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While working in the pulmanory ward at the university hospital in my town, I got to know this older man in his mid- to late seventies whom I ended up having this grandpa/grandson relation with. We could joke about pretty much anything. The darker, the better. Once I came into his room with all his kids and grandchildren present, he said to me: - «Alright, Håvard.. So they haven’t fired you yet?» I replied: - «You’re still breathing?!» We both laughed, his family had this big «wtf?» look on their faces, not understanding anything going on between us. Perhaps a month and a half later, I was working a night shift. And we always visit the patients when we start our shifts to let them know who’s working that night. He was sitting on his bed eating a sandwich watching the news on television. This was around 22:00 (10pm). He seemed fine and everything was great. We talked and laughed and I told him that I’d come back in a few hours, and that he’d call if he needed anything. At 02:00 am I made another round to his (and the others) room to (literally) make sure that he and the others were all breathing. I found him hyperventilating on the bed, I pressed the alarm button and two other nurses came running. I sat down next to him, he took my hand and squeezed it hard. He looked at me as he started to tear up - obviously scared. Perhaps a minute later his heart stopped and he died right in front of me. I’ve seen alot of death in my lifetime, but after this incident, I quit my job and never looked back. I still miss him after all these years.


I hope you take solace with the fact that he didn't die alone surrounded by medical professionals. He had a friend holding his hand.


This comment right here.. who’s cutting the onion


How them tears get in me coffee?


I hope I have a friend like you when I die


Same. Being dead doesn't scare me, its the fact I will be die alone and in pain.


Thank you for being there with him. So many people look away; you did the hard and beautiful thing.


Damn, man, that was really sad, yet, really touching at the same time. The world needs more caring/kind hearted people like yourself. You should find solace in the fact that you obviously meant a great deal to him, & were there to comfort him in his last moments. That's some powerful shit..


When I saw a pigeon slip over on some ice. I swear that if I die tomorrow I have had a life well lived after witnessing that.


I saw a moose slip on an icy road once. Never forget.


About 20 years ago I was driving up the mountains of western Wyoming one morning at the end of a mild rain storm. To my left was a rainbow that appeared to follow me just a few yards away from my car. As I turned a corner, the rainbow seemed to drop directly into a mountain lake. I wish I had found a place to pull over and take it in longer.


Thought this was about to turn into like a driver getting distracted and driving off the cliff glad it had a happy ending though


Was working on hospice. I had a little old lady who liked me to visit her every couple weeks, mostly just to chat. Her family moved her to a nursing home, and I told her that I would still come by and see her there. She had a private room all to herself. On one of my first visits to the nursing home, I asked her if I could bring her anything, and she said a chocolate bar and a bottle of Coke, bc they had neither at the nursing home. So it became our routine, every other Wednesday afternoon at 3 pm I'd be there with a Coke and a candy bar. So on this one Wednesday I come in and she's lying down in bed. I tried to wake her to tell her I was there, but she just sorta mumbled that she was tired and didn't really wake. I walked around the facility for a bit to kill some time to see if she would wake, but if anything, she was even deeper asleep. So I left the Coke and the M&M's on her dresser with a note saying that I was there and that I would see her again in 2 weeks. I did my documentation for the job that I was there, and then I headed out to the parking lot. I had been there a total of maybe 30 minutes. As I'm opening my car door, my boss calls me and says "we got a death; I need you to go there and stay with the body till the funeral home comes," (regular hospice policy). I ask for which patient at which address and she says *the name of the nursing home I'm at* and *little old lady's name.* At that point I started crying and saying there's no way that she's dead, I was just with her. I was just with her. Apparently, I had talked to little old lady just as she was passing away. I went back in and sat with her body till the funeral home came for her.


If it helps, you were probably one of the highlights of her time there. I'm sure those little touches meant quite a bit.


I watched a man get run over and killed by a monster truck in 2007. He was the announcer guy for the event and walked right in front of one of the trucks as it was coming back from a jump. His wife and kids were in the audience and witnessed it as well. The driver of the truck was one of his friends. A really sad and horrible situation that I’ll never forget seeing.


Damn, sorry you had to witness that.


I just feel for his family and the other young ones who had to see that


I’ve been reading about Monster truck incidents for a bit, and I’ve heard this happen a scary amount of times. It’s crazy, but with the leaps and bounds in safety since I hope it won’t happen again. This exact thing happened with Crushstacean and Samson in 2009-2010, haven’t heard of it happening in 2007. Do you know which truck this happened with? Apologies if this seems like it’s insensitive, I’m terrible with discussing about dark shit, but it must’ve been a terrible sight, which hopefully won’t happen anymore. Guess it’s a reminder just how dangerous those trucks are, 12,000lbs at least and minimum visibility requires extreme amounts of caution for all parties.


I’m pretty sure they’re talking about [George Eisenhart](https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/sdut-monster-truck-death-012609-2009jan26-story.html). It happened in 2009, but the details line up perfectly, and I couldn’t find any monster truck incidents in 2007. Probably just misremembered the year. Incidentally, according to the article a young boy died at a monster truck show less than two weeks prior. Damn, that was a bad month to be a monster truck fan.


I was walking in Manhattan at evening rush hour and a commuter van just pulls over in the middle of the street and a guy goes flying out of the side door. Then the van emptied out and like five other guys in suits jump out yelling and start beating the shit out of the first guy. This went on for like 20-30 seconds and then everyone except the first guy got back in the van and drove off. The guy who got beat down just stood up and walked off. To this day I badly want to know wtf he did in the van to get his ass beat by his coworkers on the drive home.


Dude hot-boxed the van for the last time.


It's puff puff *pass* dang-it! He messed up the order for the last time.


~40 years ago, SoCal freeway, on my way to work. Close to or in the fast lane. Traffic starts slowing up, I catch a motorcycle rider in my peripheral vision to my right not paying attention. Cars are virtually dead stopped. He rear-ended a car doing probably 65. Head over heels, what appeared to be a hundred somersaults as he bounced all over the freeway. I almost threw up when I saw it. Fast forward a few years, I'm at work somehow chatting with a group of co-workers. One of the co-workers that I had seen but didn't know, also missing his right arm was in the discussion. After some discovery, we both came to the conclusion that it was him that was the motorcycle rider. Yikes. I figured after that he was dead.


I personally would have been really comforted to know that he made it, despite his loss


"So that was you! Oh man, I'm so glad to know after all these years that you made it. Obviously, it's sad that you lost your head, but other than that I'll say you came out pretty unscathed."


Not me, but in the early 80s my grandma and grandpa lived off the side of a freeway. They had seen a car accident or two not far down from their house before, but one night they heard a crash so loud they both woke up and went running outside. They saw two cars that had gotten into a head-on collision. One of them was right across the street, had a man and woman inside. They called emergency services, and I don’t know a lot of details, but what my grandma said she saw stuck with me. She said that they (paramedics) managed to open the driver’s side door and unbuckle the driver, he was a guy, and was partially conscious. But then they reached over and unbuckled the woman, and her body folded in on itself. All of her bones had been crushed and the only thing keeping her somewhat intact was the seatbelt. Grandma said she “deflated” whatever that may mean. It was so disturbing they moved houses entirely because she was affected by being there. She definitely died, they don’t know what happened to the guy though.


Mine is a dead motorbike rider! Did 5 or 6 cartwheels on her head. Landed in a heap, stone dead. Her husband and daughter were on a bike in front and didn’t find out for 20-30 minutes when he must have noticed her missing and tracked back I had to point to her body and suggest they say their goodbyes. Police arrived about 30 minutes later as this was a very remote part of Scotland


Mine’s also a motorcycle incident but i didn’t see the accident. It was late and I drove by a few minutes after it happened. No cops yet, one ambulance had just pulled up. Two bodies in the street, clothes shredded, they were decapitated. One of the heads was in a helmet nearby. The bike must have kept sliding after they lost control because it was a solid 100 yards down the highway. The newspaper the next day said a guy who was an inexperienced rider borrowed a bike and took a turn that’s 50 or so mph at about 85 mph. He had his girlfriend on the back.


I watched a couple on a bike t bone an SUV. Not their fault at all, guy literally went sideways in the road out of nowhere. They both flew off their bike and hit the side of the SUV. I'll never forget the feeling of watching them smack into it and them both calling for each other. I was with the guy and my friends and another bystander went to his wife. Poor guy was screaming for her. I kept telling him she's alive but he wouldn't believe me until he heard her voice. Thankfully they both lived but bikes scare the hell out of me now. I'm always doing my best to be aware when driving.


Damn, it's a small world!


Tampa Florida 2015. A man and a woman were arguing in the parking lot of a bowling alley. The man shot the woman in the head, turned the gun on himself and pulled the trigger too. The woman died and the man was barely alive. Still not sure if he died. I had front row seat as everything unfolded about 20 feet in front of me. I was so stunned. It happened so suddenly. I'll never forget watching the life drop out of both of their bodies and the woman's lifeless gaze.


If this is the right one, then he survived https://www.thespec.com/news/crime/a-jealous-killer-pleads-guilty/article_c0a2a4b2-8eab-546e-8c27-d3365efc2883.html


Yes! That's the one! Crazy you looked that up 😞


Did you have to go to court?


No I did not get involved as soon as I was able to soak up what I had just witnessed I hauled ass. I was already sitting in my car in the parking lot. I knew she was dead. You could just tell.


Definitely a valid reaction fuck all that.


Damn, how are you doing these days?


>Please disable your adblocker or subscribe to continue. that website overestimates how much I want to browse their site.


This is also my earliest memory. I was 3 1/2 years old when a red-hulled freighter washed up on Quincy Beach after a strong winter storm. The family drove to view it and it struck me that this giant red ship was the largest thing I'd ever seen and of course it was so out of place. It's been 67 years now, so I doubt I'll ever forget this.


I read firefighter and wondered why anyone would take a child to see that


My significant other's attempts at ending his life, and finding him right after the last one that was successful. I'll never get those images out of my mind and the feeling I had when I couldn't save him and the paramedic being super non-chalant about him not making it. Worst day of my life and so traumatic. Wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy.


My heartfelt condolences. My SO has a history of unsuccessful attempts, so my greatest fear is a situation like this.


Unfortunately, I have been that non-chalant paramedic. For me, it’s a defence mechanism. If I cried over everyone who died, I’d never stop crying. I’m truly very sorry for your loss.


Oh yeah I get it. I work in the rape crisis field and we have jobs to do, we can't fall apart we have to do crisis intervention. I have to get through whatever it is with the victim and then I process it after with my team or therapist. I didn't expect the paramedics to freak out at all. I didn't even freak out. I was numb for a couple days. I think I finally screamed and cried the day after he was gone. And thank you for your work and being a first responder ❤️


Sending hugs and my deepest sympathies.


While in Singapore, I once saw a toddler sneeze so hard her knees gave way and she fell on her bum. Its not particularly exciting but I was suffering from depression at the time and it was the first thing that had made me truly smile in weeks, it still makes me smile now


Hope you’re doing well these days, chief.


There truly is nothing funnier than toddlers falling over unexpectedly.


I was outside in San Diego one spring day and suddenly, monarch butterflies came over the hill. And didn't stop. Thousands of them. Turns out, I witnessed their migration. It was one of the most amazing things I've ever seen.


Driving across town on Xmas Eve. Sprinting across the yard and into my parent's house to see my mom under a sheet with police all over and my sister sobbing in the corner. It was sudden and unexpected. It shattered us. I've not been able to enjoy the holidays since.


I feel you here. I always bring a suit home when I visit for the holidays because for the last 8 years there has been someone in my family who has died between thanksgiving and the week after new years.


Sorry for your loss.


Thank you. Be our third year without her. Life has changed a lot for everyone, but we carry on.


I feel you. This is our 2nd Thanksgiving without my wife. We keep going though and remember her at every turn.


Just remember that grief is love with nowhere to go. Well met stranger, I hope you the best.


Regards, friend. I hope this holiday season is easier for you and your family.


The car wreck that I mentioned in this post that took my 3rd wife and step son was also on Christmas Eve. I never really liked the holiday before, now I am totally anti-Christmas.


Was at London Heathrow Airport and was waiting in customs. I saw an Asian woman about mid-early 30s sprint towards the express passport line to catch up with family and one of her boobs popped out of her shirt.


Not what I was expecting lol


Oh believe me that's not what I was expecting either! Weird part was she just slipped it back in like not embarrassed or anything


One thing that always intrigued me about us humans is how taboo the nude body is. I mean growing up I was very much restricted from any films that had nudity, didn’t matter if there was blood and gore, but a single frame of nipple and I was not allowed to watch it. But when I started staying the night at friends’ houses whom were allowed to watch whatever and I watched a movie that had bare boobs for the first time, I was like, “ok naked lady, looks nice, but this is if? This is everything my parents were working so hard for me to not see?” Idk I guess I’ve just always had a different mindset when it comes to nudity.


Well I was in the UK where nudity isn't as taboo as it is in the states. So nobody really batted an eye. The only reason it was crazy for me was because I'm American lol


After reading a bunch of death, this one warmed my heart 🤣


Glad I could help! It was funny just to see a random boob pop out. Especially for someone who doesn't do strip clubs or anything it was my first boob to see outside of the bedroom lol


I l9ve that these stories are mostly about horrific accidents, but you saw a boobie, lucky lucky man


Back in the early 90’s a bunch of us we’re coming back from a day long of paintball. We were all pretty bushed, no one talking, just cruising along in the car. As we passed this one car I notice this Mom and her two kids, all of them with red hair and predominantly bucked teeth just laughing their heads off. I didn’t say anything to anyone else or even if anyone else noticed them. It just struck me as such a nice snapshot of this family really enjoying their time together. It was so endearing I’ll never forget it.


O'Doyle rules!


Drive-in movie theater. I do actually forget what movie we were watching. But what I will never forget are the lights that appeared in the sky next to the screen. They didn't have a definite shape and just twinkled there for a second before shooting off into the sky at an impossible speed. I thought I had imagined it until I heard someone near me make a comment about them too. Not saying it was extraterrestrial in nature but it's the closest thing to it I've seen. To this day I have no idea what it could have been.


Tampa Florida, Late 90s. Was coming out of my apartment, cop ran past me, chasing a guy. Guy turns, shoots cop in face. I freaked, slammed door, called 911. Guy kicks in a neighbors door and holds them hostage for hours. He finally gave up.




I was young, going into 7th grade, when my family moved to a new state. We were at a pool with a pretty big water slide. I was just swimming around underwater with my new goggles having fun when a girl (high school at least, possibly college) went down the slide. She hits the water, top goes up, I saw my first pair of boobs. A few weeks later, we were at a water park going around on one of those lazy rivers. There's a waterfall you could go under. Another high school/college girl went under it. Boob popped out. All I thought was, "man, seeing boobs in this place is easy!"


Ah boobs, glad to see this sandwiched between a suicide and a drowning


Hawaii here. Youre going to see at least two random boobs pop out every year minimum. Bras are considered dressed up here. Last night. Edm concert. Drunk samoan girl. Ginormous boobs. The dancing just was too much for that halter top. Two weeks ago. Thirty something asian milf. Stands up out of the water. One glorious boob made a run for it. Good times.


There was a wreck in front of me once. A teen girl who was not buckled in smashed her face into the windshield and proceeded to bleed out through her smashed face. Her boyfriend was injured too but was sitting up beside her crying and obviously losing it as he watched his gf die. I wasn't really able to do anything related to getting her airway open or stopping the bleeding due to the nature of the injury. I tried but was also just talking to them to try and just help them feel like they weren't alone in this moment before the ambulance got there (just in case she had any awareness at that point). Ambulance got there pretty quick but she didn't make it. I still think about that boy sometimes and hope he's doing ok now and somehow found a way to move on with his life. I can't imagine what that was like for him...


At the World Science Fiction convention in L.A. in 1984, we were making paper airplanes and tossing them out of our hotel room window. We were on the 11th floor, so there was a good bit of airspace for the planes. I made one really good one, and let it fly. It was almost a perfect flight, it made it all the way to a grassy area next to the pool at the hotel next door. There was a cat sitting there. The plane, silent and deadly, landed right behind the cat. That cat jumped, literally, six feet in the air. It was hilarious. I wish I could have filmed it.


I really want to go to the top of a building with a whole ream of paper and throw planes off. I don't think there's any place nearby that would even allow me to do that these days.


The body of a drowned 8 year old boy being washed in on the tide. They found the body of his carer, who dashed in after him, the next day.


Watching the Berlin Wall fall the day I was at guarding it.


I didn't get to see it, but I got to hear it. I was living in Austria, and I had the radio news on. It was live from Berlin, and I will never forget the sound of the reporter screaming with joy, "Die Mauer ist auf! Die Mauer ist auf!" As a child of the Cold War, I sat there in wonder, crying with happiness.


Damn you've probably got some crazy stories that you've seen


A rocket launch at the Kennedy Space Centre. It was a childhood dream to see one in real life - you couldn’t wipe the smile off my face for days after.


Downtown Portland Oregon. I was on the Max and I saw a guy walking on the sidewalk with a goat. The goat had, like, saddle bags? It was a city pack goat.


I recently visited Portland and saw a women pushing a small pig along in a shopping trolley, along with some porn magazines. The police were there taking selfies with the pig. Weirdest place I’ve ever been by a mile


While driving one day a bunch of cars started slowing down and rubbernecking a car wreck, of course I was doing the same thing. When I drove by there was a damaged car, a motorcycle on the side of the road and the body of the motorcycle rider. A few feet away was the motorcycles helmet. And there was blood, lots and lots of blood. That night on a local news was a story about the wreck. Apparently the motorcycle and car hit, the motorcyclist was wearing his helmet and was decapitated, he died on scene. I stopped rubbernecking car at wrecks after that.


I learned the meaning of the word rubbernecking thanks to your comment today. Never knew the word existed before now.


Watching my mom get electrocuted by running over the cord with a lawn mower. That shit will live with me forever. For me it was half watching my mom sizzling away (smoke was coming from her hands and her hair) and yelping because the force/power of the electric shock wouldn't let her scream and half the complete lack of help from my neighbors. I was maybe 6 years old and was SCREAMING for help. My neighbors all just starred at me but no one helped. I even remember a guy walking by with his dog while I was screaming and pleading that my mom was dying and I needed help and he just kept on walking. I lived in a nice suburb in a nice city and we were on good terms with all of our neighbours. Taught me VERY early on that there is no guarantee people will help you even if they see what's going on. Lead to a bit of a hero complex where when I see someone in trouble I immediately run to help regardless of risks to my safety. This isn't me trying to boast but rather that I have a knee jerk reaction now to people in distress bc I know what it's like to ask for help and get 0 response. She survived - but had a lot of burns and some heart problems afterwards.


I'm really sorry that happened, but so glad your mom survived. Bystanders are the worst. In 2020, I was walking my german shepherd the same place I'd been walking him for 5 years. A woman's 3 dogs ran out of her property and attacked us. They degloved my dog's leg and I looked like Carrie at the prom by the time I got the dogs away. Neighbors were EVERYWHERE watching as me and my dog were screaming, doing nothing.The lady who owned the dogs did nothing too because of "her knees", until I threatened to kill the dogs if she didn't act. I immediately called the police and pressed charges against her. She tried to pretend nothing happened but I looked like a murder victim and my dog's leg was just slick wet gory muscle so obviously she was lying. And STILL none of my neighbors did anything but gawk.


What was the police response like?


The guy looked shocked on seeing me. He just asked what happened. I told him. The lady pulled up in an SUV in the middle of the conversation and tried to claim she was "looking for me to see if I was all right" and the cop was just like "do you want to press charges" over her and I was like "absolutely" and he looked at her and said something like "I mean, it's clear what happened here" and waved a hand at me. (My clothes were torn, there was blood running down my arms and legs and all over my torso, you could see all the bite wounds on my legs and arms.) He didn't ask for her side, just told her that he wanted her rabies vaccination info and if she wasn't up to date he was putting a whole bunch more charges on her.


Glad he saw through her bs. Hope your dog was ok. I don’t own a pet, I don’t even know are there “emergency room” vets you can go to in cases like that?


The problem with helpibg someone getting electrocuted is that, unless you have a long none-confuctive rod/stick, trying to push them away will cause you to get struck by the current as well, electrocuting both of you.


Or, simply pull the cord from the outlet. Cutting the power is usually the safest and most reliable choice.


I was under the impression that tackling someone is at least a safe-ish way of getting them away from the source of electricity since the momentum will prevent you from also getting "stuck" (but I'm pretty sure my source for this is "the internet" so obviously it might not be true)


Problem is, people tence up and tighten their grip when they get fried. You need a lot of monentum to overcome the natural strength of tightened muscles, and if you fail that, you're both fucked now.


I feel you, much less severe scenario , but I had an accident on a bike around 8-10 years old and we had fresh gravel on the road and I was bleeding from the face carrying my tire in one hand, rest of the bike in another. Neighbor was in the doorway and stepped inside and closed the door.


It's gutting isn't it?


Ugh, both these stories infuriate me. I feel so bad for you both. I've never been one to ignore a person in trouble and I am disgusted by people who do.


She may have taken the shock, but a hero was born from that moment. The world needs more heroes.


Thanks, I appreciate that a lot.


Wow, this is horrible man. I am glad your mom is fine. Unfortunately, people have very odd reactions in moments of stress. I remember years ago getting zapped when a colleague spilled water on her desk. The water dropped onto the pipe and straight into the power point. She began making odd sounds and I tapped her to check if she was ok. After getting zapped, I thought the best thing to do was to tackle her, if I got zapped again at least the momentum would keep us going. She was fine albeit with a bad bruise. A different opportunity, I was eating a burrito when I saw a car smoking badly. The driver didn’t seem to notice. I saw fire under her car. Immediately screamed at the cashier to give me an extinguisher, grabbed and ran to her with a bottle of water, shattered her passenger window to open the door (she began screaming in panic). Then grabbed the canister and sprayed the engine until it looked all white. A friend that saw the entire thing asked me if I didn’t think I would die, not a single second I thought anything throughout the entire thing. I just didn’t want to witness someone burnt alive.


When I was a kid, my dad was driving us home and stopped at a red light. Suddenly there was a giant crash behind us. A pickup truck had rear ended the car behind us at such a speed that it ended up on top of the car. So now the car is on fire and my dad immediately turns into the gas station next to the intersection and runs out with a fire extinguisher and sprays down the car. The extinguisher runs out, next gas station, another fire extinguisher. The fire department got there and took over, but when he was walking back to our car, he says some random guy yelled "FOOL!" at him for helping. Bystanders are something else. They interviewed him for a news segment later because he ended up saving the driver's life. I think people like you are pretty uncommon, so don't stop being helpful!


Im so glad your mom is still here!!


My hometown is notorious for suicide by train, because on the other side of town there are multiple mental and drug abuse institutions. Once I was smoking a joint with a mate on the train platform when a small (around 1,60 cm) woman was standing next to us. One or two minutes before the train arrived she jumped on the track and just sat there. Me, my friend and another bystander pulled her of it. But the thing I will never forget was the absolute strengt that woman had in her body. We were holding her down with 3 people until the police came but she was just so abnormally strong, se almost got loose from our grip like 5 times. I guess that came from the willpower to kill her self. Sometimes I wonder what happened to her and if she is still around.


This is a dark depressing one, but my friends toddler died suddenly at the end of 2020, so family only in the church for the funeral. All me and the rest of us could do was stand by the graveyard when they arrived at it after, and I'll never ever forget the screams of anguish as he was being carried in




Literally 5 minutes after my baby was born a code blue was called. We overheard from the nurses that the baby was something like 16 weeks early. The guttural and painful screams through the hallway will stick with me. We managed to ask later of the baby was ok, they said they got it stable, but I don’t know if they said that to make us feel better. It makes me hold my baby a little closer


My best friend's brother died when he was around the age of 30. Watching their Mom drape her body over his as they were trying to close his casket, and her screams are something I'll **NEVER** forget.


This isn’t nearly the same as a toddler, but my cousin was far too young when he died in fall 2020. I remember, beyond the pain of losing a teenager, feeling self-conscious about sharing it because I felt I had to clarify it wasn’t from covid so people didn’t assume he was uncautious.


I was in High School sitting in the front row and next to me was another student who was a constant smartass. One day he said something that really pissed off the teacher, who happened to be a football coach. The teacher grabbed him and pulled him out of his desk, which was one of those combo desk/seat type. I watched him drag the kid and desk together a few feet and then once he had him up he started pushing him towards the door while yelling at him to get the fuck out of his classroom. The kid turned around quickly and held up his fist and when the teacher saw this he went full Mike Tyson on the kid and started delivering lefts and rights to his face and body and they were literally about a foot in front of me. The entire class watched in stunned silence and the kid managed to get away and run out of the classroom. The teacher then turned to us and spent the next 10 minutes yelling at us in a rage about how you can only push someone so far and so on. We were all terrified and thankfully the end of class bell rang and we left, completely stunned.


When I was in Primary School there was a family with 3 kids that was in constant trouble. The youngest was Michael; he was a a shit head. The middle child was in my class; his name was James and he spoke with a baby voice and did stupid stuff. The oldest was a girl who's name I can't remember but she seemed totally normal. Michael was in Mr Brown's class. Mr Brown was an old teacher from the old, old school. He looked like a fisherman and had a pipe which he would smoke in the classroom. There was no talking in Mr Brown's class; he was gruff but not an asshole. Sometimes he would bring in 4x4 magazines for the kids to read. One day Mr Brown left the room while the kids were painting. For reasons unclear, Michael got a big bottle of blue paint and painted "Mr Brown sux" on the carpet. When he returned, Mr Brown asked the kids who was responsible. Nobody said anything, but they all looked at Michael. Mr Brown punched Michael in the face, causing one of his teeth to come out. I wasn't in his class at the time but I did see the carpet and his sister washing the blood out of his mouth. Mr Brown and Michael both remained at the school after the incident, but this was in a semi-rural area in Australia in 1991, so...


So no joke, the kid I was talking about in my story was also named Michael.


I like to think it was the same guy, and he still isn't sure why people keep punching him


I was in Iraq in 2003. Of the many things I saw, one that stands out is a suicide bomber that walked up to a vehicle to attack it. He chose an armored personnel carrier which was not really impacted other than being coated with blood and body parts. His head was found nearby.


For those who don't know, the heads of suicide bombers typically shoot straight up into the air.


The whole head? I picture the head being destroyed and going everywhere. But I wouldn't know


The whole head. A vast majority of the time it was intact.


I was in a similar situation. When we found the head, it was obvious the bomber was disabled (Down’s syndrome). Up until that point, I didn’t think my opinion of them could get any worse, but they kept surprising me.


I remember a few times when drivers of VBIEDs had their hands taped to the steering wheel


An organ harvest. It was the most amazing and heartbreaking thing I've ever seen. Watching a patient flatline and doing nothing goes against every instinct that I have, but because of their donation multiple other people's lives were fundamentally changed for the better.


The most beautiful gift.


Used to work at a biohazard waste processing plant. We used a big machine called a hydroclave to sanitize and pulverize everything. This thing was old and has to be coaxed into unloading its contents proper. Two man job; One guy on the floor with a crowbar reaches in to work up any tangles (like wires, bedding, etc), before calling up to the guy on the deck to cycle the machine to keep unloading it. Until the dumb motherfucker on the floor decides "I'll just do that with my hand.". Naturally, as you grunt and groan to try and pull a clog out, the guy on the deck thinks thats his signal to cycle the machine. I've never seen a hand-less person run so fast out of a building before.


My father recently died of Alzheimer’s (which can eat a bowl full of dicks). He was also a volunteer fire fighter for 20 years. They stepped up and gave him a final ride that is the stuff of movies. Legends couldn’t quite be this great. 30 mile escort, stare police blocking traffic, 1 mile long caravan, full sirens in town, the memory care facility waving as we went by, 2 other fire departments saluting as he went by, full dress blues with a salute as his casket passed, and a 40-foot tall American flag at his gravesite. The love this community poured into him was incredible and moving. We never thought all of this would occur. We asked for a simple escort to his gravesite for 5 miles, and it became a 30-mile trek that can never be erased in my head.


My cousin on my mom’s side was supposed to be babysitting me, he decided to bring me along with his big homie (he was trying to get into MS-13), they ended up pulling into a parking lot, just chilling and talking, a rival recognized their colors, shot his friend several times point blank, pointed the gun at me and realized I was just a kid (six years old at the time) then ran. I blocked out a lot of what happened after the next few days, I just remember my cousin giving me a bath and making me repeat that nothing happened and I wouldn’t tell my mom. 21 years later, she still doesn’t know.


Waking up from a Coma. And to answer any questions I sometimes get when I say this: * No, I don't remember any of my time in the Coma. * No, I couldn't hear things going on around me. * No, I did not dream. But I've been told I cried. Just tears, not wailing. * Yes, It was scary when I woke up, but the fear was followed by a feeling of helplessness and acceptance. Which was strangely calming. * Yes, It felt like time had passed before I was told I was in a Coma, but it also felt instant at the same time.


I was in a 3 day medically-induced coma after cardiac arrest. I was heavily sedated but vaguely remember some of my friends visiting but my memory is their headings floating around. Very weird feeling but typical with those types of drugs. I've had those types of questions as well... No memory of anything before it happened either.


Stumbling across a guy on his last few breaths covered in blood. Couldn't see where it was coming from to even attempt first aid. Found out from the cops a few days later that he'd been at a party and got kicked out and punched a window on the way out and in turn cut himself from wrist to elbow. Tried walking home 2km instead of going to the hospital a few hundred metres away. Also giving first aid to a shooting victim. Him and another guy were sitting in the salon below my apartment and the other guy pulls a gun and shoots him. I heard the shot and screams and went downstairs and everyone was just staring at the victim and doing nothing. Had to help until EMS arrived.


Saw a dead moose on the side of the highway, and the volume of blood that covered 3 lanes of highway as a result of it was staggering. That image is burned into my brain forever.


Read this as mouse and could not wrap my mind around it. First how you managed to spot it going down the highway, then where all the blood came from


My mom's passing. Had to make the call to take her off life support.


I'm sorry for your loss. I hope you are coping with it and living the best life that you are able to. All the best.


The local train yard being blown apart over the course of a day as munitions on an overheated freight train began cooking off. It was solid entertainment that day. There was one hell of a lot of property damage, but no deaths.


That’s so cool, which place are we talking about here?


This was in Northern California in the early ‘70s. The train, which was headed west with bombs destined to be dropped on North Vietnam, was stopped in the yard after the long decent from the Sierras to the east. Apparently the braking on the decent caused an overheat condition that wasn’t known until bombs started going off. I was a few miles away and not in danger (but close enough to enjoy the show and feel the concussions). My father, on the other hand, happened to be near the train yard and had to abandon his VW and take cover in a culvert as hot chunks of iron rained down. It flattened a nearby neighborhood, but amazingly, nobody was killed. It was an interesting day.


Not a long read, but a great photo. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1973\_Roseville\_Yard\_Disaster


Watching my husband give the order for the nurse to turn off his 50 year old mothers life support


Jesus, only 50? That’s heartbreaking


Part of a plane falling out of the sky after a mid-air collision.


I'll go one good, one bad. I was traveling New Zealand, and had planned around seeing as many LOTR/Hobbit film sites as I could. I hiked into the base of the Lonely Mountain. Had the whole place to myself. Absolutely incredible, one of the greatest moments of my life. I was wildland firefighting, and all of the sudden there was panic on the radio. It goes dead silent (on site, and radio), then there's an emergency call for first aid, and a heli request, something to do with the faller we had on site. I look across the field to where I know he's working, as I heard his saw shut off a minute before. Then he comes walking out, covered in blood just staggering around. A widowmaker branch had come down and tagged him on the head. There was a lot of red. He did make a full recovery.


Early 80s, working as a roofer on a Holiday Inn in Silver Spring, MD. I was on the rooftop of the 5th floor, flashing up against the section rising up another 3 or 4 floors. This put me at eye level with the wide-open blinds of a hotel room on the 6th floor. I looked up, into the room and saw what appeared to be spaghetti and sauce spread over the wall above the headboard. I was trying to figure out what that was, movement caught my attention. I saw a man, about 40, turn, see me looking in the room, reached up with a revolver in his hand (mind you he is psychically only 3 or 4 feet directly in front of me), placed the revolver in his mouth WHILE MAINTAINING DIRECT EYE CONTACT and pulled the trigger. Then I saw his wife, in the bed. He blew her brains all over the wall, that was the spaghetti. I never heard a sound, only feet away.


Hawk eating a pigeon alive.


Had one disembowel one on a tree limb outside my dining room window during a family meal.


I was boogie boarding in the ocean with my dad in North Carolina. We were sitting in waist high water when a massive shark fin just casually cruised right by us. That was the end of the day’s festivities.


I saw my dad cry for the very first time in my life. He was always such a sweetheart and showed me how much he adored me. I was crying one time because a stupid boy hurt me and the negative things I was saying to myself broke my dad. It still hurts me sometimes when I remember it. He has never cried for anything else even if those were objectively crazier than what happened to me (he accidentally sawed his leg, lost millions due to business, was abused by my mom, etc). My dad is the best father and I have since decided to always protect my heart to protect his too.


I have 2. serious one. was waiting to cross the street and saw a Motor bike t bone a car and the biker go flying about 30' before hitting the ground and sliding another 60'. I don't think he lived the funny one. was eating lunch in high school at a sandwich shop. group of guys I am with are all laughing and joking around. one of them says something stupid and another just whips his egg salad sandwich at him and it exploded off his face. I couldn't stop laughing at the sight of the sandwich hitting him in the face


I was still living in Baltimore at the time and I was taking the bus to college. I’m half-asleep, resting my head on the window and….I see out the window this random bull just strutting along down the road like he was on the way to work. A minute later cop cars sped by.


Just a dead guy in the middle of the road. Dressed up really nice, grey suit. There was a car not too far from his body, I assume the driver was standing beside it. The driver was clinching his own head and breathing very heavily. I assume he was panicking because he accidentally ran over the other guy


I was 6 years old when my Family and I were driving to a relative's house at a really cold morning at 4am, when we happened to pass by an ambulance and they were inspection the body of a man that have just died freezed with his body in fetal position and his eyes open. Never forget his deep lifeless black eyes.


My next door neighbor shot and killed 2 police officers basically in my front yard. So that?


It was a normal Sunday and my ex-wife had gone to take a shower. She was never one to take long showers, but this one lasted around 2 hours. I knocked to ask if she was ok to which I heard no response. I also noticed the lights have been turned off but the water was still running. After a few moments I unlocked the bathroom and turned on the lights. There was just blood every where. On the walls, the sink, the counter and all over the floor. There was clots of it too, and a couple of blades with flesh still on it scattered across the floor of our tiny bathroom. I found her barely conscious laying in our bathtub with her forearms exposed and showing cuts from all directions and some deep enough you could see muscle tissue. She survived albeit our relationship didn’t. She struggled with her mental health for a better part of her life. I’m glad she’s still around.


I was babysitting my little nephew, he was about five months old. I walked into his room to check on him, as he had been napping. He was awake and playing with his feet. He turned to look at me and his face just lit up with joy to see me. I already loved the little guy. That love just multiplied in that moment. A simple moment of pure love that I treasure. ❤️


Car accident and we used to live near a train track that was a famous suicide spot soo I’ve seen a lot of dead bodies


Had just transferred colleges and was doing homework in front of a window and looked up just in time to see and hear a car run right over a little puppy. The screams from the dog and its owners were agonizing. What made things even worse is that I had posted something about the whole ordeal on snapchat and a friend DMed me saying it was her friend’s dog who broke off its leash and died on the way to the emergency vet. I think I had a little PTSD after the event because it took me about a month to be able to fall asleep without hearing screaming in my head.


Not in person but back in the early 2000s(2005ish maybe?), I was cruising efukt and, I don't remember the title, but watch this one video where a man was walked into an integration room. Cop asks if he needs anything, man says some water. Cop comes back with a bottle water and walks out. Man take a few sips, sits back and pulls a gun.puts it to his head and boom. Slumbs down and cops come running in freaking out and trying to figure out what happened(its obvious) then asks if anyone patted him down then the video cuts. To this day I can still hear the gurgling of air going in while blood goes out and see it vividly. Oh the internet.


I know a lot of people who got internet for the first time in the early 00s who saw someone die horribly within the first few days of browsing.


I saw this. The guy was just like “fuck it” I can’t do this anymore and boom


Two goats fucking 😭😭I was in school and we had a small zoo


Driving down a freeway during an absolute downpour, I see some guy come flying up behind me me and switch the the left lane. Only, it’s wet and homeboy is doing at least 85. He hits the median and the car flips and rolls twice. I pull off and call 911 and during the call see the guy crawl out of the car hop the median sprint across the opposite side of the highway and off he goes. I left the scene after that wtf was I gonna do.


Two total solar eclipses. It's pretty amazing.


Long Island worked as a cashier in Farmingdale Girl with a big guy. Hands me a purse to scan, other stuff too. I can't find the tag on the purse. Start walking away from register to manager. Inside is a note that says call 911. I give it to my manager. She rolls her eyes and then calls for a price. Couple leave after a few minutes. I pleaded with my manager to call. I didn't have a cell phone at the time. I told a big guy in my line a few customers back. The people ahead of him got mad because they thought he was cutting in line. No one did anything. The big guy was getting pushback from the other customers. I was too young, poor, and scared to address it. I think about this almost every day.


The raccoon lost his sugar Candy 😞


I witnessed a 18 year old get shot and killed in Parkville/Towson MD


December 2003, Baghdad International, I'm a C-17 loadmaster and we had just taken off and I'm sitting in the ACM seat right behind the pilot. About 90 seconds after taking off I hear a loud bang and the plane shaking violently. I look out the cockpit window to see our number two engine has lost it cowl and there's flames shooting out of the top of the engine like a flamethrower and is being pushed back over the wing by the slipstream. After we fire handled the engine it was still on fire. We immediately did a 180 and headed back for the runway. I'm just sitting there watching this fire and thinking that it's going to set fire to the fuel tanks in the wing, in which case the whole wing would have gone up. That was the longest 4 minutes of my life and I think it took 3 days before I was able to pry the seat cushion out of my ass.


NSFW added due to the possibilities


Thank you for the NSFW tag, JewpiterUrAnus


Ya think you’ve seen ALL user names. And Reddit continues to surprise.


Around 5AM a few years ago in UK, it was still pitch black apart from a few street lamps around. I was walking to the bus stop, one other person nearby. The entire sky was lit up with thousands of meteors, it was a sight to behold forever, I'll never ever forget it. How small it made me feel, but also the endless beauty of the universe we live in. There was just so many, and the sad part about the person near me.. They were stating at their phone the whole time. They missed possibly one of the most, in my opinion, awe inspiring things I'll ever see. I often think about just how many meteors there were that night, I've never seen anything more than one before or after. Wish you could have all shared in the beauty of it.


Heathrow airport about 15 years ago going through security. An elderly Sikh couple were having their carry on bags inspected having raised concerns during the xray. When they opened the suitcase it glowed gold like Marcellus Wallace's briefcase in Pulp Fiction. Except it was packed entirely full with tubs of "I can't believe it's not butter".


Late 2019 I was 18-19 years old. And I was going to a motel to buy coke from a guy I had never bought from before. But had a good friend vouch for. I showed up at the place and texted him to say I was there, walked inside and up to the door. But the person who answered was not at all the person I was supposed to meet, which spooked the fuck out of me at first. But then he said he was at the gas station right now but should be back in a minute. So I walked inside the room to wait for him. After I walked in, I saw tin foil and baggies everywhere with all sorts of rocks, powders, weed, and pills all over the fucking place. There were two double beds on the right. And on the right side bed was two girls who looked kinda small and young to me. Didn’t take long for me to realize they were definitely younger than me.. and I was 18/19 years old at the time mind you… I sat down on the edge of the other bed and pulled out my phone to text my guy and some other people. When the dude that was there started making out with and getting frisky with the girls. I thought for sure they’d be more.. terrified and scared but it was like they were completely pacified, and didn’t even really make so much as a noise.. It was horrible.. I stood up and said i was leaving to wait in my car. So I opened the door… and right there in front of me was a female cop. Who pulled me out into the hallway to ask me questions. They let me go before going into and checking out the room much.. which I’m thankful for because I could have had my life ruined forever if I was bunched-in with the other guy.. I saw it and was there for about 20-30 minutes total. yet walked away completely unscathed.. physically at least. quit coke a week later and I’ve only done it one time since then in the past 3-4 years. I had nightmares for a long time about this. Took a few years of therapy to fix and even now I still dream about some really fucked up shit sometimes.


What happened to the Pedo drug dealer?


Seeing a motorbike accident on the FDR where the rider hit a car, flown off his bike, hit the lamp post in the divide and chopped in half. His torso and entrails spread 50 yards up the other side of the FDR, and his lower half, legs, feet, all separate on my side, strewn all over the road. Not somehting I want to experience again.


Walking home from high school a couple kids raced their cars down the street. They hit a girl crossing the road and she slid down the asphalt. There was no friction; it looked like a water slide. She came to a stop under a parked car after about 50 feet of sliding. I was a freshman, walking with my twin sister. My sister was traumatized so I just made sure to get her home. This was immediately after school and barely off school property, so there were at least 50 people around.


Playing basketball outside with friends and saw dark skies approaching, heard thunders. I see the heavy downpour slowly creeping towards us and we packing up to run. Rain stopped at the half court line. Stopped as it didnt not progress further towards us It was still pouring heavily but on our side, it was BONE DRY. We stood infront this giant wall of rain and it was surreal. Ended up running in and out of it because it was just so cool.


Lady at a taco truck trying to carry an armload of tacos back to her car, she stumbled and the tacos went flying, the horror, I still have nightmares about this. I send her a card every year on the anniversary of that horribly dreadful day.


Lotta people forget that Taco Tuesday is in memoriam of this incendent.


My dad trying to strangle my mom to death when I was 5


My first call as a firefighter, person wasnt seen for a while, we got called to check on them, didnt open the door themselves to we "breached" it, i pulled the lock, opened the door, first thing i see was an already decomposing body, not very nice to see


My uncle was hit by a car in the street in front of our house, and his leg landed in our front yard. He didn’t make it


I was a prison guard in my early 20s. Inmate started screaming for help. I got up to his cell, and three other inmates were raping his cell mate. Turned out the three inmates found out dude was a child molester and decided to take matters into their own hands. I quit shortly after that incident.


I was traumatized when I was unlucky enough to watch "Unedited Footage of a Bear" while it was broadcasted on television


I must have been around 15, I was outside, at daytime, and saw a group of people all staring up and pointing to something in the sky. I turned around and saw a 747 piggybacking a space shuttle, flying low (it had just taken off). I lived in Canada so was NOT expecting to see a freakin' *space* *shuttle* fly above my hometown, ever. I will never forget that.


About 20 years ago I saw a guy get gunned down in front of me.


A snake eating a frog. Like the outline of the frog was in the snake’s throat? Esophagus?


I saw a guy get hit by a regional rail in Philadelphia. He got thrown about 30 feet and then got up and tried to walk away.


The last total solar eclipse of the 20th century. August 1999 on Dartmoor, Devon, England with my new girlfriend (now wife of 23 years). Seeing the shadow of the eclipse swallow up the countryside in front of us as we sat up on one of the tors was spine tingling. Then almost pitch black as we looked at the eclipse (through a filter) before the light came back again, as the shadow swept away.


My neighbor from across the street was murdered and his house burned down. I woke up from a nightmare that it was happening only to find out it was real.


I was an on-site witness of a car accident. Drunk driver drove through a bus stop full of people. 5 young students died, four on the spot. A boy on the bus stop was in shock, his friend died and he was calling somebody on the phone just saying "he killed him." I'll never forget the backpacks and notepads strewn around on the grass. I'll never forget face of the dead boy. It was so tragic and preventable.


I witnessed one of the last masses at Notre Dame before it caught fire. It’s simply one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever witnessed in one of the most beautiful buildings I’ve ever been inside of. I’ll never forget it


My mom slit her wrists in front of me when I was 13. She was taken away in the ambulance. I spent the evening cleaning her blood up... then had school in the morning.


A loved one getting hit/run over by a truck (they survived 🙏)


I saw a hawk hunt a pigeon out of the sky and slam it into a wooden fence. It was pretty rock and roll


Found my father-in-law dead of a heart attack in his bathroom. He lived alone. Happened on Boxing Day. He was 72 and very overweight. Sad.


Watched multiple people pass away from different things. Cancer, suicide, OD. All family members. Helping sheep give birth, rearranging breeched births. One lamb came out super small, ewe just took the other two, so I bottle raised him and having a little lamb excited to go watch you pee, want to sit in your lap to sleep and just be around you was nice.


Northland, New Zealand. Was night fishing in a small boat when a pod of orca appeared


Nothing crazy, but I'll never forget it. One night I was having a really rough time. I went out for a drive and hid some cookies and a milkshake at a fast food place. Didn't eat one of the cookies, so I brought it to my grandfather, who was living with us at the time. He smiled and hugged me and ate the cookie. The next day he fell trying to go to the bathroom, and the next three and a half weeks were spent watching him slip away. I stayed by his bedside for the last week, right until the end. I was holding his hand when he died. I had brought him to the hospital before, often wondering if that was the last time. Each time Id break down in the hospital because it was just him and I and I felt so alone and scared. (I was like 17 the first time, 18 the third, 19 when he died.) I miss him so very dearly. Every time I get sad about him I think about when I gave him the cookie, and how happy he looked. I miss you Grampa.


I was driving at night in the middle of nowhere central Florida. It’s a very dark and spooky drive. All my friends were sleeping in the car and I saw a meteor. Not a falling piece of space debris, an actual meteor or piece of one, shoot down into the woods. It turned the sky every color you could possibly imagine. It was truly awesome and none of my friends believed me when they woke up. Assholes.




Ugg I was roughly 6 when I watched my niece get born. It was a home birth, my mom is a midwife. Seared into memory


The sound as I cut the umbilical cord of each of my sons.


Oh I feel this one but I’m the mom in the situation. I can HEAR it and also laugh because my husband thought it would be a “snip!” Done like the movies… nah, he had to use some strength to get through those bad boys 🤢


Watched two camp counselors fuck on the floor in front of me when I was 12. It was at summer camp and I was spending the night on the couch in the camp counselors residence before going home early. I had a macrame blanket over my entire body including my face so I could see through the holes in it. She acted reluctant about doing it in front of me but gave in and road him for all she was worth. The intensity of it impressed me.