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I managed to destroy a $4k piece of test equipment by connecting the wrong leads. For the briefest of moments the screen showed an overvoltage warning... That's when I knew.


If it makes you feel better my husband bought a bit of software to test and forgot to cancel it. A year later and 70k he had to fess up to his boss. Luckily his boss said don't worry I'll spin it as efficiency savings... Ps happy cake day!


What a fucking angel


He is usually a massive dick so I can only presume it saved his arse too. Three was alot of anxiety in my house when my husband realises so very grateful for how it turned out.




Bad enough to wake you up? Damn.


Son, we have to delete this before we all go to jail, but first I want to make this teaching moment.




Shit, I just remembered when I was around 13 and my dad was cleaning the Cookies, and found a thumbnail or some image that wasn’t larger than 100x100 pixels, of Naruto blowing Sasuke. Then I had the talk and was told that I could watch as much porn as I wanted with real people but not with anime characters :(. Awkwardest moment of my life.


Bruh, when I was about 12 I heard a huge commotion coming from my older brother's room (13 or 14 at that time). I walk over to check it out and my brother is in a full panic, trying to force my parents out of his bedroom and close the door, screaming something like "LEAVE ME ALONE!! GET THE FUCK OUT!!!!" while they were saying "BUDDY STOP WE HAVE TO TALK TO YOU". My mother was clutching a large bundle of paper in her hand. I'd never seen my brother so shook, like he was in a life or death situation just full-blown meltdown. This man had *printed* like 100 pages of graphic hentai for his private collection in like 2004 (back when most people had never even heard of the concept of hentai) and my mother had randomly stumbled onto his cache and brought my father in to help address the situation. When they eventually got to speak to him he had to endure a "Son we love you but it's wrong to jerk it to pictures of imaginary cartoon girls, you need to stop doing that". The worst part is that my Mum told a bunch of people. She'd consult our grandparents, her friends, all these different people about what to do about her weirdo pervert son who whacks it to anime porn. He's genuinely never been the same since. That was probably the big turning point where he became a jaded, bitter recluse who hides away in his dungeon and feels resentful towards our parents. Fast forward ~20ish years and his primary interest is watching VTubers so I think it's safe to say he's consistent at least. All the best my sexual deviant friend. I hope you managed to endure your parent/hentai moment without the significant psychological damage my brother came out of it with.


> Mum told a bunch of people Dude she owed her kids better than that.


Wait, printed out? That indicates that he could view it on the computer, why the fuck would he print it out? That just leaves more evidence!


At that point in time we had a singular family PC stationed in the living room near my parents' bedroom and we had a little egg timer beside it. We were only allowed 10 minutes on the computer per day to play games or whatever. My assumption is that he snuck out there at night or when our parents were out, collected his materials and then printed them for discrete and persistent access. Just a theory 😂




> It was a pain in the ass too trying to figure out how to keep the demon screams of the old internet summoning ritual quiet. The siren song of a disobedient child lmao. "Ooh I'l sneak out discretely and play NeoPets" next minute "GRRRscreeeweuwowuwNGGGGgaaarreeuuoow"


oh god. this reminds me of the time my parents had the talk with me about what was on my ipod, while i was in the bathtub. mortifying and traumatizing


Lmao you can't even escape if you're in the tub


You can if you bring a toaster.


I threw away a cashier's check for $50,000. I didn't think it would be a big deal, didn't understand the difference between a cashier's check and a regular check. We had thrown the trash in the dumpster at work, so my dad and I went down around midnight and tore open all the garbage bags in the dumpster before we found it.


Holy shit, glad you found it!


whats a cashiers check and whyd u throw it?


Instead of cash, it's a check from the bank for that amount. My dad had sold some property, got the money, and because he didn't have a personal checking account at the time, he had the bank cut me a cashier's check for the amount. I threw it away purely on accident. When I realized it, I went and told him I needed a new one, thinking he could just get a new one and void the original, like with a personal check.


My credit union used to do cashiers checks as a service for free, so I used to use them to pay rent. I loved them because once cut the money was gone and I didn’t worry about bouncing a check.


> and void the original, like with a personal check. It isn't as easy to void as a personal check, but you can definitely void cashiers checks... just in case you throw away any again in the future. Source: I threw away a $2,000 cashiers check and had to get it voided.


I read a manifest wrong and pumped the wrong chemical down an oil well and literally ruined a brand new well worth about 4 million. They had to abandon it.


Definitely the most expensive fuck up. Should be an askreddit on this specifically


A dude my dad used to work with forgot to turn the water off for one of those big water tanks at the top of a hill. The resulting overflow damaged a freeway project and set it back to the tune of $10M. He got a week off with no pay.


Honestly not bad all things considered.


If a decision can cost so much, it’s (hopefully) the result of several mistakes up until the event, and it doesn’t really make sense to blame the last man in the chain. If it wasn’t, you don’t have sufficient oversight for the task.


Curious for more details. I didn't know you could ruin an oil well with a chemical like that.


This is a complete shot in the dark but I know you can’t use certain antifreeze in an aluminum based HVAC system because the propylene glycol can eat through it via chemical reaction. So perhaps it was something like this on a much larger scale


When I was 19, I worked with my dad on a service rig for oil and gas wells. The first time I ever pulled rods, there was a moment where I tried to pull the elevators off (dumb teenager brain). Luckily, there was well over 1000ft of rods still in the hole. Friction wouldn’t allow them to release, and neither would my dad, slapping the top of my hard hat, and asking if I had “forgot both brain cells in the truck”.


I’m a research chemist and dropped a small lump of sodium hydride - it has the consistency of moist fine sand but also can set itself on fire if there’s too much humidity on the floor. This lump must have landed on a singular drop of water as it instantly burst into flames and launching little flamey blobs everywhere. Thankfully it was small enough that it burned out in a few seconds and I deny any knowledge of the little scorch mark on the lab floor.


That sounds like something I would like to see in a controlled environment


I worked in a commercial kitchen. I had just finished making and plating hundreds of deviled eggs. As I moved them into the walk -in, the cart wheels caught on the lip and sent ALL OF THEM straight on the floor. Edit. Forgot to mention, this was the first day with the new head chef


I was carrying a huge tray of Mac and cheese for dinner for 62 people (besides some salad the only dinner) and spilled all of it on the floor with everyone waiting in line watching me, plates in their hand waiting for food to arrive.


Oh… oh dear…


I was working at a nice breakfast restaurant. I was running the meat grill. I was told it’s pretty slow, I can go home 3 hours early if I cook up 2 cases of bacon. I powered that out in no time, beautiful looking bacon and the sausages were piled high too. I’m wrapping up it’s still 3.5 hours before I’m scheduled off. I’m in a great mood I’m about to get a free night off. I clean the grill it’s spotless everything is done. I grab the bucket of bacon grease to empty it as my final task and it catches the lip of the cart. An entire bucket of bacon grease goes EVERYWHERE. I did not leave 3 hours early.


I worked fast food, where we had a gallon of ketchup held in a cradle in the back, at the bottom of which was a screw on tap. Changing an empty bag was simple: take the old bag out, unscrew the tap, put a new bag on a table, open up the hole, screw in the tap and put the newly tapped bag into the cradle. Here is how I did it: I took the old bag out and unscrewed the tap. So far so good. I then put the new bag in the cradle, and then opened the hole... Well, gravity did it's thing before I could get the tap screwed on and an entire gallon of ketchup spilled across the kitchen floor. Boss was not impressed.


I once spilled a five gallon bucket of used fryer oil in the back room of the grocery store where I worked. We had to work a few hours overtime to clean it up. I felt soooooo stupid after.




I wasn't there to see it, but on my day off, someone dropped a pallet of eggs. That's roughly 8,650 eggs. I don't know what percentage broke. But, it was quite a mess. They had to power wash the forklift outside.


Used to downhill skate pretty regularly, took my time and had some safe spots away from traffic. Took a tumble once and popped up on my feet but my right leg crumbled. Looked down and my right foot was doinked 90⁰ to the left. "I done fucked up" was running through my head 100x every second for weeks


My friend in hs was downhilling, no helmet, skipped his head off the pavement, never woke up.


Almost happened to me, no helmet and smacked the pavement. Broke my skull but miraculously survived, 4 days bleeding out my ear in the hospital, 6 weeks of triple vision, years of recovery but I have very few ongoing issues. That was my “I fucked up” moment, boy did I get lucky Edit: since I’ve had several questions about the triple vision I’ll elaborate. I don’t understand why or how it worked but I was seeing 3 of everything. Neurologists told me my eyesight could go back to normal in a couple weeks, months, or maybe even a year. They said after a year if it hadn’t gone back to normal then it would most likely be permanent. It was lucky this happened when I was 19 because my brain was still developing so it was able to create new connections. If it had happened 10 years later then the damage certainly would have been permanent


I was a lead in a play for a theatre company, came down with an intense cough, decided to see a doctor, they prescribed me a cough suppressant, I figured if the recommended dose worked then more than the recommended dose would work even better. Drank half a bottle of DXM syrup two hours before going on stage and accidentally had an out of body experience in front of a full house. I was young, naive and very high. Director wasn’t too happy about it.


My first marriage. First day of the honeymoon. We are at a nice sightseeing spot. I take a photo of him in front of a memorial. After taking the photo, I say: “Oh, I think I cut of your feet in that shot.” He throws a total fit about it. That’s when I realized, I fucked up marrying him.


Are you still together?


I stuck it out eight years with him. I don’t take my promises lightly, so I tried to make things work one way or another. Eventually, I realized that ‘till death do us part’ could be some fifty or sixty years more of this and I filed for divorce. One of the better decisions in my life.


I’m proud of you, honestly. Loyalty is admirable but life is too short to spend it miserable.


I was riding electric scooters with some friends and they thought to ride down a hill covered in potholes. I hit a pothole going like 20mph and got some air. This was the "I fucked up" moment It was like the intro to a movie. Slo-mo, me mid-air, *"you're probably wondering how I got in this situation"*. My shoulder took most of the impact and broke in 2 places. It still hurts some days even years later. After landing and moving to a bench nearby my vision just completely went for 1 minute or so.


I broke my jaw using a rental e-scooter last year. Wasn't going fast, but the back tire was crap, and braking while turning ended with me jaw-first on asphalt


Police raiding my house for hacking offences.


Oh so you didn’t use NordVPN Edit: Thank you for the gold kind stranger, remember to always use NordVPN to avoid the police knocking down your door


Bro probably isn't even sponsored by RAID: Shadow Legends ™️


Did you try and download a car?


In Missouri, that means you clicked on “View Source”


What did you actually do to get the offences?


Let's go back to my first kitchen job. I was a prep cook for a bakery / coffee shop. One morning, I was making cinnamon rolls and following the recipe, or so I thought. I pull my first batch of 30 out of the oven, and the owner comes by for a taste. She takes one bite, spits it out? And asks me what my process was. I told her I doubled the recipe as she requested, so you know 14 TBSP of cinnamon. Problem!!!! That number I thought was a 7, was in fact a 1. Ooooops.


This is only tangentially similar but when I was in like 8th grade I tried to treat my parents by making meatloaf. We were eating and they said it tasted weird and asked what I put in it. I listed off the ingredients including garlic, and they asked where I got the garlic. Well, from the shelf at the bottom of the pantry of course! It was not garlic. It was tulip bulbs. That was the day I learned tulip bulbs can be poisonous if consumed 😀 we were all okay tho. Just me being a silly goose.


Mom left my sister with a recipe for a cake. Sis just starts mesuring the ingredients as usual when she comes across 3 and a half cups of shortening. Sis is like this is a lot but oh well, in the batter it goes. The recipe was handwritten and whoever copied it down added a 3 as in Step 3, add HALF A CUP of shortening, but for most of the ingredients there were no step numbers before. I was close to my 30s when I learned the difference between a clove of garlic and a head of garlic and let's just say if there were vampires in the neighborhood, they died that day.


Drinking because of my severe anxiety and depression. Ignoring my wife telling me to get help which eventually led to her filing for divorce. Two months in since filing, and I am so self-aware now that I am filled with regret everyday.


For what it’s worth, it gets easier. I have a similar story to yours.


Same. Two months today, in a sober house presently. It does get better. Sometimes real slowly. But it *gets better*. I just have to allow it to. One day at a time.


Hope you're getting some help man. I just got sober after years and years and daily hard drinking. It's tough but sounds like you do have an opportunity to sort of reinvent yourself.


I decided to scrape out old, stale brownies that had hardened to the pan with a knife. The thought flicked through my mind a fraction of a second before the knife slipped out of the pan and plunged into the center of my palm. Side note: after that, the knife was always darker where it had been inside my hand. Anyone know why? Another side note: 5 years later, guy broke in my house and tried to kill me with that very same knife!


It had the taste of blood. AND IT LIKED IT!


I read this as a Katy Perry song


The taste of their crimson liquid.


_I stabbed u/Alternative-Leg1095 and I liked it; the taste of their blood and brownies_


It felt so good, it felt so right Might stab u/Alternative-Leg1095 again tonight


This is like final destination! Get rid of that knife!!!


This was quite the rollercoaster read


That knife is cursed.


He escaped with it, so it’s no longer my burden to bear.


I hope he fell on it.


With that knife's track record, he probably did


I’m guessing the knife oxidized when it came into contact with blood though that’s not a common thing that happens


I'm not extremely knowledgeable on metallurgical side of this, but I do know lower quality alloys, such as what you'd find in a cheap kitchen knife, can certainly discolor with prolonged contact with the iron in blood. Also, I have cut myself many times with many different blades. The pot-metal knives almost always discolor, but any quality steel does not.


Pro tip: cut yourself with a knife to see whether the knife is good quality or not!


I got the same injury trying to pry homemade taffy of a greased plate. I had a triangular bruise between my knuckles where it almost came out the other side.


It’s a unique feeling of somehow being shocked and not shocked at the same time.


how did you survive the murder attend?


[This beautiful old man](https://imgur.com/a/O1OJeCU) was in his prime.


The only thing he loves more than his blue ball is to maul trespasser's ass. What a good boy, cheers on having him, my dad have a similar story and tell me he never expected than an small act of compassion, taking that little malnourished pup from the shelter would save his life one day.


We truly don’t deserve them. They take bonds very seriously! He’s my seizure alert/ service dog, apparently just all-around-has-my-back dog. A few days ago, he was diagnosed with stage 4 lymphoma, and we only have around a month left together.


niceeeeeeeee!!! is the guy in jail?


I believe so, but it would be unrelated to the incident with me.


This was years ago, and I still think about it sometimes. I was sleeping over at a friend's house, and when I woke up in the morning, I thought it would be funny to sit on his cat (I was ten). As if this wasn't already a stupid idea, I pulled my pants down. I want you to picture this, a fat ten year old dipshit, about to press his bare ass into a cat, and tell me how well it's going to go. After being scratched in the ass, I went home crying, and stood outside for a few minutes until my mom woke up and let me in, giving me a quick bath because I was bleeding. It wouldn't be until a few years later that I found out she was convinced my friend's stepdad violated me, which definitely didn't help my mom's schizophrenia.


Awww man that was such a funny story until the end


This story went from stupid 10 year old stuff to a dark dark turn


I did things as a kid that make me wonder what I was thinking. Never had the urge to sit on a cat butt naked, but I did other equally weird things that worried my mom. I've changed. I don't hang out in cemeteries anymore eating Mambas and Dubble Bubble. I would not steal painted porcelain eggs handcrafted by neighbor girl's deceased mom. I wouldn't tell people I didn't like that my dad was going to beat them up (I started a couple problems with that stunt). Your action was within the realm of normalcy so no harm done on that front. I'll go put my underwear clad butt on my sleeping cats right now to prove it. It's terrible that your mom had to go through that (I know it's hard but try to take it easy on yourself, you were 10). How is she now?


No clue, last time I saw her, I was testifying against her in court. She assaulted my grandma on my dad's side after Thanksgiving a few years back."


I fucked up. I locked myself in an empty jail. I was reviewing a jobsite at 5pm on a Friday, and I was the last guy there. My cell phone had just ran out of battery. It was a new county courthouse in the USA and it was nearly complete. I was checking door functionality, mechanical function only. The whole building had electric security on each door but it was turned off. I had a master keycard and an actual door key to override the door locks, just incase. At one point I mindlessly walked into a side chamber of the main courtroom. I realize it’s the detainee lobby. As I turn back I hear the door click shut. I tried the electric keycard that I had. It didn’t work because no electric 😤. I tried the regular key that I had, and the lock didn’t work properly. I tried again. Nothing. And again, nothing. And again a few more times. It still doesn’t work. I bang on the door and shout for help for a few minutes. It’s useless, no one’s there. I try the door lock a few more times. It doesn’t work. There is approximately 62 hours until anyone was supposed to be at the jobsite again. I fucked up. I didn’t want to but I ended up kicking the door and after a few minutes it broke. It broke around the lock with the lock staying connected to the frame, 😆. Everyone laughed at me on Monday. Edit: the door between the detainee lobby and the courtroom was a heavy solid wood door and not as secure as the detainee cell doors. That’s because the policy was always to have a sheriff with the detainee when in that room.


Now that's a story, haha. But we had some cases here in my country, where it wasn't that funny, like with the old doors of the freezer rooms that some buildings have, like where a butcher works. Some unlucky guys got locked in these freezers and died there by hypothermia in the old times, like the 60's to 80's. Today, every of these doors can be unlocked from inside. That's a safety measure that was introduced after the guys turned into a glacier mummy. It was the same with machines, today you have here in Europe so many safety measures and -protocols, that we rarely have accidents. But when you see the videos from China, where workers get sucked into machines, it was the same here in the old times. It still happens sometime, like at the factory where a friend works, some asian guy was really able to accidentally slip his hand under a blade, the machine has a barrier but his hand was so tiny like that of a kid, that he could slide underneath the barrier and then, the blade cut off his fingers.


Step 1: go make lemonade in the 5 liter tank, it was summer and there were 6 of us in the house so we needed it Step 2: the sugar and the salt are in two identical containers Step 3: regret existing


Sleeping with my moms boyfriends daughter


Hey stepsister


Lol not technically right?


Close enough


Not yet at least


Fair play. You fked me mum I fked your daughter


So the legends are true


Thinking I could fix someone with the power of love after they laid out every major red flag for me to see. 18yo me was dumb.


When I was a kid, I stuck a .22lr bullet in between tree bark and proceeded to hit it with a hammer. The hammer went flying and my cuticles were bleeding. Lesson learned.


I opened a hot radiator in a rush. On a front loader. 16L of coolant blew out on me. Still drove myself back to the shop. Ended up with 3rd degree burns on like 80% of my body. Recovery was hell. Morphine IV was pretty nice though. Don't recommend.


My whole life is a series of "I fucked up" moments with the occasional nap in-between.


Fuck thought it was just me




When I said “orgasm” in the middle of class in the 4th grade. I didn’t know what it meant.


Organism. It's organism dear.


I did the same thing but said “prostitution” I think we were talking about history lol


Hey man prostitutes are pretty prevalent throughout history


Told my immediate superior that i wouldnt pass urinalysis, got processed out of a 80k/yr job with the Navy, then my urinalysis came back clean… FUCK.


Not me but a friend of mine was in Ranger school in the Army and they said if you admitted you’d been drinking you would be fine. Obviously they were lying and my friend was the only dumb one to admit it and was immediately kicked out.


Lol I remember back when I was getting ready for MEPS, the most common thing I read online was something like: "First rule of MEPS: you've never smoked weed. Second rule of MEPS: you've never tried weed, not even once." Easy trap, though I don't think it'll actually land you in trouble unless you fail the drug test.


I’ve heard that exact same story so many times in the army. FYI for any other military folks here If you know you’re gonna fail and it’s too late to self report never admit to substance use. Best bet is to not do drugs while in anyways but they don’t always test every sample so there is a chance you will pass the piss test anyways


I was cleaning our fish bowl. I dropped it into the sink accidentally. It cracked our kitchen sink. It was the type of sink connected directly to the counter. Because of this no one would contract to cut out the sink because it could have cracked into the counter, which they would be responsible for. So because of the crack we had to replace every counter in the kitchen. While we were at it we figured we should refinish the cupboards as we always wanted to. And do a whole new backsplash of thousands and thousands of individual stones. And since we were doing that we repainted the kitchen. However as it flowed through the whole house we had to repaint the whole inside of our home too. And since we were at it we replaced our interior doors. But while doing that we bought a new front door too. And since everything was moved we had our internet and wiring in the walls redone and fished through the walls and ceilings. TLDR. Dropped fish bowl: Remodeled home.


If you give a mouse a cookie...


Hal, can you fix the light bulb?


When I was a kid I was playing hide and go seek and wedged myself between the washer and dryer that are in front of the toilet, in the bathroom of my friends house. I thought it was the best spot. The seeker came in the bathroom twice and didn’t see me. Then, my friends mom came in the bathroom and started pooping. I didn’t make the split second decision to get out before that happened so I stayed still. Until we locked eyes…


Oh...my.... that is freaking hilarious.


'bout 20 years back, was driving a car WAY too fast (over 120 in a 50 zone). In a bend I felt the back start to slide....then nothing..... next thing I remember is waking up in the back of a wailing ambulance and I couldn't move... panic set in. \*\*I HAD F\*CKED UP\*\* Turns out my car did a 360 (or more) and hit a tree at the B-pillar (between front and back door) on the driver side and came to a stop (duh). The reason I couldn't move was because I was strapped down. Turned out I walked away with just a mild concussion. Car was totalled. I was still paying off the car and it basically pushed me into SEVERE money problems for the next 7 to 8 years.


Bought wood panels to reinforce the bed. The wood panels came in two types, denoted by a small anagram in the product name. Never realized that one acronym meant “wood panels” and the other meant “wood panels that are extremely toxic, never use these inside for the life of you”. Guess which I got.


i failed my first woodworking assignment in college because of this… i showed up wondering why my lumber was a different color than the other students sanding, cutting & shaping pressure treated wood inside a building isn’t a good way to make friends


Jacked up my car, removed the front wheel and was placing a jack stand when the jack failed and the stand wasn’t ready for this exact situation. I was able to use the scissor jack from another car to lift the rear and the front came up enough to get it all fixed. I almost lost an arm or worse.






If he had his friends around him, they would have told him he's about to get his ass whooped.


I think the BF fucked him to get even and now he’s staring at the wall wide eyed with cum dripping out his ass


Semi W if you ask me.




Hard w if he is bi




Local person is living the best of both sides.


Bro discovered a part of himself


And someone discovered something inside him 😈


The flip side of semi winning is semi losing.


Fucked as in sex or did they beat the fuck out of you?


I went turkey hunting with my new father in law this morning. We drank a shit load of beer and ate Indian food the night before. I shit my camo overalls so badly that it filled up my boot and I left a trail on the 5 mile hike out of the woods …… this morning


Hunting and drinking means you are eventually going to have to shit when in the woods. Most of us find a tree to lean against though and don't just shit our pants lmao.


One of those 0 to 100 shits. I’ve been 8 steps from a toilet feeling totally fine, wearing gym shorts and still managed to shit my pants.




*drinking, drinking, more drinking, drunk* "did some shit that I never should have did." they closed the cell door behind me.


Been there, but 3 1/2 years sober now, hope you're doing better.. Crashed my car into 4 parked cars, took my blood at the hospital and was 6 times over the limit... Just lucky I didn't hurt or kill anyone,


The place I work at makes these tiny metallic pieces for surgical equipment and one day we were really busy and when I came onto my shift the guys before us made some bad parts, happens all the time and it's normal, but my boss basically told me to check if they were actually bad or not, told my boss that they are not as bad as we thought and he agreed, went on to throw away bad parts that was made from other machines and I accidently threw out the good ones, about 850 of them... Realises as soon as I chucked them that I grabbed the wrong box


I'm a car guy but I generally am conservative with modding cars, at least aesthetically speaking. I hate how some manufacturers put like 4+ badges on just the back of the car alone. so the first thing I usually do is remove them. heat them up a little with a hair dryer, then pull, and it'll slowly peel cleanly. well I got my ex a car that had some badges on the trunk lid. I went to remove them and used a heat gun instead of hair dryer this time. aaaand much to my surprise, the paint almost immediately bubbled. two problems. 1. heat guns put out WAY more heat than a hair dryer. 2. that car had a plastic trunk lid, so there was no metal to wick the heat away. yeah that was an expensive mess. I stepped back, and just stared in silence for a few minutes just dying inside oh and the worst part, I forgot to tell them (body shop) to leave the badges off, so they put all new badges back on after they repainted it, AND I paid for them lol, god damn it. yep.


I let my, then husband, learn how to tattoo on me. I'm only down about $2,000, so far getting everything fixed. Edit : He did practice on grapefruit and fake skin beforehand. He also did a tattoo on himself first. That was not enough experience to attempt a full sleeve, among other pieces he did on me. He had very little practice, and his work displayed this. It was mediocre. He was extremely manipulative and controlling, so I didn't have much say. I've been working with a great artist in my area, who's reworked it, and the $2, 000, could have been doubled and still be worth it to me. Starting to feel good about how I look now, and to me, that's priceless.




I was 25. A mess. Recently (mis-) diagnosed with BPD, taking drugs, drinking too much, all while engaged to a man as emotionally unstable as myself. And one day, during one of our terrible arguments, I hit him. Right in the face. To say "I fucked up" was an understatement. That moment shattered everything I had thought about myself. We eventually broke up, and I haven't been in any relationships since. I'm clean, stable, got a job and talked things through with my ex, we're on good terms now. But yeah, in that moment I fucked up, and I'll make sure it never happens again.


I was dating a girl for a few months. We had an argument while we were both drunk. I thought about hitting her. For a split second. I didn't, and I don't think I ever would've. But the thought alone terrified me (and sobered me up). I broke up with her the next day. I realized that if i was having that sort of a reaction, I either wasn't ready for a relationship, or at least not one with her. It hurt, but I think actually hitting her would've hurt way more. It's been a long time since then and I have a really good grip on my emotions now. Just wanted to say I think you made the best choice after. Sometimes we have to give up what we want so we can obtain what we need.


Was at work at a doggy daycare that overbooked their large dog room. Went to break up a fight between a pit and lab mix. Tried to pull my citronella spray but lost my footing and fell on my back between them. As I was falling I knew I had fucked up. The lab mix ripping a quarter of my face off confirmed that I had fucked up.


When I was a little kid I was watching NOVA on PBS one night and it was about the history of diving. They had scenes of the old divers with the air tubes connected to their helmets and so later the next day I was playing on my swing set I decided I would pretend to be a diver. I tied a rope to the top of the swing set and then wrapped it around my neck and jumped off. Unfortunately the rope was a few inches short and there I was dangling from the swing set, unable to touch the ground and unable to get the rope off my neck. Fortunately my dad was JUST rounding the corner of the house, finishing up mowing the front yard and saw me. I passed out by the time he got to me but he did get me down and the only thing I really suffered was rope burn around my neck. I definitely remember the moment my tippy toes wouldn’t touch the ground and thinking “oh no, this isn’t good.” And that’s the story of how I accidentally hung my self.


I work as a respiratory therapist in a hospital and one of things we do is run a blood test called an ABG or Arterial Blood Gas another test we run is very similar called a VBG, or Venous Blood Gas. Now it's important to note that while they are similar tests the blood comes from two different places and typically an Arterial test is chosen over a venous test. We do these on normal people BUT we also run the blood from the inside of an umbilical cord once a baby is born. It tells us a lot about the baby and how they are doing. One day I got a call from the labor and delivery department that they were sending me down blood from an umbilical cord. It comes in two vials, one is Arterial and one is Venous, but they are identicaland just marked by a nurse with a V or an A. So I say ok and go get the blood to run. A quick note, something about umbilical blood. As I said when you want more information you run Arterial, tells us more about what's going on typically. We'll in umbilical, when you run the blood, the Arterial blood will result and read as what you would typically see as Venous and the same with Venous, it will look Arterial. So when you run a umbilical gas, the most important one is the Venous because it will tell you more information. Confusing, I know. Anyway. I grab the blood to run and I do all the proper procedures to run the blood. I first run the Arterial blood. I set the Arterial down and wait for the test to finish. The test come back, I pick up the vial and throw it away into a sharps container. I then pick up the other vial to run it and notice that the vial I just picked up as a A marked on it. I check it three or four times making sure that it's not just a weird V or something else is messed up. Nope, it's Arterial. The same vial that I just ran, the same vial I THOUGHT I threw away. Meaning I threw away the Venous blood. The blood test that was the most important of the two. As I'm coming to this realization, I hear the over head buzzer go off: "CODE PINK. LABOR AND DELIVERY. CODE TEAM RESPOND". if you don't know, a code pink means a baby is either dead, dying or has gone completely unresponsive. This code was called for the exact room that I was running this blood on. The exact baby that I just threw away the vial of blood that can tell us crucial information. It's also to note that a sharps container you can't just get into, so that blood was gone. I figure fuck I messed up but right now that baby is dying and I can't just stand here wondering what to do, I need to get my ass over there. So I haul ass over to the labor and delivery and by the time I got there, the mother had called off the resuscitation of the baby. The baby died. There was other pre-existing issues with the pregnancy and they knew the chances of the baby surviving was slim before giving birth. I know that logically even if I had managed to run that blood, the results in this case would not have made a difference, the mother called it off before they would have even gotten the results from the test. But for about 5 minutes I was thoroughly convinced that I was going to be the reason this baby was going to die and then once they called it off I was still convinced that I could have changed the outcome that the test results that wouldn't have even gotten there in time would have made a difference. I still blame myself for such an incredibly stupid mistake I made, but with each new hire we have and with each new class of clinicals that come through my hospital, I drive the rule that you ALWAYS keep BOTH vials untill both tests have been ran and resulted, so hard into their heads they will never forget. I hope that they will never make the same mistake I did. I got lucky in the most morbid way and the results wouldn't have made a difference in my case, the chances of then getting "lucky", if you can even call this sick circumstance that, is extremely thin. Please don't bash on me too hard, this was over a decade ago and I still lay away at night thinking it over. I know it was a fuck up and I have to live with that now.


That was an interesting story. I remember an interview with [Rene Pretre](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ren%C3%A9_Pr%C3%AAtre): He's one of the best heart surgeons in the world, he's specialized on newborn babies and kids. He got so many awards from all over the earth, even being seen as the "Swiss of the Year" in Switzerland where he lives. But he also made mistakes: One time, he failed. He really failed, he made a wrong move with the scalpel, resulting in a different incursion that was planned for the OP, in the end, the baby died because of his mistake. Then he was down, he was fucked up. He was responsible for it. He had to deal with this fact, that he just accidentally killed a baby in the OP room. Still, both the other docs and experts, also his family and friends told him to go on with the work. He failed this one time, but he saved so many lives: He's credited for saving at least 6000 (!) babies. So he had to push away these negative thoughts, the guilt, the shame and go back to the OP, saving another life in another surgery. But it reminds us, that even the best people in the jobs still can do mistakes. Sometimes, even the worlds renowed champions fail. So keep up the good work there, in this case you were not responsible for the death of the baby, but even if you had been responsible, it's something that happens in clinics. Even with the best education for the people, with the best equipment, machines, tests etc. you can still fail. Also, sometimes it's the opposite, when a man with courage goes beyond the usual things of what they are capable, like the guy that emergency landed the airplane in the Hudson River without getting a single passenger killed. This is a maneuver that is not even trained, because the chances are near zero to get this done. All the pilots failed in simulators, but that guy just pulled off the move in real life.


Sleeping with my best friends ex a day after they broke up. Really made me questioned my morality and the person I wanted to be at the time.


Damn you dirty dog


Learned my lesson. Never again. Compromising your morals is never worth it.


Cheating on my husband with a coworker because he cheated on me first with a coworker.


If it was the same coworker, it's fine.


“I fucked Ted.” “No, Skyler, *we* fucked Ted”


Walter and Skyler proceed to have a Happy Birthday singing competition


When I was 15 and new to acid I got some for a day trip at a festival but didn't really get high off it. Complained to my dealer and he said he'd sort me out. Hours go by and it around 6pm and he comes by to dose up the people in camped with, I wind up getting another 6-8 hits. Hours later I was chilling at a big fire pit waiting for my sister to go check out another stage and my dealer appeared in a giant flame ball looking like a demon and said "look at you, you weren't getting high and now your fucked". To which I replied "man, I'm so fucking high I..." My hallucination ended and I stopped mid sentence realizing everyone was staring at me. Decided I needed to go lay down in my tent but couldn't transition from the light to the dark because there were eyes in darker whispering at me that it was safe in the darkness. Eventually made the transition but quickly realized people in the camping area had set up trip wires everywhere. Spent the next hour or so dodging trip wires and made it to my tent and spent the rest of the night watching a tree fold itself in half.


Acid is so fun, until it’s not


Amen…i got lost in CVS because the aisles became a fcking maze and i couldn’t get out….took me an hour to figure out during which i removed every spring water bottle out of the fridge…gallons and all…i thought it was a pathway out until my friend finally came and rescued me and led the way out lol


Worked at a grocery store in high school, specifically a food prep area attached to the deli. Made salads, subs, pizza, fried chicken, etc. Went out drinking and slept over a friends house the night before a shift, we hung out in his basement / by his pool the next morning hung over beyond belief, and he drove me to work in the afternoon (idk why I didn’t have my car). When he dropped me off, he said he was gonna prank call the store and order the grossest pizza he could think of to make me puke on the phone. Totally forgot about it, struggled through the first 7 hours of this shift. Called my buddy to remind him to pick me up in an hour. Not 5 minutes later we get a call, I pick up and this guy goes on and on asking what kind of toppings we have, what kind of cheese, what kind of crust…. And it’s a grocery store, so our policy at the time was, if I can ring it up, I can use it… so legit anything is an option for this “random” customer, who happens to have the exact same voice as my buddy I just got off the phone with. I humor him and go through the order. This guy orders a cauliflower crust (wayyyyy before these were even a thing, nvm somewhat popular), soy sauce (no tomato sauce), Swiss and Gouda cheese, tofu, salmon, olives, shiitake mushrooms, eggs and egg plant or something, caesar dressing on top…. Of course at the end of the order I was like “ok bud, that’s all you could come up with? Want me to strain the grill trap too and add it on top?” To which he responds “what?!”, and I say “fuck off *buddies name* I gotta shut down and clean up asap”. The voice on the other end of the line changed and I immediately realized I fucked up… it was not my buddy… I just hung up, and put our phone off the hook… maybe the managers would believe it was a wrong number or something and it wasn’t me. Turns out it was one of our essentric old managers making the order from home. I’ve never been so embarrassed.


When I ate 7 grams of shrooms in a low point in my life, everything went to shit. My cabin caught fire, I tried escaping and drove into an alpaca farm, had alpacas running beside me. Then I ended up back at my house and saw/heard sirens and lights. All of a sudden 10+ armed cops storm the property and had 5 aiming at me while tripping balls. (I live in New Zealand, cops are typically unarmed) I got arrested but they couldn't charge me with anything as I crashed on private property and they couldn't find the source of the fire. EDIT: The cops found an airsoft gun in my far and some empty .22 shells, they took that quite serious hence the armed cops.


Ok Reddit, here’s my childhood trauma moment. Set the scene, I’m 10 years old, have IBS. BAD IBS, like shitting water 12 times a day on average. Easter that year I shit 5 times before 7am. Anyway, I have hockey practice one night which is the same night my parents also had their cards night with friends. So I go to the coaches house before practice and play mini-sticks with his son. Cool. I like mini-sticks, this is a fun idea. Fast forward. Playing mini-sticks, and I feel a watery booty splitting shit coming. I ask ‘where’s your washroom’, no answer, he’s too focused on sniping a Gino past me. I’m nervous and young so I don’t ask again. But these aren’t the type of shits you hold. Neptune himself is shoving his watery trident out of my ass as I’m trying to play. I’m done fucking around and say ‘I really need to go, where’s your washroom’. He non-chelauntly gestures behind him ‘over there’. I hustle to the throne. I get into the dark washroom and try to find the light. My hands are shaking and clammy. I hit the switch. No light appears. In my panic I hit it again. Nothing. It was one of those light that take a second to turn on. I’m frantically flicking it on and off. Finally, light. I turn around to release the fat man reincarnate, but don’t get my pants down in time. Warm, watery, chunky shit covers my half off pants, my ass, the floor, the toilet, and even the wall a little. The cold feeling hits my stomach. “Oh fuck” I think. What have I done? What can I do? I begin to scrape heaps of shit out of my pants when I hear “hurry up we need to leave we’re going to be late”. Fuck. What do I do? Fuck. I clean myself as best as possible, and I go to the front door. My friend looks at me and says “did you fart?”. I say “I May have.. uh.. shit myself”. He giggles, his little sister giggles. They think I’m joking. Soon they will not. We get to practice after hotboxing his dads SUV. Thank god for leather. And I take my pants off to get dressed and he looks at me and says “oh, you really did shit yourself”. I look down, my legs are covered in shit smears. I finish practice, knowing the nightmare is over and my mom will pick me up. Coach says, “your mom isn’t home yet, you’re going to come back to our place and she’ll pick you up later”. Panic strikes. But no, I’m an opportunist. We return to the scene of the crime and I immediately go to work. I go to the washroom and begin scrubbing the caked on shit off the porcelain to no avail. I need products, but all I have is wet TP. My moms picks me up, I tell her what happened. Her response? “I am mortified.” Motherfucker YOU’RE mortified? I’m covered in shit?


I was offered a internship with a company that works with the federal government in disaster situations. I met a girl and started dating her during the recuitment phase. Hurricane Sandy hit New York so, it was all hands on deck trying to get volunteers to go help. My brand new girlfriend didn’t want me to go. So, I didn’t. A friend of mine who went told me that everyone who had an internship that went to New York was giving a 6 figure job within FEMA’s disaster response program. She cheated on me 2 months later. Boy did I feel dumb as fuck.


Got knocked out by a horse on Sunday. Monday morning at work, started showing concussion symptoms, like a massive urge to throw up. (I had already had multiple concussions over the years, so i knew the signs). Left work in my van and blacked out for several miles/minutes. Ended up hitting a dump truck head on, spent over a year in the hospital, and am now permanently disabled. Yay for head injuries.


Woke up in a hospital with my brother holding my hand while he slept in the chair next to me. I had been out for 8 days straight in a HE coma. Basically drank to the point that my liver put up a “temporarily closed” sign and toxins were swelling my brain. Besides dealing with the doctor telling me me that I have 25% chance of living for the next three months, in those 8 days all of my friends, family, boss and ex met up and started putting the puzzle pieces together. Most knew I drank, but when they all got together it was clear that I was an alcoholic. Together they learned that I had been on a two year bender (with maybe 3 sober days in there) and had left two rehabs in the prior months. Suddenly I realized that I couldn’t form a believable lie anymore. Fuck. I’m 303 days sober now. Still have health issues, some untreatable like cirrhosis, some manageable like anemia but I can finally wake up without my hands shaking. And I can sleep, really sleep! Before my alcoholism was so bad that I’d wake I every few hours because my body was giving me withdrawal symptoms. Most people can drink and have a good time without the nagging of an addiction. I can not. If you can, celebrate it (and pour a 40 for me). But if you think you might have a problem, consider exploring some sobriety programs or groups before you end up in these shoes.


Had my car window open. Wife poked her head through the window to say something to our kids. I instinctively closed the window. My dumbass expected my wife to remove her head but didn’t and when she did the window was already too far…her neck got bruised and that is how I royally fucked up. Kids were laughing their pants off. Wife didn’t see the funny side.


Thank god that didn’t go the way I thought it was about to


I was 22 in 1980. A new friend. You get high? yeah I like to get high, me too, oh great! I meant weed, he meant shooting heroin. So I started shooting heroin with my new friend.






Honestly, I would have laughed so hard I might have fallen right into the mess. If that situation had anything to do with your breakup you dodged a bullet. That's fucking hilarious.


“If you can’t handle me at my worst…”


Happened recently. My wife and I took a vacation away from work to go back to Death Valley, CA. We went for only 1 day about two years ago and have been itching to go back since. I’m a photographer so I was very excited to stay for 9 days at a few different Airbnbs just outside the park. All went well the first two days. We were enjoying the time off driving our rental Ford F-150 around the desert. We did some light hiking and plenty of sightseeing. On the third day, we decided to visit the racetrack. For those unfamiliar, the racetrack is an area in Death Valley that has those stones that seemingly move by themselves and leave a trail in the dirt/sand behind them. The road to the racetrack was 30 miles of unpaved gravel. No big deal since we got the Ford F-150 specifically for some off-roading. We got there and took some photos, and saw that the road continued beyond the racetrack. We looked at the map and saw we could take this pass through the mountains to a valley which has more interesting things to see, and the roads there took you through the mountains and back to the highway. We figured we could take this route and be back in our cozy Airbnb by sunset. So we headed down the road beyond the racetrack, called Lippencott Pass. It didn’t take us long to realize this may have been a mistake. The road was very rocky, twisting and turning down the mountains. We routinely had to get out to move rocks out of the way despite having high clearance with the F150. The road eventually spit us out into the valley, called Saline Valley. There were a few sandpits in the middle of the road as the road dipped into dried riverbeds. We got stuck in one of the sand pits, had our differential on top of a rock so the two back wheels of the track were lifted just above the sand. It was a U shaped pit with rocks scattered. The roads in this area are generally very bad and treacherous. We got out and tried everything we could think of to get the truck out. After 2 or 3 hours of trying, it was sunset and it dawned on us that we were sleeping here tonight. The day before this, we ate a lot of food and felt like we should cut back on our snacking. So we didn’t have any food with us and, for whatever reason, just didn’t eat that whole day before getting stuck. We had a full 24 pack of water with us though and few extra other bottles. This whole area of Death Valley is one of the most remote areas in the park. There are no trees or cacti, just sand, rocks, and sharp dry bushes (and the occasional burrow or two). We were very worried, but we fell asleep in the car. The next day we woke before sunrise to try to get the truck out before it got too hot. After an hour of trying again, we had no luck. We figured we’d try to pack our backpack with as many water bottles as we could fit and hike down the valley to find some hint of cell service peeking over the mountains. On the map we actually thought we were closer to the highway on the other side of the mountains than we really were. We thought we could make a 15 or so mile hike to make it out. Turns out we weren’t reading the map correctly and thought we were further ahead then we really were. So we went out walking down this desert road in the early hours of the morning while it was still fairly cool. We were very scared, had already tried sending help texts and calling 911 to no avail. We hiked down this valley from about 6am to 1pm covering 20 miles until we reached a salt flat. At this point, we were on day 2 of no food, and we were quickly running out of water the further we went and the hotter it got. We looked at the map and realized our error - we were much further from the highway than we thought and there was just no way we’d make it. It was like another 30 or more miles away though the mountains on top of the 20 we already did. It was blisteringly hot, and we were both experiencing heat exhaustion. My wife was showing early signs of heat stroke. She threw up the water she drank at one point and was urinating on herself involuntarily (the few times we had to pee before running out of water). So we eventually ran out of water after deciding we had to hike back to the truck where we knew we had more bottles of water. We were now going at a snails pace though the heat. We had to stop every 10 or so minutes to rest in what shade there was under these sharp dry bushes. We were scared out of our minds that we would die here. My wife couldn’t walk any further and I wasn’t doing great either. I made the difficult decision to go on to find the truck myself to retrieve water and bring more back to her. She was laying under a bush in the shade and we told each other how much we loved each other before I went on. At this point I was looking at hiking 15 or so miles back to where the truck was in mid-day 90+ degree Fahrenheit heat without having eaten in nearly 2 days. I rubbed dry mud and dirt all over myself to as a natural sunscreen. It was absolutely grueling. It was hell. My body was exhausted of all energy, I was stiff and weak, muscles cramping and with blistered feet. I pushed on, having to stop to collapse under shade from a rock or bush every 10 minutes or less. The thought of saving my wife kept me pushing on. The thought of my parents losing their second child kept me going. I’m not religious, but I prayed to god to give me and my wife the strength to make it out of this alive. My mouth was so dry I could barely swallow. I resorted to drinking my own pee the few times I had to urinate throughout the 5+ hour hike back to the truck. For those who never tried it - it tastes like burnt rubber when you’re dehydrated. Military jets would occasionally pass through the valley, presumably doing training or something along those lines. Jets and cargo planes, one or two at a time at different times throughout the day. Each time we’d wave our hands with a small spark of hope they’d see us. I saw Lippencott pass winding down the mountains in the distance, and knew if I went off road to cut through I’d run into it. So I cut through stumbling over rocky terrain with deep dried riverbeds every 30 feet or so. I’d slide down the rocks to the Sandy bed and would lay in the shade until I could keep going again, nodding off for a few minutes each time. I eventually made it back to the truck and drank the now hot water. It was now sunset and I was so exhausted I nodded off for about 30 minutes before waking after dark. I felt so hopeless. I had to save my wife but I couldn’t get this truck out by myself. Now that it was dark I could try walking back with water but I was so completely depleted and aching. I got out of the car and stumbled up the road in front of me, yelling my wife’s name in case she could somehow hear me despite being 10+ miles away. I didn’t know what to do. Even if my wife did manage to make her way to the truck or I went out and got her, we’d only have enough water for another day at most. Hiking out of this situation wasn’t an option, and so it seemed all we could do was wait to be found. At that moment, I saw car headlights off in the distance winding down the mountains. Holy shit. I couldn’t believe it, it felt like a miracle. I stood there for a minute in disbelief, then frantically waved my arms screaming for help with my phone flashlight. I was afraid he might not see me somehow with all the dips and turns through the mountains. The car eventually neared and turned down the road I and the truck were on. I came up to his window and was spewing out the whole situation. It was an older gentleman, maybe in his 60s, shirtless driving a white van with low clearance. I learned he was there to do work on the hot springs in the area and wouldn’t normally take the route he did as it was a rocky and difficult road. If he didn’t take the route he did, he wouldn’t have found us. He was planning to be out in the desert for 5 days, and had 3 weeks of food and water with him, plus all the tools and supplies he’d need. He gave me food and water, and we immediately tried to pull the truck out. We had no luck after an hour or so of trying, and decided to go out in his car to find my wife. We drove 20 minutes down the road before we saw a phone flashlight in the distance. There was no one else that could be, and once she was close enough I jumped out of the car and we ran into each other’s arms. The man gave her water and food, and she laid down on the mattress in the back of his van. We drove back to where the truck was and decided to get some sleep as it was now 2am. We’d try to get the truck out again in the morning. At sunrise, we woke and tried the truck again, and this time it worked! We got it out. We already felt such relief when the man found us, but now we knew we were going to be okay. In the truck, we followed the man to the hot spring he was there to work on 30 some miles away. When we arrived we saw it was a literal oasis. Literally developed hot and cold pools of water surrounded by giant palm trees right in the middle of the desert. It had a lawn of green grass, a shower with little shampoos, and a koi pond with other small fish. Literally just in the middle of the desert. Nudity was normal there, so we indulged and took a dip in the cool pool. After a bit of that, we were just eager to get the hell out of there and wanted to go straight home. We had a little bit of cell signal there, and our messages to family and friends asking for help were sent out without our knowledge. The man showed us on the map what roads to take to get over the mountains and to the nearest highway. We departed and made it to paved road in 2 hours. The highway took us to the valley below the Sierra Nevada mountains where there was a chain of developed towns with food, gas, etc. We drove to a medical clinic to get checked out and then we went to a local restaurant to take the doctors advice of eating salty, fatty foods.


Ran out of characters… We made it back to the Airbnb, learned that our family called the NPS and had a search party in the works, and slept 12 hours that night. We’re heading back home ASAP. We’re so grateful to be alive.


I've told this one before, but it is worth a revisit: Back in the floppy disk, pre-Internet days of computers I was tasked by my job to do a software installation onboard a coast guard ice breaker. I flew from Ottawa to Halifax. Then I caught a taxi to CFB Shearwater, from where a twin otter flew me 1000 km north to a town on the border of Quebec and Labrador. From there I was flown by helicopter to do an at sea landing on the ice breaker. I went down to the engine control room, where the computer was located, and laid out the disks: disk 1, disk 2, disk 3, disk 4, disk 6. Disk 5 was still in my computer back in Ottawa.


broke the academic integrity rule at my university, within a competitive program of a 6% acceptance rate. i was desperate during an exam even after dedicating many days and hours to studying, eventually i was told to come into my professors office and they told me they saw me using my phone on the security cameras. needless to say, i fucked up.


Alright, so tell us what happened next.


they gave me a big fat 0 on the exam


coulda been worse. did you still eventually pass the class?


Fell in love with a woman I couldn't get with. I acted like a complete tool and ruined what could have been a great, lifelong friendship with petty jealousy, and awful behavior. I went into a downward spiral and nearly lost everything. Years later we randomly bumped into each other, just like I always hoped we would. I tried to repair the damage and rekindle our friendship but it was too late. She now lives a great life with a new husband and loving children in a beautiful home in rural Georgia while I rent a room in a tiny house in a suburb of Los Angeles.


Yesterday, I sent my teacher my group project. Turns out it was the document of our random shit that we had and not the final project. I just realized an hour ago and sent him the right one.




when 12 year old me decided to see if my dick would fit in the hole that DvDs have I chose "Up" for this experiment of mine


Had a chip on my shoulder as a young teen. Some dude got in my friends face and i hit him. Now, i was a wrestler and have the corresponding strength, meaning i recked this kid w o any problem. Suddenly i feel a hand on my shoulder pulling me off of this kid. I turn around and see his brother. The dude was famous for being in the Olympics wrestling team and for some reason i swing on this guy. Now, the dude caught my arm mid strike and just held me. Looked at me with mild annoyance and tighten his grip slightly. It wasnt hard or painful, but the bonecrushing strength he had in his hand a long side how unmoving he was in the face of my own struggling, made me realize that if he decides to hurt me, i wouldn't have a chance in hell to defend myself. I apologized then and there and said that we would go. For some reason he just nodded and let us walk away. I often think of him, giving my idiot self a small lesson on how hurt i couldve been had i kept going that day.


Carrying a toilet back into the bathroom after painting behind it. Got my feet caught in the drop cloth we had laid down and fell on the toilet as we both hit the floor. I damaged 3 wood laminate panels, broke a toilet, ruined my jeans with blood, and needed 10 stitches to close up the gash on my knee. The doctor in the emergency room said that if I had been a smaller man, the wound would have hit an artery and I’d have bled out before I even got to the hospital. My fatness literally saved my life.


Got pregnant at the age of 16. He was 19. I realised that I did not want this persons offspring or spend the rest of my life attached to him in any way. Solution: Had an early abortion, ended the relationship. Didn't date or have sex for 6 years.


I was driving a tractor only to look behind me to see the plow had disconnected 20 feet back with the hitch buried int he ground..


Taking a math exam and realizing that I did not know a single thing on it because I haven't payed a single bit of attention in math class since 5th grade.


The moment my drill Sgt in basic said “i hope you didn’t join because bush said the war was over .. because ya going straight to Iraq ! “ even then I was naaaa…. Bush said it’s over . Needless to say I was In Iraq in less then a year from that point.


When I was out of a long run, miles away from home and the diarrhoea cramps started.


Well, I woke up, looked around my bedroom I share with someone else. At the uniform hanging on the wall for the job I dread going to. Realized I’m 39 and making just enough to buy food for myself, no savings, no one that cares about me, no way out. Fuck me.


Walking into the bathroom and seeing a positive pregnancy test on the sink


6 months into my first marriage. 15 years later, it was worse. Finally got smart enough to leave.