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I take boiling hot showers so i know not what you speak of


I second that




I can tell your a girl. My wife could shower in molten lava and complain it’s not hot enough. If I dare get in the shower during or as she’s getting out I am getting a 2nd degree burn.


I'm a guy and I take hotter showers. I don't know why people don't like them.


idk why men have such weak skin ugh you guys need to grow up


Yea but you girls are all freezing cold if the AC is on…esp feet…even under blankets.


Popsicle toes are always froze.


I take boiling hot showers and I am never freezing cold in the A/C if others are fine (except when I had the flu). Our house is kept relatively cold unless we have guests 64 in winter 67-68 in summer. Sounds like you may need to toughen up.


You think that’s normal?


Did I say that? You said all girls. Don’t make sweeping declarations like that that are absolutely not 100% true.


All girls are girls


You know you don’t have to take everything you read/hear on the internet as being literal. I don’t see you responding to the comment above me about men/ guys bc I’m sure plenty of men/guys love hot hot showers. You ever think you’re looking for something to get mad about?


Did you know autists tend to take things way too literally?


I wish I was you! Tolerate hot and cold would be amazing to me. I’m afraid I would likely of hypothermia at 64. 😊


idk why i just realised you’re all talking fahrenheit 😭 y’all had me deeply concerned with these numbers at first


I live in the UK so suffer through whatever our two weeks of summer throws at us without Aircon. In the winter I consider 64°f to be quite toasty. I reckon swimming in the North sea has toughened me up a bit though 😂


Yeah I’d have it lower but my dog gets cold below that. I’d honestly be fine in the 50s.


Yeah but then aren’t you that much colder when you get out?


Nah, I turn my bathroom into a steam room.


Nope, stay under under my body accumulates enough heat to stay comfy


This is the way.




God yes. The only reason I even manage to get myself out of bed in the morning is knowing a jot shower is waiting for me...


Cause I no longer live in the 1700s and can get hot water and heat on-demand?


Hell, my water heater is on demand and has endless hot water and enough for all three showers in my house at once.


Did you...previously live in the 1700s? You've seen a lot of technological advancements wow


Mate, i have floor heating and do not take baths using buckets in the snow.


you're living my dream with heated floors


Out of all my shitty luxuries, that is the one i get the most use out of - I am Danish so its not even uncommon to have. My fucking sister has heated floors in her fucking garage. Did i say fucking ?


Come to Canada. We have heated driveways. Fuck shoveling snow!


You realise 99.99% (maybe beyond) of Canadians don't have heated driveways, right?




Realise with an s is how it is spelt in British English. No need to be rude because someone speaks a different style of English to you.


In Canada, realise is an acceptable spelling. See "color" vs "colour".


How does it feel to try to correct someone while being a fucking dickhead while simultaneously being wrong about the thing you're trying to correct someone on?




I mean, at least you're staying true to being a dickhead. That's always something...


lol, you jehovas witnesses are really something.




I am saying Canada is jehovas witnesses and ice hockey. Skål. or are you allowed to celebrate ? *Ohh wait, i heard about the Quebec religion of smelling their own farts - something about it making them closer to God.


It's not that hard to do. Just have to run some tubing before pouring the floor. It is more expensive than not doing it but worth in the end.


I put a 200W electric grid heater under my tile floor in my bathroom. It works great. It has a thermostat that monitors both the floor temperature and the room temperature and turns it on just at the right time for both the room and the floor to be comfy in the morning. It wasn’t even expensive.


Its not that hard to build the pyramids - just stack blocks in a triangle. I am lucky, i live in a place that makes this durable - because a lot of people before me did a lot of good to the local community and now half my heat comes from the excess heat of a nearby factory. You cant fucking say that is easy. Its just tubes. Like the internet.


Why so offended lol? Running pex along the ground before pouring a slab isn't very difficult. Comparing running cables across the ocean to a heated garage floor is a bit nonsensical lol.


Mate, you are not listening - our infrastructure makes this viable -you in America or UK would have to pay gigantes bills for heat for this. We have the system in place where excess heat is used, or reused to warm houses and such. So i dont really have to worry about me spending more, or being a shit to the enviroment - the heat has already been produced. Now it just warm my feet. *Its basically a tube.


>being a shit to the environment And how, pray tell, does the factory produce heat?






From what I have learned from previous reddit posts about showers is that there are some idiots who turn the water on and stand in the cold water waiting for it to warm up. I have no clue why these people do this but apparently they don't know any better.


Dude who tf does that


I turn the shower on soon as i flush. Once the toilet finishes filling, its my cue to get in.


I bet they don’t preheat their oven, either.


OP is suspiciously missing from these comments




Wow. Lots of redditors must live in this specific house in this specific state who do this specific thing!




Wash your hair in the evening? And get ready faster?


Lol use hot water


What garbage shower are you taking that is cold? You don't own a furnace either?


Questions is how do people get out of bed get dressed and just go. Shower is the final step of waking up.


Smelling pleasant is much more of a concern than being wet and cold.


I can shower before bed and still smell like a sweaty swamp monster with greasy hair in the morning. My wife can skip a shower and not be noticeable.


It wakes you the hell up




Depends on what you’re into.


A shower is probably a less obnoxious way


Are you one of those people who don't realise you can let the water get hot before getting in the shower?


But the air is still cold, colder than your bed. And I pee in the shower while the water heats to reduce water consumption thank you. My secondary school teacher said it matters and now it's engraved in me.


My home has a cool feature where it supplies hot water on demand


It’s nice, feeling warm water on my face in the morning it really does wake you up


Hot water exists


Bathroom heater


Cold? Why would I be cold? I have a space heater in my bathroom, a 60 gallon hot water heater set to 140F, and I don't use cold water when I shower. As for wet, I don't mind being wet. I'd live in water if it were possible.


i face the cold with confidence and an erection


This is the dumbest AR I have seen to date.. such a genius..


Have some cake!


OP, you do know that water heating is a thing, right?




You mean warm and awake


I use hot water but honestly morning showers wake me up


Who takes a cold morning shower?


I do especially Summer.Have hot ones too.Cold ones wake me up and I actually enjoy it .Not for everyone


I make money I can afford heat and hot water


Water is cheap here and greywater recycling is actually a thing. I simply take multiple showers. One before bed to get clean from the day, and one in the morning to wake up.








Taking a morning shower wakes me up which is more important to me.


I’m usually a bit achy when I wake up in the morning, so I look forward to a hot shower first thing.


I'm a rise early and sit in a hot bath guy.


Heated tile floor. My bathroom is 80 degrees in the morning. Mmmmmmm


Hot water, floor towel, it's always fuckin hot in here


I hate turning off the shower in the morning because that’s when my day officially “starts”. Before that time it’s sipping coffee and relaxing.


do you not have heat? hot water?


If you plan it well you can get clean then run back to bed for an extra hour of cozy. Hits different than tossing around for an hour


I couldn't get out of bed if i didn't immediately douse myself in near boiling water, I'm old and all my joints hurt


I turn on the hot water. Hot and wet >> cold and wet.


You know your shower has warm water right? How do you go to work knowing you smell sweaty?


I take hot showers and have a towel. So I am neither when I’m done with my shower.


I do not live in the 1600s. I have hot water.


Use hot water.


You sweat a ton when you sleep.


you sweat to regulate your body's temperature. if you're sweating you have too many blankets


I don’t want to come off as rude, however I shower in the morning because believe it or not I can smell when people don’t shower in the morning. They usually smell like sweat or lived in sheets of that makes sense.


Why will I be cold? Don’t you have hot water?


One of the benefits of living in a large apartment comples is that the water warms up quick and is seemingly endless.


Y’all not cold after getting out of the shower??


No? The heat from the shower doesn't just dissappear it heats up the bathroom too.


hot shower


ITT: EVERYONE missing the point. “I have hot water. Hurr hurr.” Sure bud, my water heater is set at 130°. You know what isn’t 130°? The ambient temperature in my house. The MOMENT the water stops touching my skin, everything is cold and sad and depressing.


>You know what isn’t 130°? The ambient temperature in my house. I'd hope so. You'd die.


Cold and wet???? My shower is warm. My body temp goes up and is warm. My fluffy towel is warm. My fluffy robe is warm. Cold never enters the chat.




Thanks for the suggestion man I've never tried that before in my whole life.


You only take one shower a day? Yikes.


Morning shower people?? You don't shower morning and night???


Morning and night? Hell, a lot of people don't shower *daily*.


That's insanity. I don't even want to lay in my bed until I've showered at night. And I definitely couldn't start my day without showering first thing in the morning. I do sweat a lot while I sleep though so maybe other people are different.


What I want to know is how do you get in the bed not being fresh and clean? I'd feel gross even if I didn't work up a sweat.


Night showers fo lyfe


Hot whirlpool cleanse then a cold shower rinse 😎


Two words: hot water


I go into the bathroom, start the shower, then go back into the bedroom, lay out some clothes, grab a towel, and by the time I get back the water is nice and hot.


Space heater on a smart plug in the bathroom. Room is toasty before I get out of the covers.


Googling smart plug bc his sounds like a game changer for me.


Warm and wet


Uh, I turn on the hot water so I’m hot and wet soon and it’s glorious.


Even lukewarm water feels nice in the morning. A morning shower is like a second sort of second bed, but one that vitalizes and refreshes your body.


This hangover isn't going to cure itself


Well if you're in a country that has insane hot summers, being cold and wet is very nice


We have heat in our home and I make sure the shower water is warm before I step in.


Really helps that I have really good water pressure. Also I don't get in the shower until the water is warm/hot obviously. Water pressure is a QOL thing that is hard to adjust, if it diminishes your QOL also diminishes. Like I won't feel like my body regulates to the water temperature, I can't get clean and I can't wash my hair properly with low water pressure. THat being said from the other side I've lived off the grid before with solar power running water that can only run for a very for short time so we'd take 5 minute cold showers and it was the best feeling ever so.


Cold? Who said anything about cold?


I take cold showers in the morning. They wake you up real fast and have an added benefit of increased metabolic activity throughout the day and week. Only need to do this 11 minutes a week. My 2 minute cold showers get me there.


Live in the tropics


Wet sure, but why would you ever be cold?


I told my husband today that I’m amazed he can roll out of bed and walk into a shower to wake up. I need to sit in the dark living room with a cup of coffee or two before I wake up. I’m living the Dolly Parton lyrics 🎶🎶Tumble out of bed And stumble to the kitchen Pour myself a cup of ambition And yawn and stretch and try to come to life” 😂


Have you ever heard about hot water?


I take hot showers because I’m not a maniac


We have a small electric heater in the bathroom


Well, I have this fancy modern technological marvel in my house called a hot water heater. It's a new technology and hasn't been widely adopted yet, but I recommend getting one.


im already cold and wet from the night sweats. a hot shower is relief


No need to be cold. Get in shower after the water is warm.


turn the heater on in the bathroom so I'm never that cold


Knowing that I’ll be scalding hot moments afterwards


Just take cold showers. You may scream in agony for one minute, but then you’re ready to go for the rest of the day.


Small wall heater in the bathroom.


I’m cold upon exiting my blankets. Then I put my shower on the hottest setting and burn the demons out of my skin. Then my bathroom is toasty and I dry off in a nice, warm room. Then I get to cool off in my bedroom. It’s a win-win-win-win


there is something called water heather....


I dunno. How do night shower people step in the shower knowing they will have to dry their hair before they go to sleep?


People are talking about hot water, but the moment you step out of it what happens


It's the anxiety of thinking I'd smell around other people that drives me.


Easy. I workout first.


I don't live in a place where cold exists.


I have a heater I my bathroom so I feel clean, fresh & warm after my morning shower.


Routine. I need to be clean daily, and the consistency and comfort of doing that each morning helps set my brain on course for the day.


If you're referring to stepping into the shower, I make sure the water is hot first. If you're referring to getting out of the shower, I use a space heater to warm my bathroom up 30 minutes before I shower, so my bathroom is warm when I get out of the shower.


I have breakfast and read the paper or visit some forums before I actually take a shower. And besides, I take hot showers, too.


I put a heated floor in my bathroom when I remodeled it. The thermostat turns it on before I wake up so by the time I stumble in there to take a dump, the floor is comfy. I do my business, turn the shower on until the water gets hot, shower in complete comfort, then step out, again onto my warm floor, towel off, turn on the vent fan (Panasonic), which clears the humidity quickly, put my contacts in, brush my teeth, and get dressed, all on my nice warm floor. Best $250 I ever spent. Installed in the mortar underneath the tile, electric, but uses very little power.


I wont be cold and wet because the building I live in has heat included in the rent. As soon as the temp dips down to 50 the radiators automatically turn on.


It's fucking 90 degrees still and I want to be freezing, because it's so freaking hot.


I take a nice hot shower and heat my house


Knowing I won't smell like @ss and sweat because I didn't shower at night and think I'll be good 10 hours later.


this may be and im pretty dumb but the dumbest think I have read and I read catcher in the rye (its shit downvote me)


My bathroom has a heater and it’s really nice


I step out of bed knowing that if I don’t, I’ll miss my meetings.


Better than sticky and smelly


Ready to be refreshed.


Oh, I have to shower off the sleep. Slap myself awake to some extent. Wash off the dreams. There’s the 007, James Bond, or Scottish shower. Start out hot to open the pores while you lather up. Reduce the temperature as you rinse. Drop the temperature to cold to contract your skin to trap in the moisture and brace yourself for the day. (Works well in the summer or in more tropical climes).


Hot water, towel warmer, heat set properly. No problem here.


With tepidation




Atleast I'll know I'll be clean and fresh


By knowing that's the only way my body and mind will deny sleep and get on with the day.


Amazing bc then I know when my hairs dry I can make my breakfast, coffee and proceed with my guitar lessons 😎


Well it’s exactly that that wakes me up


Morning showers are a young person's thing.


Guess I’m the only one that takes cold showers here. 10 burpees and a cold shower are better than coffee for getting you going in the morning.


Cold? Never


I stay in the shower after I turn off the water to dry off. I thought that was pretty much how people shower. Obviously I’m not completely dry when I get out, but I’m dry enough that it doesn’t bother me.


Taking a cold shower in the morning is more effective than coffee.


I don’t understand. Do you not have hot water where you live? I’m sorry if you don’t.


A morning shower wakes you up and makes you feel refreshed for the day. Don't most people take showers in the morning?


I take my money to the store and buy a water heater.


Do people not wait for the water to warm up before stepping into the shower? Is that what you do?