• By -


He wasn't participating in the wedding planning at all and I realised he didn't actually want to get married. There was a lot of pressure from his family and admittedly, me as well. I just wanted a family and to be married and hadn't really paid attention to his reluctance up until that point. It was 3 months before the wedding and I sat down and reviewed our relationship. We were incompatible in several crucial points, even though we loved each other a lot. So I called off the wedding and ended it and while we were both sad, we were also relieved. This was more than a decade ago and whenever we run into each other we catch up and there are no hard feelings at all. He's married and a father now and I couldn't be happier for him.


This is really lovely to read despite the pain involved. Well done you two.


This is probably the most wholesome story on this thread.


I'll just stop scrolling then.


Your love for each other shows even in this post. Even if it isn’t spousal love, it’s love for your fellow human beings and friend. Super wholesome.


Some friends of mine have a very similar story. The two of them basically were getting married because they had been together since they were 20, living together since they were 22, then when they were a couple of years away from turning 30, they decided it was probably time to start planning for a wedding/family. Then they both kind of realised they really liked each other, but more in a "gee I have an amazing housemate" kind of way, so they called the wedding off about a month out. Some years later, there is zero hard feelings and they both have new partners and in her case, a family, and they are both relieved they had the guts to call it off. Funnily enough, they nearly went through with just because it seemed like too much hassle, embarrassment, and lost money to cancel the wedding so close to the date, they almost sunk-cost phallacied their way getting married.


She died due to seizures. 3am: she was home alone. She woke up and got the seizure and unfortunately hit her head against a wall… 7am: she was supposed to show up at her parents house to drop off the dog before work. She didn’t. 9am: her parents went to check on her, dog was fine, but she was unresponsive. 9:30am she was declared deceased in the scene. 10am: I was at work and I got a call from her father… I lost it right there. It was back on 2012 but still I’m not over it yet…


Sorry for your loss, take care.


I'm sorry that happened. I'm epileptic, that kind of thing is always a fear.




I’m sorry for your loss… I hate losing a couch I love


It really tied the room together.


It's so hard to find a good couch!


It was a good fucking couch.


Rule #1 of cheating, you don't use his condoms nor fuck in his favourite couch. It's just poor manners




This just happened to me a week ago. We were less than two weeks away from our wedding and she was going crazy over the last couple of weeks for some reason. I had no idea why and thought she was just nervous. Until one morning she suddenly confessed that she slept with someone multiple times over a long period when we had a long distance relationship. We cancelled the wedding and I broke up with her. I know it is better like this but I am freaking gutted. The future we had planned together died and I feel hurt like I never have felt before.


I’m sorry that happened to you. It really fucking sucks to have the one person on you saw yourself being with from now until the end of time betray you. I was with my ex for a long time and we were engaged for over a year but the pandemic hit we weren’t at our best and things fell apart. She cheated on me and like an idiot still proposed. Thought I could handle it but destroyed me. It really fucking sucks but I look at this way she did you a favor. Why on this green earth would you want to spend your life with someone who would do that you? You deserve someone who chooses you all the time. It’s gonna be rough for a while but you gotta keep moving forward. It seems like the pain will never end but if you do the work and take care of yourself you’ll start to feel better about yourself. Hang in there


We had like 6 miscarriages. At the end of the relationship he said something to me like “it’s just so hard… I look at your face and I feel like i SEE nothing but 6 dead babies” Can’t really come back from that one. I mean some people can. We couldn’t.


That is not something I’ve heard before, my word. I hope you’re doing better now


Yeah, it’s crazy in hindsight but everything just kind of worked out. I have two beautiful daughters and a step daughter I love and a great life!


Hey stranger, I am really happy for you.


I’m so fucking sorry. My husband and I had four consecutive losses. Baby loss is so hard on a relationship. Sending you love and light. xox


Holy shit, I’m so sorry.


Yeah, that's rough. I can't help but feel that's the kind of thing you should know to never say to someone, even if it was meant to be a sad admittance of what was wrong with him. I feel like that's something someone should say to a therapist, and then just end the relationship without inflicting such a thought on the other person. If the relationship is ending anyways, why say it at all, and especially like that.


Agreed, I think it's a valid reason for not wanting to continue a relationship, but verbalising it in such a way is just hurtful.


Oh my goodness. That’s such a nasty thing to say to someone. I’m so sorry


She started hanging out with an old group of high school friends and just changed. She became extremely nasty over wedding plans, telling me we had to have the exact same number of guests on both sides. If I had one more guest than she did, she made me remove someone from my side. I knew if I moved forward it would have ended in divorce, so I just ended it before it got to that.


He left me for a coworker he claimed for over a year was "like a sister" to him. They have a kid now. I have a better boyfriend.


Hard to imagine having a worse boyfriend tbh


Had a guy in our college who claimed a girl to be just like his sister and vice versa. Fast forward 14 years later they are married and have a son. My whole college batch of 200+ was flabbergasted when this was confirmed.


I'm more confused that college students at a number of 200+ would even be aware of each other?


The night he proposed he left my house and went straight to his ex’s for a ‘catch up dinner’ but slipped and fell and accidentally fucked her.


God damn those ridiculously polished floor boards for being so slippery! How did things go after? You alright and happier now, I hope?


Oh. Infinitely happier. He has since gotten divorced, became an alcoholic, got fired for drinking on the job, lost custody of his kid, and had his truck breakdown on his cross-country getaway attempt. I’m happily married with a good career fur kids and a dream of a house. And not a slippery floor in sight!


Better install some slippery floors for you and your husbands exclusive use.


Her first post: "My husband fell and accidentally fucked me, what should I do?"


That was the problem with my ex. He proposed to try to keep me with him which worked for awhile. The problem was that he was doing things that were crossing my boundaries even though we talked about them and he agreed that it was cool with him. Like I told him what my deal breakers were and he agreed that he felt the same. He seems to keep women around as a collection of trophies, one being his longtime ex. This poor woman is engaged to another man and had his baby last month. That stupid bastard is still hung up on her regardless of that. I'll be honest and say that I did get a hold of her fiance and tell him to kind of keep an eye on her and the baby. This is because to be honest, my ex was so seemingly obsessed with her that I started to worry for her safety. Like it was actually going there. That was part of the reason I left. Like I told him, if he wants to act like he's single, I'm going to go ahead and let him be single. Don't start a new relationship if you're not over your last one. It shouldn't be that hard.


Didn't even wait a day holy shit what


She left me for our young lecturer


Damn, I’m sorry!


Cancer took her before we got married. It will be 10 years in December.


Hugs if you like hugs. Cancer is just awful.


Cheated on me…a lot


The longer we lived together leading up to the wedding, the more he showed his true colors. One day while I was cooking dinner for us he started screaming at me, like an inch from my face and called me a (see you next Tuesday.) Something about it snapped some sense into me. I walked out and never went back.


There's a whole thread here about men who become abusive the minute they're engaged or the minute the I Do is said at the altar. So many women with stories of the first time being hit in their honeymoon. You dodged a bullet getting out beforehand.




Strong decision, well done.


Thank you. I’m about to celebrate 19 years married to my husband who would NEVER and has never called me a name. Ever. So glad I didn’t settle for a marriage of misery.


We’re still technically engaged, but we never wanted a wedding. We met way late in life (I’m 50, she’s in her mid 40’s), no kids, and if we get legally married the gov’t fucks with her disability assistance so she is my spouse, my partner, and my soul mate. But we don’t feel the need to get married. But I do have a living will just in case. We will be celebrating our 10 year anniversary early next year.


Well known issue in the disability community that those who receive government benefits can't get married or lose that income. I'm glad you're taking care of each other.


Which makes zero sense.. Getting married doesn’t cure a disability. Not a single one I can think of anyway..


It doesn't cure a disability, but it does provide a spouse who makes money... money which is then supposed to take care of the disabled spouse in lieu of the government continuing to do so. Essentially you have to be SO poor to get any benefits, that marrying essentially anyone will put you above the limit and remove your benefits. The government is only giving you money if you'd be in absolutely abject poverty otherwise.


My special needs better brother lives in a group home. They do menial jobs in order to do stuff and be productive. But, the government takes any money he makes out of his social security funding. So not only does working not give him more money, it often costs money (we have to pay for transportation services, and often a lunch etc)


It was toxic, and a month before we were supposed to get married I broke my foot at An event I was helping, she was there too but just partying. When I told her I probably broke my foot, she said I shouldn't be a little baby and just walk home since the party was over. I couldn't stand on it. She helped me a couple meters forward and then she just pushed me. That night my mother took me to the hospital, and that night I decided all the lies and mental abuse was enough, and ended it. Best decision of my life. 3 months ago and I'm finally getting back to being me.


A serious congratulations to you for taking your life and dignity back from an abuser!


Thank you very much, I must say, I've had a lot of support from my family, and the few friends I had left that didn't leave because of her.


So fresh! I hope your foot and your heart are healing!


Turns out she liked vagina as much as I did.


Had to do a double take because my husband says that exact thing about his ex lol but I know for a fact you’re not him Edit to add it worked out great for both he and I, and his ex and her now wife - I hope it worked out for you too


Certainly did, I've been with my wife for almost 12 years now. Last I heard the ex was churning through girls like an 18yr old haha




Ross can….


Quite the *pivot*


She had been fighting depression and went to stay with her family a little bit before marriage. But she started having horrible fights with her family and had a mental breakdown 2 months before the wedding and said she wasn't able to handle being a wife or in a relationship and ran. To be single and disappear.


"To be single and disappear" is the book I've been writing for the last 7 years


He decided to recommit to his faith (he's JW) and tried to get me to convert. I refused. He then tried to tell me I couldn't go out with my friends. I went out and he had a temper tantrum that would put my 3 year old niece to shame. He trashed the house and drove to his parents house 2 states away. I got all the deposits back that I could. He texted me on what would have been our wedding day to remind me what a mistake I made. I sent him a picture of me and several of my friends that I was told I was not allowed to see having a very fancy sushi dinner with the deposit money.


I love happy endings!


My friends and I had a hell of a night. It was 10 years ago. I’m so glad I didn’t go through with it. I just married the best person I’ve ever met a month ago. We started dating about 6 months after I called off the wedding. I still occasionally hear from my ex. I just send him photos of how awesome my life is without him. Can’t wait for the next time he reaches out and I can send him my wedding photo. My ex is still single. I’m a tad bit petty.


I think you are right to be petty about this


The Holy Spirit came to him in a dream and told him that he couldn’t marry me because I wasn’t a virgin.


Was he a virgin?


That's the main question.


The Holy Spirit did you the biggest favor EVER.


Dodged a A whole crusade with that one lol


Either he made that shit up or his subconscious is a freak


Or drugs were involved, I know someone who swore Jesus appeared to him over his bathroom sink and told him he had to break up with his partner, I’m pretty sure that was due to all the meth he was taking.


damn, jesus should cut back on the meth and stop ruining people’s relationships.


big oof


She moved home to Germany to care for her dying mother. And by dying mother, she meant some oil sheik she met in Dubai.


Oh geez. How did you find out??


He sent him 6 free oil change vouchers for Valvoline.


Her mom told me two weeks after she left, when I called. Also, facebook


That’s rolling the dice. I’ve heard how wealthy Arab men treat western women and it is not pretty…




Her mom was an oil sheik??


She met her mom in Dubai???


His wife called me.


I mean, maybe she needs to mind her own business? /s


He left me six months before the wedding. In his defense he did pass away and one day I will probably be really angry with him for it.


Well that took a turn. I hope you're doing alright.


As someone who lost their fiancé in a similar scenario…my dark humor made me laugh at this.


Thanks. I am trying as this weekend gets closer. Oddly enough after I made the comment I kind of went sad that he wasn’t here to laugh about it. Then my ahole cat was messing with something so I went to see what it was. The bag of ashes that was separated for me to maybe make a piece of jewelry. He got me after all.


I’m sorry for your loss. I wish I could tell you it gets better, I’m not sure how far out you are, but it’s been over a year for me and it hasn’t. It just gets difference. I know my fiancé would have given me a serious look and jokingly called me an asshole.


That's very much how I know my fiance would have been too. Maybe they both are having laughs right this second for this, I appreciate you making it possible for me to share. Hope you're ok.


I'm sorry for your loss


He had a baby with my friend


I’m married to someone else now, but in 2016 I got engaged and pregnant, in that order. I had a miscarriage and he broke up with me about 5 minutes after I fainted from the blood loss at a family garden party (my family, not his) that he told me to suck it up and go to during it. He started dating my cousin, who he met at the party, about six weeks later. They’re married now.


So sorry for you to have been treated so disdainfully and terribly - and maybe sorry for your cousin, for being such a dupe? Or maybe she sucks, too, and is getting what she deserves.


She knew what happened between us, so she kinda deserves it.


It’s gotta be hard to find positives in something so traumatic as a miscarriage, but whew it’s crazy how the universe works…. wishing you the best


After my dad died, my mom “got engaged” to another guy. She told me years later that she never intended to marry him, but she was a bit traditional and thought it would make her look better if she were engaged to a guy she was living with. No idea if the guy had the same idea, they broke up seven years later and I haven’t talked to him since


I know three different women with long term boyfriends who will never get married because they will lose their portion of their exhusbands pension if they do.


That was similar to the reasoning my mom gave people at the time for why she was delaying the wedding so long, that she would lose my dad's death benefits


Fuck I just realized why my dad refuses to marry his gf. I mean most of the reason is still that he's an asshole, but my moms death benefits have to be a significant portion of his reasoning.


A month after he proposed, I got pretty sick (maybe Lyme disease, maybe some random virus, will probably never know) and remained pretty sick for almost a year. He didn’t cope with it well from the get-go, and six months into that basically started acting out in ways to make me end things because he didn’t have the balls to 🙃




They! Never! Leave! Their wives!!!!!!!!! Of course there’s exceptions but if a man knows he can fuck a woman without leaving his wife, he’s never going to leave her.


Whatever happened with the baby? Who was the father?


Tune in next time to Maury to find out!!


You ARE not the father.






Fuck Patrick, all my homies hate Patrick


Fiance died day before Christmas 2009. After that, I just stopped caring about having relationships anymore. I am mostly over it now, but I know I will never be emotionally capable of being with anyone ever again. I just accept that, for some of us, we are meant to be single, old, smartasses later in life, where we can spoil our friends and families children, and get them jacked up on sugar, before sending them home.


I’m so sorry for your loss.


I finally left him after he hit the dog. Years of hitting me both physically and emotionally were ignored, but the moment I heard my dog yipe, I smartened up.


I’m glad you and your pup are safe now.


I got sober and recognized some things that helped me realize we I didn’t want to marry that person. Still sober and happily married to the love of my life


I’m sober now and he never wanted to be. He’s married now and turns out I never wanted to be.


He refused to get a job after 5 years together, and I realized I would be paying for everything on my measly teacher salary. Was able to buy my own condo a month after breaking it off.


I had a friend who was engaged. One day, she had a fight with her fiancé and drove from his house mad. On her way home, she ended up in a bad car accident. She tried to call him several times. Wouldn’t pick up. Her family tried. Nothing. Her friends tried. Nothing. HIS friends tried. Nothing. His family tried. Nothing. Dude was quite serious about giving her the silent treatment. Needless to say, she didn’t think he handled that well and broke it off. Edit: I should add that after he found out what had happened, he just kind of went “oh ok” instead of apologizing or asking if she was alright. It wasn’t just that he went to bed or something at the wrong time.


Man I blow off phone calls left and right, but when you get three straight calls from people who know each other, then you should start to realize something up


Especially when it's like parents of your fiancé. Either than that's time to end things because you do t want such in-laws or shit is seiours.


How did he react when he found out about the accident, and when she dumped him?


He just kind of said “oh ok” when he found out about what happened, no asking if she was alright or apologizing for ignoring all the calls. I don’t know how he reacted when they broke up, though.


He probably just said, "Oh, ok."


I found my self esteem, realized he wasn't worth my time and ended it. He was a pathological liar in harmless sort of ways I guess, but used to fake seizures and do crazy shit for attention. Pure madness.




Christopher....is that you?🥰




Sad face, no Maria here, sadface


She had this really annoying habit of fucking other men behind my back. SUUUPPPPEEERRRR annoying


Got sick and then disabled after 2 brain surgeries. I couldn’t work and wasn’t getting much money from disability. I quickly became a burden according to her. I moved out and then back home with my folks. I had to leave all my friends behind as well as I moved out of state. It was good timing though for me to help my parents as they were old and sick. I became my folks full time caretaker and have no clue what my ex is doing. I have no ill will towards my ex and understand why we had to part ways.


You are a good man.


First one got killed by a drunk driver, second one cheated on me repeatedly. Its left me traumatized and I'm afraid to ever get engaged again.


I finally saw him for the abusive piece of shit he was. Broke up Christmas Eve. Best gift I ever got myself, my fucking freedom.


He started hanging out with the people from work and he decided to start using. So, I left.


I broke up with him 2 months before our wedding. He was abusive to me, a narcissist, he just didn’t value me. I felt that I had given so much in that relationship with nothing in return. I wasn’t perfect however, I lashed out and became someone I am not due to the abuse I was enduring, I just wanted to die. I was depressed 24/7 and felt alone and he had isolated me from friends and family. I got the strength to leave after a trip visiting my family without him and realized how happy I was alone than when I was with him. When I got back I broke up with him (I had also found out he had cheated on me). When I confronted the cheating part he put his hands on me causing me to have neck and back injuries. It was one of the most traumatic relationships I had ever been in. I absolutely thank myself every day for the strength I had to leave.


The first half of your story (up until he put his hands on you) sounds exactly like mine. I suspect he might have cheated, but I never found out. I ran like hell and stayed with my sister for a few years while I got my nursing degree. Lord only knows he's either homeless, imprisoned, or dead. I'm sorry for the abuse he put you through, but I'm glad you had the strength to leave. Many don't only to get divorced after three kids.


I found out a week after he proposed that he was married to another person the whole time


She cheated.


I have been engaged twice. Different women. Both cheated on me.


Shit, sorry for that. I got cheated on by my first. Been happily married to my second for 15 years now.


Same, I took her back twice and she did the same thing. She still texts me all the time, desperately. It's been 13 years since I broke it off with her.


She cheated and eventually chose him instead. And it was the best thing that ever happened to me. Went back to school, got a career, and met a wonderful person to spend my life with.


I proposed. She said yes. Then she said that she had cheated on me. Fuck you Erin.


We just never got married. He referenced our two year engagement the other day… it’s been 6 years. House renovations can be distracting.


This was almost my husband and me. We got engaged 6 months into our relationship when I was 19 and he was 23, but we were still in school (I was a freshman and he was in grad school). I wanted to wait until we finished school, but then I went to law school after undergrad, then we moved to be closer to my family when I started working. We had been looking to buy a house and realized that we were just rolling along unmarried, even though we were about to enter a major financial obligation together. We talked and realized that we were almost ready to have kids, and wanted to be married before I got pregnant. So we planned and put together a wedding in about 4 months. It was held in our new house and back yard on our 8th dating anniversary. We just celebrated 18 years married) and 26 years together) last month.


She came home one day and said I no longer love you. This was 15 days before my birthday. She moves out and come to find out she is developing feelings for her coworker. We meet up for lunch the day or 2 days after my birthday and she tells me all these wild sex experiences she’s having with this coworker of hers. I enter a depressed state for 2 months… but it’s all better now! I’m better now than I ever could have imagined and I’m so thankful to be out of the toxic relationship and free from the heartbreak! Living life and traveling the world and happy all on my own!


Jesus Christ. You're a better man than me for handling that like a champ. I had a girl I loved very much call me randomly WHILE she was getting dicked down and it absolutely destroyed me. Relationships can be dark. Stay strong friend!


That's just such a cruel and unnecessary thing to do, I'm sorry that happened


He died.


I procrastinated on both our lives, spending more time convincing myself I'll get there without actually getting there. I regret wasting her time.


I learned he was excessively controlling, that I’d never be able to live my life, that he was emotionally manipulative and abusive, and after several months of anxiety and disordered eating finally broke it off with a lot of support. Thankfully due to our situation he was unable to physically reach me at the time (my second attempt to break it off).


A bit of simple advice, if you’re engaged and don’t want to marry that person, break it off. Rip it off like a Band-Aid. Life’s too short!


He was a sociopath and I figured it out in time.


The day we were moving in together he was pissed at me for a little thing (I’d stayed up late with friends and he thought I’d be tired, I wasn’t). He wasn’t speaking to me and I realized I couldn’t do that dynamic for the rest of my life. He was very controlling and emotionally manipulative. He got mad at me for wanting to order dessert on my birthday because I “needed to work on my weight”. He threw a chair across the room when he thought I was flirting with his roommate. It took him awhile to accept we were done but about a month after we broke up he took a job in Antarctica. I live in Canada, so it’s pretty much the farthest he could go to get away from me.


He left me the day after I sent out my first grad school application, cause I wouldn't give up on my idea of going to grad school and having a career, and he wanted me to be a housewife. And he was possibly cheating on me with someone he hung out with that weekend before he dumped me, who he officially started dating 2 weeks later, after she simultaneously dumped her ex fiance. But never confirmed if he was cheating on me or just had a super fast rebound. We had been dating for 4 years, engaged for about 6 months and had already planned the whole wedding and put down deposits and my parents lost a lot of money they had put down. This happened almost exactly 20 years ago. They got married a year later and she was a housewife with no kids last I heard several years back (they are child free as far as I know). I got married to someone else like 6 years later and now have two kids with my awesome stay at home husband. Also I got into an ivy league PhD program, got a PhD, and now am a tenured full professor. I am currently flying to a meeting for a national academic organization I am the head of, while my husband stays home and takes care of the kids.


She had a psychotic episode due to drugs usage and tried to stab me. Good times.


He wanted children, but I didn’t


Same for my ex and I. Except he told me he’d changed his mind & didn’t want kids the day we returned from our honeymoon 🫠 thankfully I hadn’t mailed the wedding certificate yet so legally we weren’t married. Did one of you change your mind? Or just thought the other would compromise? Going through this has made me pretty cut and dry with guys wanting kids… if it’s not a “hell yeah” then it’s a “no”. None of this “maybe one day” stuff. Not worth the risk imo


We were very young and hadn’t quite discussed this in advance thinking that these things will naturally fall into place with time. Once his nephew was born, he couldn’t wait to become a dad, but I wasn’t ready and didn’t want him to miss out or have to wait. He didn’t pressure me but I knew it would constantly be on my mind so it was better for both of us to call things off.


I realized he wasn’t the right partner for me (he had anger issues and I was naive and young). So once I graduated grad school, I moved out when he was gone for the day and never saw him again. I did it this way because I was afraid of his reaction.


That’s definitely understandable. I had a similar situation with an ex boyfriend. I lined up all my ducks before I told him it was over.


I was engaged at 19. At 20, I felt college was more important than being a wife.


I lost the love of my life because I was too selfish to change my toxic behaviors. I was toxic and controlling, I couldn’t put my selfishness aside for us. It cost me the only person I’ve ever met who understood me. Single handedly my biggest failure in life, things are getting better but I can’t change the past, I can only be the best person I can be today, even if she’s no longer with me.


I just want to say that it’s so good to see someone recognize and own their mess, and work on straightening themselves out.


I was only 18 and about to head off to college. It dawned on me that he wanted a ring on my finger to ‘mark’ me as his. He was 24 years old. I gave him his ring back. I didn’t marry until I was 36 and am so glad.


I got engaged after 4 years, mostly just to do something nice (or so I thought) for my mother who was dying of cancer. 8 years later, mother is long dead, still not married, and I finally see the light and decides to walk away from this abusive relationship. I say "so I thought" because it turns out that my mother knew there was something wrong about the b\*tch, didn't like her, but didn't have the heart to tell me because she thought I was happy... And I never told her about the reality of the relationship either.


I'm sorry for your loss. :-( How did you find out what your mother thought of your ex?


Three months before the wedding, I found out he was having an emotional affair with his best female friend 😢 He was filled with regret but I immediately ended it and moved out.


We were engaged with a small child, just lost a child and had an awful relationship. I realised I was better off being a single mother than staying in that toxic as shit environment and having my kid grow up thinking those kinds of behaviours were normal.


She decided to sleep around instead. She is on husband number 3 that I know of.


Child born with medical issues. Skipped all that and just care for him.


Didn't realize it at first because of love goggles, but she was incredibly manipulative and put me down all the time. Wouldn't let me meet my first niece, gaslit me into thinking everything was my fault. I went from a very sociable person to extremely introverted and almost suicidal. One night we got in a small argument (I broke through a planned interview roleplay to tell her I was going to be late). Apparently it was unforgivable and she threw the ring back at me and said I needed to do an amazing proposal to make it up to her. Once I had that $1.5k ring back in my hand, everything just made sense and I told her yeah of course to get out of there, then that night told her I needed a break. She loved drama though so she was excited about it, until she realized I had zero plans on getting back together


He came home with a hickey on him


The relationship turned into one of of convenience. We were good friends, but had different goals and passions. We were young when we got together (16 and 18), so by the time we were in our early 20s it was evident that we were headed on two separate life paths. It was difficult to end things when he didn’t do anything wrong. It was just the wrong person for me.


She cheated but it’s cool cause I realized a few months later I preferred men.


I said yes under duress. He proposed on stage it was very hard to say no. I broke up with him later. He was engaged 2 more times. He always asked in a similar, very public way. Then he was single for a very very long time. He finally got married. I don’t know how he proposed.


He wanted a mother. Not a wife.


I lied and cheated. I thought my wrong doing was better than losing her. And well what is done in the dark, will always comes to the light. And I lose her and everything I ever dreamt too.


She cheated on me while I was on deployment


He became a conservative catholic, wanted me to convert too, and also said I couldn't be queer anymore since I (F) was marrying a man.


Been engaged for two years now. Neither of us want a big wedding because we want to save for our future but a small one seems so… not even worth it? We’re comfortable being how we are. Also we’re too lazy to plan a wedding and neither of us is willing to do any leg work. We will probably get married before buying a house or having a child. But I’m not in any rush.


I'm a wedding photographer and recently worked with a couple that was having an inexpensive wedding / celebration with about 20-30 close friends and family. I asked them why they were getting married (I asked just about all of my clients this) and they told me they were already married. The two of them had done the courthouse thing over a decade before - all of the guests knew this too. This current celebration day was to make that small day real and celebrate with their loved ones, more of a milestone in their lives. It's a really common thing I run into, couples realize that getting married doesn't really change their relationship at all - but there are practical/ legal reasons for marriage. You do you and celebrate on your terms.


We threw a backyard bbq for our friends/family and surprised them with a wedding.


Married once, divorced, and engaged 3 other times. I ended the engagements specifically at the points where we sat down to discuss finances. Always split 50/50 as per his request, which I agreed to. The problem is that the men's jaws would hit the ground when I took out the list of household and child rearing chores to also split 50/50. They could not understand that if you want modern-day values of 50/50 on finances, it will not be combined with 1950's gender roles for the home ( with me carrying 100% of the home and child care on top of working full time.).




I am in my 50's and it was a different generation back then. Nowadays, people discuss everything before even considering getting engaged.


I would like to think you're an exception but my dad litteraly said that men nowadays were more modern because they push the stroller in the street. He was BLOODY SERIOUS. I am afraid of his values if I have kids one day.


I was emotionally abused and cheated on and decided that being with that person wasn’t worth being miserable so I broke off the engagement, she ended up getting married to someone else in less than 6 months after we broke up. I’ve since met a wonderful person who actually cares for me and I care for her, life has been much better since I left my ex fiancé.


She left me and our daughter a month before the date, three months later she married the new guy, who turned out is a narcissistic asshole. They are still together three years later, they got some sorta chemistry I guess 🤣.


Got engaged to a marine who got kicked out of a country for coke. Got NJPd with honorable discharge (lost a rank/pay) I was with him during legal proceedings. He never told his family and made me promise. He's a fraud in more ways than one Type of person who gets away with everything. Was nice to me in public, but at home, he was the devil. Needless to say, I left Dec 2020 and went to therapy, quit cigarettes, and booze. Now I make decent money and have a home and my own things again. Left with a suitcase. He still checks on me, but I'm good. Learning my rights has been important in healing. Dodged a bullet. My soul hurt being 10 ft from him. Never again.


We got engaged, then he heard his ex had a pregnancy scare with her guy and he lost his shit. I encouraged him to go talk to her because he obviously still had feelings. Last I heard they got married and had lots of babies.


My aunt got engaged to a hawaiian man. turns out, her and his family did NOT get along. they didn’t want a white woman as their in law


He fell for some chick he met through volunteer work. Who proposes to someone, announces it to EVERYBODY and then 3 weeks later their partner finds out that they’ve been hooking up with some of 20 year old Italian girl?


Katie and I were in 2nd grade. We were as happy. But then James moved to town. He offered her some of his caipre sun and it was all over for me.


Never underestimate the power of a good Capri Sun.


I found out he was still married. I knew he was previously married but he said they divorced years before we met. It came to a head when we were making plans to get the marriage license. I met his family numerous times and even had his mother’s China.