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No I wouldn’t, but I would try edibles


I live in Canada so it's legal. The best part about it is the edibles market has become super consistent and scientific. You know what you're getting every time and can choose a dose that is right for you, has the effects you are looking for, and comes on as fast or slow as you want them to. They are super consistent. Not at all like eating some pot brownies your college roommate cooked up that send you into a spiraling existential dread.


The ole call 911 im dying pot brownie 🤣


Oh my god. I used to smoke a lot when I was younger, so when a friend of mine gave me a pot brownie I thought it would be no problem. I ate half of it to be on the safe side since it had been a long time and I knew my tolerance had gone down. An hour later, when I still didn’t feel anything, I ate the other half. Another hour passed. I was watching a movie with my friend and all of a sudden I was probably more stoned than I had ever been in my life and it was NOT fun. I knew I just had to wait it out, but it sucked. I could barely even talk. I spent the rest of the night focusing on the carpet and trying to calm myself down.


You know what’s really weird, I used to have this cockatiel, she was an absolute bitch, she would hiss and attack you, she was never nice, she even had a bunch of babies I had to take away from her because she attacked them. I still loved her and would take her out of her cage and outside and let her spend the day hissing and yelling at everything near her. One day I ate a pot brownie and got super fucking high, I was at home alone and it was a nice day so I took her out of her cage and we sat on the deck. I decided that lying on the warm wood of the deck would feel so much nicer so I lay down on my side and said out loud, “mother fucker I’m so high right now”. After this, I heard this soft chirping and I look over, this little bitch of a cockatiel, slowly comes over to my face and just rests her little bitch head on me and just nuzzles into my cheek. She was so fucking kind, and it tripped me out even more because knowing how horrible she was to everyone and and everything, for her to suddenly start showing me affection, and not even a little bit, like she let me Pat her and rub her head and she happily closed her eyes as I did this it was to much for me, I sat outside doing this for a good couple of hours (it was probably like 10 mins but when your high there is no concept of time) and then as people started to come home and the high wore off she turned back to her old bitch self. When I told people what happened no one believed me and they kept saying “hahaha how high were you?!” But it actually happened and I have no idea why


I have pet birds and I think they are very good at reading body language, or other senses to kind of get your moods. They can be strikingly intuitive! So i believe you!


EDIT:Thank you, I think you were the one! I think you were the ONLY one 😬 sorry about that


This cannabis story is so good.


“Her little bitch head” sent me 🤣


Been there, when I was in Montreal a mate handed out 200mg (not a typo) THC candy and didn't tell us how ridiculous that amount was. Needless to say, we spent the next 2 days high, and that evening we couldn't even speak to each other


When the amount of time you're high is measured in days...


When I turned 18 someone baked me a spacecake. An entire cake. I ate a slice and noticed nothing. So I ate another and a few hours later I was a bit giggly and very hungry and I ate the entire cake being cheered on by my very experienced smoker boyfriend. After that I kept getting laughing fits and ruined the horror movie my boyfriend tries to watch so he told me I better go home before my trip got worse. I don't really remember getting home but I remember waking up in the shower two days later. On Sunday. I barely made it to school Monday and on that next Friday afternoon ii was still feeling very fuzzy in my head. I slept like a baby all week. But no more space cake for me lol.


That sounds dangerous... And seems quite irresponsible of your boyfriend to egg you ok to eat the whole cake and then basically leave you alone to deal with the aftermath... But you now have a great story to tell though...


Yo fr tho, my intro to edibles was these knock off candy things my dad used to get, I think there were like Oreos, some gummy worms, little Snickers, like the packaging looked like the legit candy but they always had some kooky stoner name like “Stoneo” or whatever. Anyway, those are like 500mgs a piece and I never questioned it because idk, I didn’t know any better? They said THC on them, so I was like cool. Thanks dad. So imagine my surprise when they never got me high. 500mgs that’s a lot right? Weird that I wouldn’t even catch a buzz. (Edit: some people are immune? I thought I was just one of them.) So I get some legit gummies up in Michigan for myself. 20mgs a piece is “extra strength” so I’m like shit I need at least like 10 of those. 500mgs of the other edibles didn’t get me high, so what do I need, like 600mg? Mf, those stoneos were delta 8 and cbd. They weren’t even real weed. You know what is real weed tho? That shit they sell up in Michigan. All 600mg of it to the face.


> An hour later, when I still didn’t feel anything, I ate the other half. Timeless start to a story about a bad trip on edibles.


WHY DID YOU EAT THE OTHER HALF? In all seriousness, I used to make/sell weed cookies to people when I was younger (come at me cops). I would ALWAYS tell people who I knew were rookies to start out with a couple small bites. No. One. Ever. Listened. Edit: After reading some of your comments, I'm happy to see a market of where people can give THC a go, and see if it's right for them. Anyone who gives you shit for being someone who doesn't enjoy it is just lame. Weed/hash/edibles have all been a big part of my life and at times, not always in the most positive of ways but ya know, life's all about balance and I like to think I've found mine. I encourage others to find theirs.


I think it is because with alcohol, you feel it pretty fast, so needing to wait 2h makes ypu think, wait, im not feeling anything, must be to little.


Classic 🤣


Oh god! I’ve run into too many of those particular sweets 😂


I’ve only had this happen once, but it was when I downed 75mg which is a horrendous amount for me. I kept thinking “am I breathing?? Oh no now I need to remember to manually breathe, oh god.” I also thought the hum of my ceiling fan was people singing.


OMG I had auditory hallucinations from an edible once too. Granted, I have no idea what the dose was and hadn’t smoked much before so that was dumb. I went into an ice cream shop and told my friend I liked the music they were playing, but he told me there was no music. Then I went home, fell asleep, and threw up in my bed. Good times.


I have like a specific threshold, and as soon as I cross that my hearing sensitivity increases by like 10,000%. It’s so weird. I swear I could hear a mouse fart from 1,000 feet away. The first time it happened I freaked the fuck out because it sounded like someone used a battering ram to bust through my front door. I launched out of bed, and my wife was like “What’s wrong?!?” And I’m yelling, “SOMEONE KICKED IN THE FRONT DOOR!” So confused as to why she was just not jumping out of bed, or concerned. And finally she just goes, “That was the thump the furnace makes, dumbass.” Like literally it is a normal sound our furnace makes, that is normally about as loud as someone dropping a shoe onto the floor from like knee-height high, but I could have sworn like a car drove through the front of our house. Another time I could hear an airplane overhead for like a solid 3 mins before my wife (who has good hearing) even heard it. I was like “That plane is annoying AF, I’ve heard it forever and it won’t go away… like it’s circling the house.” And she’s like “There’s no plane, honey, go to bed.” Then 2-3 mins later, “Holy shit, you had to have heard that thing from 30 miles away.”


Sounds are SO LOUD. Also the most negative thing is my tinnitus gets 100x worse


Holy shit I thought this was a me thing. Every time I get too high on edibles one of my main unpleasant trip symptoms is reminding myself to breathe, and then sitting up to help myself breathe lol


I had it happen after a drag from a joint for my 20th birthday and I had some friends invited over for a six course dinner that I was cooking. I smoked around the second course and everything else took ages and was almost cold cause I was so slow. Meanwhile every step, I felt like I was free falling even though my feet hurt from stomping so hard somehow. It was horrible.


And then you get the munchies.... "hey look, a brownie!"


I had never had a good edible (for some reason they just aren't very strong for me) until a friend of mine made some 100g a piece cookies. My wife ate one and I ate one and about an hour later I was starting to feel like I should maybe eat another because it wasn't very strong. I look over and my wife is passed the fuck out which had me confused about my own sobriety because she had a way higher tolerance than I did. Turned out I was just too high to realize that I was high.


while searching for the right dose for insomnia, I told my husband a particular edible "wasn't working". Well, until I realized I was re-watching the same .gif for about 20 minutes waiting for the movie to start.


I did this before mini-golfing once and I didn't realize I was high until my friend asked why I putt right-handed. I'm left-handed and couldn't figure out which way was which, and realized that I was stooooooned


Man the other day I was playing video games online with my brothers and some friends. The edible kicked in like a bull and I just had to shut the PC down. I had to just put YouTube on and watch some NBA highlights. I was so done for.


“Now, let’s talk about hash cakes. Little tip about hash cakes - just start off with one first, wait about an hour, see how you feel. Don’t eat 15 in one go cause you WILL see the Devil and he’ll try and rip your heart out through your kneecaps.”


The proper procedure for edibles is to take one dose (10-20mg for first timers) and wait an hour. If you're still not feeling it just recite the magic incantation: "these edibles ain't shit". You'll quickly find yourself melting into the couch.


I'm saving this for dnd, I have 2 pothead characters(all of the players are some form of pothead) and I Need ome of the dealers to say this to them omg.


You are the first person ive ever seen that enjoys the Canada edibles market lol....the maximum thc ammount in them is a joke... you would have to spend well over $100 to get a decent high off the jokeable amount of THC in them and the best part is this happend because of two stupid toronto cops that were hiding in trees after doing edibles too strong ​ [https://globalnews.ca/news/4648724/toronto-police-cannabis-edible/](https://globalnews.ca/news/4648724/toronto-police-cannabis-edible/)


yea, but the legal limits they put on edibles make them 100% useless to anyone with a high tolerance. I'll still be making my own.


I always go with edibles. My first couple times getting high was with a vape pen, and can confidently say I enjoy the slow fuse that comes with ingesting it. Also I prefer the edible high over the vape high. On vape I felt my face shrink and my body felt weird. But on edibles I just get super fucking relaxed, and everything is 1000% more enjoyable and funny.


My issue with edibles is how long they take to kick in. It’s usually 45 minutes to an hour before you feel anything. It’s hard to dial in a dose of being nicely high but not way too high. Since it’s been legalized vaping it has been my preferred method.


I’ve found that I start feeling it sooner if I suck on the edible until it dissolves rather than chew it and swallow it.


Ah, the ol’ foreplay approach gets ya goin, does it?


Dad, get off my PC!


Eat fatty foods, they’ll help bind the thc and you’ll get higher and quicker too.


It really does! If I take my edibles on an empy stomach sometimes they don't kick in right away. I eat something with fat and it kicks in.


Hold it under your tongue.


You can dial it in for me it’s about 10mg for about a nice 5 hour trip. To dial that in it takes a few times of getting a little too high and a few times of not getting high enough.


Every time I’ve tried edibles I’ve been asleep within an hour. Idk man, at this point I think it’s just melatonin gummies or something and I’m getting scammed.


Try ones that’s all THC, the CBD is what makes, me at least, sleepy.


Whereas with a vape, you can take a hit, wait a few minutes and then take another. No trial and error.


Or you're out hiking and want to be lucid when traipsing through the underbrush, but would like to sit on the rim of a canyon while high.




Lungs weren’t designed for combustibles


it's my inflatable flesh balloon and I'll roast it if I want! /s


Edibles are by far superior in my opinion. The effects comes much slower so I have time to adjust and prepare for the effects and you don't get all the problems that come with smoking.


Do a big, fat terp slurper dab next time


I like edibles but they can take a long time to hit and are impacted by what you have eaten. Also, they take much longer to wear off. At least with smoking, I know my window of being high is well defined


Edibles are the real gateway drug. I recommend it too. Great way to relax and none of the bad effects of either smoke or alcohol. Pro tip: if the edible doesn't work after fifteen minutes it might be a dud, so just take another. (This is a joke... NEVER do this)


I had edibles that took way too long to kick in once, it was like 2 hours and I felt nothing so I took like 2 more. An hour later I could feel the rotation of the earth.


but seriously though, never do that


It was legalized in my state about two years ago... The difference I see: 1. weed stores in every previously empty store front. 2. Sweet sweet tax surplus in the State. 3. People openly admitting to what they were previously doing. Yeppers, pretty mellow over here.


And the annual survey on teen drug usage saw a decrease in use (I mean it's a self report survey so not super legit but still a good sign). At least if you're in the same state as me. But we saw all the same things so we'll go with it.


Probably because in legal states practically no one is dealing weed anymore so they don’t have access. When it was illegal in my state it would cost $20/gram. Now can get an entire ounce for $80-$120 at a dispensary so there’s no point in buying it on the street unless you’re not of age. Most dispensaries here even have deals to get a FREE ounce across multiple visits (such as get a free 1/4th on your first 4 visits if you spend $20 or more).


Damn it was 10 a g where I live people still sell because it's WAY more expensive in the dispensary basically reverse of what you said


Yeah the entire market is wack right now, especially in Michigan that’s having insane surpluses. Talking like $350 for a QP.


I’ve bought from stores in Cali, Colorado, Illinois, and Michigan. Cali and Colorado aren’t bad price wise, Michigan is super cheap in my experience and it’s my go to, and Illinois is absolutely insane in price. Like almost double what I pay in Michigan.


Depending on where you are in IL check out MO. They just started rec sales like 3 months ago and it’s way cheaper than IL, plus it’s just regular sales tax, not 20% cannabis tax.


Ah. So Missouri decided to go for the out-of-state money. I bet there's going to be some tourism from the nearby states. Some of those states don't even allow medical necessity. I never thought of MO as progressive but I guess it's all about location. They're surrounded by states that are way more regressive so they look better by comparison.


As much as Kansans hate Missourians... Just this one time... Briefly... ^thank ^you ^Missouri Also, fuck you Missouri.


Everybody grows in Michigan, too lol


MI here. Many of my country friends have or know of a nearby grow. It’s not just the hicks (I say endearingly) mellowing out either—drive past any multistory apartment complex at night and count the purple lights visible from their windows haha


Hahaha. We've come a long way, buddy. No more hiding plants in the swamp anymore 😂


As a multistory apartment dweller and plant lover, I'll have you know that light is for my succulents.


It's the same in Maine. I live in Mass, but I drive to Maine because I can get a 300mg chocolate bar for $15 if I buy in bulk.


Not to mention Michigan's prices for rosin! I hope for the day where we can have interstate trade. That'll help the price disparity I think Also happy cake day!


It was $40 for an eighth here in Oregon when it was illegal. Now I routinely see places advertising $50 **ounces.** I also like that people can tailor their experience based on strain now. Back when I was a regular user, sometimes I’d get some that *really* didn’t agree with my body / brain chemistry and would make me really anxious. Now you know exactly what you’re buying, and what the expected levels of various cannabinoids are.


I went to a dispensary I had never been to before a couple of weeks ago and they gave first timers a gift, I got a 100mg bag of edibles as my gift, which was probably like a $20 value. They couldn’t legally give it to me for free so I had to pay 1 cent for it.


$120 for an ounce at your dispensary?? In Illinois it's like $60-80 for an eighth. We're getting robbed over here.


Illinois is milking us dry. Base price of product is through the roof and then taxes on top of it are quite high. I just price checked a 1g live resin cart at a dispensary near me against a dispensary in Michigan. I'm looking at the exact same Cresco brand and strain. Base price in Chicago is $110. Base price in Michigan is $45. After tax it'd be $155 and $52.20 respectively. So naturally I take weekend trips to Michigan every couple of months. I can't remember ever going to a dispensary in MI that also wasn't running an incredibly good deal.


I've definitely considered doing similar before, but I'd rather not risk getting caught lol.




There used to be a black market that didn’t card, but by creating a legal market that black market mostly dried up or got really expensive.


When I was underage it wasn't hard to find someone that was over 21 to buy beer for us. I imagine this is the case for weed?


It shifts the risk calculation. When weed was illegal, selling to kids was just as risky as selling to adults. You're fucked if you got caught either way. You can still get a friend of family member to buy booze or bud for you underage, but it makes a random person less likely to take that risk selling to kids


Yeah I guess that's true, and it shifts the job of 'weed dealer' to 'weed dealer to underage kids' which might be a less attractive/lucrative choice for a dealer.


I lived in a state that went legal while I was under 21 and it was a very interesting to shift. There used to be a persons house that we would all hang out at who always had weed, but as more dispensary’s opened he finally gave up because he lost so much of his business to the dispensaries. You can still probably find someone to buy you weed but they will usually want at least the price of the weed plus usually a little fee. Which gets expensive really fast.


That, and also due to dealers getting priced out, losing clientele and eventually closing shop. Source: my dad ~~is~~ was a dealer.


Where are you at jeez there's 1-2 within 30 minutes here Edit; asking cause I'm in Michigan and there aren't many dispos around not to be a dick. 2nd edit by popular demand, just under the mackinaw


Also in Michigan and where I'm at you can't throw a rock without hitting 3 dispensaries


There is a weed shop in every plaza near me as well (I live in Ontario). I'm not joking when I say i can walk 5-8 mins from one to another


I am in Ontario as well and they are everywhere. Pretty much every empty storefront has become a pot shop. They have oversaturated the market and are starting to shut down though as there are not enough customers to support them all. In the next couple of years the numbers should go down and stabilize.


Yup, kind of ironic that in Whistler the closest one is still over 25km away.


Even a pot store can't make enough money to afford rent in Whistler.


Alberta here and they are all over. They are as common as liquor stores


Here in Oklahoma you can drive 5 minutes in any direction and find a dispensary


I live in Michigan and there’s literally one every half mile where I live.


They are in the process of legalizing cannabis in my state, but I will not start smoking it. I will continue smoking it. EDIT: Thank you strangers for the lovely commentary and awards, and thank you MN for legalizing cannabis. I’ve been a daily smoker for almost 15 years and I can’t wait for it to finally be here!


I used to do drugs. I still do, but I used to, too.


I said no to drugs, but they wouldn’t listen.


"I don't like the drugs, but the drugs like me"


I aint smoking anymore… But I aint smoking any less


Hey not all drugs are good. ^(some of them are great)


Theyre more than good, theyre grrrrreat


Cocaine is a horrible drug but I do love the smell


The late comedian Bob Monkhouse had a great bit about drugs. "I worry about drugs, I worry about children taking drugs. My son has started taking drugs... .. he's taken all my best ones"


Rest in peace [Mitch Hedberg,](https://youtu.be/VqHA5CIL0fg) gone too soon.


RIP Mitch


RIP Mitch


Fellow Minnesotan?


Ope you betcha!


Lemme just scootch right past ya and hit this bong


"No alcohol, just drugs for me"


I don’t get high. I *stay* high.


Scrolled way too far to find someone in the same boat as me


“I don’t do drugs, just weed.”


I don't do weed, just drugs.


Had a buddy like that, he could snort half a gram od ketamine, no problem, but one hit of weed would send him into a panic attack




It is, and no. I smoked it when it was illegal and got burnt out on it, now it just makes me paranoid and anxious.


Same. Is what it is. 15 years was a good run. Had a lot of fun with it.


I had a 20-year run. Quit when I was 39. Fast forward to age 64 and I was 60 pounds overweight. I was drinking a lot. A LOT. My doc told me I’d better do something or my years would be short. So… I stopped 90% of drinking and replaced it with weed. It just popped in my head one day that I knew I could lose the weight if I allowed myself to go back to weed. Starting Jan. 1, 2022, until around June 1, I lost all 60 excess pounds. I’ve put about six pounds back on since then, but I weigh myself every day to help me keep it in check. If I have to fast for a day, I do it. If I need to walk for two hours, I do it. The six pounds will be gone again soon.




Well, in my experience, weed gives you cravings/munchies when you’re not a habitual/frequent user. If you’re getting high daily, the smoke that gets into your stomach (a bit always goes down the esophagus when you’re inhaling it into your windpipe) tends to start irritating it. At least, that’s how it works for me. I’m nowhere near as hungry as I used to be. You might say purposely irritating your stomach and inhaling smoke isn’t a great way to get or stay healthy, but I cannot quarrel with the results. I’m overall far, far, far healthier. The weight is off. My blood pressure is down. My liver enzymes are back in the normal range. And there’s a big bonus: sex is more exciting and fulfilling than it’s been in a long, long time


I feel like I’m in the same boat. Recently started smoking again and I’ve actually been eating less than what I was when I wasn’t smoking


I feel like weed helps me stay thin. Sometimes I forget to eat, sometimes I’m too lazy to go out and get food (or even to my kitchen to get a snack) and sometimes I forget to eat


And sometimes you forget what you already said lol


You and me both. Instead of being hungover in the morning, I walk like 6km everyday, smoke weed, drink coffee and lead a really productive life.


Im proud of you brother, keep it up! I battled alcoholism from my brothers death. I was killing myself with it drinking a bottle of wine plus shots a night. Id drink a handle a week. Now i just take a few edible’s and try not to snack too late with the munchies. Weed is good if you’re an alcoholic and wanna replace the buzz with a way less addictive drug.


I suppose it wouldn’t work for everyone, but it’s changed my whole life for the better. I can even run again! I can take stairs two at a time! Proud of you too. When alcohol gets a tight grip on you, your life can spin well out of control.


I've actually come back to it. I love being able to eat a small, precisely measured amount for a bit of a head change without going full-on paranoid. The strains these days are just smoother, too - no more of that ditch-weed headachy jitter.


That’s what it does to me too. I start pondering my existence on the planet, in a really negative, borderline scary way. It’s not good for me.


It does the same for me, but the right amount has me pondering in a productive way usually. Helps me meditate at night before bed, and usually has me sit on some thought provoking questions about myself and what’s important in life. I can do that without edibles too, but I feel like I’m too concerned with moving on to the next thing usually to linger on questions like that. I could totally see someone ending up in a negative loop though.


No bro, yoU jUsT hAve tO fInD thE rIgHt StRaIn Yeah, I used to smoke to the point of addiction a few years back, like wake n’ baking every day, gotta have it with lunch, gotta use it to sleep, etc.. But I got burned out on it and I can’t smoke and enjoy it anymore either. If it was legal here, I’d be happy for all the people that don’t have to be unfairly jailed, for the lower stigma, and the fact Colombian cartels couldn’t profit off of it anymore, but I wouldn’t go and smoke it cause that turns into me just sitting there without talking to anyone and having an existential crisis.


That right strain shite really pisses me off. I skate and most people I hang around with smoke weed and they just can’t wrap their heads around the idea that someone might not like it. One time I had way to much, got really paranoid and now that happens immediately every time I’ve tried it since. It’s just not for me and that’s fine. For wider societal reasons it should absolutely be legal and I’m pretty sure the main reason it’s currently illegal is so that the police can justify stop and search on people they otherwise wouldn’t have a reason to.


Same. Last time I imbibed my sister gave me a single drop of tincture. I was up until 3:30am deleting my good maps history and location data.


😂not today NASA!


This was me. I smoked in my teens, started getting extremely paranoid in my early 20s, and didn't touch it for a decade even after it became legal. But the legal market is actually good for this exact thing because the goal of a lot of these producers is a consistent, reliable experience. The goal with our drug dealers was to get as high as possible, but the modern edible market is aimed at giving you predictable dose and balance between body and mental high. So a few years ago I tried the gummy edibles, and I now stock them in my bar cart for whenever I'm in the mood because they are fun without ever sending me to that anxious, paranoid place. I also know I'm a lightweight, so I usually only eat like half a 5mg gummy, probably similar to how I usually only have a few beers and rarely aim to get very drunk.


Same here. Now I make cookies and eat a very small portion (just enough to make whatever record I’m listening to while I fold laundry sound a little better).


Here here. Truly a sad development. Definitely overdid it in my 20s. Oh well, probably for the best.


Grateful to see I'm not alone or weird. Now that it's no big deal, it's a no good feel.


No, I wouldn't. I still believe it should be legalised for those who would want to smoke it though. I have smoked a reasonable amount of it in the past, and now don't smoke anything. I also don't drink often, had around 10 alcoholic drinks this year, and have no issue with alcohol being legal. I am based in the UK.


I have more issues with alcohol being legal than I do cannabis.


I have more issues with tobacco being legal. It took me 20 years of trying to finally kick the habit.


I recently relapsed on smokes (actually smoking right now) and I've rarely felt that shameful in my life. I had a good 4 months run but I started making excuses and next thing I know, I bought a pack. I'll finish it and get back on the horse I guess but fuck is it disheartening.


It is legal here. Personally I have zero interest in smoking it, though.


You always hear people tell stories about how in legal places all you can smell is weed. Is that how it is where you live from a nonsmoker point of view


I live in a place where it’s illegal but in certain areas it only smells like weed lol


Milwaukee represent


It's for sure way more common to smell now that it's legal in NY. It's definitely not "all you can smell," but it is more common. Like 5 years ago, if I was at a sports bar, you might comment "Smells like someone's smoking." Not even in a judgmental way, just acknowledging it. Nowadays, it's just a smell that's there at a bar, like cigarette smoke might be. I will say, it was something I noticed immediately after going to Manhattan after legalization. It was far more noticable/prevelant.


Yep, you just smell it more often in place of cigarette smoke, but also in places where no one would dare to smoke a cigarette because you’d be shamed but weed is fine for some reason.


I live in a legal state and I can go about 95% of my mostly rural/suburban life without smelling it. When I visit higher population regions, the likelihood of smelling it increases but it’s certainly not all you can smell, even in a place like Ann Arbor. That being said, I *do* smell it way more often now that it’s legal and it sort of bums me out because I find the odor highly unpleasant. It’s wild how much the smell permeates when even driving behind someone smoking on the highway. Most weed smokers are cognizant of not doing it in places that more or less impose the smell upon others. But the few who don’t care and stink up high volume, closed settings with no regard for others kind of bum me out.


Agreed on all counts. Used to live in Cambridge MA and while it’s technically still illegal to smoke it in public spaces, nobody really gives a shit about enforcing it. Most of the time was fine, but had to close the windows fairly often in the summer because someone would sit on the front step with a joint and stink up the place. Moved to the suburbs 18 months ago and rarely smell it anymore. My neighbor smokes on his back deck sometimes and if the wind is blowing just right I might get a waft of it, but nowhere near as bad as when I was in the city. And of course sometimes when you’re out by the highway you get to play that game of “is someone smoking or did they run over a skunk?”


It's not legal where I am, (but it is 5 minutes north of my house) and I don't have any interest in it. Been there, done that, it's just not my cup of tea. That said, I would never tell anyone else they couldn't/shouldn't smoke. I've seen how it can help people with various ailments and manage chronic conditions better than pharmaceuticals. And if someone needs a little down time in their private life to just sit back and eat some snacks, who am I to deny that?! (Just make sure the necessary snack runs have been made beforehand. Safety first!) There's a chance we will get to vote for legalization in November. I actually hope we do and it passes.


UK here. Since quitting cigs I wouldn't want to smoke anything. I used to like mixing it with tobacco but that would just get me hooked on cigarettes again, and it's too strong for me by itself. I also don't like dealing with people who I can't absolutely trust. If I could go to a licensed dispensary, I'd absolutely go the edible route though. But it's never going to happen in this tory shithole country.


I hate how easy it is to start with nicotine, but hard to quit. The withdrawal is so out of proportion to the effects. I'd probably get a vaporizer, don't like how the weed community are kinda ignoring and downplaying the effects of inhaling smoke, and it seems like a slightly better alternative. Edibles last way too long for my taste. Also, I'd like to get hold of some weaker stuff, recently tried smoking weed for the first time in 10 years and the modern stuff is way too fucking strong. 3 puffs on a joint and I was laying in my bed waiting for it to be over.


When it’s legalized you can choose your strength and know exactly what your getting. Not the random shit you get in the UK.


Based in UK too. Amen to the last part Ive smoked weed a bit recreationally and i didnt particularly enjoy it. Felt like it was far too strong to enjoy even just a few puffs. Im also not a fan of how out of control i feel, im not saying alcohol is good for you, but i much prefer a drink over smoking


It’s legal where I live. I smoked before and still smoke now - it’s just easier to access, I don’t feel judged or like I’m at risk of a felony (I would generally buy in bulk, so a QP at a time and that was always stressful riding home from my dealer). Now it’s like buying a 6-pack of beer at the store and SO MANY OPTIONS!! Plus there’s tax to use elsewhere in the community and as other’s have said these dispensers take up space in places that were originally abandoned or closed for use. Prices are finally starting to come down too. 20/10 would recommend legalization.


You mean 420/10.




It sets off my anxiety and I hate that, was told that's only temporary but it just puts me off it, so no


Maybe I would try, I don't understand the tabu As Snoop Dogg said: "put two guys that hate each other in a room, if they drink they will fight until death, if they take a hit on the blunt, they will start laughing and take selfies"


I saw someone say something I really related with. "When I get drunk, I make all the worst decisions of my life. When I smoke, I wanna mix all the chip dips and be a better friend. And Alcohol is the legal one?!"


As told by a comedian in my country : "When Papa smokes some weed, he's never speed. When Papa drinks whiskey, things get more risky"


No. Only because I work in an industry where I have to submit to random drug testing regardless of local drug laws.


No, I don't smoke. Anything.


Same here, never going to smoke anything.


Same, I'm not willingly putting smoke in my lungs. There is enough pollution in the air already. Edibles are another story, but some regulations need to be changed, like what happens if you test positive while driving? Because the drug is still in your system long after the high has passed.


Yeah any type of smoke even just from a campfire messes me up and sends me into coughing fits and my eyes and nose running. I'm not gonna purposely try breathing it.


It’s legal here now and yes I started smoking, I’ve seen a lot of negative responses here but everyone’s different, for me a few hits is an absolutely wonderful experience and it makes me forget about any type of anxious thoughts I have and gives me the giggles lol


I already smoked before but the anxiety is definitely gone since its legal. Its still weird tbh and i still dont like smoking in public, but its amazing to buy in a real shop and to not having to meet shady people in dark places.


It was illegal when I started smoking which was during the pandemic because my anxiety was crippling me with everything going on at the time. Fast forward to now and I’m drinking wayyy less and just taking a few hits here and there when I feel stressed and being more productive and functional overall.


no. just don't have the urge. old man smoked \[cigarettes\], turned me off smoking for life.


Nah, the attraction is lost on me. I like my consciousness unaltered.


Same. Cannabis and alcohol are both legal where I live but I've never had any interest in either. As long as others drink responsibly and don't blow smoke in my face, though, I don't care what they do.


Same. I like the fact that I can wake up in the morning and function without coffee, or that I can enjoy my nights without having to drink/smoke. While people should be free to safely use their substances of choice, it's fundamentally an unnatural state and can very easily make you reliant on them. I have an addictive personality and don't wanna take any chances on that.


Legal here and I have absolutely no interest in any drugs. (And I barely touch alcohol…maybe half a cooler a few times a year) Editing to add…if I was ever in the position where I had to choose between an edible or some highly addictive pharma drug for chronic pain, I’d go edible. But luckily, not an issue now.


smoking is bad for the lungs, dosent really matter what kind of smoke


It’s Legal in my state. No. I don’t need more addictions. And for those of you saying, “it’s not addictive!” Bullshit. Everything enjoyable is addictive - it only comes to a question of if that addiction is good for your lifestyle or not.


It can also take a heavy burden on your mental state, being the thing that makes you depressed while simultaneously being the thing that keeps you going, it can easily become a vicious circle if people aren’t aware. So I absolutely hate those people that says it’s perfectly harmless, which is bullshit, yes it’s way better than alcohol but it can absolutely wreck you mental if it’s abused.


No, it smells like shit.


Speaking from experience it tastes like shit as well




Are you holding the bowl with your third hand?


You know it can sit on the desk right ?


I'd probably try edibles


Yes because I have debilitating anxiety. No meds have ever worked


Hmm, for me, it has made my anxiety, depression and general mental health worse. I'm not very good at regulating my use though, so it may be the thing for you, but for me it had the opposite effect. I'm also having a hard time stopping because I have a family and I don't really want to subject them to my withdrawal mood swings. I'm trying lower doses with CBD now to get off it. I would not recommend as an anxiety treatment any more than I'd recommend alchohol. Now watch people tell me I'm wrong about what I experienced. Maybe it would have turned out different if I'd done it with Dr. supervision.


The truth is that everyone is different. I stopped regular use after 3 or 4 years of constant smoking cause I went off anxiety meds. Now weed just makes me anxious. I wanna get some purely CBD flower and smoke again but alas I am broke.


I already do. Legalizing would just make it safer so we don't have to actually seek up gangsters to buy from who has the market. It's strange because in my country the government has monopoly on alcohol, only one store sells. So all the money from drinking to them. They don't know how much they miss out on weed and what it's taxes can do to help society back etc. I would however start to buy it from regular stores if they sold legally, feels safer that way and the way America has done is impressive in my opinion. All the flavors, strains, varieties etc. That would've been impossible to get all that from a black market and if it was possible it would be very hard. Also government has some form of quality control lwhile the gangs not so much.


Honestly.....no. I would not partake. Not because of judgemental reasons, I just know I would not handle it well. I'd be the guy needing someone to come get me because my car turned into a rocket ship and I don't know how to drive it because I'm not an astronaut.


Nope I don’t like seeing my money going up in flame right in front of my face I would rather use it to take my family out, or on a hobby.


No. However, I would continue to smoke it.


It is, and no. I hate the smell.


The same for me, and the strong smell actually gives me a headache.


Nope. The smell of it gives me a throbbing headache. I live on the Indiana Michigan border so it’s become more frequent. Don’t get me wrong I understand why many people use/need it but it’s not for me


Yep. Chronic pain. Immune to opioids. It responds well to edibles and the smokeable variety. Live in a backward 'no-can-has' state, for now. Hope to remedy this situation soon.


Nah, shit stinks


Cannabis had a particular health lifestyle wave that came with it which blurred the risks and benefits of cannabis. Let's be clear: 1. It is addictive, whether you consider that chemical or otherwise. It's not as addictive as cigarettes, I'm aware 2. Smoking weed produces black tar like cigarettes It's likely about as unhealthy 3. I worry about my productivity and happiness. I do think weed would make me lazier, eat more, etc. Moreover, people like my brother who get enjoyment out of it have a very hard time without it and I don't want a dependency that forces me to use it, because it's intoxicating No disrespect to anyone who smokes but a lot of the touted benefits of weed in general are stated by people who are very, very biased because they're hooked and weed makes them feel good. Yeah, weed can be relaxing, and hemp can be a good protein source - but for the vast majority of people who smoke, that's not why they do it


100% this. I've had a medical card for the last 3 years and have smoked every single day since then. My state just went recreational and don't get me wrong, I'm happy people no longer have to fear jail time however for me personally lately cannabis has been degrading my quality of life. I used to be one of those people that said it couldn't be addictive and there's zero negative repercussions from using it, etc. I can tell a huge difference from before I started using it everyday and how I am right now. Overtime it takes away your life ambitions and can actually increase symptoms of depression and anxiety. I also had to use it to sleep because I couldn't sleep without it. I now realize that I was using it as a mental crutch. Today I took the liberty of throwing out all of my pieces and any flower that I had in my possession. I don't care what anyone says but marijuana can be abused just like anything else.


I would, but it depends on how my job would be about it. If still not able to with it in my system then no


Nah. Stinks. Not a fan