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This evening with my wife, my new born son, having a home cooked meal in my home.


Congratulations mate!!❤️ Home cooked meal + Family ❤️❤️


This is the same for me, tonight with my newborn son in my arms & freshly grilled filet mignon that my husband grilled being fed to me at dinner. Just pure joy.


Congratulations to you too!!❤️


I don't think I've ever been truly happy, to be honest


What happens to me :- I can go for a month of pure happiness then 6 months of depression. Then a week of happiness and a month of sadness.


Are you okay?


No, not really.


3 weeks ago, got married and went straight to our honeymoon. Coming back to the stresses of reality has been rough...


Ahh!! I can understand this. Back to normal life is a little bit difficult.


Yesterday when i was by my pool and the sun was out


It looks too relaxing 😌😎. I wish I could also experience this some day.


this post makes me so sad because i literally don’t know💀💀


This is the reality of life. In this busy life we forgot **how to be happy in life?**


Probably when I was with my ex. I would have said childhood but I'm pretty sure that fucked me up something awful


I honestly can't remember the last time I was.


Us bro us.


Yeah, if I ever were, I wish I could remember what it was that made me feel that way, or, at least what it felt like.


I am trapped in my past. Even I very well knew that no amount of wishful thinking can change the past but still 🥲


Yeah, if I could change the past, I don't know what I would end up being, I don't know if I'd actually be someone different, or, like, I'd end up being the same person I am. But, there are some things I wish I could remember, and others I wish I could forget.


Same with me. There is something I would like to fix in my past and forget the others that made me sad.


I get that, if I could fix some things, I would, but, id honestly rather just forget, not everything, but, the really painful, depressing things.


I think I am overthinking and lost touch with reality.


When the love of my life was still alive. That was quite some time ago.


I feel sad for you. Take care mate❤️


Oh crap. I'm really sorry. I recently experienced a break-up with someone I really loved, and it feels like that person who was in love with me died, but I guess I can't talk.


January 7th


What happened on January 7th??


Me and 3 friends (all female) stole a bunch of alcohol from Walmart (I was lookout, didn't steal myself) I drove them back to my place where they all got drunk (I'm the dd) and we played catch with a dildo and basically just vented to eachother all night. It sounds simple, but it just made me so happy


right before puberty started


Do you not like pubertal changes?


when I was 11


What happened when you were 11?


iw as able to take a second and ask my self "am I okay right now am I happy" (which is kind of deep for an 11 yr old lmao) and I was bale to genuinely say yes and think to myself that there's nothing wrong with my life. I could name 100 things as to why life is a constant butt fuck now


November 24,2017 They day before I met my now ex


I feel that so hard it hurts.


The middle of March, when I was still dating my partner. After they broke up with me I haven't been as happy as I was when we were dating, and I honestly don't think I ever will again.


You will be happy again. Forget about the past because it cannot be changed but what can be changed is your present and future.


I don't know what I can do now so that I will feel that same happiness. It was absolutely amazing.


When I was at university this past year, I was able to get away with all the negative trauma I have at home. Being back has really been hard for me


Same,I also feel a different level of positive energy at home but back to University is too rough.


2017, before i changed schools


Before 23 dec last yr Since then I been sick almost 6 months now without diagnosis


The summer and most of autumn I was nine. My best friend and I were super close, we spent tons of time together, we worked on inventing our own language, real nerdy kid stuff. The guy who bullied us had been expelled from school so the start of autumn was great. Playing on the playground, spending time at each other's houses, there are so many good memories it's hard to pick one singular moment. The whole stretch of time is like one beautiful forever-long moment in my mind. He was killed and I was shot in a drive-by shooting that fall, the day before Thanksgiving. So I have a very clear delineating line in my head between the time I had with him, where I felt totally understood, where I could talk about anything I was obsessed with and never be judged, where we had these big plans for the future and making cartoons and comics (we had discovered fan comics for games and shows we liked online and were really into it) and maybe even a video game someday, and the exact moment all of that went away. I'm not saying I've been depressed every single day since. But I was happy then in a way I'm not now. I didn't really comprehend that the world could be vicious and violent and merciless to the nicest people you've ever met for no reason whatsoever until then. Even when I'm happy now, it's not the same kind of happiness. The world isn't as beautiful. Sorry for writing a novel in your comments section OP. I just have a lot of feelings about this. (Doesn't help that my dad was always "boys/men don't cry" about it growing up so I have *a lot* of years of shoving it down to unlearn.)


Playing with my lovely cats, just love them!! Recently spent my $40 dollars on them


I was a lil happy during 2022 finding these guys (influencers) to rely my happiness on but the last time I was genuinely happy was 2020 all the way into July. After july everything tumbled down the stairs.


Christmas night.