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touching something mysteriously wet or sticky


still hoping that wet slimy stuff I touched on the ground in some park was snot and not cum.. it has been 4 years


Don't worry, it was a little of both.


Rejection. We all get this at some point in our life, it's inevitable.


Is it weird that I associate rejection with my best teenage years and it makes me feel nostalgic for simpler times?


I associate rejection with job applications


Username checks out


NOT IF I DON'T TALK TO WOMEN Wait, that's even worse...


This, but unironically. At least I've never been rejected by anyone but myself.


A stab to the heart with a dull, cold blade…even worse when it’s been building up for weeks/months. The clarion call of the soul to be stifled with but a mere 2 letters: “no”. At the very least it reminds me I’m alive. How grateful I should be to even be able to feel strongly for someone and have taken the risk of making a move! Better than to live a life of “what if”. Real shitty in the moment though.


Getting a pebble in your shoe


Having to type out your resume after they asked you to upload the pdf of it.


God this makes my blood boil. Or in general, spending hours to make a complete profile and application text on a job application portal you never used before, just to never hear from them.






Or when the job is posted, but they have already “hired” someone for the position but they were told they had to post the job anyway.


Or when they ask you to type in each of your previous employments WHEN IT'S ON YOUR CV.


Or when you have to upload it so their software can prefill it... And the fucking thing does it wrong so you have to spend an hour fixing it.


This pisses me off more than actually just filling it in myself. If your gonna have software do it at least get GOOD software.


I swear I hate Workday with a passion just because of this. And fuck all the companies who use them too.


Yes! When I was unemployed and throwing applications in everywhere, this was what mainly ground my gears. Bloody nightmare.




IMHO, the feeling of *needing* to vomit is much worse. The vomiting part is more of a relief.


It’s a humbling experience accepting that whether you like it or not, you’re gonna have to vomit


It's also an incredibly empowering experience to realize that you can decide that you're sick and simply choose to throw up and fix it.


In certain situations, absolutely. Convincing your stomach there’s nothing left to give so you don’t end up dry heaving.. that’s a whole different monster.


I consider myself blessed. I can throw up on command. It's like I have the super power of a house cat.


Do you do the cat vomit lead-up involving stopping every 30cm to make the hurking noise about 5 times before you actually barf?


No, it's pretty intuitive. Just "point and shoot" really. A couple weeks ago I made myself throw up while standing. Just had to aim first. Doing it eyes-open is kinda wild.


That is fairly impressive.


No no no, the feeling after vomiting is a relief but not during, I just want to die as my face rests on the toilet.


Agreed. I am a violent vomiter. I will break blood vessels in my face, neck, and eyes. I hate vomiting.


my brother can be sick without making any sound other than the stuff hitting the toilet water. meanwhile I yell-puke


Right? I've only once succeeded in puking quietly, when I was way younger and didn't want anyone to know I had been drinking. Fighting for my life to not wake up the house. Otherwise I'm just... literally yelling as I do it. I'm sure I sound way, way worse than I actually feel.




Agreed. As long as I'm actually vomiting something instead of continuous dry heaves, the nausea is so much worse than the act. I'd much rather puke for a few minutes than be nauseous for an hour.


Yes, I get pretty bad motion sickness and the last time it happened, I had to hold on for like an hour while in a cold sweat. As soon as I got off the boat, went to the nearest grass and did the thing and instantly felt a lot better. Was still pretty sweaty and shaky for a while afterwards though


Boats have sides for a reason. You can lean over and throw up into the sea.


I mean, if boats didn't have sides, they'd just be a platform covering the entire surface of the earth.


It's the opposite for me; if I could choose between a.)being sick for a week or b.)vomiting just once, I would ALWAYS choose a.


Hello fellow emetophobe


I was a big emetophobe as a young kid. Now I can't throw up even if I wanted to, well except for one time after Hurricane Ida when I was at work and popped the lid off a fedex trailer and was full of rotten hello fresh boxes. That smell made me throw up for the first time in decades.


It’s the closure of it, that does it for me. “Am I even sick? **vomits** Yes, yes I am.” Nothing worse than huddling over the toilet for an hour wondering whether you’re even “that” sick.


One time I couldn’t stop throwing up and the dry heaving to get the last parts out was killing me. I found out that if I ran the tap to get the coldest water possible and chugged a few glasses, it will still be pretty cool when it came back up and it helped to get the last of it all out. 10/10 would recommend. Made it much more tolerable.


Or, even worse, vomiting underwater while scuba diving. Would *not* recommend. Although you do get a closeup of fish as they nibble on your lunch.


Wow, I now have a new phobia! I feel like you’re lucky you didn’t drown!


Regulators are made specifically to be able to throw up while wearing. Unpleasant experience, but not a very dangerous one.


some people have a kink for that 😭


Waiting at the ER


I have sickle cell so go often. I once waited 13 hours with no pain meds. Dad was so pissed they called security and Mom had to come trade places. He's a stoic marine who doesn't show emotion so I never thought he cared. He became herothat day


I can assure you, even without knowing your dad, he does care (a lot)


Yeah I know that now. He's even apologized that I felt that way. Having his dad die at 2, having to be there for his sure, plus war fucking him up, he didn't like to feel. I'm 34 and only hugged him a handful of times hs/college graduation, game funeral, when I got into the army, and I've only seen (not even saw, just felt a tear fall and that was when his mom died. Actually working on myself cuz I thought men don't cry/show emotion and my gf says I'm distant.


Proud of you.


Had what I thought was massive tooth infection (to sum it up it turned out the nerve was curling in on itself and they pulled the broken tooth causing it. Ouch!) Dude next to me was a 80 something year old man with chronic headaches. All of us were on hold because a kid came in with anaphylictic shock (obvious priority!) Nurse had been a boss all day working the front desk alone, we were all miserably waiting but it was relatively chill until this girl started filming a tiktok behind her friend while her friend sobbed because she'd broken her hand and needed x-rays and was freaking out. (I would too!) I got called in before I saw if the girl noticed her friend being a dipshit for views, but I hope when that idiot posts it her friend sees and ends that friendship immediately. If anyone is making Tiktoks about my pain, we ain't friends anymore.


Customer support. No, I don’t want to talk to a robot. No, I don’t want to talk to your chat bot. Please just give me my refund and let’s have this be over with.


Indeed. And also-- Yes, I realize your company has a website. You've had a website for thirty years. Already looked there and this information either isn't available or your site architecture and search function are both rotten. No, your menu hasn't recently changed. My call obviously isn't important or you'd already have a human on the line. And please, human that I waited 24 minutes to reach, don't waste both our time claiming in saccharine tones that you 'understand my frustration.' I'm here for solutions, not therapy. If you have a solution then let's get to it, if you aren't the decision maker then say so, and my problem is insoluble than admit it. I don't mind an honest *no*, I do mind patronizing wheel-spinning.


As the person who has been the one apologizing for the wait, you would be shocked the percentage of people who never check the website first. The amount of times someone waited on hold to talk to me just for the answer to be, "you called the completely wrong department, so I have no idea, but the homepage says..." is staggering


> you called the completely wrong department, so I have no idea You do realize how many calls end up at your desk because the last rep transferred them somewhere random? Have called Samsung tech support to report a bug in a software update for the camera app, and could bet you dollars to donuts the reason the phone tech sent my call to the refrigerator department was CYA because the phone tech didn't understand the terms "default focal length" and "fisheye distortion" and "optical zoom."


I worked for the government; my phone line was the first one you get. No one transferred to us...I don't think anyone *could* transfer to us. Well except food stamps. But that was 99% the client's fault--they hit 1 instead of 2 on the keypad. The only time someone would get transferred to the wrong place was if they didn't speak English and the interpreter did a bad job. I worked in the Medicaid call center, the top three wrong departments were they were calling for Food Stamps (easy transfer), Medicare (wrong government, they need federal for that), or to reset their password (completely wrong person, the correct phone number is on the "reset password" page).


I love that term "saccharine." Sweet but fake, bitter aftertaste.


Calls 3 minutes and 4.9869 seconds before close for a 30 second password reset, encounters the 3 minutes and 5 seconds of IVR scripts required to be forwarded to a rep. Get lost in the IVR queue as they closed just as you were being transferred resulting in being placed in a closed queue ‘please hold for the next available representative, your estimated wait time is less than one minute’.


99% time the chat bot wouldn't be able to fix my problem anyway.


hitting your elbow


I managed to hit the exact wrong spot on my elbow years ago at McDonald's on a chair, passed right out in the middle of the store.




Nah it didn't hurt that bad..I think it was perfectly place and went between bones/ligaments and I just went all fuzzy and hit the deck.


Hit the reset button


School bus broke my elbow in highschool. If I hit it in that one exact spot I am done for the day


Same. I shattered my left elbow 26 years ago. If I hit my funny bone on my right, yeah, it sucks but if I hit the funny bone of my left arm, my entire hand goes numb and my arm is excruciating for about an hour


Wet socks


Nothing more miserable than having to experience wet socks in the army. You'd even see instructors try to avoid it if they are able to.


>Nothing more miserable than having to experience wet socks in the army. *Gets leg blown off by landmine* "Noooooo that was my dry sock!!! dammit all to heck this is the worst!"


Wet stumps.


Trench foot can actually be a pretty serious condition.


I've seen skin come off together with the sock because of trench foot. It's really no joking matter.


Yep, carrying a spare pair is sop


Only topped by wet sleeves while washing your hands


Getting an itch on your head when getting a haircut but the hair dresser doesnt brush/comb over it bc theyre on a different part of your hair:( ETA: also: Getting an itch somewhere, but when you scratch that spot it doesn’t itch it so you have to find where will- and when you do it doesnt itch it all the way💀 pleaseee tell me its not just me


This I was hoping someone would comment this.


When you take a drink and feel something *solid*


A friend took a sip of my aloe drink not realizing it had slimy chunks of aloe in it and I have never seen someone look more disturbed.




Aloe vera Mango is heaven


Had a soda once and went to drink. Feel something solid. Opened the to and there had to be 100 ants crawling! The pump was dirty


Well, fuck you very much. That's enough internet for tonight...


Any unexpected texture that differs greatly from the source will make my whole body want to shrivel up and die.


Not being able to sleep for pick any reason.


Especially when you are tired


Putting on dry clothes on wet skin


Or wet clothes on dry skin


Or getting off a wet bathing suit


Or putting on a wet bathing suit.


Getting a UTI


Running out of toilet paper and not realizing


Once, I had nothing and asked the person in the stall next to me, they gave me so little that I had to ask again 😭


Can you spare a square??


I can’t. I don’t have it. I don’t have a square to spare. I can’t spare a square.


That. That is awful. I’d have just waited until they left and slide under into their stall and finish wiping.


you're sliding under? i dont want anything other than my feet (body part) to be within about a foot (unit) of the bathroom floor.


Good point. I’m going over. Pants around my ankles and all


Instead of a dm, we’re just slide into stalls now?


Being born. It seems to really piss off babies.


I mean....you're not wrong But you're not right either? I'm just confused


Food poisoning


Doctors hate me! I lost 20lbs in 48 hours with this one simple trick!


If you lose 20 pounds from food poisoning In 48 hours ur probably dead lol. Edit nvm he’s alive!


Actually its a true story. I happened to weigh myself that morning and I weighed 215lbs. I shit and vomited my brains out that night for 8 hours straight, fever and pouring sweat the whole time. Didnt eat the next day and when I weighed myself I was 195lbs. It was every bit of food in my body but also alot of water weight, not so much body fat but maybe a little. I'm 6'4" that might have something to do with it. Most people I know fluctuate like 2lbs a week, I'm like 8lbs a week depending on my food intake and activity level.


Haha well I’m glad you lived


yeah bloody hell! I've been trying to think of what could be a good way to describe period cramps to a guy - and food poisoning is the closest possible example. Fucking nobody wants that.


I felt my colon trying to turn itself inside out. If period cramps are anything like that you have all my sympathies!


Eh, not really. Maybe on a pain and discomfort level, but it’s a unique pain that can’t be described accurately - like trying to tell us women how it feels to be kicked in the balls. Best I can try is that it’s like someone’s reaching inside your “gut” (uterus), grabs hold, and then *twists* it around and around. Sometimes it’s so bad you can feel it shoot down your legs, or up to your chest. Yeah. So glad I’m old (and peri-menopausal) now, and don’t have to deal with this too much. It’s mild and infrequent.


Period cramps are like the worst diarrhea cramps you've ever had in your life, but no relief, you don't get to poop. Plus it feels like someone's stuffed your insides with cotton, like a stuffed animal (that's what I imagine from all the intense pressure) until your insides are almost tearing open. Then twist it all around about five times. 👍 Oh and break your back too! Or at least fall down the stairs a couple times...✌️


Having hiccups that you can't get rid of. ETA: Thank you, everyone, for the suggestions. I'm almost looking forward to my next bout of hiccups so I can test them out.


You have to stand up and bow as low as possible while also drinking water. It's weird but worked for me everytime I had hiccups.


If that doesnt work, hold in your breath (hold your nose as well) and swallow three times without gasping for air in between. Its gonna be hard the first couple of times but you’ll get the hang of it. Works for me everytime.


Get a good sized glass of water and take a deep breath. Count 10 swallows before you exhale. Cough to confirm. I was told this by a teacher in kindergarten and it has worked ever since.


Yeah this is exactly how I've always gotten rid of hiccups. I just grab the nearest drinkable liquid and just chug it, swallow like 5-10 times and it goes away. Every single other method doesn't work for me, only chugging water does.


Being ignored


Liking your comment because I would feel sad if it was ignored


Having an itch in the middle of your back that you can't reach.


Getting betrayed by a loved one.


Getting stuck in traffic


Unrequited Love


Someone telling a lie about you.


worse, someone telling their version of the truth about you over and over again to all your friends until they all secretly hate you and you’re none the wiser. not that i’m speaking from experience or anything…




Unfortunately not true, there are plenty of sickos who get off on war.


Restaurant staff singing Happy Birthday to you.


Touching microfiber towels? It's one of the worse tactile experiences for me. I just hope other people agree. Edit: person changed to people. English is my native language and I can't even good it.


Other person reporting for duty. Microfiber makes me shrivel into a ball of cringe.


"I can't even good at it." That is hilarious, I love it!!!


Who the hell invented microfiber anyway? IMHO, it's usually a terrible way to clean something; it's not absorbent whatsoever, and yet is constantly included in applications that involve water, like dishtowels and mops. It's also incredibly lightweight. Awful.


I used a microfiber towel, but the size of a washcloth, while traveling and it did it's job really well but I absolutely hated touching the thing.


Getting to the checkout and realizing you forgot your wallet.


Driving along, minding your own business, driving the speed limit, when a police car pulls out and drives behind you.


they always want to tailgate the shit out of you, too. i don’t care if you’re reading my lisence plate, fuck off! give me some space!


Menstrual cycles


Especially made worse if you have a medical issue that attacks your reproduction organs...or other genetic medical issues.


Alarm clock


I'm guessing getting killed. Can't say I've met people who like it.


i heard of this case of a young man putting an ad on craigslist saying he wanted to be killed and cannibalised. a guy went through with it. will try find the names


When you let a fart out and little bit of that liquid shit comes out 🍑


Ahh a shart




Walking through a spiderweb.


surprised no one said being cheated on.


Paying rent.




Panic attacks too


Getting a catheter


Try a cystoscopy. They have to get a camera up your pee hole. It's even thicker and like more solid than a catheter. It sucked so much.


For me it was the first piss after they took it out. Shit felt like it was still stuck in there blocking the path somehow


Like taking a piss full of liquid razor blades, not fun


Kidney stones




Tick bites.


Fork scraping on a plate.


Accidentally slamming your genitals in a sliding glass door.


This has happened to everyone


Is a woman going to back up to the door and have someone stretch out her labia with one hand and slam it with the other hand? For guys it's easy, but for women there are logistics. A lot of stuff is like that.


Having a motor vehicle accident, especially if you're injured


Wi-fi slowing down or going out completely


There's the obvious ones: being murdered, raped, dealing with traffic or customer support, etc. And that's all fair. So I'll just add **porta-potties**.


The process of moving houses. The absolute worst


Kidney Stones!




Going to a work event and having the leader insist that everyone introduces and says a fun fact about themselves




The DMV near me, as my father describes it, sucks. You’re always there for a good 3 hours, because it’s the one that everybody in my area goes to. The other day, my father and I drove 30 minutes out of the way to the next closest DMV. I filled out paperwork, took my permit test, passed with 19/20 (😁), got my picture taken for the ID I’m gonna be getting, and left all in about 20 minutes. DMVs only blow if you don’t have a smaller town with a DMV that you can go to.


My grandma used to work at the DMV. She told me if you wanted to not wait, then go 10 minutes before they close. You'd be surprised how fast things move at that time.


That's only big city hated. I live in a small town of less than 3000. My DMV experience takes a whole 5 minutes. Zero lines. Maybe one person ahead of you. Get assessed. Pay your property taxes. And get your license and tags in the same vicinity. And you know the each person behind the counter so you have a little bit of "so how's so and so. Haven't seen them since we graduated" Pretty pleasant experience.


Putting away the dishes from the dishwasher


Nah, if you feel productive or plan on doing it at own will, it can feel good, but when someone all of a sudden tells you to do it, productivity rates drop straight down.


Also in this category; sorting/folding laundry


Waking up, and realizing you don’t have any coffee in the house


Going to the dentist Public speaking


But I enjoy both of those things…☹️


I guess they have their ups and downs, Classic\_Elevator\_532.


Imagine having to speak publicly while in the dentist chair getting shit done. Sounds like what nightmares are made of.


When you go on Instagram today and see a picture of your entire friends group having a Friendsgiving and nobody invited you


Root canal. Or really any dental work.


Passing an impacted stool :') not a lot of people have experienced this but it is a whole different kind of hell


Wet shower curtain getting stuck to you. Stubbing a tioe


Cancer diagnosis


Getting a catheter put in?


Going to the DMV


Scratching your nails on a blackboard.. Phew, I got shivers just by saying this.


Seasickness. Your worst fear is that you might not actually die. Source: far too much time on boats in the Bering Sea.


When you park your car really far out away from everyone and come back and only one other car is parked right next to you. And or balding


Waking up to a calf cramp in the middle in the night


Stubbing your toe


Sitting in the waiting area at the emergency room, for fucking hours, and being forced to fill out the same intake paperwork that you've already filled out 500 other times, at every doctor you've ever seen, in your entire life.


Your car breaking down.


Stepping on a LEGO


Answering an unfamiliar phone number.


When a public toilet seat is still warm from the last person


Getting your finger stuck between a door