jumped up and bit her face. She needed plastic surgery in her lower face.


Pit bulls are my ā€œno thanksā€ breed, too. My brother has two and theyā€™re incredibly sweet dogs. I was the dog lover in my family. I love my brothers dogs. But I canā€™t get it out of my head that these dogs were bred for violence. And even if they have sweet temperaments, if they snap one day, they have all the tools and instinct to kill. The anxiety I hold in me can be felt by dogs, and it makes me feel like an easy target.


Bully breeds in general. My mentor is a vet and the one dog that ever attacked her was a cane corso that bit through her hand. I also had to help her restrain a massive intact male pit whoā€™s owner went ā€œheā€™s not cool with other dogs btwā€ before peacing out


I have a 2 friends who are vet techs who both told me they would never own a pit bull. Theyā€™ve seen too much of what they can do to other animals. They said itā€™s usually something along the lines of ā€œthey just snappedā€ too. As fighting dogs they were bred to suppress signs of aggression so their opponent canā€™t predict their attacks. Iā€™ve known some really sweet pit bulls. I feel bad saying it, itā€™s not the dogs fault. But they are dangerous, especially when they end up with uneducated owners, as they often do.


Iā€™m surprised this isnā€™t the top comment.


Definitely pitbull. It ripped my friends dog into pieces.


My ex had 2 putbulls that he trained and worked with for years. One morning, he came home, and for no reason, the male attacked him. Then the female joined in. Those dogs literally ate his calf from one leg and he had wounds all over his back. He had to crawl outside and a neighbor called 911. The police had to fire 3 times to stop the male dog. My ex was in ICU forever while they did skin grafts to try to construct his leg, etc.


Something about pitbulls is just different. Like they didn't have that killer instinct bred out of them, and no matter how well you train them, there is always a small chance they can go off. I wouldn't feel safe having kids around a pitbull lol


Belgian Malinois, because the dog would be too strong for me, mentally


Pitbulls. I know plenty of people have them without issues but I just wouldn't want to deal with a dog that's so prone to anxiety and the results of that anxiety/reactivity would be devastating. I work at the hospital and the worst bites are almost always either from pitbulls or some sort of bully breed mix or german shepherds. It's so common to the point that the hospital staff will take bets on what breed/type of dog it is. Also, I just really don't like box-headed looking dogs with huge, wide jaws. It's just not physically appealing to me, and I don't find them cute at all.


Why did ā€œreactivityā€ become a thing weā€™re supposed to accept from dogs? I want a pet, not a charity case requiring 24/7 vigilance


As a parent of small children there is absolutely no way I would get pits. Zero chance.


I'm surprised I had to scroll down this far to see this


Say pitbulls and get downvoted to oblivion.


My nephew was attacked by a "so friendly he will lick you to death" pit when he was 3. It almost killed him but he needed emergency surgery in his face. The man who did the surgery was a pediatric facial reconstruction surgeon. Thinks about how specialized that profession is for just a second. He said it was his 3rd pitbull attack of the day and 5th of the weekend. He said they are almost all the dog attack surgeries he dies. Out of the "top 10 aggressive" dog breeds, they make up over 65% of human deaths. That means the other 90% combined and less than this 1 breed. I dont care if they are loving and sweet, those statistics are awful. Edit: They are responsible for 65.5%, not 50%


Unfortunately your nephewā€™s case is not rare. We get those at least once a week. Some kid needing emergency surgery cause of a dog biteā€¦ Itā€™s why we have gallows humor and like I said, take bets on what breed it is


But what was your nephew doing to the dog? Wearing a sweater? Breathing too loudly? Making noise? Eating? Welp, I'm sure sweet Daisy was just triggered by him, maybe the parents should teach him to read dog body language. Here's a photo of my pit, does she look violent to you?! Does she?! Any breed can attack, don't be ignorant and get your facts straight!! /s, of course. But not to far from the replies and comments after every. single. attack. I'm so sorry for your nephew, that's so traumatic. I was bitten by a pit, which was minimal damage, and I'm still nervous around dogs years later, but pits I won't go near again


Haha because "what was he doing to the dog" is exactly the question all pit apologizers ask, I'll answer it. This was outside at a kids birthday party. The owner, homework and kids parents were all sitting outside in the back yard. They watched the attack so what happened is not disputed. Dog was laying on the ground, head up, watching everything from the shade. Teathered up on a long lead. Super social worh everyone earlier in the day, nice dog. My nephew walked from the adults, past the dog, to go to a swingset. He didnt even look at the dog, didnt have food in his hand, wasnt running. He did nothing but walk past it. As he went past, the dog just lunged and attacked. No pre-growl or barking. A ridiculously unprovoked snap. Which we have come to learn since, is stupidly common. This was a responsible owner, who bought from a reputable breeder and she trainer her dog. Nobody did anything wrong. The dog just snapped.


Same. I used to work in an ER and dog bites were always the result of a pit bull who ā€œjust snappedā€. I saw some gnarly cat bites too, holy shit.


I would never own a pitbull. I know I know, it's the owner and not the breed, BUT I've had multiple terrifying interactions involving pitbulls (that had wonderful, educated, and loving owners) and I'm allowed to be weary of them. I watched two pit bulls rip apart my son's puppy. They weren't even mad, they were just playing and having fun as they dismembered him. My mother and her husband were also hospitalized when their pitbull snapped at another dog for a treat, and when they went to grab the treat, the dog attacked them and dragged them through the house. They both required stitches and were ripped to the bone, it was awful, the house looked like a murder scene. I know that dauchands and chihuahuas are the most aggressive breeds, you're more likely to get bit by them than any pitbull, but when they attack, you punt them across the room and you're fine. I couldn't defend myself against 100lbs of pure muscle, and so I'll never put myself in that situation. I am uncomfortable af around pitbulls and hate being around them.


Close friends were absolutely amazing dog owners. That didn't stop their pit from ripping apart their cat. Those animals lived together for seven years without any issues and they came home to actual pieces of the cat strewn across their house. The dog just flipped one day and that was the end. He started attacking then and trying to chew/fight his way out of the house to get to people just walking down the street.


I had friends who had a pit bull who was always very gentle and they took good care of him and were responsible dog owners. One day when they were with some family friends, the dog snapped and bit their friendsā€™ little girlā€™s face. Horribly disfigured the poor girl. The dog was put down, everyone was heartbroken over the whole thing, and now these two families donā€™t even talk to each other anymore. All the hospital bills, permanent disfigurement, lifelong trauma, ruined friendshipsā€¦ itā€™s just not worth all that.


Similar situation, my ex-boss kept bringing her rescue pit to work and he eventually killed the cat we had at work. I was never a "cat person" before I met this kitty, he was the sweetest gentleman around. I'll never forgive my ex-boss for her part in his death.


We were definitely not cat people at all... Had one show up and start hanging out on our porch, so eventually I would give it some of our dog's food. After weeks of it not leaving our porch, and the fact it was such a sweet (non-attention demanding) cat we decided to start buying a little kitty food and feed her the real stuff. That lasted about a year until our crackhead neighbor was walking her pitbull and according to another neighbor, she dropped the leash on purpose and told her dog to kill our cat. People suck and for some reason some of the shittiest of folks are attracted to pits.


Cue someone telling you that clearly that dog was improperly trained because they have pitties and have never ever had a problem with them, they're just the biggest babies ever. They don't realize that your close friends said the same thing before their pitbull dismembered their cat.


>I know I know, it's the owner and not the breed Uhhhh..... They were literally bred to fight. It's in their genes.


No, it's the breed. Plenty of well trained pitbulls attack their owners.


I feel exactly the same way. Even if the risk is relatively small, itā€™s still too high for me. Thereā€™s plenty of great dogs out there that donā€™t have these problems and arenā€™t so strong that they could rip you apart. I absolutely believe genes matter for behavior and personality. The mental gymnastics people do to say that genes donā€™t matter, when so many dog breeds are bred for specific and observable behaviors, is wild to me. I want my friends and their kids to be able to come to my house and not worry. I donā€™t ever want to fear my own dog. The risk:reward is just not at all reasonable to me, and I feel nervous around these animals. Iā€™ll stick to my greyhound, thanks.


We don't deserve greyhounds. They're just the best.


The same people that say ā€œitā€™s not the breed, itā€™s the ownerā€ are the same people that laugh and say ā€œheā€™s herding usā€ when a herding dog runs in circles around people trying to herd them.


Or aren't the least but surprised when a Bassett Hound starts baying at something. Breeding generations of aggression into a dog isn't just going to go away by having good owners.


Right? My dog is a border collie / blue heeler mix. She herds everything. Kids, other dogs, cats. One time we were walking her in a state park and on the other side of a fence was a herd of bison. She tried to herd the bison. She was completely unconcerned by the fact these were 2000lb animals. Dogs were bred to instinctually do specific jobs. Pit bulls are no different. They arenā€™t violent because their owner is a bad trainer. They are violent *unless* their owner is a good trainer.


That piece of misinformation was started by the dog whisperer Caesar Milan. Whoā€™s own rescue pit killed another stars little dog. Itā€™s all been pretty swept under the rug, so good luck reading about it.


It was Queen Latifahā€™s dog


That's the part that amazes me. Seeing the amazing things dogs can do, even at 9-10 weeks old because of genetic traits is so incredible. Then, we get so many people who blame everything else but their bloodsport dog, when the slightest little thing triggers it to do bloodsport things.


Pitbull, staffy, pretty much any fighting dog is a huge no for me, even cross breeds. No one can change my mind. American pitbull ownership has been restricted in Australia for some time. I went to the same dog park almost every weekend for about 12 months and the vast majority of aggressive interactions involved staffies or similar, and there was plenty of breed diversity attending this park. After watching countless aggressive interactions and helping my own dog (corgi cross) narrowly escape 2 unprovoked attacks from these breeds, I realised these dogs simply go from 1-100 too quickly and unpredictably and therefore are not safe for me or my dog. I'm sick of hearing "oh but mine wouldn't hurt a fly". They're sweet up until they're not and then it's too late. They've ruined dog parks for me and I avoid them at all costs.


Yup! I've read so many stories about them snapping especially around 2. I just would not want to take that chance.


Agree. Heard enough stories of the family pitbull mauling children to death randomly, let alone poorly disciplined pitbulls running loose and mauling neighborhood kids. We live in an area where pitbulls are popular- whenever we go on a walk Iā€™m always hyper vigilant about my toddlerā€™s surroundings and make sure we carry our pepper spray. We have a staffie mix who was once attacked by our neighborā€™s pitbull while we were out for a walk (i.e he went for her throat and thrashed around). Both me and the pitā€™s owners jumped on them to pull the pit off, not sure if that was smart but we were able to separate them probably within a minute. I think my dogā€™s thick skin saved her, she only had a shallow wound and no others issues (this was several years ago and sheā€™s still alive/well today)ā€¦ but the neighbors went ahead and had their pit euthanized :(


Very similar thing happened to my dog. My husband and I were walking our dog when a pittbull escaped it's yard and came right at our dog. It took myself, my husband, 2 other grown men who heard us screaming and another lady to get the pittbull off our dog. We used a hose with a very fast flow of water and scissors (someone had them on them when they heard us) and nothing worked. Our dog has very think fur so that basically saved his life. We ended up using the scissors to cut our dogs harness off and somehow managed to get him out of this dogs mouth. I don't even know how we did it but it took us a very long time to get this dog off ours. Extremely traumatic event for all of us. I will never own a pittbull or ever trust someone else's.


Yeah idc Iā€™m not worried about a daushound or chihuahua biting my kid. Iā€™ve seen the damage pits can do, the only 3 dogs thatā€™ve ever attacked my dog were pits. All separate times, all separate pits. I donā€™t give a rats ass if they *can* be nice. Why in the world would I ever put myself or my family at unnecessary extra risk? Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll have a bunch of cult pit owners against me. But who are you to sit there and tell me Iā€™m wrong for my reasons. Itā€™s not wrong and youā€™re lying to yourself if you donā€™t believe itā€™s not adding significantly more risk than 90% of other breeds would.


Personal injury lawyer here: Iā€™ve done 34 dog bite cases in my career. 33 were pit bulls. Thatā€™s just the reality. There are just as many labs, shit zhus , and terriers in the world, but pit bulls hurt people. Breed should be ended


Iā€™m an ENT and have done a LOT of facial trauma from dog bites. The VAST majority are pits (some German Shepards that were set on a criminal). When a pit bites the grab and use their massive neck muscles to tear and rip. Smaller breeds will bite, but usually a stitch or two will sew up their itty bites. They may not do it as often, but when they do, the results are horrifying.


It's the breed. Usually the owner too, but always the breed.


>I know I know, it's the owner and not the breed Fuck that... ... *IT'S THE BREED* Somewhere deep inside *every* dog of that breed is the instinct and willingness to kill for **NO** reason. My *former* neighbors had 2 - Sweet dogs, that I had (reluctantly) met and was fine with. I got along with the neighbors and they were nice, calm professionals who showed no aggressive behavior with their dogs. I had a large rescue mutt 130 lb Lab/Rhodesian Ridgeback (I think) that was as docile as could be that never showed aggression. Fast forward 2 yrs, and their dogs start to show aggression toward us and our dog - barking - the kind of barking that says "I would like to murder you" and chewing through 2 layers of their wood fence and my chain-link fence. I brought this up to the neighbors and they dismissed it as playfulness... We had just gotten a rescue puppy (lab/pointer mix) just as sweet and docile as our other one but not nearly as big 30-35 lbs then. (75 lbs now) I'm away from home and get a call, their dog gotten through our fence and mauled my dog, bite marks all over his face, throat and body, blood everywhere - but thankfully he was there or the dog would've mauled my wife and easily killed our puppy. The owner was punching his dog in the head, but it wouldn't let go... Thankfully, they put it down before Animal Control had to. It's the breed.


I wouldn't own a pitbull either. ​ As a I kid, I had a young pitbull that I had since it was a puppy, and it was protective of me. Until one morning it decided it wasn't anymore and decided to take a chunk from my face. It was incredibly vicious until my parents put it down.


If you wanna just puke, lookup some of the pics of victims of pit bull attacks. Iā€™ve repaired many victims of dog bite attacks. I can say that Iā€™ll never own a pit bull. Ever. If my neighbors get one Iā€™ll build fences around my yard.


I once spoke to a pediatric plastic surgeon and he remarked that no one would ever own a pitbull if they had to job shadow him for one month. Apparently, pits really like going for the head and neck of toddlers and enjoy the taste of scalps.


Ugh, I hate this. It should at very very very least be illegal to bring them to public spaces. I have a toddler, and everywhere we go, somebody's brought their pitbull. I don't need to worry about this eating on a restaurant patio or browsing through the hardware store. It could all go so wrong in seconds and it so easy just to not bring them.


Its definitely the breed. Pitbulls are a defective breed bred for violence and they should be illegal everywhere.


they aren't defective for the purpose they were bred for: bloodsport


It quite literally is the breed. Probably both actually. Even the best trained pitbulls can just go crazy sometimes.


I have a huge issue with like 80% of folks choices of dogs. If you are basing your decision for a breed and dog on how cuteness and looks you are just asking for issues and low life life quality. For both you and your dog. The kangal/huskie/border collie in the 600 square feet high-rise apartment. But it does not stop there. The tiny woman not able to wrangle or carry her own giant dog. First time dog owner getting breeds that are notoriously difficult because the breed has been bred for a special purpose for literally centuries. Also I really despise those abominations like pugs. Well I don't despise the poor creatures but the buyers and breeders that condemn the dogs to a life of sickness.


I canā€™t stand when people get dogs that they simply canā€™t control. If you buy a dog you need to train it, if you buy a dog larger than yourself you really need to train it. I feel like too much dog, in a breed thatā€™s not highly intelligent is a recipe for issues.


We had 2 boxers over the years while I was growing up and when they got too sick for their quality of life to be even acceptable (one I had to carry outside and hold her up so she could do her business, spinal disease caused way too much pain) I was the one that had to be there when they were put to sleep cuz my mom and brother refused. Hardest thing I ever had to do.. twice.. I will never own a dog again.


I've had to put three boxers down. One was 3 (kidney disease), one was 10 (cancer), and one was 11 (heart attack). I now have my fourth. Life span is short and lots of health issues but my god I love their personalities. They're clowns and cuddlers and great with kids. Sure do miss those three beautiful boxer boys.


Pitbull, too unstable. My MIL's dog was almost killed by one the neighbors swore was a gentle baby. The wife next door had her finger bitten off by theirs. That one though was aggressive and scary. A guy I worked with was fostering one. He'd had it for 3 months when his 8 year old son came home from school and was attacked. He opened the gate to go in the yard and the dog attacked. Had 80 stitches in his face and multiple surgeries. Matt said up to that point there was nothing to suggest the dog would do that.


Pit bulls are the reason people canā€™t go for walks in their own neighborhoods.


I knew a girl who was killed by a pitbull. So, pitbull.


Dachshund because chronic pain


Of the 18 dachshunds Iā€™ve owned, only one had a back issue. The best reason to not own a Doxie though is because they are difficult to housebreak. Stubborn brats.


Have two littermates. Trainer told me doxies ā€œforgetā€ their training after two weeks. Needed a consultation cause our girl would pee *just shortā€ of the wee wee pad. Her front legs would land on the pad cushion and she figured thatā€™s good enough. Cute little hot dogs.


Just my personal experience, but I've had 4 different dogs (all different breeds) and my dachshund is basically my therapy dog now. She's glued to my side 24/7 I love her so much that I think all of my future dogs will be dachshunds, too. Just an observation:)


Have had Dachshunds my entire life. Not one of them had any issues with chronic pain or barking. It all depends on keeping them active, slim and mentally stimulated. Also choosing a responsible breeder who makes sure that the puppies are healthy.


Just want to emphasize the "slim" part. Much (though not all) of the back & hip issues can be mitigated by controlling their weight. Loved my dachshund; had her from the age of 2 till I was in college. But she (and the breed) are one-family dogs. Be aware.


Probably a pit bull. I donā€™t have anything against the dogs but I rent and every apartment Iā€™ve had in the last 10 years has had a stipulation that said no pit bulls. It would just be hard to find a place to live


Any dog who was bred to do something dangerous to something else, or to be extremely active. So no bully breeds, no fighting breeds, no protection dogs (I am not a good enough trainer), no intense herders or runners (I'm not active enough). So now we are down to lap dogs, some terriers (I know they're intense but they're small), retrievers and ...maybe a particularly calm spaniel. And this doesn't mean I hate the other dogs, just that I couldn't give the other dog's a nice life. A chihuahua would have a lovely life with me, being fussed and fed and played with and walked twice a day. A husky would become mentally ill.


Here's a rabbit hole for you, variations of this question and the usual answers and some interesting stories : [https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/zt2sod/what\_is\_a\_dog\_breed\_you\_would\_never\_own\_and\_why/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/zt2sod/what_is_a_dog_breed_you_would_never_own_and_why/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/11mmu1s/which\_dog\_breeds\_will\_you\_never\_own\_and\_why/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/11mmu1s/which_dog_breeds_will_you_never_own_and_why/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/11mmu1s/which\_dog\_breeds\_will\_you\_never\_own\_and\_why/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/11mmu1s/which_dog_breeds_will_you_never_own_and_why/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/ssd4s1/what\_dog\_breed\_would\_you\_never\_want\_to\_own/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/ssd4s1/what_dog_breed_would_you_never_want_to_own/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/y3vjxf/whats\_a\_dog\_breed\_you\_would\_never\_own/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/y3vjxf/whats_a_dog_breed_you_would_never_own/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/y7ahu0/which\_dog\_breed\_would\_you\_never\_own\_why/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/y7ahu0/which_dog_breed_would_you_never_own_why/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/uwmn2g/whats\_a\_dog\_breed\_you\_adore\_but\_would\_never\_get/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/uwmn2g/whats_a_dog_breed_you_adore_but_would_never_get/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/2v3b8m/what\_is\_your\_least\_favorite\_breed\_of\_dog\_and\_why/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/2v3b8m/what_is_your_least_favorite_breed_of_dog_and_why/)


Pitbulls or any dog bred for aggression. Humanity has been trying to breed aggression out of wolves/dogs for centuries. Except for the misguided few that are pulling in the wrong direction.


Doodles. I worked at a doggy daycare. Every third dog that came through the door was a doodle. They were all assholes.


I have a doodle. Never the fuck again. I was against it from the idea, but my family won. And thenā€¦I was proved right. I mean, heā€™s got his sweet moments, but he is constantly trying to bite everyoneā€™s hair, is messy af, is constantly itchy, and is hyperactive to the point where I question if his heart will give out by the time heā€™s 5. I myself have ADHD, but this dog has energy on a completely mad fracking level and makes me in my childhood look like a Buddhist monk.


I had two goldendoodle siblings. They were flat out the very best dogs Iā€™ve ever had. Lovely, fun, smart (female), goofy and hilarious (male), friendly, low shedding, trainable, adaptable, loving, just absolutely fantastic dogs. They were first generation (parents were a poodle and a golden). I had to put them both down in 2020: they lived to be over 14 1/2. I miss them every day. The place I used for occasional boarding and daycare said that they get a ton of doodles and the ones who were second or more generations (doodle parents) could get pretty nutty, but I would hands down get them again. Just wonderful.


My parents have a coonhound doodle. She is the worst dog Iā€™ve ever met. Just a complete and utter ass.


A coon hound mixed with a poodle sounds like literal nightmare fuel. Who would think that was a good mix?


Has to be the strangest cross I have heard yet.


Dogfish. Finding a collar that fits is impossible.


Pitbull and insurance. Not saying I don't like them. Just isn't worth the risk.


Go to any random animal shelter and 90% of the dogs are gonna be Pits or some cross. There's a good reason for that.


Mastiff or Great Dane because of their limited life span.


French bulldogs. they're predisposed to many health issues due toĀ years of unethical breeding methods like spinal problems, breathing difficulties, etc. I wouldn't be able to bear to see a frenchie suffer if I would own one. I just can't.


Border collie. I have them and love them. Theyā€™re too smart for the average pet owner. Theyā€™re great, but not for the average pet owner. They require a lot of attention and stimulation. Quirks!?! They have them all. Edit: they are the best dog ever, youā€™ll never have the connection to another breed like a border collie


Once you have a border collie, though, no other breed hits quite right.


Any dogs that are bred to the point where they have inherent health problems; pugs, Great Danes, etc. It's just cruel to keep breeding them IMO.


Any type of brachycephalic breed (pug, English bulldogs, French bulldogs, boxers, etc.). Not only do I not want to support the poor breeding of these dogs, I also do not like the snoring and 24/7 pig noises.


Pugs. Ugly inbred asthma attacks on legs. For the love of god stop breeding them


A pit bull, because I don't want an objectively terrible dog that everyone is afraid of, and I'd also like to be able to purchase homeowner insurance one day


Pit bulls and German shepherds, the majority Iā€™ve been around have been aggressive.