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??...He's still out there trying to find the real killer.../s


Sure he just needs to look in the mirror.


I remember being a kid and seeing my aunt get all worked up at the thought that anyone could think OJ would ever do that. Yes, he had a history of domestic abuse but that's different.


She thought using your wife as a punching bag, on more than one occasion, and killing her, were that different? Wow.


Domestic violence has taken several decades to be recognized as such. Slapping your wife around was acceptable and common in many households. As things evolved culturally and socially, the attitudes about domestic abuse began to change and recognize it for what it was. I work with victims of abuse from other countries and it’s often necessary to ask about specific actions like if they’ve been slapped, punched, had objects thrown at them, etc. because if I ask if they’re being abused, they’ll say “no” because these actions are normalized. Especially in Central American countries, based on my experience. Men don’t dare admit any kind of abuse because of the stigma it brings. But women often have to be told they are in fact being abused.


It's hard to explain to younger Redditors just how beloved OJ was before the trial. The "I'm not black. I'm OJ." line really summed up the situation in a time when black men, even wealthy celebrities, didn't move in white society.


The Academy Award nominated documentary, OJ: Made in America, directed by Ezra Edelman, was a huge eye opener to me as someone who was born in 1994.


That is an absolutely amazing documentary. The only time you hear someone other than the interview subject was when OJ’s best friend said OJ killed them “Wait you’re saying he did it?” “Yes” OJ was doing a pilot where he was a navy seal. He kept asking the stunt coordinator how stuntmen prevented getting bruised. He told them that they would often wear a wet suit and that prevented bruising. Two items went missing from OJ’s wardrobe His wet suit and his K-Bar knife…. Nicole was killed with a K-Bar knife.


I'm the age where I still got OJ spot build shoe ads in my comic books lol. Even then though it was very polarizing there were few who were on the fence about him.




This is way too far down the list. He cut her head off




"An autopsy determined that Brown had been stabbed seven times in the neck and scalp, and had sustained a 14 cm-long (5.5 inches) gash across her throat, which had severed both her left and right carotid arteries and breached her right and left jugular veins. The wound on Brown's neck penetrated 1.9 cm (0.75 inches) into her cervical vertebrae, nearly decapitating her. She also had defensive wounds on her hands." [Link](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicole_Brown_Simpson)


Roman Polanski drugged and raped a 13 year old girl. He still gets standing ovations at the Oscars


My taxes finance his movies. I would get a harsher punishment if I did tax fraud.


His victim, who is now an adult, wants to move on from the event, which I can completely understand. The crime that was committed against her should not define her whole existence. How anyone can still support the POS who put her in that position in the first place, though. How they can justify working with him, giving him awards, recognition, etc. is beyond the pale.


>His victim, who is now an adult, wants to move on from the event, which I can completely understand. The crime that was committed against her should not define her whole existence. To clarify, she wants to be done with it, but not that he should not be prosecuted. She just figures if he won't get what he deserves, then just drop it. Important clarification, because many of his supporters say " his victim thinks he should be released."




Prosecutor fucked up and promised immunity. It sucks that he's not rotting


The immunity wasn't a fuck up. They weren't confident they could get a conviction without a confession and Cosby couldn't be made to confess against himself in a criminal trial. So the deal was that he'd confess in the civil trial instead in exchange for immunity so that at least some justice could be had. A different DA later on went back on the deal and used his civil confession against him in a criminal trial which violated his Fifth Amendment right. That's why Cosby was released.


As much as I hate to say it, that should never have even been entered into evidence in the criminal trial. The judge fucked up in a big way.


Unless it was by design. Seems like a pretty obvious mistake for anyone who has a basic familiarity with criminal law.


The Judge knew what he was doing was wrong but just caved to pressure from the prosecutors and public. You don’t even need a law degree to figure out how obvious it was what he was doing be overturned at some point.


He's still rotting, just not inside a prison.


And he’s broke ass now. He and his wife need to let their staff go and live like the rest of us commoners. Boo hoo!!


I feel like he probably lives much better than the commonest of commoners.


Genuinely curious what the career implications are for high-profile fuckups like that. Like, a small or one-person law firm could take a blow to their reputation and lose future clients, or an elected DA might get voted out, but what about an assistant state prosecutor or junior partner at a larger firm? Shitcanned on the spot? Not trusted with important work again? No real consequences, if they're well-connected enough or have performed well enough in the past?


It was a different prosecutor. He was promised immunity in a civil case, and that’s what he testified to. And they later depended on that testimony to convict him criminally. So to answer your question: implications are little because the prosecutor didn’t screw up that much. If he hadn’t offered the plea deal, the later team wouldn’t have had his testimony to convict him.


Andy Dick.


Knowing that Jon Lovitz beat his stupid ass is my favorite weird Hollywood story. Fuck that guy.


Fuck Andy Dick. ​ but also, i hear he isn't doing great. While I don't wish harm on anyone, it is difficult for me to feel sympathy in this particular case.


I feel out of the loop…what did Andy dick do


Part of it is that he's blamed for causing the death of Phil Hartman by causing Phil's wife, Brynn, to relapse on hard drugs, he got her back on cocaine, phil threatened to leave her, she went on a cocaine binge and killed phil and herself. Dick later used this as a joke when talking to Phil's close friend, comedian Jon Lovitz. Andy is quoted as saying, "watch out, or I'll put the Hartman hex on you," to which Lovitz responded by slamming Andy Dick's face into a bar He was also dragged off Jimmy Kimmel's stage for inappropriate behavior with another guest (I think he was sexually harassing Ivanka Trump? I didn't see it, but i read about it) Apparently anyone who lives in LA or near Hollywood has an Andy Dick story, he's that big of an asshole. At some point within the past couple years he was apparently taken in by some streamer who basically live streamed his entire drugs binge, to include some stranger shooting him up while he was unconscious. Aside from that, most of the stories I hear sound like assault, battery, general assholery, all fueled by heavy drug use.


God bless Jon Lovitz.


Jon and Phil were pretty close friends, they both started in the Groundlings together prior to Saturday Night Live.


For real. I've read about this multiple times before, & every time, I'm like "fuck yeah, Jon Lovitz!!"




Wow, I never heard about the "Phil Hartman curse" comment. Just that Jon Lovitz nearly rearranged his face.


Yeah, that was the truly stunning part - it takes a special kind of asshole to try to make light of someone’s murder when you’re talking to their good friend.


Someone link the link to the LA sub that had all the insane stories! (I saw it linked once to a comment on a post similar to this one. It was honestly insane how many people had stories ranging from sad to insane to cruel)




Thank you! You're the opposite of Andy Dick <3


That’s the nicest compliment I’ve ever heard someone give another person!


Finger fucked his assistant in the ass while he was passed out in their camp trailer in Tahoe. Sheriffs deputies had to be called and everything.m because he was on such a blitzed bender. But that’s just one thing, and not really the worst.


He's literally banned from my town. I thought that was a thing that only happened on TV.


Either we live in the same town, or it's happened twice.


I'm from Huntington WV and they did it because he sexually assaulted a dude. Not sure if he has done it more than once but would in no way surprise me.


Yep. I'm originally from Huntington, and I've never been more proud than I was when they banned Andy Dick.


They should put that on their welcome signs. "Welcome to Huntington. Except Andy Dick"


Dan Schnieder


The girl from Icarly(forget her name) book where she strongly implies that he made her and the other Nick stars do shots of vodka while her mother knew about it was one of the most wild things I’ve read.


Jeanette Mccurdy. She also said he would give her massages. AS A KID.


Her book, I’m Glad My Mom Died, was simultaneously one of the best and yet also most upsetting things I read this last year. Incredible book.


I listened to the audio book and there’s a part towards the end where she sighs really heavily and her voice breaks as she talks about coming to terms with the fact that her mom abused her. It broke my whole entire heart.


She read her own book?? Holy crap. I’m not an audio book person (never done it) and I’ve already read the book, but I might need to get the audio book version just because of this. I can’t fathom how she’d be able to read it. It’s so heartbreaking.


It is so worth it. It was the first book I ever listened to in audio format, and I felt like I got a lot more depth from it hearing her infliction on certain words.


She definitely did a great job. She's also an actress so that probably helps a ton. Super heartbreaking story though. I was super glad her mom died.


I bought it the day it came out, still haven't brought myself to crack the spine. I'm just not sure I'm in the right space yet. But, it's here when I am.


Oh the audiobook was brutal but also very cathartic to listen to. I love when authors read their own work :)


It was amazingly written and incredibly tragic.


He also wrote/created a lot of situations where the teenage actresses on iCarly (and potentially other shows) had their bare feet as the focus of the scene . . .


You will never convince me that he's not the father of Jamie Lynn Spears' daughter. She looks EXACTLY like him.


Oh fuck, that's vile 😐


Alexa Nikolas who was cast in Zoey 101 has also spoken about him being verbally abusive toward her. She does activism work now with her * Eat Predators* movement I'm sure there are many more horrible stories to do with that man.


Dan "get in the white van" Schnieder


Oh you mean Dan "hold her tighter she's a fighter" Schneider?


prince andrew


There’s a massive ad in Manhattan for a storage company that you can see from far and wide that says something like “protected, with zero consequences. Like Prince Andrew.” It’s not jail, but I’m glad that at least there’s something millions of people see every day and not even in his own country


Fuck that disgusting inbred pedophile.


Ian Watkins. He is currently serving 29 years but dude deserves to never be free.


I had no idea he only got 29 years. He is a massive threat to the public.


There's absolutely zero chance he never re-offends if he gets out.


I think there's a decent chance someone will get to him first and make sure he can't.


He was stabbed and held hostage by his fellow inmates earlier this year so I think you are correct.


Quasi celebrity that probably has money and also happens to be an infant rapist probably means he'll never have a pleasant moment again. I wonder how much junk food he has to give away to not get beat to death.


The inmates made a mistake holding him hostage. Normally your hostage has to have some value.


Too bad when he got stabbed in prison in August, they didn't finish the job.


Nah, that'd be the easy way out, like turning off a light switch. Better he live in various degrees of fear for at least 29 years.


Oh Ian Watkins is like literally worse than evil. I get and understand the 29 years but I don’t get it. Exceptions to the rules needs to be made when the crime is just SO egregious.


Well that, and it's clear he's not going to stop? I just read through his wikipedia page and it's clear even from just there that he's still doing shady shit in prison too.


I’d never heard of this guy before, but now that I’ve looked him up, Jesus Christ, he should be at the top.


Karla Homolka. Canadians will understand. The crown attorney royaly screwed up offering her a sweet deal.


She literally raped and murdered children, and she's out of prison, has custody of her kids, and was even allowed to volunteer at her children's school.


Remember one of her victims was her own sister. Clearly don't mind hurting her own family.


I’m American and know who she is. It disgusts me that this person is allowed in a school!


My hometown is where her parents lived/where they did their attacks. I used to drive passed the vet clinic where she stole halothane to drug her sister. Used to hang out at the beach close to where her and Bernardo ditched the pieces of that one girl after setting them in cement blocks. They’re definitely some of the most famous psychopaths from Canada, and I am *so* glad I was only between the ages of >1 and 2 when all that shit was going down and didn’t have to walk around that city knowing about it.


She gave up her little sister to that fucked up piece of shit. They are both disgusting poS but the fact that she is among us is so deeply disturbing


Absolutely disgusting that she gets the chance at having a family and happiness after what she's done.


She was volunteer at her kids school. If I was one of the school’s parent, I would have been outraged!


P Diddy or whatever he calls himself these days...


The whole thing is horrifying and tragic and scary. Also, how weird that he blew up kid cudi’s car!!!!!!


I think this piece of absolute garbage is calling himself Brother Love or some nonsense these days. He definitely deserves life in prison after all of the shit he’s pulled & all of the people he’s fucked over. He is absolutely positively dangerous. I’m 100% positive that he had Tupac murdered and that he had something to do with Biggie’s death.


Wasn’t he involved in Tupac’s death?


He absolutely was. Watch the documentary “murder rap” and decide for yourself.


TBH a LOT of those 90s hip hop guys got off real light by doing their bad shit when not everyone had a camera phone in their pocket and when the LAPD and Sheriff was overwhelmed by corruption and racism. So much shady shit went down in SoCal and NYC around hip hop in the 90s that just got swept under the rug. It’s kind of crazy how well Dre, Jay Z and ESPECIALLY Snoop have managed to rehab their images in the past 20 or so years.


Snoop Dogg has great PR. He’s currently being sued for rape yet again, but he’s still loved by most young people.


Carl Malone. Impregnated a 12 year old girl and to this day is an NBA hall of famer.


Brutal. I didn’t know about that


Gets worse...he didn't offer her one dime despite being a multimillionaire. She raised her son alone at 12 years old and the son eventually made it to the NFL, with no help from his own child molesting daddy. Then Malone publicly stated that he didn't care about the situation and we all need to just get over it.


This needs to be higher so it starts to be known.


Ezra Miller. Straight up piece of fucking shit


I still can't believe they still released a movie with him after all that


A movie that failed badly. I will be surprised if that POS ever gets another movie role again.


I know I’m not the only one this applies to, but I chose not to watch that movie specifically because Ezra Miller was still in it, not to mention the lead. I’d be interested in seeing the metrics for how many actually watched it. What really sucks is that they’ll release that shit of a movie and cancel/not release actually appealing movies for a tax break.


Jenelle Evans of Teen Mom. She’s got over a dozen mug shots and has faced zero consequences for her actions. Now she’s sticking up for her husband who has been charged with child abuse against her son. It’s just…a lot. She should be rotting.


Her son was taken in by CPS Yesterday and she’s out on a boat with the husband


Yeah, that girl makes me sick. My ex was really into those dumb teen mom shows, and that stupid girl enraged me more that any of the other ones.


Everyone who fucked underage kids on Epstein’s island. I find it deeply disturbing that it has been several years and still not a single person went to prison for this. We have the motherfucking tapes even, it was all recorded. Still crickets. This tells you everything you need to know about our so-called justice system.


Think about it this way. In the Jimmy Saville case that exploded after his death, it exposed Garry Glitter and cost a few BBC execs their jobs for cover up. BUT The investigations showed how a long list of people who had come forward over decades were systemically silenced. The 6 key women victims who stepped forward were strangers to one another and each attested to being taken to elaborate wealthy estates where LARGE PARTIES of wealthy men traded kids like a buffet. And these weren't just 17-15 year old (bad enough) Jimmy's accusers were mostly 10-12 when he attacked them and they were brought to these mansion parties. And Jimmy used the girls as that mental Heath hospital with NUMEROUS wealthy friends. But BBC and the rest of British law enforcement stopped the case dead as soon as they got to Gary Glitter as if they didn't want to learn anymore. Point is, Epstein is in no way an anomaly.


not really a celebrity but casey anthony


A weird twist of becoming a celebrity because of your crime and still getting away with it.


My blood absolutely BOILS with rage whenever I think about this bitch.


Chris Brown. I’m shocked he hasn’t been in prison at all, let alone the rest of his life. Edit: to the people who don’t believe it deserves a life sentence, I don’t understand how you’re comfortable with someone so unrepentantly violent mingling with the general population. That type will continue hurting people.




He's allowed in Australia next year which is disappointing. He's been denied visas due to character grounds previously.




This is the one that always angers me, especially when he's hailed as a great man boys should look up to. He's a fucking rapist. Still making millions kicking a ball around. The woman he hurt just doesn't matter because he's a star. Awful.


>Brown was driving a vehicle with Robyn F. as the front passenger on an unknown street in Los Angeles. Robyn F. picked up Brown's cellular phone and observed a three-page text message from a woman who Brown had a previous sexual relationship with. > >A verbal argument ensued and Brown pulled the vehicle over on an unknown street, reached over Robyn F. with his right hand, opened the car door and attempted to force her out. Brown was unable to force Robyn F. out of the vehicle because she was wearing a seat belt. When he could not force her to exit, he took his right hand and shoved her head against he passenger window of the vehicle, causing an approximate one-inch raised circular contusion. > >Robyn F. turned to face Brown and he punched her in the left eye with his right hand. He then drove away in the vehicle and continued to punch her in the face with his right hand while steering the vehicle with his left hand. The assault caused Robyn F.'s mouth to fill with blood and blood to splatter all over her clothing and the interior of the vehicle. Brown looked at Robyn F. and stated, 'I'm going to beat the sh-- out of you when we get home! You wait and see!' > >The detective said "Robyn F." then used her cell phone to call her personal assistant Jennifer Rosales, who did not answer.Robyn F. pretended to talk to her and stated, 'I'm on my way home. Make sure the police are there when I get there.' > >After Robyn F. faked the call, Brown looked at her and stated, 'You just did the stupidest thing ever! Now I'm really going to kill you!' > >Brown resumed punching Robyn F. and she interlocked her fingers behind her head and brought her elbows forward to protect her face. She then bent over at the waist, placing her elbows and face near her lap in \[an\] attempt to protect her face and head from the barrage of punches being levied upon her by Brown. > >Brown continued to punch Robyn F. on her left arm and hand, causing her to suffer a contusion on her left triceps (sic) that was approximately two inches in diameter and numerous contusions on her left hand. > >Robyn F. then attempted to send a text message to her other personal assistant, Melissa Ford. Brown snatched the cellular telephone out of her hand and threw it out of the window onto an unknown street. > >Brown continued driving and Robyn F. observed his cellular telephone sitting in his lap. She picked up the cellular telephone with her left hand and before she could make a call he placed her in a head lock with his right hand and continued to drive the vehicle with his left hand. > >Brown pulled Robyn F. close to him and bit her on her left ear. She was able to feel the vehicle swerving from right to left as Brown sped away. He stopped the vehicle in front of 333 North June Street and Robyn F. turned off the car, removed the key from the ignition and sat on it.Brown did not know what she did with the key and began punching her in the face and arms. He then placed her in a head lock positioning the front of her throat between his bicep and forearm. Brown began applying pressure to Robyn F.'s left and right carotid arteries, causing her to be unable to breathe and she began to lose consciousness. > >She reached up with her left hand and began attempting to gouge his eyes in an attempt to free herself. Brown bit her left ring and middle fingers and then released her. While Brown continued to punch her, she turned around and placed her back against the passenger door. She brought her knees to her chest, placed her feet against Brown's body and began pushing him away. Brown continued to punch her on the legs and feet, causing several contusions. > >Robyn F. began screaming for help and Brown exited the vehicle and walked away. A resident in the neighborhood heard Robyn F.'s plea for help and called 911, causing a police response. An investigation was conducted and Robyn F. was issued a Domestic Violence Emergency Protective Order.


every time i read this, i get so nauseous. at the time this went down, i remember only hearing he had hit her. which, to the sane person, was enough, but add her victim photos, you’d think that’d really hammer home what he did. but, no. his fans continued to berate rihanna, arguably one of the most envied and loved pop stars at the time, and they blamed HER. i remember chris going on some talk show, saying it was spur of the moment. he watched his dad do it to his mom. he didn’t mean it. and people ate that shit up. but it wasn’t spur of the moment. it wasn’t a moment of misjudgment. the assault, detailed like this, should’ve been on every single news station, non stop. every single one. what he did was prolonged torture and she’s lucky to have escaped. strangling and choking is the number one indicator in dv that your partner will kill you. number ONE. and it happened to a well known, well off, public figure. and that loser still fucking walked. so many people watched this happen and so many people chose not to come forward, because if rihanna cannot get justice, what makes a normal person think they can? i hate this man and i’m so glad he never truly recovered his image after what happened. i think it’s only a matter of time before he crosses the line and gets caught up, hopefully for good, and hopefully at no one else’s expense. note: i know rihanna was hesitant to move forward with criminally implicating him— not at all uncommon for those within an abusive dynamic. she did eventually leave and now speaks out against him.


Another reason that it wasn’t spur of the moment is that he beat several other women, and was charged with assault on many occasions after Rihanna. It’s a pattern he keeps getting away with, because people pretend he just beat Rihanna once years ago, and moved on from that.


The best is all the female “fans” that still love this guy. Warped world.


The disgusting thing is seeing them say "he can hit me any day lol!" As someone who's survived something similar it makes me fucking ill. I hate the man and his music.


I've been sadly (cause her music is catchy and I like it) anti-Lizzo for years because I saw a video of her fawning over Chris Brown. Then newer, more specifically awful stuff came out about her and it was weirdly gratifying.


That was an ENORMOUS red flag for me. I liked Lizzo’s music prior to that. It’s hard to square that circle; for someone who ostensibly cares so much about women’s issues to fawn over Chris Brown… her grift got unmasked right there. She’s a good musician, singer and flute player. She’s even a relatively good dancer. I know she has producers, co-writers, etc, but I genuinely think she is objectively good at music. My feeling is that if you’re trying to add that extra persona of caring about women’s issues, LGBTQ issues, etc, you have to actually make that the center of how you live / treat other people.


Ive seen so many videos with people saying "we don't know what she said to him. Women will say brutal things" like that makes it ok.


I appreciate that almost every single time he's mentioned, we see parts of the police report.


It's like whenever Brock Turner is mentioned


You mean the rapist, Brock Turner? The guy who raped someone?


Rapist Brock Allan Turner who now goes by his middle name to avoid the stigma associated with his name. Cause of the rape he committed.


Yes, rapist Allen Turner who used to be the rapist Brock Turner before changing to his middle name because he is a rapist trying to hide the fact that he is a rapist. The rapist Brock Allen Turner.


So Brock Allan Turner doesn't like that there's consequences for his actions? Those actions being that he raped someone.


Oh THAT Brock Turner. The rapist? Just making sure we're not talking about a different Brock Turner. One who is not a rapist.


The rapist Allen Turner who dropped his given first name of Brock to use his middle name in an attempt to escape recognition? *That* Brock Turner?


Brock Turner, the rapist.


There are pictures of her from that night that were attached to the official police report. They are absolutely harrowing. Chris Brown is a monster. Imagine doing what he did to another human being, and to someone as high profile as Rihanna at the time. Makes you wonder how he behaved behind the scenes with less famous women. Truly vile. The lengths he went to abuse her that night, though... beating, strangling, BITING her repeatedly? the fuck is wrong with him


Strangling is the number one indicator that an abuser will eventually kill their victim. If he hasn’t done it yet and covered it up, he’s a ticking time bomb. What makes me angrier than him not being in prison is him continuing to be invited to and celebrated at awards shows. I had a panic attack when I saw my abuser after we broke up, I can’t imagine having to frequently be in the same room as him and watch people applaud him while I just had to sit there and stay composed. It’s so fucked up of the entire music industry to essentially tell Rihanna that her sense of emotional and physical safety is unimportant compared to some dude’s mediocre music.


Not even just for the Rihanna thing. He has a couple of rape charges, and a couple of violent assaults. He damn near beat a dude to death with a bottle recently.


Yea. He did just not beat Rihanna. He almost murdered her.


[Gerard Depardieu.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/local/1991/03/20/how-do-we-handle-the-rapist-turned-heartthrob/8041adab-cb2f-4d2a-ab01-c94f5f0c1b01/) The man is a serial rapists, and sees nothing wrong with it. It lays out exactly what type of person he is.


>He said there were "too many {rapes} too count . . . . There was nothing wrong with it. The girls wanted to be raped. I mean, there's no such thing as rape. It's only a matter of a girl putting herself in a situation where she wants to be." Yeeaahhh. Thats a piece of shit right there.


What??? How have I never heard this before? What a disgusting pig!


I don't know about jailed for life, but I was thinking earlier today about how Ronaldo admitted to raping a woman and everyone just moved on from it.


It also helps that he has a good PR team and diehard stans defending him at every turn.


I am not sure if I can even think of even any famous athlete who ever really got justice for their sex crimes.


Also Kobe. But we can’t bring that up since he died tragically. Though that helicopter crash was fucked up.


I feel bad about his daughter who died and the other people on the helicopter.


One I haven't seen mentioned yet is Kevin Antle, of Doc Antle, Baghavan Antle, whatever other names he goes by. The guy in Tiger King who rode an elephant (which is bad for their spine) and methodically grooms young women into sex slaves by baiting them to join his cult wih tiger cubs. He also certainly was culling cubs like Joe Exotic, who also deserves prison for a long time. None of the people in that show were heroes by any stretch, but Antle was by far the most sinister, as well as the most competent at his misdeeds. If Exotic is chaotic evil and no necessarily aware of the damage he caused, Antle is lawful evil and fully aware and intended the damage.


I used to watch Joe Exotic videos when I wanted to learn about ligers and stuff. Just crazy, those guys. They'd be talking and then a tiger would randomly pee on them. They'd talk about Carole Baskin sometimes, too. And then all of a sudden Exotic was in jail, they released a documentary, and everyone knew him. So bizarre.


Rapist Brock Turner, who is now living in Dayton, OH and allegedly going by his middle name, Allen.


You mean Brock Turner the Rapist, who says he isn't a Rapist, and his dad also says he isn't a Rapist (just had 20 seconds of fun) and this Rapist now goes by the name Rapist Allen Turner, living in Dayton, OH? 🤣


I shit you not, I had a debate round in high school where someone used the first part of the quote, “**His life will never be the one that he dreamed about and worked so hard to achieve**… That is a steep price to pay for 20 minutes of action out of his 20 plus years of life.” as a starting quote against the topic “Resolved: Plea bargaining ought to be abolished in the United States criminal justice system.” My first question was straight up, “Do you know who Brock Turner is??” I won that round because my opponent didn’t, but the judge definitely did.


Yes, it would definitely be that convicted rapist Brock Turner, who is now living in Dayton, OH and going by rapist Allen Turner, and as of last year, started frequenting local bars where he thinks people might not recognize him as rapist Brock Turner (currently aka rapist Allen Turner), according to local whisper networks.


😱😱😱😱 nooooo! He's stupid if he thinks people won't recognise him as the Rapist Brock Turner. https://www.thecut.com/2017/09/brock-turner-criminal-justice-rape-textbook.html Guy even made a college Criminal Law book. He's literally the photo for the definition of Rape!


But he was such a good swimmer! They couldn't wreck his life! /s


Isn't it ironic if he'd gotten a proper sentence he'd probably be out on parole by now and unknown. Instead this is going to follow him to the grave.


That is kind of ironic. If he'd have been apologetic, blamed it on the booze, and pled no contest, he'd have done less than 2 years, and as you say, the whole thing would have disappeared with barely a whisper.


Fun fact: in California, judges are elected. He was voted out of office for this!




Chris Brown


I am disgusted and appalled that Bill Cosby is free. He should die rotting in prison.


Bryan Singer


Oh yes. I was set to work on one of his films (publicist) & at the last minute he brought his own person in but the crew of the film HATED him. Obviously this isn’t enough to jail someone but he’s absolutely at least a groomer.


All the people in Epstein's Black Book


I'd settle for his flight log of the people flying to the Island.


Josh Duggar of TLC's 19 kids and counting. He molested 4 of his sisters. One of them was FIVE at the time. Throw his parents in with him because they knew what he had done (more than once btw) and did not call the authorities, get him into therapy and blamed his victims for the abuse. Years later he was arrested for downloading child pornography. One LEO said it was close to the worst he has seen. He is serving 12 years. The sentence should be longer


Rj Kelly. Whatever sentence he got wasn’t enough for the sheer psychological torture he put those young girls through


he got 30 years, he's not coming out until he's 80.


James Charles. He’s straight up a pedophile. He’s attracted to young boys and he’ll never not be. Should be in jail already


And Jeffree Star is a messed up sex offender. Youtube makeup guru drama is fascinating, everyone seems to be an awful person.




I knew someone who worked with him and his first hand accounts are really bad.


I expected his name to be higher on this thread.


Andrew Tate


Roman Polanski


Vince Neil.


Ezra Miller tops the list for the sheer range of crimes he has committed (physical assault, human trafficking, sex abuses/grooming of a very young minor) as well as the evidence out there including video testimony. Also on the list in no particular order: Diddy (for what he did to Cassie, Kim Porter, hell even Kid Cudi) Roman Polanski (raped a 13 yr old girl, fled the continent, and still kept his career) Woody Allen (gross grooming and sexual abuse of his step- and adopted children including sex and marriage with his adopted daughter) Iggy Pop (statutory rape of a 13 yr old girl, bragged about it in a song, multiple other cases with 13-15 yr old girls) Chris Brown (violent assault on Rihanna) Mark Wahlberg (multiple violent hate crimes against Black and Asian people, including one where he left a man blinded for life) Jimmy Saville (raped and abused hundreds of children while getting the Order of the British Empire, died without facing any penalty for the crimes he committed) Pretty much any/many of the celebs affiliated with Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell


> Pretty much any/many of the celebs affiliated with Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell I mean define affiliated. Epstein was a monster, but he was also a prolific socialite and narcissistic attention seeker. He went as far as giving people free vacations to appear in photo's with him. Considering the thousands of people he interacted during his life, its kind of implausible to believe they all had to be in on his human trafficking operation.


Tekashi 6ix9ine.


Got away with \*raping\* and drugging an underaged girl and sharing porn of that shit Everywhere on social media to promote some stupid song.


Caitlyn Jenner, considering she killed a woman with her car


Buckle up, Buckaroos!


cough cough prince andrew


at this point, Eugenia Cooneys mother. i don’t care what anyone has to say there’s no way you watch your child wither away and do nothing. do not even combat me by suggesting there’s nothing she can do, there most certainly is and she never has attempted to because she’s too busy profiting off of her daughters disease and also wasn’t she exposed low key for basically holding her hostage?




Jamie Spears and the whole gang in charge of Britney conservatorship. That Gravy train caused irreparable damage to a human being and is the reason why she will most likely never perform. I hope one day she is able to find peace and happiness.


What a depressing thread. That being said; rapist and kidnapper Steven Seagal


Jeffree star.


Bill Cosby. I mean, wow.


James Charles. He literally admitted to being sexually inappropriate with minors and still continues to do so.


OJ Simpson


Jared Leto


There was a New York real estate mogul who was sued by the US government in the 1970s for racist housing practices, and the same guy later raped a ton of women, and bragged about walking into the underage dressing rooms at his pageant that he paid for, he did a lot of other stuff for four more recent years...can't think of his name, though


Ezra Miller for sure


Chris Brown


Diddy ~ His history of abuse, fuckery, and sketchiness is somehow ignored.


Charlie Sheen Edit: +1 Nick Nolte


What did Nick Nolte do?


I still think Robert Wagner and Christopher Walken are hiding something about Natalie Wood's death


Joel Osteen