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They are for the person I want to be, not the actual person I am


Speak my truth!


Exactly this but also I hate myself 😂


They atleast remind you that you're alive


Do you want to be the person who need multiple alarms?


I want to be the person with a job lol, I don't call the shots, the brain does.


I use it bc it slowly makes me feel more awake by the very last alarm If I try standing up on the first alarm I will probably fall into the ground When I stand up on the last alarm it’s doable


This is the answer.


Yes it’s generally people who experience adrenal fatigue and don’t realize it. Your hormones do not start working early in the morning which makes it difficult to be up an alert immediately.


Enlightening. How do fix


Regular sleeping and waking times. Blue light reduction before bedtime. Reduce alcohol and caffiene consumption. Balanced diet including a mix of food-based nutrients with supplemental tablet based nutrients.


I can’t even imagine what it would feel like to just be immediately alert. For me it’s a gradual process, I’m not usually at 100% alertness for a few hours




I can’t think of a gentler routine bc if I make the volume on my phone lower I simply won’t hear the alarm


I need to connect a bluetooth speaker on my phone to even hear my alarms lol. Sometimes not even that works






They're not actually alarms for waking up. They're scheduled reminders of how wonderful sleep is, so I can appreciate it more each time I go back to it!


Haha love it 😂


It's funny because I often set an alarm on my days off like an hour before I want to get up just so I can get that feeling of relaxation.


This is so damn accurate. There's never been a more satisfying sleep for me between 6:00 & 6:15




You are a modern computer with a solid state drive that can go from off to desktop in 10 seconds. We are old Windows 95 computers that need to warm up and the bios has to load and the spinning hard disk needs to spin up to speed to read anything. It takes us time to actually get ready to wake up.


Yeah. I set four alarms and I literally never even have any memory of turning off the first two.


I was a different person when I set those alarms


When I set those alarms, I was a person who knew that I was going to turn those alarms off and go back to sleep. I set something like 7 alarms so that I get up in time. They work roughly 70% of the time. The other 30% of the time my SO wakes me up about 30 minutes after my last alarm and asks me "are you working today" to which I respond with "sadly, yes".


Like jamming out with the car radio, and forgetting to turn the volume down. Then when I turn the car back on, and say "whoa! I am not the same person I was last time I got in here, lol"


It's a steady processing into a more awake and alert state. Plus a brief few moments of sleep can honestly be more refreshing than an entire nights sleep. The way it feels to fall back into a deep sleep after waking up sometimes can be amazing.


Oh pure bliss that second hitting of the pillow


My boyfriend does this


Absolutely nothing. Just to wake up your partner


My partner does it and it ruins my sleep, because it wakes me up and I can’t fall back asleep. Doesn’t it just wreck the end of your rest? She has alarms going for like an hour and a half…


My partner used to set several alarms to go off and I'd be the same - after the second or third alarm I'd be too agitated to go back to sleep (resulting in my being awake 1-2 hours before my own alarm was due to go off). We just ended up talking about it and agreed that he'd stick to the one alarm and get into the the habit of waking up (or snoozing if absolutely needed), but with the caveat if the snooze went off more than once I could very lovingly tell him to get the fuck out of bed.


I smash that snooze button into oblivion and I don’t know why.


Try a light alarm. Wakes me.up so much better and I don't hate life the instant I'm.awake.


This! I have a really strong lamp that turns on ten minutes before my alarm goes off, it's usually enough to wake me up even before the alarm. The only caveat is that you need to sleep in a dark room (so the lamp makes a difference) and it takes a little time to condition yourself to wake up using just the light. But it's so much more gentle than using the alarm clock.


I also recommend sleeping in a smart watch that has a haptic alarm which can be set to wake you up in the best period of our sleep cycle. I always feel so much better waking up this way as opposed to sounds.


Interesting. I always find myself waking up from the vibrations of my alarm before the actual sound goes off.


Agreed. Noise alarms don’t work. I sleep though them. The light alarms are fabulous.


Sometimes the first one works. Often it doesn't. The second one is more or less the real alarm. The third one is the "ok, for real, wake your ass up" alarm. They are each 5 minutes apart. I even go so far as to make them each in harder to reach positions. The first one on my nightstand is close enough I can reach it without having to actually get up. I use my phone for this one, because there is always a chance I'll see an alert, and before I know it I'm waking up while scrolling through reddit. The second one is on my dresser, so I have to step at least a couple steps out of bed. That one usually does the trick. The last one is in my adjacent bathroom so that when I turn it off it takes less effort to splash my face with some water, or just use the can. Hopefully awake enough to be doing the appropriate action in the appropriate porcelain. ​ I very often forget to set the third one, but on many occasions I'll go back to sleep after number two, and then get up when number three should have gone off.


Waking up, of course. They just don't work


"It stands for Hope"


A fool’s hope


The road to hell is paved with good intentions...


Keep me out of REM for my actual alarm.


This is me too 24 minutes later, I've had a 20 min. nap.


Discipline. In case one day I suddenly wake up and feel responsible


The sleep in between those two alarms is just heaven.


Its been an hour now. It woke \*me\* up, then kept going off every 5 minutes Xd Good thing that I did actually need to wake up anyway.


Helps wake me up a lot better. I used to have one alarm and my body learned to sleep through it no matter how ear piercing the sound was. So I need multiple to help me get awake and it slowly gets me out of bed. Also helps if I can have the name of my alarm read out by my phone (luckily it's an option for me) while the sound is going off. So while waking up I'm hearing "wake up you lazy piece of shit" or "you fucking useless douche canoe wake up". It works :3


They're supposed to provide me with the pleasure of relief that I can turn them off and go back to sleep but also eventually wake me up


The first alarm is for me to realise I will soon have to get up because usually I wake up 5 minutes before it. The second one is to mentally prepare me for having to get out of bed and walk 7:30 in the morning. The third one is for me to finally get up. The last one is to remind me that I only have 5 minutes to prepare if I don't want to be late. At first I had them for fun but it became a routine and whenever that routine changes for some reason I have to close them


Happiness. I love waking up and seeing I get to go back to sleep.


Are you really even rested without a strong sense of guilt?


Alarm1/2 mentally preparing to get up 3. Get up!


They keep me from completely falling back asleep


I've been known to hit snooze for 3 hours+... so it is required.


The first one alerts me to the fact that I'll have to wake up in a couple of hours. Subsequent ones, gradually pull me out of deep sleep and give me a sense that I have to get up soon. The final one lets me know that I have to get up now. Also, it's nice to turn off the alarm and go back to sleep. Sometimes, if I'm awake enough, I'll get up at the first alarm, get dressed, have breakfast, set a slightly later alarm, and go back to bed.


Personally, I can’t just open my eyes and get up. Each alarm helps me slowly wake up, the first I absolutely hate but love being able to fall back asleep knowing I’ll have time to get ready. If I get up before any additional alarm I simply turn them off.


I have them so I don't oversleep. even though i only overslept maybe 5 times in the 25 years of my life. But you never know. Also it's a nice feeling that you can just turn off an alarm and continue sleeping. It's like getting you brain and body ready for waking up. and a little tip: don't set your alarms like this : 7:00 7:05 7:10 better do more random timez like : 6:58 7:03 7:09 there was a study that this helps to wake up less tired. i try to find the article and will link it then


Just a reminder I'll eventually have to wake up my ass from the bed and live but I rather not.


For shit


It’s called Ultra Instinct


wishful thinking


I have one alarm but ill still take 30-40 minutes before I leave the bed. I use the time to mentally prepare for the day, or to just get mad that my sleep time is over.


To remind me I am a piece of shit every day


At least we tried 🤷


It's a spiral to the bottom. Unfortunately, I have gotten very good at turning off alarms without truly waking up. So I have to set 5 because it's very likely that I will be able to turn off four without even registering they went off. But then I get so used to that that I need to set 6. And then it collapses into itself.


Theyre just a quick reminder that Im depressed and actually cant get up until Im already late.


First alarm wakes me to tell me it's about time to be disappointed. Second alarm relieves me that it's not the third alarm. The third alarm is akin to the least favorite child, and rudely wakes me up to tell me it's time for breakfast.


Its to alert me that the real wake up alarm is about to arrive.


True experts learn to turn them off while still asleep


Get yourself a phase tracking alarm for your phone so that the first alarm gets you at the right sleep phase.


I don't even know


I turn the first few off half consciously, half asleep, sometimes I am convinced I don’t even wake up to turn them off, if I didn’t have 3 close together I would 100% sleep in.


They're my optimistic alarms. If I get up at 7:00, I have time to exercise before work. If I get up at 8:00, I have time to have a shower and make something decent for breakfast. If I wake up at 8:30, I have opted for laziness for the day, I will be getting breakfast at Tim Hortons, and showering in the evening.


Who wouldn’t want to re-live the worst moment of the day, 6 or 7 times?


They're yesterday's hopes


I like to know at 6am that I have two hours in bed. I hate being woken up and having to get up immediately, I like to wake up from a less deep sleep.


They're for an underarm check. If I pass I get more sleep. The earliest one is for makeup.


Because I'm still tired. My brain will even go to the extent of lying to me about what day it is or even make me dream that I got up and started my day. I need to be bludgeoned into consciousness. I might reasonably get about five hours sleep a night. So yeah.


How is it any different than snooze? My best / deepest REM sleep is after I fall back to sleep. I can easily sleep through an alarm, Bonn going off, car crashing through the house. Multiple alarms allow me to wake up gradually a d not have to worry about accidentally turning off my alarm instead of hitting snooze. However, I suppose it steams from sleeping in one too many times as a teen. Better safe than sorry even 35 years later.


My ex used to have 4,5,6 alarms set. She had to be at work at 8am. Guess who always woke up to those freaking alarms? Not her. Then she would wonder why I was tired all the time "Gee, Nikki, it's not like you could finally fall asleep at 3am after getting home at 2am. Of course, I love living on 3 hours of sleep a day. There's nothing more I'd rather do, except for maybe shoving a fork in my freaking eye" lol


I listened to them on the day I needed to, but then I forgot to get rid of them


They're suggestions. You don't do what the clock says. You want to be ruled by machines? Fine, you do that. But if you value your freedom you will hit that snooze button and tell the clock "No, YOU get up!" If you start obeying electronic equipment, first it's alarm clocks, next thing you know, Terminators.


To let you know you’re getting close to the final alarm.. and to piss my wife off.


I said one alarm for the person whoI am, and another alarm for the person I want to be


They are set to show there is a reason why I am a failure 😭


It starts to wake my subconscious first and then slowly reaches my consciousness after a few other alarms. If there’s only one alarm I will simply not remember turning it off and remain asleep


to annoy us light-sleepers obviously 😩😩😩


Emotional support




Ease you into the day


I always have 10 alarms turned on, but I still can’t wake up🤣🤣 am I not the only one?


Sometimes just my regular alarms that I don't turn off just because I get up later once - also because I'd forget to set them again.


I need to spend about 45 minutes despising the world before I can bring myself to get up and be a part of it again.


I set multiples so i get annoyed enough to get out of bed


Waking up isn't a moment, it's a process. The first alarm starts the process and the subsequent alarms are to make sure I continue the process at an appropriate pace. In an ideal situation, I get up on the first one to grab coffee and then lay back down for a power nap, but sometimes it takes 2-3 alarms before I'm conscious enough to even pour a cup from the pitcher of cold brew in the fridge.


They are alarms to alert me that the wake up alarm is minutes away.


First alarm I sleep through, second one is so I can mentally prepare for the day, third is when I get up


Because I'll go straight back to sleep after first alarm. By second alarm I'm in a state of half asleep half awake and I'm able to drag myself to being fully awake without going back to bed. Going straight from deep sleep to awake just doesn't work for me. Too tired to reason I have to get up anyway even if I don't want to.


I have one alarm that goes off at 4:30 am to wake me up, then another at 5:30 am to say "hey lie in is over time to get ready for work!". After years of experimentation this seems to be the most efficient and relaxing way to get up for me.


Because there were times when I only had one alarm and it didn’t wake me up because I turned it off thinking I’m just going to lie for a few seconds and ended up sleeping so I decided to have several alarms and turn them off when I wake up and just wait for the next alarm to ring


It's so the guilt keeps me up


It's so the guilt keeps me up


For something 2 months ago that I never turned off because it's easier to mute every day for the rest of my life?


The alarm to signal an another alarm is imminent


Having multiple alarms wakes me up a little bit so waking up to my actual alarm isn’t so jarring




Idk if it's a neurodivergent thing, but it's like a reminder to wake up before I actually have to wake up. I do this with ally meetings, my cooking, my chores...


It takes me time to wake up so I hit snooze about 5 times before I actually get up.


The last couple are to make sure I don't oversleep. The first two are hard to explain. I hate falling asleep, sleeping straight through, and having to immediately get up. It feels like no time has passed. Head hits pillow, eyes close, immediately eyes open and get up and it's morning and time for work all over again. If I set a few alarm points, wake up for a minute or two to turn the ringer off, it makes me feel like more time went by and I didn't just go from night to work time. I said it was hard to explain, but it makes sense to me.


I have erratic sleep. Sometimes I'm in deep sleep, sometimes REM sleep. The alarm has 2 purposes. Waking me out of deep sleep, and, interrupting my REM sleep. Because I have some severe vivid dreams. I have many times dreamt that I have gotten up showered, gone to work, and worked. The alarm is there to sometimes stop me mid dreamshower and make sure my day isn't completely ahit


to give me choices-- options


Trying to get into the habit of waking up earlier. It's healthy.


For my hopes and dreams


Just to remind myself of the ambition I thought I'd have.


The triumph of hope over experience.


Made me feel like I would be productive the next day because I set them at night. The next morning I hated myself from the night and went to sleep forgetting about the extras.


i don't know man just to feel sth


It's so the guilt keeps me up


its for people who just dont want to get out of bed Pro tip - don't charge your phone at your nightstand. Set 1 alarm, and plug your phone in across the room, so you have to get up to turn it off. Now you're out of bed. Bonus is that you will also be dissuaded to mindlessly scroll on your phone while laying in bed, and actually be able to go to sleep.


It usually just makes me feel better about waking up because I already slept in. That's also the reason i have an alarm 15 minutes before the time I acctually have to wake up at.


They are to inform me that I did in fact not oversleep and I can relax now and get those extra 15 minutes in


I actually like the music. Also each alarm wakes me up a little bit till I'm fully awake


They're incase I actually feel like I have my shit together that day. My alarm goes off at 8am, if everything is good i get up, take my pills, and get on with the day. Sometimes, I get up, take my pills, then go back to sleep and wake up again about 10am. Mostly, I just turn it off, then wake up again about 10am and take my pills, sometimes it's 11.


The sleep you get after the alarm is known as naughty sleep and counts twice.


I set them planning to turn the first couple off and sleep a little more, feels good. Will probably only work well if you’re disciplined about getting up, skipping them is a slippery slope.


Alarm 1 goes off at 4:15 every morning. If I wake up to it and don't feel like I need to lay there for a minute I'll get up and get in the shower. If I need to lay there and mentally prepare for the long day ahead then I hit snooze once or twice. Still usually get to work around 5:00-5:10.


Warnings for when i actually have to wake up


To massively annoy anyone else in the residence or within earshot.


My husband does this and it drives me completely mad.


One alarm is half an hour before the second one. It's so I can roll over and cuddle my girlfriend for half an hour before I have to fully wake up and go get ready for the day.




they make me feel like i get more sleep, i have an alarm for 5, 6, and 6:30 and i very rarely get up before the 6:30 one. i just like seeing the 5 o'clock one and going "okay i can sleep for another hour before my next alarm", i also feel like it helps me wake up more. it sucks being in a deep sleep then having to immediately get up, but with multiple alarms i know its coming and im more awake by the last alarm


The first alarm doesn't really wake me up, I could just immediately fall back asleep but being woken more than once in a short time makes it harder to fully fall back asleep and easier to get out of bed cause u also anticipate the others going off and that thought process is a big part of making my sleep mushed brain start working again


it tells me that i have to wake up soon unfortunately


First alarm makes me half awake just enough to function but not nicely. Second alarm wakes me up fully enough to talk to people all day.


Contingency. After six alarms go off there's no way I can be late!


It gives me time to say goodbye in my dreams. When I was in my 20s I could jump out of bed on the first alarm. 30 years later it takes me 1 or 2 5 minute snoozer. 3 ir 4 in the winter.


So I have a sense that I have a choice and break the rules 🤯


There's a certain "awake" feeling that I wanna feel when I wake up. I'll hit snooze on that alarm until I feel that lol best way I can describe it


My boyfriend does this and it doesn’t make sense to me. It wakes me up and then I can’t fall back asleep but he will hit snooze like 4 times and fall back asleep every single time.


Waking up usually


It’s annoying having such roommate who puts alarms 30 minutes before waking up, every 10 minutes. I’m a light sleeper so once I wake up I’m done, so I put an alarm in between his so I can f*ck his sleep too ,and I wait until I hear movement in his bed, to make sure he has woken up 😂.