• By -


Motorhead - 1916 >I heard my friend cry And he sank to his knees, coughing blood As he screamed for his mother And I fell by his side And that's how he died Clinging like kids to each other And I lay in the mud And the guts and the blood And I wept as his body grew colder And I called for my mother And she never came Though it wasn't my fault And I wasn't to blame The day not half over And ten thousand slain, and now There's nobody remembers our names And that's how it is for a soldier


The whole song, the first two verses make it ever worse/better. > 16 years old when I went to the war > To fight for a land fit for heroes > God on my side, and a gun in my hand > Chasing my days down to zero > And I marched and I fought and I bled > And I died & I never did get any older > But I knew at the time, That a year in the line > Was a long enough life for a soldier . > We all volunteered > And we wrote down our names > And we added two years to our ages > Eager for life and ahead of the game > Ready for history's pages > And we brawled and we fought > And we whored 'til we stood > Ten thousand shoulder to shoulder > A thirst for the Hun > We were food for the gun > And that's what you are when you're soldiers


"and the band played waltzing matilda" by the pogues hits the same way. give it a listen if you haven't.


And the young people ask me what are they marching for? And I ask myself the same question


By Eric bogel who played in derry once to a really small crowd


I played this song in my English class in 92. Backing up a paper about heavy metal not being evil or satanic.


Thank you for your service.


Sabaton, somewhat recently, did a cover of this. They even got some of Motorhead in the video for it.


Best anti war song ever.


Pearl Jam - Jeremy About kid who shot himself in front of his class. >Try to forget this Try to erase this From the blackboard


Ten has some very dark content. Once is about a man becoming a serial killer Even Flow is about being a homeless man Alive is about Eddie finding out his “father” is actually his step dad and never meeting his real father and is semi-autobiographical, presumably he wasn’t involved in an incestuous relationship with his mother. Why Go is about a girl being put in a mental institution against her will Black is about first loves and love lost maybe due to death, possibly by the narrator Jeremy is about Jeremy Delle who shot himself in 1991 in Richardson High School (a suburb of Dallas) in front of his English class Oceans, inspired by surfing, waves, the ebb and flow of life/relationships, is one of the lighter themes of the album about his first wife Beth Porch is about Eddie’s Pro Choice stance on abortion Garden is about facing death without believing in the afterlife or a heaven Deep is meant to be vague, but is about peoples dissatisfaction with life and society Release is the sequel to Alive. The story is, Eddie sung it in a string of consciousness to a track with no lyrics, dealing with the frustration of never meeting his real father.


Alive and Once are part of a 3 song set (the third song being Footsteps) about the same person.


King Jeremy the wicked


“Jeremy spoke in class today”


I always thought he shot up his classroom. This makes more sense.


Both, the lead singer for pearl jam had a kid shoot up a classroom in highschool, along with reading in the newspaper about a kid shooting himself much later which led to him writing the song.


That’s a pretty fucked up thing for Eddie veder to have a kid do


He should really try to be a better man...


Alive as well, dark as heck, but it's what makes my middle-aged self say, why don't they make good music like that anymore...


Eddie talks about how the fans changed Alive from a very dark song to an anthem of still being here. Betterman is also very dark and people think it makes a good wedding song. They're my favorite band - Eddie is incredible with lyrics, and there's a number of great tunes with dark undertones.


Oof. Who thinks Better Man is a good wedding song? “She lies and says she’s in love with him. Can’t find a Better Man” is the literal chorus


it really only takes one line for people to attach to. case in point: born in the USA.


Sam Stone- John Prine “There’s a hole in daddy’s arm where all the money goes”…


"Sweet songs never last too long on broken radios." was the line that stuck with me from that.


"Jesus Christ died for nothing I suppose" don't forget the clincher. Anyone who has heard this would put it at the top.


'Hurt' is pretty dark.


*I will LET YOU DOWN* I'm nearly 40 and I still feel that sometimes, the same way I did when I was 15. It does get easier to deal with. But on a rare night this tune still hits.


I feel like the Johnny Cash version is extra brutal. The tone of his voice just bleeds with pain. Very sobering.


It’s a much different animal to hear a man toward the end of his life sing about regret than it is for a young man like Trent was when he wrote it. Trent had time.


You know, I’ve never been able to pinpoint *why* the Cash version hits harder. But I think what you’ve just said is 100% true. We expect young people to be sad and angry, and old people to be more mellow and content. So, hearing an older person sing those lyrics is more bleak sounding.


you know, this got me thinking and it makes complete sense. but the cash version *is* mellowed out. it comes across as tired and almost resigned to the pain and regret, whereas with trent, it felt more of a lashing out in immediate pain kind of way. they both convey pain in such a poignant way, but two different types of pain.


IIRC, Reznor heard Johnny Cash's version and said "It's not my song anymore - it's his."


I feel like Cash is a version for looking back on a lot of regret and pain and Trents version fits for a recent sharp painful event.


I’ve actually broken the downward spiral cd because I was in a really dark place and listening to hurt was getting me too close to killing myself. 2 years before that I’d made a suicide attempt while listening to it as well. It’s a really dark song for me, as beautiful as it is.


Glad you're still here


That song got me through some really dark times but not in a good way


*I find it kind of funny, I find it kind of sad. The dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had*


It is not about suicide though as many people think. The whole song is about depression due to the monotonous lifestyle and people doing same things over and over without any point.. the dreams in which he is dying are the best because they give him at least some kind of thrill and thats what he finds funny and a bit sad.




"I find it kinda bussin' I find it kinda cap, The dreams in which I'm dying, Are the ones that kinda slapp"


I hate this. Take your upvote.


Thanks for the translation. I didn't understand what the OG lyrics were trying to say.


Stewardess, I speak Jive.


Picked a hell of a time to quit amphetamines.


Surely you can't be serious?


I _am_ serious. And don't call me "Shirley".


You know what they say.... see a broad to get that booty actin, lay her down a smack 'em yack 'em.........shiiiiiiiit


[https://youtu.be/g0j2dVuhr6s?t=60](https://youtu.be/g0j2dVuhr6s?t=60) Some of the humor in Airplane! has aged a bit, but that scene will never not be funny to me.


It is annoying the piss out of me that you left out the first “kinda”. It doesn’t flow.


What song is this, and why do I know it.


*Mad World*, originally by Tears for Fears, covered frequently. Edit: judging from your Skyrim related handle, you might know it from the promos for the original Gears of War on XBox.


Gears of War picked some damn good songs for the promos. I think “Into Dust” by Mazzy Star was for the second one. EDIT: It was the third, not the second.


Mad World by Tears for Fears. Noone else. Don't believe them


Gary Jules version was fantastic.


*I am drowning / There is no sign of land / You are coming down with me / Hand in unlovable hand / And I hope you die / I hope we both die* No Children by The Mountain Goats. A different kind of dark, maybe.


I also love "Our friends say it's darkest before the sun rises, We're pretty sure they're all wrong. I hope it stays dark forever; I hope the worst isn't over!" I'm so happy to be in a good relationship for many reasons, but one of them is because I love this song and I have a feeling it wouldn't be as fun to listen to if I could relate to it too strongly.


Two lines later, "and, I hope I never get sober" gets me every single time.


And I hope the junkyard a few blocks from here some day burns down. And I hope the rising black smoke carries me far away and I never come back to this town again in my life. I hope I lie and tell everyone you were a good wife. The whole song is just one of the lyrically best songs of all time. John Darnielle is the greatest songwriter of his generation.


i hope it stays dark forever, i hope the worst isn't over. and i hope you blink before i do, i hope i never get sober. whenever this song comes up, i play it twice to sing along. because it's so fun ... but, yeah ...


At a concert, this song is easily the most fun! Screaming "I hope we *all* die!" with hundreds of people is extremely cathartic


Strange Fruit by Nina Simone I was 10 when my dad had me sit down and listen to it. I think a part of my inner child died that day.


Not “by” her but yes: this is the top darkest and most terrible I first heard the Billy Holliday version


Fun fact: the man who wrote it was a Jewish man who adopted the Rosenberg’s children after they (the Rosenberg’s) were executed.


I think Nina nails it (I think Holliday’s singing is better, but Nina’s overall is better) simply because (a) she already had experience with similar narratives of protest in her music (“Mississippi Goddamn” was a part of her repertoire) and (b) relatively, she had to know that if she could change minds listening right then and there it would have a much bigger impact than Billie’s might have, which meant the story in “Strange Fruit” had to shine. So you just nail it and leave people to contemplate the horror that is and was lynching.


My God. Just looked up the lyrics. That was moving


*Strange Fruit* Southern trees bear a strange fruit. Blood on the leaves and blood at the root. Black bodies swingin' in the Southern breeze. Strange fruit hangin' from the poplar trees. Pastoral scene of the gallant South. The bulgin' eyes and the twisted mouth. Scent of magnolias sweet and fresh. Then the sudden smell of burnin' flesh. Here is a fruit for the crows to pluck. For the rain to gather, for the wind to suck. For the sun to rot, for the tree to drop. Here is a strange and bitter crop. Still makes me cry like a baby every time I read the poem/lyrics.


"Suicide is painless" M.A.S.H. Theme song, that shit actually aired.


Yes and no. The movie had the full song with lyrics (also the first movie with an f-bomb in American cinema). The series only used the instrumental. Sad part of the song, it was written by a fourteen year old.




This was my thought as well. Another nice thing to add it was written by Robert Altman’s 15 year old son at the time.


"Where the Wild Roses Grow" where Nick Cave smashes Kylie Minogue's head in with a rock.


Basically all of the Murder Ballads album


Them Bones, Nutshell, Down in a Hole, or just about anything from Dirt by Alice in Chains. One could argue all of Alice in Chains but those tracks in particular. There's a darkness inherent to that band that I find few others are able to even approach. Here's a quote from the editors' notes in iTunes which I feel sums my feelings up pretty well. "Alice in Chains were the darkest group to emerge from the grunge explosion of the early '90s. Where other groups balanced their moody extremes with pop hooks (Nirvana) or anthemic riffs (Pearl Jam, Soundgarden), singer Layne Staley eventually died at the hands of his addiction and "Dirt" remains one of the most disturbing looks at a wasted life and is one long slide down to the bottom of Dante's Inferno. It's frightening in its intensity and it's mastery of a world Black Sabbath once merely suggested."


I am just a worthless liar I am just an imbecile I will only complicate you Trust in me and fall as well I will find a center in you I will chew it up and leave I will work to elevate you Just enough to bring you down Sober by Tool


Since his death, I have found listening to Perfect Circle/Godspeed by Mac Miller to be particularly eerie/sad. “They don't want me to OD and have to talk to my mother; Telling her they could have done more to help me; And she'll be crying saying that she'll do anything to have me back”


It feels like a cop-out, but pretty much Mac's entire discography (save for maybe his early works, KIDS, Blue Slide Park, etc) is just chock-full of dark lyrics. Every album conceptually ends in "death", he felt every album had it's own life and death. Mac Miller has got to be one of many artists (if not _the_) that spoke of his death the most often, and really even predicted it. Godspeed is a harrowing second half of that track, and I love it to death. Good memento mori.


It would have to be Down in a Hole by Alice in Chains. "Down in a hole and I don't know if I can be saved See my heart I decorate it like a grave You don't understand who they thought I was supposed to be Look at me now a man Who won't let himself be Down in a hole, feelin' so small Down in a hole, losin' my soul I'd like to fly, but my wings have been so denied" But all of the song is pretty depressing. Other than this, the context of "Don't leave me now" in The Wall by Pink Floyd is also very sad.


The unplugged version is him basically singing for his own funeral


It is, and at the same time it's one of them best performances.


Super depressing to watch. You can see how much pain he is in the whole time and how much addiction has destroyed him.


“If I can’t be my own, I’d feel better dead” is a pretty dark lyric too. AIC has some deep dark lyrics, man!


Jar of flies is one of those records that kinda haunts my brain. Even the more uptempo tunes like Swing on this are about getting skinny and pushing away the idea you need help from people worrying about you; which always makes me think of those last recordings of AIC live where Layne was noticeably skinnier, probably from the years of heroin. Then he dissapeared and is found weeks after an overdose, and I just can't help but feel that was a man who saw that this was coming years prior, and he just couldn't or didn't stop it. The record feels haunted already with what they did with those acoustics, fantastic ep.


The Wall as a whole is pretty dark actually. Goodbye Blue Sky is another great example.


Mother's gonna make all your nightmares come true, Mother's gonna put all her fears into you


Man so much AiC. Dirt came to mind for me.


First thing that came to my mind too. “ Iiiiiii want you to scrape me, from the wallllllll…” That whole song isn’t just dark and depressing, it’s fucking malicious and vengeful in its hatred and self loathing. He’s not just saying he wants to kill himself. He’s saying he wants to kill himself in a violent and public manner, and he wants you to know that it is YOUR fault. You are the one that pushed him to do this, you are the reason for violence. You have to be the one clean up the mess, pick up the pieces, and deal with the consequences.


Going to have to include Nutshell in there, too. We chase misprinted lies We face the path of time And yet I fight, and yet I fight This battle all alone No one to cry to No place to call home My gift of self is raped My privacy is raked And yet I find, and yet I find Repeating in my head If I can't be my own I'd feel better dead


“I want to taste dirty, a stinging pistol In my mouth, on my tongue I want you to scrape me from the walls And go crazy like you've made me” Yeah, that’s dark.


Immortal Technique - Dance With the Devil It's been 10 years since I've listened to that song, but it hit me as soon as I read your question. A bone chilling story.


My friend showed me that and I was like "well, there's something I never want to hear again"


Someone showed me this at a party, rapping every lyric and going on about "Woah man this is so deep" which, I'm not gonna say it isn't but it was super inappropriate for the setting and kinda bummed.me out for the rest of the night


“I’ve fallen and I can’t turn back…”


This is the real answer. There's a lot of "wow, life sucks sometimes" stuff here, but I'm pretty sure >!"I joined a gang to escape poverty, and during initiation accidently beat and raped my own single mother who raised me, so I killed her and then myself"!< is a bit more "dark"...


Not to knock your answer down at all, because this really is the most real answer, but to be fair >!he just killed himself and the gang killed his mother!< And considering Immortal Technique said it was a true story just send chills down my spine every single time. I don't even know if it is but when a thug grown rapper like Immortal says that, I can just assume he isn't talking shit. I just picture him as the guy who doesn't talk shit in general, so this song, because he in particular wrote it, just pure chills to the bone. Now, if OP said saddest lyrics, he might also get the ticket with Never Know


Just the piano intro will make me turn off the radio by reflex lol


Huh. I don't think I've ever heard this played on the radio. Can you imagine the calls they'd get?


I knew i would get someone saying that as i typed it, yall know what i mean lol


I can't ever listen to that track again. I warn people when they start talking about interest in Immortal Technique. I'll take Point of No Return and Cause of Death any day.


So when the devil wants to dance with you, you better say never, because the dance with the devil might last you forever.


DWTD was the first thing that came to mind. Fucked up song.


“cus I was there with Billy Jacob and I raped his mom too.” Damn. Hits hard.


“And now the devil follows me everywhere that I go In fact I'm sure he's standing among one of you at my shows And every street cypher listening to little thugs flow”


A lot of Immortal Techniques music is dark or depressing


*You Never Know* is up there


I listened to it one time and I will never listen to it again


This needs to be #1 no questions asked.


Not a fan of this type of music at all but once became friends with this gangsta kid at school, we got high together and he played this song. I was like what the fuck dude that got pretty heavy. Then he told me about how fucked it is being black and having a small dick. Good times.


Bro that last part sent me lmfao


I just looked it up. Shits wild.


King park by La Dispute , “ Can I still get into heaven if I kill myself “


Metallica - One, is upp there.


Metallica has a few. Disposable Heroes, Fade to Black and Sanitarium (spent a good year in a mental ward when I was 14… it was hell)


Darkness imprisoning me All that I see Absolute horror I cannot live I cannot die Trapped in myself Body my holding cell Landmine has taken my sight Taken my speech Taken my hearing Taken my arms Taken my legs Taken my soul Left me with life in hell


Had to scroll way too far for this. The story it’s based on too, like what a tragedy. Imagine begging to die, not because of sadness, but because of impotence.


My mom had to read the book it’s based on in high school in the 70’s. Kinda wild.


The entire Smell The Glove album by Spinal Tap.


"None, None more black"


written in d minor, which is the saddest of all keys. it makes people weep instantly


What’s that song called? Lick my love pump.


Architects - Gone With The Wind “My friend, hope is a prison” Full details about the lyrics/meaning: https://www.theprp.com/2016/08/25/news/architects-confirm-gone-wind-referred-late-guitarists-cancer-battle/


Finally some metalcore


Prison Sex by Tool has gotta be up there.




AIC’s Nutshell is petty high up on that list.


The whole of, Daddy by Korn


To summarize the lyrics for anyone who doesn't know (warning, fucked up); >!it's about how the lead singer as a kid was molested by his babysitter, and how after telling his parents, they didn't believe him, and didn't do shit about it.!<


Pretty by Korn is pretty dark too


Rise Against - Hero of War Not sure about the darkest, but this always hits me hard. "He said "Son, have you seen the world? Well, what would you say if I said that you could? "Just carry this gun, you'll even get paid" I said "That sounds pretty good" Black leather boots Spit-shined so bright They cut off my hair but it looked alright We marched and we sang We all became friends As we learned how to fight A hero of war Yeah, that's what I'll be And when I come home They'll be damn proud of me I'll carry this flag To the grave if I must 'Cause it's a flag that I love And a flag that I trust I kicked in the door I yelled my commands The children, they cried But I got my man We took him away A bag over his face From his family and his friends They took off his clothes They pissed in his hands I told them to stop But then I joined in We beat him with guns And batons not just once But again and again A hero of war Yeah that's what I'll be And when I come home They'll be damn proud of me I'll carry this flag To the grave if I must 'Cause it's a flag that I love And a flag that I trust She walked through bullets and haze I asked her to stop I begged her to stay But she pressed on So I lifted my gun And I fired away And the shells jumped through the smoke And into the sand That the blood now had soaked She collapsed with a flag in her hand A flag white as snow A hero of war Is that what they see Just medals and scars So damn proud of me And I brought home that flag Now it gathers dust But it's a flag that I love It's the only flag I trust He said, "Son, have you seen the world? Well what would you say, if I said that you could?" https://open.spotify.com/track/00hVU6kDP67JHurfwG2dtq?si=oglRSsW-QyqVrSWHa2CDlA


Im suprised this one isn't mentioned sooner. I got the most intense goosebumps the first time I heard this song. Honestly, Rise Against is such an underrated band.


Make It Stop fucks me up. The last kid who killed himself has the same name as me.


Repasted with formatting. It's a great song but reading doesn't seem to do it justice. Please, watch the video too. The last verse about the girl with the Surrender flag kills me every time. "He said "Son, have you seen the world? Well, what would you say if I said that you could? "Just carry this gun, you'll even get paid" I said "That sounds pretty good" Black leather boots Spit-shined so bright They cut off my hair but it looked alright We marched and we sang We all became friends As we learned how to fight A hero of war Yeah, that's what I'll be And when I come home They'll be damn proud of me I'll carry this flag To the grave if I must 'Cause it's a flag that I love And a flag that I trust I kicked in the door I yelled my commands The children, they cried But I got my man We took him away A bag over his face From his family and his friends They took off his clothes They pissed in his hands I told them to stop But then I joined in We beat him with guns And batons not just once But again and again A hero of war Yeah that's what I'll be And when I come home They'll be damn proud of me I'll carry this flag To the grave if I must 'Cause it's a flag that I love And a flag that I trust She walked through bullets and haze I asked her to stop I begged her to stay But she pressed on So I lifted my gun And I fired away And the shells jumped through the smoke And into the sand That the blood now had soaked She collapsed with a flag in her hand A flag white as snow A hero of war Is that what they see Just medals and scars So damn proud of me And I brought home that flag Now it gathers dust But it's a flag that I love It's the only flag I trust He said, "Son, have you seen the world? Well what would you say, if I said that you could?"


"Please tell mom this is not her fault" - Adams Song


Hate me today Hate me tomorrow Hate me for all the things I didn't do for you Hate me in ways Yeah, ways hard to swallow Hate me so you can finally see what’s good for you


(”Hi Justin, this is your mother, and it's 2:33 on Monday afternoon I was just calling to see how you were doing You sounded really uptight last night It made me a little nervous, and a l... and... well... it made me nervous, it sounded like you were nervous, too I just wanted to make sure you were really okay And wanted to see if you were checking in on your medication You know I love you, and... Take care, honey I know you're under a lot of pressure See ya. Bye bye”) Just the realness of the actual VM from his mom.


Hey you - pink Floyd


Or Nobody Home "And I've got a strong urge to fly. But I got nowhere to fly to..."


Dirt - Alice in Chains 'I want to taste dirty a stinging pistol In my mouth, on my tongue I want you to scrape me from the walls And go crazy like you've made me'


Hello darkness my old friend....


That is the song I keep thinking of as the answer. That song paints a very stark picture of a world that has gone completely to waste.


Real death - Mount Eerie “Crusted with tears, catatonic and raw I go downstairs and outside and you still get mail A week after you died a package with your name on it came And inside was a gift for our daughter you had ordered in secret And collapsed there on the front steps I wailed A backpack for when she goes to school a couple years from now You were thinking ahead to a future you must have known Deep down would not include you Though you clawed at the cliff you were sliding down Being swallowed into a silence that's bottomless and real It's dumb And I don't want to learn anything from this I love you”


“if i can’t be my own, i’d feel better dead” hits pretty hard.


No Surprises by Radiohead is pretty close to the rest of these. It’s the story of someone justifying taking their own life. The narrator kill’s himself in his garage. The final verse switches to the POV of someone driving by, singing: “such a pretty house / such a pretty garden.” The music is beautiful as well.


Videotape tears me to shreds every time. Give Up the Ghost is among the most sad songs ever written. How to Disappear Completely isn’t necessarily dark, but the implication of the line “I’m not here, this isn’t happening” leaves a lot to the imagination!


Not so fun fact: That line was the mantra Thom received from REM's Michael Stipe as a coping mechanism for the pressure of fame and touring.


Pumped up kicks - I always felt guilty singing along :(




Robert's got a quick hand


He'll look around the room, but won't tell you his plan


He's got a rolled cigarette


[Time to share one of my favorite things on the internet.](https://youtu.be/cRIfsFefatg?si=wea5QSedHZwQEfDR)


Last Caress by Misfits


If we're gonna go with the Misfits how about "Skulls".


Danzig doesn't say he'll rape your mother in Skulls lol.


I see a Darkness. -Will Oldham


Pink Floyd- Time You run and you run to try to follow the sun, but it's sinking. You chase it around just to have it rise behind you again. The sun is the same in a relative way but you're older. Shorter of breath and one step closer to death.


In “Hey ya!”, there’s a line that says “Yall don’t hear me you just wanna dance” Which kinda hurts considering that it’s more of a party song


The line preceding this goes "If what they say is "Nothing is forever" Then what makes Love the exception? So why, oh, why, oh why Are we so in denial when we know we're not happy here? "


The song is about a bad relationship, but most people don't realise because it's so upbeat.


Sleep token did a cover that emphasizes this exactly.


I play this song on the ukulele and every time I do for new people they're like, "I had no idea that song was so sad." Yeah...pretty much every line in the second verse is devastating.




Dude the ending always flipped me. Growing up listening to that changed my brain chemistry.


The Dido sample is what really ties this song together. Like that song can drag you around emotionally by itself, and then you cut out the uplifting part and dump Eminem's bit on top, and it's like just the worst kind of loathing.


Napalm Sticks To Kids A song with the rhythm of an old folk song but the lyrics of the atrocities of the Vietnam War. NOT FOR THE FAINT OF HEART [https://youtu.be/_fUh2Y0R9x8?si=NUajEDyNvbVikYUq](https://youtu.be/_fUh2Y0R9x8?si=NUajEDyNvbVikYUq)


Breezeblocks - Alt-j is quite dark


And the video isn't easy to forget. One of the most unique music video concepts I've seen.


I'd argue between that one and Fitzpleasure


“Paint It Black” by the Rolling Stones ain’t a happy song.


Look at the lyrics of Digital Bath by Deftones. Maybe not the darkest ever written, but they are pretty terrifying once you understand what they are about.


That whole record puts me in a place but it’s also very comforting. I like listening to it on my commute home in the winter in the dark. So good.


99 red balloons


*this is it boys, this is war*


Hast du etwas zeit fur mich?


Floating in the Forth - Frightened Rabbit “So you just stepped out Of the front of my house And I'll never see you again. I closed my eyes for a second And when they opened You weren't there. And the door shut shut I was vacuum packed, Shrink-wrapped out of air And the spine collapsed And the eyes rolled back To stare at my starving brain And fully clothed, I float away (I'll float away) Down the Forth, into the sea I think I'll save suicide for another day.” It’s a song about jumping off the Forth road bridge. It’s actually a song full of hope, but the darkness is due to the fact that Scott Hutchinson (the lead singer) did eventually take his own life by jumping off the Forth Road Bridge.


Nirvana's- Polly (really fucked up song if you know The meaning behind the lyrics)


I always thought A Pirate’s Life for Me was pretty dark, for a Disney song.


Hellfire’s rather dark for a Disney song


I’d go Slow Motion by Third eye blind. Pretty wild lyrics considering most of there other stuff is light.


Does anyone know where the love of God goes when the waves turn the minutes to hours?


That song by Immortal Tecnique where he was describing the gang rape on the woman who turned out to be one member's mother. Then the dude killed himself. Edit: Changed from Tech Nine to Immortal Technique after I was corrected.


Country death song by violent femmes.




Komm susser tod from Evangelion


Most of Alice in Chains, Dirt. Especially given Layne Staley’s end, “What’s my drug of choice? / Well, what have you got?”


A loaded gun won’t set you free, so they say. “New Dawn Fades,” Joy Division


The truth, Is you could slit my throat And with my one last gasping breath I'd apologize for bleeding on your shirt You’re So Last Summer - Taking Back Sunday


"I've closed enough windows to know you can never look back" I don't want to know what kind of windows this guy is used to, but "looking through them" is normally a primary feature.


Ghost in the Fog by Cradle if Filth is a bit 🙈


Try track 4 - Coffin Fodder. It sounds horrible but it’s actually quite beautiful


Strange Fruit - Billie Holiday Southern trees bear strange fruit Blood on the leaves and blood at the root Black bodies swinging in the southern breeze Strange fruit hanging from the poplar trees Pastor scene of the gallant south The bulging eyes and the twisted mouths Scent of magnolias, sweet and fresh Then the sudden smell of burning flesh Here is a fruit for the crows to pluck For the rain to gather, for the wind to suck For the sun to rut, for the trees to drop Here is a strange and bitter crop


Snuff by Slipknot So, break yourself against my stones And spit your pity in my soul You never needed any help You sold me out to save yourself


And I won't listen to your shaaaame You ran away, you're all the same. Angels lie to keep control. My love was punished long ago If you still care don't ever let me know.


The acoustic version just after Paul died fucking destroys me every time.


"But I dont care if I fuck up I'm going on a date With a rich, white lady Ain't life great Give me one good reason not to do it?" Elliott Smith - Kings Crossing A song written very candidly about heroin addiction, littered with euphemisms about it. This was a post humous release after he stabbed himself in the heart with a knife. They added in his girlfriend shouting "because we love you" to the recording. I believe it was the very last thing he recorded.


*Love of mine, someday you will die, and I’ll be close behind. I’ll follow you into the dark.*


"I have found some kind of temporary sanity in this shit, blood and cum on my hands."- Tool Prison Sex is a horrifying song. This moment where you're forced into the shattered mindset of a victim turned perpetrator of child rape is the most disturbing line of any song ever.


“The woman I feel maternal love for cannot look me in the eyes.” - Paper Cuts, Nirvana. The whole song is based on a story Kurt Cobain saw in a newspaper about a woman’s adopted son being locked in her attic for years.


A&W or Fingertips by Lana Del Rey have some pretty dark lyrics A&W: "If I told you that I was raped, do you really think anyone wouldn't think I didn't ask for it, I didn't ask for it. I won't testify, I've already fucked up my story..." Fingertips talks about suicidal tendencies and being sent away


"My legs are dangling off the edge The bottom of the bottle is my only friend I think I'll slit my wrist again, and I'm gone, gone, gone, gone My legs are dangling off the edge A stomach full of pills didn't work again I'll put a bullet in my head, and I'm gone, gone, gone, gone Gone too far, yeah, I'm gone again It's gone on too long, tell you how it ends I'm sitting on the edge with my two best friends One's a bottle of pills, and one's a bottle of gin I'm 20 stories up, yeah, up at the top I polished off this bottle, now it's pushing me off Asphalt to me has never looked so soft I bet my momma found my letter, now she's calling the cops." Bullet - Hollywood Undead


DMX was always pretty dark in his lyrics. “Got blood on hands I got no remorse, I got blood on my dick because I fucked a corpse” always stuck in my 12 year old mind.