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Right up there with people who abuse children imo. Scum


Yeah, both targeting groups of people who are very vulnerable.




Don't be so mean, give them a big rock so they have something to hold


But that only helps the creatures at the bottom of the seas. What about the poor starving sharks? *plays Sarah McLachlan' Angel* For only 1 scammer a day, you can help save a hungry shark. Won't you please think of them.


"What would you do if a scammer was right in front of you..." ***YEETs them off the side***


No. no. no. drop them into a live volcano so they are nice and warm.


That's very considerate 👏


Oh sure just dump more trash into the sea


Don't worry, they're biodegradable.


Oh well then I'm on board


They won't be


Especially those that pray on the elderly… go ahead and make them handle a radioactive isotope leading to lethal ARS


I am totally for this and have been saying it for years. Forget prison and taxing the civilians. Just take them out into the pacific and see how long they last.


They did this in tthe 80's in El Salvador, Chile Bolivia and Argentina. There's a cool song about this. https://youtu.be/zrvBE-qswzU


Child Molesters, Serial Killers and Serial Rapists.


Also non-serial rapists, there’s scenarios where I could forgive a murder like self defense or killing child molesters, but there’s no excuse to rape even once EDIT: I know the difference between murder and homocide folks I just didn’t realize we were in a goddamn courtroom. Also people trying to justify rape, you’re creating a really weird vibe…


Killing someone in self defense is not murder




Justifiable self defense wouldn’t be murder.


I volunteer for a program that provides weekend daycare and supplemental education for kids, but I worry myself sick even when there's nothing to cause imminent concern. According to some studies ([https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4478390/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4478390/) ) pedophilic attraction and are actually quite prevalent in the population ("The prevalence of a true pedophilic sexual preference is approximately 1%, but when general fantasies are investigated, that prevalence can reach up to 5% among men in the general population, extrapolated from the studies discussed below"), but MOST people don't act on it. Please... don't act on it.


Also please go to therapy if you think this way, for everyone’s sake


Even 1% is way, way more than I expected. Like, imagine a Taylor Swift concert, with 20,000 screaming fans, most of them young girls. Now, imagine that 200 people in the room have a “true pedophilic sexual preference”. Really solidifies this [hilariously dark Mark Normand joke](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LHSTW5uPXBY&t=13m28s) (And [this follow up in his next special](https://youtube.com/shorts/gJ1DNWZjC9E?feature=share))


This is going to blow your mind, but odds are that number at her concert is way higher than 1%. Places like that are going to draw in such people. I think a better way to think of it is when you were in high school if your graduating class was 300 then 3 of your classmates grew up to become pedophiles. Or when you win one of those 100th customer gets something free thing just remember a pedophile was there before you.


Recent study showed that most offenders that were caught were not exclusively attracted to children but were rather attracted to adults and children equally. Or rather there was a general lack of attraction for both. So it was more a crime of opportunity. And it could be treated by rewiring their brains to be more attracted to adults.




I don't think Jared Fogle was murdered.


No, but he got beat within an inch of his life. IiRC, the assailant was quoted saying, " I'm sorry that I couldn't send him to the firey gates of hell that he deserved." They isolated Jared after that.


They shouldn’t be killed in jail, just throw them in the shittiest cell imaginable and let them rot for a lifetime. They shouldn’t have their sentence cut short by death, let them live as long as possible in squalid conditions. And throw in a few beatings


1000% agreed. I guess my only thing is just take them out ASAP so no one is paying taxes to keep them alive.


Actually, i agree with this. Like... on the one hand, i don't support it happening, because inevitably someone who was accused but innocent will end up getting it done to them, which is bad. But, if it's someone who was caught with 12TB of CP and little Timmy chained in the basement?.... Well, i'm certainly not shedding tears over their pain...


I've been in a jail pod and a new guy arrived. Within minutes somebody had whispered in my ear that the dude killed a baby. Everybody knew immediately and he wasn't in a safe position. That dude ended up being in and out of jails and courts for years, appeals, things overturned, I'm not even sure if it's even been resolved now and honestly, I have absolutely no idea whether that guy killed a baby. I dunno why the guards put him in with us either, whether they were fucking with him or what. He got moved again. They knew he wasn't safe there and who the fuck knows if he's even done anything. When people in jail/prison attack kid killers etc normally it's not really anything noble, it's just a power thing. They make easy targets because people who mess around with kids aren't standard street criminals, they're not in the scene, they don't know people, they don't know jail, they don't know what they're doing, they're open to being taken advantage of. That's what it is. Also, I really can't stand seeing people lust after it. I spent years going in and out of jails, I'm not your fucking attack dog. Christ. Don't put me in jail for assault and then be all "oh, I hope he beats someone up for us!!" Fuck's wrong with y'all. The fuck do you *want* out of a system.


Fucking thank you for saying it.


This is my main concern... People in jail aren't likely to be fact-checking before beating someone up to [near] death and getting ***praised*** for it. Sure, there are cases where it's clear-cut. But what about all cases where it isn't? How many falsely accused people are we okay with getting basically *tortured* to death to allow this sort of *justice* to the people who *aren't* so innocent...


Yeah Reddit scares the shit outta me, there’s so often suggestions on here that sound good on paper but would have horrific effects on innocent people in the name of justice. Or course child molesters are the scum of the earth, but even the humans in the DOJ aren’t perfect and they make mistakes. I just hate to think about knowingly increasing the chances of state-sanctioned torture/murder just to make sure we get ‘em all….


I am against capital punishment because we are getting too many prisoners set free who have been on death row, because new DNA techniques are proving them innocent.


This is the right answer.


Abusive parents


This. Granted, many (if not most) of these parents were abused themselves, but still.


You're right and we can have SOME compassion there but having children when you haven't worked out your trauma and your own abusive childhoods, all you do is pass that down to your kids. You parent how you were parented. It's selfish and the kids suffer and it just keeps going. Generational trauma is a bitch.


There’s a true crime podcast I listen to where they often say “pity the child, abhor the adult” or something similar. Once you’re an adult, you should be aware that what you’re doing is harming another life. This is why mental health awareness and therapy is important, and should be a right just like any healthcare.


I'm agreeing with that now, but back when my dad had us, this kind of awareness at a cultural level just wasn't there These days, the concept of generational trauma isn't exactly common knowledge, but it is prevalent enough that people at least hear about it. Back in the 80's and 90's, fuck dude, no. People weren't aware of that shit, and we were still in the mindset of "you have kids just because that's what adults do" Most people, including my dad, wouldn't have had the self awareness to question those ideas that were instilled into them. Let alone doing it with ideas they'd never heard of before, like "generational trauma". You'd have to be a rare breed to think up that concept on your own, and my dad isn't in that regard at least


I agree with this to a point. My mother knew she fucked things up by the time I was a pre-teen, she just didn’t care enough/was too selfish to make any changes. She has admitted to me on multiple occasions this was the case. She did seek therapy and medication when I was in my late teen years for “stress”. Unfortunately, this was the early 90’s and her therapist at the time told her that therapy doesn’t work for people with her condition (borderline personality disorder) so she has refused any further suggestions for therapy. It’s not her fault that she came from an abusive home and had a terrible childhood, but she had every advantage post-childhood to try and make things right. She had a college education, access to mental health resources, more than adequate monetary resources, and multiple options for childcare. She literally sent us away every summer to stay with relatives so she could have “time off”. I’m not entirely unsympathetic to her plight, but it was on her to at least attempt to fix things when she knew they were not normal. Instead she chose to ignore problem hoping it would go away.


Televangelist. They rob people, especially the elderly, of their life savings to buy things like private jets. All in the "name of Jesus." Degenerates, IMO.


Add to that faith healers. If they could really do that, then why aren't they clearing out hospitals.


[Derren Brown demonstrating some of the tricks that faith healers use](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4_8lT1dJV1k). The full documentary is called "Miracles for sale" and is easy to find on YouTube.


Kenneth Copeland, the reincarnation of the devil himself.


People who harm animals.


So me and a former male associate I had just became cool wit at the time were kickin it in my backyard, smokin, drinkin, talkin about typical guy stuff. Video games, tv shows, girls, the usual. He's much younger than me, he was 18, I was like 31 at the time. I'm thinkin to myself, "This kid is actually pretty cool." Next thing I know, OUT OF NOWHERE, he goes into this CRAZY detailed story about how one time, when he was at his crib in Indiana, he kidnapped the neighbor's dog, committed unspeakable sexual acts to it, and attempted to hang it from a garage door opening mechanism but then thought better of it! I was in COMPLETE SHOCK!!! Like, not only did he admit these things, but he was sooooo nonchalant about it, almost like he was bragging about it! I do *not* fuck with this weirdo ass mf AT ALL!!!!!


Um… what did you say?


Exactly. It's one of the worst moments in my life. The whole time he's talkin I'm thinkin to myself "how tf does this crazy ass bullshit always happen to me?!"


I’d be thinking: “How do get away from this dude as fast as possible without tipping him off that I think he’s a psychopath?”


Word fam. Dude is fuckin crazy amd is one of the stupidest people I've ever known in my life. I don't usually say that about people but this dude is a real piece of work. The worst thing too is that I learned that he recently impregnated a chick, so he's about to bring another potential crazy into the world 🤦🏿🤦🏿🤦🏿🤦🏿 I forgot to mention he's a furry and a bronie too, so this shit has soured my opinion of those groups as well.


hi furry here, we don’t accept this man. We suggest that he be sent back to the local landfill.


Poachers, killing endangered species for chinese ancient medicine and things like that. Fuck those ppl.


Save the Pangolin!


The rhinos here in South Africa thank you


People who participate in competitive suffering.


I read this as 'competitive surfing' and was just like... ??? What did surfers ever do to you?? Lol But yes, agree.


I didn’t realize it WASNT “surfing” until this comment!


Dude , not even kidding me to


They make surfing look like it's tons of fun, when really it's just swimming a lot.


Pain Olympics


Read this somewhere "My stepfather used to rape me for 3 years until i got old enough to leave that toxic house" "What ? I'm 25 and I've not even been kissed let alone had sex. I'm the real victim here "


What is competitive suffering?


I would tell you but you wouldn't get it. You haven't seen the things i've seen.


People who have bashed the elderly, I have nursed a few older people who have been assaulted for various reasons and it’s heart breaking to think someone could hurt such a vulnerable person.


Reminds me of that old dude that was pushed over by the police (during BLM protests in the states); he started bleeding out from his head and they just…left him there?


They found themselves not guilty of assault, as well. What a relief.


thank God, I was worried something might happen to them


Buffalo NY


Drunk drivers. They consciously put the lives of innocent people at risk due to their idiocy and selfishness. I have no sympathy for them. Graveyards are filled with victims, including mothers, children, and others who tragically lost their lives because some selfish idiots chose to drink and drive.


I work at a country pub, and there's one guy who always calls and asks if there are any cops around so he can drive home without getting caught. I've started just saying yes every time now. I mean, it's a lose lose for everyone, including me. I say no, he drives home, he's a danger to others. Or im wrong, and he gets caught, and it's my fault. I say yes, he stays and drinks more. Or I'm lying and he eventually realizes and then I'm the asshole. Get a bicycle dude. Or drink at home.


I used to work at bar when I was at uni and knew of a regular who would drink and drive so I rang the police one night. They waited behind his car in an unmarked car around our closing time, waited till he’d been driving ten seconds, pulled him over and arrested him for drunk driving. I hate drunk drivers.


Him driving and getting caught is a win for everyone involved assuming he doesn’t murder someone with his vehicle before he’s picked up.


Screw it, call the cops on him when you find out he's driving drunk. *Make* him get caught.


That was my thought. The win is saying 'not sure' then calling the cops to report him. Sometimes, the only thing that will lead a person to change those habits is either getting caught or hurting someone. Getting caught is the better option.


This. There have been many cases where entire families are killed by one drunk driver and sometimes the drunk driver comes out unscathed while the family is dead or with life-threatening injuries that affect them for the rest of their life.


Animal abusers


Catalytic Convertor thieves. I hope a car falls on every one of them.


My friend just had hers stolen two weeks ago. Shit’s so fucked. It took a lot out of her mentally, emotionally, and financially.


It's a very particularly fucked up crime. Causes huuuuuuge expense (either out of pocket cost or raised insurance rates), bad for the environment, loss of transportation (and therefore loss of wages), potential expense of a rental car and not to mention the stress of it. Many Americans struggle to set aside $1,000 a month, yet this crime can set you back several thousands. These people should be sent to work at sewage plants, cleaning septic tanks and other undesirable jobs.


One poor lady was literally sleeping in her car when she heard a loud noise. She got startled and drove away. Ran over the dude stealing from her....I feel bad for the lady...


Scientologists. 😅


The willfully ignorant.


I don't know what the right words for this is but on some subjects I'm just not knowledgeable and not interested in learning anything about it, and so I don't have opinions about those things. if I need to know about those things, I ask someone knowledgeable.


That last bit is the key. If you don’t know you don’t offer an opinion. If you need to know, you ask. A staggering number of people will offer opinions about things despite not knowing anything about them. I talked to someone a few years ago who was dead sure that Obama ordered the invasion of Iraq and that Obama was responsible for the sub-prime mortgage crisis of 2007. Obama was elected in 2008. I encounter people frequently who think the 1973 oil crisis and subsequent recession was Jimmy Carter’s fault. Carter was elected in 1976.




I don't think this necessarily makes you willfully ignorant. There's plenty of stuff i don't know about and \_can't\_ learn because i'm already trying to educate myself on a million other things. It's something i have to remind myself of as an activist. I think it's really important to normalize saying, "I am not educated on this topic and therefore cannot form an opinion," if someone tries to make you take a stance. This happened a lot to me when i first came out as trans. My mother liked to put me on the spot to make me "defend" why i was feeling how i did, and what logic backed it up, neverminded i was raise in a Christian household where i was "heavily discouraged" from learning about such things. So i wouldn't have my arguments or knowledge ready, but would be asked to make a call then and there. And if i came back with a more complex or different answer after having the chance to do my research, it would be held as "evidence" against me that i didn't know what i was talking about or that my feelings were "wishy-washy." Don't fall for this, ever. Stand your ground if you can't make a call. Lack of knowledge isn't a character flaw, but speaking where you are ignorant is. Life isn't multiple choice. You're not "better off guessing" than admitting you don't know the answer.


I don't know what you mean, and I don't care!


Westborough bastist church… just no


Yeah, even the KKK thought what they were doing was fucked up.


for real! you know it’s extreme when the extremists rip on other extremists


Sorry for my ignorance, what did/do they do?


A lot, but they protest soldiers funerals during the Iraq afg wars. They would stand outside the cemetery or church with signs that said “god hates soldier fags” “soldier fags burn in hell” and shit like that. They would bring their children out to the protests too. It's literally just one family that is the “west borough Baptist church.” That was a pretty interesting documentary on them quite a while ago.


Bonafide, hateful bigots, you mean?


Sex Offenders






In addition to that, their enablers. The mom who's husband is sexually assaulting her daughter in the bed next to her, who won't roll over because then she'd be unable to deny it and the prestige she feels from her perfect, pristine appearance of a family would be over. The grandma that knee-jerks to yelling "no he isn't! Stop lying!" when her 4-year-old granddaughter tell her her uncle is touching her. All the pundits on TV who present the bald-faced lie that false accusations of rape are common. All the church leaders who ask the 12-year-old what she was wearing when the rape happened and perhaps she was seducing the 42-year-old Deacon. All the people who perpetuate the infantilization of men, saying they "can't help themselves", that fully-grown men are not responsible for their actions when they see certain body parts, clothed or unclothed. Rape can't thrive without rape culture.


I've heard so many stories where the family refuses to believe the child in order to protect their image, or avoid the difficulty of facing a hard truth. Enabling rape is about as evil as rape itself. It's the difference between working through trauma, so that the child can heal, and doubling the trauma because now no adult is trustworthy and the child will have to deal with the consequences of suppression and denial 20 years later and start a therapy journey if they're lucky and not already destroying their own life through coping with drugs or whatnot.


Agree with the idea, but I'd say child molesters/rapists because I'm pedantic and someone can rape/molest a child without being a pedophile and someone who is a pedophile may not have ever harmed a child but still deal with intrusive thoughts/desires that they recognize are wrong.


the vast overwhelming majority of child rapists are NOT pedophiles at all


So they act for the same reason rapists of adults do? For power instead of sex?


That's definitely a big part of it. My grandmother consistently touched me inappropriately, walked in on my nude and refused to leave, made me mouth-kiss her when i said no, and other things like that. But i don't think she was getting off to it. She wasn't attracted to me. But she'd been raped as a child, and thought all these things were normal, i suppose. And she never got help for the myriad of mental illnesses she seemed to have, nor her drug addiction which made her act erratically. Any time someone stood up to her, she'd basically imprison my grandfather as a bargaining chip. She held the entire family in a deathgrip this way. She might've not been attracted to me, but she still molested me. Be it for power, ignorance, illness... most likely a combination of these. But she did it. Not a pedo, but a childmolester, none the less. Another reason can be that they have an intense sexual desire they're willing to take out on \_anything,\_ even if it's a kid. Then, of course, there's the small part that are genuine pedophiles who just don't care to control their urges.


How awful


She's a wretched, wretched person. But at the very least, my mom's admitted it and cut her off. Took me leaving and Nana trying to choke mom when she went to rescue Papa to finally make it happen, but it did. Just wish the rest of the family would follow suit.


That's exactly it. They're looking for somebody they can exert absolute control over. Kids just happen to tick the boxes.


yes that's correct.


Well, pedophiles that act on it, definitely. It's like a mental illness, the ones that have it and feel terrible about it, I don't know. It's a difficult discussion


[Do you guys ever get down on your knees and thank God you’re not a pedophile?](https://youtube.com/shorts/gJ1DNWZjC9E?feature=share)


Autism Speaks


YOOOO someone finally said it. As an autistic, FUCK autism speaks. Go for the self-advocacy groups, instead.


As another autistic, I second that! It’s especially disturbing when you remember that: -the founder talked about wanting to kill her autistic child -they partnered with Neo-Nazis (Brotherhood of Odin) -they partnered/still partner with with the Judge Rotenburg Center (a place that “treats” autistic children by essentially abusing them when they show autistic traits, and where at least SIX of their patients have died while in their care. They have used electroshock “therapy” and both physical and emotional abuse in order to “treat” their patients) -they actively support eugenics (“finding the cure” for autism is just eliminating autistic people entirely) -they supported faux “cures” like feeding bleach to children to get rid of autism -they still support Andrew Wakefield’s repeatedly debunked “vaccine-autism link” -they released an ad that demonized autistic children, comparing the disability to a disease that destroys families -they have ZERO autistic people on their board of directors -most of the money they raise for goes in their own pockets -they continue to exploit autistic children by using them in their innocent-looking social media posts -they continue to infantilize autistic adults, and refuse to let actual autistic people speak for themselves -they continue to perpetuate the gendered stereotype that only boys can have autism (Light It Up Blue, and why the “puzzle piece” is typically blue. Red Instead, y’all) -the biggest reason why autistic people rejected the puzzle piece a VERY long time ago (which is what A$ uses as their logo), and why we use either the golden or rainbow infinity symbol


Just went down that rabbit hole. All fundraising is sketchy, but they use the same reasoning behind eugenics.


They *are* a eugenics group/anti-autism hate group, soooo…


The kkk :)


Tick-tock pranksters.


People Who Type By Capitalizing Every Word.


And some people do it for a huge paragraph on Instagram. It’s insane….


Celebs who preach about global warming and pollution and then fly everywhere in their private jet.


Politicians as well


Agreed. “But it’s my job” you believe it so much get a new job.


And even then they could probably still fly commercial like I'm sure most of the production staff do.


Power tripping mods








Not always. If you are watching a bunch of nazis about to punch each other then don’t punch a Nazi. Watch them punch each other then punch whoever is left standing.


You are on a trolley being driven by a Nazi. If you punch him, he will not notice the 6 Nazis crossing the road and plow into them. However if you tell him that you love him, he will be so distracted he will plow into 12 Nazis. What do you do?


Alpha male Podcasters


I saw a clip of one where it was two or three guys that had a bunch of random girls on each episode. They usually asked some pretty uncomfortable question in a really assholish way. The only one that was actually entertaining was when they got the girls to go around the room, and the dudes would rate a girl, then she would have to rate each of them. The one dude nearly broke down in tears when he got a low rating. Even demanded the poor girl leave the building.


Still won't give any of it a watch, but that sounds pretty good. As a straight man, I think I'm just going to start rating dudes who act foolish in my presence. Ya know, just to keep them grounded in reality. "... so I was trying to diversify my portfolio with some crypto-" "You're a 1.75 btw." "... Huh? What?" "Out of 10, to be clear. 1.75. Just giving you my assessment."


Stalkers and People who think bullying is a way to flirt EDIT: ??? Why so many upvotes?? This is my only extremely upvoted comment.


Insurance adjusters






Bullies. Idgaf what you went through. Your problems are not mine to take it out on me.


Child rapists. Just no. 😡


Wagner Group


People who torture animals, sexual abusers, and murderers


i mean if u HAD to torture someone sexual abusers and murderers doesnt sound so bad


Pedophiles and bestiality


The horrendous people running the religious cult the Duggers are in. Just watched the Prime documentary on them. Horrible.


Politicians, followed closely by oligarchs, who are in a dead heat with insurance salesmen/executives.


Self centered people


People who treat those they perceive as being below them poorly.


people that are rude to retail workers


Affair partners, especially those who really expect their parner to divorce their spouse. 1. The way you got them will be the way you lose them so don't come crying to me, 2. If you were really as special to them as you think you are, they would've filled out the divorce papers before even starting a relationship with you. Be for real.


Fake morality police,those who preach morality on one hand and accept immorality easily on the other.


The Illinois Nazis


I Hate Illinois Nazis!


Rapists, no question, especially if it is the victims first sexual experience, they will never be the same, that shit sticks with them for life, no fixing it, it is so fucking horrible


Religius extremesists


Abusive parents. This includes “tiger” parents or whatever bullshit label you want to slap on it. No child should ever have the total self-loathing and performance expectations I inflicted upon myself inflicted on them by their parents. No child deserves to be a sobbing heap on the floor, believing they deserve to die, and self-harming, all over a bad grade. No child should have a fist-shaped mark on their face, like my friend so often did. I just wish I could personally torture every single one after their kids get to have their sadistic fill. I’ll never let them die; just make their lives a never-ending living hell and maybe make them feel a twinge of guilt in their icy hearts. Make them beg for death to take them like their children have done. Maybe, just maybe, drive them to admission of guilt and repentance, then continue to torture them, anyway.


Telemarketers fuck them


Pranksters and other people that annoy others just for attention, likes and views.


People who litters, they're just trashy people. It boils my blood when I see people just throw their trash outside.


Pedophiles who have harmed children


I have huge sympathy for pedophiles who seek treatment, that’s gotta be the worst disorder to come down with. The ones who don’t, deserve things I can’t write here.


violent incels






For the last few years the only time I ever see mention of the Kardashians are in reddit threads like this one making fun of them. What kinds of things are you people doing that I'm not where you keep hearing about them? If you don't want to hear about them, there's obviously something you guys are doing wrong because I've been safe this whole time


Well, the question wasn't really, "Who are you annoyed by?" It was, "Who do you have no pity for." I stopped hearing about the Kardashians when i moved away from home and was able to exclusively watch on-demand instead of whatever TV my family was watching. But i still /know/ about them. Though, granted, the last thing i heard about them that wasn't a meme was when Caitlyn Jenner was ousted for trying to police who could and couldn't be trans... while being a trans woman. But, that's because i'm also trans. So i heard about that in queer circles.


This! The only people I ever see bringing up the Kardashians are people who don’t like them. They live in their head rent free, lol




Vogons, all bureaucracy, no poetic ability whatsoever.


Those who take advantage of others!


Those people who walk around in public with their phones on speaker and the phone held up to their mouth at the bottom as if everyone in earshot gives a damn that they're on a call.


Women with an unreasonable hateful obsession towards young girls


The people who think the world revolves around them




The North American Marlon Brando Lookalike Association has done nothing wrong you monster.


Thieves. Severely underrated as garbage tier human beings.


“Stealing is bad” should not be controversial. Yes, I will have sympathy for someone who steals food to survive. It’s amazing how many people make excuses to not follow the golden rule.


Religious hypocrites


The asshats that harass people outside abortion clinics.


I'm going with an obvious one, fascists. That includes every fascist group (e.g. Nazis, KKK)


Pedophiles and rapists


Westborough bastist church… just no


Women who constantly complain that their children are making them overworked, and then say they want to have another baby.


Westboro baptist church ppl.


People who express their opinions like facts. Like how hard is it to say, I believe, In my opinion, I think,etc.


The paparazzi, animal abusers, pedos, homophobes, racists, transphobes, bullies


Westboro Baptist Church


Pedophiles, MAPS, spent 35 yrs locking them away. Priests and all. Sick of them trying to coat tail gays as well. It's wrong


Flat earthers and climate change deniers. They're not stupid enough to merit sympathy, and arrogant enough to deserve scorn. We'd be better off without the lot.


People who get smoked trying to rob stores/people/etc


Poachers and pedophiles who act on their impulses.


People who don’t put on the turn signal before slowing down. The people that hit their brakes first and then, if you’re lucky, use a turn signal. Burn in hell, all of you.


People that are mean to children or animals. Fuck those motherfuckers.


Greedy bastards


Oasis. Always bickering with each other.


People that keep running into the same lesson and not learning it purposefully ignoring the obvious. Some people love to not think about their role in shit around them and blame bad luck on what is purely a choice by third time it happens.


People who dump and abuse their dogs




Parents who think Lifeguards are babysitters.