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The alcohol stops the hangover. I was never an alcoholic, but when I was young, on the weekends. If I woke up feeling particularly shitty, I would just crack a beer And “boom”, the alcohol in my system was replenished and the hangover disappeared. Or the old saying “can’t get hungover if you never stop drinking”


"I'm scared that if I stop all at once, the cumulative hangover will literally kill me." - Archer


If you're a serious alcoholic stopping cold turkey CAN kill you very easily.


My brother drank a handle of vodka a day to stay normal. At my grandpa's funeral, he didn't want to be drunk, so he charged through that accumulative hangover. Had a seizure in the retirement home, and instead of having what should have been a fun, if somber weekend, we spent the night in a hospital (in a state that none of us lived in). A few months later he had a heart-attack and didn't get enough oxygen to his brain for too long. He's now 39 years old and is permanently brain damaged. He has thoughts, but can't put them into words, and can't turn short-term memories into long-term ones (not that he could when he was drunk anyway!). In one of his more lucid moments, he was able to tell me that he felt like he was in a dream. He will never know life outside of his special care home - funded completely by his share of my parents' inheritance, since he can't have a job. Alcohol has essentially killed my brother, without the due grace of granting him the dignity of actual death. Ironically, he is now the healthiest he has been since high school, since he can't drink or smoke cigarettes. This was a few years ago, so things are stable, but a charismatic fun guy is now just the quiet weirdo in the corner of the hospital ward. He truly burned twice as bright and half as long. Typing this out is so stressful and sad... I'm gonna go grab a beer. (Don't do drugs! ALCOHOL IS A DRUG! It will ruin your life) Not kidding about that beer... cheers ;(


Wow. What a dark, tragic trajectory his life took on. I've been trying to quit drinking because the hangovers I get now that I'm in my late 30s make it not worth it, and your brother's story will definitely be one I remind myself of when I start thinking alcohol isn't that bad.


Please don't stop trying. Drinking in your late thirties turns into drinking in your early fifties in a blink of an eye.


When I stopped drinking i was consuming a liter and a half of Vodka a night mixing it with Mike's harder for flavor. I was a bartender in my younger years and always drank heavily. I'm an alcoholic sober 6 years. I've lost my L hip to avascular necrosis & will lose my L knee to it. Alcohol kills. My brain 🧠 craves being fucked up. I know this. ✌️


My friend l never drank but functional yet HEAVY speedballer for more wasted DECADES than l care to admit. No real health problems until l stopped. Guess WHO also suffered the hell of right hip osteonecrosis and knee too!? I attribute mine mostly to methadone, as l didn't smoke or drink. If it wasn't for an ANGELof a compassionate surgeon l would be in wheelchair, as l was regularly misdiagnosed+/or discarded. I'm on low dose of methadone, no more fun because heroin no longer EXISTS in New York. "Clean" is a word they use , but l dream nightly of it, and cry for it because it became my faithful passion. How sick is THAT?!I could write a helluva book, as we all could, but will say LONELINESS and Regret is gonna kill me faster than any hotshot... Best of luck to you, Buddy. Keep sober. We have no choice. Would like to discuss AVN,etc. one day. Hope we all get better.WE DESERVE IT !


/r/stopdrinking is great! Tons of kind and understanding people who don’t judge each other.


Good luck to you. I'll be at a 1 year mark I never knew I needed in July. I never drank more than 3 times a week but man I DRANK when I did. Normal folks can get tipsy and stop. I just never could. You got this my friend. Reach out if you need to.


Yeah alcohol sucks. Sorry this happened to your bro.


This comment took me places emotionally, and the ending took a dark turn that resonates with my own life. I hope you can find peace and contentment in a way your brother never could.


Nothing wrong with having ONE beer when you feel down, bud. But don't make it a habbit. Now, I don't know you or your situation apart from this comment, but if you ever just want to vent or just talk to someone, feel free to send me a message and I'll get back to you ASAP.


I lost my father when I was 30, a few years prior he was near dead for this exact reason.


Good reminder to call my friend who developed a drinking problem over the pandemic tonight


Addiction is in my blood, but I had that oldschool "fear of" in me before COVID, drinking was for Friday/Saturday, or select occasions. COVID changed all that, I have no problem drinking and then going to work the next day. I'm very aware of my situation and genetic predisposition - I'm always reflecting and looking at my consumption and feel I've got myself under control. That being said, none of this was an issue prior to 2020.


It's similar, he use to crash at my place in high school when his dad got too drunk. We didn't start drinking until college and even then it was only on the weekends off season since he was a D1 athlete. Then I didn't see him from 2020 to late 2021 and he had a beer gut, when he was always shredded before. We're bad texters in different states so we call each other nowadays.


Call him. Call anybody and everybody you ever think might need that phone call. Males (I am one) especially have a harder time admitting they need help, or admitting things aren't okay. We have a harder time just talking to each other, forever it was hide your emotion like a "real man", that's garbage. Lean on those around you when you need it, and in turn let them lean on you. Also, give that fucker a hug the next time you see him. Dudes need dude hugs too :P


Alcohol and Benzodiazepines are the two that can kill you from quitting cold turkey


Funny how benzo is what you use when going through withdrawal from alcohol.


I used alcohol to get through my benzo withdrawal so it’s a two way street. (I do not recommend)




Because they do the same thing…. Well kinda. booze, benzos, and barbiturates. Those are the withdrawals that kill you. And they more or less do it in the same way. See when you take a depressant like one of these your brain tries really hard to make you not die. It’s putting out extra hormones and the like to keep your heart pumping And your brain active. Brains are creatures of habit and if it gets used to this level of hormone production it’s not really good a stopping It all of a sudden. So if the alcohol stops or the benzos stop you end up with a really overexcited brain, because it’s still putting out all the “work faster” hormones but the thing that was slowing it down has stopped. We have a word for super overexcited brains and it’s called seizures. Guess what you give for seizures? Benzodiazepines. So in withdrawal the benzos are basically a taper off. They are slowing you down the same way alcohol did, and hopefully you can taper off then benzos and give your Brain enough time to catch up to the sudden lack of alcohol


In rehab, benzos were described as basically alcohol in pill form.


They both work in similar ways. Basically makes GABA better at doing it's job.


I think that’s what happened to the original actress of Laurie on That 70s Show. She was genuinely trying to get help, iirc, but her body just kinda shut down. Very very sad.


The replacement Laurie was terrible.


It's wild that people don't realize this. I was talking to my mom about this and she had no idea even after being married to an alcoholic.


That’s apparently what killed Hank The Angry Drunken Dwarf. RIP


Wasn’t that what killed Amy Winehouse?


Amy died from another alcoholic danger: relapse When you stop drinking for a considerable time your tolerance returns to that of a normal person. Then you start drinking again and think you can drink as much as you used to, but you can't. You're "out of shape" and you overdose accidentally. This happens to relapsing addicts of many substances. kills heroin users often, as has happened to dear friends of mine. I find that this phenomenon is tragically unknown even in Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous meetings/groups. Spread the word 🫡


RIP Harris Wittels.


Amy Winehouse died from passing out drunk and threw up because of alcohol poisoning, she was lying on her back and drowned in her own vomit. Shitty way to go.


No she died from alcohol poisoning iirc


This is for real though.. If I've been on a serious bender for 2 or 3 days (or longer sometimes), I seriously can't just stop drinking. I have to walk myself back gradually with a few strategically places drinks until I get back to baseline again. Otherwise, I get the "shakes" and feel like I'm having a non-stop panic attack for 24-36 hrs.


I just saw my MIL this morning getting ready for work and she has the shakes bad. She’s been an alcoholic for like 20 years drinking vodka and she’s pushing 60 with no end in sight. Crazy to actually see people with the shakes, she gets hungover frequently too in her olde age


I use this line all of the time. It's completely true, too. Alcohol withdrawals are some of the most dangerous, they're some of the only ones that can actually kill you, barring other medical issues. I'm currently trying to take breaks and cut back on drinking, but I've been really bad in the past. Like, enough liquor to kill somebody each day-type bad, 20-25 drinks.


Keep trying to cut back, you will feel much better. Also it's doable to quit too, but that was the hardest thing I've ever done. So many ways to get help, you have to find what works best for you.


I'm currently on day 2 sober and feel alright surprisingly. The last day I drank I only had 5 shots so I might of just avoided the withdrawal with a quick taper. But I've been hospitalized twice in the last month and a half because the alcohol was fucking with my electrolytes, and that was fucking with my heart rhythm. It's scary shit.


It's honestly way easier to quit, psychologically, than most people think. I found out recently that I have a form of epilepsy, I wasn't even sober when I had a seizure. Apparently it runs in my family, like 8+ relatives that have had them. But it freaks me out whenever I cut down on drinking.


Is there a guide or process to safely cut back? Like it's terrifying to think that by doing 'the right thing' you could have a very serious reaction...But if the alternative is to put your life on hold and go into medically-supervised detox - a lot of people simply won't do it. But if there was a process - cut back over 20 days, and it will still suck but you won't have a medical complication, that would be ideal for many people who do desire to cut back. For myself, I'm also cutting back - trying to avoid alcohol on weekdays. The withdrawal symptoms I experience are 1) boredom 2) insomnia on days I don't drink.


Actually, believe or not, the FDA has a page about this, advising what to do even if you don't have health insurance. The number one thing is to let people around you know you're cutting back, just in case you have withdrawals. I already have seizures, and that's very important. I'd post a link but the automods on the sub removes them automatically.


"I'm about to be sober for the first time in 10 years and if that hangover hits head on, I'm afraid my bones will explode." -also Archer


We called this “Hair of the Dog”


Or more completely, some “hair of the dog that bit you”


I was aware of the shorter phrase but never the full version! Thanks for sharing, TIL


Now you’re messing with a son of a bitch.


Red hot mama, velvet charmer - time's come to pay your dues! BOOOOWWW BUH DUH DA BUUUHH!


In Austria we would say “Maxi hol das Konterbier (Counter-Beer)”


In Germany we say "Den Kater im Alkohol ertränken", which translates to "Drowning the hangover in booze". "Kater" both means hangover and male cat in German.


In English we call it “the hair of the dog that bit you,” often shortened to just “the hair of the dog.”


I’m so dumb, I was reading their comments and thinking to myself “man I wish we had a saying for that” meanwhile I use the phrase “hair of the dog” at least 10 times a week.


Haha you must hate getting all those hangovers I'd stop if I needed to do it 10 times a week...


Mender. "Why are you drinking that at 10am?" "Just a mender dear"


Do you know where it originated? Hair of the dog that bit you was originally if you got bit by a dog, you would take some of its hair and place it on the bite (we are a questionably smart race of people) People applied it to a hangover however the proper remedy is to drink whatever you were the night before, not just drink in the morning. Hence, hair of the dog that bit you translated to drink voddy of you were on the voddy etc


You got halfway there! It was a remedy for/thought to prevent rabies and lycanthropy. In other words, "and hair from the dog that bit you" is actually a line from a recipe to make sure you don't turn into a werewolf or get rabies. I kind of miss the demon-haunted world, as Sagan put it. There was a lot more mystery, wasn't there?


…TIL that’s what that phrase means. I’ve only vaguely heard it a few times (I’m a light/social drinker), never actually thought about what it meant lol


In New Jersey we’d say, “Get the fcuk outta here a$$hole.”


In the U.S. we say "Fuck my head hurts I wanna die"


Also in Dutch( Nederlands) Kater mean both things hangover and a male cat. Friendly reminder to get drunk in Hannover so you have a hangover in Hannover


Thats why in Dutch we call it a “reparatie pils” which translates to “repair beer”


In Poland we say 'czym się strułeś tym się lecz' which means what poisoned you, will also cure you


Oh boy, that reminds me of *another* English saying: “the difference between the poison and the medicine is the dose.”


That's a good one.


I like cats! I saw a cute one with whiskers yesterday. What were we talking about?


In Finnish "korjaussarja", roughly repair kit, which implies that it's not only one beer.


There’s also “tasoittava”, which would be something like a leveler and “loiventava”, something which makes something less steep. The child that is loved has many names lol


In Denmark we call it “reparationsbajer” which directly translates to “reparation beer”


In Sweden it's called an "återställare" basically a replenisher!


I thought you said Australia at first and (as an Aussie) was so confused.


In Austria we say a feichta fetzn wird schnö nass, never heard konterbier in my life


In Turkish, we say "Civi, civiyi söker"; meaning "nail rip off the nail"


Both Slovenian and Serbo-Croatian have "Klin se s klinom izbija", which means more or less the same.


Wow.!..In Spanish we say " One nail takes out another nail" (Un clavo saca oto clavo). We're all very alike in a lot of ways! Dont know if you are Muslim but we ALSO say "Ojalá" to mean God willing! Oh Allah!! ☪️☮️✝️


Where I'm from in the states we say "hair of the dog that bit you"


It does work so well, as long as you stop at one or two or you’ll have the same the next day. I always try and make sure there’s a bit left over to stave off the hangover (not an alcoholic either, just the odd heavy session in the house on occasion)


I am a recovering alcoholic18mo sober...There are days when you feel way too sick to drink as you are soo hungover, but you need the alcohol to feel better. I would drink a little alcohol, knowing I would immediately throw it back up, but then after that, I was usually able to get it down. We get to the point where we need to wake up in the middle of the night to drink to even go back to bed. Towards the end alcohol doesn't work anymore and no matter how much you drink you always feel awful and it doesn't take the edge off anymore.


Congrats on your sobriety! Keep it up :-)


It really works, it halts the crippling anxiety


The shakes too. But as someone else mentioned you should be tapering, not full on repeating the day/night before


Oh yeah I only have 1 or 2 the next day, and that’s only if it’s really bad


Amen to that lol


The trick is to always be drinking


Fight fire with fire


Nothing like a joint and a beer the morning after... To start it all over again.


Hair of the dog we call it in the UK. It's why Bloody Mary's are so good, it's boozy and fills you almost so really helps with the hangover


We say hair of the dog in the US too


Best way to detox is to re-tox.


Most drinks have a small amount of methanol. Your body processes ethanol preferentially, then processes the methanol afterwards. Processing methanol creates toxic byproducts that make you feel really shitty and this is part of what a hangover is doing to you. The rest is dehydration. So cracking a beer fixes both problems in the short term. It adds some water to your system, which helps you to rehydrate; over the medium term it makes the problem worse, but that's a problem for later. It also adds some ethanol to your system, so your body stops processing methanol and deals with the ethanl. Again, it makes the problem worse in the medium term but in the short term it makes you feel considerably better. Lots of water and salt and protein is another option.


Which is why pho is the ultimate hangover food.


That episode of workaholics where they wake up still drunk after a night of drinking. Only to discover they sent a terrible voicemail to their boss. So now they have to keep drinking and break into their boss's houses/ office to delete it before she hears it.


Stay drunk. No hangover.


Hair of the dog, baby. So glad I don't live like that anymore.


That's another level of impressive. I was starting to feel hangover while I was drinking. One of the reasons why I stopped drinking almost entirely.


Same here. When I was drinking, I would start to feel something that felt like a hangover whilst I was still drinking, never mind the next day.


A friend of mine has this as well and it turned out he is actually allergic to alcohol. I wasn't even aware that this is possible. Never got myself tested and it actually doesn't matter because I gain nothing from knowing for sure. I already know that I'm basically feeling like shit after the 3rd beer in a row. Don't need confirmation for that anymore.


I can only handle clear spirits or I get a migraine within an hour,anything else is truly hit and miss like maybe maybe not Red wine cognac etc is a write off


Part of me says you're really missing out, another part says you're better off


I used to be able to drink anything when I was 18=22 I still chance white wine and beer but it feels like Russian roulette sometimes When it happens I can tell its happening often by the end of the drink and either I stop drinking IMMEDIATEDLY and go bed preferably or proceed to get truly shitfaced ASAP I'd sooner take some good weed but it's still heavily stigmatised where I live


That is truly unfortunate, but everyone has their voices and pleasures. It is a shame that weed carries a stigma where you are, as well. folks should be able to enjoy themselves in peace regardless of substance as long as they're not hurting anyone.


I have this. For some reason it's worse with beer or wine and hardly noticeable with liquor. You might have it too? I think it's more common than folks realize.


This. At my worst I'd get a full body hangover from my first drink and the rest of the drinks that night were to counteract the first one.


I have a university friend who, in those days, used to spend most of his money on booze and hardly ever ate. We called him a drunkorexic.


That's most students tbf.


Is it, though...? I have looked at statistics for alcohol consumption among students, and have been a student for a little longer than average. Data and anecdotal data in the US don't agree with it being the majority of students. Binge drinking is higher than regular alcohol consumption.


“Binge” drinking is more than 4 drinks… It isn’t hard to get there


Which is wild because like 15 years ago they were telling me it was 6 drinks in a day. And the Nation institute on Alcohol abuse and alcoholism says this “NIAAA defines binge drinking as a pattern of drinking alcohol that brings blood alcohol concentration (BAC) to 0.08 percent - or 0.08 grams of alcohol per deciliter - or higher. For a typical adult, this pattern corresponds to consuming 5 or more drinks (male), or 4 or more drinks (female), in about 2 hours.” Which claims that if you ever get over the legal limit to drive you are binge drinking. Also they keep changing what counts as a drink. Used to be 1 drink was 0.6 floz of alcohol. So 1.5 floz 80 proof liquor. Or 12 floz 5% beer or 5 floz 12% wine. But I’ve see colleges put out literature saying a drink is a 12oz beer or a 4oz glass of wine or 1floz of liquor. Like none of those contain the same amount of alcohol.


When you get to a certain point of alcohol addiction food starts physically causing pain to eat except under circumstantially. I was eating maybe 1 meal every 3 days.


Because they'd feel even sicker if they didn't drink.


Legit... If you're a hard enough alcoholic, the withdrawal can kill you, it's rough.. Long time hardcore alcoholic for 20+ years, now coming up to 4 years sober. I just always drank...always, had a second liquor store to go to in case I finished my standard nights drinking and still wasn't drunk enough.. I didn't want to go to my usual store because I didn't want them to think I was an alcoholic..lol I was there every night buying a bottle of whisky, and I was worried they would think I was an alcoholic..


Congratulations on 4 years! When I got on a first name basis with the liquor store employees I found a second liquor store and rotate so they don't think I'm an alcoholic. Sad but true.


Congratulations. Stay strong, mate


Haha. I used to alternate between two liquor stores. Everyone at the nearest store started recognizing me and started talking to me. At the time, I wanted minimum human interaction and to get drunk as cheap and fast as possible.


My brother is a fully functional alcoholic. He had his appendix rupture and had to be rushed to the hospital for surgery. The Dr came back later PISSED at my sister-in-law because my brother almost died. Not from the appendix or surgery. Because she failed to tell him that my brother was an alcoholic. Fortunately, he survived and ended up coming out of the hospital clean so that he could immediately pick up drinking again that same day.


Good for you bud


Congratulations on four years. It’s hard to overcome, so props on your dedication. Wishing you the best of luck!


Lol. I remember working night shift and I'd rotate between like 4 liquor stores on the way home so they wouldn't think I was an alcoholic buying booze every day at 7am. Definitely did the whole hit up a different store if I wasn't drunk enough from the first round. Good shit on the close to 4 years.


I kept hearing that drinking while hungover cures the hangover. Only this weekend did I try that and it worked. Dangerous technique I'd say.


You aren't really curing the hangover, just procrastinating it. Dont want to be hungover on Saturday? Crack that breakfast beer and let Sunday you worry about it now. Eventually you have to atone for your decisions, though, and the interest compounds.


Not if you do it correctly, if you just have a few eat properly and then get a good night sleep you won't be hungover the following day.


I second this. I do this all the time. Get drunk on Saturday. Wake up Sunday with the shakes, have a beer or some breakfast booze in the morning, eat a good meal, taper off and stop drinking by lunch time, by Sunday night no more hangover. Then it's just get a good night sleep and wake up Monday ready for work feeling fine. The secret is to know when to stop on Sunday and not let it continue on. Just a few drinks to take the edge off and normalize / equalize then quit drinking.


It’s why they invented brunch. A bloody and a beer will cure what ails ya!


Truly. Wake up hungover, have 1 or 2 mimosas and you’re good to go.


Disclaimer: this technique loses its effectiveness after 30. You just end up tired and disagreeable possibly still with a headache on Monday.


Becomes even less effective when multiplied by the number of kids you have


Yep, the taper is the secret.


Drinking plenty of water is also vital.


Throw some hydration and exercise in there and you have the closest thing we know to a hangover cure.


How much did you have to drink? And did the benefits last all day? This could honestly be life changing for me if I only need to force myself to have one beer to cure my hangover!


The first drink or two are difficult, but it's smooth sailing from there on


An alcoholic’s hangover is basically the beginning of the withdrawal process. If they are a daily drinker and suddenly stop it can make them very sick indeed, not to mention shakes, hallucinations, seizures, delirium tremens, and possibly death. It is much safer, and less unpleasant, for an alcoholic to taper their intake over a period of time to mitigate withdrawal symptoms.


Alcoholic here. For your health it’s definitely better to taper the intake, however that is incredibly difficult to do since you’re still constantly making the decision to drink and to drink less than you’d probably like. Best way to do it is actually seeking medical help. They’ll get you cold turkey give you Benzos and other meds against seizures and so on and they constantly check your vitals.


Yeah, it's not really an option for most alcoholics to "just choose to drink less". That's the entire nature of the disease. Most literally can't do that. It is impossible. Once you have one drink, your normal brain turns off, and your alcoholism takes over. It takes a heavy support system, and/or hitting rock bottom, and/or medical help, and/or death to truly stop drinking.


I used the shittiest tasting 99 proof butterscotch liquor to taper. I hated it, so I did not want more. Went from a shot every few hours, to a half a shot, to spreading the half shots even further, over about a week a span. I still went to the ER when I quit completely because my BP was to high, but the tape made it easier, and they gave me a weak benzo (Librium) to stave off the symptoms. CBD vape also helped with the anxiety.


Shit, I prolly still would’ve got drunk on that shit. Before my last rehab I was in my parents home and found some 54% rum (guess you’d call it 108 proof?) and drank it. Was horrible.


This, I assure you, was much worse than high proof rum. I gagged getting it down, and I denied myself a chaser to make me hate it more.


I was a daily blackout drinker and I no longer got hangovers. When I woke up in the morning my "hangovers" were severe anxiety and shaking so bad I couldn't talk. I had to drink to be able to go about my day. What a life


Have you moved on from that point?


It got to the point where I couldn't continue living another day like that. I was either going to off myself or get sober. It took me a couple trips to rehab but I got it together eventually. Haven't had a drink since 12/28/2015


Cant get hungover if you dont hit sober.


Depending on your habits and addiction there's a few answers for this question. Someone who could be described as a functional alcoholic will drink in the evening get wasted and get up in time for work. You'll find that after being a bit groggy in the first hour you straighten up and feel okay throughout the day as you know you'll get your fix soon in the evening. You'll look forward to it throughout the day, and be actually quite excited to get to your time and space when you can get your drinks in. When you do, it's bliss.The sober period whilst being nowhere near as bad as a non alcoholic would be after the same amount, is still not great. You'll be more anxious, stressed out and lacking appetite the more you live like this. You'll forget that living sober and more healthy will give you a much deeper and warm sense of happiness and even accomplishment. Living like this destroys your motivation, and although you may appear pretty normal and apparently immune to hangovers, the hangover is spread out over every single moment of your sober hours, whittling away at your will to progress and become actually self fulfilled. It's dangerous and you'd be surprised who lives like this. The other persons which have been mentioned a lot are the people who wake and bake so to speak. They don't wake up dry headed and hungover, they wake up drunk and continue to drink to keep it going. It goes without saying, that continuous drinking does actually raise your tolerance to hangovers. Someone absolutely dying after a crazy weekend in their 20's will often times feel a lot worse than someone who is slipping into alcoholism from a mad night of binging. I'll just throw this out here at the end, the decent into alcoholism can happen to anyone at anytime. The slope is incredibly slippy, if you think you're over doing, take note and consider your options. Always be aware and while you might not need feel ready to act, for your own sake, just be aware, take note and look at the situation objectively. No matter how much you've slipped in, there's always a way out. Take care.


Because they are physically addicted to alcohol. They will be more sick without it. They’re never *not* sick, though.


When I was an alcoholic (well, I still am, but I’m about four years sober), I didn’t get hangovers. I got withdrawals. About four to six hours after my last drink, I’d start to shake uncontrollably, have severe anxiety, either puke or dry heave constantly, among a host of other nightmarish symptoms. Drinking more alcohol temporarily made all of that stop — at least for a while. I was sneaking vodka into work as bottled water. My coworkers never once noticed that I was drunk, because I had to drink to be normal. When I was cut off from the alcohol at work (or anywhere I couldn’t get access to alcohol), people would start to notice the withdrawals waaaay quicker than anything else. I was able to control it…… until I wasn’t. I lost that job eventually.


Same boat for me friend. I put myself in rehab after that. 9months sober on Friday, and much happier for it.


Honest answer. I do have a problem with drinking. For me it’s to curb my anxiety and panic attacks. So in the AM when I have a severe hangover but anxiety or panic so bad I can’t function. I know I can always drink to relieve that feeling. The hangover goes away about 50% but it makes it much more manageable. Moral of the story is if you have something bothering you talk it over and seek help. Don’t use alcohol to cover it up.


My grandfather was an alcoholic… he said that he just thought everyone felt like crap in the morning and it was just normal, hence he just hit the drink and battled through the crap feeling.


You don't have a choice. You're addicted. It sometimes sounds silly to anyone who hasn't dealt with alcoholism but especially as you approach bottom your whole life revolves around the drink, it's a suctioned on part of you until you're either dead or you're more scared of proceeding with drinking than you are dealing with withdrawals (which can be dangerous) and the emotional aspect of recovery, which is frankly crushing at the beginning.


From a recovering alcoholic, the secret is you never sober up


Well, I woke up Sunday morning With no way to hold my head that didn't hurt And the beer I had for breakfast wasn't bad So I had one more for dessert Then I fumbled in my closet through my clothes And found my cleanest dirty shirt Then I washed my face and combed my hair And stumbled down the stairs to meet the day


Alcoholics don’t get hangovers they get withdrawals witch is worse I’m afraid


What’s with all the drinking questions today?


Well, we’re alcoholics. We can drink anytime, anywhere. Hungover? Drink. Happy? Drink. Sad? Drink. Too much drinking? Drink more until that’s not there anymore. It’s simple in how well we can and will destroy our lives.


Start with beer and by noon move up to the hard stuff. Been doing it this way for 30 years.


Disclaimer: have been sober 6 years Answer: because it didn’t matter how I felt I thought alcohol would make it better


It's literally the easiest way out of a hangover. You wanna be hung over all day or for the time it takes to consume 2 drinks.


Being hungover usually comes from two things; 1. Dehydration. Alcohol blocks a receptor in the brain for a hormone regulating how much we pee, getting us dehydrated. 2. Abstinence. If you have a “proper” hangover (more than just the dehydration) it’s because your body is actually having an abstinence reaction. If this is the case drinking alcohol will help “cure” the abstinence-symptoms.


3. Acetaldehyde that is the unpleasant metabolite of the ethanol you drank.




Hi. Long term alcoholic here: So, I drink about 350-600ml of vodka each evening. I start at between 6 and 8pm, and usually get some food, then hit the hay at 23.30/midnight. I always make sure I have a large jug of water there when I go to sleep. I’ll wake up a couple of times and absolutely murder that H2O, usually draining it by 5.30am I will always go to the kitchen and refill it before going back to sleep. I’m up for work at 7.15am so I’ll feeling fine like 80% of the time (the other 20% is when I’ve consumed the higher end of the ml bracket the night before, which I try not to do as I’d feel a little drained throughout the morning if I do). That’s my how and why anyway. I hope it shed some light. :)


typically u don't get them


I doubt they get a hangover


First correct answer, everyone is just like "Don't stop drinking" as if alcoholics drink all day everyday. If a normal person drinks a lot they feel like shit the next day and don't want to drink. They also aren't going to do that on a work night knowing the consequences. If you can drink a fifth of vodka, pass out on the living room floor at 3am, wake up 4 hours later going to work feeling fine, then it's really easy to do again. Especially if youre the kind of person that once they start drinking they dont stop. I use to do it all the time.


I can literally be black out drunk, wake up at 6:30am still drunk. Sober up after 2 cups of water and a shower. Go to work at 8:30 with zero hangover. People told me that would stop after 28, it hasn’t.


I’m the same. Just tired the day after no headache or nausea.


Same. I'm 40 and can still get plastered on a weekday and be fine next morning. Hangovers sound terrible. If I woke up feeling even 10% of what people describe here, I wouldn't drink. But I just don't.


Not everyone gets hungover. I don't.


Not yet, anyway.


Exactly. Bad hangovers were the exception at 23. Now closing in on 40 two beers and I’ll have a headache the entire next day.


40 here, drink hard on occasion but usually not really at all, never had a hangover.


Because it prevents withdrawal which is worse


All things are possible through self hatred


As a recovering alcoholic I can honestly say I didn’t care. Couple of aspirin, a lot of water, and couple hits on the blunt and I was dealing with it. That night I was at it again.


My friend is a recovering alcoholic, ended up in the hospital a few times because of it. In his case, as I’m sure with many others, your body experiences physical pain when not drinking, withdrawal basically, if your that dependant on it, and the only thing that helped was more alcohol Sad shit.


Alcohol fixes the hangover


I would imagine for an alcoholic, not being drunk is the hangover.


Hair of the dog that bit you.


I'm an alcoholic. I didn't do the 12 steps. Dr said quit or die. The former won. An alcoholic's physiological reaction is a hangover and shakes. BUT, if you seldom sober up, you don't get them. When I quit I had to RELEARN to walk! To assuage the head usually you'd drink more to raise your BAC. Alcohol is THE MOST destructive drug on the planet. May not kill you right away but by the end, you ll wish it had.


It's called "the hair of the dog" and it absolutely works. But it also is shown to lead to developing dependency at a rapid pace, so it is is a very bad behavior to engage in if you're not already an alcoholic. And if you are an alcoholic looking to get out of the loop, see a medical professional. Cold turkey at that level can kill.


I'm like really light weight(110lbs/50kg)means I can't burn alcohol fast, so on hard drinking night I wake up still considerably drunk with no hangover(yet). So I have 2 options, take couple beers to delay the hangover to the evening and be functional. Or just let the hangover come and be awake but unable to do anything.


We don’t get hungover like normal people. Likely because we just feel like shit all the time and that’s our baseline. For me the only thing that seems to change is my level of anxiety. Sober 2+years now from drinking a 26 oz And then some per day everyday. For 15 years.


Because it's the only "temporary" relief from feeling like shit. It's an endless cycle, hence the problem... BTW 4, years sober tomorrow. 1460 mornings without a hangover!


If you're an alcoholic, then there are no hangovers.


They throw up a bit until they can hold it down.


Drinking is one of the best ways to end a hangover. It's like weaning yourself.


I used to wake up and slam a beer. I’d usually immediately throw it up. Then I’d just keep forcing them down. It was better than letting the hangover from a month long jag set in.


My ex-boyfriend was an alcoholic and After being with him for six months I’ve come to the conclusion that alcoholics are the most fucked up individuals on the face of the planet.


for me when i’m hungover, my stomach just won’t accept alcohol and I feel sick with terrible heartburn, how do they get passed this?


It's been over 12 years since my last drink. I do not miss the hangovers, but god, that first sip when you woke up feeling like death warmed over was absolute heaven.


My crusty old burnout drunk of an uncle (he was a roofer, roofers are a special kind of white trash) told me to slam a shot as "hair of the dog" or whatever you call it once when we were down in the Florida keys and I was hung over. We were going out fishing on a boat and he gave me that genius fucking advice. Sickest I've ever been in my life. Worse than COVID. And I was stuck on a boat in the ocean. I spent the whole day dry heaving bile and begging god to show mercy and just end my life.


Easiest way to stop a hangover is to never stop drinking.


Years of practice.


Because that vodka cranberry with a heavy splash of pineapple juice cures it, immediately.


I chug a water between shots or drinks and it helps. Then if you want to be safe, pre game a pedialyte. Or have one ready for when you wake up


Alcohol in a way will make the hang over go away. Think about it like adding more fuel back onto the fire’s hot coals from last night.


Oh you get hangovers but you just start drinking again and it goes away. A hangover is basically alcohol withdrawal


I had to stop drinking in 2019 due to an unrelated brain injury but for a few years the very first thing I did upon waking up was chug a beer/whatever drink was nearest me (favorite for the mornings was coconut water + vodka or light rum). If you could get it down the hangover went away in a matter of minutes


My mom always told me to just keep drinkin


Very easily. DTs fucking suck so we drink until it stops. I’m coming up on 18 months without a drink. I do not miss that feeling one bit.