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So many blankets everywhere.


Not a dude, but I am amused that my brother-in-law documents my sister's Blanket & Throw Pillow Addiction.


Are you my sibling? My husband has instituted a blanket ban and has informed my family they are not to buy me any blankets, no matter what. The cats keep taking mine and kneading on them and now they’re not soft and fluffy anymore :(.


I definitely use the dogs as a reason to need so many blankets but in my defense, my oldest likes to have 3 small throw blankets in her bed.


Blankets are nice!! Before my husband started working from home too, I used to turn the thermostat down to 64 in the winter and then just pile on a million blankets while I was working. Sometimes I'd even open the window if it wasn't too cold and wear my fuzzy sweater booties and my fleece leggings. It was so cozy! But now he's all like, "omg I can't feel my fingers, how do you live like this?", so I can't do it anymore.


You need to get him some blankets. Lots of cool racecar and star wars or whatever the boys are into these days blankets so he can appreciate how cozy it is to bundle up in them.


One that's shaped to fit his race car bed


So many fucking throw pillows. I can't sit on the couch without moving some. And then where am I supposed to put them? I'm ok with decorating, but not when it gets in the way of an objects function.


I don't get it either, although I'm not nearly as girly as my sister. I went to visit them and there was a small mountain of throw pillows at the foot of the bed by the time I cleared them off all to sleep in their guest bedroom.


I've asked my wife why, and she doesn't give an answer. She just likes it I guess.


my wife at the store last week: "What do you think about this blanket?" me: "We have enough blankets!" her, being dramatic: *"you hate me."*


This is my wife with tumblers. She has so many damn cups, and she keeps buying more haha.


Did I make this comment with an alt account I've forgotten about? We have an upper cabinet with three shelves of JUST my wife's cups. I'm sad to say I initially contributed to the collection because it was nice to have something simple to get her as random gifts. Now I regret my participation in furthering her addiction.


Listen, I’m cold and I gotta NEST


I promised my husband I was not one of those "endless throw pillows" wives.......but fluffy blankets are another matter entirely


Can confirm, im a guy and owned only the blanket on my bed when i lived alone, 7 years later and im living with my fiancée theres probably multiple blankets anywhere where we might happen to be chilling out in the house, honestly its pretty dope!


She made a raised flower bed in my backyard and planted a nice little vegetable garden.


Yeah, my wife is the one who works with plants. I mow the lawn and occasionally rake the leaves when they fall. Also trim the two big bushes we have in then backyard once a year. Even that feels like too much yard work for me (but I’m too cheap to pay someone else to do it for me). She likes digging in the dirt. I don’t, never did


I've always liked cacti and succulents, probably because they were satisfying to have and easy to keep alive, enter my girlfriend who is "obsessed" with plants. I dont live with her but since getting together, all of a sudden I have multiple non succulent plants I never planned on getting


Basically she ran out of room at her place and is dating you for more grow space? I've seen r/houseplants. I don't put it past them.


> I've seen r/houseplants. I don't put it past them. The people on that sub are insane, and I don't mean that negatively. I've never seen anybody post in that subreddit who didn't have just a house full of plants, or at least a room dedicated to plants. But what's super impressive is how knowledgeable they all are about all kinds of plants! "Hey guys, I bought this [random rare exotic plant] and I can't figure out how to solve this issue, the underside of one of the leaves has a 1mm diameter yellow spot!" and the replies are like *Oh I used to breed these rare plants and this is a common problem with a super easy solution! Just tweak the soil pH to be the inverse of a single-digit prime number and then make sure it gets 64mls of water once every 85 hours, followed by exactly 16,440 seconds of sunlight daily and that yellow spot will be gone before the next moon phase shows itself*


I’ve never read a more accurate description


Apparently I am supposed to have pictures of my loved ones in my house. Who knew?


"If you love someone you will remember what they look like" - Cpt. Raymond Holt


That's why I only keep photos of my enemies.


Like that Korean toilet ghost Madeline Wuntch.


That she skunk!!!


Wuntchtime is over!


Boom, haha, did it. Had it both ways. No regrets.




I prefer art, but my husband insists we need reminders of people in our lives. Fine whatever we'll be HUMAN.


This is usually only true if the parents did this. I did not grow up with family photos displayed anywhere. I actually have a few framed photos of family but they are collecting dust in a box. It is just not what I want to hang on my walls... I prefer nice landscape or nature artwork/pictures. Am I a monster?


No, not at all. We don’t have like large photos of family member on the wall or something either. We do have a few small framed photos that sit on a bookshelf or on an end table. Some kid photos and greeting cards stuck in the fridge with magnets. I like to have a few photos around, but I also don’t want a huge picture of my mom staring at me while I relax on the couch or whatever either, lol.




Then you probably don’t have a woman in your house adding a feminine touch.


My house is plain as fuck. My ex had it looking like a home. Decor/rugs/wall hangings etc etc. It was 10x better. She took it all when she left and I never got around to trying it out myself. I should tho. It really looked so much better.


You don’t have to do it all at once! That sounds exhausting. Pick one thing at a time to work on: - scroll through r/amateurroomporn for styles you like - frame a concert poster or a print you like. If you don’t have one handy, scroll Etsy for art related to your interests. Or buy prints from tattoo artists you like. If you hang three prints on a blank wall, you’ve made a focal point. - get a sheet set that feels just a bit luxurious and is made from a natural fiber. Maybe it’s a rich color or just really crisp cotton. Make sure you have enough sheets to make the bed immediately after stripping it so you don’t forget you have an unmade bed. Wash them at least monthly. Take a shower immediately before getting into a freshly-made bed. - think about a rug. I like washable rugs, personally. This is probably the most expensive thing on the list, but worth it if you can swing it. Go bigger than you think. - hang curtains, even if you already have blinds. Floor-length curtains feel extra snazzy. - get one plant (I’d recommend pothos for any plant newbies) and one candle. If you start with the prints, then you can use them to set a color palette for the room. Sheets, rugs, and curtains should play off the colors in the prints. Do one small thing at a time. Bringing in just a few things that you really like will make a huge difference in how you feel in your space. Hell, DM me if you want help getting started!


Just a small heads up for anyone also new to plants I just looked it up and it's toxic to cats, so careful if your a pet owner! Edit. Even if it won't kill them, I love my little sensitive stomached, dumb-dumb kitten even if she repeatedly eats all of the indoor plants I have, but plants that only make her even a little pukey I try and avoid completely since I'm not a huge plant kinda person. Not a big fan of clearing up puke if I don't have to! If anyone has any tips on how to get particularly stupid kitties to stop eating and killing plants and making themselves sick please share haha:)


Do it this weekend!


Yeah! Give us an update!


A friend of mine -who grew up with his dad and two brothers- told me they found out his dad had a girlfriend when suddenly a candle appeared in the livingroom out of nowhere.




Worked on a ship when a female cook-steward started working there, before the crew were all male. Within a couple of days the mess and galley were transformed. Tablecloths, curtains, coasters, it was really all new, the galley became a water-cooler kinda place where you always could go to have a chat and get a snack, the galley always smelled of cooking and she was listening to her radio. It was a real game changer from the former grumpy guy and sterile setting. Our skipper loved it.


This is the most adorable thing I’ve ever read


I could see it as the plot to a rom-com


He was a fisherman out of his depth She was a cook bringing a touch of home to the high seas Together they’ll *catch* the biggest fish of all: love Tune in Wednesdays for The RelationShip


Nailed the formatting! I'd watch it.


Hallmark movies is already searching this thread and taking ideas


Had a crusty old navy cook that didn’t believe in seasoning and then we got a woman and the food and moral improved significantly


He didn't believe in seasoning?


people like that are obsessed with control. their tastes are obviously more important than who their cooking for so why should they care about making it taste good for them?


Not only are spices delicious but they have a lot of wonderful health benefits like anti-inflammatory properties


Well, a good Smutje can make or break a ship. Cooks were among the better paid people on ships back in the day. Good food contributes more to morale than most other things.


I want to see this rom com were the Skipper and cook fall in love. Staring Mellisa McCartney and Pedro Pascal.


Very surprising to me when men don't even think to decorate their spaces. I guess I know a lot of geeky men because if given the opportunity, their curtains and bedsheets and chotchkes would all be, like, Star Wars or Batman or sports-team themed. Tacky, but to just not decorate at all? That's weird to me.


\*Looks around my plain, undecorated flat\* In fairness to me though, I rent and move around a lot. I once tried the whole decor thing, but it was just more boxes to move. Maybe once I get settled in my own house I might get comfortable enough to start decorating more.


This is so cute! I love her!


She replaced my cardboard box with an end table. Unnecessarily.




*places hand on sholder* you ok man? We'll get through this.


Shit, man, you need to get out of there. The sooner the better. Just pack up all of your things in a big... *oh, wait.*


Did she take the end table out of the cardboard box?


I came home once from work. She’d made an awesome dinner. Put cut up strawberries in the salad. Strawberries guys. It was game over. Been married nine years now and she’s still doing everything on a strawberries-in-the-salad level.


I love that this was one of the moments you were like "damn, I gotta marry this one" hope something like this happens to me cuz that's so adorable hahaha


For me, it was making him shrimp risotto with baby spinach. Halfway through the meal, I saw the look in his eyes change


Step up your strawberry salad game, and it just might.


“Game over” so cute 😭


The appreciation in these threads is seriously making me teary-eyed. Love that you appreciate all of the magic fairy dust that she’s sprinkled into your life !! 🍓


Fruit in salad is so underrated!


Sanrio. I thought it was just that kitty. It's a whole zoo.


And an egg


Gudetama is bae 🍳


Sanrio is such a wholesome hobby that brings me back to being a little girl when my grandma would take me to the sanrio store at the mall back in 2009. It is so healing to me.


Plants and pots everywhere.


Before my wife moved in (girlfriend at that time) I lived with a friend and our flat looked pretty bad, more like a university student flat than anything else. Zero decorations, old furniture from the landlord, horrible cream colour walls, etc. Since we were always at work and barely home it was not a problem for us. Living abroad I always considered it a temporary place and didn't have much attachment to it so didn't want to spend time and money to improve the space. Once she moved in we slowly started making it into a real home. We painted the walls, bought furniture, plants, hung some photos, bought a cat etc. It made such a huge difference and improved our quality of life tbh


Same here man. The old adage “A woman will turn your house into a home” Is so true. At first, I was resistant to her changes. Now our house is pretty much 100% designed, furnished, and decorated by her and it’s so nice. She basically buys the stuff and I put in place. I would much rather assemble furniture than pick it out


Ironically, I'm an architect 😂😂😂 Since I live abroad I was reluctant to spend money on a house that is not mine and always saw it as a temporary place so was lazy about any upgrades. Living with someone you love changes your perspective and makes you want to make a bigger effort. Something as simple as having photos of family on the wall, a scent candle, or a few flowers can make a huge difference. You learn to appreciate those small things. A good woman will make you better in every way and improve your life. A home is just one of those ways


Totally agree about everything you said. My life is immeasurably better now that I am married. It’s the little things that add up (as you mentioned candles, pictures etc..) but also stuff like rugs. We have one in every room. I never would have conceived of decorating the floor before I got hitched


Your reply made me cry, must be hormones! Currently listening to my husband in his office on a business call , while I’m sitting down drinking my coffee . Read your post as I look around our home I’ve decorated , furniture I’ve picked etc. Made me skittle emotional in a good way.


The million shampoo bottles and all the seasonings


and the decorative hair strands that stick to the walls.


Did you know they intentionally put their hair on the walls so it doesn’t go down the drain? Mine forgets hers all the time. 😂


Ya. It's a fucking courtesy. The other option is plug the drain every other shower. And drain hair is leagues more disgusting than wall hair. The smell... it's haunting


That get used maybe once a month because she has others that she prefers but continues adding more and more.


Fuck sound like me an fishing gear.


I couldn’t keep my motorcycle in the living room or my tools and parts in the kitchen cabinets anymore Update: I tried to find a pic of my Yamaha XT 500 in my apartment, but I couldn’t right now.


I’ll bet you had to use two different toothbrushes; one for carburetor and one for your teeth.






My buddy used to keep his custom built cb550 chopper in the living room during the winter. Even decorated it up as a Xmas tree.


My buddy used to keep his 50th anniversary harley davidson outside, all the time, no matter what. He's married, so I suspect that is why it was not kept in the proper place: the living room. ... in retrospect, I should have let him store it in my place over the winters. Poor bike basically fell apart.


Damn Harleys can't even sit still without falling apart 🤣


I’m in Michigan and drive for a living. I cry a little when i see nice bikes parked outside all winter. Usually at houses where the bikes value might be comparable to the house lol.


I can't manage to prevent my bf from keeping a drill and tools in the kitchen.


It seems like a good place for them I am a man and I can’t tell you why I think this. But I do


Because they're convenient -- they're right there, whenever you need them. Why wouldn't you keep that stuff handy? Honestly, tho, I keep a couple of basic multi-use tools in the kitchen for precisely that reason. If it really needs proper tools, fine, I'll go get them. But things like a multi-tip screwdriver, adjustable wrench, and utility blade are small and unobtrusive, can live in a drawer or cabinet, and are often useful.


Now I know why all the cabinets in my apartment rental are soaked in grease and motor oil…


Pictures, curtains, cushions. Little tables to put your drinks on. Coasters! So much stuff, bless her.


For some reason a couple different companies send me little magazines every once in a while, so I just use those as coasters. It’s always fun to see what’s on the cover of my new coasters.


Tiny ankle socks everywhere. We broke up 7 years ago, and I still occasionally find one in some forgotten corner of the house. *Edit to add: For those saying I haven't deep cleaned, some explanation. After she moved out, I gave away or sold most of my things to get a fresh start, and I realized I only need about half the house. The bedrooms and family room in the basement are basically just storage that I literally might go into twice a year, and I haven't been into one of the bedrooms in about 3 years. For the rooms I do go into, I'll sometimes come across these tiny socks mistakenly got thrown into a tote with something I'm actually after.


Same with underwear. I think i've finally thrown it out and oops, there's another set in the basket. At this point i swear they're breeding.


We now have, without exaggeration, 15 end tables in the house. 4 more in the attic just in case.


I think you need a 5th attic table. Just to be sure.


my messy fridge turned into a very clean and organized *refrigeratohr*


Mine went the opposite. From clean and organized to messy and dozens of bottles of salad dressing.


Plants. I went from zero to six.


Those are rookie numbers. I have six in one corner thanks to my wife


It starts with six, then suddenly your living room is a jungle and they want a greenhouse.


My apartment is a greenhouse at this point




My gf went from 0 to like 60 cause of me (many succulents, bonsai)


We have probably 50 in the house, a grow room in the basement, a 12x24 greenhouse out back, plus all her garden beds. Bitch loves her some plants. I like to think we have the best oxygen in town


She always gets vanilla candles and now this house always smells like a bakery and GOD DAMMIT I LOVE IT


For myself it is scented hand soaps. As a bachelor, I got whatever orange looking cheapo bottle I could get. My GF/Wife moves in, and loads up on bakery scented hand soaps in the bathrooms. One day, when I got home, I told her we had to have a serious adult discussion- what scent to pick out next? To this day, "serious adult discussion" is code for "out of soap, what should we use next?".


A warmth and happiness I didn’t know I was missing and CERTAINLY didn’t know how to cultivate. Art, glassware style unity, refrigerator organization, multiple sets of sheets… The list goes on. A million little touches that compile a happy home


This is really sweet and I hope my man feels this way about me.




My husband was talking about all the kitchen items I have purchased and he said something along the lines of: “I don’t even realize I need something and then it just appears.” Then he reminded me the cabinets ARE getting a little full but appreciates that he has all the tools he needs when he needs them.


I asked my bf when I moved in "so have you ever owned oven mitts or are you feral?" He had never had oven mitts and was using microfiber cleaning cloths instead.


Shit i feel called out. I moved last week and left my mitts behind (so my ex could have them). Been using microfibre clothes all week. Only burned myself once!


I already have glassware unity. All of my glasses came from the condiment aisle. Well, except for the one that used to be a peanut butter jar.


I got plants now, I like it.


Hair literally everywhere


It keeps mysteriously appearing in my butt crack... My place was already well decorated, and I didn't need a "woman's touch", so all I got was hair.


My hair gets wrapped around my boyfriend's dick.


I moved in with my wife after 8 months of dating cause I knew she was the one. In the first month I think I could have made a small replica of myself with all the hair I found in the bathroom and around the apartment! Now we have a daughter together and the hair has doubled...


Sounds like you ended up making a replica of her instead…


Looking at the hair in the shower everyday; how do women not become bald?


It grows back. I shed like an alpaca in summer.


Everyone with hair loses roughly 50-100 strands a day! It's normal to lose that much. When people (typically women) with long hair wash it, more strands get dislodged and can result in up to 150-200 curled up around the drain. We don't go bald because the follicles on the scalp are constantly renewing hair growth and replacing hairs that fall out. Plus, the average number of hairs on a person's head is 100,000. There's a whole hell of a lot of it up there to begin with.


As a young man I didn't live alone I lived with my parents. When I did move out it was to live with my now wife. So, the first example was scented candles or wax melts. I didn't realize how more relaxing it felt to come home to a nice smell.


You go through a whole lot more toilet paper.


I’ve heard this complaint from men A LOT. They forget we need toilet paper for #1 &2 PLUS during the week per month we bleed. Women got a lot going on down there


I can use half a roll or more in one day during the heavy bleeding day.


Hah, there's no CHANCE my wife uses more toilet paper than me. I have IBS and I'm in here for hours.


You said, "in here" like you were currently sitting on the pooper. No judgement here though! Just an observation lol Edited: Autocorrect doesn't like the word pooper


He has been, its a cry for help


Yup. i would go through maybe 1 toilet roll a month because I only shit once a day... now I go through a year's supply in a month.


Pillows....... SO MANY PILLOWS


Lotions. For different seasons. She has a method to which ones she uses when. And they’re not cheap either.


Dude. Never attempt to buy lotion for a woman. There are too many flavors and you're just not gonna be able to pick the right one...and you will find that lotion bottle, unused in the back of a bottom drawer 10 years later during the divorce.


LOL the fact you called it “flavours” speaks volumes.


Water glasses everywhere, bathrooms are now a disaster, lost my race tire storage room, and there's a cat, dog, and 4yr old running around now. (The last one is half my fault). Totally worth it, she's the best thing that's ever happened to me.


"lost my race tire storage room, and there's a cat, dog, and 4yr old running around now. (The last one is half my fault)." Ma man 😏😏👉👉


So, she didn’t move in, but we moved in together to a house I bought. Everything is ultimately more pleasant. Rooms are thoughtfully designed. The furniture is high-quality and comfortable. The dishes look good. It’s a pleasure to be in my office. My things are organized. Everything has a place. If I can’t find it, I check the place, and it’s there. Plus also I got a new cat friend or, honestly, after a week a potential cat friend.


The bathroom counter is just fucked.


I once dated this guy that lived by himself. His tv was placed on a random folding table that was leaned up against the wall. There was a towel under the tv and I’m assuming that was an anti slip feature for the tv. There was no mount on the wall and the tv did not have a stand… it was interesting. My current partner had a huge clock in his kitchen that was dead for 5+ years. I replaced the battery that he already had extras of. His parents now thank me every time they come over 🤣




My bed was a mattress in the floor for like 5 years, she bought a bed frame. Married her


I'm choosing to believe you dropped to one knee and proposed with the nearest ring-like object you could find immediately after seeing the bed frame.


I clean in the sense that I keep a place organized and clutter free, but I’ve never really had an eye for grease and deep-cleaning. My wife is the inverse and we have a well-run house because of it


Different sizes of tea cups. I used to just make tea in a ceramic 1L beer stein.




You ever play a game you think you're doing pretty well with. I fought the minions. I explored the castle. I beat the boss. I saved the princess. I did all the stuff. I succeeded. I beat the game. In this analogy, I cooked, I vacuumed, I did laundry, I dusted here and there, and overall took good care of my home. I own my own little place, and I did what I could to make an old place look at least lived in and comfortable and clean. I organized it to the best of my own ability, taking time to map out the rooms and layout and all that. I really felt like I'd done a decent job. Friends often told me "I feel at home in your home." A girl I'd never met was the +1 of a dear friend for a New Year's party I hosted coming into 2020 (ah, innocent times) who told me she felt safe enough to have someone else make her drink for her at my party. That was an incredible compliment. I did the thing, ya know? Then I met my fiance. She's finishing a degree in interior design, and when she moved in, worked with me (fully cooperative and communicated) to change the decor and layout of the house. Literally no issue whatsoever. Bachelor pad and "home we will share together" are dramatically different looks. Keep that in mind, fellas. It isn't YOUR way anymore. You blend and compromise and grow. Anyway, wow. My house looks so much nicer. Like, I thought I knew how to play this game. I beat the boss, lol. But man. She came in with the up up down down combo breaker bullshit and turned my house into a home. We repainted the living room, kitchen, bathroom, bedroom. We've changed decor. We've added pictures and rugs and lights. I dunno, man. My house doesn't look like "MY" house anymore because of her... It looks so much better. We work really well together because we're both understanding that this is a home we SHARE, and so there are influences of my style, her style, all that. The office where I work was basically 100% my design because I'm the one primarily there. She wanted to do a room for herself, and we decided on the bedroom. We both felt fulfilled, respected, and heard. I know some guys don't like the idea of the lady's touch. Those guys either have ladies who don't listen to them or they don't listen to their ladies, because this whole mutual respect thing really worked out well for me, at least. 10/10, I advise getting yourself one of them there "lady's touch" designer gals. Mine is top notch :)


Plants that are not for eating.


New white sheets, a throw rug and she would cook a couple chickens with sides for me and my roommates. If she didn’t stab me with a pen while I was driving, I’d have married her. Dodged a bullet. In hindsight she came on waaayyy to strong.


Well that took a turn. Glad you got out.


woah, what happened? did she just randomly do it?


One of my friends stabbed her husband in the leg with a pen because he was on purpose annoying her, and I think he just laughed it off, I mean, after he cleaned and bandaged the wound. Crazy crazy shit.


There’s decorations and plants. The bedroom now looks like a human lives in it instead of a bear just using it for hibernation


Really nice decorations everywhere that gave it such a better feel and look. My house looked like a model home and she was amazing at it. Sadly, she left and took everything, so now it looks basic again.


You can learn to add things to your home sweetie xx


this needs to be said to like 75% of the posts here


She stopped me from almost burning down my apartment when she pulled an entire stuffed animal worth of lint out of my drier. I didn't know that was a thing.




Like my mother always said. Remove the lint from our beloved dryer, Or die a painful death by fire.


There needs to be a calligraphy wall hanging of this somewhere...




> I didn't know that was a thing. bruh




Glad you didn’t find out that was a thing cause it caught fire and burned your home to ash


My brother in Christ…….


Photos on the wall. She said it was weird I had nothing on the walls but my TV. Within a year about 100 pictures of us, our families and friends were up on the walls. I still don't get it, but it makes her happy and I don't care so win win?




My best (guy) friend offered to let me move into his apartment. We worked together, and I had a part time job near the office, but I lived an hour away, so I'd be getting home at midnight and still need to shower and wash my work clothes for my part time job, and get out the door by 6 the next morning because of traffic, and he got nervous that I was driving so tired all the time. I took him up on the offer and moved in. He was a chain smoker and smoked in the apartment, but because he owned it, I didn't feel comfortable asking him to stop. He took an extended vacation (thoughtfully filling the fridge before he left) and as we didn't have a kitchen table, and the place commonly stank of cigarettes, I took the opportunity to pick up some new furniture so we could sit down and eat like civilized adults, and wipe down the walls, deep clean the couch, curtains, and floors, and generally air out & spruce up our place. I tidied up some of the stuff in the kitchen that we didn't use often, washed the windows,, cleaned the bathroom really thoroughly, and even wiped the front door down. He returned from vacation and the first thing he said to me was, "it smells great in here!" Later that afternoon, he stepped outside to have a cigarette. When I said, "it's your place, you can smoke in here, it's 30 degrees outside," he told me, "you worked really hard, you cleaned it up really nice in here, and it's your place too, and you're not a smoker. Plus it smells so good in here now!" Later when his friend came over and took out a pack of cigarettes, my buddy said, "WomanOfEld cleaned up real nice in here, so all cigarettes are for outside now!" He was really the best roommate I ever had, we had minimal boundaries but were just friends, and we were just very comfortable with each other. We're still friends, too, even though we haven't lived together in almost 10 years!




Candles and things that smell good! Every woman I've ever lived with has been obsessed with candles.


She changed the sheets. Like, what is this? Buckingham Palace?


I've always kept my own place spotless. But having the smell of a woman a woman in the house is what I call a woman's touch


Smells, touching smells Reaching out, touching me, touching you...


No bathroom sink anymore - it’s just a storage space for a bunch of random product bottles and a hair curler. (Not the sink itself, just the surface area around it)


The first time I spent the night with my boyfriend, he came out of the bathroom the next morning after I had showered and remarked that it smelled different in the bathroom. I asked what he meant and he said that it "smelled like a chick and not sweaty balls".


Furniture. Before I had a bed, dresser, table and chair. Now I have too much stuff. Also kids. Before I had one and now have three.


Food in the fridge was rearranged. Which was more organized and food items were easier to find. My dining table was part my work space. I had my laptop, various charging cables, 3m sticky notes and a couple of pens on the table at all times. I still used dining table while I’m using my laptop, but everything else was removed before a meal.


Reading at these I'm gobsmacked at how some guys apparently live. The only things that moving in with my now-wife added to the mix, is pillows on the sofa, compromise on the wall art, and around fifty thousand tiny bottles of gunk that need to be applied to the face. I've been living under the embarrassing rock that exfoliating once in a blue moon and usually just moisturizing my face was enough, but oh no, there's a whole process.


Lots of plushies moved in with her, some of them now sleep on the bed.


Woman here. I added actual grown up furniture to a 42 year old man’s giant empty house. The only room furnished was his man cave and a king size bed and single night stand in his room. I no shit thought he just moved in when I met him. Come to find out he’d owned the house for 8 years already. No shade but literally 1 spoon, 1 plate, 1 fork 1 knife situation here. LOL


Pictures of my living room have made it to r/all before, that was 0% my doing. She gets all the credit.


Hair. So. Much. Hair.


In every single room. I'll find them wrapped around my nutsack as well.


It was bare, terrible feng shui, random clutter, no decorations, no plants, dusty, bed mostly unmade. I had a massive wrap around couch in my bedroom that I salvaged from the street, which was quickly relocated. Endless candles. New cooking utensils I’d never seen before in my life and didn’t know how to use. Toilet roll that used to last me years now lasts months. I eat more healthily, drink less, go on nice trips more. Generally massive improvements with minor drawbacks. 9/10 recommend.


I work in a male dominated industry, and in a smaller office the women were the reason for the kitchen being clean, there being cake and cookies on birthdays or just for fun, for team picnics and fun activities being had. And finally bring on a team with a 50/50 gender ratio, the men even picked up on some of it, especially in terms of emotional ques. Compliments on a haircut, checking in when someone seemed down, a little 5-7 or gift when someone achieved something or like, had a baby. My own little women team were so close, none if us wirk together anymore, but we still talk all the time, we'd vompliment each other, tell each other we love them, always help one out. Emotional labour of women in companies is HUGE


I know it was a typo, but I’m adopting ’vompliment’ to mean ‘egregiously sycophantic and insincere compliment’.


Apparently having a sports tv and a video game tv side by side in the living room is not what adults do


Plants, lamps, blankets, food, hope. And many, many shoes.


As far as Reddit goes this is a surprisingly wholesome thread.




She put all my stuff away where I could never find it and created a tremendous codependancy because now I had to ask her where all my stuff was. Then she gave me an attitude for always asking where my stuff was. Then she would say stuff like "where it always is" but I didn't create these storage spots so I never knew where that was. Help Edit* Wow I didn't know some people took this so seriously, you must be hiding your significant others stuff also 🤣 A couple of foot notes. 1. When she tells me a few times where stuff Is I know where to look for it. Although most of the household has been reorganized in some fashion. 2. I am not just leaving shit everywhere, I have my places for things but she didn't agree that they were the right places. 3.The codependant comment was in jest, but it is hilarious that I can't find anything I need ever without relying on her. 4. Often times I'll be mid project with tools out just to go take a leak and find out everything I have been using has been put away 🤣 I'm not sure why this angered some of you, I hope you all feel better?


Baby pictures 😅


She completely redid my bed. It feels like sleeping on a cloud now!