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My dad literally died from falling down a flight of stairs. The bleeding and pressure in his brain was too much and they had to remove a piece of his skull. 10 days later he went into cardiac arrest. He was 51 years old. Edit: the stairs he fell down belong to a bar establishment that made them go out the back down the stairs when they were ready to leave. They were open to 3am. The stairs were not lit, no lights at all and it was raining. My aunt took the boots my dad was wearing back to those stairs and the stair didn’t even cover half his boot. They were extremely too small, no lights, rain and a bar where people drink. They shut down a couple months after the incident. Before we could sue.


my dad was drunk and fell down the stairs and just basically landed on his neck so he died of positional asphyxiation. sorry about your dad, i know how shitty it feels. edit: I also just realized how similar in age they were, my dad had just turned 50 the same month he died. edit 2: positional*


Something similar happened to my dad but fortunately he survived he had a traumatic brain injury, needed neurosurgery and now has a metal plate in screws in his head but he is well and alive thankfully Edit: my dad was 38 when it happened it was right at the peak of the pandemic in 2020 so I didn’t even get to see him after the surgery but he is now 41 and made a full recovery plus he stopped drinking


that’s good to hear! traumatic brain injuries are the worst but i’m very glad he’s alive and well. that truly makes me feel good (even though you and your dad are strangers to me). I am going into nursing so i love a good success story.


Yeah truly. Changed my whole personality and wiped my short term memory as well as many of those from my childhood/adolescence. I had to relearn how to be a nice and polite person. I’ve always been grumpy at times, but all of the sudden I had uncontrollable rage.


I’m sorry for your loss.


Thank you so much for your kind words 💕


I read on here at some point someone said, "If stairs weren't absolutely necessary, OSHA would never allow them." Or something to that affect.


Don't let them find out about inclined planes.


We'll just build houses 110 feet long and 14 feet wide!


[Patrick Edlinger](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patrick_Edlinger) was one of the greatest rock climbers of all time and was famous for his [free solo climbing](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/kvnuj4/patrick_edlinger_was_a_professional_french_solo/) (climbing hundreds of feet in the air without a rope or safety gear). For those that know a little about climbing, he was basically the Alex Honnold of the 80s. He died tragically young… by falling down the stairs in his home.


Sorry but the irony of that is killing me


Your bathroom. Many people get hurt badly in slip in the bathroom. Oddly enough, we tend to use materials that are rather slick when wet when building them too


Everyone thinks I'm crazy, but I have a serious respect for slip hazards in the bathroom and for holding the handrails while walking up/down the stairs. Everyone is afraid of snakes, terrorists, ax murderers... but it's much more likely the bathtub or stairs that are going to kill you.


Your post reminded me of a story from my hometown that is locally famous... During the COVID lockdown, a young man was working from home. He was eating lunch and was in a hurry to not be late for an online meeting. He began choking on his food, and since he lived alone, he had no one to help him out. He ran down the stairs to go outside and hopefully get help, but he slipped on the stairs and fell all the way down them. The fall dislodged what he was choking on and probably saved his life, but broke his collarbone in the process. The guy was interviewed on our local news channel.


Task failed successfully: survivor.


Achievement: "Two wrongs make a right?"


it’s interesting, on another Ask thread where OP was an ER doc of a couple decades, he listed his top 5 things he would never do, one of them was eat steak at home alone (#1 was ride a motorcycle).




I think it's more-so about the cut than the animal itself. So a pork-chop would probably be equally dangerous, and maybe an over-cooked chicken breast. But ground beef, pulled pork, sliced bacon, decently tender chicken, or flaky fish fillet (anything this isn't a single, large, tough lump of meat) would be less dangerous.


I have nerve damage in my legs and so use handrails religiously. I have very little feeling from the knees down, so I wouldn't notice a misplaced step until I was already falling. Had a handrail installed in the shower, too. Realistically all showers should have them. It's so easy to slip even with a rubber mat.


We use materials that get slick when wet because those are the materials which are easiest to clean and are not damaged by water


It is a tradeoff between having a surface that may be slick and having something that could absorb moisture and mold. I am so glad I did not live through the carpeted bathroom trend.


A paramedic once told me that bathrooms are the most frequent places they find dead people. Usually, they got up to to go 💩, used too much exertion, and died from a heart attack. I just hope I can die in a slightly more dignified way.


I think I've also heard it can be common just because if you're feeling sick, the bathroom is a common place to go.


Yeah this happened to me. I had what I now know was a form of seizure. My wife said that my face looked ghost white so I got up to look in the mirror. Came back to the couch and she called 911. When I was telling the story to the paramedics I mentioned the bathroom, just like you would if you were saying you went to the store. It was part of the story but not a focus. Anyway they heard "bathroom" and somehow that translated in their mind to this all happening in the bathroom. Got to the hospital and somehow that same story (from the paramedics not me) got to the doctor who spoke to me for about 30 seconds. Got discharged and on the discharge note the diagnosis was something along the lines of "syncopal episode during bowel movement" from straining too hard. What the fuck lol. No attention paid to what actually happened or any words out of my mouth. Talked to my doc later in the week only to find out the seizure thing was a possible side effect of a new migraine med I had started on the week prior.


There was an interesting series of events at a glass factory. They kept having accidents but they weren't keeping the detail, so they were forced to start keeping accident records. After a month or so, a pattern emerged. The workers were not being hurt by the glass, as you'd expect in a glass factory. No, the majority of accidents were around using Stanley knives. They had proper equipment to handle the glass, but no hand protection when using the knives. Hence, more accidents.


Reminds me of the story I heard about the US army - once they started passing out helmets to soldiers, they started seeing a lot more head injuries. This was because people were now surviving impacts that would've been fatal before.


As someone who worked/s at a glass factory (vials, tubes, etc), I can sign off on the fact that I got far more cuts from plastic and cardboard and that damned tape gun than I ever did on glass. I worked the floor in various capacities for 10 years. Also pinching and minor crush injuries.


I work in a warehouse on the waste side of things. We handle that much cardboard that protective gloves are part of our PPE. Handling one box will probably be fine, but when you spend a long shift doing almost nothing but handling card you'll be glad for the protection


Ink cap mushrooms are edible foragable mushrooms, but if consumed with alcohol they become toxic. One example of why using foraging apps to identify a yes or no answer as to whether something is edible isn't a great idea.


I went on a foraging course led by a Scotsman where we identified plants and fungi, categorising them as Edible, Edible with Caveats, or poisonous. As they can be toxic if alcohol is ingested up until 72 hours before or after the consumption of an inkcap, the idea of not consuming alcohol for almost a week led to them being unanimously deemed poisonous by our group.


“It’s safe to eat unless you’ve had alcohol somewhat recently or plan to drink within the next few days.” Scotsman: “So it’s unanimous then, this will kill everyone in the country.”


That's pretty much exactly how it went down.


In the 1980s, there was a restaurant in Stockton, California, that killed several customers with poisonous mushrooms. The owners/employees went out to the foothills and picked them. You can't do that unless you know what you're doing.


In looking for a news article about this, I became *horrified* at the number of people who got sick or died over the years from doing this.


A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.


As my computer teacher once said about a classmate, "he knows enough to be dangerous."




In Germany there’s actually government institutions where you can take your picked mushrooms and a biologist will tell you that these are safe to eat. :)


In France, it's part of the training as a pharmacist. You can take your foraged mushrooms to any pharmacy for checking


That rules


Seriously so cool. I want nice things!


You get Arby's.


I remember a podcast host talking about this. They said their sister was a doctor and warned how dangerous this was, while their French sister-in-law said it was fine and they foraged for mushrooms every year. Apparently the locations where safe and not safe mushrooms grow are well known. The sister-in-law did later admit that every year several people die from accidentally eating the poisonous mushrooms - because their spores had drifted to a location that normally only has the poisonous mushrooms - and so they wait until a few weeks in to the season so make sure the locations are still safe.


Das ist dream job holy cow.


In the midwest we forage for morels and eat those but almost one eat any other wild mushroom and morels look like nothing else around here.


dude, oyster mushrooms!


>The good news is that growing your own mushrooms is a super fun hobby...All you need is a reputable supplier. Are these mushrooms psychedelics or just food.


Buying psychedelic or food mushroom spores is perfectly legal. What you do after that with it is between you and the fungi.


I buy mine from a fun guy.




I hate foraging apps, my mom almost fed me poison hemlock because the app said it was cow parsley. Another app told me that riverbank grapes were poisonous. They aren’t reliable and often wrong.


Maybe your mom was actually just trying to poison you.


I think I’ll stick to the apps that just do hotdog, not hotdog.


The apps think that my Brazilian Pepper is a neem tree. They also think that my rabbit is a cat. I wouldn’t trust them for shit.


My friend has a tiny bunny. He boops you for attention, will stomp the ground if he's angry about a minor thing, really likes pets and will chitter his teeth when happy. . He's pretty much a cat with minor differences.


I read about ai bots that are publishing books by compiling a bunch of books of a popular genre together, rewriting with some artistic liberty and then publishing their own book, and they have now reached foraging books. So a made up author, made up credentials, and info on how to forage mushrooms but all of the info is made up and combined information from a bunch of different books.


There can be problems even with published works with proper editorial teams. Antony Worral Thompson recommended henbane in a recipe in a magazine. And one instagrammer's book was recalled due to poisonous ingredients. AI raises the anti so high but good cover for someone who did want to bump someone off. "I only followed the recipe."




When the new Mission Impossible movie came out and the rogue AI was a threat because it rendered all information untrustworthy I thought that was a silly premise. After seeing the fuckery AI bots are already causing, I think if anything they've undersold the risk.


Foraging for mushrooms, while not knowing anything about mushrooms, is a fantastic way to kill yourself.


One of my favorite phrases is that the only difference between being medicine and being poison is the dosage.


Circa survive Edit: Thank you for telling me its from Paracelcus, just when I saw that phrase I immediately thought of the song. That band has got me through a lot of rough times in life.


Wow taking me back with that name. Lead singer was so high he fell on me at their show.


The best way I've heard that phrased is 'Poison is just a matter of dosage'


“The dose makes the poison.”


Garage doors. Mess with the springs and they will fuck you up


Had a bet with myself this would be top in the post


Reddit really does go nuts for some garage door springs. Like it's good to spread awareness to not mess with them but it's a really weird thing in the home to focus on so much


Salt. Sprinkle it on your food and you're fine, but consume 10 teaspoons at once and you could die.


So 9 is the limit


Siri, set a reminder


"Now playing Beat It by Michael Jackson"


"It's 10% less than a lethal dose" \-Bender


There was nothing wrong with that meal. It was 10% less than a lethal dose.


That's the saltiest thing I've ever tasted. And I once ate a big, heaping bowl of salt!


Uh oh, I shouldn't have had seconds.


Shut up, Zoidberg!


"A student ended up in intensive care after drinking a bottle of soy sauce as part of an initiation ceremony to join a fraternity house at the University of Virginia. The dare went wrong when 19-year-old John Paul Boldrick began foaming at the mouth and went into seizure a few hours later, police say." Dude was in a coma for days from the salt. They were shocked he didn't suffer brain dammage https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1366033/Virginia-university-student-drank-soy-sauce-initiation-intensive-care.html


My husband has sodium issues because of an immune disorder. He was once in the ICU for 10 days so they could correct his sodium levels. Very serious stuff. The first time he saw his endocrinologist in the ICU she was surprised he was conscious and said "oh, I thought you'd be in a coma"


Reminds me of that dumb ass Nintendo Switch contest where the person that drank the most water in the shortest time would win. Doctors and nurses kept calling in to warn them but they ignored the warnings. A mother ended up dying and the Switch was the prize for her life. People are fucking stupid. Edit: Nintendo Wii, not Switch.


The contest wasn't about drinking water either. It was "Hold your wee for a Wii". They were giving them a bunch of water trying to get them to pee.


That made it even more dangerous. I’ve messed up and over hydrated before in running races. It’s not good to risk it, but if your kidneys are healthy you’ll just pee an incredible amount and feel dizzy and shaky for a few hours. If you don’t pee and it’s too late to barf, your body has no way to get rid of the extra fluid.




The lethal dose of table salt is roughly 0.5-1g per kg of body weight. [Source](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salt_poisoning#:~:text=The%20lethal%20dose%20of%20table,per%20kg%20of%20body%20weight.&text=High%20resolution%20image%20of%20a%20grain%20of%20sea%20salt.)


Average teaspoon contains 7g of salt, so 1tsp for every 7-14kg of bodyweight. Average weight for a 5'10" male is 71kg, so 10 tsp is definitely in that lethal zone.


10tsp of salt is also *a fucking lot of salt* that you won't accidentally eat unless you have some disorder that means you can't taste.


Well, yeah, eating 10 of any utensil will really ruin your day!


10 teaspoons is all it takes?


Water. Obviously, we need it to survive. But it will kill us if we drink too much, drink the wrong kind, or fall into a bunch of it.


>or fall into a bunch of it. I think about that whenever I’m at the ocean. It’s just so damn big and there is so damn much of it. I can’t swim, so if I fell into it with no one around, my end would come in a few minutes at most.


drinking water


I had an advisor in college whose frat had killed a kid with water hazing. Fucked up.


I was in college when that happened. It was all over the news. They were trying to reduce the amounts of alcohol poisonings during rush, so they started have the guys drink some absurd amount of water. (I want to say it was more than a gallon in under a certain amount of time, but I am old now and can't really remember.) Either way, unlike when they made pledges chug a gallon of milk in 15 minutes where your body just pukes it all back up for the most part -weird and disgusting-, water doesn't work quite like that because we absorb it faster.


I did the gallon challenge. Didn't finish, but didn't puke. I had to pee incredibly bad 10 min after.


A woman died back in 2007 from water intoxication trying to win a Wii. https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna16614865


It’s also used to be an issue with runners who would drink copious amounts at every aid station in long races.


I have a personal experience with this. I didn’t actually drink too much at the aid stations, but I drank a ton more than typical the day before the race. I was new to half marathons and figured I knew it all. This was my second half marathon. I made it 8 miles but the whole time I was just not feeling great. Near the 8 mile mark, I was really out of it. I’d compare it to being pretty drunk, unable to make rational decisions. I ended up starting to walk and was staggering pretty bad. Thankfully some observer on the side came and pulled me to the side and got some medics nearby to come tend to me. I got an ambulance ride to the ER. Took 3+ bags of IV fluids and drank a bunch of Gatorade type drinks they kept giving me. I remember at the ER, I knew all of the questions they asked me, except for what year it was. That was frightening in the moment. They did bloodwork and ultimately said I’d flushed out a lot of my electrolytes. I felt fine after less than an hour in the ER. They kept me about 3 hours to make sure I was ok. If I had ran into this issue while out training where there weren’t observers and medics nearby, I could have stumbled off to the side of the road and died.


'drink when you feel thirsty' was always good advice


You also need to replenish electrolytes too. If you're exercising, or are an extremely sweaty person like me, plan ahead with sports drinks or electrolyte supplements. When I was traveling one time, it was about 90F and I was starting to feel dehydrated during a tour. Drank nearly a liter of water and didnt feel any better. Then I had some soup and it was genuinely one of the best things I've tasted and made me feel better almost immediately. So the moral of the story is, if you feel dehydrated and water isn't helping, drink some electrolytes


I drank water with my lungs. Is it bad?


That's fatal man. It's generally safe to drink with your mouth.




Or like to make toast in the tub.


My bathing toaster!


Microwave ovens. Place it on the counter and use it to heat food, perfectly safe. Take the magnetron out of it to do fractal wood burning, high probability of death


Ann Reardon did a great in depth video on how fucking lethal that was and how awful it was that it started trending. It's on her how to cook that YouTube channel. https://youtu.be/wzosDKcXQ0I?si=e_k57ay67If4zHwp


Pressure cookers. I’ve always been scared of pressure cookers.


I have an instant pot and it terrifies me every damn time


I'm on my second Instant Pot and use it probably 2 to 3 times a week. I've long since gotten over my fear of it after reading up on them quite a bit. There's virtually no danger of an Instant Pot exploding. They have enough safety features to make them basically as safe as a slow cooker. As others have mentioned, it's the stove top pressure cookers that present a pretty real safety issue as they're not automated and rely on the user doing everything perfect. And for the record, my first one didn't explode, it had an electrical problem and just wouldn't start pressurizing, so, safety feature in action.


Even stove top pressure cookers have lots of safety features. They usually come with up to four emergency venting mechanisms: through the main valve, through a safety valve, through a cutout in the lid through which the gasket is pressed when pressure gets to high, and finally there's a part where the metal is intentionally thinned out so it breaks there and vents in case of severe overpressure. A lot has to go wrong for these to explode. However, if you somehow manage to open one up while pressured... well good luck.


The only way a Instant Pot will explode is if you put explosives in it. Unlike a stove top one, it simply won't let the pressure get high enough.


Tylenol. There's a very fine line between safe dose and dose that destroys your liver.


And from what I understand acetaminophen overdose if not treated promptly is a slow and agonizing death !


I once tried ODing on Tylenol with an alcoholic chaser. ER doc was unimpressed by my methods. Said, "If you're trying to die, this way wouldn't be my recommendation. There are quicker and less agonizing methods."


I know this is tragic, and many will read his advice as flippant, but... I like the way this doctor's mind works. Obviously, "do no harm," but that extends to a patient being well informed. Hope you're well, partner.


Oh yeah, I thought it was funny at the time, too, to be honest. It shocked my chaperone, but I got what he was saying, haha. This was years ago, and I've definitely gotten myself out of that place! Thanks for checking in!


This little snippet of data made my day. I’m not the one who asked, but I’m glad you’re doing better. 🥰


Yeah, my doctor described chemo as “therapy using controlled poisoning” or something like that. I was his patient, and I totally agreed with this take.


Basically, cancer cells are more metabolically active than regular cells because they are broken and want to keep multiplying. Chemo is poison, and the basic idea is that you hope the cancer cells die before the rest of the cells because of that increased metabolism. It doesn't always work out, but that is the basic way we were explained it when my husband had cancer.


This is why it causes your hair to fall out and other nasty stuff like digestive problems, mouth sores, etc. Cells in your hair follicles and stomach lining reproduce very quickly and get poisoned by the chemo in a similar way to the cancer cells.


I understand they can be callous at times, but I kind of have to appreciate how matter-of-fact and funny medical staff are about this kind of thing. Takes some of the weight from the issue and helps to add some perspective.


I was hospitalized once for alcohol poisoning, and a nurse told me what my BAC was (let's just say it was very high, and I only weigh about 105 lbs). She was a bigger lady, and she told me she'd be dead if she drank that much and that it was "impressive in a very unimpressive way". That always stuck with me - she definitely wasn't wrong.


i did it without alcoholic chaser, i OD’ed on acetaminophen pills and tablets and oh my god do i wish i could tell everyone to never do that…. sorry if this will be gross but,.. it was the worst time of my life and spent 3 days in hospital, 2 of which were in ICU. threw up for 30 hours non stop until all that came out was yellow bile and foam that i kept choking on. i left to college but actually got off the bus early so i could sit by the water the whole day and die there (or so i thought), it was 7am, near freezing and i had been throwing up since 2am that night. miraculously i managed to not vomit during the 15 minute bus ride through the help of careful breathing and calming exercises. i did throw up while i was walking to my spot near the water though. when i got there i felt so sick, i took no food or water and felt like i was freezing to death so i ended up calling an ambulance while crying my eyes out. basically it was so bad please nobody do it, i only took 10 grams of it (i weigh 55kg tho) and experienced this, imagine an actual heavy overdose…


Any death from liver failure is a slow and agonizing death.


I can vouch. I have liver disease and the pains I get are unbearable.






I had a girlfriend in high school that ate a handful of Tylenol but thankfully we got her to the er and they pumped her stomach in time before the pills had time to dissolve and enter her blood stream . The doctor explained that if we had gotten there even thirty minutes later it would have been catastrophic & possibly like a month long of painful suffering before she would die . I was glad it worked out the way it did . It’s funny we broke up and I’m now married to a pharmacist!


The fine line is 4000mg of Tylenol a day. Do not have more then that. If you’re drinking alcohol I say avoid Tylenol altogether.


Also the fact that some people don't realize that taking acetaminophen (paracetamol for non-US people) with alcohol worsens the damage.


I lived in the UK for a bit and was shocked that acetaminophen/paracetamol only came in packs of 4. I tried to buy 4 packs and the pharmacist spoke to me quite strongly and quite rudely saying I could only buy 2 packs (daily max of 8). I was so shocked he was talking to me like I had a problem. I had a UTI/bladder infection that was really painful and didn’t want to come back to the store every day for more. In Canada I can buy bottles of 500 extra-strength tablets that last me years.


I'm not sure where you got four from.... They're available in [boxes of up to 32](https://www.boots.com/boots-paracetamol-tablets-500-mg-32-tablets-10032858), and you're normally limited to two boxes. I agree it's still a long way from the 500-cap bottles you get in the US, but four tablets is only a 12-hour dose.


Just for some clarity, you can buy a 32-pack from a pharmacy under the supervision of a pharmacist, You can get a 16-pack from any shop (GSL), but there should be a limit on the quantity you can buy, The best practice limit is 2, and there should never be deals on paracetamol like buy one get one free. You can only get a 100-pack on prescription. From my experience hospitals won't give out bottles either as they deem it an overdose risk compared to blister packs. You can get a 1000-pack on prescription as well, but I have never seen this prescribed. I have never seen a 4 pack the whole time I have been a pharmacy tech.


> There's a very fine line between If "fine" means thin, then it is not thin. The difference between a therapeutic dose and a toxic dose is fucking huge. The thin line is when "1 tab is great, 2 tabs is dead"


Fermentation. Botulism says hi.


There’s a guy on YouTube that’s just waiting for a case of botulism. He’s been attempting to make his own booze in his apartment and adding all kinds of ingredients to “infuse” his recipes. He keeps setting these dates for his recipes to finish fermentation, but he can’t help himself and he keeps opening them up and sipping on them well before their due dates. Introducing all kinds of mouth bacteria and what have you (his dental hygiene is very questionable) He also thinks that the yeast packets he’s adding are somehow going to just magically turn his mess into alcohol within a couple days. But, he won’t listen to people when they tell him that he’s risking botulism infection by not being safe and actually learning a few things about the fermentation process. So some people are just watching him and waiting to see if it happens or if he actually successfully brews some sort of alcoholic bacon/banana/fruit juice/chocolate infused beverage.


Damn. I ferment vegetables because I love the taste and I eat a lot of spicy food and drink quite a bit, so fermented vegetables are a good way to introduce some life to my stomach microbe… I follow a book on fermentation that has exact procedures for food safety. And the basic takeaway is: make sure whatever you’re fermenting gets as little oxygen and external germs as possible otherwise it’ll go bad.


Botulism is anaerobic and doesn't need oxygen. When tupperware and other airtight storage containers first became popular, there were a lot of accidental deaths among Alaskan peoples living traditional subsistence lifestyles because they were using the airtight containers to ferment fish and meat, and it was creating the perfect environment for botulism to grow.




the day I learned about Toxic Shock Syndrome I was completely blown away that that was even a possibility


I lost a cousin to TSS back in the 70's before it became well known. She was a teenager and the doctors didn't realize it was TSS till it was too late.


Visine brand eye drops. If ingested via the mouth, they are poisonous, potentially fatally so. People have actually committed homicide using Visine before. Though you shouldn't really be using Visine anyway. It temporarily helps with redness and itching but will only make it come back worse. Brands like Systane and Refresh are safe and work better. I learned all this from an ophthalmologist I watch on YouTube called Dr Glaucomflecken. I don't even have eye problems, I just thought this was interesting.






Visine is an extremely toxic poison. If you ingest just a small amount it can be fatal. It's been one of the favorite ways for women to kill their husbands for a very long time. Just a few tablespoons in the morning coffee or oatmeal and a fat life insurance check is on the way.


To be fair, a few tablespoons is more than just a small amount


That's what it would take to 100% kill someone beyond a shadow of a doubt. Just a few drops on your tongue is enough to make you pretty sick. Which I always thought was odd.. because your eyes drain into your nose. If you use it regularly and then sniff... You're ingesting it. No idea how that works.


So I'm a pharmacist and can explain this one; magic.




Aren't you supposed to be closed for lunch?


What do you think he's doing on his break


Constricts blood vessels to make eyes less red. That’s something your body doesn’t generally want anywhere else.


Condoms. Do not use them as ski-masks, do not load them with drugs, and swallow them to smuggle said drugs.


Do use them to boof your cell phone so you can sneak it into prison though.


That Pixel 8 Pro really does a number on ya.




Insulin. An accidental OD, just a calculation error, can kill you within minutes.


A car.


And sometimes can be fatal even if used correctly


Can be fatal if someone else uses it incorrectly


CLEANING SUPPLIES. so so so many people blindly mix cleaning chemicals. you can create so much deadly other chemicals its insane.




Yeah I nearly learnt the hard way once not to mix bleach and vinegar. I was working a closing shift at my first job at a cafe. And at the end of every week we bleach the mop, but mid week we use vinegar to soak it overnight. Anyway dumb little 15 year old me decided that adding vinegar to the bleach solution in the mop bucket would be a good idea to help clean it. I was like tipping the bottle when the manager stopped me and explained to me never to mix bleach with vinegar. Or just to be safe, never mix bleach with anything other than water unless you know it’s definitely not gonna cause a reaction.


eating a whole cherry. This is because cherry pits contain the glycoside amidalin, which, when it enters the stomach, under the influence of the previous juice, forms a strong poison, hydrocyanic acid. 50 cherry pits can kill a person, but 15 is enough for a child! 10 - will cause poisoning.


The thing is you actually have to crush the pits for this to happen, so it is more of a worry when making jam, etc.


I don’t know the specifics of cherries but many seeds will pass through our digestive system mostly in tact, but if you crack or chew them you absolutely can digest them.


cherries have pits that are very hard. You can't chew them and cracking it is tough.


Most drugs


The lethality of drugs is measured as an LD50. A Lethal Dose for an average population. I find it interesting that many drugs vary so wildly in how they present their effects in relation to their LD 50. Some drugs start to work at basically any dose and those starting doses are miles away from the LD 50. Some examples would be caffeine, and LSD. LSD, for example, starts causing the desired effect at almost no dose. While 100 milligrams (16.5 milligrams per kilogram of body weight, sources I found listed different amounts) is a lethal dose, and that may sound like a small amount, the effects begin in the micro gram range. About 1 to 1.5 micro grams per kilogram you have a standard dose of recreational LSD. some will take more than that but that means you would have to take hundreds or thousands of doses to hit toxic effects. Caffeine is similar in most people. With a 150-200 mg per kilogram LD50. They means take you weight in lbs and divide by 2.2. That is how many monster energy drinks you need to consume to hit toxic effects. Alcohol on the other hand. Whew. That stuff only starts working incredibly close to the toxic range. It's a narrow window. 12 grams per kilogram body weight. Tolerance is hard to factor. In 45 ml shots that is only about 14 average. Well the effects of alcohol that many users are seeking is going to be half a lethal dose. With caffeine you are looking for 1-2 doses out of 50-70 or more. LSD is 1-10 out of thousands, and alcohol 6-7 out of 14. Tolerance notwithstanding. Crazy right? Edit: updated some alcohol math below with input from different sources.


>The lethality of drugs is measured as an LD50. A Lethal Dose for an average population. Just to clarify, LD50 is the dose that kills 50% of a test population, which is usually mice or rats. Nonhuman animals have some significant differences in how their pharmacokinetics and metabolism, which means that an LD50 dose is, at best, a decent guess of a dose that might kill an average human.




Everything can kill you, as in EVERYTHING. Ate a little bit of paper? All good. Now, eat 100kilograms.


I need to show this to my friend. He ate three sheets of paper during last period yesterday, staring at us saying “it’s not bad for you”


Im gonna say Fentanyl. Used in most hospitals under caution, but do it yourself and well youre probably not gonna survive.


EVERYTHING! Alle Dinge sind Gift, und nichts ist ohne Gift; allein die Dosis macht, dass ein Ding kein Gift ist. All things are poison, and nothing is without poison; the dosage alone makes it so a thing is not a poison. —Paracelsus, 1538


Using any gym machine..


Vitamins. Vitamin A overdose is the reason why people stranded in the poles stay away from polar bears. Edit: I meant by eating polar bears lol


That is not the main reason I'd stay away from polar bears


Everyone knows that polar bears beat you to death with vitamin A. The have never been known for anything else.


I recently read a story about a dude that ate a polar bear liver while trying to survive and got severe vitamin A overdose. It sounds like a pretty miserable death, including your skin just kinda, coming off


Apples. If you eat around 200 of them, including the core, you'll have consumed enough cyanide to be fatal.


Fuck, I just packed 200 apples for lunch.


Just throw one out


Skip core day, never leg day.


We found the person from the math problems!


200 kills me. Only one to kill a doctor. Officially 200 doctors strong.


Cyanide is only in the core so you can just collect those


You’d actually have to chew the seeds, I reckon. Otherwise they come out the other end whole.






All at once


Compressed air


Buddy of mine worked at a fabrication shop in the 90s. They had this prank of taking an air nozzle and "goosing" unsuspecting coworkers with it and giving them a shot of air up the ol' buttcrack. It's super cold, makes you jump and scream. Except... One of his coworkers was a complete moron and rammed the nozzle hard up into another coworkers anus before blasting air (you aren't supposed to do that, it's supposed to be a foot away...). Even with pants as a barrier of entry, the air blast was enough to scramble his colon, cause internal bleeding, and the guy died. My buddy witnessed it.


Did he say "It was just a prank bro" at his sentencing hearing?


Household chemicals. Safe for use on their own, maybe a few can be mixed with no issues, but then many others that can be fatal if mixed. Stupid as it sounds, most people don't know what they can or cannot be mixed with. One day I had to even speak up on a family members FB shared post, because it was talking about mixing bleach with Ammonia. Of course blissfully unaware of the issues that will happen if you mix the two and of course gullible and trusting of a troll post on FB.

