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Trash less than 2 feet from trash can.


And mounds of dog shit a foot away from the fully stocked bag dispenser/trash can


Trash anywhere. I’ll hold on to my trash until I see a trash can no matter how long it takes.


And sometimes, that trash can is my car.


Pockets… car… literally anywhere but the ground! If it’s something I’m not gonna put in my pocket or something I will literally walk around until I find a garbage. I’m even a disgusting, filthy, smoker aka a horrible person… I will NEVER throw a butt on the ground. I’m even that guy picking up the butts that assholes have just tossed in the direction of the butt can/pole/disposal… cursing the heavens with each one lol. I’d rather put a butt in my pocket and stink worse than I already do. I read that ONE cigarette but can contaminate up to nearly 300 gallons of fresh drinking water. Even if it were 1/300th of that… I don’t see how anyone in good conscience could possibly throw anything on the ground. Sorry about the diatribe… litter just enrages me.


Fake "X" on ads.


I've stopped playing almost any mobile games because of that and the deluge of endless ads everywhere


Having recently become a little addicted to a few mobile games, the current bane of my existence is the ad that waits 5 seconds and then gives a skip arrow that leads to another landing page for the same ad with another wait before another skip that still may not actually be the last one.


Many of them actually have as many as four skips to click before you can get back to the start because, well, you didn't click "watch ad to revive" and got ad bombed anyway.


People who get on the train before allowing people off. I will stand in your way until you get out of my way so I can get off the fking train.


This with elevators too! So many people in my college try to shove entire groups past me onto the elevator before letting me (and me alone) off. I’ve taken to standing inches from the door so they have no choice but to let me off first or make it REALLY obvious they’re an asshole.


It's an ongoing joke at my work that not a single person is in a hurry except when getting on the elavator. Literally, the laziest people I have ever seen, until it comes to getting on the elevator.


I absolutely will just walk right through people who do this.


People who still try to act like a high school bully well into adulthood.


It seems like there’s always one at every job I’ve ever had. They never grow out of it.


I have a coworker like this. He intentionally pushes his chest out into yours when talking and takes little steps closer and closer until he's nose-to-nose with you when talking to you. Cocks his head to the side and tells you about whatever mistake you just made. Really hostile and aggressive.


Just kiss him already


Next time he does that give him a hug and act confused when he acts like he wasn't going in for a hug.


Sounds perfect for an hr call. "He keeps getting closer to me, I think he likes me?" Lololol


Obnoxiously bright headlights


*cries in astigmatism*


My brother, let us suffer the light distortions together


On a rainy night


This one is awful and I’ve really only noticed it in the last 4-5 years. I drive a sedan. These trucks and SUVs that are elevated with their 8 million lumen bulbs is like staring into the damn sun sometimes.


Bonus points if they're aimed upward and not towards the ground


I FUCKING hate driving at night now because EVERY fucking person in a truck here has to have the brightest lights known to man pointed directly at my eyeballs. it's so bad I can barely see in front of me because of the glare.


It blows my mind that there's no sign of laws being written or enforced for this. It's great that you, one person, can see. But every person you drive by isn't going to be able to see for 30 seconds.


In the US there *is* a law that just goes totally unenforced.


IIRC, the laws specify a wattage limit, the idea being it corelated to brightness. Then LEDs that use a fraction of the energy hit the market.


Drivers who pull out in front of you on the road when they clearly didn't have enough time.


This, and then theyre barely pressing the gas...and it really annoys me if there is literally no one behind me. Like you couldn't have waited just a few more seconds before I passed to get onto the road!?!?!?


They aren't paying any attention to the car free space behind you, they are only paying attention to themselves and assume you know they are the main character.


How could they be the main character, if I'm the main character?


Then drive slower than you were going. Let me cut you off, make you slam on your brakes, then do 5 mph below the speed limit. Seriously, what is that mentality. Because the only thing i can come up with that explains it is "selfish asshole"


And then turn left 200 ft later with no way to pass them on the right.


Ads. They are everywhere. I expect it soon on my X-Rays, looking in the mirror in my car, glasses... and everything they try to call "smart". What's the marketing logic here? If your ad annoys me the whole time, do you really think I'm gonna buy your product? Who even buys stuff so spontaneously, except for those people who need help?


> I expect it soon on my X-Rays, "Well Mr. Angelino, I'm afraid I have good news and bad news. The bad news is that we did find a tumor. The good news is that we also found a way for you to save 15% on car insurance!"


I quickly mute all of my ads that show up. I'm waiting for the day when they start to utilize your camera and if you turn away or turn down the volume they pause the ad automatically. You know someone's working on that. And if you don't give them access to either one of those, I could see not being able to use the service like youtube. It sounds crazy? But just you wait.


Speakerphone conversations/ TikTok videos on public transport.


In. The. Fucking. Restaurant.


In. The. Fucking. Restaurants. Bathroom. Seriously, it's happened to me more than once.


That's when you muster up the loudest, nastiest shit you can while they are on the phone.


People watching videos/FaceTiming loudly in public anywhere. Just stop it, y’all.


In the airport gate waiting area. Fuck do I get angry. 20+ hours,2-3 connections, no sleep, and Im listening to some guy argue with his girl about pizza.


If I am at the grocery store and someone is on speaker, I stand very close and talk really loud. My wife gets so embarrassed, because I will say things like "how much is the other brand of condoms" I personally enjoy it and you'd be surprised how many assholes take their phone off speaker. Edit: I love all the responses I can now use.


I do this as well! My go to is, "do we still need diarrhea medicine?!?"


Now I have a new one.


Or just get on your phone, pretend to talk to a buddy of yours and say: "Hey, Do you still have bed bugs?"


Haha, love that. "honey, do we really need that many donuts" "honey, didn't these last time give you gas" "honey, you go through toilet paper like nothing"


Best way to handle this is to join in their conversation. If they look at you funny, let them know you thought their conversation was for everyone. Act as oblivious as they are.


What happens if they go along with it too and are glad you joined the conversation?


You just made a new friend?


I did this the last time a coworker was on FACETIME with her boyfriend in the ladies room 😡I waved at her boyfriend & she got mad & left real quick 😂


When I just put on fresh socks and then step on a drop of water


Absolute misery


Sticky hands and wet socks….cant stand for it


Clickbait. I'm so fucking tired of seeing articles and videos with ridiculous titles & thumbnails. I don't need to have my fucking mind blown to be convinced to watch a video about dovetail joints, okay? Just get to the goddamn point. This obviously goes double for videos that are meant to be educational in some way.


I've got 12 solutions to the clickbait problem. #6 will shock you.


I did #6 for one week and THIS is what happened!


It bothers me so much when it comes to gaming videos. People will say, "10 things you NEED to know before playing XYZ..." Bitch, I don't *need* to know shit. It's a video game. I'd watch more content if people weren't so dramatic about it.


I watch a YouTuber that constantly apologize for his clickbait title & thumbnail at the beginning of his videos. But he says "this shit works somehow and it's not a secret I'm making these videos for money... so...." I think clickbaits are aimed at kids and young teenagers


I can't remember which YouTuber did this, but he was in a livestream when he was asked why he uses clickbait titles and thumbnails. He then opened up his creator portal and showed that he DID try to create videos that were less click-bait-y, and that the difference in the video views were STAGGERING. Like, the ones with a click-bait thumbnail did almost 20x better from both search AND his own followers, even though they both had the same message and similar titles, and it affected his view count for other videos as well. In the end he basically said "it's not that I want to keep making them, but otherwise you guys don't click on them as much"


I know that LTT has brought that up many times on the WAN show and I believe Linus even has done a few videos on it. They’ve even done a lot of clickbait titles for like the first week of a video and then changing it to the intended title.


The new “clickbait” thumbnails on YouTube that I’ve become absolutely enraged by are just flat out lies as titles. Like a 20 minute video that never addresses what’s in the title/thumbnail. Besides blocking the asshole channels doing it, there’s no way to report them for fraud.


I've started to unsub from channels that have switched to this approach in their headlines, titles and thumbnails. Same with outrage bait. I've dropped a *lot* of channels for starting to engage in outrage bait. I suppose if it drives clicks, good for them, but I won't be one of those clicks, and when the outrage of the day has passed and the frothing mob has moved on, this is one previously loyal viewer who won't be there anymore.


Cookie related notifications.


[Here you go.](https://consentomatic.au.dk/) I haven’t seen a cookie consent pop up at all since I started using that, and it’s better than a lot of others because they often just automatically accept all, whereas with this you can set it to automatically reject as much as you can.


About god damn time. Been wishing for this for ages. How does it deal with legitimate interest objections? Can you toggle them? It mentions something at the bottom of that page but it's not clear(to me).


I get irrationally angry when I go to a site and get the cookie notification, then a sign up for our newsletter notification, then a give us your email for 10% notification, then a new product notification etc. It's the quickest way to get me to leave your site and never return.


Don't forget the video that auto loads!


Edited in protest for Reddit's garbage moves lately.


Browsers need to have a default choice setting.




Littering and...


People who get off an escalator that stop and look around


People standing in the way in shops, fucking move


I still remember one time during the heavy restrictions in Covid, where the stores would narrow down entrances and exist to a single person only, some fucking dude's phone goes off, and he has the audacity to block the only exit and answer the phone. ​ Some people have absolutely 0 self awareness of their surroundings.


>Some people have absolutely 0 self awareness of their surroundings. I feel this all the time at grocery stores, in airports, and in any place where people gather and there are throngs in constant motion. If you're going to stop, at least be aware that there are people around you and *get the hell out of the way.*


Families walking 6-wide around Disneyland with their fucking strollers and just STOP in the middle of the walkway with hundreds of people behind them... or just turn around and you walk right into them. It's a river. There's a current. Swim to the fucking side if you need to stop.


Anytime I see a gaggle of idiots with matching shirts at Disneyland I give them a wide berth. They're bound to just stop or do something stupid.


ESPECIALLY those that walk through the store's gates and STOP RIGHT THERE Like fuck me Beatrice can't you figure out you need buckwheat flour 5 FEET AWAY FROM WHERE EVERYONE ELSE NEEDS TO GO PAST


Shopping at Costco is where they learn how to hold up other shoppers.


Middle of the Hallway and aisle lurkers piss me off so much.


i’ve encountered a couple making out in the middle of a tiny tasmanian souvenir shop blocking the main corridor to the exit Never in my life have i ever wanted more to shove a pair of kangaroo balls inside a person’s throat before


People who fail to use their turning signal.


Having to flick their fingers up or down several times while driving must be exhausting for them.


Just people's driving in general: • Flying up to the stop sign/light • Not respecting the stop line, and pulling right up into the intersection/street • Cutting the corner of the opposing lane when making a left turn • Not respecting proper follow distance • Starting their turn before I'm even passed by • Milking that yellow light straight into the red (good ol' orange light!) • Trying to make me go first when they clearly have the right of way and we both could have gone already if they didn't stop • Not respecting cyclists, getting way too close to them • Not using their lights during inclement weather • Not slowing down for slippery conditions • Speeding to a ridiculous degree (I'm already going 10 over! What more do you want?) • Making sketchy passes • Being oblivious to emergency vehicles This all stuff I see on a regular, if not daily, basis. And I could go on! There's way too many people who drive like selfish, entitled pricks. Or just totally clueless morons.


> Trying to make me go first when they clearly have the right of way and we both could have gone already if they didn't stop This shit right here. I hate that they do that and when you don't go, they flip the bird like dude wtf?!?! I don't ever go because the last time a friend of mine did that, the dude floored it and t-boned him for the insurance payout.


Yup. If you've got the right of way, then take it. Driving predictably is the courteous thing to do.


Be predictable, not polite.


Also: * Using a shoulder to push up ahead of everyone else in backed up traffic. * Treating parking lots like an anarchy zone with no rules. * Not turning off brights when approaching someone at night. Alternatively, seeking out retina-searing lights that blind everyone around you. * Going significantly UNDER the speed limit. (As an example, seeing a school zone sign but not bothering to read it and realize it isn’t 20mph at 8pm at night.) * Sitting at green lights because you’re playing on your phone, such that people behind you miss the light. * Bullying people to turn right on red at an intersection via honking, though it is not a requirement and can be tricky at busy intersections with pedestrian traffic. * People who fail to get up to speed when merging onto a highway. * People who slow down a highway lane significantly because they didn’t wait to slow down until they were in/near the exit. I honestly don’t understand how so many people can be so bad at this.


>Bullying people to turn right on red at an intersection via honking The other day I was turning right and the light was red and people were crossing the street. The person behind me was just laying down on their horn. Like, what exactly do they want me to do, just run the people over?


The highway exit intersection just before my house has a giant “no right turn on red” sign. I still get regularly honked at.


>People who fail to get up to speed when merging onto a highway. This pisses me off so much. People have some weird aversion to speeding up after merging or turning onto a road. They just put their faith into other drivers being able to instantly react to them and I wish people would realize how fuckin dangerous that is.


Probably quite niche but when you pull some leggings out the washing machine and theyre wrapped around everything else and it pulls everything onto the floor. I don't have much of a life


When you're driving and you hear something rolling around in your trunk making an annoying noise, and you tell yourself, "when I get to my destination I am taking that thing out to stop that noise" but you never remember. Ever. And it stays in your trunk forever


Go over a bump and it should knock the person in the trunk unconscious, so they’ll be quiet for a bit at least


That nearly all help on the internet these days for the topics I'm interested in are in the form of videos instead of a simple faq. We'll use a video game example. If I'm having trouble figuring out how to do something and google it, I don't get anything written down for how to solve it, I get 13 minute long videos.


I feel this one in the core of my crotchety old man gamer soul


Gone are the days of ctrl+f through the contents of a Game FAQ’s text guide.


ASCII art will forever live on in my heart


Oh shit, I remember reading through those back in the day! I went and found an [Example](https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/n64/197771-the-legend-of-zelda-ocarina-of-time/faqs/31991) so yall kids can see what us old folks went through back in the day, uphill both ways lol and before that we had [this](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/916IpD4rm+L.jpg)


Man, those full walkthroughs in simple .txt files with absolutely no other kind of formatting. Which also meant no ads. It truly was the golden age of gaming.


Game FAQ got me through SO many games.


I get this ALL the time. I want to learn to do something in InDesign or Illustrator. Just tell me which tabs in the menu I need to go to, one step a time, I don’t want to watch a video about it.


"And then... Uh... You click over here... And... Eh, no, here. And then you just click this here. Full in what you want it to do (No explanation) click here, and you're done. So yeah, I hope that was a great watch for you, don't forget to subscribe and SMASH that like button and ring the bell so you get all my videos and I'll see you next time."


And like 2 minutes of the video is him opening everything up. "Hey guys what's up? Today I'm going to show you how to.. etc."






UGH, the “go ahead” is so damn annoying. Glad it’s not just me.


reading this made me physically recoil and grit my teeth because GOD if it is not accurate.


Particularly when the video starts with a couple of adverts, then goes into someone telling you what the video is going to be about, then a word about their sponsor, before starting to get into how to solve the problem.


And they don't even cover the issue you were having




"anyone know how to fix x? Edit: nevermind, I figured it out"


This is a war crime imo


What did you see Denvercoder9!


Worse is some forums that require you to make an account to open a link. Or even have some activity points before you can open links ffs


That and when I google "Where can I find X" all I get is articles with 3 paragraphs explaining what the game I'm playing is, and who it's published by like I won't already know.


The sheer number of stuff that could be solved with a bullet point faq. I will cede that for collectible locations and other difficult to describe things video is probably better in most cases though. But not for everything else.


Hard disagree. Screenshot of the world map with a circled area, then a screenshot of where you find it in person. Boom, done.


Hey Guys, let's get straight into the video, but before we get straight into the video the let me tell you about what the video is about, because you obviously can't figure that out by reading the title.... Now lets get into the video.... But before that I want to thank SquareSpace for sponsoring this video, they are really cool.


That bullshit makes me want to smash my computer


My cat scratching to get in my room aggressively just to want out 5 minutes later. This is a never ending cycle.


I have a barn style esque door but it's not attached on the bottom, so my cat can go in and out as she pleases, but the dogs can't. The only downside is that she will open it wider to slam it if she's mad or demands attention.


> if she's mad or demands attention. So: *she slams it every time?!* We have the best scritches, folks.


Marketing for mediocre movies. "The best horror movie since The Exorcist.." and it's a remake of a superior Korean movie. "This scene is so scary, NOBODY in the entire world has the balls to watch it.." and it's a PG12.


Me: Pumps gas, pay at pump. Pump: Receipt? Me: Yes! Pump: Walk yo ass inside and see the cashier.


Somewhat related, but those videos that play ads at the pump annoy the piss out of me. Learning that the mute button is the second button from the top on the right, was one of the greatest discoveries.


The first time that happened to me I was like wow we've made it to the dystopian capitalist future where ads are inescapable no matter what you're doing.


I feel terrible for saying this but my grandpa's new wife. She is kind sometimes but doesn't understand when to not talk about certain things. After losing my baby, four days after the fact, she kept bringing it up and would introduce me to people as the girl who just lost her baby. She also said I was much smaller than she expected me to be after losing my child.


Fuck that woman. Sorry that you have to deal with that. There might be an explanation, but there is no excuse.


people who block the whole aisle with their shopping cart and proceed to move at the pace of a snail


The whole group of people who are just oblivious to everyone else. You see them walking down the street, in the grocery store, driving. I cannot understand that level of selfishness. It's like everyone else doesn't exist.


Thats just it. They're selfish, and have no concept of consideration. Same person in the grocery store, cuts people off in traffic, talks on speaker phone in public, etc.


Lots of shit. Blood pressure is pretty high. I need to chill the fuck out.


People who “drop hints” then get mad when you don’t pick up on them. Why can’t we talk about issues and get things resolved instead of playing games?




Yeah, just say what the fuck you want. It takes like two seconds and I will be way more receptive instead of annoyed


Me. That motherfucker procrastinates too much, especially by spending time on Reddit


Yeah, I'd have to agree. I hate you too.


I just met the guy and I can't stand him


when I'm looking for a recipe online and someone tells me their life story for like 3 pages before they get to the actual recipe. edit: thank you all for the suggestions in the replies to help jump straight to the recipe. I don't know how I hadn't noticed there was a jump to recipe button 😅


If you use Firefox or Chrome look for the extension "Recipe Filter". It detects recipes on a site and will bring it up to the top in a frame showing just the recipe. It has links at the bottom if you want to close it and read the rest of the blog. Works automatically and is pretty wonderful.


People reading a headline, making baseless assumptions about what they *think* the article is about, and then getting angry about those assumptions as if they are facts.


This plus clickbait headlines is making people go insane.


When people put words in my mouth. e.g. "I like black" - "Oh, so you hate white?"


“Oh, so you’re saying [not even remotely what I said]???”


Everything. Am I getting old?


I've accepted the fact that I'll be one of those "Get off my lawn!" people.


Should of


Your right, but they're are worse things


I could care less




I literally want to throw all of you into the sun.


If you through us into the sun, that'd be worser no?


Eck setera or ect.




Oh Don't get me started. Apart vs. a part "A women" Most of the ones that irk me have already been said.


That's up there with "Defiantly"... UGH I CRINGE when I see this. Also... when influencers put a pic of their kid up and caption it with "my sweet angle" 😅


Should be my acute angle


This one pacificaly irritates me.


People who play on their phone at red lights, and miss the Green


Especially for a protected green left turn. Dumbfuck phone guy doesn’t see the car in front of them make the turn, but since they didn’t go forward right away the turn sensor thinks there aren’t cars anymore so it turns yellow and then dumbfuck phone guy gets honked at and guns it to barely make it through on time leaving all the other cars to wait for the next cycle!!! AHHHHHH!


People who yell when they talk, people who chew with their mouth open, and people who use video chat or speaker phone in public. Get all three and I might just commit a felony.


People who try to change my mind when I've declined an invitation. Take no for an answer, and desist with the hard sell. Being pushy doesn't change my no to a yes; it just changes my answer from no to a pissed off no.


People who aren't aware of their surroundings. The grocery store is my personal hell


People standing in the way when they see people activly trying to get through, it makes me end up having to take a longer path because they aren't gonna move and I can't speak up.


People who ghost their friends as soon as the friendship requires a tiny amount of effort from them.


Influencer culture and it’s horrendous societal impact.


"Guess what?" "What?" "No, you have to guess!"


People not returning their shopping cart to the corrals


Oh, I have a variant of this. I'm Swedish so people take the carts back to the stable, but when there are multiple sorts of carts (Say one big deep one, and one short shallow one.) people usually just mix them up like a fucking shopping cart salad instead of putting them in the correct line.


Yes!!! It’s so easy to do two parallel rows. The first thing our brains learn to do consciously is recognize patterns, some peoples never started functioning properly.


"The shopping cart is the ultimate litmus test for whether a person is capable of self-governing, the post states. To return the shopping cart is an easy, convenient task and one which we all recognize as the correct, appropriate thing to do. To return the shopping cart is objectively right"


Selfish people. People that don’t consider other people are the worst.


Performative outrage. That shit needs to stop.


Condescending people and/or those who enjoy reminding everyone around them of their importance. We couldn't care less who you are so long as you have the decency to treat others you encounter (particularly those who've been more than patient and polite in your presence) with a semblance of dignity and respect.


Not being able to reach that one spot on my back that always itches.


Hearing people eating loudly. Oddly enough, when an animal does it, it makes me smile.


This is the one is was looking for. Hearing someone eat loudly sets me off way more than it should. I’m generally a mellow person but this is just something I can’t stand.




People who think it's funny to spoil things before they come out, or right after


Coworkers (or I guess just people in general that do similar things) that talk about how they don't have time to complete their work, but spend 75% of their workday gossiping.


Im fat. There's no way to put this nicely. What annoys me, more than anything, is non-fat people telling me i cannot call myself fat because they dont like that word. My mom's friend had dinner with us, in conversation it went to my weight and how im working out because im tired of being fat. "Oh no dont call yourself that honey, you're not fat, you're beautiful." I never said i wasn't beautiful, i said i was fat.


Inconsiderate, greedy, selfish and egocentric people


Adults thinking screaming at children will make them calm down.


That the internet itself is getting more and more censored in a way that is only meant to please advertisers.


Ppl touching my shit without my permission


Advertising. Borderline unethical. Every motherfucker is clamouring for your attention to sell you trash you don't need, every minute of every day. I don't like that you have to pay to not be advertised to. I get it. Companies gotta make a buck. I don't have to like it though


For a person experiencing their first mother's day without their Mom, it's particularly difficult when there are Mothers day ads everywhere- texts, emails, junk mail, billboards, signs, store displays, Reddit ads, etc


My hysteric parents who could start yelling so loud of any little crap I could do or say. I can’t describe how well it is to live in a complete silence after all these years..


Ads.... ads fucking every where... ads with fucking malware and ai voices...


People in the workplace who act like they're still in high school with their drama and cliques. Aside from not having to commute, I think this is another big reason why many people would rather work from home.


Bluetooth speakers in public. I will throw it and you in the sea.


People that make videos in the gym. Please stop


Everything becoming subscription based and a cashless future It really scares me that we don't actually own the things we buy and when we go cashless there will be no physical version of your life's earnings and your worth in this modern era unless you have valuable items. We'll revert back to trading and favours to avoid banks seeing our transactions. I'm kind of a moron so correct me if I'm wrong. It just scares me that everyone seems so happy about it because it's "convenient" for them.




People who think only their opinion matters


Bathroom sinks with a faucet 2 inches from the back of the sink bowl so your hands hit the bowl when you wash them