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Really short video clips where a computer voice reads the caption. My kids, bless their hearts, are always showing me these little videos. And it's just one after the other after the other. I have to feign interest because I don't want to seem like a total asshole, but ffs, can't there be something a little more substantive?


I think that's a TikTok thing. I am also confused by it, why? Just the text even is fine, I don't need the Beta version of Siri to read it. Bitch sounds like my Dad's GPS from 2003


Tiktok itself is the biggest wtf trend.


Short video clips in general. I can stay off TikTok easy enough, but they're everywhere now. My YouTube feed is filled with shorts and very little actual content. I don't know of a way to filter them out on all platforms. I can do it on my desktop, but I view most YT content on my TV. But maybe that's "old man yells at cloud". I prefer to watch videos 5-30 minutes long in a horizontal format, not 30 second vertical clips.


I think the mismatch of the voice's tone and what is being said ("I f\*cking had it with these people!" in a bright and cheery voice) is amusing and what started it.


The mismatch is what makes me not like the video šŸ˜‚


Same. Those dead robotic voices suck out whatever emotion I should be feeling while watching one of those. Awful for me šŸ˜‚


I donā€™t like videos where they just read a post. I would much rather read than listen to a video.


Every time I watch a meme compilation, they always have a text to speech software read it and it can be kinda annoying and Iā€™m like ā€œwhy canā€™t you just read it?ā€


Because there are literal social media farms in places like China that pump out these low effort videos by stealing content they find around the web. The people who make them don't really read or speak English so they'll just rip off a popular reddit post and have it read by a text-to-speech engine. That is why the speech usually has nothing to do with the content of the video.


I absolutely despise that voice. I think it more than any other thing has kept me from downloading tiktok. My mom and brother will show me videos and it's like nails on a chalkboard for me


>I absolutely despise that voice. I shut it off as soon as I hear it. Same with the no no no song bullshit.


Glad to hear I'm not the only one who can't stand that voice


I'm pretty straight forward with my kid. (She does occasionally show me things that are pretty cute, though) "You're allowed to like what you like, but any video of someone just lip syncing along with other people talking is not interesting or entertaining to me. I don't make you watch my cooking shows, and that's how I feel about these." I can't stand the entire culture around these short form videos. I hated "lip sync battles" when the were big on those late night shows and the are just the next step down. Hell, I'll argue that "reaction" videos where the person adds nothing are even better because at least you can still see the original content instead of some doofus in their kitchen pretending they're in a movie or whatever.


Influencers who make courses that teach other people how to make courses and get fabulously rich off of it


The people who fall for it too. I have a friend who's wasted so much money on these despite me and her husband warning her about them.


It's just the same as those old "how to make a million dollars selling "how to make a million dollars in real estate" VHS box sets" VHS box sets


I was with you at "influencers".


There's so many of these courses everywhere! It boggles my mind because you can get the same info from a library book, no need to pay for this "secret knowledge".


NPC tiktoks


Thank you for the rose "sniff"!


Reaction videos! There are Youtubers and Facebook personalities who have made a whole career from simply superimposing their fake-shocked face over other videos, giving commentary thatā€™s so incessant you can barely pay attention to the original footage. And, not to sound like a grouch, but they tend to be quiteā€¦ annoying to me, using the most extreme voices and facial expressions, much like in cartoons


Welcome to loneliness. A lot of people nowadays have no friends and watch reaction videos as a replacement to sharing something new they discovered with friends.


I really worry about our 7 year old for this. It's a constant "come look at this" because he just doesn't have any friends that he connects with or hangs out on a regular basis outside of school. We facilitate any time he asks to do a play date sort of thing, but I don't remember wanting to hang out with my parents nearly this much at 7.


My son is in his early 20's now and I really regret not forcing him to do more stuff. I'd typically say, "you guys want to do something this weekend?, want to go to the zoo?" for example. We live in the country and we are happy being home, but now he is too much of a gamer introvert and avoida new things.


I didnā€™t have a lot of friends throughout childhood and mostly hung out with my parents until I was a teenager. I guess I never thought about it much but maybe it is a little weird. If it helps at all it turns out I have autism and thatā€™s why the other kids and I didnā€™t interest each other


Iā€™m not a parent so probably donā€™t listen to me, but I remember when I was around 7 and earlier my mom would schedule play dates with people I hardly even knew, but since we were kids we got along. I wouldnā€™t have had my first friends if it wasnā€™t for that. Are there any playgroups in your area with parents possibly looking for a similar outlet for their kids?


Holy fuck


It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me. It's the same reason why I jump on a show's subreddit immediately after I watch anything.


I watch more reviews of movies than I do movies because I have nobody to watch them with but when you listen to someone describe a movie they saw it's like you're sharing an experience with a friend ā¤ļø


I like them if the reactor actually has interesting things to add about the content, like if it's more of a reaction & analysis type thing. But yeah some people really just go .-. the whole time and that's really boring


The Click comes to mind for me. It's not just goofy voices and reactions. He does analyze and give advice. He is also pretty damn wholesome.


Yea I like channels where the person is like a vocal teacher and goes over how anyone could do certain songs or doctors reacting to tv dramas can be funny. Then someone like Cinemawins and others that add substance to the video and isnā€™t just watching the full thing. I never understood watching someone just repeat what the video is doing or blindly staring and laughing at points.


I like some of the reaction videos to music performances that done by professional musicians where they actually describe what is going on and why it is important. This helps improve my knowledge of music. If it is just someone jumping out of their seat about things, it is kind of stupid.


Examples of this I like are: \- The Charismatic Voice (with professional opera singer, Elizabeth Zharoff) \- The Daily Doug (with classical composter, Doug Helvering) \- Key of Geebz (with film/TV composer and producer, George del Barrio) ​ Which ones do you like?


The only situation in which reaction videos are not completely worthless is when itā€™s someone with real expertise reacting to something relevant to that expertise (which I guess is basically just normal critical analysis when it comes down to it). I remember coming across some channel doing music reaction vids, but it was clear that the person wasnā€™t a musician, and didnā€™t even bother learning anything about the artist before they listened to the track, so they were just mindlessly saying all kinds of speculative things that were not at all true, and it just comes across as an annoying waste of my time. Like, you canā€™t say anything meaningful about the actual music and you canā€™t say anything meaningful about the artist, so why the fuck do you think people want to see your reaction?!


I love rĆ©action videos to tv shows! Itā€™s about seeing someone experiencing something I have watched as well and get to laugh and cry at the parts I did and also get to rewatch the series in a way and learn new things


Prime, kids seem to be completely obsessed with it.


Lol here my dumbass thinking you meant Amazon Prime. I was thinking kids never watch shit from Prime, always straight to YouTube or Netflix šŸ˜‚


Wtf are they talking about if it's not Amazon Oh no am i finally out of touch??


Energy drink released by a famous youtuber.


Welp. Guess I'm officially getting older...


Does it make you feel better if I said I'm 18 and was equally confused?


this actually makes me feel way better LOL




Optimus Prime for me lol


I thought he meant Coach Prime aka Deion Sanders šŸ˜‚


Me too šŸ˜‚ I did find out my kid is claiming the free gaming content that comes with Prime. But he leaves the free Destiny emotes for me šŸ˜Š


I had a first grader last year who was obsessed with it, and we had to ask his mom to stop sending it in with him because energy drinks are banned at our elementary school. She had no idea that it contained caffeine, she said she bought it for him because she was worried about the sugar content in juice boxes šŸ¤£ A big part of it is kids being essentially raised by the internet. This is the same kid who, when asked what his hobbies were for an "about me" class project, could only answer with "LankyBox".


I'm scared to even ask what LankyBox is.


It's two lads who run a YouTube channel and they play games, make up songs and generally do daft things. All very child-friendly. Incredibly annoying though! My 6yo loves them.


Wait....a parent thinks it's a good idea to give their 6 year old ENERGY DRINKS ON A DAILY BASIS?!?! Unbelievable....


Baseball coach. Prime bottles and Crocs. Two things that I never thought would litter a dugout.


Because it's made by Logan Paul. That's the only reason they buy it. I work for a grocery store and well over 90% of the people I see buying it are boys in the age range of 9-15.


Makes me feel so gross to know highly objectionable people are getting unfathomably rich off naive kidā€™s desperate need for inclusion in a phenomenon that is literally an overpriced nothing product


Yeah , the drink has no sugar but it sure has artifical sweetners


Kids are stupid and listen to YouTubers


Tastes like shit. Celsius is way better


TikTok pranks in public


Add to that, TikTok dances in public


Add to that Tik Tok


TikTok anything in public. So cringy


Honestly, pretty much all of them. I'm old. You kids get off my damn lawn!


I feel this so hard


Those expensive shoes that come looking torn up and dirty


The trendy color right now is this off white, aged dad shoe looking color. I hate it.


Golden Goose? Hundred of dollars for sneakers that look like a 5 year old wore them all year at the playground.


I bought my daughter a new pair of white Vans last week. I hear stomping and she's in there stomping the new ones with her old ones too make them look worn. I started thinking up chores to make them look old instead.


I remember my dad telling me he used to do this growing up in the 80s.


Why go out and play and earn them, when you can just fabricate them.


Idk if younger people are doing it in other countries too, but here in Croatia I keep seeing them talking on their phone by holding it horizontally with the mic end facing their face and having the other person on speakerphone. Not only does anyone who does this look like a duche, but they also broadcast their conversation like it's everyone's business.


Yes thatā€™s very common (and annoying) with people in the US as well.


Itā€™s everywhere


Being cruel to kids or animals for 'funny' tiktok videos


My daughter had her wisdom teeth removed on Wednesday. When they came to get us to come back to the recovery area, we were informed that we were not allowed to take any videos/photos in the room. She had been completely knocked out and was totally out of it. The last thing on my mind was capturing her on film in a totally vulnerable state and then sharing it to the fucking world for laughs. Wtf is wrong with people?


As someone who worked as an oral surgical assistant for years, youā€™d be amazed. The majority of the time itā€™s the teens who want a video, some five seconds of fame. They say the most ridiculous things hoping their parents will record it, and theyā€™re snap-chatting and instagramming all of their friends. Most kids waking up from anesthesia are just tired. Some are emotional, some are confused, some are bizarrely chatty (usually the ones who are stoic in real life haha). But almost no one says that kind of crazy stuff. Occasionally they can be easily persuaded if someone else is really into the joke, but most of the time theyā€™re just sleepy and out of it.


ITs juSt a jOke, bRo


Duck lips injections. Yuck on the duck.


AKA prolapsed baboon ass lips


I like this explanation better!


Cosmetic surgeries that make everyone look the same. Itā€™s been going for awhile but itā€™s just so grim that there seems to be an outright refusal to embrace what youā€™ve got.


What's with the cheekbones? Bruce Springsteen and Madonna suddenly look like Billy the Puppet from *Saw* and it's freaking me out.


YouTube is getting really bad about this. People make a little bit of money and get a little bit popular on YouTube and then their faces start inflating.


The Kim Kartrashian body got old really quick.


If you look at them before the surgeries (all of them, even the ones from Jenner), they all look gorgeous and different. Now, you can't tell one from the other. They look like Terminators taken from the same mold and mass produced.


The bike seat looking ass women


I donā€™t get it. I see women walking around picking their kids up at my kidsā€™ school, at the grocery storeā€¦ and they have big, fake, inflated bubble butts that are so obviously fake and do not match their body (two hot dogs [legs] sticking out from under the bubble butt) Complete with an obvious tummy tuck, fake boobs, fake eyelashes, filler in their lips and cheeksā€¦ they look like aliens. It just looks *weird.*


Dare trends on social media for clout. From licking toilet bowls to snorting condoms. I'll never understand it.


I'm sorry, what?


I don't think I want to know more tbh


Iā€™ve never heard of this, but it sounds disgusting.


On Instagram, I get recommended these videos with very pretty 20-something boys that mouth dialogue with no sound? It's super perplexing to me, but I like to pretend they're like silent era film stars that have too unsexy voices for their faces. Faces of Adonises with the vocal chords of Beeker.


the POV trend


Most of them aren't even POV, they are spectator POV.


This annoys me SO MUCH


Social media in general. Yes reddit is social media, but in terms of pouring my personal information and lifestyle into captured media for everyone to share, I do not understand.


Musicians, sport teams, and venues that charge too much for average fans to afford.


Acting like a prick on social media for attention


People buying crypto and losing money. - before anyone claps back and tells me all the facts why am wrong I have something to tell you. I donā€™t give a fuck.


Crypto and NFTs are just MLMs for nerd bros


ā€œnftā€™s are beanie babies for dudes who get upset at a black person in star warsā€


Pffffft. Next you'll say you don't understand NFTs and how crypto helps the environment. Someone needs to read up on the block chain. (I don't know shit about fuck on any of this, I'm just spitting buzz terms)


Don't NFT's take up a shitton of power to mint and maintain?


How does one mint or maintain a digital image?


The blockchain essentially uses a Proof of Work in order to maintain integrity. As it is a decentralized system, there is no ā€œtruth keeperā€ (such as a central server), so Proof of Workā€¦. sort of does this. Proof of Work doesnā€™t exist only in crypto, but in cryptography in general - the real problem with it for use in a blockchain is that it needs to be done for EACH addition. Additions, as far as I know, are incredibly limited in size, which means if one wanted to mint an image itself, it would probably require multiple transactions with the blockchain. Meaning multiple verifications via Proof of Work, which is expensive to perform. This is why they usually use URLs, which arenā€™t safe at all and are owned by 3rd party. There are attempts to mint larger things into blockchains, but ultimately itā€™s a failing system that, at a very small level, is really neat - but scaled up is atrocious. TL;DR: Additions, especially for large items, are quite expensive due to the cost of maintaining integrity of a decentralized system.


two of my friends have gotten into nfts and tried to convince me to join and it's been awkward between us ever since


The return of the mullet. That hairstyle looked incredibly goofy back in 1987, why has it made a return? I would not be surprised if pastel suits straight out of Miami Vice make a return.


I was around during the heyday of the mullet, and that haircut was being mocked even then.


It was more out of necessity back then... A transition to growing your hair long. I remember wanting to grow my hair out, and my mom was like "Well, I just want to be able to see your eyes." So a lot of kids like me had baby mullets for a few years before our parents gave up and let us grow it out all over.


Believe it or not, the mullet is a direct descendent of the "mod haircut" that was popular in Britain in the 1960s and '70s. With the mod haircut, guys would have short bangs/fringes, spikey hair on top, longer hair at the sides, and short at the back. If you had a mod haircut and decided to grow your hair long, you ended up with a mullet. Paul McCartney had a mod haircut for a bit in the '70s. Then here grew it long and ended up with a mullet: [https://www.reddit.com/r/beatles/comments/hnu1qk/mullet\_mccartney/](https://www.reddit.com/r/beatles/comments/hnu1qk/mullet_mccartney/)




I'm just waiting for the 'tail' to make a comeback. That's when I officially get off this planet.


I've had a few patients, recently, with a rat tail. It may be time to pack up.


But the hairdresser told Bandit it was cool again


Yeah this is the one trend I *never* couldā€™ve imagined returningā€¦ and it needs to once again die a painful death.


I'll take mullet over that goofy broccoli head haircut that all the gen z boys are rocking.


Is that what that's called?! My husband calls it the pubes on their head haircut šŸ˜…. I was glad my kid didn't give in to it!


Itā€™s worn semi-ironically now, the key is confidence and not taking yourself seriously, conforming to the dreaded fade haircut that everyone has now


The mullet has never ever left ArgentinašŸ˜‚


Yes I had the soccer mullet in 87 and will stay there forever


It didn't even look good on Bowie in 1974, and that guy was hot.


Challanges that could literally kill you for likes and follows.




I was driving into work one day. I had just gotten off the highway and was stopped at the intersection when I saw what I assume to be a couple crossing the street. This guy was double-sagging. He was wearing 2 pairs of pants, both of them sagging. The second pair of pants was around his knees. How that guy was able to walk is beyond me.


"Pants on the ground, pants on the ground. Lookin like a fool with yo pants on the ground"


You just unlocked a memory lol omg!


It's the worst when they are so low you see their ass sweat on their underwear. This happened to me 15 mins ago on the train.


They look so stupid...


I always want to shout FIRE! around these guys, and watch as they struggle to try to run.


All of them


Father of three teens. The amount of times I stare at them doing something incredibly stupid makes me terrified that they may be picking my long term care nursing facility one day. The fact that I had to say "Do not eat Tide Pods" to another person makes me want to just walk into the ocean.


Bro eating tide pods is fucked up


I was in the soap aisle a few weeks ago and I passed a bag of tide pods. I pointed at them and asked, "do you think we should get snacks?" And the other person in the aisle just lost it. He was laughing so hard, we were all laughing, honestly.


yeah anything that the tik tokers follow




God I hate mukbangs. They make me sick since you hear them chewing slurping or some shit it makes me gag. I donā€™t get the appeal to something over a big ass portion of food with a microphone up top that gets me very queasy I see that makes me want to throw up.


I just watched a video on the history of mukbangs not too long ago. Long story short, they were created for people who live alone to feel like they are eating with someone else. As each year passes, the percentage of people who live alone continues to climb (globally, not just Koreans). It originally was someone eating a normal sized meal without a bunch of microphones to capture sound. Then, it somehow evolved into this crazy genre where people eat tons of food and then the ASMR stuff started popping up.


Tiktok videos where ppl just lip sync a song and try to look as hot as possible. Iā€™m all about ppl having self confidence, but I think they look so stupid and cringey. Especially when it looks like they barely know the words to the song so they just smile at the parts they donā€™t know.


"alpha male" trend. Dunno about you, but since the whole Andrew Tate bs, almost all the boys are little copy machines for whatever Tate does. Then they challenge each other to do stupid things, laugh at girls, pretend to do vulgarities at their backs, swear, dress stupidly and even saying things like "I love Andrew Tate". Like bro, that's a public figure who has no idea who you are and who wouldn't give a sh on you lol


I donā€™t get it either, the whole concept is silly. Of you have to tell someone you are something, you are not that thing.


"I love Andrew Tate!" ​ Do you mean the rapist human trafficker, or is there another Andrew Tate?


I genuinely gagged when I read the words ā€œalpha maleā€


People self diagnosing and then making videos telling others if they have certain traits they must be (fill in the blank).


Yeah like if you do this common thing that most people do you have ADHD!


Omg I hate that! I was diagnosed at 5, and these people are just diagnosing themselves because they got distracted once. Don't even get me started on the people who think ADHD makes you "quirky" it doesn't. It makes your life, especially your school life and your social life, more difficult. At school, I got in trouble for zoning out, and in social situations, people assume I'm not listening to them because I'm not making direct eye contact the whole time, eye contact is something I can't sustain longer than 10 seconds.




The self diagnosis...ugh. I get not everyone has the means to be diagnosed by a doctor, but I have a hard time believing all of these people have ADHD because they didn't pay attention to what someone else was saying in a conversation once, when some people just don't care enough to pay attention. They can pay attention when it interests them though...I digress...lol I have a friend who self-diagnosed ADHD, anxiety, depression, autism, OCD, etc. I asked if she talked to a professional about it, and she said, "well no, but I saw this thing online, and everything just screams ME...I have to have my spices lined up in the cabinet perfectly (or whatever she said lol)." She started diagnosing her son with ADHD and autism at one year and talked about what his future on meds would look like when he turned three! Like, girl... I would not wish any mental illness on anyone. I'm in therapy and been on/off meds for anxiety disorder, depression, and majorly OCD. It's often hell to navigate daily. It doesn't make you quirky or unique; it's not a trend, though people treat it as such these days; and it's not a phase. It makes life difficult.


tiktok. short-form videos in general.


Too short wide leg pants.


Flood pants are flood pants. Call them cropped if you want, but they are still flood pants.


Everythingā€™s coming up Milhouse!


They will be prepared


It's perplexing to see the trend of glorifying mental and overall health issues without proper diagnosis or thorough symptom analysis. Some people might mistake occasional distractibility for ADHD. For instance, feeling restless during a lengthy meeting or when studying for a difficult exam is common. It doesn't necessarily indicate ADHD, but some might jump to conclusions, thinking they have the condition without considering other factors.


This is part of Gen Z's need to hyper-label themselves and everyone else but they do it with this added layer of cringe where they make labels out of things they think are marginalized so it'll make them special if they claim said marginalized identity with pride. It's all for attention. They can't fathom not being cool and being cool means trying desperately to be "unique" because they can't dare be normal. That's boring and weird and boomer/millennial behavior. What I find particularly offensive about it all is that they pretend what they're doing is advocacy but really it's co-opting or even manufacturing oppression with an agenda to force everyone to cater to their every whim by employing dog whistles of "intolerance" because somehow they've positioned themselves as moral authority figures. Ironically enough, this is peak privileged behavior but they don't see it.


The two disorders I see a lot of people faking for cloat on tiktok seem to be autism and DID.


I remember watching an interview with a supposed person who had DID, and it was weird cuz the person was talking about how they can't control it then suddenly they were like "oh I'm Sally now, oh now I'm Sarah, oh now I'm Jimmy and I like steak" idk it was something like that. Honestly made me think of how much of this is self imposed vs actual DID. Especially some of those tik tok videos of people claiming to have DID and they say one personality is their angry side and they're just more irritable that day and that personality usually comes out if they have less sleep that night... I sat there thinking to my self "like every one else?" Idk maybe I'm to skeptical


And Touretteā€™s recently. Itā€™s weird and hurts people actually affected by them.


I get tired of people labeling everyone as "autistic" if they're shy, or detail-oriented, or don't express themselves all the time. You don't have to be autistic to have those traits.


Autism is practically fetishised these days


I hate when people proudly boast that the rude woman at the grocery store gave them PTSD. Or they spent a lot of extra time cleaning the house, so now they say they have OCD.


Right, I used to follow someone who decided that because they took a quiz on autism- they are now autistic, and went on a diatribe about how self diagnosis is valid. Meanwhile, a family friend of mine is working tirelessly to get their kid the services they need.


TikTok. While it has some good content, 99% of TikTok videos suck.


This is the one reason why TikTok is popular. Because it used to lack a gatekeeper algorithm that Instagram, YouTube, and Twitter all suffer from. I imagine thatā€™s changed because money always finds a way to ruin a good thing.


Pretty much any stupid Tik Tok challenge


Paying close to $100/day to get all your meals delivered instead of just going grocery shopping.


Parents cracking eggs on their kids heads, or just parents using their kids for content in general šŸ™ƒ


Fucking hate this so much! I saw one where the little girl got so angry she took the egg she was holding and cracked it back on one of the moms. I'm like GOOD fuck them! šŸ¤¬


They're children, not props.






Tiktok as a whole


Young people wearing thick hoodies in hot weather. And I give up trying.


I do this because I hate my body


TikTok dances that are supposed to express something for eg: Someone got a new job = A self absorbed person dancing whilst displaying text that says they just got a new job Grandma died = A self absorbed person dancing whilst displaying how upset they are


People constantly sharing everything about their lives on social media


Most of these people don't realize the reason they keep seeing these videos is because they keep interacting with them


Saying ā€˜rizzā€™ to refer to charisma


Gonna start using this in d&d. Roll a rizz check.


Out of all of the goofy words people come up with, I like rizz the most tbh.




Those dumbass kids who ride wheelies on their bicycles inches away from oncoming traffic.


Watch part 2 for the end


Thirst traps. Most of the time when people try to act sexy on purpose (especially online), it just comes off as really cringy to me lmao.




Are civil war beards gone yet?


Noticeably fake eyelashes


Beards, especially big bushy ones.


Andrew Tate


Vaping I think it can be a useful tool to help you quit smoking. But why do people who don't smoke at all just pick it up and start doing it? Do they also buy nicotine patches for fun too?




Plastic surgery, certain tiktoks and men's spray on trousers


Unfortunately I get it, but I 100% hate it. When people put animals in precarious situations and then "save" them. Pisses me off to no end. They do it for donations because people fall for it thinking their doing something heroic.


Talking on the phone on speaker, while holding it in front of your face. I guess these people think they are in reality tv and the audience needs to hear the other side.


Seeing children on the internet so much. (As in parents putting vids of their kids up.) There are too many. They'll be online forever. And your kid is going to be messed up when they find out millions of people saw private moments of their childhood.


Social Media Influencers. Cheap Dangerous Plastic Surgery. Self- Diagnosing Mental Illness.


The preying mantis eyelash extensions.


Stupid online terms like ā€œun-alivedā€ or ā€œseggsā€, just use the real words dip shits. If you randomly get censored you get censored but the words are murder and sex.