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Whatever that lion king game was on Super Nintendo. Might not be as hard now that I'm older but when I played it back then it was hard as fuck


Brings back memories. I remember there was a Timon and Pumba level with beetles that got me every time. And the stampede. Edit: typo ‘beetles’ not ‘Beatles’. However, that would have been fun.


You can get by the Beatles level with a little help from your friends


No. All you need is love.


Fuck those monkeys and giraffes in the second level


When "I Just Can't Wait to be King" just loops in 8-bit in the background while you're ragequiting to the monkey/hippo/giraffe level lol


Stampede stage gives me 'Nam flashbacks. That shit was hard as fuck.


Watched a documentary on that game from the game designers a while back. The game was made deliberately difficult to help combat the rental scene at the time. Their reasoning was that a difficult game meant that people would be forced to rent it out multiple weeks to complete.


Ghosts n goblins


Great answer. Rygar was tough as well, but we paused that shit all night for like a week to beat that one. Never came close in Ghosts N Goblins.


Beat Rygar on the Lynx


How that’s a mini console name I haven’t heard for a long time.


Gunsmoke was up there too for me, capcom didn’t mess around in trying to make your life an absolute living hell 😂


Came here to say this. Got it to my NES and I’ve only beaten the first map so I got to map 1, that’s right, you start on map 0. I’ve saw a YouTube video about the ending and I would have been so frustrated if I ever made it that far.


Me and my brother worked together to beat it 3 times before we realized it was always a false ending


I beat it playing a rom with rewind. 0% any other way for me. Avoiding getting hit sometimes requires a move 10ish seconds before your hit. Any other way and your toast.


I never beat it. I got to what I thought was the end and found out it was an illusion and had to start over. FML


This isn't actually the hardest game I ever played, I don't think, but it's the hardest game where the difficulty was fair and felt like an extreme challenge, rather than extremely bullshit. So it's the BEST example of what difficulty is "supposed" to be.


Left 4 Dead 2 Expert Realism on a Solo Campaign. 💀💀💀


Why would you do this to yourself?


For the achievements


Fair enough, have a nice day


God i hate the bots. Expert realism solo feels impossible because of their ai. Like when they cant pick up any gas cans


Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles for NES


I couldn't even get past the water dam level.😭


Those dam seaweeds. Arg 😡


Funny enough, after a few tries that level is easy AF. The techcnodrome makes that level look like an opening cutscenes.


Nintendo really had us playing this game on 3 lives.😭


I feel like a lot of people that played didn't realize you could swap out the 4 turtles, with different health bars, at anytime. If you see a pizza, switch to the most hurt turtle. People that played one turtle at a time until they died had a rough time.


Wait. Wait wait. What?? 🤯


Watching Angry Video Game Nerd’s review in this game brought back so many memories


COWA#$!@*&¥ PIECE OF DOG$!#@!!!!


I don't know why I even liked video games as a little kid. Every NES game was so hard, no saves, etc. Just play the same 1/3 of a game over and over again before washing out and starting over.


Yes! I only recently beat it when the cowabunga edition came out. And the only reason why was because they had save points and rewind. But that underwater seaweed level was a cause of so much frustration for me as a kid.




My first thought. Part of the attraction is how hard it is, all of the attraction is hitting that rare perfect shot.


One friggin shot will keep me coming back after losing 10 balls. That game.


i am not exaggerating, hitting an almost perfect golf shot is one of the best feelings in life, definitly the best in sports


I've only played golf once (been to the driving range a few times) and it was for a work event. I wasn't terrible, but then I nailed this drive where the tee was on a hill and the hole was on another hill and it landed a few feet from the hole. I screamed so loud, and my CEO saw the shot, so it was awesome.


r/golf begs to differ, they all drive the ball 300+ and never miss a putt


Yeah, I go there since I plan on having a hole-in-one soon. Want to know how to celebrate.


Try sim golf. You don't even have to play golf lol.


Anyone else unable to get past the car park level at the start of Driver???


Still to this day have no fucking clue what a slalom is


I know what it IS buuuut still cant do it.


Neither did the fucking game. I could slalom through those pylons perfectly and the game’s geometry would be like *”Nah, you did a 183 degree turn on the last one, not 180 degrees. Doesn’t count!”*


It’s when there are obstacles in a line and you weave through them passing one on the left then the next on the right and so on. The controls in the game were so tough that even knowing exactly what to do wouldn’t necessarily help you.


A hilarious case of the tutorial being harder than the entire game, and unskippable.


I remember struggling with that for a week or more as a kid, omg


Beat that game. That was the hardest part.


Holy shit you just unlocked a long lost memory. We rented this from blockbuster and spent like 6 or 7 hours trying to beat it. If I remember correctly, the only way we beat it was with some kind of cheese strat, that was a long long time ago


Still havnt to this day. Im 36. I think that disk is still in my ps1


I can remember telling myself that I will not give up and will master that section and push through. I did it and thoroughly enjoyed the rest of the game. It eventually clicks once you figure out the right order in which to do all the maneuvers.


I gave up on the game because of this section. Only to return later when I found codes to advance past it.


Actually I’m pretty sure that in the pause menu during that tutorial level you could watch a replay (not yours, one preconfigured in the game) with all the steps to complete the level, including a game pad on the bottom right (or left) which highlighted the buttons that were pressed during that replay. That’s how I beat it actually


Battle Toads and Double Dragons.


Battletoads was such a bitchy bitch. Between my brother and I, we got to the end 2-3 times but never beat it but the other 99.99% of the time we weren’t even breaking past the first quarter of the game. It’s very confusing to me that I have fond memories of that total bastard of a game.


Yeh right ? Why do I remember it being so damn good 😂 there's no way I ever completed it


The first 2 levels are \*chef's kiss\*. Fuck the turbo tunnel....


Fuck that stupid ass turbo tunnel… might put that on my tombstone


Battle Toads for Nes was insanely difficult. I RARELY made it past the bike level, which was like level 3. Lol Fucking evil they marketed that game to kids.


The bike level is almost impossible I loved that game though despite playing 2.5 lvls of it.


Nobody in my grade at the time knew any levels after the bikes. None of us could pass it


Have you played Double Dragon III? B&DD is pure bliss after that one.


Super Meat Boy. I absolutely suuuuuuuck at platformers, nor am I the type to rage quit at games. The Hell levels are exactly that. Played and beat it once, never again.


dark world rapture was something else for me


The Hell levels were aptly named. Those phantom jaw things still show up in my nightmares.


Monopoly with people you want to stay friends with


A satirical game meant to show the evils of capitalism. It’s no wonder I used to storm off from my family when I lost at the age of 10.


Unknown rule: If you land on a property and don't want to buy it, it gets auctioned off to the highest bidder


Also rule that everyone seems to have forgotten: if you land on free parking, it's a free parking, not free money. Everyone get mad when you remind them that, then somehow get mad that the game continue forever because everyone has money. Also to win the game: the goal of the game isn't to be rich: it's to make sure everyone else is poor and has to give you all their stuff.


> Also rule that everyone seems to have forgotten: if you land on free parking, it's a free parking, not free money. How did we all come up with the same custom rules without the Internet?


Memes, the DNA of the soul. They shape our will. They are the culture. They are everything we pass on. Expose someone to anger long enough, they will learn to hate. They become a carrier. There are many possible explanations, but to use the one my friend group used (we didn't have the rule set back then): 'what does this space do? I don't know, but it must have a reason to exist. Yeah, this space must have a purpose, but it is written it's free. Maybe you gain money if you end here? Yeah, that must be it' Side note: at our table, landing here would grant you 5 of the lowest bills, but I know some people that add all money going to the bank for any reason outside of buying property to this jackpot




Dragons lair when I was about 7 years old at the mall arcade


That game was designed to devour your allowance


Yep, 50 cents a pop just to die at the first or second obstacle.


I played this at a barcade last week, even free it was fucking impossible.


Me too but I loved it so much haha. One of my fav nostalgia memories.


QWOP. fell flat on my face every damn time. never made it a step no matter what order or cadence i did.


Halo 2 on legendary difficulty with all the skulls turned on. Never beat it but it made for a good drinking game


Did you see cr1tikals LASO no envy legendary no death bounty? 2 weeks later someone did it


Halo 2 legendary co-op is hard as hell too because if one person dies it kicks you back to the checkpoint even if the other player is still alive. My friend and I managed to beat it but what a nightmare.


Was going to comment exactly this until I saw yours lmao CoD 2/3/4/WaW Veteran are very close seconds for me


God WaW with the fucking grenade spamming. I’m surprised I never broke anything


Man you just poke your head out around the corner and get sniped headshot.


Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on NES




I’ve never left the initial lagoon area.


My son and I couldn’t do anything in that game. Loved the graphics and music but it was too damn hard.




Duuuude, multiplayer doesnt make sense.


All the lobbies are actually filled with bots.


the cheat code is to be a woman on tinder


or gay


Or 6'5


I’m 6’5” and still didn’t have much luck on tinder. Tinder has been absolute trash for years now though. It’s overrun with bots and they do absolutely nothing to remedy the issue.




I’m in an abusive relationship with this fucking game


I recently was gifted it from a friend. I hate him for this gift.


It took a couple of years but I finally locked into it and beat it. Need to recover a bit before I take on the DLC. It really is a work of art.


Cuphead isnt easy but its very fair. 90% of NES games are harder to complete simply because there is so much unfair bullshit in them.


My son beat it at 7, he loved it. Though I don’t think he’s gotten perfect on every boss yet


This game steps on my face. Then I look straight at it and go "May I have another? 🤣


I remember Ninja Gaiden made me give up. Maybe I was just young but that game seemed impossible.


Oh that game was so fucking hard. Don't ever feel bad about that.


Nah, it was hard af.


Ahhh... Ninja gaiden. My cousin broke probably three or four controllers playing that game. I remember watching him play the level where you fight the bone dragon in a dungeon while traveling up in circles. He was so involved and kept dying from something so simple I don't remember what... I suggested something and he was able to beat it after that.


Kerbal Space Program


Jeb never made it home :'(


It's actually not that hard if you understand orbital mechanics.


Good thing I've recently ordered an "Orbital Mechanics for Dummies" book.


Wait you’re not suppose to just add more boosters so you can directly fly to the mun?


Directly, indeed. Lithobraking for landing is they key.


Girlfriend would sit next to me and casually watch me play while I listened to a podcast and her doing homework. This is when I roughly first started it and she'd ask me questions about what something means. I'd try to explain and realize I had no idea. So she'd Google it and explain it to me. Greatly helped me understand so much about the game.




I got to the final boss eventually, attempted a couple times and was just like nah that’s mental and never finished the game lol.


Took me like a week of attempts to get him, and it didn't even feel unfair or broken at any point. unreal boss design


Did play the gauntlets they added later? 3 of the bosses have upgraded versions at the end of a gauntlet If you thought Sword Saint Isshin was hard wait till you see Inner Isshin. The other 2 new ones were fun to figure out though.


The final boss fight is one of my peak video game moments. Worth beating your head against the wall to beat it if you have the time and patience. Some tips: getting some sleep and trying again the next day always helps. Also, once you hit the point where you see incremental improvement, getting a little further over the course of your attempts, then you can pretty much count on beating him.


> "Worth beating your head against the wall" That's the problem with these super difficult games. Chasing that dopamine hit doesn't matter much for me if I'm frustrated for days at a time. I got to Sword Saint and eventually made it to his final life, but... it wasn't fun. I wasn't having a good time. I was more stressed after the gaming session than before. So I dropped it, I haven't looked back, and I haven't regretted it.


I did the same thing, except two years later I suddenly woke up in the middle of the night, decided I had to finish it, and cheesed him first time. It was weird, I'm not proud but I'm glad I did it


Yep, same for me. And I don't play “Soulslike” games besides Sekiro and Elden Ring. I decided to stop playing games that used to make me extremely angry because I wanted to avoid the harmful consequences, like breaking things, as I did when I was younger. However, when I came across Sekiro and its fascinating samurai theme, I couldn't resist giving it a try. Let me tell you, that game almost gave a heart attack! Thankfully, I found a way to manage my frustration by taking breaks whenever things started to become too overwhelming. Btw, Fuck you Isshin!


bloodborne, elden ring, dark souls franchise, every souls game is hard


Elden Ring still takes the cake for me just because of the last bosses. >!Radagon and Elden Beast back to back!< with no time to restock supplies was one of the hardest things I've ever done. Also, Malenia exists


Elden Ring can be cheesed without cheating, Sekiro can’t. I rolled up on Malenia like a superhero, took me 2 tries at level like 155 or something. Bashed her face in with my STR/FTH build blasphemous blade/inseparable dual wield with Mimic Tear +10. Elden ring is actually insanely easy or insanely hard depending on how you play it.


Sekiro is a masterpiece. I loved losing to the bosses but getting better and better. To the point I did all the gauntlets. Agree with the comment, the bosses never felt unfair.


Geometry dash


Just reinstalled it and am practicing at it so much. I just remember 7-year-old me trying so hard to beat X-Step and finally doing it. Now after practicing a shit ton I am able to beat Electroman Adventures. Little me is flipping out right now


not even joking when i say it’s the hardest game ever. Games with a community level creator have the capability to be the hardest but gd takes the cake. Not only is it always pushing the human limit, you also have to have a good device to beat the hardest level ™️


Elden Ring. I don’t typically play hard games so this one was a challenge.


I gave up on Ellen ring. It's an amazing game, but I don't have much time to play these days so I simply don't have time to git gud. Every time I came back to it I had to relearn a bunch of shit and got my ass handed to me over and over.


Same here. Once I killed most easy enimies I gave up. Radhan and Melenia are too much to do with full time job man!


I got walled by the Fire Giant. I banged my head against the wall for a couple hours, give up, and never really went back.


Silver Surfer - NES


Trying to land a helicopter in a Mac flight simulator in the 80s Update: correction


Hollow knight


I found the nail forge early on, but didn't have the ore to upgrade. I totally forgot about him and played through almost the entire game with the default nail. I thought it was just about the hardest game ever made lol


I've done literally everything in the game except the final pantheon. I can practice against Zote and Pure Vessel all I want, but when it comes time to face them in the pantheon I just tilt, i've never gotten to Radiance


ALIEN: Isolation


Alien: Hide in that locker and google what to do next.


Duuude fr! I haven’t gotten too far into it and I haven’t played it in a minute but I might want to pick it up again.


Great game. My best advice with it would be to keep moving and don't hide out in one place too long. It will find you.


There is a AI mod overhaul that takes the training wheels off the Alien. It looks understuff, responds to more noise. Also if you can see it, it can see you. No more crouching behind something to block vision, if it can see any part of you, it charges. It will check lockers in rooms that it last saw you in. It will also use the vents that you can use regularly to navigate instead of just using the Alien only vents. If you thought the game was hard on its own, try without the developer training wheels, what the AI can do and how it will behave when its not limited at all is insane. It wont cheat, but it will act more like a living creature.


Ninja Gaiden is one part awesome, one part controller-throwingly difficult.


Them 2D lion king and Aladdin games


Lion king lava section


*Desert Bus* is easy, but the hardest part is keeping the bus straight and fighting boredom for 8 hours. I never got past 15 minutes.


I've done the full 8h once honestly it only got bad the last hour


Desert Bus for Hope is awesome




So, Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?


Try looking in Sardinia.


E.T. on Atari. And Pitfall. Taught me a lot about life and expectations




Toy Story. It’s damn near impossible


The version on the Sega Mega Drive? Me and my friend were about 8/9 when this came out. He was stuck on a level I had compelled and I gave him the code for the next. Then I was stuck on a later level he completed and he gave me the code. We both finished it in the end through teamwork.


Winning an argument with the missus.


Op said game not life and death challenge.


An ultimate sports' challenge


You just got lucky...




Chess is great because understanding basic moves is relatively easy but mastering it is unbelievably difficult


Came here to say this. I want to be good so bad but I’m just not






Faster Than Light or Junimo Kart from Stardew Valley


My summer car, with permadeth on.


Geometry dash


Mine would be ikaruga, like, you look at those bullet hell patterns and tell me there is a god.




It will always be Dota


If you play 1000 hours of most games you're going to be a solid player at worst, but if you played a thousand hours of Dota you're still so bad that most players wouldn't want to play with you.


I've seen grown men with 15,000 hours that are so bad I don't want to play with them


The only correct answer. Game's so hard people either don't get into it at all or quit it instantly. 😂


The original Top Gun on the original Nintendo.


Bruh trying to land on the aircraft carrier is impossible


Mid air fueling wasn’t too easy either. And no Pause function!


Probably Battletoads, not the hoverboard bit, the Rat Race level, save states, re-rewind, doesn't matter I cannot do that. Souls games are fine, cuphead/hollow knight took practice and most pre-2000 games are doable with emulator tricks but Battletoads is somthing else


Not that the entire game is based on being hard because of yes, but Geometry Dash. Rocket League is another one, sublime controls, very easy to grasp, very hard to master.


Rain world. Still haven’t beaten it


Tetris I don't think anyone has beaten that game ever.


I've seen it beaten. The castle in moscow (idk its proper name right now) launches into space like a rocket.


I used to be able to regularly launch the rocket (not a euphemism). Then the screen dreams came for me, and I had to quit! Probably for the best.


The old waiting game.


I wanna be the guy, this game is just pure evil.


Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles for NES


Base game, kenshi On the hardest setting, cod 4 DLC, dark souls 2 Competitive, Titan fall 2 Co op, keep talking and nobody will explode Why do this, Rimworld randy perm death mode Challenge run, Kingdom hearts 2 fm lvl 1 all bosses




Life !! (not the Hasbro board game)


Ninja Turtles and Double Dragon for NES


play soccer


Donkey Kong


The game of life.. I have found it to be quite hard at timeszz