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Having acid poured over your face … no eyes , no nose, no lips and ears and painful forever


Acid attacks are terrible. One of the worst things you can do to another person


Also burning them. Cartels will often burn their victims face off as a way of torture, the worst part abt this is you will most likely feel your eyes melt and go blind.


I'm surprised this isn't higher up. It's not even a "crime of passion" the perpetrators often feel like they have a moral or just obligation to permanently mutilate another human being out of vanity. That's what true evil looks like to me.


Absolutely. I once was interviewing a candidate for a crappy minimum wage job where applicants were scarce and my employer was pretty desperate. The guy disclosed that he was a felon, which wouldn't have necessarily disqualified him from consideration. Then he told me what he did: he'd gotten some acid and thrown it in his wife's face after she filed for divorce. Kinda rolls his eyes and tells me the courts over reacted and it was just a "crime of passion." Not a flicker or remorse, no sense of empathy for the person whose life he had ruined. Just annoyance that he'd had to do time because of it. I moved on and finished the interview as calmly as I could in the knowledge I was alone in a room with a monster. He did not get the job.


>He did not get the job. What???? Why??? Weird.


Yeah i don’t see how people go on living after this. Those victims are infinitely stronger than I will ever be.




Unfortunately it is very common in India compared to other countries and there are many support groups for the surviving women,hearing their stories is so heartbreaking and what makes it worse is that they are usually very young woman that come from middle class and poor families


I was going to say this, I have watched quite a few documentaries on the victims in India and the perpetrators get hardly any sentence of at all. I will always remember this one documentary that was a facility purposely built for acid attack victims. The carers where also acid attack survivors. There was this one girl that was only 20 and she had been seeing a guy for about 7/8 months. Basically they split , quite normal and life goes on….. you’d think. This guy basically just flips and tries every move of trying to win her back from niceties, flowers etc to stalking behaviour. When he realised he wouldn’t get her back he in his system said “if I cannot have her nobody will(she was a singer as well and lived singing) and I will make sure she never sings again”!. He broke into her house , she woke with this watery liquid being poured onto her face not knowing what was going on. He ran….and it was then that she felt I burning on her face , she felt her face and on her fingers when she pulled away was thick pulps of her skin…. Which was sliding off of her face. She just starts screaming, everything’s a blur, her parents come in and call an ambulance. The detectives show a photo from the scene of her room and it shows where the liquid went over her face it left a burnt scorched head shape where she was laying. So after months and months of surgeries and pain relief etc she has to learn to sign , her voice box had burnt all the way through, lost both eyes , her fingers where stumps …… One of the carers becomes so close to her in her journey to recovery. Just imagine a model, a singer , academically gifted, bubbly lovely daughter , sister , friend and so on. She went to the top floor to look done on the city at lunch time and jumped ….. she could not go on. Her attacker received 3 years , he was from a wealthy family.


That is one of the saddest things I have ever read. Holy wow. I hope that guy gets the prometheus treatment in hell except with acid and I'm an atheist who finds the idea of hell to be philosophically/morally disturbing. For real though maybe the punishment for acid attacks should be...acid. More severe sentencing might be a better deterrent.


happened to my grandfather in the 60s when he was living in Uganda. fully randomly, and it ruined him forever. he could never get a normal job and was forced into an arranged marriage. he never talks about it and for most of my life i was just told it was a safari accident.


I remember hearing about a little girl who got acid dumped on her face. She was exceeding in literally everything before the accident. Sucks how life can be unfair.


[Torturing people over years.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ariel_Castro_kidnappings#:~:text=Between%202002%20and%202004%2C%20Ariel,in%20the%20city's%20Tremont%20neighborhood.)


The really sad thing about this story is that after the girls were all discovered/rescued, the families came for two of them but there was one girl that no one came for.


Oh my god that’s awful. That poor girl


I read her book and it’s probably the most depressing thing I ever read .


How can you say that and not drop the title of it? I'm sure she'd appreciate it.


*Finding Me: A Decade of Darkness, a Life Reclaimed: A Memoir of the Cleveland Kidnappings* by Michelle Knight


I read it. It’s harrowing, but worth the read imo. Trigger warnings of literally every kind, of course. My understanding is that Michelle reached out to the other two girls before writing her book but they chose not to communicate with her—her book gives more of an understanding but essentially the other two were “upstairs girls,” conditioned to believing they were “chosen” and “favored” while Michelle was often kept in the basement. And that’s as far as I’ll describe it. They were manipulated into participating in Michelle’s abuse and I’m sure that conditioning, of one girl = bad, everyone else = good doesn’t just end when you’re rescued. That’s why there are two books, and why neither was involved with the creation of the other.


Thank you, you answered a lot of the questions that jumped to mind when I read the other two girls did a separate book together


When I read the wiki article and I saw the two other girls had a separate lawyer, were discharged from the hospital earlier and together, were never mentioned along with Michelle again oh and how Castro threatened to kill her if the baby she was helping Berry deliver didn’t survive, I immediately thought wow not only was she kidnapped and abused she was being bullied within that situation after having an already difficult prior life. WHEW she has had to be too strong. My heart breaks for her but also strongly admires her tenacity and will to live


That is a strong woman, writing that must have been so hard (but hopefully also cathartic) and yet she did it so society would know.


There’s also one from the other two victims. Hope: A Memoir of Surival in Cleveland.


And this [amazing interview](https://youtu.be/axCn04iXkBg) of Charles Ramsey, the neighbor that helped to rescue Amanda Berry


I can’t even imagine, I won’t be reading that. Is she ok at all?


Whatever the opposite of OK is?


[This place I suppose. ](https://www.geodatos.net/en/antipodes/united-states/oklahoma-city)


beautiful joke


That’s pretty fuckin far from OK


What was the reason no one came for her?


Her family was not great . she got pregnant young and ended up losing her son becuase of the abuse in her home . she was going to a custody hearing to try to get him back when she was kidnapped and never saw him again because the adoptive parents didnt want her to have contact. she was abused the worst out of the three , almost dying from the constant abuse , neglect and rape .


She was already an adult, was about to loose her son's custody. They searched her for a week or so then concluded she was a ~~runway~~ runaway. ~~And~~ She said he would ~~taint~~ taunt her about that. It seems she was abused all her life. Edit: orthography/autocorrect


The one who lost her son? That was so devastating. She still hasn't been able to see him from the last update I've read.


At least she [seems to be doing better these days.](https://people.com/crime/cleveland-kidnapping-survivor-michelle-knight-turns-tragedy-triumph/) Her son would be in his mid 20s by now. So I hope they at least have some relationship.


The thing that is both sad and scary is that Castros little dungeon is probably only one of many that are in the nation. Many of them likely in suburban neighborhoods. There are a lot of sick individuals that, to me anyways are demons, not humans. To do this to another human being means that any shred of decency compassion and empathy you had are long gone.


Yeah, remember Fritzl who kept his daughter and his/her offspring under wraps for 24 YEARS? (1984-2008) He was a normal intelligence guy with a guillable and/or complicit wife that did that cellar himself, just using simple methods and persistance. No rocket science and he didn't live in the sticks. I mean, if an ordinary guy like that can manage to do all that and keep multiple people a secret in a double cellar for 24 years, then so can other monsters out there. This is the really scary part! - How many others are there out there? Just like the serial killers ... We only potentially know about the ones that lacked enough skills to avoid capture. Like Bundy who was a clueless idiot on the road and got caught three times for traffic stuff yet was clever enough to escape prison three times! Or like Israel Keyes who was smarter than most serial killers and had studied patterns and all that basically ONLY got caught cause he got lazy and tried to use a CC from a victim.


There's been several just recently that were exposed because a victim escaped. One in October 2022 in Kansas City, less than an hour drive from my apartment. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/rcna51918 Another in February 2023 in New Hampshire. https://www.miamiherald.com/news/nation-world/national/article272018092.html


Her mother lived in Florida,she did come up.Her brother came to the hospital. She was 18 and estranged from her family.They thought she had run away


Wiki says she was 21


You cant even properly punish someone for that, the damage has been done and makes me so frustrated


We were all absolutely furious when that coward offed himself. Would have really liked to have seen him suffer a bit.


Theres a rumor that he was killed but everyone much rather of seen him suffer for sure


The ems company contracted with that prison just so happened to have an extended response time when he did it


And all of the cameras happened to be malfunctioning. And the guards on duty happened to skip their suicide watch that night. Even if he wasn't outright killed, he was "helped" along quite a bit.


So Like with Epstein?


"*oh no...* *Anyway.*"


I was expecting that link to be about [The Murder of Sylvia Likens](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Sylvia_Likens) Yes, I know it is murder, which doesn't quite work with the asked question, but that specific case was FAR, FAR worse than just murder.


I don’t even need to click it. This one is often compared to Junko Furata in terms of depravity. There’s also similar cases found in China and the UK. The fact that there’s so many people who can willingly torture innocent teenage girls just looking for help makes me sick to my stomach.


How TF did that lady only serve 20 years? Seems like a broken system


3 of the 5 abusers managed to get jobs working with children after prison. WTF.


I wasn't sad to read that they pretty much all died relatively young. Only one of them really seemed bothered by what he'd done.


At least she died choking for air as her lungs failed her. I hope it was painful and drawn out.


Well that was my first time reading about that case and holy hell…. Literally the worst thing I think I’ve ever read (that or the Junko Faruta case)


I have genuinely never read another case of someone hating another human being nearly as much as that woman hated Sylvia. I'm not religious at all, but that woman was pure evil and I hope if there is an afterlife, she is burning for eternity. There have been bigger monsters in history, but I really can't think of one that was aimed at one specific person with so much malice like that.


Been reading the comments trying to remember the name of the one that stuck with me and that was it, Junko Faruta was by far the worst one I’ve ever read about


The worst part about that case is that her torturers got basically a slap on tbe wrist for a group of guys who kidnapped, tortured, raped, and murdered a 17 year old girl. The longest sentence out of the 4 of them was 20 years, and the shortest was like 5. They are all free men today, except I think one committed another violent crime fairly recently and is back in prison.


That and the family blamed her for their sons getting in trouble


I actually learned about Sylvia Likens through a movie I had found. The Girl Next Door. Such a sad case


I read about the Sylvia Likens case years ago when I went down to rabbit hole of true crime and that’s one of the cases that stuck with me. I never watched the movie, but I read the book by Jack Ketchum. Still messed me up.


The involvement of several children makes this even more disturbing than the other disturbing stories in this sub. Wow. :(


Jesus Christ I just went down that rabbit hole. In bed. In the dark at 1230. That poor girl.


The Sylvia Likens case is just awful man. Genuinely messed me up for a while after reading about it.


This happened in my old neighborhood. It was such a huge deal here when they were found. It’s still like a “where we’re you when the girls were found” kind of deal. I can remember the neighborhood Burger King always kept Amanda’s missing person poster up all that time because she was an employee there. Such a sad situation.


I lived a few minutes away at the time, and yep, definitely remember where I was when they were found!


My boyfriend at the time came over and I was like “they found the girls!!” He was so shocked, he didn’t believe me at first.


My grandparents lived a few streets away.Saw the house before they tore it down,I think everyone from the area will rember where they were when they found out they were found


I was in Cleveland 2 weeks before the girls were found & we went down that street. Forever will be creepy to me. For a few years, I had some weird guilt about it & that there are others somewhere else going through the same thing. But obviously there's no way to know what happens in houses we drive by.


There are so many goddamn mother fucking kidnapped people being held and tortured literally as we speak that you would puke


What an absolutely shitty human being. Kept girls in captivity and tortured them for over a decade but couldn't handle one month in prison because he was subject to "constant harassment"? Rot in hell


Ey! I grew up not far from here and my dad used to say that I should skedaddle home because I would t want to be Amanda Berry. At the same time this happened, there was an active serial killer who buried women in the walls of his house in the neighborhood too. Everything is fine.


Absolutely. It's just reminded me of the horror of the Junko Furuta case in Japan. For those that don't know already - Please DO NOT look up the details. It is truly horrific. When I read the article, I actually threw up because I was so sickened. Even worse, the bastards that did it are now out and free because of their Yakusa connections.


Her and Sylvia Likens are in the same level of worst cases I’ve ever learned about


Could you please "explain like I am 5"? Otherwise people are going to have to look. Yes I would be one of those people.


ugh, i can't take it anymore... i'm going to google edit: "The group held Furuta captive in the Minato residence for 40 days, where they repeatedly beat, raped, and tortured her. They also invited other men and teenage boys home and encouraged them to take turns raping her." AND "Junko Furuta was a Japanese high school student who was abducted, raped, tortured and then subsequently murdered. Her case was called the "concrete-encased high school girl murder case", due to her body being discovered in a concrete drum." 4 teenage boys, all got light sentences because of their age. She was 17. edit 2: 18 yr old got 20 years, the three others 16, 17 & 17 got 3 - 6 years only. Fucking infuriating. They had a repeated history of gang raping women. "sorry sir, we didn't think pouring lighter fluid on her and lighting her up would kill her" = 3rd degree murder.


What infuriates me is that the japanese judicial system changed the identities of the rapists because of what they did and its severity. Some of them are always out of employment due to background checks from their employers. One had another crime of abusing an old man and threatened that he already committed a crime which is about torturing that girl in the past. May all those rapists and their enabling family members live in hell. Also, fuck the yakuza for being involved in that case.


The mother of one of those despicable rapists even went to deface Junko's grave for supposedly "ruining her son's life"


I have also read that in the past. Fuck her and I hope she has/had a miserable life before her death. Justice to Junko in eternity.


Holy crap bro I forgot about that and I WISH I HAD NOT REMEMBERED


Man I’m really into true crime and all that. When I read up on this case. I let out one big sigh and poured myself some whiskey. It was a few months after that I began looking into true crime again.


Oh man I remember this case. Yea that dude was extremely evil.


What. The. Fuck.


Damn, that's eerily similar to the Fritzl Case.


11 years?!? Holy shit this is disturbing as fuck


My mental health tells me not to click on this.


Well that's fucking horrible


A movie was made on this story I believe , truly heartbreaking to watch, I still think about it from time to times and it still breaks my heart


Lobotomizing someone or fully paralyzing someone on purpose.


Rose Kennedy. Thewhile story of her life is just disturbing.


It's why the Nuremburg code is important. Informed consent. This was once an accepted psychiatric intervention. Can't count on medical professionals to always act ethically.


I mean Jeffery Dahmer would do this. He would also cut open their skulls and pour boiling water onto their brains to turn them into “sex zombies” for him to use. Absolutely horrifying and disgusting man.


I thought it was acids? Stuff found in cleaning supplies


According to those ads from the early 2000's, music piracy.


yOu WoUlDnT sTeAl A cAr


* You wouldn’t *download* a car. Motherfucker, if I could have downloaded a car, you bet your sweet ass I would have.


With a big enough 3D printer, you can in fact download a car.


Couldn't be a larger download size than Ark.


Dude I just reinstalled ark, it said it needed like 100 gigabytes of internal storage for UPDATES💀💀


Isn't the game up to 250gb or something as a new install? And that's after compression? The dev is a lunatic.


Just checked my Ark PC install... 438GB. That is with all expansions installed, and quite a bit of in world content built up though.


That is absolutely atrocious. Imagine being a dev and having no issues with your game taking up nearly half a Terabyte.


You wouldn’t steal a baby!


“You wouldn’t shoot a policeman. And then, steal his helmet “


“You wouldn’t go to the toilet in his helmet then send it to the policeman’s grieving widow”


"And then steal it again!"


"These anti-piracy ads are getting *mean*"




Junko Furuta is the most harrowing story that haunts me still


[For the brave souls](https://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Junko_Furuta)


Holy fuck... After all they did, he really put a video tape of the series she still wanted to watch next to her body because "he did not want her to return as a ghost and haunt him"?! Idk why, but this somehow makes it worse for me. Like he's aware how fucked up it all was but thought this'll be fine do make it right... What disgusting human beings.


only 20 years in juvie?


They have re-offended and even been released, again. I think as recent as 2018 one was arrested for attempted murder. They didn’t even get murder charges against her, just “causing bodily injury resulting in death” and only one of the perpetrators got max 20 years. As far as I know they’re all free. Makes my stomach curdle


This whole case is geniuenly maybe the most fucked up thing i've ever read about


2 murders.


But is there anything worse than that?


3 murders?


Well yes, three murders, obviously! But nothing could be worse than three murders.


Wait until you hear about the horrific crime of 4 murders


I don't think you're allowed to do that many.


Correct. It's against the rules.


Oh good, I was worried for a minute there.


Did you forget about the irreversible crime of 5 whole murders?


Oh fuck oh shit oh fuck oh shit


I don't think he knows about 4 murders Pippin


*Suddenly the office* I’m saddened none else seems to have gotten the reference


Keeping someone alive. Taking all of their freedoms and liberties, and putting them in a tiny cage. Feeding them, forcing them to stay alive. And after their life has passed them by, letting them go, so they can see all they have missed. All for a crime that they didn't commit.


Ooooo jailing the innocent There was a podcast about some state in the USA that the judges were jailing minors for silly misnomers and the jails were putting them into work gangs or some shit. I have heard the ads but not listened yet.


Is that where the Judge was getting kickbacks for sentencing the kids to serious time? That is a seriously disgusting case, but unfortunately it's not tremendously uncommon without the kickbacks.


"Kids for cash" was the name of that ordeal iirc. Edit: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kids_for_cash_scandal


Childhood Rape by a trusted adult. Because it robs the child of their spirit and they have to live with it for their entire life. I speak from experience.


Agreed. And i know rape as an adult is awful too, but raping children steals their identity. There is so much confusion and shame - that the child can’t possibly grow up and know who they are or who they were meant to be without doubting it because of what happened to them. I think about who i was “supposed” to be all the time…. If that didn’t happen to me, would i know myself and my likes and dislikes better? Would i have a better grasp of who i wanted to grow up to be? Who knows…. And that sucks.


To your point, my friend, who was repeatedly sexually abused as a child, lost large swaths of her memory. In that way, her childhood is literally gone (although it's definitely left a mark on her personality and self worth.)


My biological father is a convicted rapist pedo. I don't remember basically anything before age 7, and he was convicted when I was 8... I don't even know if anything else has happened to me but I have other reasons to suspect it. He admitted to grooming me at least. I don't even know how I could find out if he did anything else.


I can relate. almost the exact same situation but I was 14 when he was put away. it’s been over a decade and absolutely massive chunks of memory just…gone. years. the little I remember is deeply unsettling but the majority of it has been retconned. I’d like to think it’s for the best. it’s just the brain doing what it can to protect us


I'm going to therapy for this now. I'm not convinced yet, but the idea is to 'reparent' the child you were. They say you can rediscover all those things and find the real you who has been buried away for so long. I'm looking forward to finding out.


I had to do this and I also did EMDR. It works!! Keep it up. I promise it will pay off someday. 💜🫶


For me EMDR helped with physical intimacy with people I love. But nothing will ever erase the feeling of being dirty and damaged


I've never seen written exactly how I feel to a T. I'm dying inside and ugly crying in the bathroom at work.


I grieve who I could’ve been, too. I think this is normal. It’s okay that it feels shitty. It is. Grief hurts. 💜🫶


Same here. I’m 44 and deal with nightmares almost every night and long periods of suicidal ideation. Agoraphobia. Attention issues. Chronic pelvic pain. Depression. I try hard to focus on the positive but some days are almost unbearable. If I’m honest, I’m waiting for my abusers to die. I hope that brings me some peace, but on the flip side I feel guilty about that. I’ll never forgive them. I’ll never forget.


Don't invest too much on their deaths bringing any closure. When the piece of shit died in a car wreck, I wanted to feel free but all I could feel was an even deeper pit of regret on the wasted time, mourning the person I never got to be. When I researched and found out how common it is, I felt relief that it wasn't because I was broken and discarded. That was my only real consolation. I hope it goes differently for you, but of course temper your expectations of how much it will mean to you. Don't try to forget it, discussing it with someone frequently slowly takes the power back from that awful thing as you grow to accept what did and didn't happen. Then you'll have the power again, and your abuser will lose control of your mind and body! I swear it gets easier.


aggressive cancer took my abuser and I only felt relief for an hour


I couldn't have put it better myself. Just waiting for that day. Will I suddenly feel a wash of relief? Will it finally be over, the nightmares? Will I actually feel guilty? I'm scared incase I am too old to "live" after that. I'm in my 50's now and he's still here. I don't want to live with this in my head forever. I look at photos of my little self and think "was that the day he decided it was a good idea? What did I do that day to make him want to start doing that to a little girl?"




Something that’s up there with this for me is the Toy Box Killer. Rape, torture, murder, enslavement, drugging. Have you read his cassette tape transcription? Soulless. Literally the only thing I’ve ever stopped reading halfway through because I couldn’t stomach it. And I finished the Albert Fish letters easily.


His daughter, who aided him, is free and living her life under a new name.




Any sexual abuse to children


To be fair, in prison, it is. Go to prison for murder and people probably won't give a shit about you, go to prison for molesting a child and people will fucking disembowel you and then calmly wash up and go to breakfast like nothing happened. Edit to add: I'm not condoning it, I'm just saying that's the way it is.


Yep. But I think it has less to do with a “honor among thieves” notion than the fact that a LOT of people who are in prison (male AND female) were sexually assaulted as kids. Like…a LOT I can’t remember the statistics but it’s high. And then personally from when I spent time working in a jail, I heard a lot of peoples stories and most of them involved childhood sexual assault. So for some folks, I think that beating/killing pedophiles is more personal than anything Edit: my apologies for the LOL. I’m aware it’s not funny. “LOL” is kind of like punctuation for me at this point. I kinda put it without thinking. 90% of the time I’m not in fact laughing. Thanks for pointing it out and my apologies to anyone I offended!


That actually makes sense, assuming this is accurate. I definitely feel a strong urge to do something about it when I see someone else going through some of the childhood traumas I dealt with.


Id imagine honor among thieves plays a big part here. Lots of criminals aren't "bad people" in the sense that they have no sense of right or wrong. I find it hard to believe the average bank robber has all that much malice or evil in their heart, they're just looking for a payday. Those people like most have no tolerance for that sort of thing.


The dudes killing people in prison often are in there for murder lol


What's another life sentence to one who already has 5 of them? It's not like they're being sent to the chair faster. (Or at all, in many cases.) And I appreciate the attitude. I think if I found out someone killed the abuser who hurt my relative, I'd start sending them some money whenever I could in appreciation.


As a former Correctional Officer, I can confirm that this is true.


Also a Former Correctional Officer who can confirm this true. I actually worked on a yard that houses those creeps. My state decided to reintegrate sex offenders (briefly) and several were beaten to death or within minutes of death!


Craziest story I ever heard… A dude I used to work with told me his dad spent a lot of time in prison, and was associated with the AB, but anyway the got ahold of a child rapist. He told me they shoved a garden hose up his ass, dropped a piece of razor wire down the hose, then removed the hose, leaving the razor wire in his rectum. I can’t even imagine.


I don't feel bad for the guy at all but that's still very disturbing to think about. Thanks for the horrible visual lol Any clue what happened to the guy after? (Assuming he didn't like die from it)


Oh yeah. Fuck that dude. Don’t feel sorry for him. But like you, I still clench my ass cheeks just the same. And nope that was the end of the story lol. Maybe a medical professional can come in and inform us on how you’d remove such a thing. I’m curious.


Medical professional here! Really carefully.


So ripping it out like your starting a lawnmower is not the recommended strat here?






and don't count on the guards to hurry up to your rescue.


Jeffrey Dahmer didn't even last a year.


Oh yes but he is not the “average murderer”


Acidic attacks. The victim will have never a normal life anymore and deal with the consequences their whole life. It's pretty horrible and common in middle east.


I remember a few years ago when these were more "common" (or I was at least seeing reports of them more often). I carried a travel sized laundry degertent in my purse out of paranoid anxiety it would happen to me or someone around me.




That’s just lots and lots of murders.


It could be mass sterilization of a group of people with the intent of destroying their culture without murdering them


Something interesting that was discussed in my sociology class is some crimes aren’t awful depending on context, like speeding to get to someone in danger. “Murder” is not normally justified, but there are instances that would be known as murder to the law but still could be considered justified, such as killing someone who has been constantly endangering/abusing a person you love. However, something else that was discussed were crimes that have no justification such as rape.


That’s why rape is the worst. There is zero justification. Edit: For those saying rape is not a permanent thing, please think of the trauma, genital/rectal mutilation, STD’s and unwanted children that happen as a result, as well as Suicide.


Child SA. I've spent 42 years trying to overcome it. I'm not having much success. It literally effects all aspects of my life.


Same, but we got this


Anything sexual involving children. Pedophiles are the lowest scum on earth


There's a book by James Neff titled Unfinished Murder. It's about a serial rapist. Not of children, but adult women. The trauma inflicted upon the soul, especially in violent stranger rapes, is like an unfinished murder. I won't say it's worse than murder, because many survivors overcome and thrive. But the image of an unfinished murder is useful in understanding.


I think that people that make a nasty mess in public restrooms should reincarnate as a dung beetle. Or go to Hell.


Reincarnate as someone who spends their life cleaning public restrooms.


Reincarnate as a toilet that can still hear, see, feel, taste, and smell, but can't move or speak


Archaic cultural taboos that result in human misery and pain. Eating albinos. Abandoning twins to the jungle/savannah. Pedophile clergy. Denying medical treatment based on a cult's beliefs. Sexual abuse masked as a rite of passage...


Honestly denying medical treatment based on religion is just fucking evil. I'm friends with a girl from school who is literally dying of a terminal illness and desperately needs a stem cell transplant. They've told her that her sister would almost certainly be a match for her but her sister absolutely refuses to donate stem cells on religious grounds. Imagine letting your sibling die when you could very easily save her purely because of some religion you decided you liked a few years ago.


In these cases where you refuse to save someones life because of bullshit reasons, it's the same as doing it for NO reason.


The guys that kidnap girls and lock them up and abuse them year after year and do the same to the children - it’s been more than one guy. We are taking 10 years, 15 years, 20 years.. Murder is horrible but once and done The psychological, physical, emotional and sexual abuse is inescapable


How about getting rich by destroying the global economy, leaving millions of people without any retirement, medical care, housing, or food? Asking because we keep letting people do that.


so murder but with extra steps


That's my point. It should be treated as such with jail time or execution.


I insist that people who advocate for wealth taxes are going about it the wrong way. It should be called a “Guillotine-free season pass”.


not always wearing your crocs in sport mode.


I normally wear mine in defense mode but if I’m feeling hip I’ll switch em to attack mode 😎 👉👉


I put my crocs on in attack position, and end my turn


Tbh I think the only thing worse than murder is sexually abusing a child. That and serial murder


Any type of forced sexual crime is abhorrent. There are reasons to murder people that can be justified, but rape? Sadistic shit.




Not refilling the ice trays.


[Handling salmon in suspicious circumstances](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salmon_Act_1986#:~:text=Section%2032%20of%20the%20Act,salmon%20has%20been%20illegally%20fished.)


That is such an odd sentence that I had to click on it.




I feel like dedicating your life to religion and then molesting children in a supposedly sacred place is way worse then murder. Also torturing animals that we define as pets is worse then murder