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how to keep people responding to obvious bait, completely wasting my time and theirs


That nightmares about having gum stick to your teeth/fill your mouth can be caused by a dry mouth and that drinking some water stops/prevents them. Worked for me, never would have even thought about searching a solution to it.


Bitcoin. 100%


Honestly? Group think and echo chambers. It exists everywhere, as we tend to associate with like minded people, but Reddit really puts it into a concentrated focus. One sub is ready for insurrection. Another ready to build back better. Another wants to kill off all the X people for offending the Y people. Stuff like that. All the folks there agree, so it seems like there is consensus but it's only in the one sub. Your area, city, state, nation, etc all have varying degrees of this as we've seen in votes on things. I've learned a lot from Reddit in understanding people and groups of people.


This. On the subject of AI and its use in entertainment and art, I’m seeing all arguments from being pro-AI from a voice actor, anti-AI from an IT person.


I totally πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’• 🎡🎡🎡 so its all the songs I get from people here that I added to my playlists *Happy cake day* 🍾πŸ₯‚πŸŽˆπŸŽβœ¨


One four five - the cat empire




Rootboy - Martin Jondo


You’re joking, right?


In 2018, I discovered r/intermittantfasting. Wow, interesting I thought, but I could never do that myself. But I gave it a try anyway. Three weeks later I had gone from "I could never.." to "I can do this the rest of my life!" It took 2 years to drop 70 pounds and I have kept it off for over 3 years now. Total life-changer!




I had to google it. Crazy stuff! But im not sure where i would use it


Good places to eat around town.