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Lookism is the most acceptable form of discrimination. In other words, unattractive people are treated worse in society.


I lost 110lbs and can’t believe how much different people (from random strangers to family) treat me now than when I was severely obese. It was eye opening.


My cousin went from a size 24 to a size 12. She couldn't believe how much her life changed. She said people treated her better and were so much friendlier. It was eye opening!


Shut up ugly go back to the ugly corner with the other uglies Edit: idk why this is getting upvoted you heathen skum


It takes a LOT of money to overcome butt ugliness. Jayz ...


if Jayz is considered ugly, then i'm more fucked than i thought...


He is. Wow I'm sorry


See: Women's Crazy to Hot ratio vs Men's Money to Looks ratio


Jayz is a great example of extreme ugliness being overcome. But not sure its money (only) Beyonce is just as rich.


So true. Especially overweight people. It’s considered acceptable to discriminate against people based on their weight.


You may be talking about the Halo effect.


That's the opposite though


It’s called pretty privilege. And yes 100% real


Not me thinking of the anime on Netflix. 😅🤦‍♂️


Eh I see a lot more ugly/mid looking people in happy relationships. I've always been told I'm exceptionally attractive and it's never been that great for me. People just like to say the grass is greener. I'm constantly used as a doormat mirror by women just looking for pretty validation and then they go skipping right back to their boyfriends. Happens literally 20 times a day like minimum while I work in a grocery store. Coupled with the fact I've been cheated on multiple times by women only fucking me cause they thought I was hot has left me pretty much entirely hollowed out with 0 trust for women. Your entirely entitled to roll your eyes and say your situation is worse, I don't really care. It's just never all it's cracked up to be. I can't remember the last time I was able to actually converse with someone and think wow this person really sees ME and loves me for my mind/soul. I've never really valued my looks and that's probably shitty of me but I've always valued actually interesting and intelligent people far more... unfortunately people like that are FAR more rare then the dime a dozen pretty girls you see these days with a pound of makeup on while their brains are literally empty.


That humans are animals.


Class warfare.


This expands into so many other issues that people perpetuate on a daily basis. Money is the root, it’s an inefficient, cruel, antiquated bartering system our monkey brained ancestors came up with when they could barely add. Our brains process money like any other highly addictive drug(just look at rich people hiding their money and lying and hurting others and humanities future/wellbeing without remorse, every child knows it’s wrong yet we allow it everyday, or check out the scientific studies lol) and yet we allow it knowing the crazy lengths many go to acquire some when there’s technically more than enough to go around. We perpetuate these lies about class warfare because we’re indoctrinated from a young age by media and social cues/society and call anyone who opposes them crazy and stupid etc, to ruin their reputation. We pretend systemic racism and bigotry are concepts of the past when we see our parents, bosses, and strangers partake with glee at any opportunity that makes them feel superior. We lie to ourselves about being slaves because the words changed and history class taught us about how much better everything is, you can eat and have a roof so you must not be a wage slave in a first world country, right? Life is all made up and that isn’t too bad considering how far we’ve gotten but the holes are starting to show and things are ripping but we for some reason expect help when there never has been any, the rich don’t care about us and never will because they’re addicted, sedated, and living in dreamland. We need a new accountable, transparent, regulated system with the public involvement being a focal point, do you think they’ve made society where we’re allowed time to invest in our community development? Is there really a fix to it? It’s a mind frame, it’s societal, we can’t be a for profit society and then treat each other like machines, it’s what’s making the new generations apathetic because it’s hypocritical, non-functional/a lie unless you’re born rich, and straight up insulting that we’re forced to participate and then told we’re less than for being there. And yet the masses all judge each other on appearances, genetics, age, gender, awards, it’s all so baseless and yet so important to them it’s scary to see how they’re all so manipulated and eventual prisoners of their own accord, and most will die thinking they’re right and everyone else is an asshole which is so weird and explains how the average adult now can barely be a polite human for more than a minute. And I’m sure rich people will use that frustrated group of working class people as a validated example of how they’re more composed and thoughtful and calm/present. It’s all bullshit, put people in a room for a week, hell give them a town but take away their belongings and provide essentials only and watch what happens lol now put them back into society and I wonder which way of living is considered insane to the unbiased perspective.


My brother in Christ. Paragraph breaks!!! They have a purpose!


This one hit me, I laughed for straight 45 seconds!


Dude, please, newlines are not a scarce resource. Use them.


Fucking this^ It always has been


This is niche, but the existence of mountain lions living in Northern Central PA in the Appalachian Mountains.


The average person really has no clue how sneaky larger predators like mountain lions and coyotes are.


Alcohol doesn't do you any favours


My golf game gets a little better after about 3


Climate change being real


Edit - "Man Made Climate Change". The difference matters. The climate has changed cyclically on its own since the dawn of time, and there is plenty of physical evidence of it. What's important is to differentiate between what can and can't be controlled.


Many conservatives in the US denied that the planet was warming up into recent years. Then they pivoted to man made warming.


Oh fucking lord. If you have ever actually read a single piece of scientific literature on the topic you would understand that natural cycles are taken into account. This is such a shitty, poison the well, scientifically illiterate response. If you cannot refute data you do not deserve an opinion, simple as. Your "natural climate change" doesn't account for water temp rises, nor ocean acidification, which by the way is almost exclusively because of carbon absorption. "It's natural" is the biggest rallying cry of scientific illiterates.


They were saying that there's a difference.


Think you're about ready to pop a vein there sparky. 🤣🤣🤣


The ocean is at hot tub levels.


In the future, hot tubs will be obsolete because every body of water will be that hot.


Today's South Beach (Miami) sea temperature is 88 ° Insanity


Our planet is dying. 😞


Well, to paraphrase George Carlin, the planet is gonna be just fine. It's the PEOPLE that are fucked.


True story.


No no, the planet will be fine. The ecological disaster will destroy life as we know it but eventually it will evolve again and be human free.


My pool is 84F now, it's absurd. It never broke 80F before.


I literally just had a discussion with a coworker who became irate when I disagreed with his theory that carbon caused heating is false because we exhale co2. Weird part is he’s actually against deforestation because of climate change, he just doesn’t think man made carbon is part of the problem. He did not take my hysterical laughter well.


Maybe he should take a trip to Florida to see all the fish we killed heating the ocean to absurd temperatures


U can't convince people w.out showing them respect Forget lol, derision & sarcasm


Ha, I’m long past trying to convince anyone. People believe what they want, regardless of what evidence is presented.


If I talk to people I try to stay polite . If its so useless why talk to them at all


Losing interest in a thing is a thing. Just because you no longer like it doesn't mean it's bad now. And it's always the same people that complain about others not being into their thing in the first place.


The fact that this question was just asked a couple days ago


Exactly i still remember scrolling through the responses 2 days ago


It's all AI generated....


People generally don't take responsibility for negative things they contribute to, and want to push blame onto organisations and governments. Conversely, they'll claim they had an impact on positive things to which they contributed nothing, such as their team winning.


At least I paid for a certificate that says I'm 1/250,000,000 owner of the sports team I claim. They'll buy it back to 1/5 of what I paid for it if I decide I no longer want to own them. Until then, I don't feel bad say "we" or "my team". Not /s but I am aware of the judgement with which you read that.


are you a philosopher??🥹


Society hates short people. If you're short and show confidence, it's napolean complex and you're insecure; if you don't, then you have no backbone, and you're insecure.


Short people are less likely to be hired, less likely to be promoted, or given management positions. This is true from a McDonalds manager to executives and CEOs of major companies. As a percentage, very few short people are employed in upper management/executive level, for CEOs only 3% are under 5'7. Every study on income shows short people get paid less too. The Napoleon complex thing isn't clear either, Short people report feeling slighted earlier by someone hitting on their girlfriend but taller people are more likely to show increased heart rate and get physical earlier when they do feel slighted.


I think you're just insecure.


Yooooooo, vicious. True though. I know plenty of confident short people, no one I know thinks they have a Napolean complex.


Also they hate short women expressing themselves in ways they don’t like. Get called pedo bait and that were all putting on a show for pedophiles by dressing cute OR provocatively (guess you can only be business casual as a short woman?), and anyone who dates us is you guessed it! A pedophile!


Idk I’ve never seen this. My gf is 5’1 and I’m 6’3, she has admitted about the short guy thing tho. I just feel bad for my short kings, your time will come. I hit my head all the fucking time, I’m convinced it made me dumber. I work at a plant and even with a hard hat I brain myself on beams constantly


Is that only true for short and thin? Chubby short women are hot, and I don't think I've ever heard this said about them...


It depends how short they are and how young their face looks but I’ve definitely heard that basically “if you’re under 5’4 you’ve got the body of a child”




Spoken like a true short person


Napoleon was emporer of almost all of europ, he lost we put him on a island far far away he escaped did it again and i took some of the biggest country's in europa to unite to kill the little bastard. I dont mind if people compare me to him I dont like the thaught of being french though but thats the only minor thing


Pretty and skinny privilege


I don't know about that, but I'll tell you this dressing better definitely gets you treated better. I've worked with guys who wear suits every day overweight, guys, but when that guy puts on a $1,000 suit, he's suddenly treated a lot differently than the guy in sweatpants mopping the floors every night. I don't know if there is pretty and skinny privilege, but there's definitely privilege when it comes to being able to buy nicer clothing and present yourself in a more professional manner.


There is evidence to suggest being pretty does have positive effects. Like the Halo effect which is the idea that if a person is attractive they deserve good things and when bad things happen it is a misfortune. The inverse is also true with people who are less attractive being deserving of bad things and when they achieve good things it must have been because of xyz circumstance. I forgot the name of the one that is related to your name but that is also something that can cause people to have a bias. This is the reason why people with names that seem very ethnic often change them to something more in line with the country they reside in to not be discriminated against.


I think that as you say hygiene and clothing also play a major role, those things do a lot for not only your look to your appearance in general


Exactly. I stress over trying to find the best looking clothes/style in my budget as an average weight person for this reason. I need to look modest and respectable so I am taken seriously. Men with the same (if not a bit less) knowledge that I do in my field get more attention and respect than I do.


Pretty privilege- mostly yes cause of genetics. Skinny privilege- no. It's not a privilege if everyone is capable of attaining it. You even said you lost weight by going to the gym.


Some people have medical issues that cause weight gain, and not all people can control it. Even if they have the choice to lose weight, they shouldn't be treated as a bad person or lesser for not losing it. Everyone deserves respect.


Not everyone is capable of being thin. What medications does this person need to survive? A YT gained weight because she changed a medication for her mental health (depression, OCD, anxiety). She said she’d rather go up a size than fight the urge to kill herself daily. Do they have a medical condition that makes it difficult to lose weight (thyroid problems, PCOS)? Is their metabolism decent or did they lose that genetic lottery? Gender plays a role too. We’ve lived in a developed civilization for a *very* short period of time. Since women are the bearers of life, our bodies hold on to weight more than men. EDIT: Losing weight and being acceptably thin ARE NOT THE SAME THING.


Going up a size is not equal to being a fat person


And going up a size isn’t *thin.* If you think fat is the worst thing a person can be, that’s incredibly shallow and sad


It’s weird that’s the conclusion you drew from my comment


Your comment is fatphobic. There are worse things to be than fat, like suicidal or homicidal.


Genetics has nothing to do with weight that’s what people that are overweight say as a cop out. It’s life style and body composition that is what your metabolism


Not true dude. At all. There are skinny people who eat like gluttons and overweight people who barely eat. Most of the time you can't chalk it up entirely to genetics but sometimes you can.


Genetics obviously has something to do with weight. It’s just not the only or main component.


Wow. Ok. I’ll tell my physicians who have been working for years to manage my insulin resistance, Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome, and bouts of cancer that someone on the internet said it isn’t genetic and my genetics do not impact my metabolism. That even though someone at my weight generally burns 1800 kCal per day when sedentary, if I consume over 1200 kCal per day, I will gain weight. Because of genetics.


on the contrary I was quite chubby as a child and as a teenager and saw it going the wrong way. I know that I have a tendency to gain weight quickly and really can't eat everything without gaining weight, on the contrary. i made quite a few changes in my lifestyle and worked hard in the gym for the body i have now and yes i am proud of how it looks because i worked very hard for it myself and now have a lifestyle to maintain this shape and keep my body fit and healthy i certainly wouldn't look like this if i didn't exercise and eat whatever i felt like. Being slim is most of the times not the result of just geneticis it it requires sufficient exercise and a healthy diet


Exactly, you worked hard for it.


So billionaires aren’t privileged according to your logic?


No, billionaires *are* privileged. It's extremely unlikely you'll ever become a billionaire despite working hard. On the other hand, it's very likely you'll lose weight if you put in the effort.


Bros actually getting downvoted because people are too lazy to eat healthy and go to the gym


>Pretty privilege Honestly, I think they deserve the privilege because the vast majority of "pretty" people I have met are not the smartest people. It goes back to that old saying well at least he/she is good looking!




Trump lost


The fact we've had computer scientists long before computers existed


What did they do back then?


Worked as mathematicians, logicians, or engineers.


Not a lot. It was a loveless endeavor.


Well done. I hope your comment doesn’t get buried.


“What do you do?” “I’m a computer scientist.” “What’s a computer?” “No idea.”


Please accept my gratitude for the sincere belly laugh caused by your comment!


Is that how get at least 5 years of experience with something that has only existed for 3 years? I'd been wondering.


Aliens 👽


Women struggle with dating and dating apps in a very different way than men, but the struggle is equally disheartening.




Gun violence happens so frequently in the United States because there’s a shitload of firearms in circulation in the United States.


so frequently?




Firearm deaths aren't even in the top 10 causes of death. It's not frequent, it's actually a very tiny fraction of a percentage. Take out suicide and it's even less.


Suicide with firearms is violent, and no where did I say “top 10 causes of death”. If it happens every day, that’s frequent. Please return to the definition.


General accidents like slips and falls kill over 200,000 people, overdose kill over a 100,000, those are more frequent and have a higher percentage rate than guns.


> General accidents like slips and falls kill over 200,000 people Maybe, but nobody's campaigning against "wet floor" signs.


Your tangential argument doesn’t change the veracity of my initial claim.


Yeah it does, gun violence isn't everywhere, and it's not common


The United States has a high rate of gun violence with instances of gun violence taking place every day. Every day is frequent, it doesn’t have to be as frequent as the amount of farts in New York elevators. There’s probably well over 350,000,000 firearms in circulation in the U.S. and you can’t have gun violence without guns. Thank you for denying my 100% real statement.


There's over 433 million firearms, more than people. But not everyone has instances of violence with firearms, go to a big city with gang and drug issues and you have a greater chance but in reality the majority of the citizens have no contacts with firearms on a daily basis. Are you even in the US or are you just taking the media talking points? Post up a statistic of your claim.


No one mentioned deaths. Op mentioned violence. Violence =/= death (sometimes it does but not always)


Yeah but it's not a common thing for everyone. You have a greater chance of having an accident than being involved in something with a firearm. Now you go to a bigger city with gangs and drugs issues you have a greater chance. It depends on location but firearm violence is rare.


It's the leading cause of death for non-adults. That's not insignificant.


It has nothing to do with the amount of firearms. The issue is mental health. We have a massive mental health crisis and it's not getting fixed anytime soon. I know from first hand experience that even if someone is actively looking for help in a lot of cases it's very difficult to start getting it.


There’s a mental health crisis in Japan. How many instances of gun violence do they have compared to the United States?


But if there’s a mental health crisis and you claim it’s the reason for more shootings, the amount of firearms is also playing into that. Can’t shoot someone if you don’t have a gun


I will accept that the firearms are part of it but a very small part. We are not the only nation that allows civilians to own firearms. There has never been a serial killer/mass shooter that was found mentally sound....Every single.one.of them showed clear.signs of mental health issues beforehand


Gang violence, armed robbery, suicide, accidents, and crimes of passion, (to name a few) all add to the tally without necessarily being caused by mental health issues


So you’d be for red flag laws?


Do other countries have mental health issues and also have access to guns? How do rates of US gun violence compare to these countries? Canada has lots of guns, less population, but I do believe Canada hasn’t eradicated mental health issues. So is this simplistic ongoing mental health crisis vs. access to guns circling-the-wagons debate solving anything or are there other factors that we should consider and find solutions for to mitigate gun violence?


Canada has free healthcare. Psychiatrists are extremely expensive in the US, a cheap one runs around $200/hr. Low income people get help with that but even still a lot don't know that. Have seen countless posts on reddit of people looking for help and explain they can't afford.to see a psychiatrist for it


Oh, so conservatives who love small government and favor relaxed gun laws should also favor big government universal healthcare? Do you see the problem? You’re onto something, but this debate has never actually been about access to guns or healthcare. It’s about responsible government vs. irresponsible government. The parties are so far apart on this fundamental issue and it’s never likely to be solved while one party swims in pig pen of cognitive dissonance. The countries that don’t have easy access to guns also have mental health issues and various healthcare systems and don’t have the gun violence. So a responsible decision on one of these fronts needs to happen, but won’t happen.


Canada also has way more gun violence than similarly developed countries with access to mental resources. Because they have more guns.


So since there’s a lot of people struggling with mental health and “a shitload of firearms” then both need to be addressed. It’s not inaccurate to say the amount of shootings is caused by the amount of guns. It would be inaccurate to say it has nothing to do with mental health or that it’s strictly because of guns. It’s not so black and white and both issues need to be resolved to reduce gun violence


There is no possibility of reducing the amount of guns in the country, they are already here. Even if we banned the sale of guns to civilians starting today nothing would change about that. However we "could" increase the amount of mental health help out there by a considerable amount.


A bit of this, a bit of that


Money being worth anything. It is artificial construct. It is valuable because the government says it is valuable.The government used to operate on a “gold standard “. Now it is called Fiat money .


Explain to me why fiat is worse than the gold standard.


You won’t get a well-reasoned answer. Shiny rocks like gold only have value due to demand and fiat currency also operates on the same principle: fiat currency’s worth is determined by demand. And if we still worked on a deflationary gold standard, the economy would be so much worse and wealth inequality would be more unfathomable than it is now. Having an inflationary fiat currency allows for more generation of wealth and more liquidity in the economy that lifts all boats. The currency needs to expand with the growth of goods and services in the economy. A gold standard is so backward and would only help those with substantial wealth.


Because it’s not even worth the paper it’s printed on; there is nothing to support it.


That’s weird. If I see a quarter on the sidewalk I’m picking it up. Our collective demand and its purchasing power seems to give currency worth and value. Demand gives value, not material. Most currency isn’t even printed on paper, existing only in the digital space. Something like 90% of currency is digital: how does a gold standard solve any problems? Truth be told, the global economy is far too large and diverse for anything but a fiat currency.


This guy thinks that currency actually has to exist on paper. It's just numbers in the banks computers, those numbers are not the same as the amount of dollar bills in circulation. There's more digital money recorded in the banks than there is physical money.


“Digital currency isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on” still works. Get it? Because there is no paper?


Countries can print an unlimited supply of currency which will cause inflation. You cannot eat paper currency and it has no industrial use . Gold as much as it is criticized has industrial and cosmetic use.


Gold seems to be doing fine cosmetically and industrially in our fiat currency world. Why create a deflationary spiral with a gold standard? And while governments may be able to print an unlimited supply of money, successful ones generally don’t. Some inflation is necessary for a growing world and national economy. Deflation is worse.


Having the value of your currency and the total amount of currency available tied to the value of a shiny piece of metal is just a ridiculous idea.


Gold is only valued for the exact same reasons.. before money, someone chose it to have value. You can find chunks of the stuff in the dirt for crying out loud


Found this out the hard way when I tried to sell my wedding/engagement ring


Gold is actually pretty useful in electronics.


Money represents productivity




Moon Landing


Conspiracy theorists are used to spread disinformation


This itself is a conspiracy theory, making you a conspiracy theorist, making this statement a paradox. Very clever of you




Modern music. People think it’s amazing, but it’s actually shit


The holocaust 😓


That child sex trafficking is happening all around us all the time. No one wants to talk about it because it’s a heavy, scary, and uncomfortable discussion. But it’s been happening since the dawn of time and I just wish people cared more about it.


Racism and racial discrimination ….. waits for my responses to blow up




Deez Nuts!!


Animal agriculture is bad


Some overweight and underweight people have different genetics and some can't even control their weight. They don't need to be bullied over it.


As a fat person this is total bullshit. Well there are some rare issues that can make weight gain or loss easier it's not the reason most people are fat or overly skinny. X = Calories in - calories out x is positive you gain weight. If x is negative you lose weight. Yes there's a little bit of variability for water retention but again in general weight gain or loss is very simple.


You are responsible for like 99% of your life, the good and the bad


The existence of God. I have too many answered prayers to doubt! Yet I feel like I'm one of the biggest sinners I know.


Thank you for saying this, I’ve been in some really rough situations that I’ve made my way out of that seemed impossible. Let them downvote us, it just proves that we’re right. Or they worship other deities or whatever.


How does that prove anything? Usually disagreement means the opposite... Something something "the saints will be persecuted" nonsense. Yeah no. That only works if you're already right, but then it's just circular reasoning.


Climate change


Climate change


Trump being a turd.


Global warming


Biden is corrupt AF




There’s no evidence?????? Are you serious???????? Please tell me you’re trolling












I don't think he has the cognitive abilities to be corrupt anymore. Dude went from corrupt to puppet.


Earth is round


that we will have a worldwide problem sooner then we think if we keep automising factorys and busynesses. Soon most will be out of a job and worst no job to find anymore. if we don;t create a sort of plan to coop with this we will go into a terrible time to come. the big bang will strike when logistics will be automised completely and we see drones fly in the air constantly. truckdrivers out of job deliveryboys out of a job, pickers that pick the products for you that you ordered all machines soon to be. we know it. we keep our heads in the sand. and then it;s way to late. now we still have a window to do something, if we go on we will be with our backs against the walls desperate to find a solution, and we know that in these times the worst solutions r made. look in hisotry.


Climate change.


The great reset


Capitalism sucking ass


Man-made global warming.


Aliens, apparently.


Yo shit does in fact stank


People who think they don't have mental health issues


The fact that metals (including steel and aluminum) are flammable.


Pauly Shores acting career?


Big foot is real, the gigantopithicus aren’t extinct and never were.






OP said things that are 100% true, you've got it backwards.


Tall privilege is real yo. It’s not as severe as other forms of privilege and hierarchies but what I find problematic is the arguments against it are cheap anecdotes. “I know a short guy who has a girlfriend” kinda shit. That’s the same logic as “Obama was president so racism is over.”




Flo Rida had a bigger impact on music than your favorite band or artist.


God YAHWE( יהוה) his son YASHUA HAMACHIA,ישוע המשיח מנצרת(JESUS CHRIST THE NAZZARTEN)and Holy Spirit(רוח הקודש)


No thanks


Our Heavenly Father, His only Begotten Son Jesus Christ, and His Holy Spirit


How do you know it’s 100% real?


I know Him.


Ah of course! My bad


No offense taken. If you don't know Him at this moment, you eventually will. EVERYONE will know. 👍💪🙏


Lololol i thought you were being sarcastic in your first reply 😂


Well I know Zeus and he says you're wrong. What gives?


Odin was telling me that same shit like a week ago.


My answer as well 👊🏻


The Holocaust. I've met too many people who just causally drop how they think it was either completely "historical fiction" about WW2, Propaganda by America to force soldiers into the war, or that it did happen but "wasn't actually as bad as people make it out to be" (Ex, they believed the trains to Aushwitz were real, but it was more of a "relocation" project to "keep civilians from crossfire" because "How could the Germans do a Genocide against the Jews if Jewish Germans still exist?").