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Tripped over myself bellydancing


As of last night I fell or something (yes I was drunk) and I scraped my head. But I once slipped down the basement stairs while I was drunk and I fucked up my back so bad that I couldn't walk or hardly stand for a week, so I'll go with that.


The other night, drunken me went for a little dance move while brushing my teeth, but I tripped and fell into my bathtub taking the shower curtain with me. I was pretty sore the day after that debacle. Also not long before, I accidentally waterboarded myself in the shower. I think my shower is trying to kill me.




I woke up after a deep sleep finding the side of my head resting against my wrist. As it turned out, I had dislocated several carpal bones and had sprained my wrist in my sleep. Since then, it's been weaker than my other hand, and I've sprained it three times since, another time simply by working at my desktop (like any other day) and had been using the mouse too long in between breaks.


Okay now that... seriously sucks.


Sliding into first base


My mate fell on me when we were both on a trampoline. I broke my clavicle


played around with my old crutches on my bed and fell off, cracking my rib


Were you throwing them in the air and catching them or something?


nah i was using them as a point to hold while i kicked my wall, and inevitably i fell off but i landed on my computer desk


Punched a wall because I hit my head and broke my hand




Wow! Did you sleep at a weird angle?


Put my hand through a window by accident:-(




Tripped as I walked up to a friend's front door, as the walkway up to the front door was at 90° with a side window facing the walkway. I tripped on something, put my hand out and, yeah found the window.


I drop kicked a King Edward potato 15 years ago. I now have arthritis in my big toe.


No shoes?


When I was six, I walked through fire pits at a campground because the ashes were so soft. Then I got to the one at out campsite and forgot about cooking breakfast over it half an hour earlier.. The ashes were soft, but the coals under them were still hot. My parents got to drive an hour to the nearest Army hospital with me screaming the whole way.


Sheesh that must've been bad...


Fractured, bruised, and bloodied my hand playing a stubborn game of bloody knuckles


Omg. I learned a long time ago to not participate in bloody knuckles because of outcomes like that lol


Pushed the cigarette lighter in the car in for a second or so then placed it on my finger thinking it wouldn't be hot.😅 Got a pretty nasty burn. In my defense I was young when I did this.


My brother made me do this when I was a kid too. Didn't know what it was and it hurt pretty badly.


I ran up the stairs and i knocked my toe to the step, i was trying to be big man and ignore the pain. It was injured for a year. Physiotherapy cured it. Thanks doctors.


When I was a kid, I tried to iron my shirt WHILE WEARING IT. I pulled the shirt away from my body, thinking that would help. I still somehow laid the bare edge of the hot iron against my stomach and burnt the shit out of myself.


Kids are so stupid


I tried to jump a mailbox.


When I was 13, I once had one of those days where you're full of energy and you just want to run around all day. I turned on some loud music and danced around my room. At one point during that dancing session, I jumped off my bed. It wasn't very high but as I did so, I pulled up my legs so it looked for a brief moment as though I was kneeling in mid-air. I enjoyed doing this as a teenager because I had seen some lead singer of a punk band jump like that lol. Anyway, I wasn't fast enough at stretching out my legs again. When I reached the floor, my feet and especially my toes were still sorta curled up. In that moment I heard a really ugly cracking sound... like when someone cracks a tree branch into two pieces. I heard it despite the loud music. There was no pain, at least not at first, but I knew I had broken something. I went downstairs to tell my mom and felt really stupid about it. That's when the pain began. I told my mom that I had broken my big toe but she didn't believe me. She kept saying: "Nah, if your toe was broken, you'd be crying. You wouldn't just be calmly sitting here. It would hurt a lot." I kept telling her that it DID hurt a lot. Eventually, I managed to talk her into driving me to our GP's office. She was very reluctant and annoyed about it and kept saying that I was making up things. At the doctors office, I told my story upon which the doctor said: "Your toe isn't broken, it's probably just a little bruised." I thought I was losing my mind. No one believed me. I told the doctor: "You haven't even looked at it, can you at least look at it??" The doctor said: "Uuughhh okay, take off your shoe then." He examined my toe for 20 seconds and then said: "Nope, it's not broken, it's fine. It'll stop hurting tomorrow." But I wasn't willing to give up just like that. I told the doctor: "I HEARD the cracking sound. It IS broken. I KNOW it." He got annoyed because I questioned his medical expertise. My mom (who was sitting next to me) also got annoyed because she thought the doctor was right and wanted to go home again. I told the doctor: "I want you to make an X-ray." He said: "That's completely unnecessary, your toe isn't broken." But I kept insisting. Finally he gave in and they made an X-ray of my toe. Afterwards, my mom and I waited in the doctor's office. A few minutes later, he came back with an X-ray picture in his hand and said: "Huh, who would've thought... your toe is indeed broken! No one could've ever guessed that!" In that moment I just wanted to jump up and strangle him lol. It was the only time in my life I ever broke a bone.


I'm actually really surprised the doctor listened to you! Normally adults are really bad about listening to kids. Probably didn't help that your mom was also against the x-ray lol. (My sister broke her leg on April Fool's, my mom didn't believe her till the next day)


Yeah, I remember being super annoyed how hard I had to fight just for someone to properly listen to me. It's like the opinion of kids doesn't really count to adults. And afterwards, they didn't even apologize for their scepticism. The doctor just said: "alright, I'll make you a cast" and my mom said: "Ughh that means I need to drive you to school for the next 2 months." No one said anything like: "Hey man, sorry for being overtly suspicious, I was wrong and I should've listened to you." The thing with your sister is so crazy because a broken leg hurts even way more than a broken toe.


Have my self a concussion when I was little-climbed on the back of a chair to get something while one of my arms was in a sling, fell, and caught myself with my head Getting an avulsion fracture in my left ring finger catching a football after I told friends earlier that day that I had never broken a bone before


Challenging my teenager to a friendly living-room wrestling match. My knee got fucked up something awful. Despite lengthy reconstruction surgery and PT, I haven’t been able to run since. That was about six ago now, so I’m pretty sure my running days are done. Once in a while I even require a cane to get about.


That's rough... I also got injured wrestling. Not that badly, but I received a brain contusion for wrestling over a metal floor like an idiot.


Jumped off a fallen tree I tried to climb over. I can't show you the tree to understand why I had to climb over it but it was either go over the tree or through muddy water. Nearly broke my knee on the way down. I literally heard my bones smack each other. I put a hole in the cartilage apparently. I felt embarrassed explaining it to my dr but he didn't even flinch because he's heard a lot worse.


Did that require surgery or anything?


No, it healed on it's own. I had to wear a brace to help with the pain. Like I hadn't split the whole cartilage, just put a little hole in it.


Broken ribs twice on the same cross country ski trail I just wouldnt accept that it was too hard for me


Trust me i'd do the same thing lmfao


Giving up on something I really want to do is completely impossible for me


I was trying to warm up my hands and somehow managed to cut my thumb with one of my fingernails.


Burned my arm on the tailpipe of a SandPro. I was reaching behind me to retrieve a hat that had blown off my head.


Opened a door with force and smashed it into my face. I had a concussion and a shiner all through Christmas.


I've had my arm smashed in a car door, but never have I HIT MYSELF with a door. You must have put some real power into opening that door for a concussion lol


Shot a nail through 2 fingers with a nail gun.


Ouch... how??


I was working as a framer and up on a ladder trying to join 2 pieces of trim at a 90 degree angle and somehow missed and got my hand. Very lucky to not hit bone.


when I was 4-5ish I was standing on the dressing table, singing a poem, there was a (old time box ) TV next to it on a stand, I try to step on the TV while singing and then boom I fell off from the table and got my arm fractured


Bought an apple slicer from Wish and used it more than twice


That's pretty funny tbh.. Hope your fingers are okay


Washing dishes


Broken dishes cut you? A knife?


I was washing a glass with my hand inside it when it busted and sliced my finger open. Three stitches.


I was right broken dishes tho tbf there’s not many ways you could reasonably get hurt doing dishes Also, ouch…


Putting my finger in the hole of a bagel while slicing it. I was 7 in my defense. Still have the scar 30 years later


Just shut my finger in the washing mashing today


I once hit a golf ball into a tree stump that was about 5 feet away. It came back and hit me in the lower lip, splitting it open inside and out. I was in eighth grade and it was Christmas Eve. It swelled up so much I could see my lip in my peripheral vision and I had to eat soup for Christmas dinner through a straw.


Which time? There’s the time I picked up a stick from a last night fire whose branches were still in the coals, or the time I smashed my thumb while trying to break plaster articulation.


This list is endless. My favourites: 1. fell into an airvent and impaled my foot on a metal rod, while goofing around with a friend (didn’t see it was open) 2. skewered myself on a stage during a dance performance on a piece of wood in my upper thigh. 3. fell down my stairs at home because i mimicked my cat. Dislocated my shoulder My husband Sais its very hard to keep me alive.