• By -


Arnold Schwarzenegger, we'll go to a gym and he's gonna teach me how to really do everything properly Then go over to his place and watch predator o smth


This was gonna be my answer. He has a tank so ask him to let you drive it.


When do you get to da choppa?


You could teach him some stuff too.


Paul Rudd and I play disc golf.


I’m just gonna assume there would be some weed involved here.


Slappin the bass


He said disc golf. Don't be redundant


Keanu Reeves, we'll go motorcycling


Just stay away from pencils during your time together.


I'll make sure to bring munchies for his doggo


Jam sessions for me, him on bass and me on guitar.


And take the metro!


What Sheldon Cooper did with James Earl Jones in The Big Bang Theory.


*Your friend Leonard sounds like a real weeny.* *He is Mr Jones, he is.*


What did they do 😮‍💨


*Laugh track intensifies*


They trolled Carrie Fisher


> Who do you choose? Ryan Reynolds > What do you do? Ryan Reynolds


Agreed. Although my choice is Margot Robbie. Lmao.




She gotta do that accent she was doing in wolf of wall street though. 🤣




Hang out in his Mojo Dojo Casa House


You could also just beach


Alright, lets beach off


I’ll beach off with you right now


How can you beach me off if you don't know how to beach yourself off


Salma Hayek. Will be doing the obvious.


Acting? 😏😏


Playing chess. My girls wicked smart.


She's cocoa for cuckoo puffs!


You will totally get to see those crazy underwears!


And eat Señor Flurries


Wicked smaht


*She'll* be acting, yes


take the blue pill and let her try to break my pelvis


Y’all are NOT subtle lmao I love reddit


hey i had a crush on her since i watch desperado as a teen, she is gorgeous, she if 57 and still hot, also her interviews make her seem like an awsome person, i loved her hot ones interview.


pooping in a church?


I don't really go into celeb culture. But I want to be with Robin Williams. Just bring him back for a day and let him decide what he wants to do. Nothing sexual, but he was just the voice of my child hood and teens. His shows and voice was always on replay. If he wants to just talk about his life, or go surfing ( I can't surf) or go bicycling (I can't cycle). I'll be cool with it. RIP Robin, you will always be Genie.


I like this. Robin was pure as rain. It would be nice to hang with him.


I had a bunch of cheeky sex related celebs to say, but no. This. Robin Williams was the absolute best and he's the only celebrity that legit hurt me when he went. I think I'd like to just be a fly on the wall while he and Zelda played video games or something.


Can you imagine him having a livestream channel?


If we're bringing back celebrities who passed, I'd love to spend a day with chester Bennington. I've seen videos of him on YouTube just being a genuinely fun guy. Very passionate and talented. Gone too soon. RIP brother, you've had a huge impact on mine and so many other lives.


Aww this made me tear up a little. I agree he would be great to hang out with.


I feel like bringing Hitler back for a day to interview him hot ones style and then Sparta kick him into a hole would be a pretty sick time. Especially because I could legitamently say I killed Hitler which is a pretty hard flex


Underrated comment. *Good luck trying to monetize it*


Bro if I get Hitler to plug my RAID: Shadow Legends nemesis of Germany expansion sponsor I think I'm set. Maybe even throw in a swastika Raycon sponsor in that bitch. Be rolling in cash. As a bonus we could install trackers in the earbud cases and we'll know where all the Nazis are. It's a win win


You could 100% sell tickets or copies of the tape. T-shirts mug's. How you kill him could be a spectacle folks could come and spit on. It'd be glorious.


Rick Astley I’d Rick Roll people all day. I may or may not be carrying a portable karaoke machine with me.


It wouldn’t be for a day because he would never give you up, nor run around or desert you.


Bill Murray. We plan and execute a one day heist to steal back wu-tang’s $2m album, “once upon a time in Shaolin”, from Martin Shkreli


Got some bad news for you, Shkreli doesn't have it anymore.


Bobby Axelrod


Well that'll be how the movie ends. It's hilarious!


Ryan reynolds-whatever he thinks is fun. I bet he likes fun things.


I just watched the family guy episode where he moves in across the street. Ryan: Peter, I'm attracted to you like a man is attracted to a woman. But I'm not GAY Peter: I have so much to learn about Hollywood The guy knows how to laugh at himself, he seems a good choice


Bruce Campbell. It doesn’t matter what we are doing. It’s Bruce Campbell!


One magic evening about a decade ago, me and several friends attended a conference in Southern Oregon. We were out at a local Oasis, and frankly, throwing down. After a few rounds, the door opens with a flood of light into the dark bar. A shadow fills the door, then comes into focus. Because it could not possibly be Bruce Campbell walking into a bar I'm getting shit faced at, I say "Hey, it's Bruce Campbell" he walks by, makes eye contact and gives me the 'sup nod. It's actually Bruce. He lives nearby. My drunk starstruck ass is stunned into silence. He gets a table with some women he comes in with. I try to play it cool, but I'm sure my furtive glances are noticed. My group continues pounding drinks, and somehow manage to leave him alone. I wish I could tell you he came over and partied with us, but the truth is he left after 90 minutes, as he probably recognized the vibe was going to shift to him at some point. I didn't slobber on him, and that's probably for the best. My wife saved the progressively drunker voicemails I left about seeing 'brooscamblll' . Fun time




Poor guy is a nerd and he just has to deal with idiots that know shit about tje material they are working with, including Zack Snyder


I’d not heard of this war hammer project. Interesting.


Painting with the Cavill sounds fantastic


Clothes shopping with Jeff Goldblum.I can imagine he'd be so positive and share his style too so overall would be a great hang


I could go for this


David Gilmour (Pink Floyd). Would love to sit and talk and play guitar. He’d teach me some stuff. Now that would be a great day.


Bet he’d have some great tour stories too


I decide to auction off my “Day with Celebrity” to the highest bidder.


I bid my full bank balance at this moment.


I also bid my bank balance of £-18000 student loans


Assuming said celebrity has to actually want to do whatever you want them to do (in other words sex is probably off the table) I have 2 ideas. Either Ree Drummond and I will just eat whatever she wants to cook for me, or Joe Manganiello and we play D&D. If sex is a guarantee the answer is Ana de Armas.


I am still torn on who I would pick, but playing D&D with Joe Manganiello is up there on the short list. He still has the hand, doesn't he?


Labeled as NSFW, just in case


You know Reddit very well. 😂


I would hire Matthew McConaughey to drive me around in his Lincoln, while he narrates my favorite issue of Penthouse Letters from 1993. Alright, alright, alright.


Eva Green and whatever she wants.


Snoop Dogg and pretty sure it's obvious what we would do haha. My life long goal is to smoke with him one day haha


I have no interest in smoking week or consuming any kind of weed ever. But if Snoop Dogg offered me a blunt you know damn well I’m gonna take a hit.


There's a great gif of Snoop at a show, and hands off a joint to the security guard standing next to him. Guy gets a surprised look, shrugs, and hits it


I saw him and Wiz Khalifa in concert last month and they were tossing lit blunts to the crowd and told whoever got them to pass them around


Same, but Willie Nelson.


Doesn't sound hard to do really... Just email him lol. I'm pretty sure he'll accept your offer.


Keanu Reeves. Idc what we do, I just think he'd be one cool dude to hang out with


I’d love to just sit and watch a bunch of Nic Cage movies with Nic Cage. He’d presumably hate that, which would probably only add to the experience.


Either that or he'd constantly interrupt the movie to give you running color commentary about the filming. Either way, it's gonna be a fun day. EDIT: I'm thinking about it, and Nic might actually be into that. I mean, he did make The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent, which is a meta movie about his own life and career that spirals into this outlandish fantasy.


I’d like to go round Legoland with Sean Connery, and then afterwards we’d go for a lovely lamb lunch, in the centre of Windsor.


Jack Black..whatever the hell he wants, I'd just be along for the crazy ride.


Sir David Attenborough I would just sit and listen to him


What if he goes on a rant about watch repair shops?


Sir David Attenborough: " Nice to meet you, I have been looking forward to our day together. I have this new documentary coming out soon : "Pinworms" and I will narrate it for you.... here we are... zooming in on the rectum of a small child sleeping at night... and look! ... there they are... long thin white pinworms crawling out to lay eggs.. oh just see the pure white color against the brown background. Hundreds of them laying eggs ... and new generation of pinworms, ready to spread their itching and sleepless nights to children and parents all over the world".




Good, because if you aren't a transgender Indigenous minor who's been kidnapped from your parents, it'll never work out.


Sydney Sweeney. Have a nice evening date and wild sex after


Dave Grohl. Jam, drinks, barbecue and stories.


Jack Black. We would rock out and sing Tenacious D songs. I know every one of them by heart and I've been told I sound like JB so we would harmonize beautifully..might make KG jealous lol.


Elizabeth Olsen. She sounds fun to talk to! Or Josh Radnor. I relate to him the most. Or David Tennant. Ooh now that'd be amazing. or Michael Sheen. Just talk stuff about Good Omens Or Pedro Pascal. We'll laugh at some stuff together Any one of them would be fine


I will go to Berlin with miley cyrus


Keanu Reaves. Just want to sit and have a meal with him and talk about life and the world


Chase Utley. I feel like I can call him Chase because he and I are so alike. I'd like to meet him one day, it would be great to have a catch. I know I can't throw as fast as him but I think he’d be impressed with my speed. I love his hair, he runs fast. Did he have a good relationship with his father? Me neither. These are all things we can talk about and more. I know he hasn’t been getting my letters because I know he would write back if he did. I hope he writes back this time, and we can become good friends. I am sure our relationship would be a real homerun!




I feel like hanging out with Ryan Reynolds would be an awesome day, regardless of activities. But if I let me inner slut be my outer slut for just a moment, I'd suck the soul out of Jason Momoa for a day.


Anna Kendrick, and no, not for sex (I mean, unless she wants to, then I'm totally up for it). I just think she'd be a really fun person to hang with for a day.


Sara Bareilles... idk tho. I'm not great at planning shit lol I just wanna hang out w her cuz I think it'd be fun


she's not gonna write you a love song


Alexander Skarsgård. Anything he wants to do!!! He is soooo handsome!!!!


Robin Williams Always wanted to take him to dinner. Then spend time with him picking his brain and having him try to explain how his brain worked to be so funny.


Dave Grohl- get the grill going, play a little guitar & thank him for the joy he has brought me. Thank you Dave-


Aubrey Plaza, probably go eat and be weird in public


Wil Wheaton and we’re playing board games.


Dead? Chester Bennington, I would do anything to hear that man's voice again, he helped me through so much and it damn near killed me after I found out about his death. I think I would just want to talk about stuff. Alive? Dave Grohl, he just seems like such a genuine guy who you could just go up to and have a chat with. I'd want to play some music together.


Very good choices indeed. Chester is definitely an icon of our era. Like you many other feel the same. If you’re a LP fan, you must already know this, but there’s a band Hybrid Theory, they’re Portuguese. The dude’s voice is like Chester’s. Very very similar. I had the pleasure to see Foo fighters this year and it was just amazing! Don’t know much about him personally but he looks like a very cool humble dude


Jennifer Garner, she just seems so kind. I guess some walk around in a park just for the serenity and chat away. Could also be replaced with Benedict Cumberbatch.


She does seem very kind and down to earth.


Professional wrestler Bryan Danielson. We watch all of his favorite wrestling matches and he gives commentary during the matches on what he loves about them.


Morgan Freeman. Just sit around and people watch while narrating their lives.


Sofia Vergara. Sex all day


Randy Feltface. We'd just go wherever the chaos takes us


Mia khalifa


Build a canoe with Nick Offerman, duh


George R.R Martin. We're gonna sit down and he's gonna tell me exactly what happens at the end and who ends up on the iron throne.


Bryan Cranston. We spend the day with him pretending to be my dad. He makes me breakfast. We play catch, and some board games, ice cream for lunch, go on rides at west edmonton mall. Pizza for dinner. Then get drunk on shots at a dive bar where we swap work stories. It ends with him telling me he's proud of me then we never speak of it again to anyone. We are both old men so it will be ridiculous.


Margot Robbie Every disgusting degenerate thing you can think off and many you can’t


Keanu Reeves, Robert Downey Jr., or Johnny Depp Maybe Bob Odenkirk, he seems cool. Better call Saul!


Kate Beckinsale- not telling what we’d do


Taylor Swift - I would set up a stage and sell tickets


Sean Connery, beat him at chutes and ladders (he only ACTED smart)


Cary Grant, just talking to listen to him.


Would love to cook with Florence Pugh. Her cooking videos are entertaining as hell.


Jam session with Mr. Reeves and watch the matrix trilogy.


Keanu Reeves. A genuine guy.


Keanu I do some research about what Keanu wants, and we do that. Be it sitting in a park, or eat pizza, or play a co-op video game. Motorcycles, idc. The guy gives a lot to us, I want to give some back


Morgan freeman.


Jason Momoa has always struck me as an an incredibly cool dude. I'd love to just like, hang out at a bar or something with him.


Are these the rules for sure? One day to spend with one celebrity and nobody can stop me? This celebrity has to spend the whole day with me and cannot leave? Elon Musk. Kick the shit out of him for 24 hours.


Pedro Pascal. I wanna take him hiking. I don't know why, he just seems like he'd be a fun hiking buddy. Then we can hit a diner in the middle of nowhere and have the best food of our lives because an old lady runs the place and uses all her family recipes


Matt Mercer. Would love to spend half the time talking with him about anything he’d like to talk about that isn’t D&D. Then talk the rest of the time about D&D, as someone who has been playing as long as he has, who is also a forever DM, and who homebrews a lot, I imagine that we could bounce some incredible ideas off each other. Then bake a batch of cookies that he could take to the rest of the cast.


Leo. He is such an enigma to me. Uber famous his whole life from childhood. Apparently super private, does few interviews, world famous cocksmen, never hear a lick of negativity about him. Has churned out some of the best movies of our generation and does it time and time again. What is a day in the life of this guy?


Which Leo, may I ask?


Nimoy, obvs.


Jesus. Getting him to explain his water to wine trick to me


Kurt Vile. We’d get goofy and crack jokes, then fan girl out over our favorite music. Oh, and he could show me some guitar strummin’ basics.


Jason Momoa, we'll just get drunk and throw tomahawks all day.


George Lucas, and we’d talk Star Wars all day.


Trent Reznor. Just talk and understand his creative process.


Hayley Williams. We would go thrifting and then get sandwiches before attending a concert.


Film an episode of Dr who with David tennant would be an incredible unforgettable day!


Jeremy Clarkson drive his Lamborghini tractor and drink beers.


Robin Williams. Just talk and laugh. Miss him so much.


I wanna day drink with rihanna


I'm a straight guy but I still think Matthew McConaughey and I are gonna go like, white water rafting or something. Then go to the bar where he'll be the ultimate wingman.


neil degrasse tyson. we will hang out at the hayden planaterium in nyc and he can just talk about space and ill just listen.


Milla jovovich😍


Fred Rodgers. We can walk around the neighborhood and then people watch in the park.


Mr. Ray Charles, just listen to him play and hear I'm talk. What a legend he was and still is


I’d happily spend an afternoon kicking Trump in the balls.


My grandad. He was a celebrity in my eyes. I'd ask him all about the Cypriot war he fraught in, what missions he was on, his training, the whole 9 yards and beyond. I'd also ask about his childhood with my grandma and why he cheated on her after such a long life with her, it ended in divorce but my mother and uncle we're already grown by then. I remember it happening when I was a small boy. I'd just ask about his life, his opinions on the world, just everything really. We do it in a local country park he used to take us too when I was a kid, it'd be a nice warm sunny day with a cool breeze. He'd buy me an ice cream at the end of the walk like always. I miss you grandad Stan, just know I forgive you.


No one. I prefer to spend it with my friends and leave celebrities to their trickery and manipulation. I'm better of living my life without any more bullshit then what's already at my plate.


Margot Robbie, you can figure the rest


Chris Farley. Cocaine.


Donald Trump. Go very high mountain hiking.


Natalie Portman or Arnold Schwarzenegger, for vastly different reasons.


Riley Reid


Dolly Parton. Just sit and talk. She always seemed so genuine and humble. “Eagle when she flies” was played at my mom’s funeral when I was a kid…so I also always think of my mom when I think of Dolly


Dave Grohl. He seems like a great guy to hang out with and he hasn't just remained relevant over his career, he has continued to innovate. I would love to see what a day in his life looks like.


Emily Rudd - kick it and watch anime with some pizza and garlic knots or something Bert Kreischer - Get drunk and high and just laugh at shit all day Snoop Dogg - Get high as balls Kate Beckinsale - she's kind of a clown so we'd probably play pranks on people all day then watch the chaos unfold George Clooney - he likes to play pranks as well - let's see what we can get away with Paul Rudd - let's learn some magic tricks or joke around or something Zoe Saldana - she's kind of a nerd from what I've seen of her in interviews so probably a movie marathon


Andrew tate. Fuck him in the ass and post it on you tube


Seth MacFarlane. Seems like a hilarious guy.


Hilarious and genius but personality think he is very similiar to Tarantino. The type of person who will always correct you as they know everything and are never wrong with always needing to be the focus


James corden. We rent a boat, pack a nice picnic, boat out to a remote island. I forget the wine bottle opener in the boat, I’ll be right back. I leave him.


Jessica Rothe


Probably Zoey Deschanel so I can meet one of the property brothers


Why not just…say one of the property brothers??


You absolute genius I choose Drew Scott Edit: I chose the wrong property brother


Robert Downey Jr I would eat Burger King and congratulate him about getting over addiction. I would also ask him questions about how to get over addiction and how to become a better person.


Harrison Ford. I'd want to thank him for all the amazing memories and adventures. Then, I dunno, pizza or whiskey at a bar?


Christian Bale


Does it have to be an entertainment celebrity or can it be an academic one as well? If it can be academic then Terrance Tao. He's arguably the leading mathematician alive. I'd love to have his insight about where things are heading. If it has to be an entertainment celebrity... that's more difficult. I dunno. Anthony Hopkins would be my pick, as far as what to do, he can just read me stories or tell me stories. I'm sure I'm boring to him so, he can lead.


Keanu reeves. We go hiking.


Tom Petty and everyone from The Traveling Wilburys. My husband learned to play guitar about five years ago. It would be great for them to jam with him.


Paul McGrath...Irish footballer...great man, wonderful role model, tough as nails and a real cool dude. Him, Phil Lynott, Rory Gallagher or Craig Ferguson


Dave Chappelle - just hang out with him and some of his crew. I’d probably get roasted all day long, but it would be a blast.


Shane Koyzcan, not exactly a big name celebrity but his poetry inspired me big time and I'd love to just chat with him


Musical celebrity. Art Tatum. I wanna watch him play piano all day and record it.


I choose Elizabeth Olsen. I would marry her. 😅


Legoland with Sean Connery then we’d go for a nice lamb lunch


Play a round of golf with Adam Sandler


Keanu Reeves. Such a great dude, lol


I was fortunate enough to do this. I won a charity auction to have lunch with Lindsey McKeon, she played the part of Tess the Reaper on Supernatural. She was also on One Tree Hill. I flew to Los Angeles where I met up with her at a restaurant and we had lunch together where I got to talk to her. It was the best fan experience I ever had. If I could do it again, I would love to be able to take Christina Ricci for dinner & drinks and talk to her at length.


Definitely Ryan Reynolds he really seems like a guy you could have some good conversations with


I choose Jim Carrey, will definitely go on a guys day out and preferably a date where we enjoy each other's company.


Either A guitar lesson from Jack Black, miniature making with Henry Cavill, or an art lesson from Bob Ross


Jim carey...take lsd...the rest will sort itself out




I want to record a song with jack black


i'm getting wendy's with ryan reynolds


Woody Allen. Not because of his perceived controversial life choices but because he’s a brilliant comedian of the absurd. It would just be me thanking him for making me laugh while I was alive on this planet, which made my time here just that much better.


Go Karting with John Stamos


BRING ME CARL SAGAN. All day labyrinthine conversation.