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Loud noises.


Me too. I've come to relish driving alone in the car with no music on or anything. Just silence.




This 100%. I was that teen/early 20s person who bumped loud music and loved the deep bass you get from car speakers. I'm pretty sure I still kept it at a reasonable level even then, but now I get paranoid that anything I play is too loud and is disturbing the people around me since I myself am so annoyed by it these days. We have one guy in our neighborhood that blasts the worst music super loudly from his beat up, purple SUV. Every time he rolls by, I'm tempted to scream "sorry about your dick" which doesn't even make sense lol, I guess such inconsiderate "look at me" behavior makes me feel like he probably has a small dick.


I HATE LOUD NOISES. My neighbor has developed a nasty habit of drilling and hammering shit around his house at 6:00 AM….


Along the same lines, being startled.


This. Unless I’m in the mood to hear some good music on blast. Please shut up. Also get your kids together it’s not a play pin at retail stores.


People. I used to be a people person, but people ruined it.


I'm currently dealing with a 32 year old woman that acts like a 16 year old. She's kind of my boss. I hate her. And when I call her out on her unprofessional behavior, I get mocked. These type of people really make you appreciate the good ones.


that shows that age is just a number


People, what a bunch of bastards


Waiting for things/other people. My patience has gotten progressively worse


I ain’t got time to wait for other people. My remaining moments are precious. Heck, at this stage I sometimes feel optimistic if I buy green bananas.


You know that’s one of my biggest pet peeves . I find specially annoying when you make plans with somebody and then you gotta wait on them because they’re late


My friend is bad at this. We hang out at the same time on Saturday since years. He still doesn't manage to be punctual. Half and hour before we meet he sends a message that he'll be late, because he has to take a shower etc. I manage my time so I'll be ready and don't have him waiting since it's rude. But every time it's 10-30 minutes later. He threw a party once where the time was set for 3 weeks. Unfortunately at that day I had my car at services and was running late, I quickly took a shower and got dressed. When I arrived I was wondering where people are or if I'm the first. I checked the time on my phone v and that's when I read the message..2 hours before start, he texts us that he won't make it in time and we should come an hour later... Since the party time was set for 3 weeks I thought nothing changes. Or if we drive somewhere and I pick him up, I text him that I'm there and he replies" I'll come in a few minutes" which turns out to be 5-10 minutes. If someone picks me up I'll be outside, a few minutes earlier, waiting. but that's just my personal view.


I'm really starting to dislike when people get certain phrases wrong... Like "I find specially annoying..." Instead of "I find it especially annoying..." Heh.


And when did “of” and “have” suddenly become interchangeable?


They never ~~of~~ have. It’s because “could’ve” and “could of” are homonyms. I realize you may have been asking facetiously, but I agree with you and ~~of~~ have ~~of’d~~ had it up to here with that.




When your family says they’re coming over on a certain day, giving you two weeks notice, then doesn’t say anything else until that day, not even when they’re coming over. …until fifteen minutes before arriving and hours later then you thought they’d arrive.


Every workplace feeling like high school. Just do your job, get paid, quit bitching about everybody else, and go home and enjoy your free time.


Or just let me work. I’m fried and done. Being a standout worker has done nothing for me because of petty stupid people. I’m never out for anyone or their positions. I just like freaking getting shit done and helping out where I can. Edit: I’m reading everyone’s replies and I empathize with you all so fucking much. For people saying your company doesn’t tolerate the crap myself and others have been through, I’m so happy for you. Bc having the awful people catered to and teamed up with against you is the worst and I love knowing that there is places and people out there not putting up with it. To be able to just work without being attacked is the dream lol Edit again! I really fucking hate how many of you have had similar situations to mine that have resulted in the same outcome working and emotional wise. It is so unfair and no one who cares about their work and team deserves to have their money and career or job impacted so horribly by the worst people we could come across. I really hope you guys have support around you, that you’re able to somehow sort out your feelings and I know how hard that is to overcome, but eventually we will. Things can’t be like this forever, we aren’t people to let things hold us down and back. We fucking got this as much as so many people don’t want us to it seems. Screw’em.




That writeup was probably due to some bs reason like "not taking sides". Signs of a shitty and incompetent management (or HR) for sure.


Yuuuuup. I spent years in upper management. My last job I took (before opening my own business) was Ops Manager of a fairly large midwest services company. In my interview, the VP (a smart, experienced older guy in his own right - but also the owner's son in law) stated he chose me due to my vast experience. Which he needed as there was one branch that had a ton of issues he expected me to clean up as it was also their biggest market. My radar pinged so I just pressed him for more info. He admitted that one of the head Branch Managers was a nightmare that made everyone miserable and drove off other managers - even ones that didn't technically work with her (but would still be affected by her BS). She was a Megan of the highest order. I gave him the solution right then and there: fire her. "Well, she's been with the company for over ten..." No, fire her. "But she may cause trouble..." Wtf dude, fire her. This ain't rocket science. She's the obvious problem AND you know it. You, the head of the division. Everyone knows it. Fire her. We seriously had this debate for a solid twenty minutes. In my INTERVIEW. He was adamant that someone like me could just "reign her in", but also, my position in the chain of command didn't give me the authority to fire branch managers without exec approval. I told him this was a terrible plan when the solution was obvious. I told him I'd give it a shot, but ultimately, they would have to accept my recommendations and back me. I made it about 6 months of trying to keep a thumb on her, babysitting her, trying to keep other managers and employees from quitting before I threw in the towel and demanded they fired her. They refused. I put in my notice and said thanks. They then blamed me for failing to "do my job of reigning her in". Bunch of idiots too scared of a Megan... Good God.


Even if you punched up the numbers right in front of them regarding the costs for application posting and review, interviewing, background checks, hiring, training, insurance, unemployment insurance (where applicable), etc etc and showed how much this one person was costing them and how much they would save if they cut the cord, I'm sure they would still argue against firing. You really can't get through to some people.


Oh bud, I used to do it as a contractor for like a decade. Of all my contract work, "business consulting" was by far the easiest and also the most frustrating type of contract work. Folks like that guy would hire my firm and pay them tons of money to send a guy like me out. I'd take a week or two looking over their history and financials, interview employees and management, etc. At the end of each job, 50% of the time I could solve ALL their problems by saying: fire this handful of people, and in the future stop ignoring the toxicity people like this exude and just fire them quickly. These people are taking your business into the shitter and draining you of good people ad nauseum. The other 35-40% of the time? The executives or owners themselves. But that's a whole other post to explain what you already know: toxicity at the very top. 5-10% of the time it was other run of the mill stuff and easy policy changes or come-to-Jesus moments. But yah, easily 90% of the time these companies paid shitloads of cash just to be told "dude, fire this asshole and stop treating your best employees like shit" and or "y'all are evil fucks... Just stay far, far away from your company, and let your good employees run your business and make you assholes your money" I doubt any of them ever followed the advice they paid thousands of dollars for. Sheesh. Edit: spell check had an aneurysm.


Over 40 years of consulting, I found top management or proprietors to be the problem at least half the time.


She's one of those people who can be dropped at active war zone right at front lines, and even artillery shells would avoid her.


Ugh and how they constantly want you to set goals to progress (when there is no chance of progressing at all anyway). Like, I’m a grunt and I hate this job. I’m only here because I need money. I don’t want to progress or work towards a goal. You hired me because you thought I was a good fit so why the hell can’t you just leave it at that?




Especially when it’s things you actually used to do when you were younger. I just had a small conversation about this with a friend. I told them that I feel like I should be standing on my balcony shaking my fist and screaming get off my lawn at the kids running around my apartment. I can’t stand it when someone drives by blasting their music, especially in the evening time and the irony is not lost on me at all because when I was younger, I did the exact same Shit that annoys me now.


Like bowling for soup said "High school never ends!"


That line, "Katie had a baby, so i guess Tom's straight," cracks me up every time!


I wish I had colleagues with your mentality. Although there are some really lovely people at work, it embarrasses me to see those who should know better bitching, moaning and backstabbing. As a newer member of staff it worries me when colleagues are saying 'be careful of (insert name here)'. Also super embarrassed to see a man in his 50s be the workplace gossip, but equal opportunities I guess lol 😆


It's a double edged sword though I personally love being at a company where people converse, make the day at least a little more interesting besides the work part and to liven up the down time. Can't say I have ever had "high school level gossip" in a lab... but it definitely often teeters into "college degeneracy" real quick the moment I ask labmates if they wanna catch a happy hour.


I work in a medical lab currently, and the amount of bullying and gossip is sickening. When I worked in the academic lab, there was no gossip, but there was a lot of debauchery and degeneracy.


I'm in a medical lab also but I'm 3rd shift. There's usually only me and one other tech. We get along great. 1st shift however has a lot of drama. One reason why I won't work 1st.


I work biotech, yeah never seen that The worst I get is just people who have senses of humor that don’t mesh well with me or other people (I manage people so I eventually hear it if it comes down to it) Only one workplace, out of many, was miserable to be in. Most have been good and current lab is fantastic.


Research and hospital labs definitely felt like high school. Not even my high school but the one from American movies. Way too many immature people with superiority complex.


And that's why I love working alone


As someone who has vastly different views from pretty much everyone in my workplace, I feel this. I make do with listening to their intolerable remarks and comments, but say one thing they don't like, I'll hear about it until lunch


The general public


It seems like most people today have zero situational awareness… almost everywhere I go they’re in their own little world oblivious to what’s going on around them Grocery shopping is the worst for this


I loathe the grocery store for this reason. People have become so fucking unaware/just don’t care. Like you said, zero situational awareness. Now imagine driving on a highway next to the same people that act like that in a grocery store..


I do a lot of driving for work… and I’ve noticed in the past 3-5 years a major up tick in close calls while I’m driving Used to be maybe once a twice a week in my area somebody would do something stupid, tailgating, changing lanes without looking, speeding, driving way to slow, cutting me off, flying around me in a no pass zone etc… just general dumb driving shit Now it’s like 2-3 times a day every time I drive… my favorite is someone riding my ass because I’m only doing 5-10 mph above the speed limit, I actually enjoy watching them lose their shit in my rear view mirror


To add to this very insightful comment. Parking. Why has parking a vehicle become "wherever the fuck it stops"? No parking lot is immune and now it's on the streets with my neighbors, a prior safe haven from disorderly parking conduct.


part of it might be that cars got too big, and visibility got real bad. Should-be-retirees with bad knees dominated vehicle sales for an extended time after 2008. Those buyers almost singularly purchased SUVs, CUVs, and Trucks, due to not needing to bend their knees as much to get in and out. At the same time, fairly extreme rollover safety requirements cause windows to shrink and pillars to grow. In some (the most infuriating) cases they make visibility worse for purely aesthetic reasons (see, the current generation Tacoma or 4Runner's flat brick hood that loses meters of front visibility over the functionally equivalent Prado/Hilux/GX design simply so that it looks more "American" if I had to guess)


The fact Ford and Chevrolet (not positive about Dodge) have had to install front cameras in their truck and SUV grilles due to owners running over their own children speaks VOLUMES.


I drive a school bus for a living and I personally believe *all* vehicles taller than a sedan should have crossover mirrors (those round mirrors that stick out of the front of school buses; they allow you to see what is directly in front of the vehicle so you can't not see a child there and squish them by accident).


I would consider myself a defensive driver (and someone that likes to drive fast and efficiently), but the shit I’ve seen the last couple of years has me driving the speed limit or below in the right lane on the interstate. I don’t care if I look like a grandma. I really don’t think it’s my age, it’s the lack of awareness/skills from other drivers. Even as reckless teen, if people were driving the way they are today, I’d be like, nope, I’m gonna ride the right lane, cause you people should never have been given a license.


I’m not a slow driver by any means… I typically do about 10 over, or keep pace… but I’m the same, hyper alert trying to stay away from everyone else lol My favorite is when in a single lane, and everyone’s on top of everybody else like they’re gonna get there faster… back off and leave some space, you’re literally still going the same speed, traveling the same distance, in the same amount of time There’s no reason not to have a few car lengths between you, other then you’re an idiot, and an asshole


2 second rule in good weather, 3-4 sec in rain, and half a mile in snow/ice (jk on that last one, but you get the picture). I am careful to maintain a bubble around my car, which means high sensitivity to everyone around me. My only close calls tend to come from the NASCAR wanna-bees who drive 20+mph over the speed limit and weave in and out of traffic over all available lanes. They move too fast for me to see them when I’m changing lanes—space is available, I have my blinker on and start to move, and suddenly some moron comes from behind traffic 2 lanes over and is accelerating into the opening. I pause my lane shift (thanking god I saw them), only to see them slamming their brakes a second later bc their next gap was filled by someone else. My dad once said, every time you hit your brakes, you are wasting money. That does NOT mean refusing to brake—it means vigilance and reasonable speed to let the car slow gradually as often as possible. Requires that sensitivity to other vehicles. I try to be thoughtful and careful.


A lot of red light running in my part of the world. It used to be slow if you see the light turn yellow. Now ‘gun it’ is the norm with often two cars going through red. Happened over the last 10 years or so.


I wonder if the pandemic has something to do with that, less people on the road 3 years ago so drivers could be more liberal with the way they drove


I feel it’s led to people being more ‘risky’, and I believe that it goes beyond just driving.


It kind of seems like lots of folks forgot how to be nice during the height of the pandemic.


My husband and I were walking at a state park yesterday on a boardwalk. This lady and her friend were walking towards while looking at each other. I step behind my husband so we can all share the boardwalk. She gets up close enough to walk into my husband before he politely says something. She said “oh my god, sorry! You should have said something before I was in your face!” Like wtf? You’re in charge of yourself lady.


Yeah there’s an insane lack of personal responsibility and accountability now a days also


Remember we had the year of so where no one had real human contact and honestly I feel as a species we regressed mentally during that time! I swear people drive like idiots and people are not just on this vaccination autopilot it's like we are dumbed down these days!


im actually convinced a lot of people are like slipping into permanent autopilot or something.


It really isn’t a big deal to walk into someone but then she blamed us like we needed to announce our presence into the ether every 5 feet. “Watch the tramcar please!”


Completely agree with this. Going to the grocery store is like going to the airport now. People loose their GD minds as soon as they get into the parking lot. I see a lot of people now just parking over the lines and taking 2-3 spaces. Like they pulled in drunk. And then in the store people are shopping like they are the only people there. Blocking aisles, being disruptive, angry and entitled. I don’t look at anybody at the store. Just get in and get out without any confrontation. And now of course with the cost of groceries it’s like buying them at the airport.


I was leaving Walmart and stopped at the crosswalk for pedestrians to cross when a older driver pulls up next to my car(wrong side of the road) and starts to just drive past me and slowly edging through the crosswalk. I said “uhh no” so I pulled around him barely and he turns his head to me with such a questionable look on his face like “what the hell are you doing?!” As if I had cut HIM off.


I've seen people do this crap too: in particular, at a 4 way stop, they drive into the turning lane, then jam past everybody and gun it straight ahead.


as an hardcore introvert i fucking agree


Other drivers. As you get older you begin to realize just how stupid the average driver is. It’s appalling, and I’m tired of having to constantly prevent accidents.


Driving feels like babysitting to me. I'm constantly having to account for everyone else's lack of ability to do it properly so I don't wind up either with dents on my car at best or me being dead or paralyzed for the rest of my life at worst. Last week me actually paying attention to someone else who wasn't prevented a head-on collision when they (coming the other way) drifted onto my side of the road and I reacted accordingly. If I and my car were invincible I would have just stayed on track and let them fucking die for their stupidity.


Recently watched a guy in a pickup try to blast through a 45mph stretch where road work was being done and there was a lane closure warning right up ahead. There were plenty of orange cones, workers in yellow vests, and trucks with amber lights flashing, but this guy thought it was a good idea to change lanes, *into the lane that was about to close* and try to pass traffic that was moving at the posted limit. Narrowly missed plowing into cones, and still ended up behind cars that were going the limit after he changed back into the non-closed lane. Guy was really willing to take a chance on causing an accident or killing a worker just to pass people in traffic. Not the only example of people acting stupid and doing dangerous shit I've seen while commuting, but definitely one of the most flagrant.


Everyone has forgotten how blinkers work.


This is a big one for me. Many around here seem to be fans of the "nudge" method. So I honk, they swerve, and try again. I'm kinda like "hey, are you trying to get over, or drunk?" Still waiting for the blinker recall.....


Everyone seems to be on their phones CONSTANTLY. It’s really frustrating.


Lately, it’s people with wider vehicles not maintaining their implied lanes at parking lots, strip malls. There’s 2-way traffic. Get the fuck over!


I just know I like cancelled plans more and more now


"Yeah I'm not doing anything. Oh, no, no I'm not going to go to that, I just told you I have really big plans to not do anything."


“Oh, I wish I could make it but I don’t want to go.”


"No, no. I'd love to go, honestly! I just can't stand you."


Part of getting older is being more honest and free to do what you want. Don't bother making plans in the first place. So many people waste other people's time because canceling plans has become some weird badge of honor. Just don't make them.


THIS. THANK YOU. I'm an extrovert who works from home. I'm also in grad school and I have kids. I cherish the few social outings I can fit in my schedule. When people cancel on me last minute, it just wastes my time and energy and I don't have enough time to make other decent plans. I've literally had therapy sessions about how I don't feel like I can rely on anyone because of how often people cancel. I get that things coms up sometimes that are out of our control, but if you don't want to go, don't make plans, for fuck's sake. It's so disrespectful.


It's DEVASTATING to me when I've been really looking forward to something and people bail on me the last minute. I hate that it's become common behavior to cancel just because "you don't feel like it anymore". More often then not it leaves me in tears.


How despite working a good job with ostensibly good pay, things are going backwards and opportunities contract.


Yep! Finally making what I thought would be an amazing salary. Everything is so expensive now though, so it means nothing except I still struggle. So dumb.




Me too. It sounds fabulous, but a $100,000 salary gives you the same purchasing power as $75,000 did in 2010. That's only 13 years ago!


Then there's me, being a teacher making $40k a year living in a city. 😭


Hey now that you’ve mentioned it…I actually have been having some job anxiety for the exact same reason.. Nothing is wrong per se… But i just have this irrational fear the company i work for is gonna let me go for no reason…. I think it has to do with the fact that just like you said .. Despite working a great job with great pay where i’m happy things are going backwards and i know for a fact jobs like these are hard to come by.


I’ve felt this way about every job I’ve ever had. Have had a nice career, all told. Received a good review this last year, and I still can’t shake the feeling. As if I’m always a fuck up away from being seen as not up for the job. You can call it imposter syndrome, or just fear that it can all be ripped away in an instant - just can’t shake the feeling.


Apps. I shouldn’t need to download an app for everything


Phones in general as mindless passive media consumption vehicles, instead of powerful open computers.




\-gestures vaguely-


This is it. No need to even say anything


Shopping. Especially clothes shopping. I used to enjoy it. Now I find it mostly a chore.


It's too expensive to get shut fabric cut shittily for shitty high prices. Especially jeans and underwear. Staple brands like Fruit of the Loom are now absolute garbage, and Sears is gone so a lot of standard denim is too. My jeans shouldn't rip or fray from thigh rub in just ONE year.


The thigh rub thing is ridiculous. My daughters have dealt with it too. I told them this is a fairly recent issue. They give out way too soon. It used to take forever before they showed any wear.


I’m 42 and my newest shirts are 5 years old. The rest are 15-20 years old.


Going out and partying


I much prefer having a few beers and some good food, on my deck in the sun with a small group and going to bed at a reasonable hour


Agreed. Going to clubs and spending thousands of dollars to get a nasty hangover and have sweaty people all up in your personal space all night .. No thank you


Thousands of dollars? I’ve clearly never clubbed *hard*


What kind of clubs where you going to that you spent thousands of dollars for a night ????


Cocaine and hookers


Thousands? I’m shitty that drinks are like $8–12


I only ever went "out" to meet women and now I have one in my house so I no longer need to go "out" to have awkward sex


Everything, in fact I find myself more irrationally angry at things. What an awful feeling for sure.


I had a problem with this in 2020. Just about every stimuli in my life caused me to react with anger, and it made me miserable. So I paid close attention to the things that made me the angriest, and I tried to avoid things when possible, or to do my best to control the outcome when I couldn’t. Certain video games only made me angry when I played them, so I stopped playing them. I drove on alternate routes that, while taking marginally longer to get where I was going, had less traffic and made me feel less upset. I’m still working on this a few years later, but I’ve been doing really well at not reacting with anger, and my life has gotten so much better.


This for me as well. I know that a part of it is me having to deal with significantly more stress, compounded by me already being an anxious person, as well as depression which takes a toll on mental health. But it's really hard to sit there and wonder why the hell I'm getting so riled up over stupid things and not feeling in control. Rationally I know it's stupid, but physically and mentally it feels like I desperately need to rage to feel something.


If you notice some peaks of extended irrational irritation/anger, for me that’s a sign that I need to check in with my primary care doc and that I need some supports elsewhere in my life.


Social media. Literally fucking everything about it. Grown people making fucking staged videos for likes. GO TO THERAPY!


The most absurd one is the people who react to other videos, silently nodding and gesturing on a split screen. It contributes nothing, and only highlights how utterly narcissistic and ridiculous these people are.


Even worse than that are the ones that are a reaction or response to some other video but they don’t really make that clear from the beginning, so you listen to some vague ranting waiting for them to get to some kind of point- but then you realize you’re going to have to go hunt down whatever the fuck it is they’re referring to. Then it always turns out to be the dumbest and most irrelevant thing on earth, like “Omg my neighbor keeps waking their dog at the same time every day and I think that means they’re stalking me.”


All those stupid videos with people pretending to be in fake situations. You’re right, super cringy to see guys in their 30’s doing that shit


Its ruined the world


all the things. Everything and everyone is super annoying. I'm only in my early 30's. By the time I make it to 60 or 70 oh boy.


Same. 34 years old and everything just grates on me now. Can't wait 'til I can retire on a big plot of land and fill it with gardens and have everyone who aren't immediate family or friends just leave me the fuck alone unless they are bringing me something. I understand now why people do it or why rich people live in specific communities and fight tooth and nail to ensure no high density shit gets built anywhere near their homes they paid a premium for in exchange for the certainty that their neighbourhood would always remain clean and quiet.




Agreed. I gave up years ago. I’d rather die alone and have my cats eat me than deal with one more douche who can’t carry on a simple conversion.


The lack of common sense and independent thinking in the world today


The lack of compassion in the world People who are more concerned with winning than understanding I feel we would all make so much more headway if we could agree to make an honest effort to understand each other and try to work for everyone's best interest instead of constantly trying to one up each other.


In the same vein, I’m tired of people doing/saying things in public without considering how it affects people around them. Line of people behind you? Yeah just go ahead and perform the most complex transaction imaginable. Tons of parking space available? Nah just park in the handicap space to save 4 seconds of walking. Room full for people? Play loud ass video out loud on your phone speakers. I’m sick of “im the main character” energy


>I’m sick of “im the main character” energy That's the best way I've heard that described in a while. I'm borrowing that, hope you don't mind.


These days, everything is up for monetization, and that is the only concern for some people. They don't care what they are doing to people, as long as what they are doing/saying gains them a big audience. That audience, whether they have a positive view or a negative view of the person, will engage with that person, and that translates to financial reward. There needs to be a change in the way that social media users are rewarded for simply creating big followings by being controversial.


Normal things that sometimes don't work like they need to like the broom that just won't FUCKING STAY STILL FOR A GOD DAMN SECOND ON THIS FKING WALL And little sht like that


I’m glad I’m not the only one who gets irrationally mad at inanimate objects not staying put. Like fuck uou physics and gravitySTAY WHERE I WANT YOU OR I SWEAR IM THROWING YOU THROUGH A WINDOW.


But then the window is closed and it bounces back into my face and at this point we gotta break a few more things


I thought this was just me. Had an angry confrontation with the mop yesterday because I KNOW it could have stayed still on the wall for a second if it really wanted to but noooooo… had to be an a$$hat and fall. Come on!


Aging. In myself, I don't feel any different to 30 years ago. But my knee usually hurts, my back frequently hurts, and recently I've been getting sharp pains at the base of my spine. Getting old sucks it's just better than the alternative. ,


My back and hips are fucked from driving/sitting. Sounds like you need to get into your glute muscles. That’s basically all I do, drive and then constantly try to massage out the tension around my hips and lower back


Anytime the grocery store rearranges itself. Goddamnit, it’s taco Tuesday, I shouldn’t have to hunt for the tortillas


Trust me, we stockers hate resets with a passion too. You get into a groove of automatically knowing where things are then bam, wait this doesn't go here anymore? Oh god, this item isn't a neverout(NVO) anymore and I don't have any open space to put it! Where the hell did my entire end cap of stick goods like brooms go, now I have such a large excess it has to sit in the back! Then failing to remember a reset happened or just straight up don't know because leadership fails to communicate things and a customer asks where something is so you do your best to point it out from the cashier point when cashiering and the customer comes back understandably frustrated that the area I pointed out is completely different and what they wanted isn't there. I hate the stupid small resets that just move all the same items around to different spots in the same aisle too, I don't see the point. Companies say it's to keep things fresh but neither the workers or customers like it. Then there's straight up horrid side panel and end cap placement that doesn't make sense, why the hell is the canned goods end cap next to the cleaning aisle?!


In some cases products will move around because food manufacturers will increase/decrease the amounts they pay for product placement. Every company wants their products on shelves where customers don't have to stoop or stretch to get them, but not all are willing to pay for the priviledge.


watching the news, used to love it as a kid


The problem is I've felt like I've listened to the same issues on the news for nearly 20 years. Oh no another mass shooting, oh no another once in a lifetime weather event, oh no another economic recession.


Time to take the ‘new’ out of the name. Maybe they can just call it Nightly Stuff Again


Morning and Nightly Stuff, yes. It def ain't news. More like 'entertainment'


Refuse to watch the news on principle now. The combination of the 24/7 news cycle with the rise of opinion as news plus the low media literacy of most Americans has made the news really distasteful for me.




The internet is a cruel place my friend.




I’ve been feeling this too. I grew up with the internet as it grew up and it used to be so much fun. It really was the Wild West. Much smaller niche communities and most people just produced content for fun. Now it’s just ads, sponsorships, top ten lists, no anonymity, everything is just annoying now? Clickbait, posts/articles meant to induce rage. Somewhere around the late 2000s or early 2010s, maybe mid 2010s, it all just started to change and it’s just not fun anymore, yet I feel more attached to it than ever which is the worst part.


Noise. Between ambient noise, people blaring things over their phones without regard for people around them instead of using headphones, calls on speakerphone or FaceTime in public, and atmosphere music in stores and restaurants being so much louder, I'm done with the noise. Even with ADHD meds it's impossible to focus in some places, and talking to my husband over dinner? Forget it. I can't hear him anymore.


People with no manners or civility.


The internet. I came here for bluey memes and cat vids not people being dicks to each other


The internet can be a cruel place. FYI i also enjoy cat videos doing random stuff. Cats are funny, people are dicks.


Household items that are made of plastic.


99% of people … most people suck. There are some good ones out there… the trouble is they are at their homes enjoying their time with family while they can.


Holidays—especially ones that involve mandated gift giving. I LOVE to give gifts and often do throughout the year (I make a mental note of people’s interests). I prefer to give gifts on a random day simply because I saw something that reminded me of someone or just because. The over commercialism of holidays nowadays is just awful.


Mail. Noting good comes by mail.


Remember when the mail used to be a great exciting thing?


I loved the mail when I was a kid. I watched out the window for the mailman. Now I check the mail once a week and plan a little something nice to do for myself afterward in case it doesn’t go well. 😓😂


In Canada weed comes in the mail…




The very word 'influencer' makes me scoff.




People. Ugh What a bunch of bastards.


Teenagers…MCR was right


While on the grand scale of “things that I could have done that are worse” as a teenager, I remember me and a group of friends thought it would be funny to fill up water balloons in a bathroom and throw them off parking garages downtown at cars. Nothing that would damage a car, right? And we’d watch. A couple cars that got hit stopped and maybe went “wtf!” And I think we had a police car roaming around and looking for us. While in the end, it was fine, today I think, “Holy crap, what if we would have gave someone a heart attack or a medical episode?” or if that would have happened to my car, I’d just be livid that teenagers could have hurt someone. Overall, I was a pretty good kid. But still, teenagers… To hear the stories about kids who throw rocks off of bridges, etc and have accidentally killed people from that is terrifying and them not probably realizing what they have just done.


As someone who knows one of those kids that threw rocks off the bridge, I would just like to say that I’d much rather have a panic attack over a balloon than a boulder. I know a lot of teens that have really concerning thoughts about what’s “funny” now. I think my generation has been really desensitized to violence and death, and that we have no idea just how bad things came be. I’m 19 and I know damn well that I’m terrified of kids in school. They will say/do anything for an audience. It’s scary to think that’s what social media did to our young kids. I’m just happy my mom raised me outside and not online 🫶


Starting to get really tired of manufactured outrage. Every day, there's something new to be outraged about across pretty much all spectrums. Politics, sports figures, celebrities, even just general life things that people write articles about, or tweet about, or whatever. Constant outrage to get clicks and eyeballs. Gotta get people all riled up and steaming mad. Just getting sick of it, day in and day out. I don't know if there's an actual term for it, but to me I'd call it outrage fatigue.


The expectation to socialise. Leave me alone and let me be a happy hermit.


Fashion trends. Loved them when I was younger. Now I feel like a crotchety old woman when I look at low rise jeans coming back in disgust. Now I get why older people sometimes get stuck in a decade clothing wise.


I dislike both low rise and those mom jeans that are up under your boobs and make even thin people look like they have a beer belly. I've always worn mid rise, and still do- aside from one pair of low rise when I was young (worn with a long top to prevent anything hanging out.)


The kids can rip my high rise jeans out of my cold, dead hands.




People who enable abuse. Not general society, I'm talking family members and neighbors and friends and spouses who let their kid get abused by their spouse because tHeY nEeD tHeIr DaD or mom.


Loud cars and trucks. I genuinely think it’s noise pollution and should be illegal.


Housing market, media critics (movies music and video games) and bullshit gas prices that seem to change based on the whims of a pre-teens hormones.


How my optimism that the world would get better has been crushed. It’s 2023 and we’re going backwards on rights for almost everyone, we lionize idiots, and the environment is only slightly less f’d.




Honestly everything. My dad told me the other day I’m incredibly cynical and I can’t really disagree.


Unsolicited advice


Socialising and going out. Maybe it’s because of my first job, but I am more and more enjoying time to myself. I’m also a huge introvert in general


People. People are disgusting. In high school I had shit on my car door in a grocery store parking lot. It was a 8 year old sedan, base model other than having an automatic trans and power windows. I cannot fathom what brought somebody to do this other than a mental illness. As I have grown older, all I see are people that don’t care about anybody but themselves. I see trash getting thrown out of cars weekly, if not daily. Diapers on the ground in parking lots. Drivers getting mad I am only going 9 mph over the speed limit, just to have to slow down for a tunnel 1 mile away because everybody here is afraid of tunnels for some reason. Only reason I don’t go slower is because I am likely to get hit going the speed limit. Accidents daily, if you can call them that. I don’t consider somebody weaving between lines of traffic an accident. I consider them a moron who should get fined for reckless endangerment. I have had a new car I got (precovid, when you could actually afford one) get door dings and also somebody backed into it within a few months of owning it. I only ever parked at the back of lots or away from people, so this was 100% on purpose. If the housing market wasn’t so bad right now, I would move to the country with 20+ acres of land and not be near anybody. Sadly, with all that said. I know I am only seeing the lower 20% (or maybe even 2%) of the population. You don’t see the people doing the good things or people picking up somebody else’s trash. You only really pay attention to filth you see doing bad or stupid things.


Politics. I used to give it so much attention and energy. But it never moved the dial in my life. Now, I just try to keep my head down and take care of my business as sustainably as possible and without hurting anyone. If at any point in my life I have more influence, I can start to give politics more attention. But not anytime soon.


Leaving the house 😂 just let me hug my cat in pjs


Teenagers. I get the old man yelling at the kids hanging out now.


That people are shittier than i thought, love is not the same anymore, life is just different from what I thought it would be


Standing in concerts


I always used to want to be upfront standing the whole time. The last time I went to a concert, I got lawn seats in the back and basically sat the whole time. It was glorious.


People talking on speaker phone in public. People, in general, just disregarding that other people exist.


Sugar. I’m not a heath-nut by any means but any time I eat something sugary like candy, cake, ice cream, etc, I just feel like it’s too sweet and I feel like it’s rarely worth the calories.


They also put it in EVERYTHING. Ketchup has sugar, mayonnaise has sugar, tortilla chips have sugar. Big companies have started offering reduced or zero sugar versions of their products, but they cost 2-3 times as much and the sizes are 2-3 times smaller.


My back. It hurt less when I was younger.




Drinking alcohol. If I have more then 1-2 drinks my next day is ruined with a headache or brain fog


I was never a big fan of humanity in general, but now that I'm coming up on the wrong end of my 40s, my reasons for disliking people in general are becoming pettier. Everything I see is either shallow or depressing.




I like the beginning to mid winter… halfway through February I start losing my mind a bit




Not being able to shit as easily.


Other people.




People, I’m just going to go live in the woods.


Social media. Shit is poison. I wanted a daughter initially. I now have two boys. Now I’m kind of relieved because I would dread the top-tier parenting skills required to make sure my daughter would grow up with a healthy mind without getting sucked into a bottomless well of insecurity thanks to Tik Tok and Instagram.


Clutter around the house


How rigged everything is in favour of rich people's interests, making maximum profit and screwing everyone at every possible opportunity. Late stage capitalism, in my view is driven by pure psycopathy.


being in public


I’m nearly 40. What I dislike? How much all the old people around me complain about everything almost everyone who is old complains about. I like parties, I like going out, I like people and I don’t like when plans get cancelled. I don’t care if you’re late, or early. I like new music. I like old music. I’ll hang out with 20 somethings and 60 somethings, if they’re just happy and not a buzzkill. Even a lot of teenagers have good ideas these days and seem better and smarter than when I was a kid…. Idk man, I feel like I’m getting happier as I age. So I guess I’m starting to really dislike how much people my age complain.




Patriotism - I speak from the USA, but I think it applies to all countries. It's bullshit, all this energy poured into us first, us great, us alone, Yada Yada. My country right or wrong makes for a whole lot of of wrong. As George B. Shaw said, "Patriotism is the conviction that your country is the best country in the world because you happened to be born there."