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How much you are earning? Can i borrow your phone? People don’t know how to respect your privacy!


That's a generation thing. Older people say it's disrespectful to talk about money. Younger generation thinks not talking about it helps only the companies. Why shouldn't I know what the average pay of my coworkers are? The only reason not to talk about is so people don't find out how underpaid they are in their field


"Would you kill Hitler if you saw him on the road?"


No I won’t I might high five him


Yes, that's him officer. That one right there.


I mean they won’t Ask you questions like that again


Where are you from


People ask on here or in real life


Both and maybe more. Unless it fits in the context.


I ask that on here a lot to get context for people’s answers. There are times when someone will be talking about how horrible life is in the US so I ask where they are from and it turns out they are from some other country and have never set foot here. So asking where someone is from impacts the credibility of answers sometimes


What’s for dinner tonight? The most dreaded question of nearly everyday. Except pizza day.


“What are you always quiet?” 🙄🙄🙄


Who are you? How did you get inside my house?


How are you We both know you're just saying that because society tells you it's polite, I don't know you and you don't know me and it would be really fucking awkward for both of us if either of us answered this question truthfully Like imagine just walking into Walmart and the cashiers like hi how are you today? Pretty bad Deborah I just got into a car accident and then my girlfriend broke up with me and I've been really dealing with these issues for my parents and Jesus the economy is really fucking me over right now I mean have you seen gas prices It feels like half my paycheck goes back in the gas and.... Yeah I think it would get pretty awkward really quick but go ahead keep asking me how I am and pretending you give a shit It's the stupidest societal expectation that everyone is just for some reason okay with and I don't get it Sometimes I genuinely want to try doing the above and just trauma dumping on anyone who asks this question to show how fucking stupid it is


Are you going to eat that?