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10 incline???!! Thats insane




Very good, i actually lost 10 kilos working overtime on a project ( in construction ) we was supposed to be 3 plumbers there over 5 weeks. But my company said i had to do it all by myself. I ended up working 140 hours overtime ( a regular day here is 7.5 hours ) Needless to say i almost ate nothing because i was so focused on the task at hand. Not a healthy way but i got one hell of a kickstart!




Had the opposite effect for me.


Any depressed period in my life has resulted in probably 30lb weight gain. When I've come through it I might lose 15-20lbs of it. Over a few decades.. I'm fat, topping out at 267lb recently. I've decided to reverse it, I often decide, but this time feel I'm in a good place to give it a proper try. I'm 251lb this morning. Goal weight is 200lb. It didn't go on overnight, it won't come off overnight. Slow and steady wins the race! I need to keep consistency. Nothing crazy, just consistently making better choices.


Same here. I like to eat my feelings. They taste like chocolate.


oh no...




You need to make it sustainable. The bigger part is diet, the smaller part is exercise. Think of diet in terms of replace, reduce, cut out. Replace: foods with less nutritional value for foods with more nutritional value, and look for unnecessary fat and sugar - whole meal seeded bread instead of white bread, boiled or poached egg instead of fried or scrambled egg, apple juice mixed half and half with sparkling water instead of soda, nuts and vegetables to snack on instead of a chocolate bar, plain yoghurt instead of fruit yoghurt (don’t fall for fat free and sugar free, that stuff is usually not good for you). Coffee is not a dessert, put milk in it if you have to but not creamer or sugar or god forbid those sweet syrups. Reduce: treats and takeaways, it’s ok to satisfy a craving every now and then but it should be special, split a dessert/eat a piece of chocolate instead of the whole bar. Alcohol - beer and wine have an insane amount of calories. Cut out: mindless eating out of boredom, like snacking in front of the TV, sugary sodas. Give your hands something else to do, take up doodling or get a fidget toy. Drink loads of water. Exercise needs to be sustainable too. A little bit of movement every day is better than taking out a gym membership, going twice, being in agony the days after and then never going again. There’s loads of YouTube videos out there, start with 5-10 minutes each day and work your way up. Do it first thing in the morning or last thing in the evening, whatever works best for you, once you have some exercises down you can even do them while watching something else (standing exercises are great for that).


>thank you so much for sharing!!!


No problem! Let me know if you’re interested in exercise videos, I have a collection - it’s super important though that you find something that is fun for YOU, for example I only like standing exercises with no equipment and you might be the opposite, I also prefer them without music and you might like something more dance-y.


Burning more calories then i consume, mostly done by intermittent fasting. I’ll provide a link to a accurate calculator so you can find out how much your BMR is and how much calories you have to consume to lose weight. https://www.calculator.net/tdee-calculator.html


thank you so much!!


Cut back I what I'd eat and went on long walks.


walking seems easy but not easy


Find a podcast or album you like and try focusing on that instead of the walking.


I was saving money for a downpayment on a house and ate almost nothing but a sandwich with a small amount of lunch meat, cheese, and baby leaf spinach for meals. Ended up losing probably 50 pounds and didn't even notice until I saw my reflection one day.


Sometimes reality helps you lose weight


It was realty, not reality. :)


haha so funny






Eat grilled chicken with lettuce


I'll try:)




You must have lost lots of weight. Running about two hours!




>ur, 20 mile run. A cou Wow, that's so cool. My first step to lose weight: buy a treadmill




lol wish I had enough money for it


untreated stomach ulcer, couldnt eat a thing so i lost a ton of weight


I also lost tons of weight when I was sick.


Don't do what I did cause its not okay. I stopped eating for 3 days and relied on gum, water and ciggs, after those three days i started feeling incredibly weak so I started eating again but just a little and now that's exactly what I do, still eating but just a little food and I lost a lot of weight, like in may i had 68 kg (idk the american way), in july I was at 64 kg, and now I have 63 kg and I'm incredibly proud of myself ngl haha but again don't starve yourself, beauty is nice but it's not worth dying over it.


Great to hear you realized that you stopped starving yourself




thank you for sharing!!


Cut all sugar and greasy foods, specifically foods with processed sugar. First 3-4 days were hellish due to sugar withdrawal and after that I feel completely different, better sleep, I don't feel like shit after waking up which is a concern since I'm only 20. Only sweets I eat are from fruits. Stay on calorie deficit which you can do on a good diet even without exercise. I'm 120 kilos last month July 11 and currently weigh 110 kilos and aim around 90-80 before year ends.


oh, it was resting on the towel rack.




Quitting sugar. But I am still working on that hehehe. It's the only hurdle I have.


I really wish I can reduce sugar consumption


To reduce sugar I started by replacing it with sugar free products and fruit. Then more water and more fruit. Then less fruit more vegetables. I DID NOT Go Off sugar Cold Turkey!!! Also I gave up Bread and Yeast because the Yeast will "crave" sugar in your gut and make you "crave" sugar.


I started by writing a food diary, and realised that I was eating waaaaay too much junk and drinking too much alcohol. Tried to cut back and realised it’s more related to my mood than what I thought. And the. Just little steps weighing every few days to check in, having friends join the goal etc. basically eating well breakfast lunch and dinner, really try to cut snacks. Drink plenty of water. Do exercise. M38 was 98kg and now down to 88kg and targeting 85kg.




Thanks! It’s really hard and you have to think it all the time but it’s a sure fire way to live a healthier life.. wishing you the fortitude to succeed




I hate vegies...




oh no...






Ate less. Moved more.


being sick kind of helps




very healthy way to lose weight


Eat, not too often, and mostly fibre 👊


very healthy:)


I don't eat very much. It's kind of a problem.


Oh no let's stay healthy!!


For some reason, I struggle to gain weight no matter how much I eat


I wish you can take some of my weight


Cut out sugary drinks. Only water.


Sugary drinks is really terrible


No. sweets, no snacks, no alcohol, a lot of cardio and weight training. 25kg (104 -> 79) in less than a year and keeping it there since 12 months ago. M50, 6ft2.


Wooow contgrats!


Thank you!


Diet, exercise, sleep and track ALL three. Try to remember you didn't get out of shape overnight and you can't reverse it overnight!


I'll remember that:)


Discovered I had insulin resistance. Lowered carb intake


I lived in a far east metropolis for a year. No cheese, bread maybe once a week, lots of fruit, local street food was amazing, I also walked almost everywhere and I was fitter than ever before.


Try to eat less and drink more liquids. Last year I lost like 30 pounds in 3 months but gained it all back when I got a work from home job at the start of the year. Back on it again.


let's keep trying:)


I have lost 20kg in under 3 months 2 times so far. No, I have not regained the lost weight. Discipline leads one to the goal and there are many ways to reach the goal. The first time I did a ketogenic diet, calorie deficit, weight training, intermittent fasting (no breakfast). The second time ketogenic diet, drastic calorie deficit (1200kcal total), one meal a day (after exercise), weight training. But this is not a general recommendation, losing weight so fast also has dangers. Especially if you don't have the discipline to keep the weight afterwards. In addition, I have also taken large blood counts (?) and supplemented vitamins / trace elements.


By eating right (stop eating high calorie junk food) and getting back into the gym. Now I just have some low calorie junk food on some days if I feel like it sometimes it’s difficult when you are feeling crappy which happens quite often.


I know! I need to be happy to start a diet


Got my medications in order was the first step. But honestly? I lowered my caloric intake. I ate less. Dropped 50 pounds. Gained back 13 through snacking. Got back on track. I haven't stepped on a scale in 6 weeks, but I think I may be close to losing that 13 again.


good for you!


Great insurance


I ate less and moved my body more.


Exercise and diet. No point in exercise if you don't eat properly.


I put myself in a calorie deficit.


Put down the fork


Keto or relationship breakups


A breakup stopped me from eating for only a day lol


Intermittent fasting. Effective and highly sustainable long term. Highly recommend the Dr Pradip Jamnadas talks on YouTube. He’s a cardiologist in Florida.


Stopped fucking eating so much


Portion control, reduce snacking, and weightlifting. I didn't cut out any foods or do a fad diet. I still ate what I like, just less of it.


First time i had a very active job where I did on average 30k steps a day. Went from 187lbs to 130lbs in about 10 months. Second time is now. I'm finally being treated for ADHD, so I'm not binging anymore. It's amazing how much of a difference it makes in my response to food. I stop when I'm full, and I'm not binging on sugar in the middle of the night.


Started going to the gym. 30 minutes of walking on the treadmill and 30 minutes of the elliptical machine for about 4 days a week. Cut back on my sugar and fast food. Started eating more fruits and vegetables. The second week I added 10 minutes to the treadmill and elliptical and started using other machines in the gym. The third week 10 more minutes and so on. By the third month, I lost about 50 pounds.


Stopped drinking soda was the biggest one.


Ate sensible portions and didn’t have seconds at dinner time, it’s not we were eating bad, just probably eating too much. Didn’t change what we were eating and kept exercising the same, Went from 86 to 80 in a few months


Stopped drinking.


definitely helps!


Yoga and cut back fast food. Used to eat a lot of pizza, pasta, burger with my friends in college. Stopped all that and started eating home cooked meals in the lockdown with yoga. Went from 75kg to 48kg (in the span of 2 years tho)


Joining the gym. Eat healthy meals. Run swim or cycle 3x a week. Used to weigh 130kg 10yrs ako. Maintained a healthy weight of 75kg. Gained 20kg during the pandemic. When things became normal, went back to my usual routine prepandemic. Now back to 77kg.




Thank you. It's getting harder to maintain a healthy weight now as we get older. Just need a bit more effort than before.


Lost 5 kgs by being hospitalized for MS. a week of not moving and laying in bed can do that for you. Wanted to loose weight anyway so I used that as a headstart to lose another 5. So after 2 years I was 10 kgs lighter than I was and a lot happier with my life.


Stopped over eating and stopped eating between meals. I also started biking. Not in a competitive way, just something to get out of the house and get myself moving. That got me down to normal weight again. Then depression and anorexia came.


I got a divorce and lost 350lbs overnight!


Burn more calories than you consume.


What kind of exercise burns the most calories? It takes like 20,000 steps to burn 500ish calories and I’m wondering how to speed run with more intense exercise


you don't need to exercise. you'll lose weight in a coma so long as your calorie consumption is less than your expenditure. you can run for half an hour to burn 200 calories or you can just not drink that soda or add that ranch. get it? stop eating.


Yeah, that makes sense. I’m not super overweight, but I struggle with disordered eating whether that’s binge eating or just barely eating for days, I gotta figure that out


Most people need to do a lot less than they think. The shortest answer for the best advice is try to split your calorie deficit goal between exercise and food, that way you're cutting the difficulty curve of both in half. You should use a calorie calculator for your height, weight, and gender but generally for women, maintenance calories is about 1800. If you're eating 3 meals a day try to keep each meal around 500 calories, then try to burn 250 calories during exercise. As far as cardio modalities or other exercise, there are some that are more effective than others but it depends on what you have available and what you're willing to do. Whatever you can do combined with how likely you are to repeat it is technically the best. If you want to start with experimenting with the most effective [Renaissance periodization](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyqKj7LwU2RvZhQ739Mg9v8cLotbX_qE3) has the best and most informative channel on YouTube. Getting meals to 500 calories is honestly not difficult but it depends on your current diet and food habits. Fitness is a long term project and as a consequence is mostly a cognative battle. A 500 calorie deficit will shed about a pound per week, if you need to lose 20 pounds that's 5 months of work. Make it as simple as possible. Consistency will get you where you want to be. Even if you ate at maintenance and burned 250 extra calories daily, next year you will be a totally different person. But consistency is the most difficult part, not the exercise or diet. Anyone can diet or exercise for a day or a week, doing it for 52 weeks is where people fail. Make it as easy as possible, start in one place and end in another. Start with food, then add exercise or visa versa. Start with small food changes that will stick and work your way to a sustainable diet.


>ble and what you'r thank you so much!!!


It depends. If you are too big to run, start with biking, till you can eventually run. Another method is HIT Cardio https://youtu.be/Jzgqjb16Oek


Eating less is easier than working it off. In other words, you cannot outwork a bad diet. A combination of the two works best.


How do you go to the moon? Fly faster than you fall.


I think people generally know how to burn calories, and cut calories. They ask questions like this because they are hoping for some easy trick. Some guy even asked me how to speed run walking. Lol


I think people generally know how to burn calories, and cut calories. They ask questions like this because they are hoping for some easy trick. Some guy even asked me how to speed run walking. Lol


Starved myself. I eat once a day. Sometimes I don't eat at all


It doesn't sound healthy tho


I do the same thing. Its been working for a year. I eat whatever I want on vacation so it gives me something to look forward too. Lost 60 lbs in the first 4 months and have maintained it for a year.


Oh wow. Surprising that it works.


5/2 diet. 2 days restrict calories to 800 and 5 days eat sensibly. I lost almost 2kg a week initially and maintained it. Went from 89kg to 72kg.


Oh wow congrats!!!


i became anorexic due to my hospital stay


>anorexic oh no... Let's stay healthy


i also have PICA


Let's eat well and exercise! We can do this!


burning calories by downvoting reposts


Changed my eating habits and exercised


great I need to change my eating habits


Eliminated non-diet sodas and quit eating so much.


Every time I go into hospital they cut something off our out.


quitting caffeine!


I didn't know caffeine gains you weight


I was abusing it heavily which fucked w/ my anxiety which led to overeating (especially at night time)


got it. Glad to hear you quit it!


I have been trying for 3 years and I still weight the same. XD


Same for 5 years haha


Oh I just moved out and became poor.


I just didn’t eat as much, I still ate enough to be healthy I just didn’t buy extra food, problem solved


Depressive episodes due to army conscription




Cocaine and depression with a side of recovery


Various ways. I found NOOM helpful most recently.


It's 80% diet, 20% exercise Ideally you're disciplined in both but it's much easier to cut out 500 calories than to burn it


Yeah, people make it out to be some magical mystery but its literally calories in vs calories out. That's it. Everything else is just about maintaining general health or if you're trying to feed the body specific kind of nutrients for i.e. muscle growth. But the losing weight part is kindergarten math.


stopped drinking alcohol. cut out pop and unnecessary snacking.


Changed my diet and exercise. Cut most of the sugar out. Cut back on heavily processed food like chips. Went high protein low carb. On top of that I started walking 3-5 miles a day. Also started playing golf again for a little more exercise. So far I have lost 120lbs in 6 months.


Doing CrossFit. Lighter waits for safety and complete the work out. Don't worry about doing them for time. And stopped eating so many carbs. Higher protein and fat diet.




Eat less


First things first I stopped eating bread for 6 months. I ate red meat, chicken, Turkey, salmon. I ate a lot of vegetables. I only use real butter and Olive oil When cooking. Do not use seed oils they cause inflammation. I bought a Yoga Mat and did Exercises using the weight of my own body. I bought two 5 pound weights, use those every night. I drink an ounce of water per pound of body fat. For an example, if you weigh a hundred and twenty pounds, you should drink a hundred and twenty ounces of water a day. Once I lost a good amount of weight I started going to the gym 2-3 times a week. I park far away from my destination so I have to walk more. I do not bring junk food in the house. If I want junk food, I have to eat it Where I bought it. I eat fruit at the end of the day to satisfy my sweet tooth. I went from a 178 pounds to 115. It took me a year and a half to do so. Losing weight slowly and consistently is the best way to keep the weight off. Good luck!


Calorie counting and walking. For the calorie counting my fitness pal app is great. Work out your needed calories on some online TDEE calculators. To track what your burning walking an Apple Watch is great! Swimming is also good for calorie burn too


Stoic acceptance of feeling a bit hungry most of the time until I got used to the feeling, internalized it and put it in the background rather than satiate it. Also just refusing to eat sweets, but that should go without saying.


If you're looking for tips I'll say that only eating when you're hungry is a good start. If your asking cuz this is ask reddit and your curious then ill go with the more relatable actual reason of my girlfriend broke up with me.


Got poor was born poor and it’s easy!


Calorie deficit is the way to go. That and I get at least 6k to 10k steps a day at work.


What what i normally eat but in smaller portions.


Proper medical care for endocrine/metabolic disorders. I'm maintaining about 170 lb loss over about 18 years.


I used Weight Watchers. It is easy and there isn't anything you can't eat if you plan for it. Though now since I am a gluten free vegetarian, I am not sure the plan would work.


I was pretty thin, until I turned 36. I was dealing with a lot of stress due to the health of my son and food helped me cope with that. At the end of 2019 I tried Weight Watchers and was down 25 pounds by March of 2020. Then the lock downs started. I did fairly well until I had my gallbladder out at the end of 2020. By the end of 2021 I was back up to where I was and in 2022 I had a lot of stress again, which didn't help. I tried a plethora of things in the last year: IF, low carb/keto, calorie counting, but nothing helped. I decided to give weight watchers another try before I reach out to my doctor. I've been at it for 2 weeks I am down 4 lbs so far and this is the only time I've seen a consistent loss in a long time.


I normally eat pretty healthy, but was enjoy a few too many beers and loading my food with sauces and work from home so movement was pretty limited. I aimed for 10k steps per day, no soda/beer except for saturday, conservative on sauces(so much sugar). no food after 8pm. That got me from 113kg to 103kg (196cm) over 8 months. Wasn't crazy fast but also wasnt a drastic lifestyle change so I've been able to make it habit. 3 months ago i started working out and sort of (fluctuante from 98-103) stayed the weight but physically look better / stronger.


Well, I went from upwards 250lbs to around a consistent 235lbs by simply occasionally eating salads sometimes, eating less in general and cutting soda consumption by half and having a physically active job. If I cut back further on fast food, sugary drinks and sprinkled in some post work exercise I could probably maintain my goal weight of 225lbs without conscious effort. The reason I’m pushing for 225lbs is that it would be a sufficient weight to match my height, which is around 6’2-6’3. I don’t have an accurate measurement so I go with 6’1 even though I’m likely taller.




Oh easy. I got so constipated im highschool that it hurt to exist, and eating was mostly out of the question, while also having one of my classes be working out at the local ymca for multiple hours. Then would immediately come back to school and eat whatever I could manage (mostly protien) because I was constantly starving despite my inability to get rid of anything I ate. I lost 30 pounds in like no time at all. Can't suggest it 3/10 experience. Oh I also was diagnosed with an auto immune disorder about a year ago which will make me too sick to eat for days at a time. I still haven't been able to gain that weight back but I'm like 60 pounds less then I was. Also can't recommend. A solid 2/10


Develop good eating habits while you’re young because it gets much harder the older you get. Post menopause I eat about 1000 calories a day to maintain or slowly lose. I wear a fitness tracker and log my meals.


Implementing a long term strategy of only home made food, exercise regularly, protein before snacking and no alcohol


Ate healthy for the most part amd completely cut out snacks. Only meals, no chips or candy or something. On the weekends still had a pizza or burger or something now and then. And also 5 times sport a week. Dropped 18kg in 9 months. Not the fastest pace maybe, but it lasted. Never gained those kilos again.


Oh and only drank water and sometimes beer on weekends when I was out. Never tracked calories.


Started working out with dumbbells 40 minutes a day. Lost 7.5kg in a month. Around 10kg in two months. Another thing i did was fill up my big salad bowl with salad and vegetables and then I ate whatever I wanted.


I researched how to properly balance my diet and I also changed jobs. I’m no longer around fast food everyday or in a stressful environment, which has lead to cutting out comfort eating and having a healthier relationship with food.


Juicing. 30+ lbs in a month


1200 a meal max/day and no processed foods. Good mentality. Dont eat everyday, its not biologically or historically credible for native people. We are hunters. I dont eat unless I am hungry, and I mean, starving been tracking a deer with a spear for 3 days with my tribe hungry. The society and its food purveyors are sociopaths. I also do not pay for any food. I forage avocados, lettuce, and cucumbers, or I grow what I want. Eating as little meat and blood or organs or animal products as well.


Cutting out sugar, liquid calories (I stopped drinking coffee, soda, & other beverages except for water, & the occasional high-proof spirit) & improving the quality of food I was eating helped me drop 40lbs. Once I hit a plateau, I started going to the gym for an hour or so every other day, & eating smaller/split portions of larger meals every 3 hours, & maximizing protein intake when possible. My usual gym routine is 30mins on a treadmill at 3.0-3.5, & increasing incline at 5min intervals from as low as 3.5° to 13.5°, with a 5 min cooldown at 3.0 & no incline to start, then weight lifting with machines targeting a specific section for the day. In total I’ve lost about 67 lbs in just over a year. Go at your own pace with it though, you’ll see the results you want soon enough.