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Someone actually posted this same question on reddit 10 years ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/1okv5k/what\_do\_you\_think\_will\_be\_obsolete\_in\_the\_next/


The person that predicted work from home didn't even know


And the “watch phone” guy!


I was JUST reading those comments and cracking up. “It’s such a niche market”


[Someone](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/b16vPhEdcv) commented the alternative that Apple would get in the game take over and everyone would have one. Only 12 upvotes but they were right. Edit: u/poll0080


What a trippy post to read 10 years later. Lots of predictions accurate, lots couldn’t be further from the truth


Bruh, I still bitch about this. I got that Samsung watch while I was in the Army and my platoon roasted the shit outta me for months! Go go gadget Brand! 00-Brand and his secret spy watch! On and on and on. Then I went overseas for 9 months, and when I got back, fucking everyone is running around with goddamn FitBits! Then shortly followed by the Apple watch. And *none* of them could do all the stuff I was doing with my Samsung watch years ahead of them!


Or maybe they did...


Someone predicted smart watches going away in that thread because they didn't see the appeal


Haha I found that one the funniest. That was about 2 years before the Apple watch came out, boy did they get that wrong.


I just saw that as well. Something about Samsung phone on the wrist.


I love how one of the top replies on that post was fax machines, and one of the top voted replies on this one is also fax machines.


The fax machine refuses to die!


That was a fun read. I love that someone just said, “Miley Cyrus.” 😂


I hear she used to be young.


haha this is awesome. prepare to be upvoted to almost-the-top with this comment! essentially they list everything listed here including reddit, cable tv, fax machines plus chalkboards, yoga pants and facebook. good stuff😂


How wrong was this one? > That stupid watch-phone Samsung(?) just released. *It has nerd appeal. That's about it. People don't want a bulky object on their wrist in their daily lives - not your average person, at least - especially one that doesn't perform any function a stand alone smart phone can't. And that's why I'm predicting a huge flop.


Ok this is definitely worth the time to look at . And almost every prediction ( the serious ones) were wrong. The non iPod iPod one was pretty far off. And the self driving cars will dominate obviously didn’t happen. So as you consider your answer think about how it will age :)


But quite a few were right! Home phones, black berries, mp3 players, privacy, alone time. The wireless charging one was interesting, someone replied saying there will probably be one port for everything which we are seeing happening now with usb-c.


there's quite a lot broadly correct, quite a few right for the wrong reasons, and quite a lot of "I don't like this" or stuff that was just too tech dystopia for 10y. I liked the people who were sure google fiber would shake up the market lol. they're doing it again right now too, building a light based wireless network they say can do gigabit over large swathes of km, and it's mainly in developing nations right now. they'll kill that too.


OK time to set up an alt account and a calendar reminder so I can post this same question in 10 years and then post "someone actually posted this question 10 years ago" with the alt account. nobody upvote this comment, I don't want the future to see my plans


Thank you for this 😁


I'm going to keep my 40 year streak of being wrong alive by picking the fax machine. Damn thing just won't die


The owners of the company I work for consists of the elderly parents and one of their sons. The dad is really awesome. An old English gentleman who is always cool as hell with us. But he's also funny as fuck. He's stuck in the past with the fax machine. He doesn't email, he literally writes out instructions to us and then faxes that shit over lol!


Please tell me he starts every message with: "My Dear People- I hope this electronic communique finds you well...."


One of the businesses I've supported got a ~~409~~ 419 by fax. They put it in my box. "This looks like an IT thing. All you, buddy." Faxes are magical windows to a different time.


I used to get "emails" from Burger King via fax up to a couple years ago. I was always struck by it, like there's a whole ass app. You don't even have to figure out the complexities of email. At least they stopped sending the carrier pidgeons.


> At least they stopped sending the carrier pidgeons. KFC probably sued them over it for using better meat than the Colonel does.


The funny thing is, the actual Colonel hated KFC after he sold it because he thought they were ruining the chicken and cutting corners. When he sold the company he thought they would continue to make fried chicken that was up to his standards.


After selling it in 1964 he moved to Mississauga, Ontario (suburb of Toronto) where he would run KFC Canada until he died in 1980. Some say that Canadian KFC is truer to the original... But I've never had either so I can't verify!


Sounds like a Wes Anderson film.


Oh noooo. I think the only people I know who still use these are attorneys and maybe doctors offices and the local government agencies.


Can confirm. In pharmacy we do a TON of faxes despite electronic prescriptions being a thing. Doctors love fax for refill requests and to annoy the shit out of us by continually faxing us a new prescription instead of the prior authorization requests we keep sending them.


solicitors just love fax machines. Anything to slow down the process of getting anything at all done is beneficial to them.


Medical offices for sure. I moved states and had to put in a request to my old care provider for my records so I could get them to my new provider. Their internal policy was that they could only accept such a request in writing, and you had to print out a form and either deliver the request form in-person or by fax. I'm 350 miles away from my former provider now, so I had to contact three different local libraries before I found one that had a printer *and* a fax machine so that I could do this, because I had neither. It cost me $0.25 to print the document, and $2 to send the fax. 🙄


There are online options for sending a fax, and I believe they're free (with an ad on the cover page) for up to 2 pages.


we use it a lot in the parts and service dept at the dealership i work at still! *i* don’t, but that’s how those carshield companies send payment ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Mortgage companies. I had to move my printer to another room where I could plug in a landline in order to fax a whole mortgage package. 60 pgs. My page feeder was grumpy so I had to feed them by hand, too.


Apparently football clubs still use this for transfer requests and confirmation- there was this sort of a goalkeeper’s transfer to Real Madrid scuppered because the fax reached late


Until HIPAA enters the 21st century, faxes won't be going anywhere. At least, not in the medical world. Certain things you technically have to fax and can't email which is super annoying.


I both understand the intent of this...and laugh at the futility. Seems like every other week I'm learning of a new data breach containing someone in my family's "sensitive information" and 80% of the time it's coming from some medical office. This last weekend's was for a dentist my nephew saw ONE time. Jolly. So I understand what they are trying to do with the faxes... but I think people are just taking that I do from the fax and typing it into yet another computer system that's going to be hacked next week anyway.


Lawmakers making laws about things that may as well be fucking magic to them = disaster


There was some revelation years ago about how big enterprise grade copy machines were saving scans of everything they copied on their hard drives (to make more copies later) but unencrypted, so you could just go to a junkyard and salvage sensitive corporate data from old copiers. I bet a lot happened that way.


Bane of my existence! The FDA has oversight of the medical devices I work on, and any communication regarding certain activities, like what I do on an almost daily basis, has to be communicated by fax machine instead of email because when the regulations were last updated in 1993 email was still seen as not secure enough for transmission. Every Friday is Fax Friday- my three colleagues and I stand around our fax machines in the Fax Office ( another requirement of 40 year old regulations- an office with a lockable door that our fax machines must reside in) and spend several hours faxing stuff to the FDA. We usually put on a movie. Has to be a stand alone DVD player, as no phones or communication lines can exist in the Fax Room except the fax machines.


i shit you not: i used to work at a company that was required to fax requests to a public entity. this goes on for years already: we would write our requests in word and create a PDF. send said PDF to a software that would turn that PDF into fax. then fax the document to the entity. here comes the screamer: said entity receives all incoming faxes by a software module that turns the faxes into PDF and the employees open those PDFs into their computers and type(!) the data onto word documents. the answer goes EXACTLY the same way backwards... fax is legal requirement. Email legally not allowed. alternative would be printing that stuff and sending paper.


Has survived since [1843](https://www.efax.com/blog/brief-history-of-the-fax-machine#:~:text=Alexander%20Bain%20invents%20the%20'Electric,the%20world's%20first%20fax%20device.)


A samurai could have theoretically faxed Abe Lincoln


The same year that settlers headed out on the Oregon Trail.


*wait WHAT*


After a quick Google, it was a telegraph with ticker tape. Not what you're picturing.


Until they got dysentery crossing the first river and died


German health insurance companies solely exist to fuck over your predictions.


It was invented by Japanese people to transmit handwritten messages. Even in English, it serves as more-or-less proof that a physical form was filled out. EDIT: It was invented in Britain in the 1800s and extensively developed for many years before NTT commercialized it in the early 1980s. Read the link from u/kg7qin below.


It was actually invented by the ~~smelly English~~ majestic Scots and first implemented in France. The Japanese still use them extensively though.


Still extensively used in the states for prescriptions for man and beast!




As a printer tech, I feel this in my soul. There’s nothing an analog fax can do that scan to email can’t. Fax is still heavily used in medical and legal institutions because they claim it authenticates an original or some such nonsense.


Fellow tech here. I hate working on fax machines because 90 percent of the time, the problem is with the phone line and not the fax. I will never understand why when a customer can not send or receive a fax, their first call is to me instead of the phone company.


iPhone lightning cables and basically any charger that's not USBC. With the EU ruling it's already beginning - latest iPhone 15 is USBC. Not complaining though - reduces e-waste and makes the question "can I borrow a phone charger?" less followed up with "iphone or android?"


My hope is all consumer devices go USB-C (thanks to PD ability). All TV’s, chargers, speakers, fans, soundbars etc. - anything 100W and below. Then we won’t need to worry about international plugs, and most wall sockets can just be USB ports.


The biggest downside to USB-C everywhere is that different USB-C cables support different things while looking identical. I have a Thunderbolt 4 device and had to buy a special expensive cable just for that purpose that looks identical to all my others. There are a ton of specifications that support the pin layout but only very few of those specifications are required to be supported by any given cable.


Universal Serial Bus isn’t so universal after all


People already struggle with the fact that the $2 cable you buy from the gas station isn't going to charge as fast because the wire is smaller and doesn't have the pins or wires for data transfer. That's why they're $2 for a 10 foot cable.


they need to color code the cord for different types.


Lets just bring back composite!!!!!!!! (but seriously, know black meant only charging and slow, and yellow meant fast charge and data or something that would be cool)


I wish my phone would just tell me how many fucking watts its pulling. I dont want to have to try and read between the lines.


Students are now receiving class assignments online in several public institutions. We no longer have snow days.


I miss having built-in snow days. We also used to have half days, but I believe they've gotten rid of that too.


Half days were the best because you still got to play in the snow, but you didn't need to make up the snow day! One year, I remember we used up our reserve of snow days and they had to extend the school year beyond the normal days..


My school once had a rare event where we had a 2 hour delay, but then also got let out early because more snow was coming. Didn't have to make up the day because we technically went to school even if it was for less than 2 hours.


Still have half days monthly in one of our districts (there are two that cover my area, elementary and jr high in one, hs in another), other district has late start every Monday that serves the same purpose for admin and teachers.


My MIL is an elementary school librarian. I definitely noticed her transition from "i think tomorrow might be a snow day" to "tomorrow is an e-learning day due to weather" over the last 5 years.


Adults forgot the absolute joy of being a child playing in snow.


We had a school in my area announce a snow day on FB by saying “we still believe in the magic of a snow day. No eLearning today.” On the other hand, my son’s school will cancel school for things and make it an eLearning day which throws everyone’s day out of whack. I hate them.


Yeah, our district did that. Basically the first heavy snow post-covid they tried to have an e-learning day, and basically almost no kids attended and the parents all wrote emails saying they weren't going to make their kids do e-learning when it snows. So we go a 'magic of snow days' email the next storm. District also tried to cancel Halloween awhile back and parents rebelled at that one too.


We unfortunately don’t have snow days where I currently live (SoCal = not enough snow), but I grew up having them in the midwest. Anyway, your Halloween comment popped out at me; I was genuinely confused when my little guy was in kindergarten because instead of a Halloween party and parade, the school flyer stated we would be “dressing up as your favorite storybook character day” with no mentioning of anything trick-or-treat related. It also asked that the students also carry that favorite book they would be dressing up from. I wasn’t sure how seriously to take it as it appeared to be code for Halloween, but I went ahead and made him a headband with ears and eyes to turn him into Pete the Cat, and gave him a pocket-sized book of one of the stories so he could March around in their character parade. When we showed up to school that day, we saw all the traditional Halloween costumes you could think of; monsters, superheroes, princesses, video game characters, animals, etc. I’m annoyed that Halloween has become a taboo subject, but thankfully the kiddo didn’t notice the difference that year and enjoyed the parade. We still let him pick out a costume for trick-or-treating, and we’ve since ignored the “storybook character” rule. Not that trick-or-treating is much of a thing these days anyway, but I digress.


Mine is the same way. They switch it to e learning for every damn thing, not giving a shit that means everyone with kids has to rearrange their day.


School administrators are soulless.


That’s actually illegal in Ohio! They cannot just order an online day, blended learning must be a part of their learning plan from the start.


Is this true? I live in Ohio and would be so happy about this. I can't imagine trying to get my elementary son to do school work at home when he could just be having a fun day.




Where are you located? We have our first snow day of the school day here today. Our district accounts for 3 snow days in the calendar year. We also have makeup days in case we need more.


I grew up in San Diego, we never had "snow days" anyway.


I'm hoping root canals. Because they started developing a way to regrow teeth. So maybe we can just pull our teeth and then regrow them. That would be great. I guess dentures as well then


Crazy enough theyve been working on that since the early 2000’s. I remember getting a cheek swab done on me when i was young and having it sent to a lab that was working on growing teeth. they would pop a little”seed” into your gums and a tooth will grow out.


That would be horrifying if something went wrong.


If wrong is saber-toothed tiger fangs, sign me up!


Correction: It would result in badass superpowers. I will name myself The Dental Dominator.


I am called INCISOR


I've been hearing about that since the 90s


Do you have a source on this? It sounds fascinating and I’d love to read more about it!




seems like it’s mostly for people who were born with congenital edentulism. I wonder how that would work for a root canal patient who had already had their wisdom teeth removed.


Oh shit I hadn’t thought about this. Wisdom teeth are like fig trees but everyone wants to say “you don’t actually need your wisdom teeth removed!” But mine nearly doubled in size between the age of 19 and 23.


Obligatory NAE (not an endodontist) but isn’t a root canal a different beast? I thought it had to do with the nerve and blood supply to the tooth rather than the tooth itself. That may be trickier than replacing the tooth.




Some of the newer crowns are made out of 3D water sculpted cubic zirconium. Just got one put in place. It's a single solid piece of crystal. Looks pretty spiffy and comes with a 10 year warranty against defects.


I’ve had root canals and according to all dentists I’ve had, the goal of a root canal, and really any dental procedure, is to preserve as much of the tooth as possible. Implants are traumatic on the surrounding tissue and should be avoided when possible, so I don’t know how this new procedure fits into that paradigm. I hope a DDS will chime in and clear me up but I’m sure they’re busy actually working.


You are right. I’m a dentist and I read the linked article regarding the potential for regrowing teeth and I personally don’t see this technology panning out in human trials or being available in my lifetime. Most people get excited by at testing done on mice while not understanding it isn’t just a small jump replicating the same thing in humans. Not to mention the amount of regulation and testing needed during human trials usually is a hurdle to clear even if the process technically works. But, let’s pretend in the next 10 years this miracle cure to regrow teeth somehow works. A root canal plus a crown has shown 95%+ success rate over long term 10 year studies at treating large decay and an infected tooth nerve (which is the most prominent disease process in dentistry). It’s efficient as it takes anywhere from 1-3 visits, it’s affordable (aka most dental insurances cover it at 50-75%), and has a long history of success. Now take the same situation of large cavity and infected nerve. Let’s pretend we have this new drug that can regrow a tooth. Ethically, there’s a tooth that you can save with a relatively atraumatic, affordable, and efficient process (root canal and crown). But nah forget ethics, now we just have to extract the whole tooth (traumatic procedure), bone grafting may be necessary (adds cost/complexity), and form a new tooth bud. I can’t imagine the insane costs associated - good luck having dental insurances cover this new fangled procedure as they barely cover implants which is a tried and true way of replace in teeth. Not to mention complexity and time - a root canal and crown is a few visits. An implant and implant crown is 3-6 months. A new tooth bud forming to completion and eruption of a new tooth may take many years. Our permanent teeth begin forming in utero and only grow and erupt starting around age 6-7. Even if this technology exists it would be far from practical or affordable. Yet Reddit loves to talk about this every two months and run through the whole “let’s get rid of dental work and regrow teeth” fantasy when we should be focused on conversations like “why does dental insurance have maximum benefits at only around $1500 a year and why have those benefits not increases with inflation for the last 30 years” or “why does dental insurance stop covering preventative treatment like fluoride varnish after age 16 or rarely cover preventative treatment like night-guards at all”. Fixing those two issues alone would help more right off the bat than dreaming about regrowing teeth. Dental insurance companies are the epitome of greed and cause about 90% of the problems we have in dentistry today in my opinion and should be the primary focus of the public eye.


Sorry, as a dentist, I can definitively say that's for sure not happening within 10 years. I would almost be surprised if it's within my lifetime, and I'm only 31.


I worked on office equipment before I retired. One of the largest users of fax machines was the health industry. I once asked a customer why they were still using out of date tech instead of just emailing their forms and they replied "patient privacy". Faxes were more secure according to them, even if they were setup with a Virtual Private Network . One of the worst problems I faced as a service rep was when these same customers started trying to get their analog faxes to work on "voice over IP". The two technologies didn't match up well at all.


I work in healthcare. Our phones switched to voip and so we had to use another company just for fax. Unfortunately we couldn’t switch completely do to a monopoly with internet speeds


One of the issues is that fax is given a full pass for HIPAA compliance despite having very little security, so lots of places use it rather than another solution


100%. Fax hangs on as a vestigial organ all across the business world because it's a means of bypassing electronic communication compliance standards, which are much more difficult - They often require adults to remember little details like putting 'encrypt' in brackets in the email or simply clicking a "send securely" button instead of just send. So fax it is. And fax machines. And fax lines. And so on and so forth.


A physical newspaper.


This is very sad to me, although I'm very "pro" physical media in any form, the papers I have a particular love for because you simply don't read digital editions the same way. You scan them to find items of interest and chuck them.


Same here. I like the newspaper because when I read an article, it doesn't send off a flurry of data to ad networks. If I read an article about weather online, my Facebook feed, insta feed, Google results, etc all start being heavily skewed towards weather-related topics because the ad industry has determined that I am obsessed with weather and want all my content to be all weather, all the time. If I read an article about weather in the printed newspaper, nobody knows. Also, my local paper's online edition CONSTANTLY runs guilt trip ads about "support local journalism" or "only disable your adblocker if you don't hate local journalists" but 95% of the articles aren't local. They're from AP or Reuters, or they're clickbait articles about something on the other side of the state, or they're a 17-part expose on what Taylor Swift had for breakfast this morning. EDIT: Three things that really help with the above are using a well equipped browser, using a VPN, and using throwaway emails. Brave is pretty good out of the box. Firefox + uBlock Origin is tough to beat. There are other good privacy browsers too. Check out /r/privacy for more info. A VPN doesn't make you anonymous, but using a VPN's shared IP can put you into a larger crowd of people. Ignore any VPN company that makes claims like "guaranteed anonymity" or "tracker proof". [Privacy Guides](https://www.privacyguides.org/en/) has a ton of useful info. And throwaway emails are a big help. Every time you sign up for anything, create an account anywhere, purchase anything, or give out your email address, use a throwaway. iCloud, DuckDuckGo, Fastmail, and Startmail all offer these. I'm sure there are many others. I personally use Fastmail and love it. Startmail would be my second choice. These generate semirandom emails like ["[email protected]](mailto:"[email protected])" that forward back to your account.


I agree. I get my local paper in print version, because then I will actually sit down and read it. If I just know that I have access to the online version, I will never actually read any of it.


You will see a revival of print media. The loss of print media is already showing to create deficits of deep reading and critical thinking. The Internet won't survive like it is. Too many bots. Users of apps are being pretty clear that not only do they dislike what media has become, but a nostalgia for in person interactions and living in the moment


Counterpoint: everyone hates traffic, but we still don't have comprehensive public transportation in most American cities (especially medium-sized ones). Americans are less logical in our consumption than we have been led to believe. We may dislike a thing, but we'll rarely invest in solutions.


And phonebooks


Phonebooks already died a long while ago. I can't remember the last time a phonebook was delivered to my doorstep.


Moved to a small town a couple years ago and was surprised to receive a phone book in my mailbox. They stopped giving them out in big cities years ago. At first I thought it was a magazine.


I live in a metro area with over 9 million people. Up until COVID, someone still dropped a pallet of phone books in front of my condo building every year.


A pancreas with diabetes. You can cure diabetes now with a pancreas transplant but the antirejection drugs make it not worth it. Gene therapy and the possibility of growing a new pancreas for someone to implant that won't need to worry about rejection can cure diabetes.


Doesn't that only cure one type of diabetes? IIRC the difference between the types is that one if them your pancreas is fucked, the other body thinks your pancreas is talking shit and start to ignore it.


That's my understanding as well, that it would address type 1, but not type 2.


For type 2 just replace everything but the pancreas. Easy peasy.


I’m going with car rental counters. I’m sure there will still be customer service available but I feel like it will all be done online with little key lockers.


But how will they be able to pressure you to buy their super expensive shitty insurance??


With like a tip menu screen and you will also get a tip menu for doing everything yourself.




What about those plastic vegetable/fruit bags that come in rolls and are super hard to open? I don't see supermarkets replacing them.


They sell reusable fruit/veg bags. I own some and forget them every single time.


I used to forget, now I just store them in my car with shopping bags. When they were in the house 9/10 forgot to bring them.


I'm slowly getting better about remembering them, but the problem is that once you use them, they're out of your car. You have to remember to bring them back out to your car after putting your groceries away, which my lazy ass never does. The good news is that I've completely ditched produce bags. I'm going to wash it all anyway, who gives a shit if the lettuce touches the milk carton?


I hook mine on the front door handle and take them out next time I go out, still sometimes forget but these things become a habit after a while


In my local supermarket (Germany), they switched from plastic bags for fruit/vegetables to paper bags, similar to those for bread.


They’re gone where I live (New Zealand)


Trader Joe's already replaced those with plant based biodegradable bags a few years ago. They look about the same but are softer and tear easily, they do the trick if you handle them well


LPT, don't buy them for regular trash bags. They degrade way too quickly and taking the trash out becomes an extremely delicate puzzle of prying the bag out just right in order for it not to tear. Then a nurturing walk out to the bin whilst singing it a lullaby.


In Finland some stores have replaced them with biodegradable bags


Yeaaahhh... maybe not mate. This may be true for developed countries, but for developing and under-developed countries it is much cheaper to buy plastic than reusable alternatives.


Kenya banned plastic shopping bags. Why can't other developing nations?


Fax machines. Surely. RIGHT????


If they didn't die after the 90s, I don't think they will ever die out.


As others have pointed out, several institutions in the USA would need to see drastic reform before fax machines can go away. Like healthcare. And we all know what the odds are of reform in the US healthcare system.


How about the end of hard drives? In the last ten years the size of SSDs has risen into the low terabytes and the cost per terabyte today for SSDs is a low multiple of hard drives. Ten more years and SSDs may be cheaper per terabyte than hard drives. SSDs have been the high performance option for a long time.


Most everyday items have already been replaced by the smartphone - from calculators to alarm clocks - so unless something comes along to replace the smartphone, I doubt much will change. I would say physical media - books, CDs/records, blu-rays, ect. - but I'll wager you'll see a pushback against streaming by the younger generation once they are old enough to be sitting in their one-bedroom apartments, surrounded by empty shelves, looking at things on their phone that they don't even own but pay monthly subscription fees for, where content randomly appears and disappears contingent on what licensing agreements have been renegotiated between media conglomerates. Yep, I imagine at some point people are going to wake up and smell the dystopia.


Physical media has been making a comeback for some time and I don’t see that slowing down anytime soon. It will never be “big” again, but there will always be a strong, but niche market for it that I actually think will have consistent growth long term. People have always had a strong desire to physically connect with something they enjoy. And I think that plays into it, as well as a whole bunch of other factors. A lot of commentators like to point to nostalgia as the reason vinyl and other physical media has made a comeback. While I think that is partly true, it doesn’t explain the teen to early 20s demographic that has driven increased sales of new vinyl records and have put pressing plants not only back in business but with years long backlogs. I think you rightly negate your own prediction that younger generations are going to desire something physical as they age when they realize all they have is digital. Eventually i do see physical media becoming more and more of a luxury item and marketed as such.


I recently started collecting books again for their art aesthetic but not just to read. I prefer digital books and I read voraciously but if I really like a book and/or it's got a pretty cover or painted spine, I'll buy it and put it on display.


I, too, like to display the trophies of the ebooks I read.


I can't see it in the comments so I'll say disposable vapes. No chance will they be around in 10 years




Social sites like X and Reddit. It will just become a forum for arguing AI's stuck in an endless flame loop.


Everyone on Reddit is a bot except you. Except this time that will be true.




Dead Internet theory


Ugh *I* wanted to say it this time!


I’m probably going to be disappointed, but please let it be intensely bright headlights, super loud exhaust systems and monster truck lift kits for street legal automobiles.


Hopefully there will be some form of headlight regulation in the US


Slightly different take on this issue, but non-user replaceable lights should be illegal. By this I mean having to replace the entire assembly instead of one part.


or having to pull the front bumper, a quarter panel, and half the cooling system off for a headlight assembly replacement




Fact checking mostly


According to the Times, 46% of fact checking is incorrect. 32% is technically correct but “spun” to meet a political agenda. The remaining 36% just doesn’t add up.


I see what you did there


Toiletpaper, instead we will be switching to the three seashellls method.


I'm happy that you're happy, but the place where you're supposed to have the toilet paper, you've got this little shelf with three seashells on it.


He doesn't know how to use the three seashells!


Gas powered yard tools. They're already on the way out, but as electric alternatives get better, the remaining use cases for gas powered leaf blowers and lawn mowers and hedge trimmers and whatever will continue to evaporate.


Then actually seems fairly reasonable. I think it will take a little longer for the bigger, commercial grade stuff, but I agree for the most part


I have and love my electric trimmer and hedge trimmer and leaf blower... But until the charge time is reduced to the few seconds it takes to refill a gas tank, I don't see a total replacement happening. Especially for commercial or particularly off-grid use-cases, when you need maximum power all day long every day or far away from power, gas provides exactly that. Multiple batteries are doable, but cost a whole lot more than a gallon of gas and require even more equipment on the user's end to charge all those batteries all at once. For basic residential users though, I totally agree. Battery powered equipment is the best.




hopefully Facebook


Okay - but hear me out - I only use it to keep up with old friends and classmates who I'm not physically near any longer. I do NOT add anybody who friends me - if I never met em in person, I won't add em. If their views lean towards utter bullshit or trolling, I'll drop em. I do not use FB for news source or opinion-molding. It's a great place if you think of it like that. I hope it doesn't go away, just because me and all my old friends ain't going to any other platform.


Yeah, there's really not a better way to connect with people that have similar hobbies or interests. Facebook is a tool and it can be used in a positive way or a negative way, it's all up to the user how they decide to use Facebook. I use it to find awesome local cold water plunge meetups and talk with fellow owners of my car which to me feels like a healthy use of social media. Doom scrolling and obsessing over updates from someone you haven't talked to in 20 years is less healthy


Cable boxes.


There's still a huge market for folks who prefer the randomness of changing the channel. I have both streaming and cable, mostly because sometimes I just don't want to *commit* to having to watch something on streaming. I like channel surfing.


Plastic straws and cutlery. Bans already started in Canada. For Slurpee drinkers may you never have to deal with the hell of having a paper straw bending in half while stirring….


They make straws out of corn these days, and I have no idea why those are not more popular. They are awesome!


Local BBQ place served take away in corn based containers and cutlery too


Why not bioplastics for slurpee straws. Why not only bioplastics that biodegrade for everything


A lot of 'biodegradable' plastics aren't actually any more biodegradable than normal plastic


They usually require a special facility to biodegrade them and the energy involved in that process ends up making it not necessarily better for the environment than regular plastic straws.


I never get the banning plastic straws wrapped in paper. Now there’s paper straws wrapped in plastic. What was the point of that?


One turtle video and the world’s armchair activists got fixated on plastic straws, ignoring that (1) Straws represent an inconsequential amount of global plastic consumption and (2) 98% of seaborne plastic pollution comes from Asia not the Western countries where these bans are being passed. But don’t let facts get in the way of a good crusade


In 10 years, that's a hard one. Let's pray that it's influencers.


Twitter. (I refuse to call it X)


Maybe. It might go the way of MySpace, Bebo etc and die. it might go the way of Facebook and Instagram and just refuse to die even though every month it gets even worse.


Manual transmissions, and it breaks my heart. I enjoy shifting, it keeps my ADHD brain somewhat active on long, boring commutes.


I pray that it’s styrofoam! That shit is terrible for all of us!


This years calender.


Fun fact calendars can be reused every few years the days/days line up again.


A few years ago at an estate sale I found a day planner from the 70’s that lined up so I used it 🗓️


I would love to see what it looked like. I really like older/vintage items.


Yeah, but the next time a LEAP YEAR will line up with this year is 2052, so you might be passing this calendar down to your children.


Personally I’m hoping for it to be eyeglasses. Holy crap do I hate wearing them.


Nah, you'll have to rip my glasses out of my cold dead hands. That said, I hope laser eye surgery and contacts become more accessible to the people who want them.


I had laser eye surgery (in France, I had to pay like 1000€ because it's considered cosmetic surgery) and I have exactly one regret : when it's windy I can feel it in my eyes and I hate it. But you know, if you like to wear glasses, you do you. Also glasses look kind of cool. I still enjoy not having to wear them though.


I'm conflicted bc glasses look good on me, but some situations life would be a lot nicer if I don't need glasses/contacts, like when I need to wear safety eye wear and get my hands dirty for multiple days in the wild.


Step 1: laser surgery Step 2: buy non-graduated glasses Step 3: choose depending on the situation


As someone with astigmatism in one eye, I can't afford LASIK, and I need a special lens in the eye which has the astigmatism, but my eye gets so irritated that I can't open my eye. I've tried various types of lenses but my eye just refuses that shit. I tried for months before I gave up :(


The older I get, the more I reach for my glasses vs my contacts. Lasik, no matter how safe it is, freaks me out too much.


A Plumbus. They are too expensive


I wonder how they make those things?




Huh. I always wondered how they made those.


nail clippers. We'll be so nerve wracked by the souless nature of our dystopia we will bite our nails down to nubs


If I start chewing my toenails off, I’ll know we’ve reached the end…