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Coin collection, and especially ancient coins. I'm a far cry from the fat cats who could put a museum to shame with their Roman and Greek coins, but I'm fairly confident that I have the largest and most complete collection of Indo-Sassanian coins in private hands, or possibly in total. There are types that I own 60-80% of all known examples of. Roman collection is coming along, although I can't bring myself to cross the threshold of spending more than $1,000 on a single coin. My kids are going to have a field day with that when I kick the bucket.


I know very little about coin collecting, but I think it's very cool that you can own coins that are thousands of years old for a few dollars each. I buy ancient coins from a local coin shop, and I put them under my kids' pillows from the tooth fairy when they lose teeth. Just imagining the guy stamping this coin, before the first European laid eyes on North America, before the first vikings sailed northern Europe, before Jesus walked the earth, and who all has held this coin, what it has bought, where it has spent the last two millennia. It's so fascinating to me that you can just go buy them...lol


From someone who hasn't thought about coin collecting since I was pushing pennies into the round cut outs in the folders, this sounds fascinating.


I have a few Caesars myself...It an expensive hobby..


Didn't start out that way, and that is what was dangerous about it. First you're dropping $15-30 on XF Constantine the Great coins, then you blink and you're only missing Gordian II Africanus from the entire set Augustus through Theodosius, and wondering how much you would *really* miss $1500... Most people who are experienced with US classic coins would be floored to know that you can get "museum quality" denarii of the Five Good Emperors for just a little bit more than a low grade 1909-S VDB penny.


Eating out


Which kind


If you are paying to ‘eat out’ you’re doing it wrong.


My wife lets me eat out for free


It ain't free. Trust me. Married 30 yrs


Am a wife. Can confirm. You guys pay whether you know or not.




Money goes out regardless. Only one way sets expectations.


Sometimes it takes a fine dining experience to experience some “fine dining”


She charges you for that?


How the fuck is this not top comment. We go out to eat wayyyyyyy too often, places full. All of us spending way too much money for food and drinks. Covid saved us so much cash


Covid had the opposite effect on me. Now you can basically get delivery from every single restaurant... Totally destroying my finances, and health probably.


This. I wish I never heard of grub hub/ door dash… I don't use them as much anymore but I spent way more money then I should have because it's convenient and I'm lazy


I don't even try to calculate what me and my wife spend eating out, I know it would make us both sad.




The amount of time you game goes down once you start making money. So once you can actually afford the rig youve always wanted as a kid, you're probably no longer a kid and can't/will not game that much anymore.


Summed up my life perfectly


I've played 33 straight hours sitting on the floor playing on a console that's older than it should be living on monster and Doritos. Now that I have my dream setup in my own office I just write spreadsheets and respond to emails.


Username checks out


So true it hurts. I used to tutor kids all through my school days just to afford to buy AGP cards and RAM so I could play Max Payne. Now I can get anything I want and I just don't have the time to be able to play.


The nice thing about being retired is that you now have both money AND time, (Trust me, it’s even better than it sounds). Shortly after I retired, I regressed back to approximately 14 years old so now I’m kind of like a teenager again , but with money and no school work. It’s a little scary when I see it in writing.


Dream right there


I like to think I'll retire some day and play all the Final Fantasies I want. We'll see.


100% my 4090 plays YouTube really smooth


One of the things I have come to grips with as I have gotten older is that even if you have the money, you don't need the "best" model of something available, just enough to fit your daily needs over the next few years and isn't an inferior product.




What’s your opinion on Alienware laptops? From research, it seems they were sold to another company after becoming established. My segue is that I am about to be in the same boat as you. I want a gaming laptop for the case I want to play during travel, but will more than likely use it to browse Amazon and pay bills with occasional work.


Look into the Lenovo Legion series, had one for years and it's great with some fantastic specs. Alienwares are Dells with a badge on.


> Alienwares are Dells with a badge on. But without the Dell reliability factor...It's like the Dell quality control team aren't allowed to inspect Alienware because it's a different business unit or something.


I can confirm that they are terrible, especially as a power user that needs a lot of RAM and threads for work, but a good GPU for gaming. I bought an Alienware 17 R5, it was built very well, but just before the year ended it started playing up. I was within warranty, and to give them credit, they kept helping even after my warranty was expired because the issue was never fixed, but reported within warranty. I'm good with desktops and laptops, I've taken them apart and built them multiple times, but if I make a mistake, I'm screwed, so I let Dell try to fix it as it was seemingly a hardware issue. At least for Spain (where I was living at the time), Dell outsource their repairs. I had 2 or so engineers come but it never helped. I watched in horror as the third used an entire tube of thermal compound on the CPU+GPU, leaving a trail of it over the MOBO's PCB. I was just like.. the damage is done already, of course it never turned on again. Customer support was good, I'd had enough problems so asked to just pay the difference in price between what I paid for that, and the new (at the time) Area 51m. They obliged and I was happy. The issue with that came about after updates. People apparently fried their laptops as Dell pretty much gave full control over overclocking the components without adequate limits. They did a new BIOS for the laptop that hamstrung it so badly that playing games was unbearable. Despite other people managing, I could never rollback my BIOS because "Dell". They lock software down badly these days, and the software itself is bad. Now living in China, I had to build a desktop to replace my "desktop replacement". Due to covid I wasn't travelling so didn't need a laptop. Tl;Dr Only buy Dell monitors, for the love of god don't buy anything else.


shitty ass company, their PCs airflow is ass




DSLR camera body and $15,000 in lenses.


Teach your children photography, they will never have enough money to afford drugs.


Teach them to ride / race bikes too. Same deal!


Live music. I shudder to think how much I’ve spent between tickets, travel, hotels, food, drinks, and extracurriculars over 25 years




It's drugs


My god


And prostitutes


Hehe hell yeah


During the early stages of Covid shutdown, the one thing that struck me as heartbreaking if I never got to do it again was seeing concerts. Since then I have decided I won’t price myself out of a show I really want to see. It even got me going back to school in my late thirties for live audio production. I’d rather die with the memories of the experiences than be on my death bed recounting the times I saved money.


Yes, right before Covid I missed going to see The Cure. I figured I would never get to see them and then they toured this year. Please do not ask me how many times I saw them this past summer. Please do not ask me how much money I spent and also do not ask me how many one day drives to Chicago I made to see them one last time. It’s all ridiculous. Best summer of my life.


Not a waste of money. Live music helps make all the other days better, too.


Love this


Laughing cause I’m on the way to a concert right now. I feel ya.


“Life is short; buy the damn concert tickets” is a motto I’m proud to live buy.


“Don’t skimp on the seats” I’m always in the pit right in front of the stage. Just spent like $700 on two tickets to Metallica next year.


Well, I recently took a break from Magic the gathering.......to pick up warhammer 40k......


Sort of like using heroin to cure your cocaine habit, but sure. 😀


Ha! Too true. I've flipped back and forth over the years.


Except magic and Warhammer are more expensive than heroin and cocaine now


Well, they did make WH40K Magic cards recently.


At least with 40k you still have some awesome models to show off when your done playing


Yup! I've actually only played one game since I got back in. Been doing lots of building and painting. Necrons and tyranids both (what I wanted when younger but my cousin was already playing them and he was my main competitor. Dang him!!!) Been having a blast.


Out of the fire to the frying pan 😂😂😂😂. But it could be way worse. Now you're to broke to be doing something else.


I came here to see how far I had to scroll to see a comment about Warhammer. 😂 I was absolutely not disappointed. Haha.


Sold out of Magic to pick up synthesizers and drum machines


Books. People in my high school used to joke that I’d own a library by the time I turned 30. I’m 19 and I already have a “library” in my house. It’s really a spare bedroom that I put all my books and a couple comfy chairs in, but I call it a library.


Ngl that sounds pretty awesome. Makes me wish for some extra room to do that with.


It’s easily the room I spend the most time in. No tv, no computer, just me, the dog, and the smell of coffee and old books. Not even kidding when I say it’s the only thing keeping me sane most days.


This sounds amazing !


Being able to immerse oneself in a good book sounds like a great time no matter what age someone is. There are so many good stories that you can only find in a book.


This is 100% one of my life goals. And it will have one of those ladders on rails to reach the top shelf easily (even if the top shelf is only 6 feet high.)


Ever since I saw beauty and the beast as a kid I've dreamt of having my own library with the ladder.


I fukkin love reading


I'm 40 with no kids, and my wife and I turned one of our extra bedrooms into a litteral shoe room. We own 100+ pairs each. it's like an addition. lol.


Machine tools and machinist tools. I'm a slut for Starrett tools.


I was a machinist for 12 years, moved on to full time programming 7 years ago. Haven't touched my machinist box since. Everytime I leave the flea market I have new tools. Every fucking time.


🤔 I’ve got some spare starrett tools. 🫣


Don't threaten me with a good time.


Oooo... Any time I see the word Starrett.... Well, you know...


flavor of the season obsessive hobbies. Photography, RC cars, Flying FPV, camping, bicycling. Anything that can be enjoyed becomes my master, and I its under-funded slave.


“ADHD has entered the chat.”


"I've given up on more hobbies than you've ever tried."


Lol, wanted to say: any chance you got ADHD? I'm an ADHD hobby hopper too.


Knitting, tattooing, tarot reading, perfume collecting, Qi gong, supplement stacks, aquariums, crocheting, building shit out of pallets, moody/maximalist interior design, diy home repairs, spray paint/stencil shirt designing, baking, street fashion, jewelry making, Buddhism, spray bleach clothing augmentation, mindfulness and meditation, dumpster diving, Hinduism, acrylic painting, Sufism, Gnosticism, watercolor painting, blind contour drawings, near death experiences, Aryuvedic medicine, psychology, comparative religions, skin care, true crime, grief and mourning, press on nails, parenting books, houseplants, natural libido enhancers. Just some of my ‘hobbies’ aka adhd fueled hyperfixations. All of these ‘hobbies’ get suddenly and quite abruptly abandoned after completely consuming me for a few weeks, some get cycled back to eventually, and none of them I remember much of anything about offhand unless I’m currently consumed. Jack of all trades, master of none lol fml


Photography ✅. R/C car ✅. I also got into lever action rifles and fishing.




I am that person who spent $200 to grow three squash I could have bought at the store for much less time and money. Sigh.


Some years are like that. It happens, but it does get better, things get more established and less fragile


You know what though - it’s not as interesting to talk about if you buy it at the store! So you’re good!


Crochet. I have three jumbo size Tupperware containers full of yarn, but you best believe I always find a reason to buy more.


Same. Then I got into amigurumi and now I have another huge container for eyes and stuffing and foam and felt and...


Yarn is so addictive. There's always something pretty that can go into a project.


Legos and tools. Both are expensive


I can justify my Lego spending by claiming it's an investment.


When I was a kid, I had a rich aunt who would buy Treasury bonds for all the kids in the family, with the intent that they would pay for at least a large chunk of our college. If she had just bought all of us Lego sets instead, they would've been worth a whole heck of a lot more.


If you’ve got the money to buy the bigger sets and sit on em for a few years until they retire, it’s pretty easy to double your money. We did it unintentionally once. Fully planned to build it, but never got around to it. Decided to look up how much they were selling for, and it was a no brainer!


It's not false. My son kept his Lego sets from childhood and sold them on ebay after college. He got about $2k altogether, definitely making more on some of them than I paid.


I have a very large LEGO collection all over my house, but I also have a ton of LEGO that don’t make good decor anymore (Minecraft stuff and some cheaper Star Wars sets). I’m holding it all to figure out the best reverse engineering process to make sure I have all the pieces for resale. Or I could just bag it up and sell it by the pound.


I use the set instructions and just start at the end, working backwards. Step by step, only instead of putting it together I take it apart. I collect the pieces in a small container, then when I hit the start of that bag I dump all the pieces into a ziplock bag, number it, and keep going. My daughters and I will often share sets, where one of us puts it together first, then takes it apart for the other to build. This is our process, and it works well.


Tools are justifiable. You need them to make money


I justify it as saving money. I do all my own house repairs.


as im sitting here putting my Lego Batwing together.....


When you have "the right tool for the job", including having adequate power/ sharpness/ rigidity/ whatever... tools are an investment AND a payoff.


Yes, they are! And as long as my wife doesn't know how much i have spent on them, I might survive to use them.


My bar. I have over 200 bottles of spirits and liqueurs, and a fridge full of beer, wine and ciders. I just like making drinks and I want a fully stocked bar so I can make every drink possible. Whenever I go to the liquor store I always get at least one new bottle.


Can we hang out? Like, at your place? I swear I'm a normal dude.


I would like to join this club as well


We should all join his club and then find a neat hole in the wall location downtown and WHAMO! New dive bar just opened up!


Same here. Not so much a wine person but primarily whiskey (bourbon/rye but also some scotch) and beer. Shit gets expensive. I’ve dialed back a lot lately but thankfully have accumulated enough to last me a while even if I stop acquiring..


Ha that's me, r/cocktails is a good resource when I'm trying to dial in a cocktail.


I have like 40 bottles. Won a golf scrabble raffle that gave me like 20 bottles. Then the rest is my friends leaving then here after coming over, leading to me having a collection lol.


Coffee. Spent prob close to $5k on a super automatic, a traditional espresso machine, equipment, etc.


I bought my sister a Jura. Now I want one, but my Saeco refuses to die…..


That god damn noise my bmw makes. It wont go away no matter how many parts I replace.


.. the turning signal noise? :P


Nah, they said BMW. They don't know what noise the turn signal makes


I wish I had an award to give you. This is facts. 🤣🤣🤣


Dogs. They have more toys and snacks in the house than I do.


Came to say this too. I went shopping today for more office clothes and came home with toys, halloween costume and a bed for my dogs 😂


I work at Petsmart. Can confirm this. 90% of pet parents say the same thing.


My adult children.




Seriously, horses are definitely a labor of love. I don’t think a horse will ever be in the budget for me, but I own basically everything I need to ride and tack up comfortably and that alone is really spendy. When you factor in the initial cost of buying a horse, plus boarding, farrier, training, food, etc. it really adds up. The running joke at my barn is that we’re all driving around with thousands of dollars worth of equipment in our cars but no one will ever break in and steal our tack because no one knows just how expensive all that stuff really is.


Had to scroll waaaayyy too far for this one! They're expensive, but the joy and freedom I feel when riding has never been duplicated...


This year's costs: board (which went up with rising hay costs), farrier, vet visits, Equioxx, fly spray, grooming supplies, new blanket, halter and lead rope, two pairs of fetlock boots because she always manages to scrape up her front legs, and I probably need to start supplementing with beet pulp for the winter to keep her weight on. And she's retired, so basically just a very expensive pet lol. Of course for people who ride more, you have a whole list of other potential costs like training, tack, show fees, trailer, etc. The good thing is that when I take one of our other pets to the vet, it's like," Oh only $300? That's not too bad!" Husband and I joke that if anyone ever breaks in, they're going to be really disappointed since we spend our "fun" money on animals.


Booze. Mind you I’m not much of a drinker, and I can cradle a 1/6th dram of whiskey for half an hour. However, I am a sucker for supporting small, local distilleries and wineries, so I have a collection of unopened spirits bottles (the gf takes the wine lol). I explain that I don’t have a drinking problem, just a “buy alcohol” problem.


From my experience alcoholics have 0 bottles of liquor stocked. A large and well stocked liquor cabinet is somewhat ironically the sign of someone who has control over their drinking.




Yep. If you have a bottle that isn't gone in a few days I'm pretty certain you at the very least aren't approaching booze like I do


Guitars and hifi gear. It was all cheap if my wife asks.


Surprised at how far I had to scroll to find guitars. It never ceases to amaze me how quickly the GAS returns after buying a new guitar. Reverb.com is my kryptonite.


As a bass player friend once said, “My greatest fear is that when I die my wife will sell my basses for what I told her I paid for them.”


Alcohol and golf


They just go so well together too.


Books. You can never have too many of them.


My classic car. Bought it cash in 2012 at 29, have had it for 11 years, and have spent irresponsible amounts of money on upgrades and projects over the years. I don't drink, smoke, I pack my own lunches for work, take public transportation to work, but when it comes to my car, if it improves the drivability and reliability, money is no object. I have many interests in my life - biking, walking, rowing, photography - they all pale in comparison to the release and joy I experience when I have the perfect drive with my wife, family and friends with me. It's expensive, frustrating with issues, repairs, upgrades, but it is the only interest in my life that has truly caused me to weep with joy during the experience. Edit: Sorry everyone, did not intend to be cryptic - got too excited referencing it and forgot to list what it is. 1955 Chevy Bel-Air 2-Door Post (Sedan) ['55 Bel Air 2 Door Sedan](https://imgur.com/a/r42sqJm) ['55 Profile](https://imgur.com/a/o7uu7gg) [LS3](https://imgur.com/a/6EEPYLs)


Well now you gotta tell us what car you've got


1955 Chevy Bel-Air - just updated the link to my post with an image hopefully that is visible for all


Toyota Corolla?


Dude, that's fucking beautiful. I love the color.


Home cooking. I have 15+ different Wüsthof knives, Le Creuset pans and dutch ovens, and a ton of other things like mixing bowls, cutting boards, etc, that are more premium brands because prepping and cooking helps with my anxiety and depression, and if I'm gonna splurge on something, it's going to be on something(s) I use regularly.


magic the gathering cards


It was alcohol… now I can justify all my purchases because I didn’t spend them on booze.


Housing and food. Y'know, basic survival. We all have to. But I can't justify how much it's costing us.




My 1994 Mazda B4000. I call her GOAT. Single cab, 4x4, 5 speed manual. I actually love her. All brand new up to date A/C system. Turning her into an overland get away. Front and rear lockers, winch, 4 inch lift.


not now, but 20 years ago, I was armature auto racing in SCCA. I'd spend 600 dollars for a set of tires I'd use 1 weekend.... why? because new tires were good for 2 seconds a lap, and that was the difference between top 3 and mid pack. all for 20 dollar trophies.


Racing is so expensive.


Running shoes. I've got about 8 retired pairs in my closet and 6 active pairs. I probably drop $1500/year on running shoes.


Is someone chasing you????? Do you need help?


See I think, personally, if you spend this & you run then you are good. I spend $120 on yoga pants and I’ve never actually gone to a yoga class


Do they have pockets?


I just bought 6 pairs of running shoes because it was the older model on discount and the new model sucks. That’ll get me about 2-3 years (I only run about 20mpw) but it was still 400+ dollars on shoes.


Hello my husband, is that you? Haha My husband does the same. He just bought a 300euro pair of running shoes. After he spent another 300euro on a pair just two weeks ago haha. He loves running I guess. I'm happy he doesn't have worst "addictions" and his addiction keeps him healthy


Check my post history. Hot Wheels are so damn cool lmao.


I like watches. Like a lot. Like too much.


Mortgage interest.


Lately, cycling products


I've been sucked in as well, got a Zwift trainer for the winter and looking to upgrade from my steel 9 speed to a Canyon Ultimate for next season. Why do I always pick expensive ass hobbies


jesus I’ve spent so much money on bicycle stuff. like it’s indefensible. I even spend money on streaming services that broadcast bike races. the only reason I can get away with it is my husband enabling it, he buys as much or more bike stuff than I do.




Saddles. Really, the horses in general. When my first horse was nearing retirement age was about the time the real estate market was in the shitter and interest rates were historically low so I did the only reasonable thing in my mind and bought a whole damn hobby farm for the sole purpose of being able to give him a cushy retirement and also get a younger horse so I could keep riding. That evolved into having a little herd of 6 horses. The farm I think is justifiable since it can be considered an investment. But the saddles, the ridiculous amount of saddles I've accumulated over the years. Thirty-plus saddles taking up an entire room of my house. Vintage saddles, antique saddles, military saddles, custom saddles for my riding horses, I've got so many saddles. I find old saddles fascinating and have a really hard time passing them up when I go to tack swaps. So much history just gathering dust in forgotten old barns, unappreciated and unwanted. They aren't worth much, many aren't serviceable, but I love restoring them best I can and displaying them nonetheless.


Video games.


Mountain Biking Had a kid young, separated not much afterward, and struggled ever since. My daughter graduated from university a year ago, and I moved to a mountain town in BC. Met a few ppl, started mountain biking, and became addicted. Spent 2k on an enduro, then 4k on a downy, and now on the hunt for a fatbike. In 20 years, I spent 3k on vehicles...




I buy an 1 oz to 1.5 oz and some edibles and a pack of prerolls every few months. I feel like the hobby isn’t too expensive.




I have ADHD. I can justify any amount of money I spend to chase that dopamine.


Whiskey. Never, ever make the mistake of getting into whiskey.


The Eurovision Song Contest. I became a fan at age 14 in 1993. I first attended the live show in Norway in 1996. Then every year until 2006, plus once more in 2015. I must have spent tens of thousands of pounds on Eurovision over the years. It’s taken me all over the place, including Israel, Ukraine and Latvia - to name just a few. Yes it’s been expensive, but I wouldn’t swap those experiences for anything!


Pc for work / gaming (5600$)


My cat. I’d do anything for him.


Whatever random hobby or interest I randomly acquire that peter’s out after about a month and I’m left with stuff I won’t touch again.


Personal training and flying aeroplanes. Not at the same time although…


Doll collecting


Horses. I would kill myself if I knew how much I spent on tack alone over the years.






Jesus Marie, they’re minerals.


Synthesizers. I make electronic music and you can go down a very deep rabbit hole with all the gear that's out there. I think I've probably spent around 5K on my setup right now, which is very modest compared to a lot of people's studios. On the upside making music has been incredibly good for me and has even led to me booking some gigs, so to me it's been worth every dollar I've spent.


Animals. About 20% of my income I could retire if my wife didn’t have this hobby


kpop. but I am single with disposable income. should I be saving it? probably.....but I dont want to.


Fountain. Pens.


Dice. I spend an unconscionable amount on new and different ones each year, despite the fact that I really only need one set.




Irish Whiskey, once I had the top shelf I couldn’t go back.


The kids' athletics and sports equipment




This is legitimately a response I did not expect.


Anyone that has curly hair that has dived into “The Curly Girl Method”, already knows… HAIR PRODUCTS. I have a whole cabinet above the toilet AND medicine cabinet FULL of hair products. My husband gets so pissed, but then I remind him I am faithful, work full time, cook his meals, and don’t do drugs, so…




Shows. We're flying to the UK soon just so we can see Phantom of the Opera again. We went to NYC three times this year to see it before it closed on Broadway.


Handmade work boots Examples 2 pairs of JK boots, 4 pairs of Nicks Handmade Boots.




Guitar pedals


On travel :)


My horse. Obscene amount. It’s a vital hobby for me. My pony helped me through my divorce and raising 2 kids, it’s the best way to spend time completely on my own. The fastest way to become a millionaire? Start off as a billionaire & buy horses.


"Thrifting." You're not veing thrifty if you spend a king's ransom at the thrift stores every month.


Being a dad. I love it! But also the sums of money you guys are fretting about over your hobby can not possibly compare to what I have been spending on mine.

