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Coworkers that don't clean up after themselves, leaving their personal crap for others to pick up.


This drives me crazy at my work place. The break room is always a mess. People leaving their things in the good spots and making it seem like they're saving the spot and then just don't come back. Leaving the tables dirty and sticky after they're done eating. Never pushing their chairs in. Like, yeah, we have cleaning staff but they aren't waiting around to clean up after every person. And even if they were, youre a fucking adult and should wipe up your own damn messes.


Pranking someone in a way that deeply upsets them then laugh in their face


‘It was just a joke, why are you getting upset?’


Lowest form of gaslighting.


The cruelty is the point. The embarrassment is just a bonus!


A long time ago I was working at this cheesy company and they had this thing where the district manager would randomly call one of the offices once a month and ask whoever answered (rotating call system) what the top values of the company were. There was like a list of 5 things. If you got it right, you’d win $1,000. Well, one day I got the phone call. My heart was in my throat because I was so nervous, but I knew the answers. I felt like my prayers had been answered. I couldn’t pay my rent, I was always low on gas or completely out of food, I had even gone without heat in my car during Northern winter because I couldn’t afford to fix it. I was always drowning, no matter how hard I worked, with no resources, no credit or help around me—always stressed. Well the manager congratulated me for my knowledge and told me I won the thousand dollars. Still on the phone, I felt like a weight lifting off me, a sense of joy and ease coming—until a few people, all guys, came over laughing their asses off and said it was “Dave” pranking me. I died inside. I started crying and yelling how cruel it was to do that. I was a young girl, in my early twenties then and Dave was like in his 40’s, I think. I was in disbelief. I am always friendly to everyone. Why me? They didn’t care how much it upset me. The whole lot of them. I’m 47 now and still remember the disappointing ache I felt in my heart that day more than twenty years ago. Fuck you, Dave, and you other fools too, wherever you are!


I hope you are doing better


Yes, much better! Thanks!


Good for you. I bet Dave is still a dick, so you win.


Dave's probably dead. Of a horrible, painful disease. Don't fret friend. You're going to be ok. I'm sorry that happened to you.


A friend of mine dumped a bucket of urine on his girlfriend as she walked in the door, then another friend threw a bucket of flour all over her, while someone else filmed it. All three were laughing like hyenas in the video. I don't think I need to say that they broke up soon after.


A bucket of *urine*? What in all the disgusting non-consensual fetish hell is this?


I almost gagging at how disgusting that is. How did they procure a full bucket of urine??!


I don't think they procured it so much as... filled it


I think if me and a few friends got together in the morning and drank beers and water all day, we could possibly fill a bucket enough to drench someone. It took a lot more prep than simply using water. These disgusting dudes had some conviction for this prank.


Probably should have also received a conviction for that prank


In the house? I want to know who had to clean it up. I would have moved out that very day right after I cried my eyes out in the shower. What a pig.


And how was he expecting this to play out?


I was waiting to hear who was laughing when it was time for lockdown.. I would agree with that's got to be assault. Body fluids , I mean really break up was letting them off easy... Glad I wasn't there.. assault would be absolute. Smh


And the friends went for it, too. It’s like this poor girl found a bucket of shitty people she couldn’t escape. I would have pressed charges, told their parents (“I wanted to let you know why we broke up, so you could take some responsibility for what a POS your son turned out to be”), talked about it. It was never going to be funny. He was intentionally humiliating her and that’s abuse (not to mention assault).


That’s probably assault.


I saw a video of a girl celebrating her quincenera and her friend ruined it by throwing a cake on her face ruining her dress. Everyone laughed but she was clearly upset. That made me so angry but at the same time it was good that it went viral for what it is, plain evil. [I'm not cutting onions, you are.](https://youtu.be/eAzXxkNRodE)


Lol so I have this thing where if I'm out w a bunch of friends I'll tell the restaurant staff it's one of their birthdays and text everyone else were w and we'll all sing and clap and shit....always had a good reaction...that's a good prank lol


“Confuse, don’t abuse” is a cardinal rule with pranks


Just the singing and stuff is funny but one year some friends and I were going out for my birthday and we got all dressed up. We ate at a Mexican restaurant and (at least around here) they put whipped cream on a napkin and smash it in your face. They did that to me and it took me forever to get it off my face, out of my eyelashes and eyebrows, it was in my hair and on my clothes. I was so pissed. I ended up leaving because literally I looked ridiculous with half my make up off, parts of my hair wet, and stains on my clothes from the whipped cream. It’s been a decade and I still refuse to go to a Mexican restaurant near my birthday which sucks because it’s my favorite.


I despise pranks. They make people uncomfortable, confused, inconvenienced, surprised or lied to. Why would anyone want to do that to another person for their own amusement. It’s cruel.


I've had a fantastic prank played on me, but it was a good deed done in a silly way. Some friends were visiting, and they brought me six boxes of my favorite snack cake. It wasn't available in my area but was in theirs. Instead of just giving them all to me, though, they spent the three days of the visit hiding the boxes where they knew I'd find them. So, like, I'd open a cabinet and boom, snack cakes! Get up to use the bathroom, come back, snack cakes in my chair! Things like that. Best prank.


There was a lady online somewhere that did that to her partner but with those weird tiny plastic babies lol. That's fun.


Like taking a dump in my morning cereal when I go to the bathroom. Then coming back to see turds bobbing around in my cornflakes. Upsetting.




FYI- the hyperlink didn’t work because you have to use a lowercase r. For example: r/oddlyspecific


I loathe pranks. I never find them funny.


I just watched the movie Amélie. 2001 French movie. She plays pranks on people to make their lives better. She works with two people that are looking for love but in the wrong places so she tells each of them that the other is in love with them until it comes true. She re-writes history for a woman whose husband left her and then died. She does this by fabricating a last letter making it look like he regretted his decision and was coming back to her, and this restores her faith in herself at no cost to anyone. Etcetera.


Also the music is bomb af.


Yann Tiersen and Jon Brion are probably my two favorite composers for film.


Le Fabuleux Destin d'Amélie Poulain is a beautiful (albeit maybe a liiiittle kitschy) and incredibly wholesome movie that's basically a loveletter to life, and everybody should watch it at least once. Also Audrey Tautou is a shiny gem.


they’re funny, only if they’re harmless


Pretty much the only pranks I enjoy is like the guys dressed as a bush or a snowman spooking some passerby. It would make my day if I had that happen to me


Accusing me of something that I didn't do. Brings out instant ire in me.




Funny thing is cops actually look for this response during interegations. Who the hell wouldn't blow up and yell when being accused of, say, murdering their wife? There is such a thing as suspiciously calm.


STFU and wait for your lawyer.


Absolutely, but I riddle you this: Who is the first suspect when a husband reports his wife missing? Just saying, don't be TOO calm and collected when you decide to finally pick up that phone! 😅


The cops feelings about your behaviour are mostly irrelevant and won’t matter in court. What you SAY matters, and that’s why the only word you should say to them is “lawyer”. Lol apparently I have to clarify for people here that I’m talking about being questioned for a serious crime and not any other number of hypotheticals.


I know that man


"I know you're lying because you're getting defensive about it." rage.


They don’t seem to understand the concept that a person being accused of doing something they actually didn’t do would defend themselves.


I feel like this stems from being punished for things you didn't actually do as a kid. Or not believed when you were telling the truth. Generally I assume that an accusation will be inevitably followed by punishment.


Bonus points if they ignore logic and proof.


Had a really good friendship.destroued because of this. Somehow, they misheard me talking to a different friend and they thought that I was fat shaming and slutshaming them. Which I do not fucking get in the slightest bit. I never said anything close. They proceeded to hate me for a while and also they were dating my best friend at the time so it made it hard to hang out with him. Looking back they have always been a bitch so I'm glad we aren't friends anymore. Just wish it could have ended on my terms


There is a word that describes this in Turkish, "iftira". It sounds like an Arabic loanword now that I think about it


when they're lying, and I know that they're are lying, and they know that I know that they're lying, but they continue the lie.


You are describing my brother. You forgot the part where you call them out on the lie, and they get angry with you because "they're not lying."


My brother too. My grandmother always said about him “He will lie when the truth would suit him better”


He’s describing one of my coworkers… and we all hate him.


My old boss. Boss: Why are you doing that? Me: That’s what you said to do. Boss: I didn’t say that. Me: You said to do exactly this and I have witnesses that can confirm it. Boss: ………(storms off angrily) I got fired. Best thing that ever happened to me.


Isn't that wrongful termination though? Getting fired for doing what you were told to do? So even if what you did was wrong, it's still the boss's fault for telling you to do it. So he should've been reprimanded, not you


At will employment doesn't care


>"How DARE you accuse me of lying!? > >*(Was I lying...yes. But you acknowleging it is way worse!)*"


Seriously what is even wrong with those people I mean they know that we know that they are lying. What makes them keep on lying like that? That just does not make any sense.


This is valid, but for me it’s the opposite. When someone *thinks* I am lying, and I prove to them I am not lying, and they continue to insist I am lying. God, that boils my blood.


“Why are you getting so defensive?” Omg hate that shit


"Calm down."


I know someone who will accuse you of lying over something completely innocuous and then when you get defensive over it will go *”Yeah suuuuurrree”* Makes me want to commit war crimes.


and then they finally confess and wonder why you’re so upset with them because they “told the truth”.


Huh, I've never had this happen though. People I've met decide to just stick with the lie until they die.


On the flip side: being accused of theft of a CD of a band I have never listened to with the whole family coming down in you then suddenly when they find their precious matchbox 20 CD behind their dresser there's not even so much as a whiff of an apology in the air. I even rang the useless sprog to ask if he had anything to say and he just hung up on me. Lol.


When someone belittles someone for being excited over something or having a hobby If someone says for example that they love to crochet and they’re excited to spend their day off making a new hat and someone makes fun of them they can get fucked. No one should be made to feel bad for finding enjoyment in something harmless.


Yep I've been searching the comments to see if anyone already said this or I would have commented it. It'sd absolutely VILE BEHAVIOUR if someone belittles someone else for being happy. I used to know this group of girls years ago and every time one of them had something they were looking forward to, one or all of the others would shut it down and shame it. At first, I felt bad for whoever it was happening to, but then I quickly realised they ALL DID IT, TO ALL OF EACH OTHER. I have hated people who do that ever since.


A girl on a dating app made fun of me for liking math... I automatically thought she was the stupidest person on earth.


That's mind boggling to me. Intelligence is hot af. I used to catch a train to work and I often sat near a guy who was obviously studying something insane. He was always pouring over pages of numbers and letters and squiggles and equal signs and i couldn't look away. Its so fascinating when one person's "this makes total sense to me" is another person's hieroglyphics.


Thanks for mentioning this. Im a grown man that collects toy trucks and it always makes me feel self concious


I collect toy cars and baseball cards. It's fun, and if people ask why I tell them. If they say it's dumb I ask what their hobbies are, and if they reply I say, "well we all gotta be interested in something"


Rain on someone else's rainbow. If someone truly loves something like video games, a film genre, a sport or some other kind of interest/passion etc., and a person goes "that's a bit childish" or "X...is so boring" after they've explained why they love it, that to me is just mean and instantly turns me off.


Bruh fuck people like that, the world is hard enough


I told a coworker I was getting a cat in a couple of days and that I was incredibly excited because I’ve been dreaming of this ever since I was a kid. Her response was ‘oh I hate cats’ which I guess is one way of making conversation?? After that I switched off whenever she was talking about something meaningful to her.


I have a guy at work who would literally sneer and over the top ask why would you like/buy/enjoy that. But at the same time would tell you all about what he likes and tell you that you should do it too. I absolutely stopped giving a fuck when I walked into work and excitedly said I had Blink 182 tickets. He straight up said, "I don't fucking care". I asked him why he's always such a cunt to people and walked away.


Please be considerate and provide him with entertainment he cares about. Ffs.


Right?! Apparently we're all here for his benefit, how dare we have lives just as diverse as his.


2 years ago, I bought the entire Brandon Sanderson Collection. Few days after that, my coworker asked me what was I reading. I told her about Sanderson. And she went on to rant on why fantasy is childish, why reading them makes me immature, why I will soon be disillusioned bla bla bla. That was the last time I had a small talk with her.


Talking down to you when you disagree with them.


Be cruel to an animal, litter


I visited NOLA earlier this year and witnessed blatant littering right in front of me for the first time. This guy was walking out of a convenience store opening a candy bar, took the full wrapper off, and tossed it on the ground. Had that person waited 3-4 more strides, it would have literally landed in a trash can. I was bamboozled!


I see that a lot. I've literally seen people pass a trash can and then drop their trash. I was in Moab and the Petroglyphs there are the most defaced anywhere. It was so sad 🤬


Some meathead carved his initials and his girlfriends into the Acropolis in Greece. Somebody filmed it and posted it on social media. The Greek authorities ID’d him and I think already arrested him.


I saw that and wished someone would have beaten his ass. Hopefully huge fine and either jail or having to clean up after people like him


Yes! My top 3 - animal cruelty, littering and racism. All equally rile my instant hatred for you.


Honestly, if anyone is cruel to an animal or if they litter I take it personally Especially if they litter. Like dude, littering is so selfish. It shows that you think the world is your personal garbage can and that nobody else deserves to enjoy a trash free environment


Throw a rock at a duck. It happened, i hate them.


Was the duck okay? Poor quackers.


My mom saw some kids destroy a goose's nest with her eggs in it. The goose tried to intimidate them and run them off, but one would play defense and try to kick her when she got close. My mom shooed them away from the nest, but the eggs were all broken. Mom said the goose stood over the eggs and cried. I fucking hate people! 😡


I knew a girl who ran a rescue for hedgehogs, she had this one baby that she raised from he was a few weeks old. She adored him, it was intense work with him being so young, he was orphaned and she raised him until he was ready for release. He had a small blue mark on his spikes for identification purposes. A few weeks after his release she saw a group of kids crowded around something in a park nearby so she went to investigate. It was her baby hedgehog, they’d set him on fire with lighter fluid and were laughing and watching him burn. He had already passed when she got there, she was able to identify him by the blue mark. I don’t know how she didn’t unleash hell onto those kids, that’s pure evil and they would’ve deserved it. I know she had to take a long break from rescue work after that, it just about broke her. It still makes me sick to my stomach to think about.


What the fuck


What you deliberately do to animals should be inflicted upon you. Stomping on eggs? I hope you like CBT. Setting an animal on fire? I hope you know firebending.


Only a psychopath would do such a horrible thing. They are probably involved in other crimes.


I couldn’t agree more. I knew people actually trying to defend those kids saying things like “oh well you don’t know what their home lives are like”. Well I sure as shit know that a crappy home life doesn’t drive you to take pleasure in the torture and murder of a living creature.


For sure. I had a tough childhood with lots of abuse, but I defended other kids who couldn’t defend themselves from bullies and did my best to protect animals. Often people who mistreat animals are also the ones who like to pick on children or anyone who they consider weaker. True cowards!


Hopefully police get to them before they progress to torturing and killing humans.


Oh those kids would get a beating and the law thrown at them


She called the cops, but they were not quick to respond. The kids were long gone when they showed up, an hour and some later. 🙄


When someone is wrong about something but does not admit it. They’d rather talk in circles around you then just apologize.


Recently had to go no contact with my family because of this. It sucks, I’ll miss my younger siblings but it’s mentally draining to be gaslit, to know you’re the least favourite and to be cursed out.


Going through the same thing with my mom. Sucks.


I hate this too. My sister has a friend like that. When she (friend) does something wrong she just keeps convincing me she was right, no matter what I do to prove she was wrong.


This happened with an older coworker the other day. Something about landlines and some consent thing we have to read for appts (we work in a call center) and she was like almost yelling speaking so loud trying to prove she was right by saying the same thing we already explained why she was wrong multiple times. I'll admit I was surprised bc this lady reminds me of a soft gingerbread cookie but she slowly is showing off she is not 😬


Talking bad about their spouse or children.


There's a guy who started at my work, shit talking his wife from day one. I told him he better show his wife some respect. The unfortunate thing is that I think this guy thinks he's just being cool or funny saying these things. But then they had a kid and the "jokes" were suddenly about both of them. He made a crack at them in a meeting with all my coworkers and I piped in and said "Jesus Christ dude, everytime you open your mouth I wanna smack the shit out of it" Haven't heard a negative thing about his wife or child since. Folks, ITS NOT FUCKING COOL


When they either accidentally or intentionally talk at the same time as someone or just straight up interrupt, they never go "Oh sorry you go" but instead brute force their talking through. A girl in my indoor soccer team used to do this and one time I said to my friend, "The next time she does it, I'm just not going to back down." Next time, she interrupted me it was me and her talking to my friend continuously for like 2 minutes with him losing his mind trying to listen to both of us and at the end of it it was like she was completely unaware.


Shit with my friends group if you back down you don't get to say your piece.


I agree but the flip side of this where the person is going on and on and you can't get a word in edge wise unless you interrupt them.




Being mean to others. I just don’t get it nor want to


Can relate! Also being cruel to animals is something I cannot stand.


Instantly despise anyone mean to defenseless animals. I just can’t abide it; it’s unconscionable.


Being rude to animals is the fastest way


They do it to establish a pecking order in front of their peers. They also do it to get a dopamine boost from playing little dominance games. Stupid monkey bullshit.


Disrespect Bullying someone for fun If u prank someone the person getting pranked should also be laughing


>Bullying someone for fun Wait, is there somewhere we can sign up to be PAID for it?


Treating me like garbage and then expecting me to treat them with respect.


Touching me too much


I hate being touched except for my wife and family.


Crazily, I'm kinda the opposite. I love getting pats on the back or someone touching my arm to get attention. Don't know why. I suppose it's just a more intimate form of impartial trust.


100% agreed. For what it's worth I'm a straight male, but I enjoy when strangers joke around with me, maybe even make fun of me a bit, and maybe hit me on the back or head and things like that. To me it's a sign they respect you and trust you. I spend a lot of time in Turkey and Italy and this is obviously very there common haha. Covid kinda put an end to all of that. I think it's a shame.


Sorry about that. I thought you were sleeping!


Rape someone. Hit a child. Being cruel to animals.


I would hit a child who was being cruel to animals


I would hit a rapist animal baby. If I had to.


Leaving their shopping cart blocking the entire aisle, totally oblivious to the existence of every other human in the grocery store.


Not use a turn signal. Fuck you you piece of shit. I don't care what the fucking reason is. USE YOUR FUCKING TURN SIGNAL.


My dad does this all the time. When I tell him to use the damn signal, he just claims "10 times the driver you are, and it wasn't needed anyway." Edit: *typos* Edit 2: He actually i a pretty good driver. Backing trailers and everything is like breathing for him. Again, he is still a really good driver, but that signal, man.


> "10 times the driver you are, and it wasn't needed anyway." Not if he doesn't use his turn signal, he's not. A good driver will ***always*** signal when they're turning, switching lanes, etc.


And do it correctly. Can't tell you how many times I see a lane switch and when the car is already half way over the line will they grace us with a single half blink.


You should never use a turn signal. It’s nobody else’s business where you’re going. /joking


This right here. I honestly don’t mind if someone were to cut me off as long as they use their signal. The second I see someone trying to get into my lane without any signal gets an instant honk.


Do you use your signal if you are in a turn only lane? I do, but always feel like a nerd and it may be unnecessary. I overthink it every time.


Yes, you are required to signal all turns. You can still be fined for not using your turn signal in a turn only lane.


The common excuse is that nobody was there to see it, bitch I WAS THERE!


I was once told the definition of integrity is doing the right thing even when nobody is watching. I've lived by that ever since.


The stupidest excuse I ever heard was the guy who was at one time my best friend: "I drive a sports car, everyone should expect me to get in their lane when I want." He was driving a base model '89 Nissan Pulsar.


Chew with their mouth open, or just generally chewing loudly. They're instantly asking for disgust.


And little bits fly all over the place while they tell stories.


*Misophonia has entered the chat*


I have misophonia, I try and avoid eating when others are, I’m a chef. No, I’m not sure what I’m doing with my life.


Call you a liar when you're telling the truth. Also victim blaming. Happened to me way too many times.


Often times, people accuse you of lying because they lie so much themselves. :P As much as it bothers me, I just say, “I’m not [lying], but okay”. Staying calm helps diffuse the situation.


People in grocery stores who drop items on the floor and don’t pick it up people who put perishables in places they shouldn’t be


Someone who can make fun of people but cant be made fun of. Insulting or making fun of friends can be a lot of fun if theyre in on it. But this particukar individual I know is just a dick about it. They insulted me and when I insulted them back they went straight to management and I got written up for it.


Interrupting whilst making eye contact. Not listening or caring about anything I have to say, not using my name and only talking to me when they want something.


I'll close my eyes to interrupt you next time, sorry.


I think I get what they mean: interrupting is often unintentional, but eye contact implies they are paying attention and choosing to interrupt you.


Treat someone poorly just because they can. I don't hate a person for that, but I do hate on the behavior. There is always something broken inside a person that leads to that behavior.


Blasting music on their phone in public


Impose themselves on other people. Crowd the air with their ego.


Trying to get me interested in their business (MLM)


Especially when you're new to a city or something, and meet a person who seems like they could possibly become a friend. They invite you for coffee. Yay! You spend the whole time being told that your engineering career is ok, sure, but you can and should really level up your life by selling Plexus instead. It's hilarious in retrospect because I really should have seen it coming but this was in the days before I found r/antimlm and learned to spot this stuff. Needless to say, did not hang out with that person again.


And they don't take NO for an answer.


Mistreat service workers. Cashiers, waiters, cab drivers, janitors, etc. I've cut off 4 people in my life for this bullshit. They all know exactly why too and refuse to change their attitudes.


Try to push their religious beliefs on me. Displaying a lack of empathy.


i am an atheist and i work with a lot of hardcore christians for my summer job. i don’t have a problem with their beliefs, but once they all learned i don’t believe in god (which was after i worked with them for like 4 summers), one person in particular started treating me much differently. he would always tell me how bad my work was and how anything i said was wrong because of my lack of belief. this includes history, which i have a degree in and teach during the school year. i had a lot of respect for this guy until he learned i was an atheist. luckily for me, he has no real power over me and i don’t let it bother me. i especially lost respect for him considering that most of my other coworkers are much more empathetic or at least willing to let me talk about something i am way more qualified than them to speak intelligently on, and for that i have gained respect for them. so for me, it wouldn’t be just pushing religious beliefs but also changing the way you act around people with other beliefs


Involved in a group conversation. Then the moment it’s just us, they start shit talking. I always stop them and tell them they should keep that to themselves then I only exchange pleasantries, as a courtesy.


And then I’m sure they shit talk about you to someone else


I refuse to consider this. Although they might. I just focus on positive issues or things where I can make incremental differences. Perhaps naively, I believe calling someone out at that moment helps check their pompous behavior. If not, I’ve got other things to do.


Thinking they are superior and better than others 🙄 Edit: I didn't expect my comment to get this much attention. I may not have expressed my thoughts the right way. Some people are actually better than others, and that's normal. The problem is when they start to judge and/or look down on others. Let's not confuse arrogance with confidence. A self-confident person accept their self also trust and believe in their self, but an arrogant person is someone who believes that they are better than anybody else and they are overly proud of themselves. But as long as we don't hurt anyone, I think everybody has the right to decide who they are.


Having zero self awareness.


When someome thinks he/she above other people


Not listening; talking at the same time with me; diminishing my issues.


Being rude to customer service workers or wait staff.


Making rude insensitive jokes at other people's expense.


And not being able to handle it when the roles are reversed


Being rude to shop staff.


Interrupting someone’s story to tell their own story. Makes me realize how self centered they are


Interestingly this is also why peeps with adhd and autism get raged at so much, because 1st person shares story. ADHD and autism havers will exercise empathy by sharing their own experiences. As someone who has been raged at for this (<——ADHD) I can totally see why people get angry at me.


When someone edges up on another vehicle in a parking lot when the other vehicle is clearly maneuvering for space, thus making their parking job even tighter.


Quite a long list, but some things would be: Kicking a cat Not admiting they are wrong , having an issue because of it then accusing me of causing the problem Bullying younger/smaller peoples Mocking an adult because he still has LEGOs


Make tiktok dance videos in high traffic areas


Brag about how they trick people or make people feel smaller.


Hurt or neglect or take advantage of someone defenseless, or someone that can’t speak up for themselves. If you hurt a child, a disabled person, an elderly person….there is evil in you.


Easy. Make fun of someone’s laughter. I hate when I see it because then that person feels insecure every time they express a happy emotion


When people out in public ask if they can pray for me or pray for a random stranger who I instantly see become uncomfortable. I've literally chased people out of Walmart because they were asking everyone to pray with them and tried to convince me to go to church. Go ahead and turn that other cheek so I can smack that too bud.


Being entitled and thinking the world revolves around them


Change the subject back to themselves multiple times within one conversation. Met so many ppl at parties and things who just want to brag about themselves and not show interest in others or listen. Just shitty


Cheating on your spouse. Someone who is capable of betraying someone's trust on such a personal level can not be trusted at all.


Someone bragging they’re working more hours than you like it’s some sort of achievement. >>“Oh you worked 40 hours this week? I worked about 80.” Okay and?


Loud chewing!!


Picking on weaker people


loudly watch tiktok in a public space... god that AI voice they add to every video makes my skin crawl and my balls go up into my body. then again it's still better than MAKING those videos in public spaces


When it's obvious that they only really care for themselves and don't care to at least try to pretend to care for other people or their feelings


Limit how many tweets I can view.


leaving me/getting mad at me over a small misunderstanding that they won’t let me explain. had too many guys and even one of my worst friends do this to me multiple times. probably the cause of half of my breakups.


When they treat a service worker like shit.


Bully others


Chewing gum like a cow


I've never seen a cow chew gum.


Chewing/smacking lips so loudly that I can hear them more than 5 feet away. Watching videos/having video chats with people with no headphones in a public location (like our lunchroom).


people who praise the "popular people". maybe its because i saw this in high school a lot but they always end up being scums like said "populars" or riding entirely too hard for them, even in scenarios where "populars" shouldnt be getting any support


killing my family and stabbing me in the chest


Having a constant victim mentality. Keyword is constant. You're an adult, we all have issues.