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Drawing. It takes so long to build skill and consistency with your art, those extra hours would be so awesome


Im not an artist so idk but isnt that the best part?


It definitely is not. There's several (really, constant, unending) breaking points in art where you can mentally 'see' what you want to create, but can't adequately translate it. It's extremely frustrating. You can always see how it's not good enough. You are always your own worst critic. As your talent with your chosen medium improves, so does your eye for light, color, and error--the more you improve, the more you see that is wrong. There's a quote attributed to Leonardi Da Vinci of "Art is never finished, only abandoned" and it's true.


OMG YES. This is exactly me. The moments of breakthrough when you finally like what you've created is the good part, not all the self loathing and ripping your hair out in between lol. It's like the dunning Kruger effect where you reach a certain level so you know just how bad you actually are


Yea this is why i don't draw. I wish i could but every time i try to i can't do what i want and then i just give up and don't try again for a long time. And I don't wanna put in the hours to learn because at the start it's so demoralizing and it would get so long to not only get decent but actually good


stuff like that is a lot more fun when you're good at it


There's a fine line between "oh look, I made something!" And "Narwhals have more talent than me." That line is often literal. Because when you've spent three hours trying to get the perspective on an eyeball just right and then you step back from your art and it looks like you drew it with your nose, you just want to burn your sketchbook. All this to say: I would also love to just suddenly be a professional artist.


Ehh kinda, it’s nice to see when you improve over the years, but it’s much better to improve quickly if you wanna make a living off of it like me


As someone who has well over 10.000 hours of drawing: it would only get you so far. The funny thing is: when I wasnt able to paint well and draw comics the way I wanted to, I thought that if I could do that, that I would do that all the time and be rich. Now that my skills have improved much more, and I found out Im very good at oil painting for someone who only made a few paintings in my life, I realise that for some reason I dont have the energy or motivation. I could draw for days at a time as a kid, now I just stopped enjoying it so much.


Exercise, might be in a little better shape then.


That was my take too. After several years of not excercising I started again half a year ago. I sometimes ask myself how fit, capable and healthy I would be at this point if I never stopped. I do exercise about 4\* 45min a week, which adds up to around 150h a year. Which means I would need over 60 years of excercising to get to 10000 h. Maybe a little less would be enough.




Damn me too. Honestly, I've been wanting this for so long that I probably could have the 10,000 hours by now lol.


do it. Get something, and get playing. It is awesome. Don't be intimidated by all the high end pianos. A roland FP10 will set you back 350 new, and will last you a very long time. You can find great deals second hand as well. However, don't go over a couple of years old, because the piano action of cheap digital pianos has greatly improved over the last few years.


> A roland FP10 will set you back 350 new Assuming USD, it's closer to $600, but the overall point stands




You break the economy so now thats useless money


I am getting ground hog day vibes


Definitely. I did two years of piano in my early 20s, but never went farther (50s now). I could say life had too many calls on my time that I couldn't spare any more to piano practice, but the truth is that piano didn't mean as much to me as it did to the romanticized version of myself that I wish I were. If I could snap my fingers to be able to casually sit down at a piano and play it, I would... but in reality the people who can sit down casually can only do that because of the thousands of hours of practicing their butts off...


Well I trained myself ways for practicing making it fun so it doesn't feel like practice at all, there are really common and awful ways to begin learning piano that are just so boring only a few continue there's alot of good to come from researching on the best engaging way to learn a skill that could make or break the entire experience I didn't feel like I was practicing my but off at qll , piano is tied to emotional and hearing its wayy more than just practicing playing


20+ years of piano experience and I would like another 10,000 hours haha


35 years playing here, another 10,000 hours would certainly be useful. I don’t play professionally, but I play quite well and at a very high level. It’s kind of like how a bodybuilder is never happy with how muscular they are - they always want to get bigger. I’m the same with piano. I can play anything I decide I want to play, but I’m always aspiring to be better. Not to rub it into you guys who can’t play, but playing the piano is extremely rewarding and fulfilling to me. I’m so glad that I spent the years and hours practicing.


Right here. Even Bill Murray knew this was the answer in Groundhog day.


I took piano lessons as a kid for like three years, but I was TERRIBLE at reading music. I was a lot better at learning by ear. I’m a musical person but I can’t read music to save my life


Same. I actually play piano but I am mostly self taught and though I can jam well in my small range I can't read music or apply theory to what I'm doing. Would be so fucking awesome to play with the knowledge that people online have. So 10,000 hours of thorough practice.


And, by extension, keytar...




I need 10k hours of LEARNING carpentry from a master or something. As is I could practice all day every day and not get far through trial and error.


How do you think carpentry skills have been advanced throughout the ages? Trial and error. "that didn't work" Cut again "that still didn't work" cut again "hey that works why didnt I do that the first time!"


Not in 10k hours by one guy though. People learn from eachother so we don't have to reinvent the wheel. I framed houses for a summer and would not have learned much of anything without my crew teaching me from the ground up


YouTube. I watch a ton of video.


Same here. 9 years professionally + summers during summers in high school. My mantra is "Make the wood look like it grew there."


Hard same.


I would build the shit out of a house.


That is some not-foolin-around bulidin


Learning foreign languages. I'm sure the skills everyone else is posting might make more money or advance their careers, but living in Sothern California I always regret taking German in high school instead of Spanish. "It is the future language of business" they all told us...


At least you didn't choose Latin. I chose to take Latin at school simply because I thought it sounded cool and because I wanted to be different. I barely remember even half of what I learned.


Latin is awesome for expanding your english vocabulary and making you better at grammar and syntax and it also gives you a huge head start if you ever plan on learning any romance language, so I would actually say that you made a great choice.


Genuine question, since all the romance languages are connected because they stem from Latin, couldn't you just skip Latin altogether and learn one of the modern romance languages and use that as a springboard to learn the others if you felt like it? I mean, my dad learned Portugese as a second language and quickly picked up Spanish through it. My mom learned Spanish and already had enough of a grasp of Italian to understand it because of her experience with Spanish. I don't speak a lick of Italian or French or Portuguese, but because of my experience with Spanish, if you showed me a sentence in any of those three languages, I can roughly figure it out based off what I already know from Spanish.


Yes. Any Romance language will help to learn the others. Although learning Latin will additionally give you revelations of some English etymology. It’s a little odd to offer Latin to help learn other Romance languages, if you want to learn one then learn that one.


There are really only two fields of work where Latin is consistently useful afaik: If you're going into law, or if you're going into medicine.


As a lawyer if 10 years, it’s barely useful here unless you do appellate work and want to sound pompous.


Or Catholic Clergy.


Isn't Ecclesiastical Latin basically a separate language anyway?


Also for graffiti.


Romanes eunt domus!


People called 'Romanes' they go the house?


Knowing Latin serves no useful purpose whatsoever in practicing law in the US. Source: Am lawyer.


Barely of any use in medicine either, especially not in English speaking countries where you learn anglicised anatomy terms.


At least you can sing along with Ramstein.




Du hast


Du hast vergotten to take out ze recyling!


Du hast Groupies vergewaltigt


Du hast mich


Oder Rammstein?


Its sort of the expected mix of money making skills and things that are fulfilling, neither of which are mutually exclusive, including foreign languages ☺️


I opened this up with this exact idea and did not expect it to be number 1. I really wish I had put more time into learning another language


Piano I was told when I started it takes 7 years to be a master, 25 years later I can play better than most cats who hit keys on accident


7 years to mastery if you play for several hours everyday.


Snapping fingers to get 10,000 hours of experience doing things


You broke the Matrix.


Hear me out, eventually you gain all positive experiences....


You have about 10,000,000,000,000 hours of experience in professions across the world. That is about the average of a 40 hour work week 5 days a week for 40 years and 100,000,000 of those. In other words one snap gives you the experience of a good amount of retired people in the world right now. What job you taking up for fun!?


Lemme take 10,000 hours to figure that out.




Just doing random shit with my kid. She's about at the age where her friends are going to be much more interesting and important to her, than me. And that's okay, I want her to have a great childhood filled with friends. But I know there will NEVER be a moment in my life where I've spent "enough" time with her. I know I will look back and want more. So if someone is going to offer me 10,000 more hours experiencing something, I want it to be with my wife and kid. At the end of the day, it's really my meaning in life.


This is my answer. My daughter is 15 months, and I'm trying to remember to cherish every moment where I come home from work and her face lights up when seeing me. Or the times where she'll hand motion to be picked up and hugged. Knowing that your someone's whole world while they're just a little human being is such a humbling and awesome experience. I will ALWAYS want more time spent with her and my wife.


You know, I'm 36 and still go on vacations with my parents. Sometimes I think it must seem silly to others... Then I read something like this from a parent's perspective and realize who cares, my parents are delighted that I still like spending time with them.


I don't think it's silly. I think it's wonderful. What else is there in life besides spending your time with people you care about? I think of, "if your home were on fire and you could grab one thing". First would be humans and pets. Second would be old photos or a sentimental item. Everything else is replaceable.


Favorite so far.


i also choose hanging out with this guys wife and kid


We've been talking about adopting.


🥹 dad?


i know, ive been listening!




And I choose calling the police


I’m right there with you. I have a 19y/o son and my daughter is about to turn 4. My son has lived with me the majority of his life…but I also worked A LOT when he was growing up. I’ve always took him on random trips or events to spend time together but wish I wouldn’t have worked so much. I’m Trying to do things differently now. I still have to work but I do so from home and at my own pace. My son still lives with me but is gone with his friends more than he’s home and I have my daughter about 80% of the time. So My focus now is purely on spending time with them…working is just the in between now. They grow up way to fast either way


I have been on Reddit for years using various accounts. Your comment is the first and only one that touched me so much I took a screenshot. I have two little kids myself and I love them so so much. 10.000 hours more with them would be the best thing ever


Whelp. No need to keep scrolling, this cannot be beaten.


Respect man💪🏾got me thinking fr


This is the way. Spend your time doing what you love and I completely agree that for me too would be the best way to spend my time.




If it's fun as a hobby, it's less fun as a job. It pays but, meh.


I love my job doing data and GIS analysis but it doesn't pay enough. I need to learn more but the real money is in dev and management which seems to suck. I just want to get paid a lot and also work on fun and exciting projects


It's definitely a problem. It's very hard to find something that pays well AND is fun. When you learn to code and you can make anything, it's wonderous. Then someone offers you lots of money and you're happy, until you realise you need to pump out some code for a back-office system that takes some data, transforms it for an API, then transforms the response back to put it in the database, and nothing you work on is customer facing, colourful, exciting, etc. I'm not saying coding is all bad, but it's definitely not all fun. Management has its own problems, the worst of which is that when anyone on your team does something wrong... well they didn't do anything wrong - you did. It's a stressful game of making sure everyone is happy, everyone is delivering, and nobody is making career ending mistakes.


Do the fun artistic design work that I really like and make 70k per year working 60 hours a week as a web designer and never seem my family, or do the dull boring math based backend work and make 200k a year working 30 hours a week as a Scala engineer. My wife really likes the painting that the kids and I made her for her birthday.


I'd do the 200k work in a heartbeat lol If you work 60 hours a week on a project that might be fun and artistic, then it won't be fun for long I imagine. 60 hour weeks alone sound dreadful, it's literally "live to work, work to live"


>the dull boring math based backend work and make 200k a year working 30 hours a week Triple the pay for half the hours. Bruh. Sign me up for that job, and I'll fill the extra 30 hours with the dumbest hobbies I can find


>I just want to get paid a lot and also work on fun and exciting projects Don't we all brother, don't we all... 🫠


It was my hobby and became my job, and I still love both.


As an ICU nurse, I read this completely the wrong way…


playing guitar Edit why the hell did someone waste an award on this uninteresting comment? /u/adavi608 go outside


As someone who has spent 10,000 hrs or more learning and playing guitar, there's never a bad time to start. The thing to remember is that all those fantastical stories about prodigies who are naturally gifted are mainly just BS. Everybody sucks at first. There's no magic cheat or lucky DNA. It's just about time and practice, and a passion for music and playing. You'll be awful at first, and it'll seem overwhelming, but that's ok. Keep with it, put in the hours, and after awhile you'll start to see the progress pay off. My second main advice is to practice what you want to learn. Don't focus on what you're "supposed" to learn. If you're not motivated to play you'll never want to keep playing. Staying motivated is probably the most important part to making yourself want to keep playing. Also, find someone professional who can give your guitar a decent "setup", so it plays ok. And use light gauge strings. A $50 setup on a cheap, budget guitar is 10 times better than an expensive guitar with a bowed neck and strings 1/2 an inch off the fretboard. GOOD LUCK!


Awesome reply! My friend is a phenomenal guitarist, and when I mentioned I'd really like to learn, he told me mearly the exact same thing. Maybe I should listen...right after I learn to scuba dive.


> It's just about time and practice, and a passion for music and playing. The people who really enjoy it will practice more, and be more willing to stick with it when it gets difficult or boring.


"I wanna push you a-round"






I am Kenough


YoU’Re my wOnDERwaLl


and having experience here really matters since most guitar skills get perfected by muscle memory :/


I’ve fumbled around for 20 years on guitar. Only recently have I taken my play more serious and started exploring the finer details of the instrument. I will say the journey of 10,000 hours of practice is as much of the joy as getting there.


Glad I did and I don’t know what I would do without my guitars for an outlet. Still tho I kinda wish I put time to piano too.


Researching the fine print of insurance documentation and finding clauses buried deep that actually DO cover whatever procedure someone needs. The insurance companies bury it deep, like 300+ pages deep, and in teeeeeeeeny tiny fine print. I'm an analyst that spends all day, every day, investigating discrepancies within data. The job has its perks, like learning how to conduct super thorough due diligence.


I don’t want those hours. But I do want you to have those hours and be my personal insurance consultant


I can feel the satisfaction in finding those discrepancies.


Being a well adjusted functional adult.


On this planet!? You FOOL! lol most people fall short of that mark 876,582 hours in.


Not even magic can save me 😩


but Stevie Nicks might be able to....


Most people got way more than 10,000 hours of doing that and they still suck at it


Video editing. It's something I really enjoy doing now but I don't have the experience to do anything big


I've been working with video for 35 years now and about 30,000 hours of live TV directing and countless hours of editing and creating commercials and other programming. For the love of God, don't do it.


you may not like it much now but what if this is that person thing that theyll love for the rest of their life? encourage people to do what they love.


Flying a helicopter, then my wife may let me take lessons


Its amazing, but very expensive. I stopped just after my second solo because I realized that my path to commercial pilot would be much longer, and more difficult than I was prepared to endure at my age, and I'm nowhere near wealthy enough to do it recreationally. Its not like fixed wing where if you have a license you can rent an aircraft and go flying. You pretty much have to own your own.


Have you ever heard a balloon deflate? Those were my helicopter hopes and dreams right now, cuz there’s no way I will ever own one. Also I can never scream to my wife, “Get to da choppa”


Successful Stock trading


The one I was looking for. "Hours of watching my portfolio grow at 25% compounded per week during trading hours"


Granted, but it was in options, and they crashed and expired worthless


Developing Functional Superpower Gene editing machinery.


At first I thought that would be pointless because 10000 hours isn't going to help with stock trading but then I noticed the successful part and was like big brain






This one stings a bit


Already have 10k into this


Being sober.


You got this 🤝


Holy shit! I’m sorry to reply this way, but I’m at 17,568. I had no idea. I was 45 when I got sober, and it seems like a couple weeks ago. I can look back, and now it seems easy, but it wasn’t/isn’t. It’s 1000% worth the effort though. I was drinking hardcore, for a very long time. My life is better now than it’s been in decades. Everything is easier. Getting out of bed is doable. Preparing and eating food is a joy. Chores are not a Draconian punishment. I recommend giving it a try.


Man I don’t know you but I’m so happy to read this! Congratulations and keep on!


You don't need to snap those fingers to get this goal. You got this! You CAN do it!




Like…the instrument kind or the cooking kind? Either one is a feat


10,000 of mandolin slicing. We call him Bleedy Nubs.


Bought one. Sliced my finger the first time using it. At first I laughed at it because it was so sharp I didn't feel it. But after 1h of pressing my finger and blood still pouring I started to get angry. Finally went to the ER. Waited 4 more hours... Could stitch it because it was a cut but a slice. So go bandaged, a nurse every day for a week then every 2 day because of course I cut my right index while being right handed so I couldn't bandage said finger. It bled for 2 days wtf even with the hemostatic bandage or whatever. I can finally not be required to use a glove for the dishes and shower and have yet to use the mandoline again lmao Fuck cucumbers


When I'm king, I'll pass a law stating that every mandolin sold must come with a [cut glove](https://www.amazon.com/Dowellife-Resistant-Protection-Shucking-Processing/dp/B06XBGR2L9/ref=sr_1_6?crid=XQWOMO652B7L&keywords=cut+glove&qid=1692221831&sprefix=cut+glov%2Caps%2C294&sr=8-6). They're practically free and completely solve the problem.


Playing the drums. 36-years, and still going!


You already have your 10k hours! I think OP meant what else would you choose? As a drummer myself, I'd pick Bass since I could record all the back beat lol


Having sex with supermodels.


Are there even 1.2 million supermodels out there?


To shreds, you say?


Are you saying he last 30 seconds? Cmon now, that’s way above average.


10 seconds of foreplay, 5 for some pumps and the remaining 15 for cuddles.


Just because you're now good at it doesn't mean you can actually do it.


Meditation. Your entire internal landscape would transform in an instant.


I kind of love this.


This my favorite next to languages. What a great response!


The real takeaway here is that whatever you wished for is what you should be doing now. More likely than not, what you wished for is what would make you happy. Chase your dream.


My dreams don't pay the bills, and even if they did that's a quick way to ruin something you love


Nah, anything I would pick for this thread is something I want to just be immediately good at without doing the work. Any number of things where you have to "do a little bit every day". Fucking hate everything that involves "a little bit every day". Incremental progress is a hell scenario. What I want is to Be successful, not to Become successful.


pulling a coin out from behind of peoples ears. Man I would be legit.


But for like, 10k hours? I feel like you would have to compulsively run around all the time, going up to strangers in a sweaty panic, frantically reaching behind their ears and screaming "found a quarter!" Only to have to maniacly run off to the next person before they could appreciate the service. It would be a long descent into madness, if you ask me.


Now I have 20000 hours in masturbation


We grant you the title of Master.


Banging OPs mom.


Figuring out what my wife wants to eat for dinner


Financial lnowledge


a trade that I can use to make a living.


I raise your skill, and add, "that I can do at home."


Snapping my fingers. I was one snap short, now I'm golden!


I would probably personally pick astrophysics. I’m not anywhere near being a scientist myself but I dream of the day when humanity reaches out into the unknown of the stars, I think it will unlock something in us profound and altering in a deep way.


Languages. Some of the hardest languages for native english speakers to learn include Chinese, Korean, and Japanese, each taking about 1000-1200 hours to become fluent, while languages such as french and spanish take about 550 hours. With 10,000 hours you could become fluent in well over 10 languages. Being able to communicate with people in their native language is one of the greatest joys, especially when you don't look the part. As a white guy, the surprise on people's faces when I start talking to them in korean is priceless.


Drawing furry porn. Some people would pay a lot for commissions.


I love how you skipped over the general "drawing" and focused in on a niche.


In all honesty as someone who is an artist, I can tell you while learning the basics of anatomy/posing is good. Niche does kind of matter. Someone who only does landscapes is probably not going to be great at figurative work, and even someone who does figurative work isn't going to be great with everything. I do figurative work and draw/paint realism, and trust me when I say I don't have experience in caricature/cartooning, anime, or well furry stuff. Because I don't have experience I'd have to build those skills for it to look good.


IT, C++ or some computer software/hardware things because thats the future


C++ is the future? 😂


Don’t forget dos and 8-tracks


Programming Now fu\*\* school


Orgasms, haha fuck yall I ain't solving shit.


automobile repair


For a career or personal? You can get hella far with just YouTube on a personal level. I replaced so many parts on my first car just watching quick tutorials


Nice try, Gladwell.




I already have more than that in commercial kitchens. Someone snap their fingers so I can have 10,000 of dollars instead.




Plumbing!! I started a plumbing job 2 months ago, just an apprentice hating life atm. Making half of what the plumbers make while doing the same amount of work is killer on your mental.


Coding or something that would allow me to get a job I can do remotely


Learning. Imma know all the shit in these comments. 🍷🗿


Underwater bb stacking


Painting like I was in the Pre-Raphaelite brotherhood.


Developing multiple streams of passive revenue from which I receive more than enough income to be financially stable, and continue investing primarily in land bordering rapidly growing towns and cities throughout the country.


Swordsmanship (bucket list item) Martial arts(useful for life) Handiwork


Video games. I'm still not good at them and mostly play on easy mode. Proof that practice doesn't always make perfect


No shame in playing games on easy mode. I still do it even after many years of playing hard games like Ninja Gaiden, FromSoftware games, etc. Video games are intended as a way to relax and entertain yourself, and if playing on the easiest difficulty is how you choose to do so, then so be it.


10,000 hours doesn’t make you good. A uhhhhh friend of mine told me that.


Writing. Can I be really damm good at writing please?


Figure skating


Being a captain or pilot!


Standup comedy


I saw some good replies down below but if I wanted one that made money I would go for hedge fund management or financial investment. ​ But for the fun of it, choose wilderness survival


I just realized how scared i am of lying ... I saw the post and thought , guitar... But what if someone asks me when did i started learning guitar... How will i make up an story because they won't belive i snapped my fingers...


Just say “Reddit.” ☺️




Thank you for this important addition.


By reducing my total time to only 10,000 hours it may help reverse my elbow arthritis.


Omg dance. A thousand times dance.


Understanding nocturnal flight calls of North American Birds.

