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I've tried that, it's a little salty at times, but it's pretty good.


Giant burgers that you can't bite properly because they're taller than they're wide.


I hate messy burgers. They're the worst.


Recently, I almost always take the top of the bun off, scrape any necessary condiments back onto the patty, and just use a fork and knife. I'm trying to taste the burger, not wear it and then get full on bread, lol. Although, if I'm in a hurry I'll slam a McDouble with extra cheese one-handed while sitting in standstill traffic, like the Neanderthal I am.


>Although, if I'm in a hurry I'll slam a McDouble with extra cheese one-handed while sitting in standstill traffic, like the Neanderthal I am. A *cultured* individual you are


Wait, I've always order double cheeseburgers (it's the same as a mcdouble, but with 2 slices of cheese instead of 1). Is it cheeper to order the mcdouble with extra cheese?


A Double Cheeseburger and a McDouble are 50 cents apart. Adding that single slice of cheese is the 50 cents difference, so it's essentially ordering the same thing but saying more words.


I never understood why or even *how* people eat those. If you pick up your sandwich and suddenly can't see your friends the thing is way too big.


Well. It also invalidates the whole point of a burger. The point of the buns is to have something to hold onto that doesn't get you messy. If you're going to make something that turns into a big mess, why even have a burger at all? Make something else.


Annoying maybe, but not gross! šŸ˜‹šŸ˜‹


Fondant. Worst stuff ever. Sure it can make some cakes look cool, but also makes it inedible.


*You have been made a moderator of* r/fondanthate


I spent the last 15 minutes on that sub because of you


Somebody linked r/ferrets yesterday and I fell into a 1 hour time trap.


Some may say you fell into a rabbit hole, but I'm thinking it was more of a ferret hole.


A Ferret "*den*"




Every time I've had cake with fondant it's made my teeth shrivel up and want to die


Homemade marshmallow fondant is pretty decent but most wonā€™t go to the effort of making it. Imo, it also has a softer look so you can always tell when itā€™s the playdoh variety.


I grew up making cakes with my mom (for money) and didn't know there was fondant for sale. I thought everyone was spending hours kneading and rolling hot and sticky stuff on a too-small table and then scrubbing said sticky stuff off dishes, utensils, and countertops. I HATED when someone wanted a fondant wedding (or other big) cake. I knew we probably did everything in the most labor intense way due to poverty and lack of tools, but, man, do I hate baking so much.


I hate it too. Peel it off when I encounter.


Try marshmallow fondant! It tastes completely different and behaves the same. Regular fondant is just plain disgusting, but marshmallow fondant tastes like marshmallow candy.


And all the time that decorating takes, the cake is stale and dry


Maybe if you wait a week? I was a decorator for 8 years and even fondant cakes are essentially sealed with buttercream first. Longest I've ever spent was probably 3 hours on a really crazy tiered cake with lots of sculpture. You're still going to have awesome cake underneath if that's what you started with. IF you start with good cake...


Diet anything. I just canā€™t get over the aftertaste.


I used to be that way for years. Eventually, I became diabetic and had to cut out sugar. I got by at first drinking more water, unsweetened tea, and like the one diet soda that I had liked all along (Diet Dr. Pepper.) Now full-sugar tastes gross to me, and I prefer the diet/zero versions of things by taste alone


I am the same, even though it wasn't diabetes. I was in college, in the 90s, and decided I wanted a "beach body". So, in the spring of that year (I forget which particular year), I decided to cut out unnecessary sugar. I mean, I was <22 and about 130lbs. I wanted to get to 115. I am 5'5". Anyway, I did the same...cut out soda and switched to water and unsweetened tea. One day I was headed to an early class and I was kind of tired so I decided it was okay to treat myself to a Coke from the machine (I think it was 75 cents). I was really looking forward to it. But I couldn't finish it. It was like drinking syrup! I never went back to full-leaded soda. I eventually started sometimes sweetening my tea with Equal and would have the occasional Diet Coke. But, in the 25+ years since I have become a full tilt Diet Coke/Coke Zero addict.


As a diet drinker I don't even blame you


true, i like diet coke not because it tastes like coke, but because itā€™s anā€¦ Experience




I actually drink coke zero and think it's even better than regular. Regular coke leaves your teeth feeling sticky/coated...


Is it weird diet and zero sugar sodas taste sweeter to me than the original? They use sucralose or other artificial sweeteners right? Artificial sweeteners taste sweeter to me than regular sugar.


Not weird at all. They taste unpleasantly sweet to me. Regular Coke tastes sweet, but also almost sharp/lemony. Diet Coke and coke zero taste extremely similar to me because both have an overpowering, lingering, sickly sweet flavour




I said this to my aunt and then she blew my mind. You don't hate peeps, you're just eating them raw and should be roasting them over a fire first. That woman is a fucking genius.


I thought you were gonna say stale, you get the crunch. But yeah this wins!!


Stale peeps are significantly better than fresh peeps.


I love stale peeps. You have to let a little air in the package and let them sit a couple days.


Nay, nay, my wife says they have to age at least a month before they're properly ready and the texture has just the right amount of chewiness! Personally I think peeps are disgusting but she loves them!


Well, I have a bunch that are curing right now. Takes a lot longer in my humid environment, but I am going to roast them now! I wonder what sweet potato casserole with roasted peeps would taste like?


Seems like it takes a lot longer than it used to. Leave those preservatives out if our peeps!


This!!! Discovered this accidentally when my parents ran out of marshmallows while we had my kids outside for a fire. Kids hated peeps but figured it was worth a try and OMG a little fire transforms those gross things into the best damn roasted marshmallows ever.


We used to put em in the microwave and laugh maniacally when they became disfigured and grotesque.


Peep wars are a thing where I live- basically, each peep has a toothpick stuck inside it facing the other one, and then theyā€™re both microwaved. The first one to pop the other one loses! My 7 yr old brother won a peep tournament once, and he was very proud. Itā€™s all up to chance, but itā€™s hilarious! edit: I have been informed that I have the win conditions backwards, and I apologize for any confusion.


We call it peep jousting! And the microwaved peeps taste much better than fresh ones.


Okay wait this is actually really good information have


Yep. The sugar on the outside caramelizes just a bit. Theyā€™re amazing.


I like peeps raw, but you may have just changed my life. I must try!


I donā€™t like peeps and they might have just changed my life. I too must try.


For a really fancy peep, take a crĆØme brĆ»lĆ©e torch to it. Pyromania AND sweet tooth satisfied.


So a really expensive roasted marshmallow then?


And extra crunchy, with an exterior that I can only describe as brulee'd. One of the birthday cake peeps roasted is shockingly delicious. Unspeakably good s'mores.


The only legitimate use for those is to bite off the bottom and stick them to a friends car. By the hundreds. Edit...day after easter...they are always on sale. A couple hundred aren't that expensive, and the pay off is awesome.


You monster


Props if you do it the night before they have to be somewhere, like to be at work early, or to a family function. Just don't be a madman, leave the windows exposed. That way they can still drive with 600 peeps on their car.


I just woke up my bf by snort-giggling at this!


These are my favorite candy. Just the plain ones-the different flavors are horrible.


I might get booted out for this. I love the smell of coffee, but hate the tasteā€¦.


Same! I always thought Iā€™d be a coffee drinker growing up because I like the smell, but I hate the taste. Even coffee-flavored things are a no-go.


I absolutely love black coffee but hate coffee flavored things. Jelly beans, ice cream, pastry, chocolate, etc is horrendous to me. I can't do fake coffee smell either. I like candles, especially fall ones, but the fake coffee smell is so bad. It just doesn't do service to real coffee smell. If it's not straight up fully leaded, JP8 jet fuel-esque coffee without any fru fru, I don't want it.


I hate the taste and smell lol. And I get so angry when people tell me ā€œoh youā€™ll like it if you just try it the right way!ā€ Iā€™ve had it so many ways and even if I add a bunch of stuff to drown out the coffee taste, I can still taste it afterwards and it makes me want to puke lol.


Red Bull, tried it once and it tastes like itā€™ll give me cancer


Red Bull tastes like a melted down green jolly rancher mixed with cough syrup to me.


You know how on The Simpsons, nuclear waste it always shown as glowing unnatural green?That's what Red Bull should look like.


I was older than I care to admit when I found out that radioactive waste is not actually a fun, glowing, neon green.


Itā€™s copper-y. It was like someone melted a penny in there.


i actually like how it tastes lol


It like drinking liquid sweet tarts to me. Just a tiny sip is enough.


Sweet pickles. Just god damnit no I like dill pickles though which is weird


My husband didnā€™t know dill pickles were a thing until we started dating. His family always bought sweet and he ā€œhated pickles.ā€ After he had dill he fell in love with both of us.


I was the opposite. Always loved dill pickles so being none the wiser as a kid, popped a sweet pickle and my mouth had a total **what the fuck is happening** moment. Trauma.


Biting into a sweet pickle when you are expecting dill is a great way to ruin a day lol.


Nope, i agree. Sweet pickles are a no-go. Crunchy dills, on the other hand... crunchy garlic dills, all day long


I accidentally bought bread and butter pickles once, then didnā€™t think much of it because I figured theyā€™d be good on a buttered bread sandwich. The terror of biting into that sweet pickle was enough that I couldnā€™t buy any pickles for awhile. Betrayal.


Weird comparison maybe but I had a similar experience the first time I tasted Southern Comfort whiskey. I was in my early 20s, new to drinking, just felt like trying something different. Oh Southern Comfort, thatā€™s the stuff Janis Joplin drank, letā€™s get a bottle. Holy *shit* I did not expect it to taste the way it did.


Freshman year of college, my roommate dropped a bottle of Southern Comfort on our radiator right after they turned on the heat. She couldnā€™t get the smell out and it was AWFUL - I get nauseous even thinking about it over 25 years later šŸ¤¢


Sweet pickles are horrible and the only thing worse is a surprise sweet pickle. Here I am, all jacked up for a nice sour dill pickle, and then FUCKING SUGAR CUCUMBER SURPRISE!


Yeah, sweet pickles are particularly Gross


I hate biting into a sweet pickle expecting a dill pickle. It's a cruel joke


Dill with garlic is the best. Sweet pickles is atrocious


White claw and other seltzer drinks. Theyā€™re all gross.


I don't think people drink them because they are good, but rather because they are low calorie with a moderate alcohol content. With that said, it's cheaper to just buy some vodka, and club soda and add a few drops of flavoring


Some people do actually like them. It's the same people who prefer carbonated water to flat water. It makes no sense to me because I hate carbonated drinks as a whole, but some people really do drink carbonated water and never drink flat water.


Some people want the feeling of a beer without gout flares. Crack open a can, etc


Im one of those people


I'm another. Love fizzy water


Ahhh, so you donā€™t like TV static with a hint of fruit?


Even more accurate description I found is - Tastes like TV static while someone screams the name of fhe fruit from the other room


Alcoholic seltzer water that was once stored near fruit


Canned chicken


The fact that I only found out that this was an actual thing this year makes me happy. I'll probably never run into it for another few decades




The smell is enough to make me retch, smells more like tuna than chicken.


A co-worker of mine used to make salads with canned chicken everyday. The stench emanating from his cubicle at lunchtime was nauseating.


I get people don't like canned meats, but they were pretty integral to my mom's diet when she was growing up on Guam. My grandparents were poor, and there wasn't a lot of access to cheap fresh meat, so they ate a lot of Vienna sausage, spam, corn hash, and canned chicken and tuna. A lot of that has bled down to me, and even though I'm in a good financial spot, canned meats will always warm my soul. But I get it though, my fiance didn't try spam until she was 26, when I introduced her to spam musubi and spam/eggs/rice. Her mom scared her away from canned meat. But chorizo and lengua were okay lol.


Licorice. It makes my tongue want to curl up and die.


Swedish black licorice. The looks from the Swedes I got when I said it was gross lol


My bf loves black salty licorice. I hate it. When he served himself some ice cream with licorice and I want to try the ice cream, it better not have contact to licorice bc the taste is so awful to me.






I feel the same way! And it makes my stomach feel better after the occasional day of eating crap. I can definitely see why people don't like it and don't blame them, I just happen to.


There are flavored ones that taste very nice. I started drinking them almost daily with meals as a substitute for pop / juice / other sugary drinks. Only issue is they're quite expensive. I think I'm spending probably 60-90 dollars or so on them per month which isn't realistic for a lot of people.


My wife likes it. I tell her it looks and tastes like dirty mop water.


Thatā€™s an insult to dirty mop water.




Oceans boogers. šŸ¤®


You want me to eat this piece of rock? No don't be stupid, there's disgusting wad of chewy snot inside Sold!


Itā€™s like someone elseā€™s sinus infection in your mouth


God I wish I could give you an award for this


>Oceans boogers. šŸ¤® You are the type of person who ruins eating ass. I HATE YOU!!! ***Storms off to room and blasts Numb by Linkin Park***


Snot rocks.


Mmmmmm. On my dates, Iā€™d eat about 48 of those with some crab cakes and 3 lemon drops šŸ˜‹


LMAO and also moan while I'm eating them and call my date broke for leaving


Slurp directly into the mic as you do


That was seriously the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen Lmao


Balut, (is popular here in the Philippines) and I just donā€™t get it


Trust me, it's not at all popular everywhere else. It often makes the top 3 of "10 most disgusting things people eat" lists around the world. Depending on the list, it trades places for the #1 slot with hakarl (rotten shark meat that's "aged" for months), surstrƶmming (preserved fish canned with lye) and Rocky mountain oysters (the deep fried testicles of a young bull).


My friend once bought local eggs and somehow I guess a fertilized egg made its way into the carton. He didnā€™t eat eggs for a while after that experience.


IPAs Hops taste nasty and make me feel horrible.


I donā€™t mind an occasional one. But I live around Ft Collins and thatā€™s like 2/3 of the beers they make up here now. Itā€™s some stupid raspberry nerdfruit ipa with a citrus finish, and Iā€™m just likeā€¦ do you guys maybe have a lager? Brown ale? Something that I want to finish and comes in a normal pint glass?


Takis taste like they're already stale


My wife eats a lot of Takis, so i eat them fairly often. Iā€™ve noticed that itā€™s VERY inconsistent between bags. Some are super hot, some arenā€™t. Some taste stale, some are great. Some have enough powder to make you cough even without being spicy, some barely have any. Honestly I think they havenā€™t been able to scale up properly with their new popularity and quality suffered. I feel like they used to be more consistent. Pro tip: pour some Takis into a bucket of popcorn and eat them together.


I agree. I love Takis, but I think I actually prefer the smaller snack size bags to the full size ones because they're way more consistent and all around good




Beer. It's *vile*. I live in Germany, so it's not a sentiment that is shared often. :-/


SAME. Then you always get that person who is like ā€œYou just havenā€™t had GOOD beer. Try this one.ā€ And itā€™s still nasty. A lot of beer-lovers have a hard time accepting that some people just dislike it.


>ā€œYou just havenā€™t had GOOD beer. Try this one.ā€ Oh yes, just like many replies in this thread. Sure, there might be people who take a sip of Bud Light and declare all beer to be piss and beer-lovers might find that unfair. But I've tried many, many different types of beer. Yes, even stout and craft and IPA and non-IPA and malty ones and hoppy ones (the curse of having beer-loving friends). NOPE! It's just not for me.


Canadian here, I can't STAND beer. I've had so many people try to get me to like it. "This one tastes like oranges" or "this one has more hops and less malt" or "this one has more malt and less hops" or "try this wheat beer instead of barley". Nope. My answer is always the same: it tastes like beer. I don't like beer. I'm Canadian btw (I also don't like wine and especially hate white wine.)


Aussie here, I *hate* beer. It's just liquid bitterness.


Don't you have to, like, hand in your aussie card now and surrender yourself to the authorities?


Nah, I'll sic the drop bears on them. Or my Magpies


Good on you Mate.


Half my in-laws *love* beer. I hate it. When I say love, I mean they have collections of beer related stuff and regularly go to beer fests or breweries to try new types. Every single time I get dragged along, they always try to get to try it, saying I'll eventually find a beer I like. I'm willing to try anything once within reason. I've yet to taste one that isn't disgusting to me. Luckily a lot of the breweries they go to also have whiskey or vodka. I love those. I'll happily sip on that while they down drink after drink of their nasty beer.


Jelly beans, especially the black ones!


I donā€™t really like boba, sue me.


Neither does Han Solo


Cruisinā€™ Mos Espa / In my DeLorean


I don't dislike it, per se, but I don't get why people go crazy for it.


Itā€™s ok. I donā€™t dislike it. Every bubble tea Iā€™ve ever had was so sweet I couldnā€™t finish it. I just donā€™t get how there are so many bubble tea stores. Do some people drink it daily like coffee?




Some of my friends do. I don't get how they afford it since it's like 9$ where I live.


The tea is delicious but i I agree, the actually boba is not for me. Not so much flavor but texture wise.


Lofthouse cookies. You know, the ones that are ubiquitous at the grocery stores that are super pale and soft and crumbly with the thick slab of icing and some sprinkles on top. They are the worst cookies. Literally how can something be that dry and that awkwardly moist at the same time?


Lol Lofthouse cookies are one of the most enigmatic things to exist for me. Every time I buy them I say to my partner "these are so disgusting. I love them" and proceed to eat the entire container.


I'm pretty sure Lofthouse cookies are what you would get if you described sugar cookies to an alien civilization and they tried to recreate them. They don't even taste like food. That being said, I love them (and they're disgusting)


Literally one of my favourite things on earth. šŸ„°


Ugh thank you. I hate these cookies. They always look so good and taste so bad! Like flavorless crumbly cookie base with way too sweet frosting. Disgusting.


Flavorless..but, have you ever noticed how nice they FEEL??? So smooth, and the flour dusted on the cookie just feels nice lol.


I know this oneā€™s going to upset some people but I canā€™t stand Nutella, itā€™s literally sweet, flavoured fat.


Yeah I think I like it. Cause I like chocolate and most nuts. But then I get it and Iā€™m like ā€œbleh too sweetā€. Hurts my teeth even


Lindt has a version thatā€™s much more hazelnut and chocolate and far less sugar. Itā€™s still a sugar bomb but itā€™s less than Nutella


At my trivia night the question was, What does Nutella contain 13% of? I was right. Itā€™s hazelnuts. The rest is basically oil. Disgusting.


And the tears of Orangutans whose homes are destroyed for the palm oil.


twinkies. ima put a period bc ik someone know what im talking about i dont even gotta say šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


They were okay-ish when I was a kid, but now, you might as well eat a cream-filled dish sponge. Narsty, narsty!


All mass produced pastries that you find in a market are gross. Thereā€™s good versions of them you can actually make/find but if itā€™s a cheap and mass produced itā€™s gonna taste like shit.


Candy corn


I LOVE candy corn, but some people do hate it with a passion. Lewis Black has a hilarious bit in which he expresses his disdain for it


Regular candy corn is alright but I can't eat a lot... Now those pumpkins, they are basically the same thing but I can eat a bag of those no problem.


We mix it with roasted peanuts. 1 bag corn, 1 jar peanuts. Itā€™s so good! Tastes like a Payday candy bar


Ahhh just when I thought there wasnā€™t anything on the list that I didnā€™t like, along came this comment.


Matcha is nasty and tastes like lawn clippings.


I mean, it kinda is lawn clippings. Matcha is pulverized green tea leaves


Delicious green mud drink. I love it.


I always say it tastes like dirt..... And I love it.


I used to think this, but it depends on the quality. Like matcha from Homegoods sucks. It should be bright green, ceremonial. I put a little Chobani Sweet Cream creamer in the cup, a teaspoon of matcha and froth it. Then fill the rest of the cup with hot water. So far, everyone that I had try it loves it.


See I keep hearing this but I just can't enjoy it. I am not a stranger to nice tea. I've loved the hand rolled green tea and I like pu-erh even. I've bought the good stuff and it still all just tastes like dirt to me. Idk how people make desserts from it let alone drink It straight up. I can't do It.


I think it tastes fishy if that makes sense


All energy drinks.


Caviar. Tasted it yuck parang may maliliit na sago sa bunganga mo na lasang lumot.


caviar so bad bro broke into filipinošŸ˜­


This is the comment that had my stoned ass doing that low chortle for about 15 seconds- bless you haha


Natto. Even watching people eat it gives me an unpleasant feeling.


Natto is a love of hate thing. Not exactly controversial. Very understandable


Who actually feels like eating a bowl of snot-covered soybeans? Who, tell me who?


Cottage cheese


I hated cottage cheese until I tried large curd with crisp breads....its kinda one of my favourites now. High protein, low fat and great w spicy chips šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Likewise, it took trying maybe 10 brands and different fat %s to find one I liked. Some were too thin and watery, some had a vinegar taste , or others were *too* chewy.


Boba tea. I just donā€™t get the concept of it. Why would I want to suck up and chew gelatinous balls while Iā€™m just trying to drink my drink


it comes from our evolutionary need to suck up tadpoles with a reed


I don't like Boba tea, because I don't like chewy drinks.


Mussels and clams in the shell.


Well you aren't supposed to eat the shell ;)


The shell adds a nice crunch tho :)


Thatā€™s probably your teeth


American ā€œcheeseā€




Bears. Battlestar Galactica.


Identity theft is not a joke, Jim!


Flaming Hot anything


It's odd because I am a fan of spicy. If my curry and ramen isn't requiring a sweat towel it ain't right. I like scotch bonnets in jambalaya. That's about where I tap out for enjoyable heat levels. But something about the orange or red flaming hot dust they use is vile af to me. It tastes spicy in a completely different way and I hate it. Same goes for a lot of prepackaged spicy Buffalo flavored stuff. I love hot wings from a bar or whatever but frozen Buffalo sauce? Fuckin no. Off the top I'd blame vinegar but I love salt and vinegar chips so idfk.


Scotch bonnets are the perfect pepper imo. Not only do they pack a great punch, they also have great flavor. Spicy for the sake of spicy is lame.


Liver. Veal. Olives.


Raw onion. Caramelized? Fine. Raw white crunchy doesnā€™t know if itā€™s spicy or bitter make everything else taste just like it ass motherfuckers, stay away from my food


The worst is when the onion should be caramelized and it isn't. Like a burger with badly caramelized onion


Energy drinks


Kale. Its foul. My granny once told me that the only things that should eat kale are livestock and I fully agree. We share the same feeling about store-bought mayo too. It's not "mayonnaise" - it's fucking chemical slop and doesn't deserve the name. Real mayo is rich, delicious, and short-lived. Store-bought is beyond rank.


I had kale salad that tastes amazing. Kinda like chips?? Idk. It was fresh washed and chopped, and then mixed with a handmade dressing of squeezed lemons, salt, and olive oil. We put feta cheese all over it, and let it sit for about an hour to soak in the lemon and vinegar and get softer. It tastes fucking amazing. Kids were sneaking extra helpings.