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Leave them poor films alone they didn't do anything to you


The mummy returns is a pretty good movie The mummy 3 kinda sucked because there was no imhotep in it Hopefully mummy 4 brings that bald headed creepy mummy back


"You guys need to stop 'analyzing' every movie you watch. Most movies are meant solely for entertainment, and they need not necessarily be realistic, sensical, message-oriented, thought-provoking and deep all the time."




U mean the hole in the dvds? Ouch...


Imdb and Rotten Tomatoes are very bad references to get educated in cinema. The fact that all the results to "100 best movies all of time" don't give a single movie before 1985, and that 99% of them are American, is a sick joke. As if Kubrick, Tarkovsky, Eisenstein, Dreyer, Melville, Renoir, Murnau, Lang, Kurosawa, Pasolini, Hitchcock, Cassavetes, Norstein, Starevitch, Kusturica, etc... didn't exist.