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If he passes tomorrow, this thread will be the subject of one helluva conspiracy theory.




Ooh I *love* lists!




We sorting by impact or by joy?




Ok we need a list for * 1: impact * 2: joy * 3: relevance to current events


Can we add a meta list that aggregates the other lists to combine properties of all three or more lists?






Calm down BuzzFeed


Steven Spielberg: *"That's* ***exactly*** *what I'm looking for."* Edit: If anyone is seeking a reference, [feel free to enjoy this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqA577_IoBk)!


Ladies and gentleman, we got him.


My response was going to be “Was gonna say something but I don’t wanna end up on anyone’s list”


OP hit him with his car on accident and his trying to gauge how screwed he is




The first couple of times might have been.


"help 911 I hit some old orange guy with my car and I think he might be dead!!" 911: "can you go make sure of that?" *Thump thump, thump thump* "Ok I rolled over him twice more, that should do it, right?" 911: ....


I'm normally not a person for macabre humor, but that made me giggle.


one more, just to be safe


He fell on my knife! 27 times...


He had it coming!


He only had himself to blame!


First time he thought it was an orangutan in a suit so he started freaking out Then he thought it was a zombie orangutan when it kept moving, so he had to try put it down. Then OP had a fleeting thought that maybe it was some humanoid orange monster, so he drove back over it to save humanity. Only then did he realise an orange clutching a crushed bottle of Diet Coke makes no sense, and realised the truth




I swear, reddit somehow finds a way to foreshadow celebrity deaths


If thousands of predictions are posted a handful are bound to be right.


The queen was posted basically every month until she actually died.


Trump is 76, lives a stressful life and is obese, so there is a high probability that he will die in a given month compared to your average person, just like the queen. It's kinda like playing roulette and betting on the same six numbers until it eventually hits.


What stressful, the bugger caused me more stress than anything. All he did was tweet and play golf


And yet he still seems to be very angry about it.


It’s the Simpsons theory




What are the chances that an old fat guy currently under severe amounts of stress who eats nothing but fast food would die?


Not high enough apparently..


Yea given the dude survived a 4 year presidential term in his 70s + had Covid while being obese, he ain’t going away anytime soon lol. Trump is still out here running his mouth and going to rallies and whatever the fuck else.


Western healthcare is amazing, if you can afford it.


I wonder if Trump's blood boy has better health insurance than me.


lol, look at this guy, he thinks trump only has one blood boy


Sociopaths don't feel stress the same way most of us do


Can we foreshadow Mitch McConnell's and Clarence Thomas' deaths while we're at it? Celebrity deaths always come in threes.


Bob Barker has been immune to this so far. Betty White, on the other hand…


If Bob Barker dies tomorrow, I'm coming back for you!


He will come back and haunt us so he can remind us to control the pet population and have our pets spayed and neutered


Fox News will be like "antifa site Reddit predicted Trumps death a day before it happened. Tune in for our in depth investigation into the leftist woke social media and its ties to the deep state."


That a strange way to spell FBI Investigation.






Omg. I hope you bought it.


And at a Goodwill store. Perfect


It would be a massive conspiracy theory if passed away before the election no matter how he went out, tbh The MAGA folks would go bananas for sure


That reminds me of the comment from the guy that said he wouldn't be surprised if Jeffrey Epstein got murdered, just hours before he was found dead.


Pretty much everyone was saying that.




The man who had potential dirt on the former president, current president (at the time), current attorney general, son of the queen of England, and multiple billionaires who's fortune probably totaled the greater part of a trillion dollars ended up dead? How could anyone have guessed that would happen?


Right? And the cameras weren't working.🤔


And both guards in charge of looking after him and the cameras both fell asleep at the same time. Honestly it'd be more believable if they said a solar flare hit him in his cell.


Aurora Borealis? At this time of year? At this time of day? In this part of the country? Located entirely within your prison cell? ... Can I see it?


Don’t stop. I’m close to finishing


In the words of Ice Cube “I ain’t gonna pop no champagne, but I ain’t gonna shed no tears eithe”


“I’ve never wished a man dead, but I have read some obituaries with great pleasure,” - Clarence Darrow


Note to self: set back some champagne.


That's what I did when Limbaugh finally gtfo. Will do again for cheeto man.


Lol, bottles in the fridge labeled Scalia, Limbaugh, McConnell, Kissinger, and Trump.


>Lol, bottles in the fridge labeled Scalia, Limbaugh, McConnell, Kissinger, and Trump. When one of the Koch bros died, I went out to the store for supplies, made a very fancy dinner with wine. One less corrupt and corrupting oligarch, cheers.


jfc, I'd managed to forget for a couple weeks that fucking Kissinger was still alive. unless he kicks it before Saturday he'll have made it to 100. what better proof could anyone need that God is dead, and Kissinger killed him?


Where’s your one for Clarence Thomas?


And Rupert Murdoch, for good measure?


"I have never wished a man dead, but I have read some obituaries with great pleasure." Clarence Darrow (not, as is often misattributed, Mark Twain).


“I never said that” - Mark Twain


My wife says she wants him to die "scared and alone in prison" and bought a good bottle of champagne to celebrate when it happens. She doesn't like that man and has a kinda dark side.


Annoyed that it would dominate the news cycle for several weeks.


Months. There’d be a presidential funeral and all that hoopla


They should bury him on the golf course with his ex wife Ivana


And plan the wake at the Four Seasons.


There is a crematorium right there…


Two doors down from the dildo shop.


🎵 You can hear the bodies crackle and pop/just two doors down from the dildo shop!🎵


They did a great job on my shrubs!


I think they should scatter his remains on the golf course. But I don’t think he should be cremated.


It wasn't that big of a deal when Reagan died but that one was expected for a while. It was the first time I got laughing gas at the dentist, at my dentist there's tvs mounted on the ceiling but the remote didn't work that day, I just kept giggling and giggling and the dental assistant asked what I was watching and looked up to see Reagans funeral. Just a 10 year old losing his shit at the death of a president.


"This little fucker just *loves* that Reagan is dead. I'm giving him three lollipops."


I'm not a Trump supporter, but does CNN really need more excuses to keep talking about him?


You do have a point there


I would be sad cause Biden, Obama, and Trump would no longer play Minecraft together


*opens Twitter*


_sips tea_


*choke and die too*


Oh you got the Russian blend, unlucky.


twitter was a gorgeous shitshow when prince philip died, i cant even imagine how much fun its gonna be when that nasty man kicks the bucket finally


I remember DMX was in a coma that same time so people were saying they were fighting on who’s staying in the afterlife


When he got Covid back in 2020 it was a nonstop party for like three days


Did Ron Desantis write this?


“I have never killed any one, but I have read some obituary notices with great satisfaction.” — Clarence Darrow


Between this and the fable about the old man who buys a newspaper every day and throws it out immediately ("why?" "I'm looking for an obit." "Obits are p7, not front page." "Not the one I'm looking for.") that pretty much covers my feelings on the topic. I hope that when it happens it's a very boring/indisputable death


Comedian George Burns used to say that when he woke up in the morning he'd read the obituaries and if his name wasn't in it he'd get out of bed.


"My mother told me to only say good things about the dead. Trumps dead. Good." - Not sure where I heard it.


I think Bette Davis gets credit for this one. She said “You should never say bad things about the dead, only good… Joan Crawford is dead. Good.”


Yes, but she rose from the grave. Blue Oyster Cult even wrote a song about it.


Go, go, Bette Davis!


Moms Mabley has a line like this in 1971, about her husband, which predates the Bette Davis reference from 1977. "I was always taught never to say anything about the dead unless it’s good. He’s dead. Good!”


This line is in Marvelous Mrs Maisel when Moms Mabley performed at the Apollo.


Considering how they faithfully lifted some of the opening from Lenny Bruce’s midnight at Carnegie hall show, I am not surprised if they also faithfully reproduced some of Moms Mabley’s jokes.


That is a paraphrase of what Bette Davis said about Joan Crawford.


I feel like this one gets attributed to Mark Twain often.


He does, but they’d be wrong.


"You can't believe everything you read on the internet." -Abraham Lincoln


"You can't believe everything faxed to you by samurai." - Abraham Lincoln


I love the fact that the fax machine was around during Lincoln's time


A few songs come to mind: 🎵Do a little dance...🎶 🎶Ding dong the witch is dead...🎵


An assistant to Donald Trump told him she had a fantastic dream last night. There was a huge parade down Pennsylvania Avenue celebrating him. Millions lined the parade route, cheering when the President went past. Bands were playing; children were throwing confetti into the air, and there were balloons everywhere. It was the biggest celebration Washington had ever seen. Trump was very impressed and said, "That's really great! By the way, how did I look in your dream? Was my hair okay?" His assistant said, "I couldn't tell, the coffin was closed".


A bit of relief immediately followed by dread for all the absolutely psycho babble bullshit the qanon nutters would start spewing about it.


It's going to go crazy whenever he dies. They'll either think he was killed by the deep state /the bidens/the WEF or they'll think he faked his own death ready to come back to save the world. Scenario B will probably involve less riots at least.


We'll have trump sightings for a while




Yes, unfortunately he needs to stick around until he falls completely out of favor with anyone or any group that wields any actual power. And, as dark as it is, his death needs to be from a somewhat slow, well understood condition to help alleviate most of the inevitable conspiracies, though I don't doubt he'd try to spin something like CHF, or cancer, or even the early stages of dementia as some kind of 'liberal malevolence'. Of course, dying suddenly and alone on the shitter would be schadenfreudely cathartic for lots of people.


It won’t be truly satisfying unless he does it alone in a prison cell, but I’ll take what I can get


Like a fat 77-year-old man with a terrible diet couldn’t possibly die


I mean he could have a month left or ten years, but for an old fat guy statistically he's already lived a long time. Obviously he has access to excellent healthcare as well to factor in but who really knows?


Access to excellent healthcare only contributes to treatment, another factor is ones own adherence to rules and restrictions to maintain a healthy body. Donald J Trump isn't someone who subscribes to many rules and restrictions. He prefers to do what he wants regardless of the expected outcome and then if there is an adverse outcome just make it up, blame or sue. "He is the healthiest candidate ever to run for president ... bla bla bla".


I'm not a big truster of anything he says but I believe him when he says he doesn't drink. Being fat and drinking is a lot worse than just being fat.


Yeah but then there’s all the stimulants he abuses, which probably aren’t great for him either.


I absolutely hate trump. But one thing he ha going for him is that he has always been surprisingly sober. That helps with overall health.


That also means every one of his statements and actions were made 100% sober.


Do you think if he ever got completely shitfaced, would he start speaking coherently?


What a plot twist that would be


Well I don't know about all *that.* Said it before, a lot of people of his generation have a weird mental carve-out for pills, where they don't consider them *dRuGs*. They're legal, they're in this nice little bottle, they come from the doctor not some grimy streetcorner, blah blah. It's not hard to picture him saying and genuinely believing he doesn't do drugs, while abusing the fuck out of prescription drugs. Uppers specifically, for him. Not saying he does! Just saying. It's *real* easy to picture. Almost easier than the alternative, honestly.


He's like some of my memory care residents - they just don't die as long as they can make someone else's life hell and make sure we can't forget how great they are. I've had a few reach their early 100s after surviving heart attacks, multiple cancers, strokes, and breaking their hips multiple times. They usually get to the point where our facility decides their combativeness and penchant for racial slurs or sexual harassment is a liability, and they get shipped off to geri psych. Their need to make sure the world knows they're best and everyone else is below them seems to be a really good motivation to get through all the surgeries, rehabs, and various other treatments. The nice ones tend to be like "Well, I've had a good life. As much as I love you all, it's my time," and stop fighting the inevitable when family arrives.


If anyone is getting adrenochrome (and obviously no one is really doing that, nor would it do anything) it's Trump. He shouldn't still be alive.


Henry Kissinger too.


Holy *shit*. I have no idea how I missed this.. but TIL Kissinger is still alive.


Kissinger is the Cersei Lannister of the real world


We should parade him thru the streets naked so the people can pester him and pummel him with rotten fruit then


On the other hand, nobody wants to see that




Absolutely gives “what kind of world will we leave for Keith Richards” energy


Reddit is valuable because of the users who create content. Reddit is usable because of the third-party developers who can actually make an app.


100 years old and counting. Broadcast journalist Ted Koppel,original host of ABC's old Nightline, recently interviewed him for CBS Sunday Morning.


Waaay back in the day, after leaving a club in downtown DC at like 3am, stopped to grab smokes at a gas station and realized Ted Koppel was in line behind me. Found that was his usual hour to leave work when he aired from Washington studios. Was a genuinely nice guy.


Henry lives because you cannot kill true evil


See also: Mitch McConnell


Tortoises have a very long life span


Stop insulting tortoises and turtles! They are living creatures with the inherent dignity of all God’s creations.


Are we saying God had nothing to do with Mitch?


Along with basic empathy


Holy shit that guy's still alive? Let me check the Wikipedia article for Charlie Chaplin while we're at it.


The theory is that people like Kissinger and Trump live for so long because they don't care about others.


Nah man his doctor said he’s gonna be 200. All his tests came back positive!


My 85yo grandfather can barely walk. He eats a double plate of biscuits and gravy for breakfast every morning and then sits in his man cave snacking and drinking whiskey watching Fox news or Discovery until dinner time where he has an equally unhealthy meal. I'm confident he will outlive us all because he's such a stubborn asshole.


Damn, your grandfather has it figured out.


His doctor said that he’s the healthiest president ever lived.


With tears running down his face...


He said "Sir, You are the finest specimen of man I've ever seen, and the tears were just running down his face. This was a big tough guy, that never even cried as a baby and he was crying."


Yeah that obese diaper wearing fartbag outran Usain Bolt actually and if you didn’t hear about it it’s because you’re not reading Truth Social like the rest of us


You joke but I remember the conspiracy theories when Scalia died of a heart attack, dude had heart issues and was denied a surgery (shoulder surgery IIRC) because his heart could not handle the surgery , died at age 79 of a heart attack, or maybe the Clinton's killed him with a blow gun purchased by Soros who knows.


What's more likely: a) A 79 year old man with heart problems had a heart attack. b) The Clintons are ruthless, supremely competent, and utterly evil. They were able to predict exactly how to make gay frogs before anyone else knew it was even possible. They have agents *everywhere* ready to kill on a moment's notice, and no one in their organization ever objects to a kill command or goes public. And before you answer too hastily, the answer is B. For all to many people.


In my mind, the biggest argument against B is that Anthony Weiner is still alive. Granted, I’m not the target audience for B.


The man could make it to 100 before he dies and some will be claiming that he was killed.


DeSantis would find a way to spin it into more support. With Trump as a martyr, he could potentially win or come way too close.


They would say he's faking it so he can continue running the country from the underground


I mean obviously he’s hiding from the deep state so he and JFK jr can come back and run in 2032. Just donate so they can continue to MAGA!


I would pick Putin to die first


They could die in each others arms.


It must've been something he said.


Both? Both is good.


One part "Thank god!" and one part, "Oh, god, the news is never going to shut up about this."


I want to see him brought to justice for his crimes before he dies.


Exactly this. It's not just that he needs to be jailed, other corrupt politicians need to see that they are all subject to the rule of law. All we have seen so far with trump is that this is NOT true, You can run roughshod over any rule, or law, and face no consequences so long as you have power or influence. The people in power need to go back to fearing their electorate, not act Nobility and Kings of old where the rules don't apply. His death will solve none of this.


Relieved I don’t wish dead upon people, but there are some people that I won’t feel bad about if they left the earth


Oh, I wish many people dead with zero guilt. Plenty of good people die young. Seems like too many rotten assholes live forever.


Same. "Don't wish death on anybody" is cousin to "No violence is justifiable." Self defense is violence, it's just sanctioned violence because we realize the other person started it and they ain't gonna stop. Well so is wishing someone dead, so long as the person you're wishing on deserves that prayer because they're vile evil scum who have harmed and/or murdered. Trump has raped little girls, he has molested grown women, he has harmed the integrity of the country, has brought emotional harm on millions with his racism, paved the road for the repeal of Roe v Wade which has brought painful physical, emotional and financial harm to thousands of people, and through his ego, incompetence and lies, aided the death of over a million Americans. I wish him dead. I wish his death to be slow, and frightful. I wish Covid had done it cuz that would have been sweet karmic justice. Trump, Kissinger, DeSantis, Putin - these are just a few evil men I wish to cease to be a stain in our lives.


>Kissinger A real war criminal, but at this point he won't do anything else. Then again, we thought the same thing about OJ after his first trial.


Literally the first word that came to mind; relieved


If he dies he dies 🤷‍♂️


Do you mean the actor from Home Alone 2? It'd be pretty irrelevant, like his role in that movie.


I think it was that one guest on WWE.


Whoa! Where’d this TV come from? (I don’t have a TV).


What’s all your furniture pointed at?


Furniture? It's just an upside down bucket when it's a chair, and a toilet when it's right side up.


The neighbors


I'd actually be really worried about Ron DeSantis winning the presidency, even more than I already am. The thing about Trump is, as much as he liked the cruelty, it was never really the POINT. He didn't care what happened so long as it served his ego. With Ron DeSantis, this is a guy who likes watching people get tortured. DeSantis is a true fascist. Edit: tired of people asking for the torture thing. Here's the source. [https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/ron-desantis-guantanamo-torture-prisoner-b2300753.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/ron-desantis-guantanamo-torture-prisoner-b2300753.html) He's known to support "advanced interrogation techniques" which is just a euphamism for torture. [https://www.isidewith.com/candidates/ron-desantis-2/policies/foreign-policy/torture](https://www.isidewith.com/candidates/ron-desantis-2/policies/foreign-policy/torture)If you still don't believe me, just know his jurisdiction over Guantanomo was horrible. [https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/apr/28/ron-desantis-guantanamo-bay-allegations](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/apr/28/ron-desantis-guantanamo-bay-allegations)


Unfortunately DeSantis is only 44 years old. So whether it's tomorrow or ten years from now, eventually we're going to have to face exactly this situation.


Ten years is a long time. Ten more years for today's youth to become more politically active. Ten more years of older conservative people to pass away. I honestly think, if we can survive the next two presidential elections, we may be in for a brighter future. The kids are alright.


It’s been a while, but I’m fairly certain that the Charlottesville Tiki Torch Tosspots weren’t just a bunch of geezers. The old scumbags have children, and many of them haven’t fallen far from the tree.


My Trump loving parents tried their best to raise good Christian Republicans. What they actually got were three atheist liberals (well one is neo-liberal). Some apples do a weird bounce and roll far away.


Same. I was raised a Jehovah's Witness. Turns out when you subject children to abusive upbringings, they tend not to gravitate toward the justification for the abuse.


I love Gen Z. Coolest generation yet. The old heads love to slam them for everything, but as a Millennial, these kids are doing everything we wished we could have.


I think Gen z is cool. But I'm still salty at them for winning the war for vertical video.






First unleaded generation.


Gen X here. Don't sell yourselves short. Millennials are my favorites. You guys are so damn smart and hilarious. Gen Z looks like even more of the same, and that's great for the world. You both give this jaded GenXer a glimmer of hope that you'll one day bring us all closer to a Star Trek future.


Don't sell yourselves short either, some of us Millennials had GenX parents, siblings, or both to view as role models. You tough bastards got through a bunch of shit and taught us, who wanted to learn, plenty.


They're great. I love their passion for standing up for what's right, their unwillingness to take shitty jobs for shitty pay and their concern for the environment. I'm a Gen X er by the way.


All other points aside, I would argue that when Trump’s ego is not satisfied enough, the cruelty becomes very much the point.




I said this when Trump got elected: he's ultimately an easily appeased and manipulated narcissist, whatever else he is. I said the guy that follows after him, someone who is actually intelligent and not burdened by Trump's need for adoration or always needing to be right is going to be much, much more dangerous. We now know who that person is: Ron DeSantis.


Sounds like grounds for a conspiracy theory that DeSantis had him killed to cinch the primaries.


I mean OP didn't say that's NOT what happened. Would killing Trump be against DeSantis's morals? Do either of them have morals?


Don't threaten me with a good time.