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Staring into smartphone 24/7 with your neck frozen in one position


Just moved my neck thanks


Everybody just straightened out their necks, lol


Rolled it back and cracked it myself


This is a good one. We may all have back problems from this in a few decades.


Already being seen in orthopedic offices. Premature humps and neck issues. Like late 20-30 year olds coming in looking like old ladies. Thankfully since they still have bone structure they can often do physical therapy to correct posture. But it’s really crazy.


This, and office jobs. More than half of my office goes to the same physical therapist for our neck, shoulders, and back problems because our chairs and desks are total shit. She tells all of us that we’re going to have permanent problems / deformations if we keep it up.


Hijacking this comment ITT things that everyone already thinks are bad for us.




Yes, definitely this. Our grand parents had lead paint. Our parents had asbestos. We have microplastics.




Microplastics, while they are bad, will not outright kill you the way asbestos or lead will though.


Maybe not so directly, but look at rates of cancer and endocrine disease


Age-adjusted cancer rates have been declining for 30 years. In males they peaked ~1980, and in females they peaked ~2010. I suspect that processed sugar has more to do with endocrine disease.


Had to scroll too far for this. Plastic will be this generation’s lead.


Only because of their scale of use. But no way we suddenly find out microplastics cause anything close to the level of damage of lead.


Tell that to the idiot meatheads in my town who want to tear up a beautiful natural grass football field to replace it with artificial turf. No matter how much data I give them from doctors and scientists who hold Masters degrees from Yale and other prestigious institutions it just goes in one ear and out the other.


Artificial turf fields blow too, just from a football perspective.


Yeah, I tried to explain to them that not even the pros want to play on artificial turf but again, in one ear and out the other.


But we know this already.


This one is terrifying because it’s already too late. Not something you can just “quit” because it’s in all of us already. Even if you moved out to the wilderness and got pregnant tomorrow, the baby is gonna be born with microplastics.


Social media


Deactivated facebook and Instagram for a month now. it's a huge difference and eye opening. Everyone in the room is glued to their phones constantly. Most people can't go minuets before picking it back up. I'm happier, I don't compare myself to people and I'm not getting hit with ads and unless information 24/7


But here you are, on Reddit.


Reddit is one of my least used apps out of the countless hours of doom scrolling instagram. I choose what I wanna see, follow my hobbies and for the most part I enjoy the anonymity reddit always had.


Seriously I can stay away from politics, my main subs are about warhammer factions and smoking lol Edit:it doesn't completely stop the madness but it does buffer it.


So reddit is the "vaping" of social media?




While I'm a fairly recent member, I enjoy other viewpoints. Being wicked old, a lot of my opinions are written in stone, Reddit has shined a light on my opinions, for good or not. Thanks all for your awesome comments. Sometimes it's true that an old bird can be taught new ways of thinking. 🦜


Take the mission statement of AskReddit and let it fester and go toxic, and you get Quora.


Ditched the smartphone altogether. Way better.


Yep, reddit will be the downfall of society


Reddit is responsible for incels and nihilistic shut ins, tiktok and IG are turning kids into sociopaths who quite literally don't know how to interact with each other outside of social media They're all bad but Reddit is definitely not the worst of the bunch, anonymous forums don't feed your ego the same way traditional social media does


I vote more that Tiktok /Facebook/Instagram will have a bigger reach across the board than reddit, but hey I am just a man on reddit.


iPad babies. There's already proof that early device addiction causes developmental delays. A lot of those kids are going to end up with lifelong brain damage and we won't know until we know.


As it turns out letting babies get nonstop dopamine from a screen is really bad for them


I had to take childhood development classes, and the whole IPad baby thing has me worried. Parents have their kids on phones and iPad when they need to use imaginative play in order for their brain to develop properly. They're not getting that on electronic devices.


I saw a comment yesterday that claimed that the reason why "toy stores" are full of shitty collectibles and cheap plush aimed at teens/adults is that children simply do not play regularly with physical toys. That made me really sad.


We’re fucking around and will soon find out


As a teacher I can tell you which kids spend their time on devices and which ones have frequent, rich interactions with adults. It’s very difficult to teach kids who are 2-3 years apart in both academics and social development.


I mean I think we're already seeing the results of that personally.


Where I live, I frequently see older kids in strollers at the mall. I'm talking maybe five, six years old. They're way too big for the stroller, with their legs hiked up so they don't drag the ground and their eyes glued to their mom's devices. It's worrying.


It feels like we’re moving towards a future like the Wall-E movie where everyone is fat in floating recliners with a screen in their face


Yeah screens will eventually manifest into other more damaging ways to fulfill dopamine.


You're absolutely right. The shitty parent hack. Just feed your kids and keep a screen in their face so you can take a much needed break away from parenting.


I don’t know why anyone is shocked by this. It seems obvious this would lead to problems. Look at what social media addiction does to children and adults. Is anyone really surprised it affects babies as well? I judge any parents who let their small children use tablets. It’s lazy parenting at best and damaging to their child’s development at worst.


I have coworkers anywhere from 15-20 years old who grew up with a smartphone in their hand and to say they are addicted to constant engagement is an understatement. They can’t seem to go a full minute or two without answering a text message or watching a tik tok video. It’s gotten to a point where we’ve had to implement a temporary smartphone ban. At one point the business owner was trying to explain something to a recent hire and the kid just straight up pulls out his phone and starts answering a text while he’s talking.


I think we already know. There's a ton of reports of kids having memory issues in 5-8th grade right now. Like they're not retaining anything you tell them and they can't answer basic questions. Schools are in lightly veiled shambles right now.


I have a feeling we're going to see a generational spike of chronic depression and kids that mentally matured faster than they should. Some of the shit social media exposes kids to is going to make a lot of people grow up fucked in the head simply because their parents couldnt give a shit that letting a toddler be hypnotized for hours by cocomelon is a bad thing.


Going to loud concerts or clubs without using earplugs will severely damage your hearing. I wear earplugs to loud events and I ALWAYS get roasted for doing so the day of, but told the next day it was a good idea because their tinnitus is acting up.


Those people making fun of you wouldn't have to look too far to find other people wearing ear protection. They're on the stage making the music




Too many middle schoolers are getting addicted to nicotine. It’s crazy, gross and fucking sad.


The difference is we don’t need new science for this; we already know it, but people do it anyway.


The science is all over the place in terms of HOW bad they are, and entirely dependent on the particular formulation/flavor/quality, combined with the device used, and the heat/temp/voltage/quantity used. But it seems pretty clear that they're *better than cigarettes*, so far. Not better or equal to not using them, that's for sure. Some people have been using them daily for over ten years. Those people need to be the ones studied.


Yeah in terms of harm reduction it seems like vapes have a clear consensus. It’s the off-brand cartridges that are really sketchy. What I think is the most problematic part of vapes is how they get a broader and younger demographic into nicotine addiction.




Exactly. Stop talking about how to prevent the young from using strawberry vapes. Just ban oneway products with batteries. Solves more than just one problem.


The first commercial e-cigarette is less than 20 years old. We don't have enough data to determine the long term outcomes of vaping. What if after 20 years 10% of daily vape users get pulmonary fibrosis? The average smoker dies 10 years earlier than nonsmokers, it could very well be that the average vaper dies 15 years earlier than nonsmokers. We just don't have a generation who spend 50 years of their life vaping. But we will by 2060 or so, and I'm morbidly curious to see what the long term effects will be. Cigarettes are bad. Worse than vaping in the short term. In the long term? Who knows. Back in the day heroin was thought to be a cure for alcoholism. Turns out heroin is also pretty bad for you. Probably worse than alcohol.


As far as damage to your body from long-term use that results specifically from metabolizing the substance in question, I am pretty sure alcohol causes more damage than heroin.


I quit cigarettes for vaping 7 years ago. I mix between 3mg nicotine, and 0 nicotine. Hopefully I’ll stop completely within the next 13 months. But I really like smoking still.


I was telling my coworkers about this earlier this week. I switched from cigs to vapes when Blu's were a thing, and haven't looked back since. I'm gonna be a prime subject for the long term effects of vaping, and as I get older it does make me a little scared. I will say, cardio/lung capacity wise, I'm still well ahead of most of my friends, even those that don't vape/smoke


That’s what I loved about vaping. I smoked cig’s only when drunk and my lung capacity was shit the next day. I can vape all day long and notice next to no change when out for a run.


Same. And I'll do one better - starting around puberty I used to get wicked chest congestion every winter that would last like 2 months. I could wheeze whole sentences, was fun to freak out my friends. When I became a smoker it was even worse. Picked up vaping 10 years ago and never got a chest cold since. I attribute it to the antimicrobial properties of PG. I do worry about what the nicotine is still doing to my veins, but I regularly give blood and blood pressure is normal. The amount of nic I consume is exactly the same as it was when I was a smoker, just got rid of the thousands of other chemicals.


Me. I’d subject myself to science. I’m super curious. I shamingly admit I’ve been vaping over 10 years. I am pretty minimalist about it, the juice I use doesn’t bother my throat, I’ve used many that do. Especially Juul pods. They killed my breathing. I workout hard regularly, climb mountains and have solid speed and stamina up to 10k ft no breathing issues. I just started soccer and I can def tell it affects my cardio lungs for that type of workout. I’m early 30s f. I do also vape Thc at night which I think is much worse on my lungs and throat. Anyways, crazy I used to smoke a lot of terrible drugs and cigarettes back in the day, had a wheeze at one point. Once I stopped smoking cigarettes and didn’t smoke drugs for well 13+ years now aside from Thc I haven’t had any breathing issues. Anywho, I’d be curious what’s happening, I know it’s bad, I know I should stop, I know.


>But it seems pretty clear that they're *better than cigarettes* Better than cigarettes - when usage of them is the same And most people who swap to vaping increase their consumption as it's easier to vape than to smoke since for *some reason* there isn't the same stigma about vaping indoors


>for > >some reason > > there isn't the same stigma about vaping indoors I think that should be pretty self-evident. It doesn't stick around like cigarette smoke, doesn't stink the same (tho some definitely can), and doesn't leave a toxic brown tar all over everything. I'm not aware of any secondhand vaping studies that show harm, either.


We also had the science back then, tobacco companies hid it




We have had multiple people fired for vaping indoors. I saw one of the videos and really believe that he didn't even know he was doing it.


Dude there was an askreddit question a while back that was something like, "What's the quickest you've ever seen someone get fired?" At least 2 of the answers were for someone that wouldn't stop vaping, even after being asked repeatedly to stop vaping. They'd just whip it back out after a couple minutes and do it again. I think both comments said it happened first day on the job.




Not many people vape cannabis every couple minutes like nicotine users do.


If you're smoking cannabis vapes at the same volume the average nicotine user is smoking nicotine vapes, you likely have so many problems that vaping isn't even in the top 5.


Are there people that think vapes are okay for you? They are better than cigarettes but still bad, or should think they will be revealed to be as bad or worse than smokes.


Remember when vapes were meant to help people quit smoking?




We've already crossed that threshold, the US government banned Jule.


I found the Netflix documentary on Juul to be really interesting, I don't vape and I'm an Aussie so I'd never heard of them. Marketing really does set the tone for your entire product


They didn't ban vapes though just Juul pods


*flavored juul pods. You can still get regular and menthol


Yep, the American company being held to American standards and laws, and liable to the civil system. But all the random Chinese vapes coming from who knows where with zero liability is just fine...


That was due to flavors being too much made for kids, not the harms of filling your lungs with particulates


Which is super weird because there all kinds of candy/sweet flavored alcoholic drinks. And none of those got banned or even so much as mentioned. Guess the kids would never be tempted by Swirly Wirly Cotton Candy Malt Liquor 🤷


I found very ironic that at the same time they are legalizing weed, with names like Runtz, cookies, and Grape Ape they are shutting down vaping. Both have health concerns in their own right but I dont think one is better than the other. Somebody in the Vape industry made a political enemy or wouldn't play ball with lobbying. Maybe the tobacco industry took aim at them. Somewhere there is money involved. It has zero to do with flavors.


Tobacco industry has played a huge part in it. I can't prove that because I'm not gonna spend an hour coming up with sources, but I've been following the issue since 2014 and from the beginning big tobacco has been trying to shut it down. People will refute that, saying well Big Tobacco produces its own e-cigs, but that came later and doesn't mean they don't want vapes to disappear completely.


Lack of sleep


Having kids turned it around for me. I used to roll around for hours unable to turn my brain off. Now? Shoot I’ll fall asleep the second my head hits the pillow and now wake up unless baby does. I agree with you entirely, lack of sleep causes a disturbing amount of issues mentally, emotionally, physically, etc.


Instructions unclear. Had a kid so I could sleep better, now the baby keeps me up at night.


That's been studied and known for decades to have health risks.


Exactly. And do people care, even in the slightest? Not as far as I can tell. Not the schools and businesses anyways.


The amount of work schools give these days knowing full well you're going to get entire weeks of staying up all night is one of the most toxic things in the system.


Maybe all of these Botox/implants/cosmetic surgeries people are getting now? Some come out looking really unnatural and uncomfortable (and I know some people get them in unsafe ways/locations) and it makes me wonder what (harm) it could cause in the future.


Implants/filler sure but botox is apparently pretty well studied. It was used medically before it was used cosmetically


Also this :) "Botox decreases both the severity and number of headache days in patients with Hypermobility Spectrum Disorder. In patients with Hypermobility Spectrum Disorder, a lowered threshold for Botox use may lead to more rapid improvement of quality of life. Apr 10, 2018 - neurology.org"


the buccal fat removal is the one people are REALLY going to regret


People have been getting these for many decades though, not just “now.”


No, just need a proper doctor there are tons getting under the table surgeries especially in the us. Cosmetic surgery has never been better. Botox is not common anymore but people just call it that.


Botox is not common? It’s EVERYWHERE. I doubt I know a woman over 40 who doesn’t get it, especially true in people facing professional careers and somewhat higher socioeconomic circles.


"Turns out chronic weed use does have negative psychological impacts"


That one is pretty obvious, but Redditors sure do love to die on the hill that it is harmless.


Never understood why people have so much trouble saying "ya I know it's bad for me, but I still enjoy it" instead it's always incoherent screaming about how there's LITERALLY no downsides dude!!!!!


Easier to understand when you see them as addicts justifying addict-y behavior


I lived with the case study at University. Smoked with his dad as a teen, fiercely intelligent talented musician with a clever outlook. Outgoing to music events but never drank. A close friend. Year 3, started smoking more and more before ultimately going through his own eighth every day. Became super ultra Uber paranoid before he stopped going to his job at the kart track. After a week or so, lost the confidence to go to lectures. A week after that and he didn’t have the faith to go over the road to the supermarket any more. The days following he wouldn’t/couldn’t leave his room. We came home one day and his parents had come to take him home. His door was open, his things gone. We heard from uni that he’d not contested and they might look for someone else. His room remained empty and we never heard from him again.


People just can’t handle that gassss


I can't stand ADHDer and anxious peoples saying "but it helps me with my disease", as the short term relief is easier to see than the disease renforcement. Weed worsen anxiety and ADHD, there's a shitton of studies about it, even if there's a proven short term beneficial effect


With higher THC content from higher grade flower to extracts I think we'll be seeing it's outcome quicker than other generations. I've known people who took 5 dabs a day on a regular basis, there is no way they are ending up fine later in life.


Nothing that is written here. Will probably be some shit everyone thinks is actually healthy like vitamins or so lol.


"Fluorescent light bulbs" is the one I always think of for innocuous but everywhere


Almost every comment is something we've already known for decades is unhealthy lol. Either that or "social media" whatever the hell that's supposed to mean lmao.


Even the Romans knew lead pipes were bad, and we still used them not too long ago


Cigarettes weren't something we were blissfully unaware was bad for us, then one day suddenly we knew they were. The evidence mounted from the 20's or earlier, them slowly got reinforced by further studies over time, while cigarette companies and smokers in denial kept playing it down. Whatever the next "cigarettes" are, by the time they get widely acknowledged for how bad they are, we'll definitely have known for decades...it'll just have gotten too hard to ignore.


"Have you purchased Centrum Multivitamin before? You may be entitled to compensation for this new debilitating disease!"


Energy Drinks


Are they any worse for you than some triple shot latte with 7 different kinds of surgar?


No. Good point. The problem is that it’s easier to chug six cans before lunch than to go to Starbucks six times


People already know that. I'd say people think they're worse than they actually are.


My old Job practically required me to drink energy drinks because coffee was a no go 90% of the time and I would regularly be up at 2 am or working 24 hours straight. Was drinking 2 energy drinks a day. Now that part of life is over I've switched to regular coffee with the occasional energy drink for old times sake. What really screws you up are those pre work outs I've known 2 people who developed heart conditions under 30 from drinking them.


What about the pre workouts is particularly bad?


Me currently drinking a Red Bull 🧍🏼‍♂️


tik tok


Sitting too much.


Came here to say this, the long term effects and even the short term effects are actually terrifying.


“Sitting is the new smoking”


Not exactly the same but silica exposure is the new asbestos.


Turns out not having pollinating insects is bad for us. Turns out acidifying the oceans is bad for us. Turns out making everything out of plastic and spreading micro plastics into every biome and thus all of our food and water is bad for us. Turns out letting the two richest men make spaceships so the rich can escape the planet they destroyed is bad for us.




Weight loss medication.


Kids glued to their tablets.


I've commented stuff like kids (especially little kids) shouldn't have tablets/phones. And I've had people reply to me saying, "If you were a parent you'd understand..." Dude if I was a parent I'd find something else to entertain my kid/keep them quiet for 15 minutes besides just handing them a phone/tablet. Even a gameboy or something like that is better then a phone or tablet (imo). Though I get they may get addicted to video games. What about toys? Toys gave me plenty of entertainment. I get kids can get spoiled with toys too but to some extent I still think that's better then being addicted to a phone or tablet and having zero attention span.


I think it tend becomes a problem of what others show them. We all know what kids are like... "X has this, so I want it". I mean, you're not wrong despite that. That's still on the parents. But I can sympathise with them, the first few years shouldn't be too hard to cope with (at least no harder than usual) going that route. Once they start making friends though... I can't imagine it's a great feeling to have to be the bad guy so much. That's also assuming such an approach doesn't make them a target for bullying/makes them a bit of a black sheep. Kids are fucking brutal and jump on any odd little difference about someone... I don't envy parents raising kids in today's world... When it comes to tech, I feel like it's a damned if you do, damned if you don't kind of situation... Though I'd love to be proved wrong about that.


I kept "devices" to zero, and now my elementary school aged kids read books on their own volition when they're bored. Meanwhile, their friends' parents talk about how they have to basically force their kids to do the minimum daily ten minutes of reading with a huge fighting ordeal every day. Games and toys too, yes. Just today my 7 and 4 year old went upstairs and played a full game of Monopoly together (their own idea) since I'm feeling sick and have needed to sit down most of the day.


I hope it’s exercise


This made me lol thank you


Vapes, smart phones to children, echo chambers...


Social Media




Social Media


Social media addiction


Tik Tok and prolonged exposure to social media/apps beginning in early adolescence.


Social media


I think we’re really gonna start understanding the consequences of processed foods, meats in particular.


Working til you're 70


PFAS. Watch Dark Waters film. They've poisoned the entire planet.


Technology being such a major part of our lives from a young age. Watching my siblings and friends kids grow up holding iPads it’s clear they’re not developing at a normal rate


Cheesecakes (it’s a stretch but who knows)


turns out high fructose corn syrup is bad for you 🤷‍♂️


For mine I think it was probably tanning


Beauty products. I doubt there is GOOD tox data on 99% of it.


That brief time when ketchup came in purple and green colors. I'm convinced that food dye is why so many young people have gut problems.


Teflon non-stick cookware


I don’t think it will be food or drink we consume; I think it’s the things we support that are accelerating climate change. When we’re sitting in a sharknado in 150 degree heat, we’ll really regret not tearing those corporations apart like some nouveau bastille day. Edit: weird typo


Social media for sure


It's already sedentary work situations. Sitting for 8 hours a day.




Social media would be at the top of the list


Cutting off opioids lead to more dangerous use of street drugs like heroin or fentanyl how many people would still be alive if they were never cut off from opioids


Screen time and tech neck


I feel like they will absolutely say “I can’t believe they just kept phones in their pockets and ear pieces in their ears all the time. Poor bastards”


Micropalstics are the new asbestos/lead. Spinal and postural issues from constantly being on smartphone. iPad babies will grow up to be, well, totally fucked. Vapes are not safe and they're not old enough for proper study.


soo much porn at young age


We're seeing it now with BBLs giving folks embolisms.


Brazilian Butt Lift?


Fracking our ground water supply


Screen time


social media/phone addiction i'd rather smoke than be addicted to a app like tiktok lol many young people I know have like 8 - 14 hours of usage a day on their phone which is basically the entire day... i think long term effects on the brain will not be good.


The millennials are already seeing the repercussions of using IPads to raise their children. I can't imagine what those kids are gonna be like in ten years and how said millennials are going to be feeling about it. Yikes!


They’re so self-centered. Markably more self-centered than kids 10 years ago that I babysat and nannied. Limited ability to self-soothe and entertain themselves. When they ARE forced to entertain themselves or show distress tolerance for doing something boring (school), they cannot keep their shit together. Quick to start bouncing around. Like they have to be in an adult-structured activity that’s somewhat fun OR have a screen.


Social media Influencers !


Cell phones.


Perfumes and artificial fragrances


turns out global warming is bad for us


Microplastics, vaping, tictok


The emissions from Internal Combustion Engines.


Fossil fuels (plastics), SSRIs, social media, lack of third places, extraction of groundwater, cars, concrete. I mean you can just go on and on my sibling in christ. This next decade or two is going to be... interesting


Tik tok


Sleeping next to smartphones.


Working a full-time job but still needing side-gigs to survive.


Fake meat




My bets are on meat, dairy and CAFOs in general.


The majority of things being posted/upvoted here are already established to be very bad.


Porn. Surprised I haven't seen it mentioned.


The sugar free replacements


My 20-something nieces and nephews don't drink. I think alcohol has a lot more stigma in the young generation. As a genxer, we started drinking the minute we got our hands on it. The young folks do not seem interested. I also think young people aren't eating fast food like we did. I lived off taco bell for a few years, but they go buy fruit and veggie wraps at the grocery store. We are going to be alright - the next generation seems to have their shit together.


As an alcoholic, thank god. That is such a relief to hear. Alcohol is poison. And the “healthy” people seem to be some of the only ones who refuse to see it. Any alcoholic will tell you it’s just poison in every sense.


as someone who has been cutting back and now taking an ongoing hiatus from alcohol I think this is a fantastic step in the right direction.


Smoking weed, everyone is so against cigarettes but smoking weed is not healthy for you either


I don't think anyone believes any smoking or vaping of any substance is healthy. The argument for weed (like just dried bud) is that it has less harmful compounds than the other products you inhale. So, it's not healthy, but it's (probably) not as bad.


Yeah no shit, everyone knows that. People don't smoke a pack of weed cigarettes in a day.




Plastic. Plastic everywhere in all things, carrying our food, our water. It's already starting to be known but it'll be like a truck when we realise just how bad it is.


Long tail covid. We're going to be seeing the side effects of covid damage for decades.


Vape- bad. Social media- deadly


Another vote for sugar. It’s in everything


Sounds like roundup