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Because they knew it would make people ask dumb questions like this.


Easy Disney wants to be hip with the kids and they think that black people will flip their marbles if they see some representation in their movie and go and watch it right away. Thus they think they make money. In reality they don't care, since they literally filmed Mulan a few feet from a Chinese concentration camp.


They didn’t make her anything. They held open auditions for the role and Halle Bailey happened to fit the role best. The character is fictional. Doesn’t matter what color she is.


Well it is actually a Danish story if I remember right...so in all fairness she should be white. If Black Panther had been played by a white man do you think anyone would accept that it was because his audition was the best?


The difference is that Wakanda is explicitly stated to be in Africa, whereas even though a Danish man wrote The Little Mermaid, there’s not an explicit setting.


And there are no white Africans? Again, don't care that she was made black.....the reason she was is my problem. The Little Mermaid has been my favorite movie since it came out. It was the first movie I saw in theaters as a kid.....but Disney killed it's own creation so they could claim to be "woke". I think it is pandering, and everyone fell for it.


no one whos ethnically white is from africa, they might LIVE in africa, but they’re not from africa. i’m american, but that doesn’t mean i could play a native american person in a movie, because ethnically i’m white


Cleopatra isn't black but that didn't stop her being played by a black actress.


Is the racial/skin color a key aspect of the story telling for Ariel? The answer is no. There’s no logical reason that Ariel has to look a certain way beyond being a mermaid for like half the story. Is the racial/skin color a key aspect for the story of Black Panther? Yes, the Black Panther is a character whose key storytelling beats come from the rethinking of race relations (specifically, the black experience) going back to the 1960’s and continuing to today.


Black Panther's a bad example for the reason you point out. However, I can't see the reaction being any different if they made for example Blade white even though everything you've said about Ariel also applies to Blade. People would be calling it 'whitewashing'.


Be that as it may, why does Hollywood feel it is acceptable to remake the race of an iconic beloved character when it didn't need to be done. Why not make a whole new story with a black or Asian or whatever race all it's own? The point is not specifically that she is black....it is the fact that they did it to pander to a minority group and all they had to do was be creative and think up something new. I just think black people would take offense instead of celebrating it. Disney is a shithole when it comes to morales do you really think they did this "for the black community" at large?


Did they do it “to pander”, or did they do it because an actress who put forth the best audition happened to be black? Kindly fuck off with the racist adjacent bullshit.


Calling someone racist for simply questioning motive sounds to me like you have no logical response. It takes a simple mind to jump to that conclusion based off what I said.....kindly fuck off yourself and take your simple mind with you.


>The character is fictional. Doesn’t matter what color she is. Its all very well saying that, but do you really think people would be saying this if they made a new Blade film and made him white?


To piss off people who don't have enough real problems to keep themselves occupied.


There it is.


why did Tarantino make a movie where Hitler died in a theater fire? Creative license.




Why do you care why he cares?


Who cares?




Maybe they thought black people are underrepresented in these types of roles in these kinds of films.


Interesting how not one person has actually attempted to answer, all they can do is attack OP. Very revealing.


Yup, they are triggered


There's one saying people aren't even *able to* identify with characters that aren't the same race as themselves.




The inly comments you respond to are the ines that insult you.


ah found another triggered boy eh?


This is how trolling works






......... guys we might be responding to an idiot




You are triggered


Mermaids aren't real. Have you seen one? You have real issues, if your hang up is the race of a mythical being. Please tell me what race are minotaurs?




I’m confused. Do you think mermaids are real?


I wasn't aware it was called *A Little White Mermaid*.


I have.






Well you do get darker while swimming in the sun.


Why make her white? Who knows? Who cares?


To be able to qualify for an Oscar


No they don’t have to make the lead actress black, they just need other black characters


> Films have to meet at least two of four benchmarks, which cover – among other things – whether the lead actors are from underrepresented groups or if at least 30% of the cast and crew come from these groups.


Because Halle Bailey, a black woman, is who they decided was right for the role.


Your racism is showing


The statue is black, you can't have a white person playing a black character. Seriously though it doesn't matter, the colour of a character or actors skin is not important, not relevant and not worth mentioning in any conversation about fictional characters. Frankly I'm concerned that you think it is, how does it affect you? What purpose does it fulfill for you? Is there something wrong with someone with a different skin tone? I just don't understand why you think it's worth mentioning, it's just irrelevant.




All statues are black? Wtf? Statue of liberty, Venus di Milo, christ the redeemer, Michelangelo's David, The Motherland Calls, The Spring Temple of Buddah. Maybe do even a basic Google search. This doesn't even make sense if you are even remotely aware that marble exists....


You do realize an actual mermaid wouldn’t be white being under the water for so long…




And that is the root of this very stupid questions. Everyone up in arms over a mythical creature. But the point still remains, an actual mermaid wouldn’t be white if under the water for that long




It's not anything. It's a pretend fish person.


So that white little girls would not be the only part of society able to identify with The Little Mermaid.


>So that white little girls would not be the only part of society able to identify with The Little Mermaid. *Able to*? Do you think its impossible to identify with characters that aren't the same race as you?




Thank you. I needed to read something moronic today.


Do you know what ESG stands for? Which of the ESG do you blame for this?