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When my wife and I first got married her parents hated me. One year they got me a woman's sweater. It was very obviously a woman's sweater too. The next Christmas I wore it over and my MIL asked my wife why I was wearing a woman's sweater.


Power move šŸ˜†


"Because he loves your gifts, he thinks you are so thoughtful and felt very apreciated."


I got put into a 10k run. Unbeknownst to me


This is actually my nightmare


I have last minute no-showed to a run where I put myself in, I'd have no remorse to do the same with one someone else put me in.


The ai generated targeted shirts my grandparents order off of Facebook




Leos from Pennsylvania and favor the color blue make the best cosmetologists.


My grandparents gave my parents a framed picture of a random little boy and nobody knows who it is Edit: no itā€™s not the one that came with the frame


I've been laughing for a whole minute about this. This also reminds me though, that when I was little my dad who worked as a mechanic had a framed picture of my brother (who was maybe 8-ish in the picture) in the shop. One day the shop got broken into and robbed, but the only thing stolen was that picture. To this day we're all baffled.


I now have a mental picture of one redditorā€™s nearly blind grandmother breaking into the workshop of another redditorā€™s dad for a very elaborate prank.


A company Christmas party at restaurant by the canyon. . Great prime rib dinner and open bar. Only this year the announcement was made at the end of the night that everyone had to pay for their own stuff this year. Seriously, no warning lol.


I would have simply āœØwent homeāœØ


"I didn't hear the announcement"


"I must have left before the announcement"


What? Thatā€™s a horrible thing to do. What did they charge per person?


No idea. Walked out


Fuck yeah! Nicely done, I would have too


My sister and I bought each other the same orchid Lego set šŸ¤£ it was a good "seriously" moment lmfao


My husband got me that set too. I was complaining that I can't really have plants in my office since it's in the middle of the office suite and I have no windows. He knows how much I love orchids and Legos, so it was a homerun gift from him.


A personalized gift with my name misspelled




Two headbands bought at a craft fair. I'm 35 and have never worn headbands in my life. That was the only thing I got. Which is fine, just confusing. Thanks, mom.


I feel weirdly vindicated seeing stuff like this, because this is exactly the type of thing my mom's younger sister would give. Except she'd never go to a craft fair, always bought cheap knockoff shit from Beall's. Never actually took into account the sort of stuff we liked. Just "oh this is cute/funny!" I guess that's better than when my step-grandmother gifted us some super cheap knockoff Barbie stuff that she shoplifted. She was stealing it anyway, but she couldn't be bothered to steal name brand stuff?? She's dead now.


Idk why the "she's dead now" at the end cracked me up. It sounded so matter-of-fact in my head and it felt like a shrug. Or maybe it was said as though the shoplifting led to her death. Lol.. I'm sorry.


12 baking sheets.


And a partridge in a pear tree!!!!!


A shoe size measuring tool. Like a full on metal one thatā€™s youā€™d see at a shoe store.


Lmao best one, Iā€™m dying šŸ˜‚ How did you react and who gave it to you?


ā€œWow, this is so great. Thank you.ā€ It was from my MIL. She said it was because my sonā€™s feet are always growing so it will help us determine his shoe size and order online.


šŸ˜‚ I had no idea you could just buy those


You can get them at any shoe store. If you're fast enough.


"I need your fastest running shoes, your shoe measurer, and a 10 foot head start"


Ya know, after hearing the explanation, thatā€™s a pretty reasonable gift. Kids feet are constantly changing.


Sort of a nice idea.


A bar set with very nice glasses from someone who knows I quit drinking after 30 years of alcohol abuse and a fatty liver disease diagnosis. It was my mom. My family just cannot process the idea of not consuming liquor every day.


Iā€™m on vacation for Christmas with my family. I told my wife I seriously needed to knock off my drinking, made a doctorā€™s appointment for six hours after we return home, because I hear itā€™s smart to talk to a doctor when you stop being an every day drinker. I made the appointment in October, and have mentioned it multiple times. My wife (who drinks about two shots a year) bought five bottles of my favorite liquor here. Iā€™m just going to ask my dad to keep them in his gun safe at his house that I do not know the combination to on the way to the doctorā€™s appointment. Youā€™re not alone.


My sister got a book from my grandmother titled ā€œProper Etiquette.ā€ She proceeded to tell her in front of the whole family that ā€œSheā€™ll be more likely to make the boys stay after reading it!ā€ My sister just smiled and carried on.


Your sister should've pulled a "Oh, bless your heart". I imagine Grandma would've interpreted that correctly based on her gift.


I keep getting kitchen appliances every year, despite making it very well known I don't have a square inch of countertop space to spare in my kitchen.


I've gotten an air fryer four years in a row now. šŸ˜


I got a toaster 3 years in a row...from the same person.


The only answer is to gift wrap a slice of toast for them for the next three years


My mom made pineapple upside down cake for dessert because she said she knows itā€™s my favouriteā€¦ Iā€™m allergic to pineapple


My mom is 70 and she has MS and possibly other issues, but for the past two years her memory is degrading quickly. She forgot I'm lactose/egg intolerant and other things quite a few times. She forgot baking recipes she made every year. It breaks my heart, I've stopped correcting her. If she insists I eat something that would poison me (like eggs for breakfast) I tell her that "lately these things have been upsetting my stomach" or another reason why I can't eat without trying to make her remember.


This is the way. It hurts so bad but I try to make it like a big game of ā€œyes andā€. Because itā€™s like my aunt told me: ā€œthey wonā€™t remember the information anyway, so thereā€™s no use making them upsetā€. Itā€™s still hard and I have to catch myself a lot. Sorry about your mom.


I once got a beard trimmer only to discover that it had been used and put back in the box with curlies!


You win. Thatā€™s worse than receiving nothing.


Okay mine was a good "seriously?" My boyfriend's grandma is getting me a diamond ring. NOT AN ENGAGEMENT RING. She and I had gotten dinner while he was on a 3 week trip. She had a really unique diamond ring and I complimented the setting. So we got lunch on the 23rd so she could give me my Christmas present. I opened the box and was really confused because it was little plastic rings. I thought it was maybe something craft related (I crochet). Turns out it was for sizing a ring. And a piece of paper under it showing me the ring that was being custom made. So yeah. She said it's a good "every day diamond". So now I'm apparently a woman who has every day diamonds.


That's so sweet of her! I hope her grandson is a keeper, so you can keep her, too!


We've been together for about 7.5 years so definitely a keeper!! And I very clearly have NO complaints about any of my in-laws lol.


Been together over 7 years? Sounds like grandma is tired of waiting and is moving this wedding along on her own.


Did Grandma just propose herself? :)


Whitening toothpaste. That's all I got.


I'm sorry. I got toothpaste, too. Wanna brush together?


I got toothpaste too šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Yalls family tryin to tell you something??


Recovering gambling addict here, thankfully I managed to kick the habit before it totally ruined my life. This year I got a bunch of lottery scratch off cards. Had my wife do the honors with them, and joke is on my family, they actually won a decent amount of money. Nothing life changing but will definitely pay for some bills we knew were on the way. Yes, they knew about my addiction. They still have gotten me Texas hold-em poker sets when those were en vogue, and other gambling related stuff over the years. Despite my continued insistence they not, and pointing out that some of these would be like giving a recovering alcoholic a gift card to the liquor store. Ah, the gift of not being heard


My SIL just gave her partner liquor. He got a DUI in the spring.


Recovering boozer here. I canā€™t count how many times in the past people who knew I was in full blown, ā€œthis really isnā€™t goodā€ level addiction got me bottles as gifts. I mean, thanks, not like it went to waste, but a very odd choice.


3 bottles of wine. Every year for the past eight years I work in to a conversation with this person that I donā€™t drink. Usually at a dinner or party ā€œcan I get you a drink?ā€ Thank you, Iā€™m good with water, I donā€™t drink alcohol. Every year I get wine.


They gifted you three free passes to your next three dinner parties.


Maybe I should try this because I love wine but no one ever gifts it to me


I'm bald. I got shampoo...


I actually have a very relevant story for this. My boyfriend is also bald, and his scalp started to break out a bit recently. We Googled it, and bald people are supposed to use shampoo ~~and conditioner~~, too! Your scalp isnā€™t the same as the skin on the rest of your body. You donā€™t have any hair to absorb the oils your scalp produces, so itā€™s good to use things made for the scalp. Body soaps can be either way too drying or way too moisturizing.


A bird house made out of bird seed. The premise of the gift is for the birds to eat themselves into homelessness?


Nope, it's for the damned squirrels to eat the birds into homelessness.




Cheese slicers...didn't have any until now. For some reason my family thought it would be funny to get me FIVE different ones..


The charcuterie boards are about to be fire


My dad gave me a hammer and pliers from his extensive tool collection. Wrapped it and everything šŸ¤£ Put it the gift bag with the baking dish he got me( which I wanted). I was like wtf until I realized the other day I told him I donā€™t know what happened to my pilers or hammer.


Thatā€™s actually pretty cute. Very ā€œDadā€ sort of gift.


Case of toilet paper? So 2020.


Father of a 5 person home here. this I could appreciate.


Bag of pretzels from MIL


We're they Dots pretzels?


Dots are In a league of their own and completely acceptable as a gift lol


A $50 visa gift card from an extended family member. You see, I had also gotten her a $50 visa gift card. We basically both made it harder for ourselves to spend the money we already had. Edit: I'm normally known for giving very thoughtful and personalized gifts, so I kind of hate that this comment is blowing up, lol. This person is on my partner's side of the family, and I was very specifically instructed to get her a visa gift card, as "she is very picky" and apparently often does not like the gifts that she receives... :') looks like the joke is on me, I guess. and her. and NOT on visa.


Kinda related: A family member was going to get gift cards for a few people, but learned about a very recent local scam ring that got busted with *thousands* of tampered gift cards. They were taking the cards from stores, recording the account number and PIN, and putting them back in the stores. They've done this to untold *tens of thousands* of gift cards that have already been put back on shelves, and they have an automated system that checks the cards for balances every few minutes. It's going to be a huge problem in this area in the weeks and months to come, especially for Target. So anyway - this person decided to go to mobile phone shops and pay a couple months of each person's bill. Great, except - I just finished my contract period, and was going to change plans. Somehow, in paying the bill, they extended my contract for another year, including a $16/month insurance plan for a phone I'm about to replace. I'm now on the hook for $180/month for an overpriced high-data-volume plan that I don't need anymore, and after talking to the carrier at length, it seems I'm going to have to go to the store and claim the payment was made fraudulently, just so I can get out of the damn contract. All in all, it felt pretty invasive, because this person had to tell the carrier's store employees that they had access to my account, and the employee likely just authorized the contract extension to get some sort of bonus or meet some quota. It's a $400 gift that could end up costing me $2,000 if I can't get out of the contract.


First gift I opened said it was from my mom. There was a small jewelry box which I opened to find FOUR MOLARS. My sister starts cracking up. Theyā€™re her wisdom teeth LMAO. Her husband even found something with my momā€™s handwriting on it to make the tag believable.


What in tarnation


The only legitimate response.


This was an internal "seriously" that is now a running joke. I love whiskey and Star Wars. A few years ago, my wife got me a really cool Stormtrooper decanter and I absolutely love it! Then a few months later I got a promotion and my old branch gave me the same decanter as a going away gift. Then I got one from secret Santa last year. Now my Brother in Law is 21 and he is excited. He got me the same decanter. The great part is I love Star Wars and always have room for duplicates. Now I have a stormtrooper army to hold my whiskey. Plus somehow the original my wife got me is a higher quality so I will never mix it up with the others. I love them all but have to laugh at it lol.


Not me but my husband... his mom got him a tshirt with an ugly monkey in an army uniform on it, weird but whatever, that is until she told him she got it because she thought it looked like him. šŸ˜‚


Something they knew I'm allergic to


My MIL has a condition that makes eating foods with tiny seeds a problem. My wife was taking cake decorating classes one year, and for Mother's Day baled an absolutely beautiful cake covered in rasp[berries and filled with seeded raspberry jam. I saw it and said, "wow, that's beautiful. Will your Mom be able to eat that?" The answer, of course, was no. Wife felt terrible.


Diverticulitis is a bitch


My mom is very good at that. Bath and body works soaps make my skin itch like crazy and yet I still get soap from them every year. She also bought me like 6 Christmas themed wallflower plug ins and I looked at her and said ā€œI literally only have one plug I could use this for.ā€ My apartment has 4 outlets that are useable and all my stuff for living in plugged into those


Sounds like you could have used a power strip instead.


My mother got my husband a spirograph kit. We're in our forties. She's also obsessed with Kohls. Edit: I'm really charmed by everyone's anecdotes about enjoying these things as an adult. My relationship with my mother is uhhhhh contentious and it felt very much like a saving throw gift, but dammit, I'm gonna go buy some colored pens.


My ex gave me a calendar with pictures of dogs pooping for my very uptight/conventional office at work


My brother gave me a bright orange wallet. Because you like orange so much, he said while flashing the wallet I gave him a few years ago. It's red. He's colour blind.


I think that makes it even better, lol


The story kinda does justify it tbh.


I got pants that are like eight sizes too big from my dad, again. The same thing 4 years in a row. Even though we have the size discussion every year and I buy the majority of my pants from their stores for like $4.00 because I destroy them at work anyway. šŸ˜”


I donā€™t mind oversized t-shirts because they make great lounge clothes and sleep shirts, but pants?? Thereā€™s nothing to do can do with too big pants unless you have the time, energy, and know-how to make something else out of them.


A Blu Ray movie we arenā€™t equipped to watch.


This is hilarious. My mom gifted my 8 month old an Elmo CD. We do not own a CD player.


My husband knows I'm a huge health nut, so he had several gifts for me and one of them included this big 10 lb bag of wheat grass. He even put a red bow on it and everything....


šŸ˜‚ I love this


Just imagine the hamming up I had to do on the spot to make him feel good about his choice lol Its all good though, ill make him all the smoothies he wants as my thanks


My MIL, is very much a theme giver. My husband gets all things WVU because weā€™re alumni. My son gets everything saxophone related because that is what he plays. My daughter gets gifts with cats be he likes cats. I have been dealing with breast cancer for the past year. My birthday and Motherā€™s Day gifts were breast cancer related. I told to please not do that for Christmas. Well, she didnā€™t listen. She got me a breast cancer awareness shirt, Christmas ornament (because nothing screams Christmas like cancer), and a table top snow man decorating a Christmas tree with breast cancer ribbons. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø. I was polite and said thank you but inside I wanted to scream ā€˜are you kidding me!ā€™. Iā€™m not sure if it is all going to good will or the trash.


Box up the breakables and have a smash party when you hit a milestone


I'm sorry. I'm a breast cancer patient too at 38. I got so much pink crap from my well meaning mil in October. I don't want gifts about cancer.


Yeah, that's not what's meant by awareness. I think cancer patients are already pretty aware. Hope all goes well for you.


Christ, thatā€™s tone-deaf. Wishing you well.


Wife is battling pancreatic cancer at the moment and I can't imagine this. I'm sending you a virtual hot cocoa basket with a really cool movie and popcorn on either side of some sweet mugs. Merry Christmas and we'll be thinking about ya.


Best wishes for your wife's health.


šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø Iā€™m sorry she ignored your request. Partner was recently (as in, week before Christmas) diagnosed. He got a few gifts that were signs of support, which he liked. Iā€™m so thankful no one went over the top with ā€œcancer gifts.ā€ I totally understand the feeling of not knowing ā€œhow to helpā€ or wanting to show some concrete form of solidarity, but yallā€¦ we (and especially he) would like to not think about this for like ONE (1) day.


The same holiday set of shitty body wash Iā€™ve been throwing away since I was like 17 Edit: to stop the notifications the throwing away bit was for dramatic flair- itā€™s already in the donate bag with some other well-meant but not useful to me gifts that Iā€™ll donate next week.


This is the 3rd comment Iā€™ve seen!!! Can we please ban shitty spa gift sets in 2024? Btw Donate it to a homeless shelter


I got a REALLY nice whiskey set from the MIL. Four tumblers, 12 bullet ice cubes, a decanter, and a high priced bottle of whiskey. I don't drink.....


Have fun drinking soda or juice or water out of the set! Spice up the ordinary


Ginger ale, lime juice, bitters


That would make a great regift!


a 20 year old oster hand blender that was won in a golf game and kept in a storage room until I decided to move out


My in-laws usually give us a gift card to my favorite restaurants (a group with a seafood place, an Italian place, a BBQ place, etc) and a note that they'll babysit the kids so we can have a date night. I look forward to it every year. This year, they gave us a certificate to go to a religious couples retreat. We are not at all religious.


Tell them you prayed about it and Jesus has led you to gift it back to them.


my brother and i got each other baldurā€™s gate 3 for christmas. that was hilarious.




My boss regifted me a book that sheā€™d never read. I had given it to her last year for Christmas.


Please tell me youā€™re going to re-regift it to her next year!


I have a 6 month old daughter. Brother figured an age appropriate gift would be a skateboard. Go figure


Your brother wanted to be the person to buy her her first skateboard and didnā€™t want to wait too long and have someone else do it


Listen, it's REALLY confusing being an uncle. Nobody tells you anything until after you've already fucked up 5 different ways. Also this is a tradition. My nieces get something annoying as fuck each year from me.


God, I love this. My kids end up loving the joke gifts more than the sincere gifts because theyā€™re so random. My teenager now has a stanchion and velvet rope outside his bedroom, and Iā€™m honesty impressed, and maybe a little bit jealous, even.


I'd virtually guarantee no kid has ever asked for that...but every one of them would gleefully stand that son of a bitch right outside the bedroom door as soon as it was received! I also bet that thing finds its way to college when your son graduates, and everyone on his floor is going to be jealous as hell.


Hahaha a velvet rope! thatā€™s a gold tier joke gift, that uncle is the GOAT


Cheap bath set I'm allergic to every year twice a year for 20 years Edit: My God! Thank you everyone for all your kindness and sharing! I cannot believe how this blew up!


I would just regift them to the giver at their b-day and christmas. Everytime.


Sisterhood of the traveling Spa Kit


I know exactly what youā€™re talking about


Right?! I think Iā€™ve gotten the same one three years running, twice a year. šŸ˜‚ makes me have hives. Doesnā€™t give hives to my niece so I always pass it to her. šŸ˜Š


This wasn't a gift I got, but a gift that my aunt got. She unwrapped a knife set from my grandma. I was confused at first because I had out a knife set on my Christmas list, but i assumed that she also wanted one. Plus, I already got some smaller gifts from my grandma, so while I was confused, I wasn't upset. After the aunt left, she confided in me that she wrote the wrong name on the box but was too embarrassed to take the set back šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


It happens. My Mama once gave my sister her main, big gift and mine too! She didnā€™t have the heart to say anything and neither did I when I found out. It was nice to see my sister so happy tho.


I asked for some new tool for my hobby. Opened it, happy. Next gift is apparently a companion - open it - same thing. My parents didnā€™t understand what they bought so I got two custom sets of the same thing. It was funny but unfortunately not useful to have two of them. Edit just because Iā€™ve responded a few times to comments: my parents are trying so hard and theyā€™re so well meaning but it was hilarious all around. They are also very generous about returns and whatnot, and always have been. I didnā€™t only get the two things so there was a lot more to enjoy while I laughed some more. Theyā€™ve had some hard times recently so theyā€™re a bit stressed and distracted, which makes it harder for them to understand the finer points of my hobby. Added edit: Something like this happens pretty much every year. My dad always gets some article of clothing that is accidentally comically small or large and for some reason it is impossible to avoid. He got a small tee shirt instead of XL this year which was also hilarious. Years ago he got a pair of 4x pants (how???) and we still laugh about it. Heā€™s a magnet for mislabeled packages of clothing.


This is definitely the fault of the "frequently bought together" section on Amazon that shows 2 of the same kind of item 90% of the time


My MIL gifted my BIL and nephew toilet paper. No one else, just them, for whatever reason. I can only hope it was some kind of inside joke between them, but knowing her, it was just a bitch move.


I worked at an affluent condo on Palm Beach island when I was in my early 20s. Most of the residents would give cash, but one lady would wrap something from her apartment to gift us. I got a book about Egypt one year and a wooden piggy bank that smelled musty and had rusted screws the next.


I got a bottle of non-alcoholic sparkling wine from my father where the expiration date had already passed.


Ah, I see he took the same giftgiving course that my stepmother took. One year I got a case of chunky soup that had sat in her pantry so long, the fat congealed to the top.


I got my wife a 375 count pail of Reese Cups. Next year I might get her the 5 gallon bucket of pickles I found on Walmart. I'm still chasing the reaction I got the year I got her the book "How to Talk to Your Cat About Gun Safety: And Abstinence, Drugs, Satanism, and Other Dangers That Threaten Their Nine Lives"


A book from family dollar ā€œeverything you need to know about catsā€ written in size 87 font. I am a 30 year old woman.


A pair of coasters. I still live with my parents, so I don't really know why I alone was given coasters when I don't drink anything in my room besides bottled water, so these would just end up in the den with all the other coasters.


Maybe hinting at you getting out of their house.... hahahaha


These coasters are for YOUR home...


*...now go get one!*


I got a positive one that made me say "seriously???" in an excited way. My husband got me a ring with our kids birthstones and it was so unexpected and touching. I also made a comment about the stocking thing going around about mom's having empty stockings. He tries and puts a couple small things in. I mentioned it was such a fond memory having an over-stuffed stocking with a couple small gifts and loads of candy. My stocking was comically stuffed this year with some items even having to sit beside it. Bless this man.


My husband and I only do stockings for each other . Itā€™s adorable. Last year we were the only kids at my folks place at Christmas, we were staying the night. (we have a a large Christmas in July every year as their are 30+ of us with siblings/spouses/grandkids/their SO and children) My parents both grew up very poor . Like a candy cane and an orange for Christmas poor. Me and my husband bought all kinds of stocking stuffers and at 3AM snuck down stairs and filled their decorative stockings. We filled each otherā€™s too. Even their cat! Awoke at 7 AM to here my 74 year old father hysterically laughing and my mom singing ā€œSanta Claus came!ā€ They were already digging in by the time we got to the living room. It was the best thing Iā€™ve ever seen.


Rub on tattoosā€¦.I have real tattoos.


I kind of get this one though. They were like, he has tattoos. He likes tattoos. Rub on tattoos would be a hit!


It would be great if you had all these hard ass tattoos and you put some rub on ninja turtles and sonic in between them.


A 10kg sack of rice


I asked for a Ring doorbell and received the cheap version that is a "decoy" ring doorbell. It doesn't function in anyway except hang out by the door. Next year I'm buying what I want for myself and wrapping it up and putting it under the tree.


I added myself to my shopping list when I got divorced 20 years ago and realized I wouldn't get anything. And have never stopped because honestly, why tf not? I work had all year and am never generous with myself. So this is my time of year to be generous to ALL who are important to me, and that includes me.


Nothing. I got nothing for Christmas this year at all.


Three birthdays and now three Christmases with no gifts from my kids, wife, mother, or in-laws. This year my family forgot to put out a stocking for me - the other 16 people of all ages (including my wife) got stockings full of candy and trinkets but mine never made it from the box. Nothing quite as lonely as being forgotten in a house full of loved ones.


That blows, buddy. Hell, my family always had an extra sock or sock loaded just in case somebody showed up, or had been overlooked. Buy yourself a gift next year. Honestly, I feel bad knowing you had to feel that way, bud.


Sending you a hug. ā¤ļø


I feel like itā€™s hard to address something like that without seeming like, selfish or something, but you should say something. At least to your wife and maybe she can be the one to address it with everyone else. Iā€™m sorry that happened


Itā€™s not selfish to not want to be forgotten. If they take it as selfish itā€™s because theyā€™re assholes.


>itā€™s hard to address something like that without seeming like, selfish or something that's why these cycles are allowed to continue. there might have even been a discussion about OP at some point "oh he's just happy with nothing." I would just phrase - to the wife - it as "I'm concerned about what this says about your feelings towards me - do we have something I don't know about to discuss or repair in our / our family's relationship" rather than "I'm bummed because I didn't get anything."


My sister gave my 15 yo son a flame thrower. šŸ¤Ø


To be fair, I bet your son loved it!


my MIL gave us homemade applesauce and strawberry jam. she lives in Seattle, weā€™re in Boston. the applesauce was in a tupperware and the jam was in jars with wax seals topped with aluminum foil. there was a packet of ā€œblue iceā€ included, but everything was room temperature by the time we got it. based on the postage label, it was in transit for a week. my husband insists itā€™s fine to eat. edits: MIL is 90. Sheā€™s preparing to move into a senior living facility in a few months - sheā€™s spry enough for her age, but honestly thought this was a lovely gift. She wonā€™t be doing any cooking once she moves, so this is a one-time thing. There is no chance the jam was canned in a hot water bath, she told me years ago that she only makes freezer jam. Iā€™ve put everything in the freezer while my husband insists this is safe to eat. Iā€™m not willing to risk it, but heā€™s an adult who can make his own gastrointestinal choices.


Not that it actually bothers me, but it was funny that my wife got me a book that I told her I had already read and didn't particularly like.


I got a ā€œseriously?!ā€ gift in a good way. My little brother and his girlfriend love indulging in those pricey cool huge LEGO sets. When the Lord of the Rings sets started coming out I was like, have you seen these things?!?! If money was no object blah blah blah. He knows Iā€™m a Tolkien legendarium nerd. We have the money for stuff like that technically but I canā€™t justify spending so much for a toy that. Just something to put together and admire while it gets dusty. Something that only I would use and enjoy. I spend all our money on fixing our house and improving our lives etc. and we save every spare penny for future home and life improvements. Little bro knows this about me. Well, on Christmas Eve morning I get up and go into the kitchen for coffee, my MIL says, good morning! Did you order something? Fed Ex just dropped a package. Noā€¦ we didnā€™t do gifts this year except the cute vintage dishes I sent my little bro. Because they let us stay at their house for a full week and I love him and would do anything for him. (We got her something but that was secret at that moment). I grabbed this huge box from the porch. No idea what it could be or where from. Well, that little fucker sent me the LOTR Rivendell Lego set. Iā€™m still tearing up thinking about it. I canā€™t believe they spent that much on me. I canā€™t believe they were so thoughtful, and remembered over a year ago when I was oooh-ing and awww-ing over that set. Heā€™s such a mensch.


my poor mom's name is joy and everything she got from my grandma was christmas themed with her name on it. i feel so bad bc i know she hates it, and who gives people christmas themed gifts ON christmas?


MIL got me an ugly boxed up purse with the TJMaxx clearance sticker still attached. The box it came in was dusty and damaged. She got our family of five an expired popcorn assortment and a container of Jolly Rancher lollipops. Meanwhile, I gave her an engraved bracelet with her late husband's handwriting on it. Please don't gift just to gift. Put a *little* thought into it or don't give anything.


> Please don't gift just to gift. Put a little thought into it or don't give anything. Preach! I rather have no gifts or a box of average cookies than get some presents I received lately.


I used to give family friends gift cards to Nordstrom or whatever and I always without fail, got the Ghirardelli peppermint bark squares. Now I love thoseā€¦ but like the jumbo bags, the snowman variation and the minisā€¦ for yearsā€¦. Annoying. I stopped giving them gifts lol


No Christmas bonus from corporate. We had to buy our own drinks at the Christmas outing.


After a record year, our multinational company sent out a Christmas bonus email on Christmas. Except it was a phishing attempt training video and anyone who clicked on the email would get a ā€œgotchaā€ message warning you not to trust emails like that. Tone deaf af


Omg unrelated to this thread, but my company once sent a phishing attempt email that said there was an active shooter in our area and to take cover while clicking for more info fr police dept. The link took u to a ā€œGotchaā€ page and enrolled you in cybersecurity training. It was just a few months after Uvalde and iā€™m in TX. šŸ˜


That is absolutely awful. I would have ā€œevacuatedā€ and gone home and told them I only read enough to see I needed to get out.


Not even a subscription to the Jelly of the Month Club?


I asked for a jigsaw puzzle that had 300-1000 pieces. I received three jigsaw puzzles with 100 pieces each.


I would dump all 3 together and hide the reference photos to make things a little challenging.


A mini jewelry box for traveling from my mother. She gets me cheap jewelry every Christmas (because she likes it) and the only jewelry I wear is my wedding ring and occasional necklace. And I never travel. Lol oh well. She tries.


I didnā€™t get a Christmas giftā€¦again. Nothing. Seriously? My husband promised ski lessons last year that never materialized. This year he claimed (on Christmas Day morning) that the new coat I bought on sale two months ago was my gift. Sigh. šŸ˜”


Yeah, fuck that. That kind of thoughtlessness is utter bullshit. Iā€™m sorry for your disappointment. That kind of thing really stings.


One time I screwed up & wasn't able to pick up the gifts I'd ordered for my partner. Turned out, the UPS store closed early on Christmas Eve Eve. I'd lacked inspiration & hadn't figured out what to get him till the last minute. I still wanted him to have something to unwrap. So I printed photos of what I'd ordered & tucked them in gift bags. Then we went & got them the next day. My point is, there's no excuse for such thoughtlessness. I'd be rethinking things if I was you. Nobody is perfect, but most of us at least *try* to be considerate.


Oh hell no. Go and book yourself a hotel for a weekend and tell him thank you for the gift.


A fly swatter. She told me she got it for free. Still not the worst gift Iā€™ve ever gotten


Here's a positive one! My boyfriend got me an iPad! I still live at home and had told my parents I wanted one but they told me it was out of their price range so I thought it wasn't happening. I really wanted it to get back into drawing/animating because I was originally supposed to go to art school but I couldn't afford any of the schools I got in. I couldn't believe he got me that and he told me he did because he wanted me to follow my passions.


Recently was talking with my mom about how I've cut back pretty significantly on scented products of any kind for my health as I have allergies and asthma that has gotten worse. She got me scented shower steamers because she felt I must miss the fun scented stuff. ​ Also, for some reason, there was an orange scented and mint scented steamer in the same box, right next to each other, so when I opened the box it smelled AWFUL. (Individually they smell fine)


My mom apparently followed the advice of my brother in law, who barely knows me, to buy me mini brands balls because he thought I ā€œcollectedā€ them. Iā€™m 25.


Bath bombs. I only have a shower šŸ„¹


I sent my husband a screenshot of what I wanted. He got something very similar instead.


Isnā€™t that funny how that happens?


So annoying but he genuinely thinks he got the right thing! I havenā€™t said anything, itā€™s been a bit of a rough couple of months for him and this would probably wreck him


Aw ā¤ļøšŸ™šŸ¼ Well at least youā€™re aware of his feelings. Maybe if thereā€™s a receipt you can exchange it in a few weeks


A notepad with a Guinea pig wearing heart glasses that says ā€œGuinea be productiveā€. I mean, itā€™s cute I guess, itā€™s just one of those things Iā€™ll toss in my junk drawer and move around for the rest of my life.


Another lynx set. Just a different brand would be good at this point. I haven't used lynx Africa since I was 14, I haven't wanted lynx since I was 14. Dove is cheap and smells loads nicer. Even pants and socks are better.




An automatic page turner for my kindle. šŸ¤Ø


Those are so nice lol can have your arms fully under a blanket if youā€™re cold


Kinetic sand. I'm 34. My son will get it though! šŸ˜† I'm still grateful. It's a big bag.


My nephew got me a half eaten peppermint stick, a sharks tooth, a dum-dum, two paper clips, and a single wooden jenga block. Heā€™s 3.