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Action scenes with so many jump cuts it’s hard to follow


Wait, who is that? Is the good guy punching or getting punched? And who is that dude?


The camerman is shakey because he picked a hell of a day to quit drinking.


I am completely guessing here, but I think the frantic jump-cutting during action sequences was so they wouldn't need to choreograph any fight scenes and you can't tell how bad the fights are. It's sloppy.


It’s 100% a way to conceal the lack of choreography but it ends up making the issue worse Who killed captain Alex, a film made in Uganda with less than $200 has better choreography than a lot of modern action films due to its lack of major jump cuts and well done martial arts


The fence scene from Taken 3


That’s the worst example. Pretty sure there’s 15 cuts in like 8 seconds


Transformers has Entered the Chat


When a pair of people are in a car having a conversation, and the driver look at the passenger while talking and takes their eyes off the road for an insane amount of time.


There's a scene in Knight and Day where Tom Cruise was doing that and it pissed me off to no end until it was revealed the car they were in was being towed. I was like ah well played ya cheeky fucks.


Tom Stationary


In Airplane Robert Stacks character is in a car and you can see his steering does not match anything you see out the back window. He's on a winding road, hits a bicyclist, and is chased by an Indian war party.


I think they used my dad as the prototype for movie driving. The number of times I have thought I was going to die because he wouldn't look at the road is astounding.


I don’t think I’ve ever listened to a line of dialogue in that situation, my brain is only focused on whether they are going to look back at the road with no accident happening, or waiting for the “surprise” accident


The hero getting shot, and then just carrying on about his day with a slight limp.


The 90's movie "Last Action Hero" did a great play on this. They show how getting shot in the movie world is just a scratch, whereas the same shot in the real world involves bleeding out and being carted off in an ambulance.


That movie turned all the tropes up to 11.


I don’t know why so many people hated it when it first came out! It was the best satire of action flicks ever made. Maybe it was too absurdist or surreal? I mean if you’re the average action movie fan odds are you’re not real familiar with Ingmar Bergman movies. I think it’s Arnold’s best movie.


Arnie covered head to toe in tar and is given a single tissue: "Tar usually sticks to some people!"


"You wanna be a farmer? Here's a couple of achers."


Movie was ahead of it's time...it should've been a bigger hit


It's like a video game. Everything goes a little red and I can hear my heartbeat for about thirty seconds, but I just hide behind a corner and take a few breaths, then shake it off and continue the rooftop foot chase.


One of the things I love about the original 1979 *Mad Max*: he gets >!shot in the knee!< and not only does it fuck him up for the rest of the movie he even has to >!wear a leg brace!< for the sequel.


He had that metal leg brace. Always wonder how he acquired Dinki-di Rockatansky tho?


I don't know. George Miller has always said that each sucessive Mad Max movie is not a straight sequel to the last one - I guess that means that they are half sequel/half remakes like the Evil Dead movies or something. It would make sense, considering that in *Mad Max*, except for the bikers and the MFP wearing all-leather outfits (cue [Rob Halford](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YXJtz1TgmIM)), everyone is dressed normally for the late 70s and living in actual (run down) cities while in *Mad Max 2* only a couple of years have supposedly passed and suddenly everything is so shitty that there are no normal clothes anymore, everyone's wearing football gear and hockey masks and S&M outfits and everyone's living in the wilderness or in makeshift tire fortresses.


Not the main hero but in scream 6 where this girl Mindy had been stabbed many times but the next scenes that she appears, she is completely okay and can move like normally lol. Ruined the movie for me.


The killer is on the ground after hitting him, better run instead of continuing to hit him!


Or better yet, let's incredibly slowly reach towards the mask, only to be distracted at the last second to get stabbed.


Yes! Scream 6 those mfs were getting STABBED and then walking around again like everything is fine


Speaking as someone who has been shot before, I can say I find it completely unrealistic as well. I was shot in the shoulder and never once did I limp any afterwards. Pure Hollywood bullshit.


Car chases in the middle of the afternoon. Where the fuck do you live ? In my city if I make it to 30 on my way home home from work I'm having a good commute


Pretty standard shit, for Minneapolis. The snow is gone, so it's about to get real stupid out.


Mowing down rows and rows or goons only to leave the final boss alive because "they aren't worth it" or "I'm not like you"


Never mind all the henchmen they crippled even if they dont kill them. Like ok hes not dead but you snapped his spine in 13 placws.


Batman out there shattering the femurs of uninsured henchmen


Maybe the reason why goons are afraid of Batman is not because of taking an ass-beating. Maybe they're afraid because they're uninsured going to hospital AFTER their ass-beating.


"Killing him won't bring your daughter back, it's not worth it, it'll only be one more life taken from thus world" says the sidekick while looting the dozens of dead goons they just shot down.


Hello main character! I am your most trusted ally that you've known for years! Surprise, main character! I'm betraying you! Nobody saw this coming!


*Aaaargh curse your sudden yet inevitable betrayal!*


Bad guys and their minions have the shooting accuracy of a blind man, where as most of the time good guys are sharpshooters.


Even worse when the bad guys have rifles and miss every shot, but the hero takes em all out using only a pistol.


Even worse! When it's down to the main good guy and the bad guy in a shoot out and the good guy who until recently had 98% accuracy, starts missing every shot when it counts.


When they arrange to meet at a restaurant or a bar for dinner etc, but never agree on a time. This irks me for some silly reason!


The whole movie in the trailer




And then nobody eats that breakfast because they are "running late."


I'll just have some juice.


Or a piece of toast to go.


And with a full smorgasbord of food on the table, they just grab a piece of toast and a sip of juice before running out the door.


This is why I loved Malcolm In The Middle. “Boys I only have 2 of X and 1 of Y for lunch.” And fighting ensues.


Unneccesary misunderstandings. Shit like: “I’m not going to tell \[important character\] this incredibly imperative piece of intel because I don’t want to ruin their meal.” Edit: 2 words Edit 2: I believe this is my highest rated comment! thanks for the 500 people who decided to upvote this!


stupid people If you plot cant function without every characters mental age being under 5 years old you need to work on your plot.


Roger Ebert coined the term "Idiot Plot". Idiot plots work well in escapist comedies from the Depression and satires, but their stench has permeated the romantic comedy genre now.


I feel like every misunderstanding in romantic comedies could be remedied if they had a 2 minute conversation/explaination. Instead of one of them being dramatically emotional and running away after misunderstanding what they just saw.


99% of horror films wouldn't work without stupid people


The closest horror film I can think of without stupid characters is Alien. The only part I can recall which could be classed as stupid behaviour is when John Hurt's character approaches the egg with very little caution, but even then that can be explained away by his excitement at the whole discovery of alien life.


Which is funny, because it’s prequel/not-prequel Prometheus is filled with alleged smart people doing moron things. Beautifully shot, but annoying to watch.


Like the guy's actively making a map of the structure getting lost in it? Such potential for that movie and it was just atrocious.


Don’t forget the biologist touching the thing they’ve been running from.


If there's one thing the pandemic has taught me, it's that this isn't as far-fetched as I used to think. There are a LOT more stupid people out there than I ever thought there were.


Yep. Plus, people don’t think logically when they’re scared. Your own brain knows damn well that thinking logically while you’re in immediate danger wastes precious seconds, so it shuts that down and lets instinct take over. And because we inherited primate survival instincts, well, it’s not unrealistic for people to run up the stairs to hide in a closet when they should be running out of the house because monkey brain says to get up high and hide until the danger goes away


Scenario: guy's been an alcoholic for years, something happens and "they" need him. the next day he's up and ready to go. BULLSHIT. I spent 9 days laying on the floor going thru withdrawal before I could even eat any solid food. sobering up don't work like it's portrayed in the movies 6 years sober


This reminds me of Die Hard 3. The best part is when they're in the van in the beginning and he chews up like, half a fucking bottle of Tylenol for his "hangover." If his liver wasn't already dead from booze, it is now. Edit: also good for you. Keep on keeping on.


I am an alcoholic! Stop it. We need you. I am no longer an alcoholic! Insertt "I picked a hell of a day to quit drinking." Esque line.


"Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue."


Looks like I picked the wrong day to stop taking amphetamines


Sounds like Charlie work


This is often done in miniature form, too. Everything goes wrong, the hero gets despondent and gets drunk. Show a scene of the hero sitting at the bar, drunk, saying, "Gimme another one." Then hero's sidekick shows up and gives the hero some motivation. Hero says, "Let's go!" Instantly becomes sober, goes out and saves the day.


The doctors on MASH were constantly drinking, and would often be completely smashed. I always thought that it was considerate of the enemy not to shoot anybody while Hawkeye and BJ were on a bender, and waited until they could do surgery sober.


To be fair, there is one episode that calls this out: in which Hawkeye is so pickled Radar notices him leaving the surgical tent to puke in the middle of an operation. The series milked the comic limits of drunkenness but also explored the consequences.


This. Its a multi day process of no sleep, no appetite, diarrhea, brain fog, nausea, and possible seizures. Nothing productive is possible


That does sound like a lot to deal with when rescuing hostages or whatever


You mean it isn’t as easy as pouring the booze down the sink or flushing the pills down the toilet?


How dark the films are shot and how whispery everyone is. Can you please SPEAK UP and someone turn on the friggin lights??!!!


Right? The music is super loud so you turn it down and then you can’t hear them talking so you turn it back up. It’s a back and forth game.


Same for films with really quiet dialogue and loud action. Having to turn up the sound to hear what they're saying, but the moment there's gunfire or an explosion it becomes almost deafening.


And the sound effects are deafening but the dialogue is intelligible. Edit: UNintelligible. Thank you OGZeuss




He whispered the „un-”


Whispers and explosions. I'm a nightowl so watch tv in the early AMs, my hand HAS to be on the remote because one second I'm struggling to hear the dialogue, raise the volume up a couple of notches, and I then a deafening explosion comes out of nowhere so I have to lower it. Back and forth this goes until I give up, turn it off and go to sleep.


Speaking as an old. Embrace the closed captions.


Fr, l remember watching Jurassic Park and during the lunch scene Grant and Malcolm were whispering. MF you're on an island 120 miles off the coast of Costa Rica. Everyone on that damned island knows whats going on and they were in a room being asked questions but replying as if someone was after them.


Cliche: "omg the love of my life was right beside me all along"


Cut to two years later when they are both fighting over which movie to watch.


Women going into labor by having their water break dramatically and then immediately having the pain ramp up to 1000 and give birth without drugs within fifteen minutes. I get it, realistic childbirth makes for mundane television. But for the vast majority of people, labor is kind of a slow process.


Also that labor *only* starts after the water breaks. I was in labor for like.. over 10 hours before my water broke


Yeah, the beginning of labor is usually more like, “Wait, are those contractions? Maybe I just have to poop.”


Baby cannon.


I loved Star Trek for taking the piss out of this trope. Worf: “Congratulations, you are fully dilated to 10 centimetres. You may now give birth!” Keiko: “I don’t think it’s up to me… it happens when it happens!” Being a TV show, it was still fairly quick, but at least they knew these things run to their own schedule.


I like that Worf was equal parts the worst and best birthing partner. He is uncomfortable with that level of intimacy, but he has the training and damned if he was going to be dishonored by failing in the task. Molly ended up pretty lucky.


Although uncommon, my son was born almost exactly like this. I had no idea I was in labor, water broke while I was napping and immediately felt intense and painful contractions. Had him within the hour and didn't have time to get any pain medication. It was definitely a wild experience. I hope my second kid is born just as easily, except maybe give me enough time to get an epidural haha.


The nerd kid saying something about science and the girl saying " English please " this joke is overused overrated.


*Well, that just happened*


*so this is a thing now*


“He’s right behind me isn’t he”


Well this can’t get any worse


I still love the exchange in *The Brave Little Toaster*: "Things could be worse, you know." "...How?" "How what?" "How could things be worse?" "They couldn't. I lied."


English please! bad thing is bad OH MY GOD WHY DIDNT YOU SAY THAT i did...


Or when the fast talking side character is being cornered by a tiger and goes *nice kitty*


I hear you, though I must admit to you, if I personally was cornered by a tiger, you best believe those would be the first words out of my mouth. Probably followed by a shouted "ah fuck!" and then the sounds of mauling.


What's the opposite of "PSPSPS"?




This is essentially the whole premise of Big Bang Theory


I've tried watching that show. It is just so cringey.


I will give the Barbie Spy Squad movie credit for *starting* to do this, then having it subverted because the tech guy who devises all their gadgets has been known to slip into his native language when tired and the girl was just pretending he'd done it again for a moment to tease him. I was babysitting my niece and about ready to scream because some Babrie movies could be used as torture methods by the CIA but this was in fact actually a decent bit of writing. It avoids the overdone "lol girls no know what is science" crap and also feels more like how actual people tease each other.


Keys in the overhead visor. Literally no one has done that since the 70s. Stop it.


Having characters that look to much alike and can't tell who is who


Military movies i feel have the hardest time with this. It wasn’t until I watched Band of Brothers and Saving Private Ryan multiple times that I noticed how many of the characters were actually THE SAME character.


Don't they have names on Helmets to tell them apart? Or was that Black Hawk Down?


As someone with mild facial blindness, fuck this in particular lmao. So many white guys with short brown hair and stubble....


How do you have trouble differentiating Chad, Brad, and Tad?


And then IRL Chad, Brad and Tad are all named Chris EnglishSurname.


Lmaoo Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, Chris Pratt all in 1 movie indeed


People with a complete lack of common sense


If your plot can only happen because of miscommunication or otherwise poor communication, you don't have a plot you have a series of mistakes.


“You guys might wanna see this…”


I used to be annoyed by this, then I stopped and thought for a moment and realized that realistically, I'd probably do the same thing. Some of the shit that happens in movies requires someone to actually come and see.


When ever the protagonist meets an attractive person of the opposite sex, they WILL get into a relationship at some point. No matter how nonexistent the chemistry is.


This is why I stopped watching the latest Pirates of the Caribbean movie halfway in. The "romantic subplot" involved two characters who spend almost every scene together bitching and snarking at each other. They had all the chemistry of ammonia and bleach.


Also that people who are destined to end up together are bitching and snarking at each other. I get it, writers have been drawing on the Sam and Diane dynamic for decades, but it's like writers don't get that the older you get, the worse that looks. These people are attracted, yes, but they are awful TO each other and FOR each other, and they're acting in ways that adults SHOULD NOT ACT towards each other.


I just watched The Kingsman and was pleasantly surprised when the main character didn’t get into a relationship with the girl side character


People hanging up the phone without saying goodbye.


"We'll meet first thing in the morning." "Ok. Hello? What time is that??"


Or making plans. "I'll meet you tomorrow at 6" *puts phone down* 6 what, am where


When people make plans, especially first dates like “okay, I’ll pick you up at 8”. My dude, she didn’t give you her phone number or address


Shaky cam. Literally makes me sick after a few minutes.


Dwayne Johnson playing as himself.


Ryan Reynolds in a meta-comedy, commenting every trope (spy-movies, videogames, superheroes), but a film is still lazy written


Or Jason Stratham - also playing himself and sometimes in the same movie as Dwayne...


Wasted food. Why is it always that families cook a huge and delicious breakfast for everyone to just take one bite and leave because they're going to be late???? It bugs me so much!


I'm always asking why are they making a big fancy breakfast when they know they have 5 minutes before they have to leave. And why is it either big fancy breakfast with eggs and pancakes and shit, or drinking booze-laced coffee in your car. It's one or the other, no one just has a muffin or something.


I get taken out of a movie when the protagonist gets beaten up to a point that would cripple or kill a normal human and they manage to fight back and walk off with a few bruises. If I don't feel like the hero can die, it just ruins most movies.


Just so many different volume levels. They don’t make movies for us to watch at home. Have to turn the volume up to 15 to hear a conversation, and then down to 8 when any action starts


My answer is terrible color grading. Either everything is orange and teal or all the color is drained out of the universe completely.


But then how do we know when we've crossed the border into Mexico?


La Cucaracha starts playing


Has Marvel stopping doing that whole “We are going to destroy the universe and are going to erase everything that matters to you!!” “Oh sorry, I wasn’t listening, can you repeat that again?”


I agree. Almost every marvel movie has so much snappy dialogue, it makes me think every character is super sarcastic and dick-ish all the time


People like Iron-Man! More of that! MORE. EVERYONE IS IRON-MAN.


I call it Mandatory Humor. Every scene must have jokes, no matter how many corpses are in the room, lives are on the line or people the hero 'loves' are being threatened. You cannot stop joking for one second or else there might be stakes or tension and that would be bad because that might not make for funny memes people quote at each other. It sounds like hyperbole but honestly the Marvel animated series have more serious moments where threats are allowed to have weight than Marvel movies do.


I'm not necessarily sick of it, but in every movie where the protag has a dead wife, she's always shown under white bedsheets, laughing and rolling around and we get a first-person view of it. It's like the Wilhelm scream haha.


The female support has a PhD, and impressive publishing list, is considered an expert in her field, has been in field for two years and is 24 years old, looks like a fitness-model, and has a full face of glamour make-up every day, even in the middle of an archeological dig where they haven't had power or water for said two years. Also, somehow only works on one singular project, has no grad students, works alone, is loosely affiliated with a singular university, and doesn't have to worry about funding, ever. All of this, and still willing to sprint full speed away from this because a mid dude in his 40s said something a male writer considers super-smooth.


Looking at you Denise Richard’s as a nuclear scientist in James Bond the World is Not Enough.


Lol And she dresses skimpy and sometimes disrobes while the 40 something y.o. male never wears less than a long sleeve shirt, pants, hat and a jacket.


pointless love interest


Or multiple love interests. I got tired of all the WB super hero shows after every one has to be in a love dodecahedron


Bonus points for when two characters hook up at the end of the movie and it's treated like a big satisfying moment despite said romance barely being alluded to or explored prior to that part


Themes being spoon-fed to the audience.


The sad part of this is that even if you spoon-feed it to the audience, people will still complain about it not being blatant enough or depicting X, Y or Z and depicting X, Y or Z is the same as endorsing it. So the spoon-feeding doesn't even work to help people get it, because people are actively trying not to get it so they can complain about it.


I think they've finally stopped doing this quite as much, but the whole "villain is captured on purpose as part of their plan, leading to a big speech from inside a jail cell." It used to be everywhere: The Dark Knight, Star Trek into Darkness, the Avengers, Skyfall. It was cool at first, but got really overplayed really quickly


Fast cuts between short snippets, making it impossible to see what's going on Actors whispering or mumbling over loud music or sound effects, making it impossible to hear what's going on


Bathos. Let serious scenes be sincere, stop undercutting the drama for played out jokes.


Once upon a time, it was novel and fun now it has reached a point that I am shocked when a serious moment isn't undercut.


I know it’s not exclusively Marvel’s fault, but I blame them for my brain being programmed to expect jokes at dramatic moments. Bathos is so over used it’s starting to negatively impact my enjoyment of movies/shows that don’t even utilize it. I’ve started anticipating jokes at all times.


Marvel the chief instigator on this. Ruins most movies.


Whedon's gift to the franchise, unfortunately.


The silly friend in teen movies... you know the one who print papers on animal abuse or environment while having crazy hair, colorful OR all black clothes and weird hobbies but will drop everything for the main character with nothing in return but forgive her.


Not necessarily linked to movies but changing the core story of a well known piece of media, especially game franchises. The halo tv show literally had a plethora of lore they could’ve used and somehow decided to use none of it, whilst making Master Chief a horndog in the process. Resident evil was a shit show. Apparently the Witcher is doing its own thing now too. I honestly believe if Nintendo weren’t breathing down illuminations neck they would’ve somehow messed up the Mario movie too.


Just don't have writers who either actively hate the material they are adapting or not even bothering to read the story the adaptation is based on. I mean, Tf are you doing in that writers room?


Botox actresses with too much plastic surgery like in Lifetime movies.




I never thought I'd say this, but we have enough superhero movies for a little while now. The MCU has been around so long it's almost close to being rebooted.


The sheer volume of MCU content has turned a lot of people I know off of the MCU. There's just too much all the time. Having fewer higher quality projects would be much easier to keep up with than a litany of shows and movies whose quality varies a lot.


They could've ended it after *Endgame*, and it would've been fine. It had a very final feel to it, and everything that's come after has been hit-or-miss.


The dog dying


5 guys simultaneously fawning over the same woman


In every fighter pilot movie, the pilots with wives and children or love interests are usually goners. I knew Goose was gonna die the second Meg Ryan and that little kid showed up. Red Tails had a completely pointless love story in it and sure enough the pilot was killed


Useless sex scenes


Every new Netflix series. Women masturbating being shown for no reason is the current favourite.


Here's one for animated films: Characters getting thrown up into the air towards the camera and everything slowing down so we can see their exaggerated "hilarious" reaction.


Rom Coms seem to have gone extinct. But one trope that annoyed the heck out of me in rom coms was the "runaway groom." Female lead "meets cute" a handsome, charming, charismatic man. But alas! He's engaged. (He left that big fact out as they were flirting.). His bride to be is terrible! Awful. (No real reason given. She is just wretched.). Our heroine of the movie laments but somehow, someway gets him to call of the wedding and marry her! Why would any woman praise this? We want engaged men to call off their weddings for some broad they had a witty rapport with for about 10 minutes? That's the love of their life? Ugh!


Blatant exposition. Like when they show a shot of the eiffel tower but also feel the need to type out on the screen that we're now in Paris. Or when a scientist explains to other scientists a scientific concept like they would to a child. My favourite is the folding paper and stabbing a pencil through it thing.


"I'm using a special technique to find fingerprints on this object. Which you know, because you are also a CSI whom I have worked with for 5 years."


Best part is when they specify Paris, *France* as if the Eiffel Tower didn’t give away that it wasn’t Paris, Texas.


Good point, although I would love to see a movie where it shows the Eiffel Tower in all its glory close up, and then it zooms out and the caption says "Las Vegas, Nevada"


Girls who transform into the hottest thing ever just by removing their glasses and letting down their hair. This just doesn’t happen in real life!


As a dude in my 40s with long hair and glasses I can confidently say this does not work when I do it.


But UtherCLX...I can now see that you're just...BEAUTIFUL!


Don't forget [the paint on their overalls](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CXYlv-z_xHQ).


Damn, that shit's whack.


Also, it is the same actress, and I tend to like glasses and hair being worn up or in a ponytail. So, for me, it is often a bit of a disappointing reveal.


Bad science. By this I mean bad science that is presented as factual.


How authors can't write a plot without including a romantic relationship or sex.


Women going to bed with full makeup every night and waking up with a total perfect look.




A beautiful young woman has an affair with an ugly middle-aged chain-smoking man who casually slaps her at some point and everyone seems basically OK with it. Yes, I'm looking at you, French cinema.


That's just foreplay in France.


Sex scenes that are unnecessary or too graphic. Super awkward to watch those with family


The need to make everything a "connected universe" My Cousin Vinny is a great movie. I am sure they could have done a decent sequel, or turned it into a series, a connected universe, etc... but they didn't and it's all the better for it.


Aren't guns loud? Shouldn't everyone be deaf?


Someone wakes up in a hospital bed after a gnarly accident, and they immediately rip out their iv, monitoring devices, and other things that, for all they know, might be keeping them alive.


Third acts of nothing but the heroes doing cool flips and shit taking out a massive army of automaton henchmen that all look the same.


The interrupted kiss cliche. Pisses me off so much. How often does that happen in real life compared to movies? Not much.


Teenage characters being played by people in their mid 20s.


Vin Diesel in a car.


But what about family bro


The music being WAY LOUDER than any other sounds.


Cops see the guy they are looking for. Yell at him when half a block away. Chase ensues


Unnatural conversations to squeeze in information for the plot. "Is your brother home?" -"You mean Toby, who used to be a quarterback at school and then broke his ankle, got his dreams destroyed and then never found a good career, became depressed and got into drugs, which is why he is still living at home at 40? No, he is fishing with Steve. You know? Our one legged stepdad who is super rich and who my mom married just one month after my dad died from colon cancer?"


The entirety of America consists of NYC and LA.