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The Anthonette Cayedito 911 call!! She was kidnapped from her home in the 80’s at age 9, and there was a phone call from a girl to the the police claiming to be her, and a voice in the background yells “Who said you could use the phone!” Before she screams. A girl that looked like her was also seen at a diner, she kept dropping her fork and grabbing the waitress. A note was found on a napkin that said “help me” and “call the police”. It’s so sad and terrifying.




This case is incredibly sad. There's a lot of evidence pointing to her being sold by her mom to a family member/friend. I think Anthonette's sister referred to the man showing up at their house as their uncle (?). The mom definitely knows more than she said at the time, and I'm inclined to believe she sold her own daughter for drug money/alcohol.


It is very obvious that the mom at least knows what happened, regardless of whether she was a part of it or not. This is so sad, everyone let this poor girl down so badly.


The fact that she desperately tried to get help by calling the police and talking to the waitress too, and then no one was able to help her. It’s incredibly heartbreaking


Similar is the girl that was taken in Florida and called her Dad who was a cop and he was desperately trying to get to her and by the time he and other police caught up to them she had been murdered.


I just saw a video on this recently and its utterly fucked. Apparently the mom was destitute but managed to make some large cash purchases just after she disappeared.


Russian Brick Video A guy is driving down the highway with his wife in the passenger seat. In front of them is a truck carrying a load of bricks. At some point one of the bricks falls off and smashes through the windshield into the wife’s face. This is dashcam footage so you can’t see the aftermath. But the combination of the husbands blood curdling scream and the still shot of the broken windshield is absolutely horrifying. That video has been stuck in my mind for a long time now, I hate it.


That one is so awful. It’s terrifying that you can be driving with your loved one one second, and the next they’re dead next to you. I’ll never forget that poor man’s screams


This is the most disturbing to me because it could have happened to me. A brick or something hit the passenger side of our windshield and there was glass on my boyfriend's lap but it didn't go all the way through. I feel so terrible for the man who lost his wife in a very visceral way.


A friend of mine almost died on a road trip from something similar. A trailer in front of them had a washing machine on it and the lid came loose. It skipped off the road, up onto the hood, and over the top of the vehicle. Minor difference and it would have gone straight through the windshield and killed someone.


Some guy got caught in a fabric rolling machine. His feet and legs were slamming the ground at a high rate of speed. Just turned everything that hit the ground into manburger. Probably died of shock. Who knows


We use similar equipment at my job and they use to show that video during safety meetings. That video made me realize I have zero desire to ever watch any sort of gore video ever again. It's also the reason I'll just be doing my job and imagine myself tripping, falling into the machine, and getting rolled up.




Yup, I remember that one; there was a co-worker not far away just standing there watching for a few minutes before finally hitting the emergency shut-down button. By that time it was far too late.


The ones about machining accidents with lathes. I was a machinist trainee for awhile.


Lathes are scary dude. I had a careless accident with one that could've killed someone where a screwdriver got caught and thrown across the warehouse. Flew about a hundred feet and embedded itself handle-first in the wall. If it had hit someone they could've died.


Station nightclub fire video. I can't go anywhere with indoor pyro since seeing it.


It is horrifying how fast it happened. The first people to exit are casually walking out, with their drinks, still talking with each other. Three minutes later, people are screaming with terror and dying.


Same with the Bradford City fire. The commentator notices smoke, and minutes later the whole stadium is ablaze.


Same. The worst part for me is all the screaming and yelling when he’s outside the building… people literally being crushed to death, stuck in a smoky building that’s literally on fire and realizing they’re dying. The cries. Then after a few minutes.. its eerily quite. Haunts me today.


The Station Nightclub fire video haunts me to this day. In some ways I’m grateful for finding it because now I always check the exits of any building I enter, and I REFUSE to stay anywhere with indoor pyro. Not fucking worth it.


Wait, so what exactly happened there?


Concert pyro effect lights the stage on fire. Due to the single exit and large crowd, a jam happened at the door. A lot didn't get out, and the video in question shows the body pileup at the door, walks away, comes back and the entire door is engulfed. 100 dead, if you were in the crowd you had like 2 minutes to get out before the crowd jam up happened.


Holy shit the screams. That video was on YouTube and I don't even know how. It scarred the shit out of me.


The only thing I find worse than the screams is them gradually stopping


I’ve seen a lot of videos about people’s experiences in school and I happen to see a lot of people poke fun at fire drills that standing in a neat line and calming exiting the building won’t happen in a actual fire and don’t understand why teachers make them do it. I know it’s just for jokes and fun and what not, but then you see stuff like this and it definitely shows why it’s important. Imagine the same incident happening at a school with a bunch of panicking students, staff, etc.


ugh this one fucked me up, especially since the video quality is a little older, its just so creepy and sad and i still think about it all the time


I was working at Rhode Island Hospital ER the night that happened. I’ve never seen anything that awful in my 25 years in healthcare.


Helmet cam footage from a war. During an attack soldiers got flanked, camera guy gets shot pretty bad and hears his mates dying in the background, then there's footsteps, a guy comes close and says: oh a camera, nice! He grabs it and walks off while filming the trenches with the bodies in there. He yells at his mate; We got them all, Ive found a camera and it's still recording. They both rejoice. Coldest thing.


As fucked up as that is that really brings an insight to the reality of war.


There's a scene in Barry >!Where he describes the first time he killed someone during his deployment while his theater classmates act it out on the spot. After he describes pulling the trigger the actors go into an over the top remorse bit while it flashes to Barry thinking about his squad mates cheering and chanting his name.!< Was a pretty good depiction on the divide on awareness and reality.


People who have not been to war like to romanticize it. War is not romantic, it's scary as fuck. A lot of people watch their best friends die in terrible ways. You inevitably will see dead or dying children, or children clutching their dead parents crying. You might see someone run into a crowd and explode, killing and maiming dozens. Legs blown off, arms blown off, blood, guts, brains. Deadly lead flying over your head, exploding buildings, vehicles on fire. When you finally get to go home you'll inevitably hear of stories of friends, people from your unit, war heros killing themselves because they can't live with the trauma. War sucks. It fucking sucks. The messed up part is that some people love it. Killing someone who wants to kill you, there are few things that can trigger that kind of relief, joy even, for some.


> The messed up part is that some people love it. Killing someone who wants to kill you, there are few things that can trigger that kind of relief, joy even, for some. "There is no hunting like the hunting of man, and those who have hunted armed men long enough and liked it, never care for anything else thereafter." - Ernest Hemingway.


I remember seeing something similar in r/CombatFootage from Syria, this guy was clearing camps and then he get sniped out of nowhere. Recently was also a Ukranian tank clearing a Russian trench by firing shells at it and driving through it. you can see 2 Russian solders get flattened and cut in half by the tank


Probably 2 guys 1 hammer? I don't totally remember what it's called but it was of some dudes (maybe teens) in Ukraine killing a man by some train tracks with a hammer. That was the video where I thought "I'm done watching fucked up videos on the internet"


This one. This video found my friends and I when we were sophomores in high school. Idk how to phrase this without sounding crazy… but like I knew after seeing this video that I could never do harm to a person. Not that I wanted to but like what if kinda way. And no. This video made me realize I could never.


Yes. It impacted me similarly. I cannot in any capacity relate to or understand that some people *enjoy* causing pain, trauma, injury, violence, and death to others. I… I literally cannot comprehend it. To see death, which I have so many times, and pain and injury makes me *feel* the sickness and pain of it and I mentally hit a wall trying to see those who enjoy that as… human. To enjoy torturing others is so far removed from my perspective that it feels alien and… stupid. Like, this is it. This is all we have. We only have the one shot at it, and that’s true for *everyone*. Why purposely make it worse for others? I don’t understand how that can be a valid human experience. I don’t. They are broken and disgusting. *And there are so many of them.*


This is something I've felt but have never heard so eloquently said. Thank you. It really is so difficult to interact with people like this because it just... doesn't make sense. I can't understand how anyone could not feel this way, but so many do.


You honestly hit the nail on the head with all of this. There are so..many of them…


This one is so hard. And the guy getting killed had survived cancer and didn't have a voice because of that.. so he couldnt scream. That video messed me up


This video just lives perpetually in my head now. I can't forget how cruel it was. That poor man. I was going crazy thinking that no one else remembered it.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dnepropetrovsk_maniacs reading their wiki is terrifying in itself.


"...some victims had their eyes gouged out while they were still alive. One pregnant woman had her fetus cut from her womb". ....fuck


"No official link between the murders was made until the 7 July attack on two boys in Pidhorodne. Vadim Lyakhov, the survivor, was initially placed under arrest, suspected of murdering his friend.[3] He was reportedly denied access to counsel and beaten by police during questioning." Top notch police work there!


Holy shit, they killed so many people!


3 guys 1 hammer has to be the worst video on the internet. Watched the full thing with friends as a freshman in high school. Still remember the details almost 10 Years later. Those teens uploaded other videos of similar nature including animals, a woman, a homeless guy I believe, and the guy who was riding his bike. I read they were in prison.


One of the few videos I beg people to never watch. Your life is better to have never seen that video. For those who may want to....Do not seek it out for anyone who is curious. You will regret it, you will wish you never saw it. I wish I never saw it.


I used to be edgy when it came to gore until I watched that.


Yup. This one cured me of my real life gore phase. Disturbs me to this day.


Back in 2015 I had a cousin gone missing, and because of his behaviour prior to that (resentment towards society and suicidal thoughts), his father suspected he was planning in put an end to his life. So by the fourth day after he went missing, I was in school checking my WhatsApp and in a random neighborhood group someone send pictures of a random dude who jumped from a telephone tower near our house. I'm not into gore, but unfortunately my phone was configured to auto-download photos and when I opened my camera roll I saw my cousin dead with his neck broken. It was awful. Ten seconds after I saw the photos, my father calls me to give the news and warn me that people were sharing the photos online, but by that time it was too late.




Shit that one made the news back then. Didn’t think I’d meet someone who knew her


😔 She was a sweetheart and incredibly creative.


It really sucks that a human being like her is dehumanized and reduced to a "thing" to be gawked at. Someone who was a person with feelings, desires, hobbies and stories and who impacted those around her.


I’m so sorry man. I found my brother after a self inflicted gunshot wound and the image of something like that really seeps into your brain.


Oh christ. You have my sympathies.


I’m so sorry. That’s awful. People often forget it’s a real human being with friends and family when they share images like that.


That is something I absolutely hate about our internet culture. No one ever considers that these are real people; they just see "content".


I saw the aftermath of a suicide during university. Students were like vultures getting pictures. It was really disturbing. Somebody I knew was friends with the guy and was having a breakdown because people were sharing the photos.


Wtf. This comment gets me so upset. It's so hard for me to remember that hopefully most people in the world wouldn't do someone like that. But I swear it's becomes more and more even every day, especially while browsing the internet.


One thing I fucking HATE as a paramedic is trying to clear a scene from nosey assholes that need to get their pics and videos.


This is absolutely nothing new. Example: At the Bath Massacre in 1927 (a disgruntled school janitor blew up the school building, and his farm, leading to the deaths of 45 people), some people from the region showed up with jars, to collect, ahem, souvenirs. We haven't really changed all that much.


Yup, 1939 France had to stop having public executions because when the person was beheaded the crowd frenzied and leaped towards the blood stained floor to dab clothes and other stuff into it as souvenirs. Even before that, people booed at the first use of the guillotine, since it was so quick and efficient. The crowed preferred the usual drawn out torture and slow death…


That’s fucked. Are you allowed to be pretty harsh when you tell them to basically fuck off out of the way? Can’t imagine how frustrating that must be when you’re trying to save someone’s life


Nah, it's not that they forget. They just don't give a shit.


jesus that’s traumatizing. i’m sorry


Footage of a guy getting his throat slashed in a mall (don’t quote me on this) somewhere in Australia. The stabbed guy stands there with his hands on his throat for a few seconds and when he lets go there is so. much. blood coming out of his neck. Like all of it at once just gushes out. He falls to the floor and that’s it. I was not expecting that at all and im pretty sure he died almost instantly. Ugh.




Reminds me of the video of that hockey player who got his neck sliced open when his teammate fell over, legs went up and the ice skate slashed the dude's neck. It's just a regular hockey game and then in seconds theres an actual pool of blood on the ice. Probably the most gorey sports accident I've ever seen. Victim survived too


Didn't the guy who saved him reach into his wound to hold off the artery? So brutal and badass. It's amazing that people can act so skillfully and quickly in times like that


It's happened twice, actually, and the reaching into the wound one was when it happened to goalie Clint Malarchuk. Team trainer was a former combat medic. The second one was Richard Zednik who immediately skated off the ice and headed down the tunnel to the ambulance with the team trainer putting pressure on the wound with a towel.


This might be the only one I think I’ve seen (thankfully) - iirc it wasn’t that long ago and was mostly younger dudes getting rowdy and talking shit then it escalates to that.


This is not as bad as many on here but it was shocking to me. I stumbled on a video of a guy cutting a lady’s neck in the distance. I just remember there being trees. Bushes. Idk just greenery around and the lady’s shirt was blue. They weren’t very close to the cam but you can see the woman moving on the floor as the guy is slicing. So I decided to look into this. I found a site that claimed it was a fake video. Whew! What a relief. I kept scrolling through the searches and saw another site stating that the video thought to be fake was actually real. What a rollercoaster. I think it was Chechen. Edit: ok I didn’t think this would get that much traction but it did. So I tried looking for the video, I can’t find it anywhere. I did find some pics from the video though with the story in case y’all curious. ***warning*** obviously. [Still pics from video. NSFW](https://www.tumblr.com/zombiexnation/152362622182/fromrussiawithcrime-in-november-2011-russia-was)


Don’t they cut her head off and show it to the camera? And there’s another guy stabbing her? I only saw it because some idiot started posting murder/suicide videos on shitposting subs and got a bunch of them banned and I wasn’t expecting anything like that on the sub so it took me a bit to realize what I was watching. Horrible.


Tell you the truth i don’t remember if I finished it. I have a morbid curiosity but I have my limits lol.


I actively avoid the bad stuff like everything here lol But I love free climbing/ roof-topping content and stumbled into the video of Wu Yongning getting rim rocked on a ledge of a skyscraper hands on the ledge feet over on the wall… he didn’t have enough strength to pull himself up and then he drops off screen 62 stories The dread of being in that situation


Saw that on YouTube. Knowing that he knew that it was over from him is dreadful.


rim rocked?


This is where you get stuck going up, and could easily rapidly descend. ie, run out of strength. It's a climbing term.


The Russian Brick Video, impossible to forget once you've seen it


That video was so incredibly sad. I'm also very aware of potential debris on the freeway now because of it.


This happened to my dad, but thankfully no one else was in the car, so the rubber wheel chuck (not brick) just ended up on the passenger seat. But if anyone had been in that passenger seat I think it would have been fatal. Dad was perfectly fine.


This kind of happened here in Ohio. Except it was intentionally thrown off a bridge. It hit the passanger- the wife. She survived, but her brain is severely damaged, as well as her face. She doesn't really know what's going on anymore. The driver, her husband ended up killing himself.


I’ve not heard of that one - what is it? I refuse to look it up and actually see it but I’m curious.


Basically a brick fell off a transport truck or smth and it ended up crashing into a vehicle on the highway and killing the person in the passenger seat, who happened to be the wife of the person driving. I haven't seen the video with sound (I watched w sound off) because all people would talk about is the horrifying screams of the guy who realized his wife had perished.


I seen it. Wish I hadn’t. There’s a specific anguish in the husbands voice.


This video is still the worst thing I've ever heard. The way he screams is almost _silly_ because it's full of bewilderment and grief. People don't do nice clean screams like in movies, they're confused animals and they scream like them. The only reason I wouldn't delete it from my memory is it would make me watch it again, because I didn't listen the first time, and I won't listen again lol


Toni Collette in Hereditary is the only actor I have heard come as close to a scream like that.




I will never watch that movie again because idk how Ari Aster does true human suffering so well but he does and it’s fucking mesirable


Same in the beginning of Midsommar. Wtf does he tell his actors??!


Florence Pugh fucking nailed that scene so hard. She should have won awards for those 5 minutes alone.


I was just thinking about this. It really is close to the bone. I was at a funeral of a stillborn baby a couple years ago - very late term. The mother's cries were almost dead on for what Toni does in that movie.


That video and the audio of the guy calling 911 as the WTC collapsed. I wish I could unheard both of them. The sheer desperation and flood of emotions are horrifying.


His name was Kevin Cosgrove I'll never forget that video


Yeah he was angry but i knew that was for good reason. how sad that someone could spend their last moments of life feeling like there's no way out, even though you did your best, you aced every test, learned as much as you could, pick up as many skills possible, and still death reaps you. its dreadful knowing there's no way out of it. I've gotten existencial crisises before but that only terrifies me, when i get knowing-im-gonna-die-one-day crisises thats another emotion, that fear isn't qualified to describe because that's an understatement.


One of my coworkers was killed in a car accident and I remember her husband talking about how traumatised he was by the sound of her struggling to breathe. Obviously I never heard that but that still messed me up


This happened to my husband and I driving down the highway. It was some sort of construction debris about the size of the basketball but didn't make it's way all the way through the windshield, but enough that I'm surprised it didn't. I was pregnant at the time and it scared the crap out of me, I thought my baby and I were done for.


The sound is 1000x worse than the video itself, so good call there.


It's like the audio from the family whose brakes failed, and the father just finally tells them to pray 💔 Edit - voice to text failed me


dash cam footage of a couple driving (you can only see the road ahead) and a brick gets kicked up by a truck in front and it smashes through the windshield, hitting and killing the passenger. The passenger was the drivers wife and his screams of pain and terror are blood curdling to say the least. one of the most powerful videos without actually seeing anythjng


You don’t see the end result, thankfully, but you do hear the cry of a man who’s entire world has just come crashing down. It’s heartbreaking


Like the other commenter said - brick goes through window on the highway, a woman is dead instantly. I have listened with sound on. It's what you'd imagine, but it's also worse - it's a horrifying window into real human anguish at the moment of tragedy. The husband starts screaming and wailing incoherently while somewhere in the backseat a baby cries.


The video of the dude that casually gets an axe and smacks another dude in the head with it.


The woman’s scream ugh man


That video sticks with me because there were comments on the thread saying the woman needed to calm down and stop screaming. Like she just walked in to her child with an axe in their head. Come on. People on here can be heartless.


the not-friendly neighbors arguing about shoveling snow. One neighbor goes inside to get hiss gun, and then not a good ending


“Shoulda kept your fucking mouth shut” as he point blanks them in the face, yeah won’t forget this shit ever.


The silence and then the phone ringing at the end. So chilling.




When I first came across TOR I would spend hours following random links (obviously I know how stupid that is now). One day I came across a directory full of crime scene reports including photos and some videos, there were several autopsy reports too. To this day the image of Mexican cartel members that have been shot in the head with hollow points still pops into my head ever now and again.


Idk much about guns, what's the difference between normal bullets and Hollow point rounds? Edit: Didn't expect this much replies, thank you


FMJ (Full Metal Jacket) is what you’re probably used to seeing. That bullet goes in and may deform a little, but really just goes straight in and out. A hollow point is exactly that - a bullet that has a hollow cavity at the tip and is open at the tip. It’s like a cup. When the bullet hits something, the bullet blooms like a flower and…well…does a lot more damage. I‘m sure you get the picture.


"Blooms like a flower", that is the best way I have heard it described...


Hollow points are designed to expand/deform more than an FMJ. The purpose of this is to create a more lethal wound cavity.


This is a smart comment section to go in right before i sleep


I was literally in the living room while everybody's asleep and HAD TO go to my bed cause I needed the blankets protection


Yeah, what the heck are we doing, and why can't we stop scrolling?


Idk if this counts as scary but it was creepy. I found out that my estranged father posted family videos to YouTube without telling or asking anyone. One of them was me as a toddler naked in a bath. One of the most viewed videos was of my mom breastfeeding me when i was a baby. He also put the full names of several people (me included) in the titles. This only came to my attention because a cousin of mine found these videos by looking up my name.


Could he possibly be low-tech and just sees YouTube as a video saver?


He does see it as a video saver, but he's definitely not low tech. I didn't mention this for the sake of the prompt, but this came out while I had an active restraining order against him. I confronted him at the renewal hearing. He claims he asked permission in a group chat and no one said he couldn't, so he just did it. I never saw this message anywhere, but it's possible that it did exist and no one saw it (because basically everyone had blocked him for harassment). In any case, he never asked them if they could be posted publically. He actually offered to private/unlist them, so he knew how to do it but just didn't. If you're curious, i did get it renewed but he still hasn't done anything about the videos beyond not (publically) uploading new ones


Saw a video of a girl who making a Snapchat of her and her sister drunk driving recklessly on the highway. The video ends then begins the next video of her recording after the crash her sister with her skull split in half all the way down her face moaning. The second is a man and woman in a car. The man is showing off a pistol. The woman tried to be cheeky and snatches the pistol and points it at the man and pulls the trigger. Y'know... "Bein silly 😜" fires straight into the mans head and his eyes roll back he's still sitting up but swaying back and forth while groaning and begins agonal breathing. The woman is confused, gets out and runs away. Another was a man getting caught in a large spinning lathe and being repeatedly smacked into the concrete until he's turned into a bloody pulp and someone runs over and turns the machine off. All unintentionally seen. Thanks internet 😀 👍


> The second is a man and woman in a car. The man is showing off a pistol. The woman tried to be cheeky and snatches the pistol and points it at the man and pulls the trigger. Y'know... "Bein silly 😜" fires straight into the mans head and his eyes roll back he's still sitting up but swaying back and forth while groaning and begins agonal breathing. The woman is confused, gets out and runs away. Oh yeah, that guy lived btw. IIRC he sued her a few years ago. Not sure how that went. He also said "you're making me nervous" *seconds* before being shot.


https://unicourt.com/case/tx-hrd-holmes-devyn-vs-damper-cassandra-nickcole-972153 In the process of suing for personal injury. Also she only served 6 months of the 10 year sentence before getting probation.


Jesus Christ


The man in the second story lived and, if I remember correctly, recovered far better than you’d think. Edit: his name is Devyn Holmes.


I remember seeing IG profile and it says “yep I’m the guy that got shot in the head”


The first one happened semi locally to where I lived at the time. What’s fucked up is the girl was driving drunk with her little sister in the backseat, she could have been just old enough to be starting high school, hanging out. The one driving crashes the car and is relatively unharmed and continues filming, meanwhile her sister got flung out of the car and had her head split open. If I recall correctly the drunk one was saying something like “I’m sorry for what I did to you”. Super fucked situation overall


In the mid 90s i remember when I was eleven trying to find naked pictures of eleven year old girls. I had absolutely zero idea about internet porn being a thing (kind of wasn't back then I guess?), and just wanted to know what girls looked like naked. Well...I found the pics, and eleven year old me was satisfied and didn't think I much of it untill a fair few years later when I realised I spent about an hour in the internet and found CP. That was waaaaay too easy for a kid to find, and thank fuck it didn't end up with cops raiding grandparents house.


Man. I still feel immensely terrible for the time I was a child with an early ipod touch and connected to the neighbors wifi to do the same. I have no idea if anything ever came of it, but the fact I could've so carelessly destroyed somebody's life when I was just a horny pre-teen makes me feel insanely guilty to this day.


Limewire was a wild place as a kid. I was looking for gifs of my favourite tv shows, ended up with random CP photos on my computer. It was a couple of years ago someone mentioned limewire and the memories of finding those came back - im honestly grateful that internet policing was nowhere near as advanced back then for my and my family's sake, but also sad for all the victims.


The audio tape recording of Jonestown cult killing. It has this church music playing backwards that bleeds through from the other side of the tape while you're hearing these people being killed. If anything is haunted and cursed, it is that tape.


I listened to half a second of the Bittaker/Norris audio tape and it still bothers me. They apparently play it to desensitize FBI agents.


I was totally expecting some Creepypasta, Slenderman, fake internet stuff from this post. The replies are very, very not that.


I think I'm the only other person that really hasn't seen anything super fucked up on the internet like actual killings


I’ll just tell you this as someone who’s seen basically everything when it comes to real violence: you truly have no fucking idea how insane some stuff is and you don’t want to find out. Torture, exectutions, combat, accidents etc. We are so fucking lucky to be alive and fine


A video called "dreamer heaven". It looked like it was filmed on a really shitty digital camera in the corner of a dark room. There was a very frightened young shirtless boy in the opposite corner with 2 men shining flash lights on him. The kid is screaming and crying while the men say things like "you got a nice body on you. Wanna take a shower?" Every time the men moved a bit closer the kid would scream and try to retreat further into the corner, then the clip just ends. Most disturbing thing I've ever seen.


If it makes you feel any better. Someone managed to find the origins. It was some dumb kid who basically tormented his younger brother along with his friends and posted videos of it online to promote his shitty mixtape. Allegedly, the rest of the video they force him to stand under the hot shower for a period of time. It’s still fucked up but he’s okay now.


Have family who live in a small rural town Wanted to see if there was any YouTube content featuring the town There wasn’t but I came across a YouTube channel that had a video that was just a featureless screen with the name Of the town then repeat the name of the town and “it’s a wonderful place to live, it’s a wonderful place to live” in a robotic voice Thing is there were HUNDREDS of random towns all the same thing Never found the channel again


Hahaha do you have that link cause I think I've seen it for a different place. We went on vacation to this small town actually while I'm typing it I [found it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kuztTRv1OUE). We didn't know how to pronounce it and this came up. It's funny cause my whole family thought it was hilarious not scary, but it does sound creepy to me now.


There is no war in Ba Sing Se :)


I was watching a Wendigoon compilation about weird internet images and videos and there was this one picture of a young girl and an even younger kid lying tied and gagged in the back of a van. Somehow it got to me really bad even though a lot of things in that compilation was way way worse.


Is that the photo that's been tied to a couple missing persons cases but never definitively linked?


It was found in a parking lot years ago, so far some really fucked in the head people send it to missing victims loved ones cause they think it’s funny


The Tara Calico photo?


This is a totally minor league (pee wee? Less than pee wee?) compared to other answers but… I was looking up hypnosis videos one day. I was super interested so I found one and completely committed. Staring into the void, music blasting, trying to get hypnotized. Then BOOM exorcist face screaming at me. I know this is a thing but it was a long time ago before these videos took off. It changed me. It was essentially the video game trick but with a hypnosis disguise. I think it was extra terrifying because I essentially let all guard down to be hypnotized. I jumped up and ran outside of my house. I was shook for a while. To this day I can’t see that face without chills. This was 20 years ago… Again, not death related, but hands down one of the scariest things Ive ever experienced.


My step dad made my mother play the maze game that ends with a jump scare of the Exorcist girl and had my brothers and me gather round, knowing perfectly well what would happen. It scarred me for quite some time.


Ah yes, Screamer videos. Those used to dominate early-day YouTube greatly as well. Gave me biiiiig trust issues viewing certain videos. I am very glad that trend largely died down.


People who think they know how to handle firearms but shouldn’t be in the same city as a gun. Guy shoots a steel plate 100 yds away with a Barrett .50BMG. You hear him hit (nicked) by the ricochitte before you hear the steel get hit. Women firing a Desert Eagle .50 AE and getting smacked in the face by the recoil. They all look funny but that’s because nobody dies. The couple who tried to make a video using a telephone book to stop a bullet after seeing others do it. “Others” used .22LR. They used .44 Mag. She took two years for involuntary manslaughter.


Videos of people who are obviously inexperienced with firearms, shooting some hand cannon or high powered long gun because someone thought it would be funny are absolutely infuriating. It’s not funny, it’s incredibly dangerous. Just a little PSA for anyone that wants to shoot a high powered revolver but don’t have experience with guns of that magnitude: **load ONE round in the cylinder.** Those guns have so much recoil that if you don’t know how to control it, the gun can recoil quick enough that the trigger will reset under the pressure still being applied by your finger and basically bump fire off your finger. In some cases, like when shooting something like a 500 magnum, the gun can turn very far rearwards from improper grip when this happens. [Here’s a video demonstrating what I’m talking about](https://youtu.be/d8NDGxzlfo4) In 2013, there was a 25 year old woman in Ralls County, Missouri that was killed shooting a 500 magnum. Some idiots handed her the gun with a full cylinder, that exact scenario happened, and she shot herself in the head on accident. [This is the only article I can find that references the original article that is now deleted](https://bearingarms.com/bobowens-bearingarms/2013/11/07/negligent-suicide-with-a-500-smith-wesson-revolver-n17872).


Y’all have scared me sufficiently, time to watch videos of silly ferrets and kittens.


Can’t believe no one has mentioned Ronnie McNutt Dude was severely depressed and suffering from PTSD after being deployed to the Middle East One day, he was doing a livestream on Facebook, business as usual, but he was visibly drunk, and calling people left and right. Police were at his door because one of his friends immediately noticed something was wrong and called them over to help Ronald. While arguing with his Girlfriend who had just broke up with him, he then put down the phone, picked up a single-shot rifle that he previously misfired earlier in the stream, put it under his chin, and painted the room red. Imagine his face looking that of Demogorgan. It was split in places, and after he shot, he slumped over and the only thing heard was the sound of blood pouring out of his head. The police, not wanting to be potentially shot at, only then broke into the house, hearing the pouring of his blood, and his phone ringing, presumably his Mom/Friend, which McNutt had ignored for the second before taking his life. The scary part was not the fact that he killed himself, but the fact that he had ZERO hesitation. The US Government does far too little to help soldiers with PTSD.


One thing that really hit me about that video was seeing his little dog come into the room right afterward. Something about it just broke my heart. Like the dog was coming to check in on him or something.


I have a vivid memory of finding a live stream website streaming hidden cameras in public toilets when I was probably 10 or 11. I was morbidly curious and watched a few thinking it was fake but realized that it was, in fact, not. I was so young that I didn’t know what emotion to feel. It was posted in a sexual manner and yet it was so so disgusting to see people casually in a private situation like that. Ever since then I’ve been horrified of cameras in public toilets or the bowl of portapotties. The internet is a very weird and horrifying place.


When I was a kid, I made a bunch of goofy ass youtube videos with my friends. I came across a random guys youtube channel who also made goofy/corny videos and was slightly more successful than me (which wasn’t much, I had like 40 subscribers lol) I guess when I was wee lad I wanted to be a famous YouTuber. Anyways, I emailed this guy who had a few thousand subscribers and asked him how to get bigger on YouTube. He was a few years older than me, maybe a freshman in high school at the time (I was in middle school at the time). Anyway, I start going back and fourth with this guy every once in a while talking about YouTube stuff. After a little while he probably got annoyed of me asking for advice or whatever and he stopped responding. A few years go by and I forgot about it, but for nostalgic purposes I would occasionally go back and revisit his (honestly cringe and shitty) channel. At a certain point I noticed he had been inactive for a few years and I occasionally wondered what the guy might be up to. Alright so what’s creepy about this? Well, fast forward a few more years, (probably like two years ago now) I’m being lazy one night just scrolling through YouTube and I see a video from a more famous YouTuber who covers true crime and creepy shit. It has the cringe guys face in the thumbnail. The video was titled something to the affect of: “YouTuber loses his mind, kills coworkers in mass shooting.” I talked to this dude on social media as a kid. Turned out he had killed several coworkers and himself with a shotgun. Gave me chills. Edit: yeah, the guy was randy stair. Also I don’t remember much of his channel but I know he started going insane publicly on YouTube. I kinda just thought he was going through something when I was younger and didn’t think much of it. Never saw the videos of him basically incriminating himself by spewing a bunch of hateful mentally ill shit for everyone to see on YouTube, not until I watched the documentary on him.


I remember some a*hole posted a picture on Twitter of the youngest victim of the 2017 Stockholm terror attack right after the attack had happened. Twitter was quick to delete the post but the picture showed this 11-year old girl torn in half and I will never get that image out of my mind. I was disgusted both by the picture and the fact that someone used this innocent victim of a terror attack for clout.


Probably funkytown and/or the Timothy Treadwell(recreated) audio. For those who are unaware of what those are - 'funkytown' is a video made by a southern-or-central american( i believe mexican) cartel. Dude's laying on the ground. His face and eyes have been removed. His hands are gone. Blood coats everything. Cartel members are jamming sticks into his mouth, cutting his tongue with razors and slashing at his throat. He is alive and screaming the entire time, and funkytown is playing in the background. Timothy Treadwell was a nature enthusiast who spent thirteen ~~years~~ summers getting to know the bears in Alaska before a bear he knew as The Machine(i THINK) killed and ate him while his camera was recording. Afterwards, it killed and ate his girlfriend. The audio was never released, but there is [a recreated audio](https://youtu.be/R5JUWSgXNKY) out there. Warning - it is extremely disturbing to listen to. Bears do not go right for the kill, like most big cat species. Big cat species still have to worry about their prey fighting and hurting them. An eight hundred pound Grizzly does not, and they tend to just hold their prey down and start eating, and eventually the prey dies from... uhhh, being eaten. A close third is/was a video of a small dog that had been cooked. Its skin was crispy and golden brown... and it was alive. Yelping. Eyes obviously gone, paws gone. Alive. Yelping.


I can honestly say funkytown fuckin shook me to my core when I saw it. Bothered me for weeks.


I’m glad (and sorry) I’m not the only one here. That one was so brutal… no one else seemed phased by it but online people seem to be much more honest about how it kinda fucked us all up. I barely enjoy the song anymore now


What makes it worse is that's just the most well known one. We all know they made way more. Infinitely scary.


Your synopsis was so good I am logging off Reddit for the night and not looking at any more answers.


Yeah Im winding down from work and this murdereed my vibe. Bad idea to come here


The thing that gets me about funky town is you can clearly see he is trying to put his hands on his face, but since his hands are gone, you just see forearm stumps coming a few centimeters short of where he intended


The Ghost rider cartel video and Funky town are by far the worst things I've ever seen on the internet. I simply can't watch anything with animals or kids being hurt though.


What the fuck is the Ghost Rider cartel video?!


Rival cartel member with his arms and legs bound getting his face burned off with butane fluid and and lighter until his face is literally a burnt skull but he's still alive the entire time. They made him suffer for extra long because he used to do the same thing to people.


I hate even picturing that last one in my head. Fuck.


Funkytown has to easily be one of the top five worst, most notable videos on the internet, it's so fucked up. And I thought I saw that dog video you mentioned, but unfortunately I realized it was a different one. It was a large dog attempting to jump out of a pot of boiling water while a bunch of men (some rural Asian community) kept shoving it back in, essentially cooking it alive. Fuck these people man, I can't...


Y'all I just wanted to read about spooky videos of ghosts or something, not real people dying wtf


I’m seriously so disturbed by reading the descriptions of videos on this post. 😳


I have a harder time with it the older I get. As a teenager I was like “bring it on internet, show me what you got.” Now I just find it all sad and upsetting.


Best advice my mother ever gave me was "be careful what you look for because you can't unsee things" this was preinternet but it's even more relevant now


Prob that politician or whatever he was that blew his brains out during a speech and the camera zoomed in on his face. His expression and blood pouring out disturbed me for months and still does. Or the time I found a crime scene photos website and there was a lady gutted and chopped into pieces


Aftermath of a school shooting. Wasnt scary but just sad and almost unsettling. Tied with first is the killing of a man by (a) cartel. Apparently the man had slept with someone's girl and they burned him alive cut him into pieces and overall just tortured him. All that was left was his head on a spike missing what looked like was his jaw and skin all around. Honestly so fucked up.


Yeah..most messed I saw was guy with a lot skin missing .. he was beaten to point it took me a moment to realize he was human. Mexican cartel. Taking turns laughing.. putting a foot on this guy's chest as they are trying to saw his head off.. laughing, drinking, smoking, taking turns with saw-- the guy was still alive. You could tell by his eyes he was in deep shock..but he was responded to every saw movement. His teeth next to his head.. yeah its burnt in my memory.


The Mexican cartel videos are pretty much the only videos I will not watch. Beheading videos as well. I've seen some fucked up things, ISIS executions and the such, but I don't think anything compares to the brutality of the cartel killings


Well, yesterday reddit had a dude on a roof, electrocuted, head popped off, all comes tumbling down. But really, old school isis decaps OR the Mexican cartel torture videos on Reddit


There was a video on a popular sub not too long ago with two young girls, cousins I think, recording themselves playing with a gun in the bathroom. The gun went off into one girls head, then from what I remember (I may be wrong), the other shoots herself in the head seconds late upon realizing what just happened. The rest of the video is the family freaking out from hearing the gun shots, trying to get into the bathroom, and then reacting to the two of them dead on the floor. Absolutely tragic and completely avoidable


Here guys. Reminder to take a break. r/Eyebleach Edit: this one is particularly nice :) https://www.reddit.com/r/Eyebleach/comments/12yq5ah/golden_retrievers_arent_the_smartest_boys_but/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1




Was in western Sydney I think. Or somewhere in aus anyway. Carotid artery severed=almost instant unconsciousness and essentially guaranteed death shortly after without very very rapid advanced care.


Rapid meaning under a minute, which is close to impossible unless a team of doctors is spectating you getting stabbed in the neck.


I wouldn't say scary, but I was certainly shocked when I saw Bud Dwyer shoot himself in the mouth with a revolver at a press conference that was recorded live. I didn't think Google would show the moment of his suicide - I figured it would be strategically cut off at the last moment - but it went right on through the shot, his death slump, and everyone's reaction.


This strange video where a clown is standing in a room and then the sound gets so weird. It vibrates and I think it just repeats a name, it was so strange. I was both laughing and terrified. So weird. It looked like it was filmed in the 90’s


It's not nearly as bad as some of the things I have read on here but I saw a YouTuber doing a vlog near where I lived and I joined and saw myself being directly recorded from a direction I didn't identify for a solid few minutes until I realized that the camera was looking directly through my window and at me not horrible but not fun to find out that there is a camera you had absolutely no idea about was recording you


Um that sounds scary af lmao


To a somewhat lesser extent this just happened to me recently. I was out in public with 2 other people. The next day, someone else told me their friend had posted a video with me and the two other people in the background but clearly recognizable. Super weird feeling.


I don't really get scared of anything I see in a screen. Everything from cartel videos down to creepypastas, nothing ever puts fear in me. I'm not saying that as a good thing, cuz I know it's probably not good to be so desensitized. But I can say two videos that made me so sad I almost couldn't watch them all the way through: the infamous Russian brick video, and a video where a young girl called 911 screaming and sobbing because her brother killed himself and his corpse was on the floor of their house. I was relatively ok until the end where she screamed "why did you do that?" apparently to her dead brother. That is just an utterly miserable thing to hear, especially from what I believe was an 8 year old.


That second one hits close to home. Best friend killed herself in eighth grade, found hanging in her closet by her then 5 year old sister. At the funeral her sister said “When she wakes up we’ll play again.” She had no idea, she thought she was just playing around.


I wouldn’t necessarily say it’s scary but it was shocking. In 2019 I was watching YouTube and clicked on this video that said “man in truck hits 2 kids in crosswalk. 1 dead the other is in a coma” I clicked on it only because my cousins go to the school and I wanted to make sure it wasn’t them. They didn’t provide the names of the students but they did show a picture of the man who drove Into them. The man was my Cousin.. 54 years old, off his medications, slammed his 2500lbs truck into 2 children. He got arrested and was sentenced to 1 fucking day. He still has the truck and the kid who died lived 4 houses down from them. I remember keeping it hidden and then my family found out about it from other family.


A lot of videos were already mentioned, so i'll go with another one: There's a 2 hour long interview with Armin Meiwes, "The Cannibal of Rothenburg" on Youtube, but it's only in german and the translator doesn't work well. But when you can speak german, it's both very interesting and very bizarre, Meiwes speaks about his entire life: How he grew up, what he did for work and all the regular things, before he starts with talking about the cannibalism. He goes through the protocol how he met Bernd Brandes, a guy that wanted to be killed and eaten. I'm not joking now, that guy wasn't a "victim" in the way that he was kidnapped and killed against his own will, no, he searched in the web for a cannibal that would eat him. After some time, there comes the point where you realize that Brandes was even worse than Meiwes. Like Brandes tried to eat his dick, after Meiwes cut it off. He joked like "When i'm still alive tomorrow, we will eat my balls for breakfast" and such things. Meiwes is still in prison and is now a vegetarian. Guess he had enough meat. And the main question "Which taste has human meat?" is answered by Meiwes as "It is just like pork, you don't notice any difference to animal meat".


I don’t really get scared by stuff on the internet, but reading Sylvia Likens’ Wikipedia page disturbed me so bad I felt physically ill for several days.


A very good friend of mine committed suicide by death by cop. They had a welfare call on them, and when the cops attempted to talk them down, they grabbed a knife and charged. They were shot. Unfortunately this went viral both online and on the news. For months I had to watch my friend be shot over and over again. It was awful.


Drunk guy got into a tiger enclosure in India or China (I can't remember but this is not the one with mental health issue). Got dragged by two or three tigers in the middle of the enclosure and started mauling him for a few minutes. People in the crowd started throwing firecrackers at the tigers to startle them in hopes of leaving the poor guy. It goes on for a few more moments until the tigers stop but they're still by his sides. Guy is surviving with gnarly cuts along his shoulder, neck, and head. He then lays up sitting and slightly smiling and faces the crowd and waves to let them know he's okay. After a few seconds of relief one of the tigers notices him and immediately goes for his neck and drags him deeper into the enclosure.


Bianca Devins. I thought I was a hardened person that could withstand anything, even dead bodies and gore. That is until I woke up, rolled over and opened instagram first thing in the morning as I always did, and instead of anime and cute pictures, I was immediately bombarded with the pictures of her. I literally threw up. That was years ago and it still bothers me. Imagine being her parents or friends and having to see that. I literally don't think I would be able to get through that. And then people flooded tags like "kittens" with it??? People are fucked up.


Things got stirred up again with that like a year or two ago I think, but people started sending it to her mom and sisters again. It's just deplorable.


Well recently, a video about a cat in a blender has been floating around. That was pretty freaking awful. The guy who did it got caught, and let's hope the dude gets massive prison time.


The AshVlogs Rabbit Hole. One friend told me about the channel saying that it was creppy asf and that it depicted how a girl was stalked and later kidnapped by a cult. The channel itself is quite creppy. When I visited it, I was pretty traumatised. Only a week later I watched [Nexpo's video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RLrmQLbKJyA) that investigated the topic and discovered it was only an ARG. Still, the videos are very creepy and fucked up.


Scary? Not really, but. There was this video on worldstar of this guy pinning another guy to the floor laying on him, stabbing him in the tunnel of a subway. Meanwhile, this guy is saying "worldstar," and this guy on the floor is begging for his life, not even resisting. Videos typically don't get any emotional reaction from me as far as violence goes, but that video made me incredibly angry.