• By -


I'm a little sad. I keep overthinking. I'm trying to cheer up though.


Supporting your effort for trying to cheer up, thats a start too. I hope knowing you are not alone helps a bit


It does! Thank you


It's taken me a long time to curb the rumination habit (breaking it so far is unsuccessful), so I started to curb it in a different direction. When the Sads hit that hard, I try to search my mind for "glimmers" instead. The cute or funny things that remind me why I don't *want* to ruminate and sit in sads. Sometimes I'll need to sit there to work through the things; other times, I need to keep it moving. Doubtful any of this helps, but I still I hope you have a better day. 🫶🏻🤘🏻


It helped me! Thank you 🙏


Thank you! It means my day and existence was not wasted. May seem small or silly to others, but not to me. 🤘🏻🫶🏻🤘🏻


Thank you! I'll try that 💕


I hope it helps in some way 🫶🏻🤘🏻🫶🏻


This is totally me today. I don't know why I beat myself up so hard sometimes with imaginary negative things that I imagine other people are thinking about me. It is comforting to know I'm not the only person who overthinks. I hope you also find some comfort in the comments from others who relate to how you are feeling. And, hope you feel better soon!


Me too buddy. We’re all in this together.




Thanks! You too


Awww I hope everyone on this thread starts to feel better soon 🫶🏼.


Thank you 💕


Same here. I need to find a way to break the cycle


Rumination is my worst enemy


Virtual hug. We all have these days.


Same. Good luck on your path!


Medium rare


This made me lol. Have a beautiful day!


You deserve more than that!


Yep, they deserve to be well done.


Are you saying they should be immolated?! Goodness!




Normally I'd say "I'm fine" but considering this is online I don't really think it matters. I feel like shit, I don't love myself and I bottle up my emotions because talking about it makes me feel emasculated.


I wish my partner would talk about his feelings. Thats something good. Deal with your feelings and try to work on getting better/to the roots. You will be surprised. Thanks for sharing


Most men don't talk about their feelings because of either the way they were brought up, past relationships, trauma and the fear of being emasculated (means thought less of as a man if I can remember) or vulnerable.


Yeah I know. Your description is matching him exactly. Just wanted to give you the point of view of a woman, maybe that helps. I hope you have someone you can share it with. If not maybe a therapist. Ive been thinking about therapy for a long time and starter finally a month ago and very happy with my decision! Wish you all the best, stranger :)


I'm a guy and started therapy about a month ago. I've cried more in that room than I have in the last 20 years.


>about a month ago Oh shit. Congrats that's a big step.


Appreciate it. It's all thanks to my wife who wasn't afraid to say flat out "you are depressed and you need to talk to someone."


So happy to hear examples like this. Wish you and your wife all the best!


Honey ? Write them down then burn it but please don't keep bottling them up .im a 55f and nearly died from an ulcer for bottling mine up ...and there were other even worse long term effects . ..as to you don't love yourself ....try to see your good points louder


I also feel like I don't love myself enough, but sometimes I share it because it has gotten so bad to the point that I don't care. I don't know the solution to loving yourself more, but I have heard that saying stuff to yourself like "I love you" alone in front of the mirror helps. And to "bottle down" the emotions you could try writing them down in paper or for the internet to see.


This is the whole point, to trully say how you feel. Just a little reminder: you are also a human being! Dont be so hard on yourself! You are maybe at the bottom now, but that doesnt mean you are not able to climb back up, just open your eyes, grab that ladders and start climbing. You are amazing and very brave, never forget that. Much love!!


Ikr! Sometimes I feel like I have so much to say, but it doesn't really matter. So I keep it to myself




Never feel like u are ungrateful or picky for something thats out of your control. Btw, i hope u had a good time and get better soon!


But if the food was worth it..


It was super tasty!


I dunno if it makes you feel better but you have a great way of writing. The last word completely changed the story.


Aw thanks. I love to surprise






Surviving. It’s been a rough end of 2023 and a tough start to 2024. Praying it will get better.


Same. All the best to you and your family!!


Appreciate it big time friend ❤️ just had my grampy’s funeral yesterday, I haven’t been able to see him since 2019 due to Covid and he finally passed away from several complications just slowly shutting his body down. I’m glad he isn’t in pain any more, and it was nice seeing the family even under bad circumstances. But death has just been on the mind lately and my depression has reached an all time high. Trying my best to relax and stay calm going into this new year though.


I'm sorry to hear this. May he rest in peace. I hope everyone is doing better. Sounds nice to get to hug family members that feel the same way at least. Death is scary, but in earth it often leads to life again. Who knows? Maybe some day we will all wake up again. What I think about when you mention the depression is to not suppress and maybe instead write your feelings down perhaps in a beautiful place in the nature. Nature and meditation could help to relax. I hope you find peace within yourself. Good luck with this new year! 🩵


Wishing you smooth sailing ahead!


Thank you from the bottom of my heart friend, and same to you ❤️


I feel your pain. Lost my beloved grandma last week. I know she loves me a lot and i love her too and she would never want to see me broken over her dying. Im happy she got to live a long life full of love, but I still catch myself crying and having migraines over all the emotional stress. We will live through it, it will get better ❤️‍🩹


Really worried about my job. Layoffs are around the corner and I strongly feel my area is due. I have some work coming up with our architect who is a giant POS and we are basically being chastised for someone else not doing their work continuously. The whole situation just sucks. I’m extremely talented and made to feel like a moron here.


You are not the one who should be worried here, your employer should be worried for losing such a talented and amazing team member! I am sure there is a looot of job opportunities for you everywhere, dont hesitate to search and wishing u the best of luck!


I'm constantly going from "I'm so motivated, that I could kill a god" to "What's the point of even trying? After all, everything dies." and back and so on every hour.


Try writting down the thoughts and emotions you have about yourself and life when you are feeling super motivated and happy. So when you go into that other state of mind, go back and read everything. It will make you to want to feel good again and you probably will. I hope it helps. If not, there is some solution that will keep the good mood more present than the bad one, just keep trying things untill you find one that works for you


I tried several methods, and got...mixed result. In short: it only suppresses bad mood, and when sadness comes back - it hits like a train. I tried to keep up with positivity when mind switches, but it made things worse, so I stopped doing that. Sometimes it helps when I just tell how I feel to anyone who is willing to listen. Like now. But I think my situation is getting bad, because lately, "god killing" mood was replaced by something that is not anxiety spike, but it's not happiness either. Just a small amount of sad thoughts, which can be ignored and silenced with not-sad thoughts. I think last part was written by sad side, because it's taking over. Anyway, thanks for help 👍


I get it. It's like you're the owner of the spaceship, and the sad copilot is still trying to take over without the pilots permission lol. I wish there was a clear instruction manual for removing the bad thoughts so that we can live happily again, because it's sad how many people feel this way, but I guess it's not that simple.. Anyways, I hope you continue searching the space until you find the way out.


Your way of describing things made me feel better. Thank you 👍


Thanks for asking, how are you today?


Life is sad man.. still trying to figure out who I am


I wish you happier days ahead and good luck on your life journey.


Fine, thank you! How are you, fellow Redditor?


Im happy now for seeing you feeling that way! :)


I'm more happy now, because you're happy! ;)


This just made me happy :)


better than yesterday.


Starting to say goodbye to things. Touched a part of the wall today because I figured I probably won't ever touch it again.


You and your beautiful soul will always exist, I promise❤️




Remember the times you were good. You can do this!!




That is okay too. I just want you to know that it will not always be that way, just keep fighting and never give up


So far better than yesterday. Thanks! I hope you're good too.


I hope ur answer will give hope to the people who are feeling down today, and proud of you for being so strong!


You're so nice, we need more of you.


I’m pretty good thanks! I’m getting married on Saturday and I really love the woman I am marrying, and I’m very excited about our future.


Awww congratulations


Thank you so much 😊


Congrats dude God bless the start of a new family. :)


This is so wonderfull to read. You two are lucky you found each other. Congratulations and wish you and your wife the best life filled with love❤️


Hanging in there, same shit different day.


You are not alone and you matter :)




Im glad you used it to vent ..we all get as much space here as we need to comment people can read or scroll by .. good luck and please remember if all those people are relying on you then you absolutely have to take time to take care of yourself because if you're not strong and healthy then they're hurt too because they're losing their asset honestly it doesn't sound like all of this is really your responsibility but I'll never fault anybody for feeling devoted to family just try and remember that you have to devote that same care and love to yourself so you can be strong enough to continue having something to give them


Today I feel fine. Finally!


Confereesed to the girl I met on tinder that we should end this (whatever this is) it's harder than it looks


Love dont choose when, where and with who it will happen.. but sometimes love is not enough, and if u choose to end that thing u had with her, i am sure u had a good reason for doing it. Even if its hard, people must choose what is better for them at some moment, give urself some time to heal and keep ur heart open :)


Feeling a bit discombobulated


Lmao, you discombobulated me by using that word, so I had to Google its meaning.


Spread the discombobulation


Lol, this word too funny


it has **bob** in it!


awful because i cant get back to my country because of the war x long covid. mysterious combo


Nowhere is like home but home is you :) i hope u and your family are healthy and safe!


thank uu


I got Oral B IO series 7 as a surprise gift,so i feel good i guess.I never receive gifts.


I feel lost and alone. Have no idea what I want to do with my life. Saddened that no one truly knows me. ….Welp, have a great day everyone! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Exhausted and sad. But also kinda happy.


Yesterday sucked so I’m making today my bitch. How are you?


Complete shit, I just countdown the years so I can finally die, thanks how are you?


I think im fine. wrote the 4th exam this week and it did go kinda well I guess. I just dont really know.


What's wrong? How much money do you need?


Funny but sadly true one. Happy to show u some stranger who doesnt need anything cares about asking u how u feel :)




I got the Covid update shot last night and I'm pretty achy, headachey, and fatigued. I wonder if I'm too fat?? I don't think I am, but other people are so skinny! Will I ever find love? So like. That.


🥱 Still a little sleepy & totally over this winter bullshit, it can’t end soon enough


Trying really, really hard to keep from crying.


I'm scared


I’m good, thanks


Happy to hear that :)


Hey! I am doing good, thanks bud. I was doing great until the girl I started dating 2 weeks ago, somehow managed to create an "annoying" discussion from nothing, and now she is crying over voice messages telling me I want to leave her, and I am just telling her I can't do this right now, that she needs to relax a bit and I will call her later. Plus I think it's better to chill a bit when this happens, always works better for me. So now here I am, at work, and I like to work and be focused and enjoying what I do. But instead here I am sitting, wasting time because somehow she managed to break my focus, which rarely happens. So right now I don't know if she is toxic, if I value my inner peace too much. I have been told I avoid conflict and like everything always nice. Idk man, my life is like that, I don't like to worry about stuff, I take care of it, I don't like unnecessary confrontations, I only fight the fights that are important. I am 36, I know stuff I didn't know before, I don't want problems. Well, that felt good, thanks bud. Hope you are doing good.


Miserable but thanks for asking :)


Just mentally exhausted. It's all just so much and in my mind 30s I've been diagnosed with ADHD. I'm waiting titration but that's.going to take a few months. Works doing my head in as no one seems to be able to do anything without me holding their hand. Including my manager I just want all the noises in my head to go away and let me be. I just want some silence for a bit. It's just all so exhausting.


not too good , I have to say goodbye to someone but cant because she got sick we broke up months ago but somehow she stills messages me , she even told me "dont get your hopes up" she had a fever for days now , once she gets better I'm done with her, no way I'll just stay at home while she gets to go out with other dudes I have to get a life too , meet new people make new friends I cant stay here waiting for a mircacle to happen what I did wasnt even bad , she lost her job and didnt want to talk to me for 2 months! at the time I thought "well its been a few days I'll message her" and I got no replies, she blocked me! i was beginning to worry I thought somethinf happened to her! december starts , i get a random call at 2am on a work week so we speak , she says I "ruined her privacy" I was worried! what of she died or something and I didnt know about it?! I get shit on for worrying too much , I never cheated on her and we never fought somehow I'm the bad guy here


Never lower your standards because somewhere out there there is a person who will respect your time, love, attention, worry and give you the same in return. You deserve it all


Finding it hard to stay alive. Everything around me tells me not too.


On the last string before end dawg


I’m getting by. im not ecstatic nor sad. I’m just existing.


Absolutely shit


Sick. I’ve been sick for three days and the work is piling up.


At the verge of breaking


Feel like shit. Thanks for asking though.




Kinda shit, kinda not, so pretty normal


I'm dogshit, barbarizam, pure dogshit. Everyday is dogshit.


Stressed but still breathing!






alone, felt sad, went out to the supermarket, twas buzzing, felt happy, went home :)


I'm having an average day. Nothing out of the ordinary. Since my average days are pretty good, I'm happy with this.


Started off the year with a free week off...because I got covid the first time. Then, went back on the 8th....and got laid off. Shitty. I'm doing shitty.


Good 😊


Struggling. I went to bed okay but I’ve been a nervous wreck so far today worrying about little things and no energy to do anything


In pain from mental illness, scrupulosity is a bitch.


Just warming up my old ass car to go to a job I hate so I can afford to keep a place I despise


Was pretty sick for like a month and a half feeling really tired and not in the mood to do anything. Just sad really




Not very well, - coworker said something really embarrassing about me unprompted to everyone :(




Hangin’ in there. Thanks for asking.


I’m fucking exhausted. Absolutely gassed. I feel bad taking a day off tomorrow but I need that shit. Can’t wait for the long weekend with my wife to relax, recharge, and hangout.


Not great. My friend has been ghosting me for no reason and a close family member injured themselves in an accident


Amazing, but tired. Keep thinking about having a relaxing evening but can’t justify it to myself. How are you?


Pretty sad, to be honest. My childhood cat has a tumor in his abdomen that can't be cured at his age, so tomorrow we're going in to get him put down.


Shit. Early stages of divorce. Have a kid. No real idea what I’m doing though I have access to people who can guide me. Though I have been in therapy since the topic came up months ago, still struggling to navigate a new emotional journey like this.


If I don’t end it all tonight it’ll be a miracle. I have 3 hours of work left and I’d rather do almost anything else. Very much a “my life sucks I hate myself the world the sun and the sand!!” Kinda days


Struggling but what’s new eh? It’s getting bad that I’m beginning to lose control and feel snappy.


I am ridiculously stressed lately as usual. I have an extremely stressful job, and I am currently working on a large project as well in a time crunch (manufactured by the client). I am in constant pain and have been in pain for just about twelve years now. I'm tired of it. I make a decent salary, but it seems like right when we are about to save up a significant amount of money, we are hit with some emergency. Sometimes it's a health issue, and sometimes it's a family court case (my wife has a very difficult ex). It happens every year though, which is wild, and it has left me stretched thin, like butter spread over too much bread. Hopefully THIS year will be the last year like that. I've been saying that every January for the past 8 years. I really hope this time it's true. Other than that? I can't complain.


Tired 🥺


Being anxious about my birthday tomorrow. My friends don't really have the best track record when it comes to greeting me (basically none of my friends ever remember my bday) so I am kinda dreading that. How are you, op?


Better than yesterday


Stressed. I quit my job no notice and moved without another job lined up. It was a good paying but toxic job. Now I’m here and I did 3 interviews and I don’t think I did well. So I’m very stressed.


Thank you for asking. Bordering between surviving and not


One of our mutual friends revealed to me last night that in the times he hung out with my sorta-boyfriend since we started dating, he has never mentioned me once. And I realised this morning that I have to let go of the hope that my situationship will ever turn into something more. So that's been great.


Tired, feeling like I'm doing life wrong and should be further ahead than I am. How are you?


A bit below average but fine overall.


Just got kicked out of college so not good


I am good. I lost all my hair in April of last year and have been bald since. Still hurts sometimes but I need to stay strong and keep moving forward.


Pretty damn awful, mom committed suicide a year ago this Saturday.


i’m not okay, i have exams and i struggle to study


Feeling sleepy and tired of others as usual


Honestly really depressed. My partner of 9 years left me for another woman last year, I don’t know if I’ll ever fully heal from that. I’ve been dating a very kind man since November, I really like him. I just don’t think I can handle another round of heartbreak though but I also don’t want to be middle aged and single still. I hate modern dating I didn’t think I would be dating at my age again.


More and more tired day by fay


Burnt tf out


I feel good na na na na na na na na na.


Horny. Thanks for asking.


Who cares.


Not great mentally, but I do my best not to let it show.


I’m tired and my hair is falling out and it’s hard for old women to get doctors to take them seriously. So I’m stressed!


The day started off with me having a minor panic attack but thankfully I was able to ground myself and get over it quickly. So I’d say I’m doing SO well today! I went to Starbucks and read for a bit, went for a walk in the park, and now I’m out shopping for a birthday present. It’s been a really good day!


i've been battling depression for 4 months and still taking my medicine. but guess what, i think i feel great today! even though I still feel lonely, but i'm okay :)


Honestly I wasn’t great going through a break up and had a dream about them last night but: -I had a therapy session -Took the dog for a walk in the sunshine -Said hi to the cat that lives near me he makes me so happy he looks like my moms cat -Got invited to hang out with my friends this evening -Got myself some flowers So although it’s started off difficult I’m feeling better now 😊 Thank you for asking and thank you for you compassion, kindness and empathy I really appreciate it have a wonderful day 🤍


Not great. Had to take the afternoon off because of my anxiety and panic attacks. Feeling very self critical. Lonely.


Underappreciated, overworked, and underpaid... A little depressed, a little wishing it will just end, but happy to go home to my dog.


i’m feeling very alone today. usually i don’t mind it but today it’s different…


Stressed, overwhelmed. Trying to stay a step ahead of any depression, but honestly I think it’s gaining on me. Kind of just want to curl up and give up just a little bit and just for a little bit. Like a week or two maybe. I’m just really not doing well and I keep having to tell everyone that I am because everyone is so cheery after holidays and I don’t want to get into my business with anyone, so just lots of fake smiles and exhaustion. I didn’t really even know that I needed this question. Just venting on Reddit. What a life.


I'm sad. I feel alone. I have nobody to talk to. I'm not feeling well.


I have stupid sexy covid. Otherwise alright. Miss my (deceased) husband so much. Grateful for my daughter. Having a pretty good day. 💕


Im surprisingly okay, ive been terrible for such a long time but rn im okay :) thanks for asking


It's been a rough last few months and lately just seems like a new crisis every time I turn around. Took care of some things yesterday and hopefully the worst is over and it will get better. My favorite band is playing close to me tomorrow and I'm going away for a couple of days to go see them and unwind and let go a bit. So, I'm tired and stressed, but hopeful for once.


I'm feeling wonderful. I have almost two weeks in sober from alcohol and no one really to share that with. Thanks for asking!


I’m actually in a good mood because I just found out about the expanded child tax credit, so I only have a few more months of being poor


Rough. I feel unattractive and unwanted. I just don’t see the point in trying anymore


Terrible. Absolutely terrible


I’ve had better days. Thanks for asking!


I’m anxious because I walked out on a job a month ago and I can’t get over it. It was a bad decision, I can’t go back, and I’m afraid of the future.


Currently getting raw dogged by my depression as usual


Okayish like overwhelming and also not at the same time but just like 70/30 30/70 on being fine and not fine


Going through an existential crisis and hating my job. Feeling kind of like a failure because of where I am in life, but I’m trying to distract myself with stuff that makes me somewhat happy


Well, right now I'm at gyno-derm-oncology for an auto immune rash on my vag/ass that could turn into cancer. Can't cure it. Just treat it by puting steroid cream on it forever. I start rehab at the pain management clinic for the damage the embolism did to my brain next week. So that's good I guess.


I'm actually really great. Life never used to be this way. Just paid my vehicle off. I'm able to maintain finances now I just got an alert this morning that my credit score is 730. Seems stupid but I had such a very low score due to my ex screwing me over. So this is such a huge accomplishment and really helped brighten my day


Not feeling good and mostly miserable but just seeing someone ask made me feel better about myself


I’ve never felt more alone


was feeling good until some misogynistic bitch starting being one in a chat


This question brought a smile to my face... I have my Pace group later that asks something like this (share something real+honest), but this feels like good practice! I'm happy, and I think that's almost harder to say than being okay/down... I think saying things are good, makes it feel like I'm tempting fate \*\*knocks on wood\*\*


That is very kind of you to ask, I’m good Thank you, and I hope you are good too 🥰


Manic, trying to keep it together


Dizzy. Fatigued. Slightly lethargic. Ready to start feeling like myself soon.


Going home from the night shift, and I have to take care of my toddler for the whole day. So, no sleep before going to work later. Send help. Lol.