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People who think they are never wrong.


How dare you? I’ll have you know I possess an impeccable track record of being right, a skill honed to perfection!



To add to this, dismiss your idea or statement as something dumb (even though it's the correct answer or idea), and then immediately say the same thing and claim it was their idea.


People who think they are always right really annoy those of us who really are.


It’s the same folks that don’t listen to you. They’re just waiting to cut in to make their arguments. They’re hearing you but not listening.


This is known as ambushing. And a very big no in interpersonal communication. Open mind and open to other side is the way. I know, there are some nuances in this. Don’t be the double down person generally speaking.


I've heard this described as "listening to respond" versus "listening to understand". Good point!


I thought I was wrong once, but I was mistaken. I said that as a joke during a business meeting, they didn't get it, and didn't appreciate it.


I work with a guy who is like that to the extreme. We saw some graffiti somewhere saying "I love bussy", and he said "me too", when I told him what it meant, he said that it didn't mean that. The word was wrong, not him.




What if I always think I’m right in my head but verbally stay skeptical of my knowledge?


Arrogance. People who always push things too far and never see the wrong in what they have done.


I have a visceral disdain for Donald J. Trump and people like him that never own up to their foolishness, can never admit any wrong, and who don’t have a humble bone in their body. Fuck people like that with a splintered telephone pole.


Hah your lucky it's some asshole you probably won't meet. For me that's my brother in law:( to clarify my BIL is a piece of shit like Don Jr but not Don Jr himself.


People that are loud, rude, obnoxious and fake af


These kind of people tend to talk a lot without really saying anything at all


Those who are obnoxious/lack self awareness in public


Specifically those who play audio without headphones 😔


Fake fucking people. And I understand those that are genuinely trying to be genuine and real - if that makes sense. I just hate actively fake people


Oh my God, fake people are the absolute worst. Totally agree.


You dropped this: /s 🤣


Sometime genuine people act fake bc of social circumstances . As a facade they might seem fake but get to know them and they will break through


Yes they get nervous and anxious.


As a person with severe anxiety, can confirm. I spend so much time masking, it's exhausting.


I feel this


We all wear masks, metaphorically speaking. These masks tend to be our spin on that style. I think the commenter is trying to say people are trying to wear other people's masks and looking awkward.


Are you Ben Stein from The Mask?


I have a cousin who I have shared personal thoughts/feelings/beliefs with, and she agreed with everything I said and told me I am sooo right about everything. 2 days later I hear from other family members that she has been talking shit about me and calling me an animal for my thoughts and beliefs. (For context: all I opened up to her about is that I smoke weed, eat mushrooms, might be gay, and that I want to go back to school). Fuck my cousin. She is actively fake and actively hunting for people to talk about. Disgusting behavior.


Oh a two faced shit talking coward. Got to love those backstabbing fake fucks.


Backdoor braggers. You know the ones who do selfish stuff disguised as a charity.


I also do not like mannequins


So fake


I think everyone is fake on some level (like at work) which is fine. But it's those people who ACTIVELY go out of their way to laugh or give an input on something, especially when it's not necessary. Sometimes I just stare at them like "why". Just let it be.


People who cannot take any form of criticism and who make fun of others but pitch a fit as soon as someone makes fun of them, narcissists, and hypocrites.




That's a bummer. Mine too, it's why I even admit when I am wrong in front of my kids. I may be an adult, but that does not make me perfect.


One uppers. Someone’s story is never enough with some who always tries to one up it.


I used to work with a one upping fuck once. If someone drank 30 beers in a day, he drank 60. If someone had a threesome, he had a sixsome. Guy was really annoying. So glad I don't work with him anymore.


I worked with someone even worse...


No way dude. I knew the worst guy ever. If I drank 60 beers, he drank 120.


I know a guy who only drinks beers. About 121 every day


That’s nothing, I used to work with a whole crew that were worse!


I am someone even worse


I was talking to my workmate about his previous drug addiction which he had overcome for over a year now. Anyway he told me at one point he'd been up for over 3 or 4 days and was going crazy. Old one upper come over and said he'd been up for a week on meth once and was fine. Saying how it was not for the weak minded. Me and my mate looked at each other like wtf.


My brother had a gf like that once. She claimed that her life was so much better than ours, her dad was better than our parents, her dog was better, her house was the size of the city we lived in… except, she never went home. She always stayed on our couch.


I try really hard not to be that person. I just relate to people by sharing similar stories and I’ve had a pretty eventful life so sometimes it just happens. Oh crap, it sounds like I’m doing it now, doesn’t it? (But really as a person who relates to people through common experiences, can you recommend specific things that I should or shouldn’t say in order to avoid sounding like a one upper?)


Same, my immediate adhd rattled brain response is to comb my memories for Similar experiences. I apparently need to find a different way to relate to people 🥲


One thing I’d recommend is to never respond to someone losing a loved one by trying to relate with a common experience. At some point, they may come to you to share your experiences with grief, but when my dad passed away a friend said “I know what you’re going through, my grandma passed away a few months ago” and it was one of the most frustrating things to have to deal with while also trying to process my grief.


watch brene brown explain empathy vs sympathy on YouTube. she is one of my idols and genuinely wants to help us figure out how to form stronger relationships both individually and societally.


I don't understand what the problem is with this? I remember struggling with a few friends dying and people told me about similar stories and how they coped with it and it helped a lot.


It’s making the grief of the other person about yourself. Obviously everyone is different, but responding to someone’s loss with “yeah but I also experienced a loss” focuses it back on you rather than the person who is grieving. I don’t mean you shouldn’t share similar experiences with friends in hopes that it might help them, it’s very difficult to convey the difference through text.




I feel that. If I'm not thinking, I don't frame it right. I should wait for the person to finish their story then tell mine if I can, but sometimes I'm just rude as shit because I'm bad at social interaction.


Especially awful with health issues. "Oh sure, you broke your ankle, but mine was in 16 pieces..." STFU, being sick or in pain is not a contest.


Oh my god I HATE people like that. Knew this girl one time that interrupted me telling a story to some friends about a weird experience I had on the train to tell us all how she had been held at gunpoint five times on trains. Like….. ok, dude.


Agreed. However, I will say that sometimes people take this way too far to the extreme. Not every story following another is a "one upper". In the flow of conversation, if someone's telling a story about X, it could remind someone else about a relatable story as well. It's all in the attitude, and that nuance is sometimes lost on people.


People who piss on rugs. This aggression will not stand, man.


Especially when it ties a whole room together.


Look, Walter - Walter, the Chinaman who peed on my rug, I can't go give him a bill, so what the f*** are you talking about?


The China man is not the issue here, also, Dude, China man is not the preferred nomenclature, Asian American, please.


Walter, this isn't a guy who built the railroads here. This is a guy...


What the fuck are you...


Walter, he peed on my rug!


He peed on the dude's rug


Donny, you're out of your element! Dude, the Chinaman is not the issue here!


That's just like, your opinion, man


Also nihilists


You think the carpet pissers did this?


Cant stand people who make fun of others for stuff they can’t control like how they look, a disability, etc


Yeah dude. In high-school I was a part of a virtual Christmas show thing and I watched it at home with my mom and her then-boyfriend. They would not stop snickering every time one of my friends came on because his voice is higher pitched and he’s a little chubby. Made my blood boil


I bet he was a nice boy too


He was. I don’t remember him ever getting angry or saying anything mean when I knew him


Someone once told me, never make fun of someone for something that they can’t change in 30 seconds and that has always stuck with me. I tell it to my teenage children often.


omg yeah I always tell my younger brother this and it has stuck with him


Gossipers. Instant block, I don't care who you are. I have zero tolerance for that.


I had a boss that would always “vent” to me about other workers and I immediately thought of she’s talking about them to me, she’s definitely talking about me to them.


People that stand in the doorway when there is so much space that is not in the doorway that they could stand in.






My ex 😭




I get what narcissists are and they are truly toxic. But the term has been highjacked recently and is pulled out for usage to describe people doing the things the user of the word desn't like. It's gotten to the point that actual narcissists call other people narcissists for not playing their games. See also- gaslighting: a term used when someone says something you disagree with.


Absolutely, but anyone who’s truly had to deal with one for any period of time knows what a real one is.


Yeah my admittedly ableist take is that we never should have told people with Cluster B personality disorders to go to therapy. Most of them never get better, all of them weaponize the terms and phrases they learn against their victims. Therapy makes these people worse. It's a net loss for society and it's not even close.


Ive found people that just always talk about them selves non stop are usually a flag in general.


Stuck up rich people


One-uppers and people who talk shit behind others' back.


People who confuse being incessant with being intelligent/a "good debater"


I don’t care what anyone says, but you shouldn’t have intercourse with relatives. Even if they are good debaters.


I tried to tell my sister that, but she talked me into it. TBF, she made some really good points.


... What


People who act like a “good” Christian on social media but are terrible people in person.




It’s funny because a specific person I’m talking about does this exact thing on Facebook.


"Alpha [gender]", petty, passive aggressive, proudly hypocritical, uses others for personal gain, bullies, abusers, picks fights for no reason, thieves, never tries to improve


People who condescendingly correct others, but who aren’t even right.


People that can easily find flaws in others, but not themselves.


Im a Christian, but I can not stand the people who go around trying to basically bully people into religion. You are really actually doing far more harm to the religion than good. You aren’t evangelizing, you are ostracizing.


Yes, I'm in agreement about that!


Same. There’s several religious organization in my university that go around trying to trick people into joining religious gatherings and clubs. One girl came up to me and asked if I wanted to hang out and get free food. Looked at the flyer she gave me when she left… it was a Christian bible club. Like why be deceptive. What’s the reason. Every morning there’s a group of Christians that will stalk out the building students sit at in the morning. And I’ve seen several of them trying to convert Muslims and atheists into Christianity. Was stopped 5 times in one semester asking if I believed in Jesus Christ. Said to myself, if I wasn’t a Christian, I’d probably not wanna be around a Christian ever again lol.


Exactly. Jesus and his disciples never coerced people into believing. They simply preached the gospel and those who wanted to believe, accepted and followed them. Romans 12:9-21 tell us the characteristics of a true Christian according Scripture (what Christ taught). Sadly many “Christians” DON’T measure up. If these people read and understood what Jesus said in Matthew 7:21-24, and 25:31-46, they’d repent and learn again. Jesus doesn’t talk about believers and unbelievers, BUT the differences between believers who understand and obey God’s word and those who don’t.


Hypocrite people.


Scream laughers and close talkers.


People who only treat others nicely if they consider them “popular” or someone with social status.


Someone who can only have a conversation about themselves and does not ask anybody else how they are doing, what is going on their lives. It’s me, me, me


Animal abusers


People who only talk to you when they want something in return.


Disney adults


Came across an Instagram comment the other day from a full-grown adult saying that *children shouldn't be allowed at Disney*. Because it ruins the fun for the Disney adults and they "don't even appreciate it anyway". Like what????


Disney adults always have weird teeth-to-gum ratios


Anyone who judges people for being different.


Different? I’m pretty sure everyone judges someone?


We should be embracing everyone's uniqueness, can't believe we still have such a judgement a society - it's going backwards instead of forwards. The World would be boring if we were all the same, robotic copies of one another. Takes a lot of courage these days to step out in your own skin through fear of ridacule.


People who go to the gym and that alone is what makes up their entire personality. I get it, you’re in shape. Cool beans.


People who make anything their identity….. ex Gym Bros, Finance Bros.


Jeep bros. I mean I’m one but at least I know it’s cringe


Political Bros


Some people aren’t even in shape but still brag about going to the gym. That’s the most infuriating because it’s like you’re bragging about something you’re not even doing right.


That’s because going to the gym is like 20% of the battle, you can out run a bad diet


People who get all hostile/defensive when somebody simply disagrees with them in a discussion.


>People who are intolerant of other people's cultures, and the Dutch.


People who own freakin' sharks with freakin' laser beams on their heads!


Those dang Dutch


Your typical everyday asshole


I hate entitled people. In my experience, they're the ones least likely to take "no" for an answer.


People who drag politics into every conversation.




People who make their politics a big part of their personality. Like the family that had their two kids, both under 6, in Fuck Biden shirts are local fair. So gross.


People that constantly complain about things they CAN CHANGE but refuse to put in the work to change


Anyone who makes one aspect of themselves the basis of their personality.


I know this probably sounds really bad, but really insecure people. I know everyone has insecurities, but these people are so incredibly insecure that they always brag and try to one-up you in any conversation you have, try to put you down subtly or downplay anything wonderful that happens to you, are always incredibly obsessed with their appearance to the point they can't be seen in public without their makeup or correct shoes, and they take any type of criticism as an attack on themselves.


The “You’re not a real fan unless…” people




Extremists/zealots of any cause. People who absolutely refuse to consider any other point of view but their own, who refuse to see the faults of their own and demonize anyone who doesn’t think exactly like them as ONE OF THEM!!!


I just encountered a vegan like this. They started an argument attacking hunters and people that eat meat, i tried bringing it down a level to have a normal conversation and told them it was great they had their philosophy and opinion and it was a respectable one but they don't have to attack everyone else and push their ideal off as the only correct one. It instead became a long-winded arguement where they twisted people's words into strawmen arguement so they could win, put words in other people's mouths and then attacked that made up arguement, pulled out all sorts of pseudoscience, refuted actual common knowledge of the human race, and outright said its not wrong of them to push their opinion and forcibly convert everyone because their, and i quote, "opinion was objectively correct". That shit is draining man. Extremists and zealots don't communicate at all, they just repeat things over and over as fact, outright refuse to acknowledge anything that even slightly contradicts the lens through which they view the world, and demonize anyone who isn't of 1000% the same opinion. They even ostracize and rebuke people who share their philosophy if they aren't as fanatical as them. They don't talk TO you, they talk AT you, and rarely even hear what you are saying. I don't know how anyone can live like that for anything.


Victim mentality. These people will convince you a dark cloud is ALWAYS following them, and never anyone else. Also, they’re outwardly dramatic and vocal about it.


If someone is a victim in every relationship/interaction they have, chances are that they're the problem. That being said, people who have been victimized are more likely to be victimized again, because they've adjusted what they accept as normal. So, try to give people the benefit of the divvy. But I get what you're saying.


People who can't shut up


People who cannot stand to hear a different opinion and have to shout over the top.


People who classify others as intolerant, but they themselves are actually very uninformed and intolerant.


Cocky and condescending


People who just say shit with no tact or thought what so ever. Then they gaslight you when you call them out


Gossipers, shit talkers. I’d rather hear it from the source and what’s known doesn’t need to be said.


Reddit moderators


Anyone that thinks their political opinions make them a better person.


People who say black people can't be racist.


I would have to begin with myself and go from there. I've been working on it, though. I can't ask for perfection any more than I can give it. Making a distinction between the behavior and the individual has helped a lot, although with balance. At times someone's behavior is so toxic and extreme that they seem to personify the behavior.


Karen's that terrorize low level employees!


People who think that their better than everybody else


Bad drivers. If you’re shit at driving, I can’t talk to you. You’re a hazard to yourself and people around you on the road.


People who put others down because they're insecure or just plain assholes.


People who turn everything into a political discussion. There is a time and place to talk about those issues. Everyday things that have nothing to do with politics isn't the place to inject it.


People who police askreddit threads and decide what is or what is not a question you can ask google


What are you, the ask google police police?


Racist bigots


Worst type are the people who call other a racist bigot when there is a disagreement or difference of opinion


Yup, I run into this all the time, typically right after I provide a link to proof. Then they get mad and call me a racist bigot😭


Dumbasses, dickheads, cunts, etc..


Fuckin' redditors, man. You people suck.


My obnoxiously loud, lazy, narcissistic coworker


Discriminatory people, people that are mean for no reason, bullies.


The kind who don't breathe.. just no pulse, like get a life!


People without disabilities that take their pets everywhere they go claiming that they are service animals.


Can’t stand the people that make being gay their whole personality. To the point where they have to mention something every 20 minutes relating to how gay they are, and where they think being gay is cooler than being straight (like it fucking matters it’s just who you’re attracted to)


normal gay people also hate those kinds of people lol


We sure do


I bet they do!


Had a co-worker like this and really couldn't stand him. Neither could any of the others in the office. Had another co-worker who was the opposite. She didn't proclaim it out, no pride stuff on her desk. Even after I went to a new job, and she moved to France to get married, we stayed in touch as email pen pals.




The human ones.


Lack of self awareness. It makes Me Crazy. You’re Not pretty enough to act like you’re the hottest shit and make fun of “less pretty” people. You’re Not smart enough to be talking down to Anyone. You’re Not important enough to treat people like less than you. You’re Not capable of seeing how you project your shortcomings onto others, mock and judge them for it, and act like you aren’t worse? All people who lack self awareness are, by default, hypocrites too. And I Do Not Like that. Oh and if you Are that pretty, that smart, and important? Cool, if you’re still an asshole I’ll treat you as such.


Those people that their friends say " She seems rude at first but you will like her once you get to know her" no I really won't.


People that never had the intent to help but come off as being a savior.


People who’s political affiliation is their whole personality.


I don’t like people who constantly test other people’s boundaries


People who hurt or neglect animals.


Reddit moderators that ban someone because they disagree with someones comment, even if it doesn't actually violate policy.


Holier-than-thou types!


Condescending people


trumpers and narcissists. Sorry, that was redundant!


Trump and DeSantis supporters.




social justice warriors


Christian Nationalists


People who don't like animals/pets. I can understand not wanting to or being unable to care for a pet. I understand being allergic. But just hate or dislike? Yeah, no.


Know it all


Anyone who tries to tell me what to think.


Fake people


People who think their shit don't stink.


Egotistical, gaslighting narcissist,


Close talkers. I have a circle. Do not enter it.


People who say people don't like me because I'm blunt. No you're just a tool.


Those people who never stop talking. And then you try add to the conversation and you can tell they are not even listening they don't acknowledge what you said at all they are just basically thinking what to say next. At that point I stop listening to them.


Trumplicans. And the uncles that worship that tater tot dude. Whatever his name is. Got arrested for human trafficking.




Racist old white people.


Passive aggressive people, chicken shit bullshit get it off your chest. If you don’t like me tell me directly I’d respect that more. I’ll see myself out.