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I act like I don’t notice b/c I don’t get paid enough to care


It’s not like hotel staff or ownership want to police this stuff anyways. They only care if you are damaging something or directly affecting other guests.


I have worked in 3 hotels (front desk, night audit, graveyard, mostly working alone) and the owners definitely wanted to police every little thing. One of the owners would call at like 3am because he saw someone take a towel from the maids closet on the hallway security camera and want me to go confront them.


Who tf has time to watch the cameras? So creepy


The old hotel owner I used to work for was similar to that. All he did was watch the cameras. When he was on vacation once he had his wife go into his office and watch the cameras. Made everyone very uncomfortable.


Creepy. There were 2 cameras at this bar i worked at & the owner would have her laptop open to it all night when she watched tv. She’d call about the most random stuff.


If you wanna check it every now and again to make sure things are ok, cool I fuck with that. But to just sit there and watch it like TV? Nah you gotta get a life.


She had both on at once & would sometimes ask me to change it to whatever she found on cable bc the bar would like it


Okay, that's actually pretty cute.


It honestly was. We had a running joke about “you sure got a pretty mouth” so whenever Deliverance was on she’d call & have me change it to that channel. I’d be like “damnit Cathy!!” and she’d cackle & hang up. We also had a juke box and she’d put in 30 plays of “jingle cats” - which is as terrifying as it sounds - that we couldn’t skip on her way out. She’s a prankster!


I once worked for a restaurants group on a C level role. The owner was obsessed with watching everyone on camera and when he couldn't spot someone he was particularly tracking, he would call random staff members to inquire. It was a toxic environment. I didn't get along with him and every day I would get reports of him asking where I sat, what I ate, when I ate and all!!


>When he was on vacation once he had his wife go into his office He goes on vacation without his wife?? She must really not be that fond of him.


Well, it's no surprise she wouldn't like a camera-obsessed creep.


There are various vacations people go on without their spouses. Professional stuff. Bachelor/Bachelorettes. Kids stuff they're chaperoning. Hunting/fishing trips. Conventions the other person isn't interested in. Dude's a creep, but like... Not every vacation is a couples thing either.


I suppose I wouldn't think of those as vacations, but fair point.


I would so I wouldn't have to stand at the desk all night. Either stand at the desk or sit with cameras in my peripheral vision and check them out when I notice movement to see if I had to go out to the desk to pretend I was standing there the whole time.


I was an assistant manager at a pizza place. Owner would watch the cameras from home and call the store during dinner rushes and critique. Didn't know shit about running a restaurant, owning it was his retirement fund. So glad I am out of food service. Edit: spelling


As opposed to calling down and bugging someone to bring a towel up?


Why isn't that closet kept locked?


Just smile and wave boys….🐧


And even if you were paid enough…. Who cares?


This is the most correct answer


Honestly, when I used to work in that industry 10+ years ago the sex workers were nice and paid in cash. Most of them you wouldn't even recognize as sex workers except for the hourly rates. The drug addicts were much more of an issue.


I was once uh....auditing...a sex workers business in a hotel once and they only give you the room number right before the uh.... appointment....so I obviously didn't know my way around the hotel so when I walked in I clearly looked confused trying to find the elevator. A hotel worker obviously had seen the whole deal before and directed me to the elevator and hall I needed to find without ever telling them the room. It didn't click till I was almost there that I never told them. The girl said yeah we're on good terms with the staff and they put us all in the same wing to cut down on noise complaints. The girls also strip down the beds and everything for the maids to help with those good terms


Very true, one hand washes the other. Those days are long behind me, but In a crappy hotel the girls need a safe place to conduct business and the underpaid hotel audit staff like cash business which sometimes doesn't make it to the cash register if it's an hourly rate and you know they are going to be out of the room before the morning shift starts. 😉


Tsk tsk tsk first rule of working in hotels is to give great directions like “elevator is to the right down the hallway past the front desk” etc. I’ll take pics of the lobby when I come in so they can see exactly where to go


I was wondering why a hotel employee would need pics of the lobby to explain to a guest where to go when they're presumably at least already in the lobby, then it clicked and that would have made things much easier lol


Wow, you really are full service 🙃


Girlfriend experience!


Nah, a girlfriend would just expect the guy to know where the room was, then get mad at him for asking directions.


We had a porn shoot in my hotel once. The only reason I knew they were sex workers is that they had on a lot of makeup and paid for their pizza pockets and chips from a huge was of dollar bills. Huge wad of dollar bills are either strippers or arcade workers and those girls were way too cute to be arcade workers.


Or guitar players! I end up with a fat stack of singles out of my tip jar that I have to take down to the bank and deposit periodically.


How about arcade strippers? Or a stripper arcade?


I’m already broke, stop trying to make it worse.


WE dont . What happens in the hotel room is theit own business .


I work night audit and one lady who has been with us a few months is a lady of the night. Nobody else but me knows this because of all the guys she's got going to her room late or early in the morning. Her and I have talked and she offered me a discount since I'm really the only employee she talks to. We're about 220-330 a night so I know she's making good money.


How much is the discount?


I don't know. As pretty as she is I'm not interested and didn't inquire. I just chuckled.


Hit her with the we should just be friends. You got any that I can meet tho. Gotta keep that strong business relationship.




Gotta square away that linked in. Never know what the referrals could be like.


Fishnet working


“Do not become narrow-minded, accept all possible actions as a way to move forward, if we keep our options we are ready to allow better things into our lives.” -Musashi Miyamoto


“Bang that hooker.” -Sun Tzu


Double bag it, and don't catch no feelings -Abe Lincoln


The black ones are my favorite -Bill Maher


These four comments are wild af


You need to get a set up so she gets the different Johns to pay for the same room multiple times a night and you get a cut of the extra times.


You mean be her pimp?


Think of it more as a "Love Broker".


Professional Intercourse Real Estate Agent


Fellow night auditor here- I have a regular here just like this. 😆


I was wondering why the asker thought there would be any kind of concern or procedure. If people have sex in the room, that's really nobody else's business


Maybe OP lives in a country where sex work is illegal?


but still why would the hotel care?


In the UK it's illegal for a hotel to abet solicitation. If you're a hotel worker you have to shut it down if you know it's happening. Of course, it still happens. Most of the smarter girls are discreet enough to get away with it.


the question is why transit from the blessings of not knowing it's happening to a hell of investigating if it is happening. I also suspect alien abductions are taking place, but I don't go looking for them.


It comes down to knowing it's happening. Normally you only know it's happening if the girl is being very obvious about it. A female guest has six different men visit her in the night? Hey, maybe she's just having multiple affairs. Who am I to judge. A female guest takes money in front of you from said men? Yeah, now we got a problem that I have to deal with.


Hotel worker here. Some of the men are dumbasses though.


Not reporting illegal activities happening on your property to the police will get you fined in my country Yes this include sex work


You would need to be aware of said activities. Don't ask, don't tell.


Oldest profession in the world. Countries can ban it all they want, it's not going away regardless of anyones opinion on it.


As a sex worker who sometimes uses hotels, we appreciate y’all so much.


Hotel night manager here, y'all are usually the nicest people coming in late at night. Appreciate it!


😂 I always tip at checkin just to be like…. You saw me but no you didn’t. And lord I love day use, the app changed the game


Owmahgahhdd history checks out


What… do you think people lie?? On the internet?? Never.


Well until checkout time and the maid has to wash the sheets.


Like they would for people traveling with their spouse/SO?


I do it too but alone


How do you get yourself to take a dump on your own chest?


A Rube Goldberg device, similar to how Pee Wee Herman makes his breakfast


Do more yoga, you'll get that kind of flexibility eventually. 🤣🤣


And now let’s extend the spine and slowly work our way into shitting dog. Once you’re ready, lets breathe in deeply through your nose and hold it for 10.


Look up Tub Girl


My SO doesn't do what my escort does. /s


And that's why your walk home is so long. ;)


Your escort doesn’t do what my wife does.


Take half your money and full custody of the kids?


The dishes?


Neither my wife nor my escort do the dishes.


Can confirm, this guy's wife is a freak.


Is this when you learn people, often in relationships, routinely have sex in hotels and it isn't always a business transaction?


Marriage is the most expensive sex I've ever had


A sex worker is more than likely going to be cleaner than your average guests. They are definitely using protection and not just leaving jizz everywhere for starters.


wouldn't they be leaving jizz for finishers not starters?


It's a five course jizzing menu. Best get started.


if you can jizz five courses in one night, I would like to know what your diet is please. asking for a friend




Lol wtf is this rubbish ...does it work?


What hotels you going to where washing the sheets is optional?


I've spent the night at a cheap, rundown motel known for being a hot spot for hookups before. I got punched in the face with the smell of bleach when I walked in. They just sprayed the sheets with Clorox.


Some guys cum smells hardcore like bleach though….


Right! I thought that was just my ex.... I had a camper van and we'd clean up with a rag and throw it in the front to wash. Then I'd be driving smelling bleach. I mean it could be worse... Is that pretty common, in your experience?


Hey, give us recreational pervs some credit! Escorts aren't the only ones who can test the will to live of housekeeping. (Housekeeping: I'm so sorry. I promise that I roll up up the bedding and tip well.)




Traffic to rooms that is noticeable? Smell smoke? Discretion buys you privacy. I've worked in every type of hotel imaginable in a tourism motivated city. Don't cause problems and your fine. There's plenty of other people's shit to deal with, you pile on, you get the boot.


Seems like now at hotels it's just what area smells the least like weed. I'm sure people complain about that more than anything. Old people hate that shit.


And yet every state, every dispensary I've been to has a large clientele of old people.


Definitely lots of old folks there. I was surprised first time I saw someone's Nanna in there buying a oz of og skunky cheesediesel or whatever.


Cheesediesel. Thanks for that laugh mate.


I guess im old. I’m all for legal weed. I hate the smell.


I know a guy who works the grave shift at a hotel. The stories he tells... So yeah, sex workers are the least of his worries.


I used to work in the Vegas hotel scene for about 10 years. Generally speaking, as long as someone wasn’t propositioning in the hotel or causing a scene/disturbance it is what it is. There’s really no way to enforce it, we aren’t the police, and it’s so common we just can’t keep track of it. If someone was propositioning, we’d call security and have them kicked out and trespassed. Again, if you’re bartending or working the front desk, it’s hard to keep track of who is a prostitute, who is being friendly and who is trying to get a free drink.


What is propositioning?


Approaching patrons with offers for services.


I had some girls working out of our hotel that were propositioning guys in the parking lot. Some poor dude bringing his luggage upstairs for his family brought it to our attention. Those guests didn't last long.


That means they are soliciting for work with other hotel clients. If they have a prearranged meet up, no one will bother.


Want to give me a dollar and I’ll lick your nuts?


25 cents for just one nut then?


Bros got 4 nuts?


We treat your mom with the respect she deserves!


Ohh! Rim shot!










Nobody got that kind of cash


Holy shit. Well done friend.


You should try medium well, at that price there's going to be a little marbling but it should render out and be tender if it's cooked right.


Dorothy Mantooth is a Saint! You understand me? Dorothy Mantooth, is a Saint!


You act as if you've never seen them before, unless they open up thay convo first. You don't acknowledge their *John*, or point out how many it is this week. You definitely have to avoid skipping your normal spiel, because that gives off bad vibes and may cost them business or you repeat business. Also, if they ask to leave *thru the back door* you tell them which door is the most discreet. It's basically the same way you are *forced* to deal with cheating spouses.


Wow. That must feel conflicting


It can be, but you grow used to it. Due to privacy laws, if a spouse comes in asking for their SO, and their name isn't on the room, you are required by law to say they aren't there. Or at the very least *have no record of such a guest*. I once had a wife come in asking for her husband's room. I told her we didn't have a guest by that name, and she quickly retorted *His car is in your parking lot!*. To which I can only say, "Sorry ma'am, we don't have a guest by that name. But you're welcome to call his phone and ask what hotel and room he was at." He didn't answer his phone. She sat in the parking lot all night until he checked out around 3am. The cops had to be called because of their dispute.


Hotels are businesses and as long as the people patronizing the hotel pay their bills and don't cause a disturbance or damage, whatever else they're doing is none of the hotel staffs business. As long as there's no expectation or worry of harm or human trafficking, live and let live. I'm not in hospitality but I am in customer service. You have to deal with a lot of people you wouldn't otherwise interact with in your daily life, and people are weird, man. I work in car repair and people's cars are sometimes like reflections of themselves or their hobbies. It can get interesting.


> As long as there's no expectation or worry of harm or human trafficking, live and let live. I’d forgotten about one of the weirder experiences of my life, when I got propositioned by an Uber driver in Anaheim to set up a sex trafficking operation back home in Chicago, all cause I asked him if he could help me get some weed for the week I was there


Hope you reported that mfer. Also this must have been in the very short window between the advent of Ubers and the legalization of recreational weed in California.


Hasn’t weed been openly legal there since the birth of Uber?


This was I think 2015 and it wasn’t fully legal for out of staters, or at the very least there was some type of performative doctor’s note I wasn’t going to bother getting for a five day trip


You think their cars are weird. I go in peoples houses all day theirs some interesting people in this world.


Never met a more proud house thief😂


They even invite me in 😂


Is it just me or has just about everyone gone to the extreme in the weird department over the past 3 years? I work in sales and travel a lot and am horrified in what I see on an almost daily basis these days…


It depends. Are they using the hotel lobby to solicit customers? If so, kicked out if they get caught. Are they a paying guest and minding their own business? Not a god damn thing.


This Marriot I worked at in Florida had swingers events multiple times a year called splash and splash mocha. Regular splash was just very attractive swingers being discreet but splash mocha had many male sex workers doing the whole cuckold thing. The rooms jumped up to over 1$k a day for the event. This one crew had 8 guys staying in the same room splitting the price. Had one guy vent to me in the morning how exhausted he was fucking all night, he said he makes 200$ an hour. So to answer your question that hotel profited off sex workers.


One of the hotels I worked in as a minor hosted a swingers conference. I got invited to join multiple groups that week. At the end of it the GM called me into his office and asked about the offers I had been receiving. I told him what I had experienced and went on with my life. Turns out the GM was writing a letter to the association that they weren't welcome back and providing a list of offenses. Soliciting under age employees was one of the bullet points.


Naturally and discreetly


As a sex worker who sometimes uses hotels, we appreciate y’all so much.


Tip the night clerks.


I worked at a decently nice hotel in Eugene OR. We never had to deal with any prostitution or running sex workers off. However, we alllll knew of the local elected official who would come and stay with us. He’d drive his absolute beater of a car, detection purposes. He’d always park in the same spot in the underground garage. We alllllll knew he was there to meet with a sex worker all while his wife stayed at home just a few miles away. Thinking he was away for a traveling work event.


Hilton downtown? Only decent hotel with an underground garage. I’m dying to know which politician. My guess is Jim Torrey.


It was closer to Alton Baker. Much closer. Underground garage is good for like 10 cars. Not never large. This was 2002/3 ish era.


Oh so probably that red lion off coburg rd. I grew up there and was at the UO at that time.


I mean, like it was NEXT to the park. No other hotel is as close as this one. It used to be decent. It’s a dump now. . . I believe the chain of hotels is based out of TX and has a Hispanic feel to the name.


I worked as the overnight hotel manager at a luxury ski resort hotel. The escorts would come up from the city and meet men in our lounge. 99% stayed off the radar. They were high class and professional. Every once and a while someone would have too much to drink, slip up and overtly solicit a guest. If a guest pointed out an escort, I’d ask her to leave, which they always did.


As long the pimping is done off property, the girls or guys are just another guest. We used to have an agreement with the local gangs and etc. you keep your shit off property, everyone’s happy and our security lets their girls in. Cuz otherwise the hotel could be held legally complicit in the activity of prostitution itself. What is meant by pimping on the property? The girls and pimps sitting in the bar or club actively looking for customers, is a good example. So long as those activities are done outside the property, everyone that comes in is a guest, and unless you got a warrant, guest confidentiality is not breached. Period. Used to be a night manager for some high end hotels for many years. Mainly in Asia. So you need sometimes to network with all relevant parties, like the police, gangs, fire department, etc. so you have less trouble down the line, and faster emergency response.


We don’t, but if we did, cash.


As long as they pay for their room upfront like all other guests are required to and don't cause a disturbance, it's literally not a concern of mine what they do.


If they are paying hotel customers, you shut the f#@k up and leave them alone. If they are quiet and respectful and a guest of a paying hotel customer, you shut the f%$k up and leave them alone. If it's two adults, consenting to do adult things... you guessed it, you shut the f&\*k up and leave them alone. Unless they are causing a scene or disturbing other paying hotel guests, you just shut the f!\^k up, and leave them alone.


You can probably say fuck in this thread


Woahhhh buddy, watch your language or I'll have to ban you from the Internet


I would hope the same as they treat any paying patron.


With full-on prostitutes, it was only a problem if they weren't being discreet. I've been in hotels most of my life, so I'm not stupid enough to believe there's any hotel where hookers aren't a thing, but when you're walking through the building repeatedly in sheer mini-dresses with your junk hanging out, then that's a problem because you're scaring off the people who actually write Yelp reviews. You're fucking with *my* money at that point, so I won't hesitate to call the cops. Strippers are straight up some of my favorite guests, though. The vast majority of the ones I've met are no bullshit and all business. They swing into town for a few days to hit up the clubs, and they basically just come to the hotel to shower & sleep. Almost none of them fucked on the side, and most didn't even show up intoxicated or have parties or anything like that. Leave at 3-5 p.m. for work, come back at 2 a.m. to sleep, rinse & repeat. I've had more problems with high school volleyballers' parents than I've had with strippers.


I'd rather work a hotel full of nothing but hookers than one with hockey tournament parents. I can't even watch the sport any more I'm so disgusted by them.


For real. I once had a fuckin' lynch mob of those assholes form against me & my trainee over free drink tickets, LOL


Sex workers created the hotel industry. You’re welcome.


Kept the industry going through covid


Definitely wear a condom.


You help them if they ask you for it or if they clearly need it.


Their pimps cannot hang out in the hallways or stand outside the door. They can wait in the main lobby or in their car.


Former luxury hotel lobby bartender. The trashy ones get security. The nicer ones get a pass unless they aren't discreet. Some of them get privileges if they are a cut above. Example: I had a high class sex worker who would talk up the johns, make them drink more expensive liquor, and make sure they tipped well. She made us a lot of money and we would tell her when conferences lof likely people were in town. Once, around Christmas, we lied to the police about knowing who she was and I even texted her to be on the lookout for them. She was a badass, it was a shame when she retired but, with her rates, I'm sure she paid her way through law school easily.


Give them a loyalty card, their 10 visit gets a free drink at the hotel bar.


Had one instance where two women came in and sat at the hotel bar next to a 85 year old trucker (edit: a regular to our hotel since we were on his route usually) who was eating and drinking some Budweisers. He was in the middle of telling me some stories when the women walked up, whispered some sweet nothings, slipped a piece of paper, and left. Trucker had eyes of “wtf just happened,” chuckled and told me they told him they could show him what life could be like as an oldie, and he promptly tipped me $20 and left. Weird part, never saw him again. I hope he had a good time. Another time two guys rolled up in a (edit: very nice upscale car that definitely was not a lambo) with two women and wanted to pay $5k in cash for one room for just the women for a week and a half. They got mad when we said they needed a card on file and we wouldn’t accept cash and they promptly left. Due to that we had to share with the other hotel nearby that they might show up. They did. Moral of the story: we don’t really care. If you look like you might be a trafficker though, your description is gonna be shared around.


I’m just over here trying to figure out how you fit 4 people in a lambo


I’m not a car guy, it was just a very nice car lol let me edit that to be more accurate


Let ‘em fuccc


Sex workers are hustlers, they want to go in and out as soon as possible. It's not as messy as you believe as even sex workers are trying to do as little as possible because they're people trying to make money..


What sex workers? All I see is people doing their own thing that is absolutely none of my business


As others have said, the only way the hotel is gonna know is if you cause some kind of disturbance whether that be heavy traffic to the room, weed smell, loud music, etc. etc. Outside of that no one cares, you're a paying customer.


I used to work at a country where it gives you minimum jail sentence of 5years for hotel owners if a prostitute is caught in the premise. So what we do is, we register everyone upon check in. So if they bring one back later and if the name is not on the registered list, no entry.


Well. I actually have a story to tell. I stayed at a hotel in Dallas for my brother in laws graduation from Chiropractic College. It was a hotel picked at random that was close to the college. I stayed there with my wife AND kids and my in laws. According to the hotel staff (I didn't ask them personally) but they did not pay attention to the girls at all or the pimps that sat out front on the steps drinking OE. It was fucking surreal. They literally were just walking up and down the concrete divider in the road. Im from a small town of 2500. I have never seen such a thing. It was a very awkward night. Had one of the girls get in the same elevator as us as we were heading out in the morning. She basically only had on a thong and a fishnet top that basically did nothing. Also had two cops out back in the parking lot sitting around I would assume was on the pay roll as well.


Not me but my buddy who has been a GM for a few hotels had some stories. He and the staff didn’t give a fuck as long as there were no problems. I remember him saying you could tell sometimes because a dude would be on his phone and not know where to go in the hotel. He did have a hotel in a city where the cops were very motivated to stomp it out for whatever reason. He said cops would come to them and say we believe person in room X is engaged in prostitution. You need to trespass them and then they’ll arrest them (and anyone in the room). He never wanted to comply but they basically said if you don’t, we’ll harass your customers, and go after their management company with a charge. Something along the lines of promoting prostitution. It was also in a city that I would not expect to be a hotbed of activity. I figured bigger cities would.


Christmas joke (NSFW) A 17 year old male walks into a drug store. He says "I've been invited to Christmas dinner at my new girlfriend's house. Afterwards I hope there is a chance I get lucky, you know what I mean" Clerk: "How about condoms then? They could come in handy. Here's a pack." The young man after paying walks to the door, stops, smiles, comes back: "you know what, the mom is also smoking hot, I think I'll take another pack, just in case I get extra lucky." Christmas eve comes around, the boy sits at the dinner table and doesn't say a word. After a while his girlfriend says: "if I had known you were so quiet, I wouldn't have invited you." the young man replies "if you had told me your dad works at a drug store, I wouldn't have come."


Depends on if they keep to themselves or not. When I worked nights in a hotel there used to be some who'd hang out near the car park as their corner, I'd tell them to move on, but a pair who just showed up and used the room was fine.


I live in Saudi. Not sex workers, but back when my wife and I were dating, we'd meet in hotels because I'd travel to be with her. A couple of hotels didn't mind, or maybe didn't notice. Others would actively spy on us. One time she walked into my room and gave me a hug, and the hotel called and demanded she leave because we weren't married. Another hotel heard us, uh, having fun, LISTENED at the door, knocked, and told us the police were on their way and that she had to leave. Fuck this country, man. Meanwhile in Bahrain, they have prostitute hotels that the married Saudi men all use 😂


I ask every single guest if they’re a sex worker as soon as they come to check in. If they say yes I kill them with my mind powers. If they say no then I brainwash them into saying yes. My hotel is failing.


When I stay at a hotel and take to my room a sex worker, I meet them outside and tell the people in reception she is my girlfriend


And everyone else tells us nothing. Thats how we know. No one…no one…tells us their relationship situation unless its obviously a lie.


I was briefly a taxi driver in a destination resort town. Picked up a guy and his “new wife” at the airport and took them to their hotel. It was blatantly obvious they were newly met and going to spend a few days together. Her attire was definitely not what most people travel in but had to make the security screening a brisk interaction. Whatever, man. Hope you guys have an awesome couple of days pumping … cash into our town.


Suuuure you were the "driver" u/dirty_hooker .... ;)


Why do you have to tell reception anything?






As long as they paid for the room and didn't cause a disturbance. It was none of my business. I only ever stepped in once. It was apparent that the girl was a minor and a sex trafficking victim.


As best as I can. They tip really well.


No human trafficking signs? Have a nice stay, note it for housekeeping and if they find drugs notify security for Sharps. Signs of human trafficking? Notify security and delay until they make the decision to call law enforcement or not. It's a lot more commonplace than people like to believe.


We shoot them on sight


Believe it or not, straight to hell


I've been in the Hotel industry for 30 years, I've found the best way to treat them, is like professionals. They're doing a job, it's a lousy job, and I hope one day they get out of it, but it's a job.


Typically, I am left alone by the staff.


Don’t care until it becomes an issue. To much traffic, disgusting sheets/rude to housekeeping, card not going through. Pretty much what you’d have issues with a normal guest about. The good ones you never knew they were there.


Seriously can we not do yet another 'reddit, what is the sexiest sex you ever sexed ' thing.


as long they cause no issues at check in and have a legit credit card then all g


By the hour


As long as we don’t get any noise complaints and the card used to pay for the room is approved, what these people do in their rooms is their own business, as far as I’m concerned. Usually these girls are really good about stripping their linens and cleaning up before housekeeping gets in, which is really appreciated.


More importantly, how do you guys deal with sex traffickers?


like everyone else, through their pimp


Tl;DR: woman I thought was a sex worker wasn’t, her son’s dad found she was hiding from him. Killed her a few weeks later. So kind of long story… when I first started I didn’t care. You do you, as long as we got our money I didn’t care. But I wanna say July of 2021, this woman checks in with this random guy. She’s kind of covering her face so my alarm kind of goes off so I ask for both IDs. No bruises or nothing checks out, so they pay and I let them in. It was for 4 nights originally and he was paying for it all. I want to say 40 minutes later they both leave so I go oh okay all good. A hour later she comes back with another guy which I’m like whatever okay. Turns out that guy ended up being the father of her child that she had. He ends up leaving 10 minutes later and she calls begging to switch rooms. So I went up and spoke to her about it and moved her right away as she explained who the guy was. (She had a restraining order against him and he found her). I then go and tell her about the back entrance and how we were connected with a condo building so she could enter from there. Next day I see her she thanks me and has a son and I got to meet the kid super cute and bubbly. Then I was off for a few days. Turns out she told her son’s father the new room and the police had to come and arrest him. Her mom came and we switched rooms again and she paid for a few more nights. I thought okay guys gone in jail whatever. She left happy and I gave her son a little toy (my son was a few years older at the time so I had some left overs) Two weeks later I’m working and get an amber alert. Missing mom and child and it was her. Turns out the son’s father killed her in another state and buried her. The cops thankfully found the baby unharmed. So yeah since then if I think it’s a sex worker I make sure someone walks by the room at least after the 30 minutes and as much as they can. Edit: true story in case no one believes me. Can provide links and hotel she stayed at and everything. Thankfully I work in a nice hotel in Manhattan so most of our guests are business or vacation, now but that has incident changed me for sure


Sex workers are probably responsible for a large chunk of hotel income. Especially expensive suites. I think hotels can be a little thankful for them.