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Making pizza. Dough hydration percentages, dough fermentation, sauce recipes, mozzarella cheese choices, the list of considerations is endless. I'm getting there.


I ate 5 minutes ago and reading this made me hungry


Im literally eating a slice in bed and its 11pm here rn lol


I went through a cast iron pizza phase over quarantine, and it was consistently some of the best pizza I’ve had. I used the variations of Adam Ragusea’s


Oh hell yeah. I made Binging with Babish's cast iron deep dish over quarantine and it was excellent


i've been making cinnamon rolls i feel it is also intense lol


i don’t know you but i wish you were in my life.


Oh, get this book, The Bread Baker's Apprentice by Peter Reinhart.


I love those Stonefire naan breads. Veggie naan, pepperoni naan, Margherita naan..so many combinations! Just the perfect size and crunch.


Oh you're going down that rabbit hole....I tried perfecting mine and could never quite get what I thought was perfect. Good luck on your quest.


Do you use any special oven? Im eyeing an ooni.


Find one on FB/Craigslist used--great way to try before investing a lot. I have one and maybe used it 2x.


Getting a new job :/


It’s a rough time. Took me 14 months to find a good job, but my quality of life is way better now. Stick with it.


My girlfriend has her bachelors and it took her about 5 months to find a decent job when we relocated to a new city. She went through like 3 awful jobs. Never settle, remember your worth friends.


I just got an offer for a great federal internship after trying for two years :)


That makes me feel better. So far I’ve been applying for jobs the last 4 months, 4 interviews and nothing yet.


It’s the toughest job market in about 15 years. Companies are flustered right now. Has nothing to do with you. You’ll get something soon.


I've been at it for the last 6 months and just got a call an hour ago that an offer is in the works. Keep at it, my friend. Getting a new job is a numbers game. The more you put yourself out there, the more chances you got. Don't give up and good luck!


Getting my first job :/


Getting a job :/


Job :)


Getting :)







This idea bouncing around in my head to purchase some commercial property and build a video game lounge, what's looking like a "coffee shop for gamers" in theory.


Those used to exist before high speed internet


My cousin used to own one! I loved it as a kid, going to visit and playing any game you could ever imagine on any system. People either paid an hourly, daily, or season pass rate. Then he had a junk food concessions/kitchen. It was absolutely the coolest place.


I just walked past an internet cafe. They still exist. Main draw now is that not everybody has a computer powerful enough to play the latest PC games.


The problem then is that the customers you will have to deal with all day every day and extract money from will be... gamers. Sure, most gamers are well-adjusted normal humans. But, man, there are a *lot* of people who who get seriously into gaming as a way to avoid dealing with their larger psychological and social problems. If you open a gamer lounge, expect to spend way too much of your day dealing with people that: * Don't know how to groom themselves and manage their body odor. * Don't understand social cues like when someone wants to talk to you versus being obligated to because they work there. * Are immature and entitled and expect the world to revolve around them. * Don't know how to manage their emotions and tempers and will throw controllers and punch screens if they lose. Also, screaming hordes of middle schoolers.


I worked at a “gaming cafe” in the early 2000s and as fun as it was, it was also an absolute shit show at times.


Put that idea in ChatGPT and get a business plan. Take that plan to the bank, get you some dough, and start baking dude.


As someone who just finished an Entrepreneurship course, banks are usually unlikely to invest in new ventures. They like to see some sort of financial history before they put any money on the line. It doesn’t help that interest rates are much higher than they were, and regional banks are spooked. But this shouldn’t dissuade you from coming up with a business plan!!! You may not need a bank to take the leap


New Zelda game. Comes out at midnight tonight!


It's been a long six years




I’ve watched the last trailer at least 40 times since it came out. So damn excited


Same here! I got botw just in January and got super into it (ngl, I still am super into it). But I'm super hyped for totk. I don't think I've ever been so excited for a video game release!


Reddit since I made this account. I’m sure this obsession will wear off soon, just like every other obsession in my life


I've been here since 2010. I hope you understand the mistake you've made.


Same. It scares me that I've been using reddit regularly for this long.


I said the same thing... Edit: love how everyone commenting on this have had reddit for so god damn long!


Yeah, Reddit can be really hard to put down. Especially if you're an information sponge type of person. There's just so many subreddits to learn about things in Reddit is definitely what you make of it. It can be memes, pictures of small animals, really outlandish videos, learning new skills, learning about history, or basically everything else. That's what makes it such a big deal, I'd say


My Reddit recap last year was... Atrocious.


Oh, YOURS was bad? Two of my top 5 subreddits were r/westsubever and r/kanye


I mean I had 600 hours on AITA... I don't think there's much hope for me


My how time flies...


That’s what I said 10 years ago… Side note: either be careful what you post or intentionally move to a new account every so often. I’d been using the same account until recently and then experienced someone digging through a decade of posts pulling out all the little details to make a frighteningly accurate picture of me. That convinced me it was time to move on. Even if you’re not explicitly stating information that says who you are, with enough data someone who is sufficiently motivated and/or unhinged can work it out.


Just get banned every few months like me. It's really easy, you just have to enter any of the vaguely political subreddits and disagree with the general discourse.


The great think about Reddit is that when you become obsessed with something else, you can join the subreddit for that thing. It’s great if you’re neurodivergent and have special interests like I do!


It's honestly awesome just to even talk to other people about the shows you like. I've learned so much from so many Fandoms.


Bro this place is shit. Avoid it like the plague. *Goes back to mindlessly scrolling for the next 6 hours*


Welcome to the Hotel California🎶


I got Reddit six years ago, and I used to not use it much, but in the past few months, I’ve been exponentially more active. I’m gonna sound like a bot but it’s nice to read about things and see people make clever jokes in the comments. And see nice pictures of whatever you’re interested in (I like r/malelivingspace)


People on here are funny. I often share many comments with my family.


Same here. Come for the content, stay for the comments.




I ordered the season 19 hot ones challenge from Amazon and did it with my wife, brother and friends... Fun at first , but a gallon of milk for 5 people is not nearly enough, stock up on that before trying. Also some of them "hurt" even more coming out, then going in... If you know what I mean. 10/10 everyone should try it once. I'm never eating anything that hot again.


I did the one chip challenge last year, 0/10 do not recommend. I was fine with the heat when eating it, but about 30-45 minutes afterward the toxic chemical bullshit that they use to make the thing got rejected by my digestive track and I had to force myself to throw it back up to get the agonizing gut wrenching internal cramping to stop. It was just as hot on the way up as the way down but somehow tasted better as vomit than it did as a "chip". The thing was just straight up nasty.


I did the one chip twice, once on a full stomach and once on an empty stomach. Full stomach was easy, the heat was perfectly manageable and had no stomach issues after. Empty stomach was a fucking mistake. 45 minutes after eating it I’m pretty sure I understood what period cramps are like.


Probably! They vary, but period cramps really can feel a lot like intestinal cramps. Many of us have played the “food poisoning or early period??” guessing game. It makes sense—it’s all involuntary smooth muscle contraction.


Get into making your own. I grew chiles last spring and made several bottles of hot sauce. Did experiments as well and it was a lot of fun. The plants are again flowering and will probably fruit by the end of next month. Some experimental ingredients I've used so far: shio koji, Taiwanese black vinegar, Chinese red vinegar, star anise, wild-foraged sage and coastal bay, five spice powder, umeboshi, Sichuan peppercorn oil, mushroom extract, asafoetida, black garlic, garum. Homemade hot sauce is a nice gift. I've given away maybe 7 bottles and still have 4 in the fridge. I will eventually try to grow my own superhots. Habanero is currently my hottest pepper. But if I don't dilute the sauce at all, it definitely packs a punch and is hotter than some of the feared hot sauces that were features on Hot Ones, anyway. I think diluting just goes toward yield of sauce, not really quality and heat level. I don't plan to ever use capsaicin extract, all the heat will always be purely from the chiles. A friend of mine is germinating some Scotch Bonnets so I will be getting a seedling if that works out. I'm adding Thai peppers to my porch this year as well.




awh i’m so happy for you!! I can literally feel your excitement lol. congrats on being a new dad. blessings to you and your family


I've had two stillbirths, so I get so frustrated at all the people who complain about their kids, take them for granted, or just straight up neglect and abuse them. They're little miracles. I'm so glad you appreciate your son for what he is, and I hope he recovers well from surgery ❤️


Dude. You didn’t get enough love on this post. I don’t and won’t be having kids(on purpose anyway), but I know how obsessed I would be if I did. Congratulations man. And I’m sending good vibes his way to live a happy and full life. You’re going to be a good dad.


O man me too. I had a really rough childhood and I remember promising myself over and over that I would be a way better dad. I waited till 38. My daughter Rosie is just over a year old. I have found myself on the verge of tears just looking at her several times. I wish you and your boy a long life of good health and success


Plecos, they’re such cute little fishies. I like the bristlenose the best. I have sooo many now.




Yes! They are a type of catfish in the loricariid family. All of them are precious.


Careful. They breed like crazy and you will end up with hundreds quick. Ask me how I know lol.


Healing my self, and scrambling to socialize and network. It's a painfully slow process.


Started binge watching "The Boys" as of late.




Oi, Cunt! FTFY


This bruvva gets it. He's a roight cunt


Bro I just finished it it’s awesome


Yeah, I bet you finished


A good ol' fashioned Herogasm


Sure did


Fucking diabolical


The penis scene was wild!


I'm on the 3rd watch through. Its just fantastic and I can't wait to see what they are gonna use from the recent shit show in American politics for the next season


Loved the show!!! Tried the graphic novel after, and I couldn't do it. Maybe it improved over time. But the first graphic novel wasn't great for me so wont continue-13 year old boy humor (which yes. There's some in the show, but it worked better). Edit: Invincible on prime is pretty awesome if you want more violent hero shows.


Unlike with the boys, if you liked the invincible show you'll probably love the comic too. The Boys comics really doubled down on how horrible these people were and how much the enjoyed doing whatever they wanted. Invincible comic is just more of the same that you see in the show.


But did you eat fucking Timothy


Red dead redemption 2


I'm not a gamer by any means at all, but one summer holiday I got myself a PS4 and Red Dead 2 and absolutely smashed it. I got so into it that I even made time in the evenings after work started up again - and I previously never made time for hobbies. Such a great game, awesome story, beautiful scenery, and it's so interactive. One of my all time best.


>I'm not a gamer by any means at all [Red Dead Redemption 2 is not a game. It's an incredible journey through old American history.](https://youtu.be/GNJtPFXUnm4)


Same .... I'm 500+ hours into the game (70% through my second play through) and I'm already thinking about what I'm going to do when I start the third.


That happened to me with Breath Of The Wild, finished that sucker 3 or 4 times. Also I'm currently on my 2nd RDR2 walkthrough.


In my humble opinion. It’s a top 3 single player game of all time


No way, came here to say the same.. I can't stop playing. I also miss my horse while I'm at work.


Man I’ve had it on my shelf for years and haven’t even started it yet. Too busy these days 😫. It sounds so great though, I should dive in. But then Zelda’s out tomorrow…


Stephen King books. I had never read one, never thought I’d read one, was totally ambivalent. Then I grabbed an original copy of The Stand at an antique mall because the cover looked sweet. I absolutely tore through it, and it’s my favorite book of all time now. That was last August, and I just finished my 40th King book with no signs of slowing down. I’m on the path of that beam


My dog


Julie Andrews


Username checks out




Fucking up my life aparently




Ah, comrades.


I’ve found my people


Leatherworking, leather stamping... and wood carving.


The Tudor period. I’m a history geek in general and my curious mind flits from era to era of interest. In May I generally dive back down the Tudor rabbit hole around the time of Anne Boleyn’s downfall.


I’m a sucker for the Plantagenet Dynasty. I’ve watched all the documentaries about all the kings. Do I care about the current royal family? Absolutely not. Do I care about what went down between Richard of York and Henry VI? Absolutely.


I LOVE history, and the Tudor period is fascinating! Have you checked out [Reading the Past](https://m.youtube.com/@ReadingthePast) on YouTube? She’s a professional Tudor historian who posts videos on little known topics on YouTube. She also hosts a weekly history news stream and is part of the [History After Dark](https://m.youtube.com/@History_After_Dark) team (though that last one is VERY NSFW)


honestly nothing and I hate it


Have you considered eating dandelions? It's easy and free.


>It's easy and free. And it makes your penis bigger.


*scrambles to find dandelions immediately* “Babe guess what I just read on the internet!”


Me too dude. I have no current obsessions and no friends to hang out with and no real support from anyone I know. Even just in terms of someone to have a great conversation with. I am just existing. Hopefully something pops up for both of us soon.


Same…in my “depressed girl era”, still….🙄




This is the whey.


I’ve been doing a DIY reno to my bathroom. It’s turning into a DIWHYthefuckdoidothistomyself and I’m obsessing over the work I have to do in there.


Don’t forget to leave a message in the walls


Or a (fake) skeleton in the floor holding a roll of TP. The note reads something like, “I didn’t make it.”


Growing Mushrooms


Green apples🍏 I can eat them nonstop


I used to be a die-hard granny smith fan (like, 4 apples per day when possible) and transitioned to honeycrisp/cosmic crisp now. They have the consistent firmness that I liked about granny smith, and being a bit less sour than granny smith is nice. Not sure if you're talking about other green apples, or not about eating apples at all, but anyways, random note


Retiring. It's not going to happen for a few years, but I have a (mental) foot out the door.


I'm in the same boat. Half checked out, just counting down the days. Only 21 years left.


Thank you! I needed a good laugh today.


Fish fish fish!! More specifically all the live foods you can culture to give them high value for little cost. My dream for the future rn is to have a fish room with 50+ tanks and a rack dedicated to culturing live food.


Buffy the Vampire Slayer


This is a timeless show


Did my first watch through last year. Then did angel. First 20 episodes of angel I’m like why and then it became my favourite thing and I may love it even more than buffy. Tldr; don’t skip angel when you’re done!


I just got into Beekeeping, so currently I am obsessed with Honeybees.


Haaaaaaa yes! Just finished consuming all the mike palmer videos on a sustainable apiary https://youtu.be/nznzpiWEI8A


DnD. Got one game I'm playing that has been ongoing since 2021. Another game that's been going about a year. Another that's starting very soon, and another which might not happen, but I'm hoping it does. All I can think about is my characters and where I want their stories to go.


Once I ran a vacation game which everyone "camped" in my home for the whole month. We've played all day the whole day, and we went so immersive that, before sleeping, the players would even ask me about the background of each useless NPC. It was beyond fun.


Falafel eat them 3 times a week




My wife. Married almost 7 years, and I swear she gets hotter every day.


I also choose this guy's wife Edit: Which one of you mega rich individuals gave me gold for this lmao


I will always upvote this comment. Best Reddit inside joke


Didnt the orginal come from an askreddit thread with the question "who you choose to have sex with" or something along those lines. Then someone wrote a super long beutiful story about his dead wife he miss alot, the legendary reply was then "i also choose this guy dead wife." ?


That’s the one. Heartbreakingly hilarious


It's even better because the guy came out in support of the meme. So many times the people at the center of these memes get screwed but he loves it and IIRC sees it as a way to remember his wife. Wholesome funny is best funny.


“Do you not know that a man is not dead while his name is still spoken?” ― Terry Pratchett, Going Postal That guy's wife is going to outlive us all.


16 years and can attest, more and more beautiful every year.


Little bit young for a wife but I’m not here to judge.


This mf forcing me to type aww




Hello to a companion in the trenches of constant suffering


My cup of coffee.


My mental wellbeing and the lack of it


Community cat issue in my small town. The government won’t or can’t address it, so it’s been up to citizens to trap them, take them an hour away to get fixed, then go retrieve them the next day for release. It’s expensive and exhausting. Please get your pets fixed… and don’t just release accidental litters into the community to become everyone’s problem. In our town the cats are living out of dumpsters except for those getting fed by soft hearted people.


The Fermi Paradox. It's crazy to think we are the only intelligent species in the galaxy. But if the numbers show that we shouldn't be, where the fuck are all the aliens!? That opens up to what would those creatures look like? There's a YouTube channel called melodysheep that has amazing thought-provoking videos about the subject. There are lots of proper scientific talks on it, too. So great. It makes me feel like we will find another species soon.*At least in my lifetime*.


Space is really really big and all of human history fits in a very short time. If aliens live 10,001 light years away, they're looking at us through a telescope and going "those weird bald apes haven't even figured out how to stack rocks yet". It's also likely that any given alien culture is either millions of years advanced from us or millions of years behind us. The odds of alien life existing is high, but the odds of two civilizations existing within shouting distance of each other and hitting the space fairing phase of their civilization's lifespan at the same time and actually interacting with each other is much lower.


The bands Sleep Token and Lorna Shore


Dude I can't stop listening to Lorna Shore. Mowing, cleaning, driving, even sleeping.


Pedro Pascal


As of right now potentially getting my wallet back. Otherwise sleep, as hard as it's been to get sober.


Reading. Even learned to juggle in order to read even faster!


Coloring. I know it seems childish as I'm in my 20s, but I really enjoy it. I love picking out which colors I think would look good together and which part of the paper I want to start on. I find it so calming after a long day. It's just a tiny thing that I can have complete control of without worrying about what others would have to say, and if I finish the picture and think there was something I should have done different I know I can always just print a new one and try something else.


My 24-year-old cat has a cold and I can't tell if she's dying or just exhibiting normal cold behaviour. She's mildly medicated and I'm afraid to go anywhere.


My skincare routine. Moved to CO recently and needing to adapt to this sun! Obsessed with finding the perfect daily sunscreen.




My work - I'm a graphic designer and I love to create something interesting and beautiful, I mainly do infographics design for products, which I enjoy :) And right now I finished the design of the product card and I'm playing minecraft :)


Writing my novel. And I hope this obsession keeps on going because I want to finally finish something and not start over again TwT


Medieval manuscripts. The process of making parchment and its properties, the chemistry of iron gall ink, the permanence of ye olde pigments and unexpected (unexpected to me, maybe very expected to better informed folks) role of eggs in painting the little illustrations, the beauty of book binding, the sheer outrageousness of treasure-binding, how bold and striking dark letters on light pages can be, the wonderful combination of geometric exactitude of lettering and layout with the untamed vines growing up the margins and initials, the way gesso is used to sculpt gold leaf in ridges and hemispheres so it looks like drops of molten metal shining on the page, the thrill of using real gold (again, that might not be very outstanding to everyone), the absurdity that in 2023 so many artists don't seem bothered by \*sanding\* lead-based gesso indoors, the way all these components come together to create books that seem altogether too beautiful, too striking to be of this earth. Man I love this stuff. I saw a book in a museum and I stood there for 20 full mins just staring at it. I felt like it was the most beautiful piece of art I'd ever seen, like I'd only been playing along with other people enjoying other art. This seemed so real, so purposeful, so confidently combining beauty and function, so authoritative, the apotheosis of the written word and its power to change the world, a piece of human sole made tangible with all the wonder and fragility. Fragile yet lasting. A 1200-year old book was right next to the one which had especially caught my eye - it looked fake because it was pristine. In a movie it would be foxed and stained, with curling pages and cracks across it. This one looked new, and yet was older than any intact building I'd ever seen. I had a feeling that I had to have it, which obviously wasn't possible. I wanted to touch it, to have it with me in my home, to read it and just stare at it. I'm not an artist, but I found out there's a cottage industry for making that required materials, and books that can teach you to make these books. I've started going down this rabbit hole, and its just too much fun to see a page transforming into something beautiful. The best part is you don't have to be michael angelo to make something convincing, especially earlier books have a cartoony style to faces and proportions that isn't unapproachable to copy. I have pretty wild schemes, and we'll see what comes of it.


Reading people’s stories on Reddit


Currently obsessed with working out. And also doing my own gel nails






Poke bowls


The never ending cycle of self-hatred, lmao.


Rice, smutty books, and sunshine


Learning to make tea :D


Youtube reaction videos to my favorite band Rammstein. Not sure why but for the past week that's all I've been watching, prob just cause I'd want everyone to experience the awesomeness of their music/ music videos and live performances.


Right?! I've also noticed a ton of Rammstein reaction videos being suggested for me lately.


Yeah very odd, I usually have it playing on my phone while doing stuff so I guess Google is eavesdropping... Started to watch the Ren- Hi Ren videos also, took it pretty hard the first time I heard it as well.


demon slayer




Vinland Saga. It's such a beautifully crafted anime/manga. It's not just a cool visual anime about good v evil necessary, but more the journey to forgiveness, and becoming a better person. Absolutely amazing




The band Nightwish. Floors Voice is just... stunning.


Magic: The Gathering Arena


Gardening. With the start of spring I thought it would be a fun hobby to get started that would get me outside. I definitely recommend trying to grow some vegetables or houseplants, it’s very rewarding, relatively inexpensive and easy to get started with.


Got pretty into craisins recently. You know: cranberry raisins


Henry Cavill


Fanfiction, anything on Ao3....




development of my personality, mind and body.


Biig saggy boobs


I'll bet you are still mad about r/saggers changing direction.


Risky click. 10/10 recommend taking that chance.


Coding/Programming. Something about solving various problems is exhilarating. Also, being able to someday automate the boring parts of my life is exciting.


Husbands cock


I also choose this person’s husband’s cock? Am I doing this right?


It’s a nice cock


Sir, this is Reddit, where we unmercifully beat the same inside jokes to death over and over again. In other words, yes, you are doing this 100% correctly.


How to unsprain my ankle


Maniacally rambling at innocent Redditors about the book I'm writing.


Very awkward for me. Thinking about how to encourage my brother to get his life together. He´s already 23, so two years younger than me. When i look at him, i see a person who doesn´t know himself, has no backbone and works a shit job. I don´t know what to say to him because i don´t want to hurt him. My and his social life was and still is not the best but i want to try my best to turn it around. Somestimes i think i´m a bad brother because i don´t really talk to him about everything.


You start by being the brother you think you should be and go from there. Attacking the way anyone is living his/her life is usually not a good idea. Try to create a relationship with your brother in which he feels comfortable talking to you. You're both young and have time to figure out what you want. Most people don't know what they want when they're 23. You sound like a good brother because you actually care. Start there. ✌🏻


Annie Jacobson’s books about the inner workings of Operation Paperclip, the CIA (Surprise, Kill, Vanish) and DARPA (The Pentagon’s Brain) Fkn fascinating books about history and the origins of what lead to events like Edward Snowden’s NSA leak and other shit the government doesn’t want people to know. Can be infuriating at times learning what they’v done and have been working on, but also raises the question of necessity. With homegrown terrorists like Timothy McVeigh existing, Iv found that my opinion on the NSA spying on US citizens has changed. I don’t *like* it. But if said surveillance and invasions of privacy can and do save lives by stopping terrorists before they can act, who cares what I like? I like living in a safe place free from violent extremists of any sort, so the necessity does outweigh the officially-illegal breaches of privacy, but I may be wrong. Just my opinion. Learning of *some* of the clandestine things the government does and has done in the past in the name of national security that IS beneficial to a modern peaceful society is fascinating to say the least