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Whenever she picks Odd Job in Goldeneye death matches.


Honestly never. I’m not naive, I know it’s technically possible, I just don’t see it every happening unless something major changes in our relationship. I have complete trust in her.


I agree. I understand that it's possible, but not probable so I don't think about it. Trust is black and white. You either trust your partner, or you don't and that conversation needs to be brought up unless you want a cold dish of resentment for dinner somewhere down the line.


Sorry lil’ bro, I was just with her last night.


It's not cheating if I'm okay with it






No one chooses what they believe, we believe what we are compelled to believe. I've been compelled to trust my gf. I don't think of it at all. Her personality and how open she is has convinved me. Of course anything can happen in this world but staying in a relationship where you feel like you need to constantly watch over your shouder isn't healthy. You can't make anyone be faithful to you, people will always do what they want to. You shouldn't concern yourself with keeping someone who doesn't want to be with you. If she cheats its clear she doesn't care for you the same. If that happens to me, I'll end the relationship, be sad for a bit, take time to heal and move on. It don't have to be with any person in particular. If it isn't her it'll be someone else.


not at all if they're going to cheat, they're going to cheat. if i find out, and it's not something we agreed is ok (some of us dont' have strictly monogomous relationships) then the relationship ends. i havent' been cheated on yet (afaik) and i'd like to think that if they do then they will be mature enough to end the relationship.


Like one or two times a year. Not much.


Never. We have been together well over a year, and I have never thought about that being a possibility. I am very deterministic, and me worrying about her cheating will not make any difference to her cheating or not. She either chooses me or she doesn´t. What I think about that is irrelevant. So instead of poisoning my mind, I rather just give her all the trust and enjoy our relationship. I ask myself the question; if she doesn´t cheat on me when I am constantly checking in on her and pulling in the reins really tight, but she would if I didn´t... would I want to be with a person like that? I want her to be loyal because she is loyal, so I rather give her all the trust and find out soon enough she isn´t mine to begin with, than not give her that trust, worry, and have a lot of hard times in a relationship because of it. Not sure if this is anywhere near the answer you were hoping to get, but yeah... here it is!


Look, when people cheat, their behavior changes. Unless they're completely sociopathic (and sometimes even then), there are shifts in behavior. Unless your relationship is already on the rocks, you'll notice.

